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I kept thinking Luffy would figure out something to get around this poison, but it certainly isn't looking like it now!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




When Luffy kept missing with his punches that was just trying to illustrate how the poison was affecting Luffy’s ability to even throw a punch on target. TLDR: Don’t fuck with Magellan.


Luffy has been getting his ass kicked alot lately...kind of a wake up call for him. On another note, Magellan is a true badass to take out a 300 million berry guy with little to no effort. That speaks volumes to his power


Even though Magellan mostly attacks indirectly, you can at least appreciate his sturdiness to withstand Luffy’s gear 2nd attacks. Though it seems the layers of poison he’s excreting adds his +5 of defense.

Schmul Sjifris

He is the warden, of Impel Down ~ He's crafty like a skunk. Nobody may thank him, cause nobody will know. But the world will see another day, cause he is there to make it all okay ~ Sorry not sorry. But yeah, Magellan is a true badass. Too be fair, I dont think he often has to fight fullpowered convicts since everyone is locked up with seastone and whatnot and Luffys way of entering was impossible in 99.999999% of cases. He was taken aboard a marine ship and taken to Impel down and let in by a Warlord and she was quite likely let in because the marines were desperate to have her help. So a lot of pretty unlikely things matched up to get Luffy in there. Magellans power is probably good for keeping prisoners under controll but I wouldnt think he needs to fight a lot. That being the case, he is damn strong. Must be reassuring to have him in charge for everybody who isnt Hannybal.

Schmul Sjifris

Yeh, it seemed like only the first attack was a real direct hit. He adjusted real quickly to the fact that Luffy was willing to touch him actually. Magellan showed himself very capable of adapting since he wasted no time in taking up an effective way of fighting against Luffy. Luffy only managed to hit him once for real and thats cause he was off guard so Magellan seems plenty tough even if you are willing to touch him. I would think Magellan is quite sturdy but since he only took one real attack Id say at this point that he isnt overly fragile (like slightest touch takes him out). He seems so have some durability and it didnt seem to be all too effective. But I mean Lucci for example tanked a lot of those attacks so I wouldnt say this alone is enough to put him in upper levels when it comes to sturdiness.


I think this just reminds me one thing about one piece. It doesn't matter really how you look in op world. If you strong, you strong


luffy and magelan went at it in such a nice location also. it think that added to the feel of threat and danger to the fight

J Johnson

certain devil fruits are naturally powerful, and can counter one another depending on their characteristics. Poison is the natural counter for anyone who can't transform their bodies into something else (like ace's fire or crocodile's sand) so it works against the vast majority of people. Heck, he doesn't necessarily even have to attack, just defend and keep spewing poison gas everywhere.


I think this is a hard reminder that Luffy doesn't win every fight he gets in. That's what I love about One Piece. It doesn't pull a Dragon Ball and just have the main character get his ass kicked for a little bit then barely win for every fight. If Luffy wins, he wins. If he loses, he loses.


Yeah people aren’t entirely sure where to power scale Magellan but he’s definitely in the vice admiral/admiral ballpark. Luffy repeatedly keeps getting shown he just can’t hang at that level yet. The big leagues are no joke


My first reaction to this episode: Shit.


They even go back to how Luffy got rid of the poison gas with the sisters but Then with a twist that trying to inhale just paralyzed Luffy which was so freaky


People who have beaten Luffy: Crocodile Kuma Magellan

Lewd Angel

Pretty sure Eneru should be on that list, since he beat him several times before Luffy managed to deliver the final blow


I love how absolutely desperate Luffy gets in this episode. He just starts flailing throwing wild punches and kicks all in an effort to just do something, anything at all to that giant blob of poison.


Pretty sure it was due to the poison gas. He could barely see or hear anything.


I just imagine bon clay going through the motions of trying to pick up luffy and dying every time like he did when planning to attack Magellan