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Hey, Gang...

I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that, seeing as how governments all over the world are always concerned they might not be taxing us enough, starting July 1, you MIGHT see sales tax added to your Patreon pledge(s).

This is similar to what they've recently done with online sales, having added taxes to a lot of them that were before non-taxable.

Everyone won't be affected; it just depends on your location, and for the most part, it won't be a large amount of money, but I just wanted you guys to be aware of what was upcoming... I didn't want you to think that it was me - or Patreon - that were charging you more, it's just our governments getting their hands on more of our money!  :-(



Taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes............................


Perhaps now we may finally be able to pay off the national debt!!!!


As a european I already pay 20% taxes for every patreon subscription so.....welcome to my world ;)

Mighty Snake

Now why would the government pay off their debt when they have the option of increasing the debt and making things worse

Mighty Snake

I'm starting to understand why colonials resorted to tarring and feathering


I wouldn't mind but the UK government has shown that they can't really be trusted with my money. Lol

Daniel Gonzalez

I hate that they're doing this online was my refuge from tax wonder if my go to is still not taxing it pisses me off to no end that Amazon charges tax on their membership who does that


Unfortunately it's the downside to constantly giving governments more power than they rightfully should and also because (at least in America) our national spending is to high. Taxes would go down if we cut out a lot of the government funded programs we have


I live in Denmark, we already have one of the highest taxes in the world, can't possible get any worse, 49% for me.. ( and some top to 55.8%) oh yeah... Soo I might just give them my wallet, to make it easier for everyone -.- Soo yeah, just give me some awesome reactions for my moneyz and we're cool ^^ whooo cares ~


I'm in California so i'm definitely getting hit lol but your channel is worth the price =D


8.25% tax rate down here in “dumb” ole Texas.😋😋😋

Brian Williams

I thought i felt another hand in my pocket. Bad touch!


some info on who will be taxed here https://bit.ly/2Tri9cB


No problem. I've lived in California for over 28 years. Telling me that I am gonna get taxed is like telling a woman that she's gonna get her period next month. I expect it, welcome it, and embrace it. A little bit of tax isn't gonna deter me from you ;)


thankfully i live in germany where donations to artists are actually tax deductible. in my personal opinion all those different taxes are bullshit, there should just simply be ONE income tax that is high enough to do the job. all sale taxes do is to hurt the economy as it punishes people who use their money to purchase or invest, while doing nothing to people who hoard vast amounts of money that they aren't doing anything with. the end result is that people will be less willing to spend their money, companies make less money, fewer people get payed less money so income taxes produce less revenue for the government.