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Hey, Gang, I just wanted to publicly thank Chrome for the INCREDIBLE banner she made for us!

The titties on this one are magnificent!!... As a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna go stare at it for awhile...

See you guys in a week or so...



Tiddies ARE magnificent. And Chrome fluffs them properly


What did I tell you about drooling on the keyboard?


Ok just saw it and daaaaammmmmm that fine 😍

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Wowza! That banner turned out sexy af, thanks Chrome! The Spaz Boys look phresh too, look at Curtis in that dapper ass top hat!


Yea it is an amazing banner and that was an awesome livestream Curtis glad I could be a part of it


Daaamn! That Robin cleavage though 😛


Very nice it definitely is well done I have lost about 3 lbs of "water" weight to it so far.


Thanks! I'm glad everyone's liking the new banner, it turned out really well in the end


...Is Chrome’s titties on the banner?😳😳😳😳😳


Awesome Chrome and thanks !

Phillip Ribbink

Saw this in my feed, but couldn't actually see the banner, because I wasn't on the actual page. Having scooted over to take a look, I can say without question that Chrome has done an amazing job.


Now I know why she asked for Spaz Kid hairline lol

Nate D.

What are the animes here? I know overlord and OP