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This was an elaborate, but effective way to put Suzaku in a tough spot and secure freedom for a lot of Japanese!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




I really would like to see a mind game battle between Zero here and Light from death note.


That lawyer bitch is being such a cunt...even though she’s decent looking even in anime standards.


there might be peace now but Zeros goal is still to obliterate britana


My favorite anime moment of all time.

Schmul Sjifris

I mean the only Britt that has any real authority over Suzaku is the emperor and maybe the Knight of One. Other than that Brittania is his bitch :P As far as legal or organizational actions go no one can touch him. They can only try to kill him or the like, as far as the system goes it favors Suzakus authority. Other rounds can go against him perhaps but maybe thats why he only brought ones that were already in his court.


Yea, and his sanity seems to be slowly drifting away as he continues on the path to that goal. :-)


A little tidbit from the novels that fill in the time between R1 and R2, Anya (Emotionless Pink Haired Knight) was Nunnally's guard when she was first brought back to Britannia. That's why she was the first one to evacuate Nunnally when the smoke bombs went off. Also, Cecile's dress... Nice.


I really like how Lloyd doesn't have any real allegiance to Britania, he's just here to build giant robots and have fun doing it.


I swear to god, EVERY time Nina shows her incredibly punchable face in an episode, I hate her even more. After what she did to Table-kun, I can never forgive her! Also she's pretty racist.


Honestly didn't expect to start tearing up at the candle scene. In case it wasn't too obvious, that second candle to Euphy was Lelouch's. Showing he's still torn up about what he had to do after his little stand up act. These little moments of humanity keep Lelouch from being a total sociopath and at least somewhat relatable (I'm sure almost everyone has someone in their life that they'd literally tear the world apart to protect them). Fun fact: There's actually someone in this show that IS a sociopath. Not in a "oh he's a crazy homicidal maniac" kind of way, like Light in Death Note. But a full on therapist diagnosed sociopath. It's flat out stated in an episode but I'd like to see if you can guess who it is.

The Gimpster 101

I’m surprised no one said this yet so here it goes “I AM SPARTACUS”

Sean Nelson

I've always felt that zero must have been some idiot company idea for a Halloween costume so they made a million zero kits then the viceroy said no you cant sell costumes of terrorist leader. so they ended up in a warehouse somewhere for this lol