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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 526: snow wolf near the snow world

One wrong step can also cause a knot and kill that person on the spot.

That is how things are everywhere in the world.

Vikram used this to kill the beasts before using each other.

Now he found the way to get more sea food, salt and other things easily.

He spent 2 more days here and his base was upgraded to level 11.

He did not have enough materials or blueprint to improve his base to level 12 or higher.

So he can only calm down.

During this time he traded in the trade screen finding out the amount of survival points that everyone might have on hand on average.

It has been 12 days since the survival started.

He still has 10 days of time to move away from this survival situation of the wilderness.

In the trade he got many good things.

Some are selling iron ingots for water.

Vikram has plenty of water with the condensers working nonstop.

The number of bronze ingots is very less and there is only one person that sold before.

After that there is no one selling it directly.

Instead they are asking for something to heal like medicine or healing item for exchange with bronze ingot.

Vikram did not get any healing item till now.

May be he did not have any luck on this side.

He was fortunate that he did not get injured during this time.

If he did then there is no way he could be saved easily.

But even still he was sure that he would not die.

While going around in the forest he found few of the antiseptic material plants like turmeric, ginger, garlic….

He has harvested them already and is specifically stored separately.

There many wild vegetables and other plants in this green area.

So instead of hunting for treasure chests he concentrated on the things that are more useful to him in the future.

After 2 days of playing around here and getting some good things, Vikram started to walk forward along the beach.

He was walking on the solid ground in the forest near by the beach.

This way his speed of movement would not be reduced.

Along the way he found few monster rabbits with red eyes and sharp front teeth.

Also they are very agile.

Fortunately Vikram has the cross bow to hunt them down with his super high level accuracy with projectile weapons.

The only bad thing is that the string of the cross bow needs to be replaced after few uses.

This is because it was not made of special materials instead it was made of tendons of those beasts, it would naturally be spoiled.

Also the power of cross bow is high that those normal tendons could not stand this power.

But fortunately Vikram has many tendons from the beasts he hunted along the way and used them for replacement.

All he has to do is to bring out the base and let the work bench repair it.

There are also many monster cores for energy.

His whip was already upgraded and looked very strong.

Vikram tried to strangle a wild boar with this whip.

He doesn’t have to jump around the tree to strangle the wild boar instead as long as he exerted some strength and sent his thoughts into the whip it would act according to his wishes.

Some roots and vines would form out of its ends and it would bind the prey like a monster trees and monster plants.

It was strange but it is working.

The wild boar is actually guarding a bronze treasure chest.

While moving forward Vikram did not feel the presence of other people.

From the bronze treasure chest he got a strengthening potion and he drank it.

Along with that a 2 time use healing potion was also obtained.

Vikram kept it carefully and tried to find something that is useful along the way.

All the plants that he knows of medical usage or cooking usage were plucked and were taken.

Anything that is eatable or usable was harvested.

Any monster or beast that came in front of him is either dead or avoided.

As for the treasure chests he did not go for any things more than the bronze treasure chests.

He knows his strength and did not want to compete for silver and golden treasure chests with his life on the line at his current level of strength.

At the end of the day with his agility he actually travelled more than 150 kilometers along the coast.

Also the coast has ended and he came to the wall with a huge cave like structure on the cliff wall.

Outside the cave the temperature is very low and most trees here are actually winter climate trees.

The cave is open and Vikram can see the other end is completely covered in white like a snow world.

The distance should be more than a kilometer to go to the other side of the cave.

When Vikram stepped near the cave he found a snow wolf guarding this area.

The snow wolf looked strong and it is silently waiting in the snow to attack Vikram.

Dream brother did not need to search as Vikram can point out quickly with his strong sense and vigilance.

He acted as if he did not notice anything and silently took out his cross bow.

Also he took out the whip and walked into the cave.

While acting as he was fearful and careful he moved forward so that the wolf is within the shooting range of the cross bow.

His target is actually the eye of the wolf.

He doesn’t have to take aim because he was very good at it and the arrow would definitely pierce the eyes of the wolf.


When he was at the maximum damage range to the wolf, he moved his cross bow casually as if he was carrying it along and released the arrow straight into the left eye of the snow wolf.

Chapter 527: ice and snow world survival mode

He doesn’t have to take aim because he was very good at it and the arrow would definitely pierce the eyes of the wolf.


When he was at the maximum damage range to the wolf, he moved his cross bow casually as if he was carrying it along and released the arrow straight into the left eye of the snow wolf.


The wolf screamed and howled with the damaged eyes.

But it was too stunned to move at that that moment.

Also the whip in Vikram’s hand flew towards it neck with a knotted ring as the whip was controlled by Vikram.

The knotted ring and the arrow from before followed really closely.

As soon as the arrow pierced and the wolf was stunned the knotted ring of the whip fell on its neck.

It automatically tightened with the thoughts of Vikram.

But the strength is not enough to kill the wolf.

Vikram plans to add the bear’s monster core to this banyan tree root whip to let it gain the power of bear hug.

This might help it in more strangling force.

But the previous crystal took long time to absorb and it is in cool down period right now.

While the wolf got out of the stun and wanted to attack Vikram was ready with another arrow in the cross bow.

But he kept the cross bow in the space.

This would reduce the vigilance of the wolf.

Right when the wolf was trying to bite him Vikram pulled the whip to the side to create a moment where the other undamaged eye was in line with Vikram.

Vikram’s hand held a crossbow again and the arrow shot out in the other eye of the wolf.

With that the wolf was completely blinded.

Still the wolf can still follow Vikram using its sense of smell.

Vikram was not stupid either and stood right in front of a stone wall.

His target is to impale the wolf.

He has already removed the whip that is around the neck of the wolf.

The wolf was blind and enraged right now.

It no longer hand a reason other than wanting to kill Vikram at all cost.

Vikram was also ready for that and took out his spear that has its base supported by the stone wall while the spear head focused on the direction of the wolf.

The wolf smelled the direction where Vikram was present and immediately took the leap to rush towards him.

It opened his mouth to directly bite at him.

Even if it misses it planned to tear Vikram into pieces with its claws.

Unfortunately Vikram directly adjusted the spear head to enter its mouth.

Naturally it cut through the internal area of its body.

Vikram dodged to the side and his hand has the machete ready a long time ago.

Right when the wolf was impaled by the spear he directly dripped the machete straight on the back of the neck of the wolf where the previous knotted ring tightened leaving a Mark.

The connection between the head and the spinal cord was broken at this point leaving the wolf unable to move.

It slowly died while Vikram waited on the side to get the option of disintegrating the wolf.

Vikram did not dare to move and the dream worm was vigilant to see if there is any other creature present here that can threaten him.

When the wolf completely died Vikram directly used the system to disintegrate the wolf’s body and got few good things.

Wolf meat x 8 (improves agility and sense)

Wolf claw gloves x 1 (Ice elemental attack)

Monster core of the snow wolf x 1 (Ice element)

Vikram was shocked seeing that the monster core has ice element.

So he decided to keep it separately and use it later when needed.

The wolf is around level 20.

If it was not for her planning and quickly execution, he would have definitely died in the mouth of the wolf.

He did not give the wolf a chance to use the ice element.

Most of the fight completed in a matter of seconds.

Also the wolf claw gloves are useless to him because the restrictions are the same as the bear claws.

The only good thing is that these gloves have ice elemental attack.

But it will only be triggered randomly.

Vikram did not want them or use them.

The things he has are much better than these claw gloves.

After dealing with this matter Vikram went to the place where the wolf was residing or guarding before.

When he arrived he saw that there is a silver treasure chest here.

Vikram was cautious and checked the situation carefully before entering the small crack like cave inside the big cave where the snow wolf lived before.

He took the silver treasure chest and opened it directly.

Base upgrade blueprint Level 30 x 1

Sensing potion x 1

Ice element magic staff x 1

Spirit water bottle 2 liters x 2 (Have minor healing and strengthening properties)


Vikram was shocked from the things he received.

He quickly packed them in his space and left this area.

Then he took a step forward to the snow area and got the system notification.


Congratulations host for discovering the snow and ice mode of survival.

Number of entries is 3 people only (1/3)

You will receive bonus survival points for discovery and entry would give you extra survival points…”

From this message Vikram found something important.

That is the number of people entry might explain the difficulty of the situation after entering into that survival mode.

Also it decides the power of the beast that is guarding the entry point to the area.

Previously he saw that the sea survival mode has 5 entry points for the survivors.

This means that there is a beast at the end that requires at least 5 survivors to fight it to enter the sea survival mode.

Chapter 528: survival store in the new mode simulation

Previously he saw that the sea survival mode has 5 entry points for the survivors.

This means that there is a beast at the end that requires at least 5 survivors to fight it to enter the sea survival mode.

Vikram felt that he made the right decision to not to enter into the sea survival mode.

He did not enter into this survival mode because ice and snow area is dangerous for him.

It would consume wood that he has collected and it is literally useless.

But there are many stones in the cave and found a place with large amount of lime in the big cave.

He went around quickly collected all the lime and stone.

He could not waste his time.

He also drank the potion to improve his stats with good sensing capabilities.

With his sense increase dream worm could sense more.

With both of their efforts finding the location of lime became much easier.

Also when breaking the stones he can identify the weak spots saving loads of energy.

His insight skill was also helpful in this matter.

He got a level 30 base upgrade blueprint.

He will upgrade his base by another two levels right now.

Well he wanted to upgrade more but he did not have enough base cores.

From level 11 to level 19 he needs at least 1 base core for upgrading.

This is what the upgrade blueprint said.

Also he needs to have iron ingots on his hand.

So at most he can upgrade the base to level 13.

But this did not stop him from collecting more materials.

He spent the day here to run around till his base was filled to the brim.

There is only enough space for one man to sleep inside right next to the gate.

There are 140 units of lime, over 200 units of stone, over 200 units of wood and 200 units of plant fiber thickly stacked in the base.

The remaining materials like metal ingots are stored inside the personal space.

In the base other than these things there are big barrels of water that are connected to water condensers.

They are constantly producing water.

Vikram has enough survival points.

So he put water on sale for survival points.

He would gain more survival points and use them to gain other things from the survival store that would open in the future.

This is what he found after using the simulation skill once using the survival points.

He could only simulate for one day so he decided to see what would happen if he go into the blizzard and snow world.

As soon as he entered he got the text of vast expanse of snow.

On the morning next days when he entered into the snow world he was rewarded with corresponding bonus survival points.

Then one time survival store was opened for him to buy a few things.

It is a time limited one and will only available under special occasions from the survival system.

After finding this Vikram no longer waited and decided to sell water and other things to gain as much of survival points as possible.

The simulation did not show what is inside the survival store.

But it showed that he felt regret that his survival points are just few hundred short to buy something big and great.

He was shocked that he already has over 20 thousand survival points on hand.

Something that made him regret is something really great.

So he decided to earn more survival points by selling water.

Any way he still has 9 days of stays time in the wilderness survival.

So he plans to gain as much as he can while he still can.

It is just few hundred survival points.

It was easy for him to earn them.

Unfortunately it would take time and in the simulation he did not have time for that.

Also he put the claw gloves and boots of the bear into the auction immediately.

The maximum auction time is only 2 days.

By the end who made the highest bid would gain the item.

Vikram mentioned that he can get survival points, blueprints and rare things.

The end results would be chosen by him based on the top of the list in the system estimate.

He also made two auctions for both gloves and boots separately but not as a set.

But the auction initial price would cost him 200 survival points each.

This is the estimated price of the survival system for the auction commission for the items that Vikram posted.

So he already set the initial price to be more than 500 survival points as minimum starting bid.

If he put the gloves of the snow wolf the initial price is over 1000 survival points.

He did not want to put this thing right now.

He was sure that the people did not have enough survival points on their hands.

That is not all these gloves are too precious and he could not just put them in display right away.

With that he calmed down and continued with what he was doing.

The water was quickly selling.

Vikram only selected the water to be sold as the one that is being condensed by those condensers.

As for his daily drinking needs he was drinking the bottled water from the treasure chests.

This was the best source of water instead of drinking boiled water and other water in various area of this survival worlds.

Even the water condensed from the water condenser might not be good.

Unless it is absolutely necessary that is the last resort, Vikram did not plan to drink any of that.

He checked the situation around cave once again and left this place to move to the other end of the big wilderness area.

He found the way to return back underground rooms digging mode, the way to water survival mode, the way to snow and ice survival mode.

Chapter 529: saving Ginny

He checked the situation around cave once again and left this place to move to the other end of the big wilderness area.

He found the way to return back underground rooms digging mode, the way to water survival mode, the way to snow and ice survival mode.

He was sure that there are other survival modes waiting around for him to find.

Finding them would give him extra survival points the next day.

So he would not let them go easily.

With that after resting he started to move again to a different direction based on the sense of his insight.

On the way he heard a lot of fighting.

So Vikram immediately stopped and hid his presence.

He then moved slowly towards the location of the commotion.

When he came over he found that a woman is fighting against two wolves.

To be precise she was trying her best to escape while fighting.

Or she is luring the wolves away from that location.

On the other hand there is another fight going on a little far away.

Vikram took a close look at the woman and found that she is familiar.

She is the secretary of the king of nature faction Cylia.

She is Ginny.

Vikram immediately moved forward to help her.

He assessed that the two wolves are only at level 10 and level 12 respectively.

This means the other place might have someone fighting with the wolves that are higher level.

Vikram sighed and took out his whip.

He leaped out of the tree suddenly and jumped down on the wolf close to him with the whip formed into a knotted ring.

He wanted to tie this around the wolf or distract it to move its head to the other direction.

Based on its choice Vikram would act.

If the knot got on its neck then Vikram would use a spear to plunge into its neck.

If it extended its head to the side then he would use the machete to cut its neck.

With his weight and force he can easily behead the wolf with a single move.

So without hesitation he jumped down with the whip.

Naturally the wolf noticed his presence and moved to the side.

Immediately Vikram took the machete and used his gravitational force of the body to cut the head at the right spot.

With one shot the head of the wolf is gone.

Vikram did not stop and immediately put the machete back into the space and directly disintegrated the wolf and took the things into his space.

He moved to help Ginny.

Ginny noticed the sudden appearance of Vikram but she did not recognize him immediately with his fast movements.

Even thought they are from tier 5 their genetic essence amount is much less as they climbed higher.

In tier 5 they did not complete the gain of genetic essence.

In the first tier they got 100 stats points for genetic essence the second tier it was only 80, in third tier it was 60 and in the fourth tier it should be 40+ stats points.

It should be around 280+ stat points including fifth tier.

So, on an average they only have 45+ stat points distributed in all the stats.

Naturally people would prefer more vitality so their vitality or strength or agility would be more focused having 60+ stat points.

If they received potions of improvement like Vikram then they might have reached 100 stat points by now.

Relatively they are stronger than Vikram.

But in terms of skills and external supports and tactics, Vikram is stronger than them.

Vikram prefers stability more than advancement.

As long as the defense or life is guaranteed he would improve his offensive step by step.

With the level 12 wolf dead the pressure on Ginny has reduced by a lot.

So she was able to hunt down the level 10 wolf quickly without the support of Vikram.

She used the ice spike to pierce the wolf from the blind spot while distracting it with the spear on her hand.

Vikram knows that she is an ice elemental magic warrior.

So it is natural for her to use ice magic arracks while fighting.

He remembered that he got an ice elemental magic staff before.

He was thinking of selling them a favor later.

But for now he went to talk to her first.

Vikram walked over but did not do anything and said.

“Long time no see, Miss Ginny.

How are you doing?

Is Miss Cylia doing well?”

Ginny immediately recognized the voice.

Well Vikram is the only person that mocked her in the past year and there is no one with his tone.

Many people would only try to praise her and flatter her instead of mock her like Vikram.

So the voice of Vikram was completely imprinted in her mind.

Listening to Vikram’s voice she was startled but not as vigilant as with others.

She wanted to speak with Vikram but there is no time.

She has to go forward and support Cylia that is fighting a level 15 ferocious wolf.

This wolf is far more agile than other wolves.

There is another wolf that has already died before because of their sneak attack.

These four wolves are guarding a silver treasure chest that Cylia and Ginny wanted to get.

So it was them that provoked these wolves first to get the benefits.

But in the end they underestimated the power of ferocious wolf that can almost make wind attacks.

Well it did not step into that level yet.

But it can still make small wind elemental attacks.

Most likely its core is mutated.

Ginny immediately sorted her thoughts and said.

“I need help quickly.

We have to go there to save Cylia.

She is facing the ferocious wolf.”

Vikram did not say much and only said to lead the way.

They quickly moved forward with their fastest speed and came to the location where Cylia is fighting.

Chapter 530: Cylia’s and Ginny’s situation

Vikram did not say much and only said to lead the way.

They quickly moved forward with their fastest speed and came to the location where Cylia is fighting.

She is using the plant vines to fight with the ferocious wolf.

But she was on a losing battle because her current stats are far less when compared to her peak level power.

Plant type users are weak at the start and they would be strong when they had higher power.

Right now her capabilities are very less even for a tier 1 person back in the real world.

So her fight with the wolf barely gave her any good results.

She was running all over trying to bring the wolf to the plant vines to bind it.

Unfortunately it is not working because of the intelligence of the cunning wolf.

Ginny wanted to rush in to help Cylia but Vikram stooped her because blindly going in would only cause problems.

Instead of her Vikram quickly got on the trees and moved slowly towards the top of the fighting area without making much noise.

Then he signaled Ginny to act so that she can distract the wolf for a moment because of the sudden intrusion in its fight.

Vikram wanted to use this chance to sneak attack.

Just like before he took out the whip and ordered to form a knotted ring.

The wolf that has abilities related to the wind easily noticed the presence of Vikram.

But before it could make a move Ginny shot an ice pike at the wolf from the blind spot.

This made the wolf want to dodge.

Cylia noticed Ginny and she also attacked at the same time.

The wolf moved at a tricky angle to avoid two attacks at the same time.

Right then Vikram jumped down from the tree with the whip and the knotted ring.

So the wolf stretched its neck to the side to dodge.

Right at that time all of its joints are fully stretched and it could not do any more dodging.

Vikram switched the weapon in his hands and used both of his hands to hold the machete to slash straight at that neck of the wolf.

Since the neck was stretched to the side it could no longer move easily and was completely locked from all directions.

With the strong weight and force behind that slash and the sharpness of the machete has directly cut off the head of the wolf in a single move.

Cylia did not notice Vikram before but when he jumped down she noticed him.

But she did not recognize him yet.

Well she only met him once and after paying a little attention she did not think about him after that.

Also recently her situation is not good and the pressure of the people that are trying to marry her one way other the other increased.

This made her have no choice but to get into this survival event to escape from there.

She wanted to become strong enough to get the things on her hands and stop those people from making decisions for her.

When she entered into the survival event Ginny followed her because she was in a similar situation.

After entering the survival event they found that they are not as strong as they thought they are to be outside.

On the other hand they are felt more and more cornered.

May be they are side by side when they entered the survival event or they are arranged to meet by a weird logic but both Ginny and Cylia met each other quickly.

When they entered the survival event they had hundreds of friend requests from many people.

There are people pursuing them, there are people that wanted to use them and there are people that wanted to depend on them.

Because of this they did not select anyone to become their friend.

Among those hundreds of friend request the request from Vikram was also drowned.

After Ginny and Cylia met with each other they started to travel together.

But then they met with a strange room filled tumor like thing spread around and had a golden treasure chest at the center.

They can clearly see that it was a trap and avoided.

They took the chance to move to the side along the wall and dug into this wilderness survival mode.

They came here few days ago and quickly adapted to the situation here.

Cylia was the first one to adapt because of her Elven bloodline.

Ginny also tried her best to adapt quickly.

But when they are hunting they accidentally saw a silver treasure chest that is guarded by 4 wolves.

Cylia got the detection or identification skill.

Also they recently got strengthening and agility potions that they used.

So they felt confident.

They found that the level of these wolves is not just above the three tailed monkey they killed few days ago.

So they wanted to do a sneak attack and get the upper hand in the fight.

They are sure that the silver treasure chest would have something good in it.

They have successfully killed the first wolf but they actually missed their target.

They actually wanted to kill the level 15 fierce wolf first.

But their sneak attack was discovered by the fierce wolf and used the wolf on the side which is the weakest of them to escape the attack.

The weakest wolf they killed is only a level 8 wolf.

So their sneak attack failed and they were targeted.

Cylia fought the level 15 ferocious wolf while Ginny took care of the remaining two with her.

Fortunately Vikram appeared at the right moment and saved them.

If not they would be exhausted and become food for those wolves.

Vikram did not say anything for a moment but quickly remained Cylia and Ginny.

“Quickly disintegrate the wolf and take the things into the personal space before it attracts the attention of other beasts.”


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