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It's happening earlier than I expected, but it seems that the major battle is about to be engaged!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  



Miklar Sihn

Hey, Lelouch didnt have much love for Rolo before, but it has kinda turned to hate after Rolo murdered Shirley. Her final words also made it fairly clear that the claim she was coming to murder Lelouch was a lie.

Miklar Sihn

Lets remember that the drug Suzaku pulled out is also the reason why Kallens mother is still in the hospital. That is a very dickish move... But then again, the other character we are following has just murdered women and children, while attempting to take the life of a person that loves him pretty unconditionally. So i guess we dont really have a traditional good guy among our MCs


Iirc using the drug a few times doesnt hospitalize you.1. She abused it many many times. 2. She was in the middle of a illigal warehouse firefight so many were taken that were high to a hospital to be arrested. She could have even suffered injuries there.


V2 never drank V8 cause he was drinking all that Kool-aid. OH YEEAAAAH!!!!!🥫➡️🧃


Jeremiah needs a squad to lead, I'm thinking the Orange Squadron would suit him well.


What irks me is, suzaku knows lelouch is zero but is mentally bypassing the step of: how does lelouch killing Shirley benefit lelouch in any way, shape or form. Regardless of all of the deaths, lies & shear destruction the thought process still needs to make sense but it doesn't.

Rogue Agent

The Big Showdown is here? Oh yeah? Oh yeah?!!

Schmul Sjifris

He doesnt understand Lelouch. As far as Suzaku knows Lelouch might just be that warped. He thinks Lelouch did something awful he didnt actually intend so its only reasonable if Suzakus idea of Lelouch doesnt match Lelouch. And many people compare Lelouch to Light, Light wouldve killed Shirley for litterally any reason at all.


What I said yesterday about the universe kicking Lelouch in the balls over and over again? Here's another quick swing. "The guy who murdered Shirley admits it to your face, and you can't do a damn thing about it except smile and praise him for it, because even successfully taking revenge on him will expose you"


Curtis: Here's another episode of Code Geass! V2: Oh yeeaaahhhh???