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I was just chatting with Dragonspheres - and have been talking with others for some time - about the whole Suzy Lu situation and what It might mean for the future of anime reactions.

For those that are unaware, I'll give a very quick overview. Suzy Lu is a toxic YouTuber/Patreon User who does anime reactions. She has run afoul of the Japanese companies and has now had her Patreon removed.

The thing is, there's no way to know if they are after her because of her egregious manner or if this is the start of something larger. My feeling is it's specifically directed at her, but there's no way to tell for sure. I'm not sure the Japanese companies generally have a major issue with anime reaction Patreons, as the audience is - compared to YouTube - rather small.

All that said, if a day ever came where I was confronted by the Japanese companies, and my lawyer informs me that I won't win a fight, I have a backup plan for THE GOOSH. It would basically be a regular schedule of different entertainment every day. There would be themed live streams, reaction videos, a day devoted to hypnosis/relaxation vids and a bunch of other fun, community-oriented entertainment.

The $5 level would still give access to everything. The upper levels would allow for sponsorship of live streams, including being a guest on the streams, if the sponsor prefers. The schedule would be refined by you GOOSHERS, as we'd take polls on how things would be constructed.

REMEMBER: There is no need to panic right now!! I have not received any indication that THE GOOSH is under any surveillance or anything. This is just worst-case scenario stuff. I will say, though, it would be a good idea to download any episodes that are your specific favorites, just in case.  :-)

NOW, THE QUESTION: I know the details are kinda light, but if anime reactions someday could not be part of THE GOOSH, would you be interested in staying a part of the community and helping to create GOOSH 2.0? Please understand, there is NO shame in saying it wouldn't be for you. I completely understand that, for some folks, it is the anime reactions that are what you're here for. This poll is just to give me an idea of how you guys feel overall.

Thanks, Gang!  :-)


Mighty Snake

Ok but could we then potentially bring in porn reactions to make up for the lack of anime titties


You’re a funny guy Curtis. I don’t really agree with you politically so I’d avoid the blood pressure of political talks. But you’re reactions are only interesting because you’re interesting.

The Nuclear Reactor

I used to love Suzy lus reactions. To be honest I think the website way is probably how to go with the reactions if not patreon. But I also know that’s pretty hard to do as well. Is that what got the Japanese corporations pissed off at her Curtis? I haven’t watched Suzy Lu in about three months so I don’t know what’s going on


Thank you, My Friend... I'm leaning towards keeping politics away if we someday go to Goosh 2.0, as I'd like to keep it all upbeat and fun. :-)


You should do the thing where you have a timer which tells us what time you're at on the episode, then we can just sync our video with your reaction video. I mean unless i'm forgetting something which might stop that.


I think it was her flaunting of the things she was doing that basically pushed them to have to come at her... Plus, you've seen her reactions. If you were a company rep, you wouldn't necessarily appreciate some of the things she said. :-)

The Nuclear Reactor

Too true. If your patreon was attacked would you go the website route for anime or no. I mean that part of her thing was kind of smart putting up ads for every video watched I would still stay a goosher as long as I monetarily could but just a thought? That way you get money off of every video watched and I would spam those bitches for you so you got a lot of money LOL. Watch reactions a ton xD just A thought


Suzy Lu is a bitch. We've gone at it on Twitter before because I confronted her for lying to fans regarding her patreon. I still watch her reactions occasionally and she brought your name into one of her recent reactions saying you ended up 'disappointed because fans told you Madara was Tobi' and I rolled my eyes because I was like uh no?


I would at least give it a chance without anime reactions. The thing is I have really fallen in love with reactions as a whole and you are the one Patreon creator I am able to support and it's over other reactors I also like a lot and have supported before. However if it came down to you had no choice but to stop them and go a different route I'd understand and see what else you had to offer. Now I'll add some stuff that Suzy Lu specifically was targeted because she targeted other YouTubers with copyright strikes and flagging of videos for lack of closed captions on videos that criticized her for her actions against other creators. Now the situation has become more to the forefront here for at least one English VA who definitely takes issue with a fair amount of anime reaction channels and she has done two videos on it now. So I'd say definitely follow anything you can regarding this Suzy Lu case and anything with the dubbing companies like Funimation and Viz since at least one English VA is now making it a point apparently to try and be even more strict on reaction videos.


That's what I was thinking, it's not the best or easiest thing to do but atleast we still have you watching the anime and reacting. Plus it would work for me personally now since I just got myself a pc with 2 monitors. I could have his video up on 1 monitor and the actual episode up on my other, but then again that's just me, I know that alot of people here probably either dont have a pc or 2 monitors.


Wait she actually mentioned curtis? And plus that's not even remotely true. We try to have him avoid spoilers as much as possible and he also actively avoids spoilers unless it couldnt be helped, line why the heck would she even lie about something like that anyways seems like such a small thing to even care about


I’d continue to hang around for sure (one of those come for the reactions, stay for the reactor kinda things) but like I said before what keeps me logging on each day are anime reactions. I really like your story time stuff though, and honestly? Watching you play through some games would probably be as fun as some anime reactions haha, like if we didn’t have anime reactions I think I’d pay for you to play some stuff. Also I would still want you to keep anime in your life, even if you can’t watch it with us (which would be really sad dude don’t get me wrong) I really liked hearing about how you and your wife enjoyed your lie in April. We could also have a lot more discussions about stuff you’re currently watching, what you think about it, etc. so I think we wouldn’t have to lose the anime entirely. And Crowdcast makes for a really good platform to do this on I think. Im interested in the story behind the situation tho — like was she removed for being toxic, or was she specifically hit for copyright reasons that came about because she’s toxic? It’s scary if it’s the latter, if only because of the precedent it sets. Good news though (after a little research)— she’s really well known, apparently, and it seems as if her reactions(according to a random petition I found) have her not making any commentary or real reaction to it, it’s basically just watching the show. Don’t know how true that is. But I hope it’s just because she’s so notorious, like it’s possible patreon was even like “yeah ok, this ain’t our mans and we ain’t gonna protect her” whereas normally they’d ask for a dmca or something


Yea, I've thought about the website creation route, too... The thing is, though, if the Japanese companies proved they could win a copyright showdown against me here, they would also be able to win one against my own website.


I like most of your content curtis cause you're just an interesting guy overall. I would stick more than likely stick around if anime reactions were totally off the table


I've watched some of her vids before back when she was watching naruto didn't like her takes at all. she didn't understand anything I'm not mad at the news she's been taken off patreon she is a horrible reactor and in the eyes of her "fans" she can do no wrong. I hope that doesn't happen here at goosh because of her, I've been a goosher for years at this point and I like it here; I'll continue my support regardless!👌🏾


Yea, I have a feeling that a lot of the reason she's targeted is that she really adds very little to the "reactions".


I'll keep watching either way i almost always enjoy your content

Mighty Snake

Ok but hear me out, if we do have to do a goosh 2.0 I would like to suggest it be called the goosh second thrust: with a vengeance. But honestly, I'll definitely stick around because you are one of the most entertaining and fun people I get to watch. And you know how to take a joke unlike way too many people nowadays.


I've been around since you were reacting to part 1 Naruto Curtis, and let me just say this, I've been proud to be part of this journey. Although sometimes I disagree with your views and sometimes even get annoyed by you, at the same time, I find you INCREDIBLY respectable. I've also learned throughout the 2-3 years that I've watched you that you're a lot smarter than I originally thought you were. You're very wise. That being said, I've always appreciated how you tried to do many forms of entertainment besides reactions, and I occasionally try to join in on your Livestreams. I actually do enjoy them and enjoy hearing everything you have to say, but I'm just ultimately not a Livestream kind of person, regardless of who the YouTuber is. So sadly, I must admit that I'd stop being a Patron if reactions were to be discontinued. However, in the case that that happens, I'm happy to see that 22% of the votes would support you no matter what, and that 66% of the votes are willing to give you a try. I hope you get to continue having fun with this community as much as possible! ❤️


I'm kinda curious, how is she toxic? I've only seen a couple of her videos and they seemed alright


She was attacking other YouTubers with bogus takedown notices and generally proving herself to be a douche.

Anime Wulf

Thank you for the post. Glad to see other's were making this known too. It's just sad to see someone like Suzy who has potential at reacting to anime, not only go down in flames because of her own ideals flagging other peoples videos down on YouTube, but causing a potential for the entire anime community to have even harder time making content. I made a 3m AMV last year that contained maybe 15 seconds of flagged footage, and tv tokyo wouldn't even re-instate it after an appeal was made. It was heavily altered and no voice footage was used. Now, Im starting to get worried these companies are about to go heavy duty on their already strict guidelines.


It was pretty obvious things were going to end up bad for her eventually. I don't follow YT drama so I don't know every detail but it seemed like she was either otherworldly delusional or just arrogant and thought that as long as her stuff isn't on YT it is safe. Going forward I would mind if you used a timer for us to sync the videos if this ever becomes an issue. I know some people have issues with that format but it's better than nothing imo.

Brother E

I personally believe you nor the Goosh Community have anything to worry about with Japanese Companies coming after the Patreon reactions. Due solely to the fact your video guidelines are simply as follows: 1. Edited versions of full episodes 2. No Japanese owned copyright music is displayed within the videos (anime openings/endings,etc,) 3. Good portions of your videos say 5 mins in total per an average episode contains you talking about the episode as a review and pausing the show to make comments throughout. So I can’t see what case any company can build against taking down your reactions, plus you’re not a toxic Content Creator like Suzy Lu and you emphasize your followers to watch the series before seeing your reaction and you even provide free sponsorships to the sites where you’re watching the show. Patreon is solely dedicated to creators and their content they are distributing. At the end of the day Patreon stands on the side of the creators rather than the copyright companies unless you are distributing something that inexcusably illegal like child pornography (which has been a case years ago), but in my opinion I can never see this Patreon getting overhauled by copyright claims and lawsuits. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing! This Patreon has to be one of the most successful within the anime community so you’re clearly doing something right that many others are lacking! 👍

Sabino Juarez

Can someone explain what Suzy lu did?

Sabino Juarez

Also I wouldn’t mind full timer reactions


Leave it to a woman to fuck things up for everyone.


There are lots of great webtoons and American animation you could still react to. Hopefully it’ll never come to this (I mean the anime takedown. I’m fine with American stuff).


I agree. Let's hope everything works out and Suzy Lu gets whats coming for her


My whole take on this: I believe suzy lu 's patreon is suspended due to some DMCA claims maybe but she is also holding her patreon suspended due to working on some vip package for patrons so her patreon could come back due to factors of her own reasons. Not saying I'm completely right about this but I think there could be more to it or it's a done and shut case, one or the other. . Now I generally like her reactions, I don't think she needs to add any more than her personality desires, I think they're just fine but I understand the hate she gets. She apparently started taking down videos that made fun of her and her forehead and she's in the wrong there . She is also very smug about it, I can understand that behavior to a degree because of how her critics just make fun of her in the worst ways due to her being a reactor despite there being reactors all over the place, the anger is clearly placed at the takedowns she's done which is understandable. . Basically what I'm saying is that: Her patreon could be down for other reasons besides the one you and I are dreading. Suzy Lu did takedowns and is smug about it so she's hated which I understand and her haters are trying to take her down with the reactions reason to strike back at her takedowns which is in the sameish style as many on the platform except personality wise but I obviously like curtis reactions more. . Example here is this reactor called Zen Reactions: he is very calm and analytical and doesn't really react energetically but is very enthusiastic and is not adding as much as Suzy Lu but the personality is what attracts people to their reactions instead of the actual video so I believe that's where fair use should be applied where the audience is tuning in to someone's reaction and not the source content ( there's a bunch of websites to look at that stuff). . Just some food for thought, idk, I just hope you keep going the mega link route somehow if patreon decides to be bad, just my opinion, can't wait for more reactions tomorrow!


Probably would stick around a bit to see where it's headed because unlike most reactors I watch, I actually like you. To be fair, I'm currently on the lowest tier, so it might not mean much (don't care about one piece or bleach, the goosher 100 vids and geass is what I am here for currently), but I think that I'm gonna stay for quite a bit.


Mate, the main reason I became a Goosher is because of your genuine, unsolicited reactions! You can always move to reacting to IRL series rather than anime if they make a big problem out of that. Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Chernobyl, plenty of series I'd actually enjoy seeing you react to. Cartoons are a separate matter as well, they're not clumped in with anime so they're also up for grabs!


You could also look into reacting to series by the way, regardless of the anime reaction thing, if you have the time of course. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Chernobyl series for example.


She reacted to full anime episodes on Patreon with barely to no edits, also barely talking at all, making 10 grand a month. There's so much more she did tho, like falsely copyright strike/flag other YouTubers, harass/bully people, hypocritical statements, doubling down, attack a voice actor verbally. It's just a lot. Tons of videos on her if you want more details.


Let me attempt to make you see what's actually really going on here. This is incorrect that she's voluntarily holding her Patreon suspended. She deleted her account after it was banned, she had no choice. It had nothing to do with her VIP program, that's one of her manipulations and lies. She kept talking about her VIP program for months, true, however she kept coming back to her Patreon not having implemented the VIP program how she specified. UNTIL she was forced because her Patreon was under review/suspended. And after her boyfriend videos on Patreon was also taken down, it was probably clear to her she would not win that battle. If you like her reactions, I guess that's fine. But do know that it's illegal reactions, they are not fair use, no matter what she would have you believe. There's 0 to no edits, barely any talking at all. This means it's not transformative. She does not get hate, she gets criticism. I don't like how people confuse the two. I mean sure, she gets some hate but it's as a result of her harassing and bullying other people, false striking/flagging etc. It's not like she get backlash for no reason. The critics don't make fun of her in the worst way, at most they made fun of her forehead. And you know what, they stopped that and yet she still verbally attacked a voice actor who had been nothing but nice to her. She shows respect to nobody, so why should we? And actually there's critics who still are showing her respect even though she gives none back. It's not just the takedowns, she harassed two youtubers, she fat shamed another, etc. She's genuinely a bully. DMCA's can't be used by copyright trolls, you have to be affiliated with the company or be the company itself. So her Patreon was definitely under review and youtube secondary channel videos removed because of illegal content. That is still the main reason. No haters are trying to take down her videos, this is just more nonsense that she would have you believe. It's the anime companies. TV Tokyo even has a 15 page information on illegal content by her. It's not haters trying to take her down, it's the law. Not adding as much as Suzy Lu? Have you genuinely watched her reactions? She barely says anything. It's one thing to give someone a benefit of the doubt (she does not deserve that) it's another to pretend like hers are transformative. To be fair, I don't know Zen Reactions but on the other hand Suzy Lu adds next to nothing. Besides some reactors get away with it for longer, it depends who the anime companies discover. Suzy Lu did get away with breaking copyright law for years, but they finally caught up with her. Yes, and her content is not fair use. Even actual lawyers have said that her content isn't. It's not really food for thought, most of what you said is just wrong.


If you are replying to Manuel, he is incorrect and in my comment I explain it


To be fair the VA is a very nice person, she's actually trying to help anime reactors align with fair use. It's just that Suzy Lu is not making that easy by attacking the industry after stealing from it.


i am here for curst reacting , comentery and comedy. i like watching this old bold person do funny stuff. so i will stay no mather what


After many years of being a subscriber and now coming over to The Goosh, I wont be going anywhere. This anime tiddy loving man child and this amazing Community of people he has brought together have got me though some tough times so ima stay no matter what!


lol the companies know far more about fair use than we do, they have actual legal teams


I certainly wouldn't stop watching your content, but, I can't promise to pay for content that I might not be interested in, ya know? Of course I'd give it a shot, though. I think there'd be other ways to get around it, though. I don't think we'll ever need to stop the reactions. You can always do the cut reactions.


this....Chernobyl was amazing. there are a couple of shorter series out there that would be interesting. Also, do we know his stance on Star Wars? Because clone wars was actually good....

Heavenly Demon

im here for the reactions, love seeing your reaction and input on the shows i love, hope we can keep this goosh train going with reactions, if not im going need to download all your vids and save them to re watch


I'd stick around to see how the new content would evolve, but I can't promise I'd stick around the Patreon GOOSH. I'll always be a viewer of your content on YouTube, but I won't pay for content I'm not a fan of. I truly hope this whole thing begins and ends with Suzy Lu.


I'll stick around, though if it happened, I would be sad to see the Anime reactions go, not only are they a part of my almost daily routine now, it's easy to tell they are something you enjoy doing.


I miss the MC server 😔


well i woulden´t just ditch the moment the anime reactions would stop, id give it a month or two trial run atleast, but coulden´t you do reactions with a timer if the current way stopped working?Yaknow a clock in the bottom screen that tells where you are in an episode cuz that would work for me atleast :)


Suzy is toxic, I was following her for way too long. Over reacting to everything, fake lawyers, fake reactions, fake “too busy to upload” while saying she’s been self-quarantined at home for months with nothing to do. Started her own website to post anime reactions and deleted almost all of her patreon reactions with no notice to her supporters any patreon supporter who did anything south of telling her she was amazing was habitually blocked and removed by her. Horrible self-admitted spoiled woman who has never had a real job mooching off her parents and faking reacting to anime because it has more hype.


Some new information came out yesterday, allegedly Suzy Lu is storing credit cards from people that subscribe to her VIP program on her website. Her security is also shitty. If this is true, it doesn't really matter if it's intentional. You just don't let that happen. Anyway the reason I'm saying this is, if a GOOSHER for some reason is already a VIP member on her website, or is considering it. You might want to reconsider, it's not a risk I'd take.


Source /www.twitch.tv/videos/620271763 start at 01:12: 05


i supported her for amonth or 2 arround the time she made her own website. i was very confused why her patreon was being targeted and none of the other ppl i was supporting had any issues. thats when i discovered how fake she was and all the sheming she was doing behind the scenes. such a sad human being.