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While Lelouch agreeing to be a part of Nunnally's plan is not beyond the realm of possibility, I have serious doubts about the sincerity!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




(I tried to post this once but it somehow ended up in the wrong comment section lol) I’m definitely rooting for Zero because he also wants to take down his dad, who’s just a huge prick overall. I would also like to point out that C.C said that the person who she was talking to (and has been talking to) is named Marianne, which is Lelouch’s mom’s name.


Lady Kaguya, Zero's wife, is great. If only she were a little older she would be top tier. What's that, you want some mistresses to keep you company? Go ahead, honey! Not to mention she pretty openly advocated that she, C.C., and Kallen be Zero's harem. Is it even possible to deny such a generous offer?

Schmul Sjifris

Well as far as political marriage goes Kaguya is the best option he's got at least in Japan. I mean the only other people of her power are dead now and before that they were just a bunch of old bearded men so I think she's a step up from that xD Being fine with open marriage on top of being a lot of poltical help she makes a strong case. I mean shes basically "Hi Im super rich and powerful, want to be my husband? Oh, you dont think I can fulfill your sexual needs? Its okay if you just do that elsewhere then!" Hm...


Lelouch almost gave Kallen the smoochie-smoochie.👄👄👄

Miklar Sihn

I love how this special zone hits in an entirely different way than the first. The first one threatened Zero's support base, unless he joined. This one threatens Lelouchs reason to be Zero. His base is entirely against it now, the last time handled that.


Notice that Lelouch never told those guys in the alley WHEN they could stop. Those guys are going to be doing that for the rest of their lives.


Crossfit dudes would kill for Lelouch as a trainer. "Lelouch V. Britannia commands you to do 80% hand cleans... for the REST OF YOUR LIFES" "YES, MASTER"


Lelouches goal all along was for personal reasons 1. He wanted his sister to be safe. 2. Find out what happened to his mom. 3.Take revenge on dad. The Japanese are a tool to use for his goals if they get freedom that is just a side effect to him. Its why he has killed plenty of japanese, brainwashed others, and abandoned them at the end of season 1. So he has to decide that if his sister is safe for life now is that enough for him and he can ignore goal 2 and 3 and not support the japanese who would go after his sister.


Sir Kururugi, BUBBLES!!!!!


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d4/aa/64/d4aa649210056a1f8d59f39e6bdfbfe9.gif BUBBLES. Also... "Don't do it because I order you to do it, do it because YOU WANT TO, DAMMIT."


That scene about happiness's physical form resembling glass is like... The most poetic thing in the whole series to me. I don't even care that it sounds kind of cheesy. It's kind of beautiful, too.