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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 496: realization of Nagato and Konan

Shizuka let him be for the time being and plans to take him out when the time is right.

As for the hidden sand village, they were in shocked state and needs time to rearrange their plan.

They did not have so many ninja like other big villages to play.

So they have to arrange everything slowly and carefully with their limited man power.

Also they abandoned the land of rain and Hanzo for the time being.

They are only maintaining a cordial relationship with him just in case of getting the support of a Kage level or half a sage level powerhouse when they fight back at Shizuka.

Also the current situation of war has changed with the announcement made by Shizuka about the new conquest for the ninja empire.

So they plan to talk to their neighbor the hidden stone village to see if they can form alliance again.

For that they plan to send rasa the disciple of the third Kazekage as mediator.

But it was rejected because rasa is arrogant and deceitful.

So they plan to send the rising star of the hidden sand village that is the ninja named Pakura for negotiations.

She was able to successfully negotiate with Hanzo from the land of rain.

With her negotiations with Hanzo as proof her name is raising more right now.

Things are not moving in the direction that rasa wanted.

If this continued he might lose the race to become Kazekage and Pakura would take his place.

Currently hidden leaf village has a female Kage and she is extremely strong.

So it is not impossible for Pakura that is also very good at battle, strategy and negotiations.

So he became anxious.

Shizuka on the other hand is quite free and peacefully enjoying her time with her wives and lovers.

Well it is easy for her to travel between places using the flying thunder god technique.

She is not anxious.

Since the system announced the change in the time she became relaxed as her previous plans are no longer feasible.

But she was sure that the rewards would be great.

After thinking of the rewards she immediately became excited.

So she is going to enjoy every minute possible with her girls and complete her smaller goals before leaving.

Her small goal is to take over this ninja world and also motor boat the big tits of Kaguya if possible.

Well it might not work but still she has to try during this little time she has on hand.


Shizuka’s current target is to capture all the small connecting lands with the big countries with the hidden villages.

This way she would have everything under her control.

Here people are power and spreading can help her create pressure on those people.

Well there are clever ones that would think that the forces of Shizuka are spread too thinly.

But this is the weakness that Shizuka shows to capture those clever people.

Simply put the weakness that appears in wars is mostly traps.

Also Shizuka creates traps for some people specifically.

In her eyes currently there are four beauties from the three lands.

One is Pakura from the hidden sand village, Mai Terumi from the hidden mist village and Samui and Mabui of the hidden cloud village.

These people are around at the right age for Shizuka to get them.

Also they are hot right now.

So Shizuka has to plan things carefully to get these beauties into her arms.

But she would not stop occupying the hidden villages and lands till she occupied everything in the ninja world.

A month passed by quickly and during this time Shizuka heard some unexpected news.

This thing should have happened few years later but things are fast forwarded.

The news is about the third Kazekage that suddenly vanished.

This news came from the spies stationed at the hidden sand village.

Shizuka knows that Kazekage was captured by Sasori.

Originally Sasori should capture Kazekage later but things change because of the existence of Shizuka speeding up the things.

Well she did not act directly but acted from the shadows.

While the turmoil continues she went to meet with the remains of Akatsuki organization.

Because of the previous situation the Akatsuki organization has changed.

It no longer has its previous members as all of them scattered after the death of Yahiko.

Only the crippled Nagato and Konan left.

Well Konan is in grief because the person she felt optimistic about and has slight feelings has died.

As for Nagato, he became more gloomy thanks to the strong efforts of Madara and black Zetsu.

But Shizuka did not help him.

It has nothing to do with her.

If it was Konan then she would definitely help.

“Konan, we have to create a strong Akatsuki to take over the entire world and give it true peace.

But I don’t know how to gain the true peace.

Yahiko’s words are right but he was too naive as that person few years ago said.”

Nagato said in a horse voice.

“Now that person really took over the land of rain.

In the past few days the number of incidents in the land of rain has dropped and everyone’s life has changed for the better.

That person really did it with his strength.

I don’t know how far he can go but I want to know if he can really bring peace to this ninja world.

If Yahiko followed this person, he should be still alive right.

Sadly we made the wrong choice.”

Konan said with sadness in her voice.

The two of them talked about the past and the current situation about the ninja world and the land of the rain.

They finally understood what Shizuka told them before about strong strength is required to preach peace to the people.

While things are happening here, the land of the wind is currently in a different situation.

They will not be able to make a move as their Kazekage is missing.

Chapter 497: who is the next Kazekage?

While things are happening here, the land of the wind is currently in a different situation.

They will not be able to make a move as their Kazekage is missing.

Right now all the hidden forces of the hidden sand village are starting to make their move.

There are two strong candidates right now and the fight is happening between them.

Naturally the first task is to search for Kazekage but there another pressing matter at hand.

That is the coming war.

The enemy is also standing at their door and their allies are crippled.

So they are having a hard time and have to decide on new Kazekage to lead them to victory.

A Kage is not only the power line of the hidden village but also its face and moral support.

If there is no Kage then the village would be like lose sand that could not stop the enemy.

So they are in desperate situation.

But even then there are some people that are playing back hand tricks.

The two selected candidates are rasa and Pakura.

Rasa can use gold sand techniques but accumulating gold sand with his limited chakra is not easy.

Well he is not an impure world reincarnation puppet with infinite chakra.

So he cannot compare to his mentor the third Kazekage that can use iron sand.

Comparatively Pakura with her scorch style she has enough power to take the lead.

Also she has good brains and leadership qualities.

Unfortunately she did not use underhanded tricks like rasa and really worked hard for the betterment of the village.

Rasa uses underhanded techniques and had handles of other people in his hands to make them obey him.

With his status as the disciple of the third Kazekage he has more chances of winning.

Right then they made a choice for the two of them.

There are two choice contents for this test.

First is to find the Kazekage that is missing for a few days.

Second is to gain the alliance of other hidden villages.

For this the two candidates can chose one test content each.

Actually there is prejudice towards Pakura.

Naturally Pakura is good at negotiations and chose the second choice while rasa chooses the first one.

But the first choice is much easier than the second in the current situation.

Rasa is only investigating the disappearance of the third Kazekage but he was still in the protection of the village.

On the other hand Pakura has to leave the village to enter another village territory to negotiate which is very risky.

As long as they find the missing Kazekage then their problem is directly solved.

As the person that brought back Kazekage rasa would directly become the next Kazekage.

But Pakura did not have this chance even if she completed the negotiation successfully.

For this matter she might even be killed during this time.

So she is at a higher risk than rasa.

Other than that rasa also used the underhanded trick to kill Pakura using the hands of hidden stone village.

The reason is that he negotiated with the hidden stone village in secret.

After becoming the Kazekage he would support few conditions of the hidden stone village.

In return they have to kill Pakura that comes to them.

The land of the wind is literally a wasteland without any useful things in it.

So the interest of occupying this place is very less in the eyes of other hidden villages.

But the current situation is different.

With Pakura the hidden sand village can still pose a threat to the other villages.

Since they are internally going to fight with each other, the spectator like the hidden stone village would naturally act to gain the benefits in troubled waters.

Because of this they directly accepted the deal.

Shizuka has eyes everywhere when she was actually looking for those hotties that she was eying.

So when things became complicated she was following Pakura silently.

When she will be attacked in the future, Shizuka would appear and save her silently replacing her body with the help of white Zetsu transforming into her.

But Pakura’s love towards her village is strong which would turn into resentment at that time.

This can be used by Shizuka to pull her into her hands.

But she has to do things slowly and carefully.

Also she has to let her go to the doorsteps of death before saving her in order to get her loyalty.

That is how she should do.

Only this way she can get the beauty into her arms completely.

So all she did was to follow her silently during this time.

The one that is following her is actually a clone while the real body is playing with her women and servants performing a pole dance in some cheap bar in disguise.

While this is happening something big happened at the river close to the land of stone.

They have completed the construction of the bridge and hundreds of ninja wanted to pass through the bridge.

When they started to run on the long bridge nothing happened.

There is not even retaliation from the hidden leaf village.

But then suddenly when the first ninja was about to set foot on the land the wooden boards of the bridge came to life.

Many vines and roots emerged from the bridge and directly caught the ninja troops that are running on the top of the bridge.

They were caught in an incredible angle that they could not fight back and retaliate against vines and roots.

They are directly imprisoned.

At the same time the pointed ends of the vines and roots have small chakra fire lit up and directly sealed their chakra.

Then a big wooden cell is erected and they were all imprisoned.

Also they are not on the land but still in the water fixed by roots.

Well they are not left to be hungry,

Every day the wooden logs would produce some fruits for them to eat.

Chapter 498: situation at various battle fronts

Well they are not left to be hungry,

Every day the wooden logs would produce some fruits for them to eat.

It will be just one fruit per person which is just enough for them to survive.

Looking at the scene the other ninja from the land of stone are horrified and they immediately stopped making any advances through the bridge.

The wooden bridge is still there.

This bridge will be used by Shizuka to go to the other side to conquer the land of stone.

Since they could not cross the bridge they wanted to blast the bridge in order to not to let the opponent come inside to their territory.

Unfortunately no matter how many times they threw the blasting paper, the bridge would repair itself.

This made them give up blasting and instead they decided to dig around the connecting point of the bridge to separate the land and increase the flow of the huge river.

Unfortunately when they completed digging a channel around the connecting point of the bridge the bridge extended and connected to the new land.

This made them pluck their hair to think of new ways.

But they could not find any.

Finally they did not have a choice but to build a wall around the connecting points.

The wall is made of heavy stone and they even blocked it with booby traps and boulders.

This is for Shizuka and the people from the hidden leaf village if they were to cross over to here.

Well Shizuka has other things to do so she did not look at this matter right now.

On the other side at the land belongs to the Uzumaki clan the number of ninja from the hidden mist village increased.

They used a constant camouflage seal to cover the Uzumaki clan island with thick fog all the time to cover what they are doing.

Unfortunately the white eyes of Hyuga clan can see everything.

Because of this they know everything that is happening on the other side.

With the help of the Uchiha clans long range fire style attacks, they made shots in the blind in the direction pointed by the Hyuga clan people.

The result is that the previous preparations and ambushes of the hidden mist village were directly destroyed.

Actually they were ambushed back because of the sudden attack from the combination of the two clans.

As for the Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan they are guarding the boarder of the sea shore.

They are stopping others from coming to the shore secretly without their notice.

With their interference it is not possible for them to do anything.


On the other side of the hidden cloud village many strange things happened.

The army of third Hokage was able to defend for a long time but everything there is a big difference in numbers.

There are always some people dying on his side and the more days gone by the bigger the number.

This created holes in his strategies and created more opportunities for the hidden cloud village.

Fourth Hokage Ai is really angry because his brother Killer B was killed by Shizuka before to make Takoyaki with the 8 tails.

Originally Shizuka doesn’t want to kill the killer B but to get what she wanted there is no other choice.

Because of that he is angry at the perpetrator.

But he doesn’t know who actually did this.

The only clue that can point at the killer is the 9 tails present in the hidden leaf village.

Unfortunately for them the 9 tails was already eaten by Shizuka before and there is nothing left.

But Kushina is still alive making them think that the 9 tails is still alive.

Well Shizuka would not come forward to clear this matter.

Also she would not let them enter the hidden leaf village.

Their only choice is to surrender or die.

Shizuka did not care about the life and death of these people.

She only cares about what she would gain.

While this is happening Shizuka has prepared to move to the next work.

Based on her planning she has to solve the alliance of the land of the rain Hanzo and the hidden sand village.

After solving that she can transfer more people to the other side of the battle field to solve the situation.

Well she can directly take action and decimate the entire force of all the hidden countries.

But she doesn’t want to do that.

This would spoil the fun she is having.

Also she doesn’t want too much bloodshed.


Well things are moving in the correct direction.

Right now Nagato is recuperating and the Akatsuki is not in working situation.

So Sasori did not have a shelter in Akatsuki yet.

He will be wandering for the time being.

Also right now he is busy making the third Kazekage into a puppet in his secret cave.

Shizuka on the other hand switched with her clone to follow Pakura as she sets off to the land of stone.

Originally she should go to the land of cloud to negotiate in the original plot.

Then during her journey she would be attacked and killed.

The blame would fall on the land of stone.

But in the current plot very different.

She would go to the land of stone to negotiate while she would be attacked.

The blame would be pushed towards the ninja from the hidden leaf village or hidden cloud village by the land of stone and the land of the wind.

Also the people that are sitting in the ambush are from the land of stone and the land of wind that are under rasa.

Shizuka did not interfere instead she only monitored.

Only at the moments of death of Pakura would Shizuka appear to save her.

Also just saving her would not bring Pakura to her side.

She has to know the truth and resent the hidden sand village, resent its elders and resent rasa.

Chapter 499: make your choice Pakura

Also just saving her would not bring Pakura to her side.

She has to know the truth and resent the hidden sand village, resent its elders and resent rasa.

Only this way Shizuka can get the hold of her.

It was dark in the night and the sky is cloudy.

Pakura did not have any followers following her.

She is only a single person moving at a fast speed towards the land of stone.

While she is moving she vaguely felt that the surrounding placed did not seem quite right.

There is a problem but she could not stop and fight.

If there is a problem then her first thought is to escape.

She could not afford to fight here and foil the plan.

But she did not expect that right when she reached an open area a volley of kunai and other weapons fell from the sky straight on the top of her head.

Shizuka saw all this and was quite shocked.

The fall of the bunch of kunai has covered an entire area of a circle with 10 meters radius.

This was enough to completely cut off the path of escape for Pakura.

Also there is blasting paper buried outside the range of these 10 meters radius.

So if she moves forward she would be blasted.

Also the kunai did not make much sound when they are moving and finally hit her.

She was hit by many kunai and shuriken.

She fell on the ground with blood leaving her body.

At that time the people that attacked her slowly came over to check.

They are sure that they hit the target and the target is almost died.

So they are happily talking.

“Those people from the hidden sand village are stupid.

They actually planned to kill their promising candidate colluding with the external forces.

Their Kage candidate rasa is even more stupid.

He has accepted so many unreasonable conditions that he is like a dog to our Kage….”

Pakura heard all this and then suddenly felt that her body became light from the blood loss.

She is slowly dying with her consciousness leaving her body inch by inch.

“That damn rasa, he dragged the entire hidden sand village down.

Those hypocritical elders, they should be damned for using the lives of innocent for their benefits….”

She started to resent those people that caused the current situation to her.

Right at that time she suddenly felt like being enveloped by a strong chakra which is warm and soothing.

She knows what this chakra is.

It was the healing chakra.

She felt this when a medical ninja healed her before.

With the healing she was able to open her eyes and look around.

She was enveloped by the green light.

“Am I hallucinating?

Who would save me at this situation with so many ninja at ambush?

Something is definitely wrong here.

But I have to completely heal before I know what is happening.

Any way I will not be able to make a move right now.

I could not even move my finger.”

As she thought she could still hear the words of the people that attacked her.

After healing a little while she slowly opened her eyes to look.

She is still in her original place with a slight green light covering her body but the people that attacked her could not see this green light.

Then she heard a voice.

“I have saved you and gave you a breath of time to make a choice.

The people there are from the mixture of ninja from hidden stone village and the hidden sand village.

They came here under the negotiation of your competitor rasa to kill you during your journey for the negotiation.

With your death his position as the Kazekage will be completely firm directly.

What do you want to do now?

I can give you a chance to get your revenge but there is a price.

You can make your choice now.

If you chose the revenge then pay the price, I will heal you out of this death situation and help you in revenge.

But if you chose to let this go then I will let you pass on as you wished.

Now make your choice.”

Shizuka said with a magnetic tone.

From the start to the end Shizuka did not appear in front of her.

All she heard was a smooth and magnetic voice that felt like the whispers of the devil.

Pakura started to contemplate before making decision.

She wanted to know what the price is.

“Tell me what price I have to pay before you save me and help me take the revenge.”

Shizuka stopped for a moment and then spoke.

“You have to become my woman.

You have to be loyal to me and me alone.

In return I will help you heal and get your revenge.

Also you can control the entire land of wind as you like.

Those elders and other are bad but the people of the land of the wind are innocent.

You can become their queen and rule them by my side.

Do you accept these conditions?”

Pakura thought for a while.

She never really thought about this kind of thing.

Also she doubted if she was in some sort of Genjutsu or something.

The words of other party were clearly directed towards her falling into Shizuka’s arms.

She tried to mobilize her chakra and disrupt it to see if she was really in a Genjutsu.

But she found that nothing has changed.

While she is trying the voice Shizuka sounded again.

“I am not duping you with Genjutsu.

If I want I can directly take over the land of the wind.

But I like the slow process where innocent are not harmed.

It is just that you looked really beautiful and talented like a desert queen.

So I wanted to add you into my harem of bitches.

You will have so much fun with any man you like….”

Chapter 500: Pakura’s choice

“…So I wanted to add you into my harem of bitches.

You will have so much fun with any man you like.

If you don’t want to then I will not force you.

For that matter I am not a good person and I would not do charity.

Even the innocent people are just to make up the numbers.

I cannot just rule an empty empire.

If I want to be the king, I need the servants to serve under me.

You can make your choice quickly.

My time is limited….”

At the end of the words Shizuka showed that her patience is running out.

This made Pakura anxious.

Well Pakura is literally at the edge of dying.

So she immediately made the decision to survive first and then think of other things later.

“Please save me, I will do as you say.”

It is as if knowing her thoughts Shizuka spoke.

“If you are not loyal to me and tried to do something funny back on me then I don’t mind sending you to the pure land directly.”

After saying that the green light on her body intensified and her wounds healed quickly.

At the same time the ninja that attacked her were sent into Genjutsu so that they think that Pakura is dead.

They started to leave here quickly.

Unfortunately for them one of Shizuka’s clones caught them directly and put them under her control.

Shizuka removed the kunai and shuriken that were stuck to the body of Pakura and healed her completely.

Pakura finally opened her eyes and was shocked to see Shizuka.

She knows who Shizuka is.

“I should have known that it was her when she wanted to make me a queen…”

She thought in her mind for a moment looking at Shizuka.

But she did not regret the decision to join Shizuka.

She liked the guts of the woman in front of her that can announce and do something as dangerous as forming an empire and unifying the ninja world.

She came back to her senses and then made an oath to follow Shizuka from now on.

Shizuka gave her a change of dress looking at her current dress.

Well her dress was soaked with blood and torn at many places because of the piercing of the kunai and shuriken.

She could not let her change in the open so she made a wooden house for her to change.

She really wanted to go inside the wooden house and play happy couple with Pakura.

But she has to make her trust her first before acting.

Only that way, things would be more convincing and move in better direction.

Love and loyalty cannot be forced they should be born on their own.

So she did not do anything stupid.

After cleaning the blood and changing the clothes Pakura came out.

Right at that time Shizuka’s clones also brought back the people that attacked her.

Pakura came over to check their faces and the live evidence in front of her about the one that planned to kill her.

She started to tremble for a while from anger and sadness.

She actually recognized one of them that belong to the hidden sand village.

It is actually the subordinate of rasa her competitor for the seat of Kazekage.

This made her even sadder and she could not do anything.

She is from a normal background without the support of rich and the strong.

All she had is the talent and will to work hard over the years.

This has brought her all the way to the top, to even compete for the position of Kazekage.

But now she has become the victim of the underhanded tactics of the traitor rasa.

She was so angry that she wanted to kill rasa right now.

Also she was frightened because she would have really died if not for the help of Shizuka.

So she decided to follow him from now on.

She also understands the capabilities of Shizuka and she became curious of this woman.

She wanted to see how she deals with the things and decided if she should be with her after her revenge or die after her resentment is settled.

After saving her and taking care of the people that came to kill Pakura, Shizuka took her straight to the hidden sand village.

Since her goal has achieved, that is to capture the attention of Pakura, Shizuka did not have to let the hidden sand village play.

If she did not choose Shizuka then she would simply decimate the hidden sand village and take over the land of the wind.

Since she chose Shizuka then Shizuka is going to take the land of the wind peacefully in order to show respect for her.

Well no matter what the choice is the hidden sand village will face a catastrophe.

One of Shizuka’s clones returned to the military post that is stationed at the edge of the land of the wind and went to crack down Hanzo.

Then the clone would return with the head of Hanzo to move the troops towards the land of the wind and hidden sand village to take over.

On the other hand the main body would go the hidden sand village along with Pakura to take over the hidden sand village.

Right at that moment a guard that belongs to rasa came over to report that Pakura is dead.

Shizuka previously let the information pass on about the death of Pakura.

This way all the actors would be in place to put on a good show.

Shizuka used the flying thunder god technique to directly take Pakura to the hidden sand village.

Then they went to the place where rasa has called on for an emergency meeting.

It is the meeting to convey the death of Pakura and this will make him the only candidate for the position of Kazekage.

With that he would take over the position directly.

Unfortunately for him there are two…..


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