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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 241: the undead zombie virus

These magic eyes are strong and have many functions like a screen in a monitoring system.

This would get the feed from the other sensing systems that artificial intelligence notifies the host.

The 7 of them put on their suits and cloaks quickly and came out of the ark space.

Then Vicky destroyed all the formations and took everything that needed to be taken with them.

“You all wait for a moment here.

I will speak to Jerry and come back.”

After Vicky said that he went to speak with Jerry while his women weight.

Natasha is holding the machine that can sense the falling meteorites.

The sky was covered with clouds that should be black but the sky now looked like it was covered in flaming clouds.

That is the entire sky is red as if it was burning.

Vicky came over to Jerry and called him out first.

Then he told him.

“Jerry, we are going out to hunt for some meteorites.

Do you plan to go with us?”

Jerry knows that there would be meteorite shower at this time with some special metals.

He also knows that Natasha is good at crafting and making tools for Vicky and his girls.

So he did not make anything for them instead he made some tools for himself.

He can fly in the air with a small carrier like thing that has a big storage compartment for magic energy.

There is also an attached robot.

Jerry would be staying inside the robot.

The robot is specifically covered with high enclosed body that would prevent even the air from entering.

The carrier has enough space to collect the metals and materials.

There is a big extraction tool for the extraction of materials was attached to the robot.

Under the carrier there is levitation device using compressed air force to lift the carrier.

The energy was stored in the special storage formation for a long time in the past few months.

Now it can fly easily with all the things.

When Vicky arrived he took a look at the things that Jerry made and said.

“You made good preparations.

Connect your scanning function with the Artificial intelligence.

We will share the locations with you with our movements.

This way we will not go to the same spot to extract the materials without interfering with each other.”

Jerry nodded and connected the things carefully.

But he also noticed the cloak and the shining eyes inside the dark cover of the cloak.

He was startled by the advancement of the suit.

It was really sophisticated.

The mecha armor that he created is only around 2-star level.

But the mecha suits that Vicky and the girls put on should be close to 3-star level.

This is really a strong suit and the advancement of the things has marveled him so much that he can only open his mouth in shock.

But no voice came out of his mouth.

He could not speak at this moment because of his shock.


With the arrangements done Vicky flew back to his girls and waited for the meteorites to fall.

The scanning device in the hands of Natasha started to blink suddenly as it sensed the meteorites hundred kilometers in the sky beyond the clouds.

The redness in the sky increased more and more.

Finally after few seconds the clouds split up at various locations and the asteroids started to fall quickly.

There are hundreds of small asteroids falling the same time.

The scanning device carefully located the trajectories of all the falling meteorites without the 100 kilometers of radius around it.

This is the maximum distance that Vicky and others can travel at the current moment.

They can travel further but they would be out of range from each other’s ark space connectivity range.

So they did not plan on leaving.

From the center of the sensing device the 100 kilometers radius circle was divided into 8 equal parts.

Jerry chose his direction while the others also chose their direction.

They quickly took flight in their directions and flew at the fastest speed to the nearest fallen meteorite.

The extraction tool is in ark space and it would be taken out for the extraction process.

Then the materials extracted along with the tool would be sent back into the ark space.

Also for the extraction process they would only take the ore in the asteroid while the external casing would be discarded directly.

Also this encasing of the meteorite is the one that has the zombie virus on it.

Fortunately they can choose to isolate the virus from entering into the ark space.

So they did not have to worry about anything.

Their worry is related to Jerry that did not have this kind of protection.

Also there is no cure to this zombie virus either.

For this very reason he went to check the situation of Jerry before while checking the situation.

Fortunately his armor was also completely enclosed and there is no problem.

The problem would be the materials that he would bring back.

The zombie virus can withstand the high temperature and pressure from the outer space.

So removing it is not an easy thing.

Even at the melting point of the metals and materials it could not be eliminated properly.

Only by complete extermination of life mode of magic circle and pure laser sterilization of materials can remove this zombie virus from the extracted materials.

Jerry has already prepared this and the levitating carrier has this kind of pure laser sterilization.

As soon as he puts the extracted materials they would be crushed and passed through pure laser sterilization before going to the storage compartment.

So everything is fine.

They each flew to the burning craters where the meteorites fell.

The Artificial intelligence would accurately analyze the location of the fallen meteorite and they moved in to the crater to extract the materials.

There is a mechanical hand like device which is the extraction tool.

Chapter 242: extracting materials through ark system

The Artificial intelligence would accurately analyze the location of the fallen meteorite and they moved in to the crater to extract the materials.

There is a mechanical hand like device which is the extraction tool.

This device would penetrate the meteorite.

Instead the tips of the fingers of the mechanical hand produce strong vibrations that would directly break off the outer shell of the meteorite.

Then the inner ore would be collected by the sensing mechanism.

The collection equipment is like a small suction cup at the center of the palm of the mechanical hand.

The entire mechanical hand is 10 times bigger than a normal adult man’s hand.

So it can easily complete the safe extraction process.

All the extracted material would be collected into a special container that is connected to the metal hand.

Whenever this container is full it would give a prompt for Vicky to replace it.

The container that is full would be sent into the ark space by Vicky.

This is same for all of his girls.

With this the entire process is smooth and fast.

While the extraction is happening Vicky can stand on the side to observe the situation and guard the area.

There will be some people that would brave the situation to come out and take a look.

Most of them are 2-star powerhouses that are waiting for the opportunities to increase the power of the family or clan.

On the other hand there are some ignorant fools that would get the opportunities through dumb luck.

The entire area is flooded and the fallen meteorites have created big holes.

But these holes are quickly filled with the water from the flood.

Fortunately the machines that Natasha made are water proof machines.

Also the position of the location where meteorites fell was covered with thick fog that is the water vapor.

Soon the fog spread and the entire area was covered with thick fog.

Even if people wanted to know what is happening they could not see with their eyes.

Not everyone has the capabilities to develop skills like Vicky and his woman.

Even then the situation around is not optimistic.

This is because the meteorites are still falling and they have too much force in them.

If they were hit by the meteorites even a small touch can cause the suit to be damage.

The meteorites that are falling are not big and most of them are as small as the fist of an adult man.

There are smaller ones that are as big as glass beads.

They are almost like burning bullets when falling.

Vicky and his girls are blinking in and out of the ark space in order to safely escape from damaging the suit.

As for Jerry he has double layered protection with the big armored robot.

The outer layer might be dented but it would not cause any problem to the inner layer.

As for the body amours of Vicky and his women are all single layered ones.

They are good for combat but not for this kind of heavy work.

The meteorite shower fell for an entire half an hour.

The amount of distance that Vicky and his girls are covering is only a small part of the area.

This process of extraction went on for the entire day and the results are good.

They were able to extract everything they require to upgrade the ark space completely to the next level.

They also went beyond their limit to extract the materials so that they can upgrade the ark space quickly.

They went farther because they felt the system signaling them that there is a good material nearby them.

This extraction was done by the system when they got close to the area and the materials were directly taken in by the ark management system.

But when they are going out of range they would always notify the others before taking the step.

In the evening they returned back to the villa area.

They wanted to do a clean sweep again but before that they have to talk with Jerry and then leave here for a few days.

Jerry would stay here while they go out to check and extract the materials using the ark system extraction function.

When Jerry heard this he accepted it immediately.

He was not ready to leave yet because he has collected many materials and they needed to be refined.

The process takes a little time and reduces the burden they have to carry when leaving here.

For this reason he accepted their offer and started to extract the materials.

Vicky warned him again that this place is infested with zombie virus through the fog before leaving.

Well he cannot dictate the life of another person.

One has to be responsible for his own life.

All he can do is to warn him and let him make his own choice.

After the warning they group chose a direction based on the intuition of the woman and went to extract the materials in a group.

They moved in a spiraling path from their villa as the starting point.

They moved out tangentially outward from the location of the villa as the center.

All the useful materials were extracted by the ark space and they moved more and more away crossing the 100 kilometer line together.

Since they are together the extraction speed increased exponentially.

So the time of extraction was reduced with them surrounding the material.

Also they did not forget to use the sensing machine that Natasha made to search for more materials from the meteorites.

Not everything would be used by the ark system.

All the spares and discarded materials were collected by them to make more weapons and other things that can be used by them later.

When they are exhausted they would enter the ark space after isolating the virus outside.

Then they would have some meal and rest.

After they recovered they would come out to extract more materials.

Chapter 243: defensive shelter tower unlocked

Then they would have some meal and rest.

After they recovered they would come out to extract more materials.

Just like that they spent few days of time.

They also saw that many areas have deep pits that are filled with water.

Everything is muddy because of the flood water.

There is a forest nearby.

So, all kinds of insects and creatures have appeared in the murky flood water.

These insects did not become zombies but became the zombie virus carriers.

They move really fast and fall on all kinds of things and bite people and animals.

This has spread around the area quickly.

Vicky and the girls quickly returned back after a satisfying trip of their ark space upgrading to 4-star artifact level.

They could not upgrade this in the outer side of the apocalypse land any more.

They have to reach the middle region of the apocalypse land to continue the further upgrade process.

They are not worried instead they are happy that they can continue to practice and improve.

With enough spars they can let the magic concentration in the ark space at the peak level continuously for the time being.

With that at least all the girls can step into the 3-star level.

Vicky needs some more time to improve to the 3-star level.

But it is not a problem.

After they entered the 3-star city they can rest there.

Also they did not let the ark space start the upgrading process right away.

They need time to prepare before the start of upgrading.

Upgrading of ark space requires 8 days of time.

So they decided to upgrade this when they reached the 3-star city.

When they returned to the villa area they found that Jerry was locked inside doing some experiments and things.

He is fine without any problem.

Well only injured or people bitten by the insects or the ones that came into directly contact with the high concentration virus fog can become zombies right now.

They are the first generation zombies.

After them the other zombies would appear one after the other because of the fighting.

Vicky found that Jerry is already ready with his things and they can star their journey immediately.

With the levitating platform as the carrier they can easily leave here quickly.

The carrier platform has its own magic energy gathering and storing formations and devices arranged.

The only problem is that it was very small and all of them could only sit on it.

There are no rooms or other things for them to enter and stay.

Also in the inner compartment Jerry placed all the refined materials along with some important components.

As for the magical energy it is sufficient for them all to move from here all the way to the next 2-star city.

They have to cross another 2-star city before they arrive at the 3-star city.

This 2-star city did not suffer from the disaster.

But it would suffer from the zombie disaster because of the sudden situation.

Well the zombies are from both normal races and chaos monsters in the forest.

During the journey Vicky talked to Jerry while the girls did not talk much.

They are concentrating on improving their powers and senses using the clear mind crystals they obtained.

In the meteorites they extracted pure clear crystals that are different from monster spars.

These crystals made their minds clear and cool.

This way they can train more even though they are not in the concentrated magic energy formation.

Vicky could not act now and have to wait for the girls to do their thing.

After few days of travel they arrived at the next 2-star city.

They plan on resting here for a few days and upgrade their ark space.

Then they would move to the 3-star city.

They found a relatively safe area near the guild.

They once again rented a villa for them to rest for the coming few days.

Well there is floating population and the rent can be calculated in days.

After arranging the things Vicky went around to collect information with Ginny.

Then at night they went around to steal the things once again.

This time Vicky was careful with his ghost abilities and did not use them casually.

This is because there is more than one person that has light elemental and holy elemental affinity skill.

So they can find his traces quickly.

Other than going around finding the locations of those warehouses and secret stashes they also found the safe routes without any surveillance to travel smoothly when escaping.

This mapping took them 8 days and during this time they have upgraded the ark space successfully.

The upgrade ark space gives them more convince with the protection.

Also it would help them cover their bloodline, current level and protection.

Right now they can hear and see what is happening outside the ark space after they anchored it.

Also they can bring out the armed tower like thing out of ark space.

This is the new area that was unlocked.

They have to upgrade its weapons through manual means so that they can put the tower outside to shelter them in the apocalypse land.

It can both attack and defend based on the modifications they made.

On the other hand the height of the tower is only 7 stores high.

The things inside can be arranged by them as they like under specific restrictions.

The tower could also hold materials and have stagnant time space.


Vicky and the girls did not study this right now.

They are planning to study this after they reached the 3-star city.

Right now they have to steal the things from those big clans here.

In the 3-star city they will not be able to steal the things easily.

So this would be their last time making a grand robbery.

After they got close to 4-star level they would think about stealing the things from the clans and powers of the 3-star city.

Chapter 244: Jerry’s work and benefits

So this would be their last time making a grand robbery.

After they got close to 4-star level they would think about stealing the things from the clans and powers of the 3-star city.

This is their game plan.

For some reason their group became professional thieves instead of professional survivors.

But no one cares about this matter.

Everyone in the world is stealing from each other.

Even with the world ruled by law the people lost their things to the government A.K.A politicians, officials and business men would steal things from commoners.

But the commoners are not a good thing either.

They would steal from others on the same level.

It was all set in a delicate balance that has a stick called the cops to maintain its balance.

The carrot in this case is actually the minor benefits that would be arranged by the big thieves to make the sheep live in the delusion of hope to make become fat slowly.

Well it is the thing of the past and the people in the apocalypse land are much shrewder compared to the people back on earth.

But the occasional fools called the protagonists are not a thing that can be ruled out.

The system is quite for a long time and Vicky was sure that it can appear any time in the coming future.

This is because his intuition tells him so.

The strange thing is that his women actually brought out the topic and they discussed it with great enthusiasm.

Vicky doesn’t know if the circuits of his women have gone strange.

Well they have been in this apocalypse setting for more than 10 years.

So naturally they will have change of thoughts looking at the world in chaos but still balance.


After the preliminary search around the place Vicky and Ginny got the layout of all the locations.

They have decided that Vicky would carry out the task tomorrow evening.

This time along with Ginny other girls would also come with her to help with monitoring and helping when required.

They all changed appearances into a different disguise.

With their magical suits they will be very strong and can defeat anyone in this 2-star city.

So they are bold in doing things.

Vicky did not stop them and go out to play.

They will be vigilant again when they reached the next city that 3-star city with large population.

Also this 3-star city is a safe spot with many powerhouses that reached 4-star level.

It is suspected that there is even a 5-star level powerhouse here.

Jerry was inspired by the work of Natasha before so he exchanged his thoughts with her when they are travelling.

So after they talked he got new inspiration to improve his mecha suit to a more compact level.

It is like having an inner suit other than the external big shell.

He is working on this and also making another suit for his future woman that Vicky spoke off before.

He really believed in the words of Vicky and he was diligently preparing.

As for the resources he needed he is working for Vicky so Vicky would give him some resources.

As for his work is to contact the underworld of the city they would be staying and get them some fake identities with their disguised appearances.

With these identities they can steal the things with peace of mind and get out of the city without any problem.

This is a delicate work and one has to know and identify the greedy people of the city to get this kind of illegal work done.

The best person for this kind of thing is Jerry that was able to come all the way to the outskirts of the apocalypse land from the central region of the apocalypse land.

Even with the experience Vicky has he will not be able to complete these things easily.

So naturally this kind of work can be done by Jerry.

For this Jerry would receive benefits from Vicky along with spars and materials.

Jerry was happy with this kind of life.

It is like following a big brother even though he does all kinds of work.

Also he suspects that Vicky has space artifacts or something that hides all the things of Vicky and his women.

But he did not say anything about this matter.

But tonight Vicky hit a jackpot.

While he was stealing the things around during the night he actually came across two big clan people that have space storage artifacts.

Also they are ownerless and are specifically stored.

As for the reason Vicky don’t know and don’t care.

Actually they are stored separately because there was an internal struggle in the clan right before Vicky and other came to this city.

These space storage artifacts are placed separately in the chamber before they chose their leader and solve the internal conflict.

The reason for the internal struggle is that they two clan leaders went into the monster forest to hunt and discovered the dying 5-star lion monster.

The reason for its death is actually the hit from the meteorite.

After being hit by a meteorite the lion has dragged its body all the way here to hide from the attack from other monster beasts.

It did not know that the meteorite has zombie virus and its life force was slowly damaged by the zombie virus till it was extremely weak.

This was found by a team formed from these two friendly clans.

During the process of killing the beast and obtaining its body and core everything is okay.

But they had a conflict when sharing the things.

In the conflict both the clan leaders got into a death match.

They both died and now one know how the body was divided and stored in those storage rings.

The ring can only be opened by the leader of the clan because it is the symbol of the leadership and authority in the clan.

Chapter 245: burying the 5-star lion corpse

They both died and now one know how the body was divided and stored in those storage rings.

The ring can only be opened by the leader of the clan because it is the symbol of the leadership and authority in the clan.

Right now both the clans are leaderless and these rings were secured in their clans because of internal struggle to become the next leader.

The rings are placed in the secret vault of the clans where there is at least one person in each faction of internal conflict is guarding them.

Unfortunately there is someone like Vicky and they met him at the worst possible time at the worst possible place.

Vicky came like a ghost and took the storage space ring that is being guarded.

Can a solid vault door lock a ghost out?

So without knowing or solving their internal conflict their clan head symbol storage space ring is gone.

Vicky that took them doesn’t know what their history so he took them back along with other things.

His actions are smooth and did not alert anyone.

It is like all of them are very lax in surveillance and vigilance.

Vicky got the goods and returned to his women that are vigilant for him instead.

When he came back they first returned to their stay for the night and entered into the ark space.

After that they started to check their loot.

When they came to two space rings they decided to open them slowly to search what is inside.

Well they have the general understanding of the situation.

Just in case if there is something dangerous inside these storage space rings.

When they looked at the things inside they found that there are many spars and miscellaneous things.

The space inside is around 100 cubic meters in each of them.

While taking out the things from inside the portable space rings the corpse of the lion also appeared.

The lion was majestic before but now it is a rotten corpse.

The storage space rings did not have the capabilities to keep things fresh.

That is there is no stagnant time inside.

Vicky sighed and looked at the corpse of the lion that turned gray with many problems.

Fortunately they are in the stagnant time warehouse right now.

The lion corpse that is contaminated with the zombie virus dropped out of the space ring.

The ark management system immediately warned Vicky and the girls that the lion was contaminated with zombie virus.

They could not just isolate it and send it out.

This is because when the virus goes out then it directly appears in the room they are staying.

So they can only do what they think of at this moment.

That is to send the corpse of the lion back into the storage space ring.

They are going to drop it out in the forest in the outskirts of the 2-star city when they leave to the 3-star city.

Any way the disaster would come here no matter what.

As long as the virus was isolated in a different space it would not cause any problems with the ark space management.


In the morning next day there is a huge commotion because of the discovery of the lost properties all over the city.

The city would be sealed off soon.

But Vicky and his group can still pass through the sealed area without any hindrance after a small verification.

The reason for this is the power Vicky and his girls are showing.

They did not dare to provoke a powerhouse when their city is not in a good situation.

After leaving here Vicky told Jerry to drive along the way and take a small detour at one spot near the edge of the forest.

The core of the lion that is the 5-star spar was already separated before and it was stored separately from the virus by Vicky and the girls.

The problem right now is with the corpse of the lion.

When they came to the edge of the forest Rose took a step forward to let the ground make a big depression.

The depth is over 60 feet that is around 20 meters deep.

Vicky then dropped the corpse of the lion deep into pit and quickly covered it while Nubia controlled the flow of air out of the pit.

Well they are wearing the armored suits so it is not a problem.

After burying the corpse of the lion they quickly left here towards the 3-star city.

They would settle down here for a while.

Jerry was more excited than Vicky and others.

He is going to meet his soul mate here.

He was waiting to meet her here.

While they arrived into the 3-star city with their original identities they were not that blocked.

There are 6 3-star powerhouses in their team and the other two are also quite strong.

So there is no problem.

But the number of powerhouse in this 3-star city is large.

There is less than 100 of them but it is 100 times more than a 2-star city in comparison.

Because this city is in the safe spot there will not be any disasters here.

But the disasters only include the natural disasters.

There is still the possibility of manmade disasters, beast times, zombie tides, sea beast tides and intentional attacks…

The city was lively and Vicky and others quickly settled down just like how they did in their previous cities.

After resting Vicky took the girls to go around for a walk with the changed appearances.

They are here to search for the people that are captured by the thugs in this area.

Jerry also followed them this time.

They are wearing their magic suits and on the top of the suit they are wearing bulk clothes to cover their appearance.

They are particularly ugly in their external appearance, so no one in the city would bother with them for the time being.


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