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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 521: another survival setting entry point

Vikram immediately lost interest in them.

He decided to sell them later when he got the chance.

He has to first see the market rate before making a decision to sell these things.

He was sure that he is not the only one that would get these good things.

Also if he sells them then it is no different than announcing everyone that he has something better than this with him.

After getting the things he immediately got another notification.


Host has successfully found the passage way to the underground dirty room survival setting.

As long as you dig the wall in the open area of this cave you can enter into the dirt room and start the dirt room digging survival.

Host was the second one to discover the survival setting from the wilderness survival setting.

Host would be rewarded with bonus survival points tomorrow.

If host enters the next survival setting he can gain extra survival points in the morning tomorrow during the daily reset.


Vikram went through the information in the notification and he understood what this means.

This means that he can return back to the dirt room survival setting that he had before if he digs the wall around in the cave room.

But not all the cliff wall can take him to the dirt room survival setting.

This means that there are other ways as well.

So he decided to find the other ways while he moved out of here.

Before leaving he took out few more bamboo poles, leaves and few other small things to make a simple sounding instrument in the cave.

The instrument would create a snoring sound in the cave when the air passes through inside.

This way other survivors would not dare to enter into the space easily.

He found out that only one person can enter into next survival setting through the entry point that he discovered.

Just in case for safety reasons he made this measure.

Then he got on the trees to shuttle around in the forest towards the big banyan tree again.

He wanted to attract few more monsters and kill them and the banyan tree.


With that prepared he went to the banyan tree and checked the safety perimeter around the tree.

Then he broke the branches of the tree and pierced a piece of fish slice to it and throws it around the tree.

Finally he threw few pieces of mad dog meat towards the tree.

Then he waited on the top of the tree.

After a while some monster beasts appeared here one by one.

They came over for the meat but they became the meat instead.

These beasts are not strong enough so naturally they were killed by the tree.

But it is inevitable to get some damage with every beast that appears to fight the three.

The crocodiles from the side were also attracted from the side and they started to attack the tree to eat the meat of other beasts.

Even they were killed by tree roots.

But still the tree was severely damaged to the point that more than half of its roots were torn, its branches broken, its trunk has cracks.

Right at that time a rhino appeared.

Rhino was much stronger than the previous beasts and it started to hit the tree while receiving its monstrous tree root slashes.

Soon the tree has finally broken and fallen.

Its ground roots were uprooted and Vikram can see a monster core of the tree.

Vikram was sure that the tree died.

As for the rhino it was also in the critical condition of life and death with bleeding from its eyes and mouth.

Vikram wanted to immediately go and give it a final blow to kill it completely.

But he did not expect that someone would be more anxious than him.

A man that is thin and lean ran out stupidly wanting to kill the rhino and get everything here.

He looked like Chinese man with a Taoist robe.

Vikram knows that there are all kinds of people in the real world.

This person should be from earth or some other similar planet.

Or he might be a descendent of a person from earth.

Whatever it might he was too anxious to get the fruits of others labor.

Vikram did not do or say anything.

He wanted to estimate the power of the person before jumping out.

Also he can see that the rhino was not really at the situation of death.

Even for him it would take a lot of effort to kill it completely.

This means that the man that is stupidly running over is going for his death.

Vikram really did not understand why this man is so eager to go forward without checking the situation carefully.

This also made Vikram wary to search his surroundings to see if there is any other person other than him and the stupid guy here.

Well he did create a big mess over here and it is possible to attract more people here.

If there is a powerful person then Vikram has to be carefully.

The most powerful person from tier 5 might have around 80 stat points in any of his stats in this current situation.

If they are lucky then their stats might have reached a 100 in these two days.

Vikram was sure that it was dangerous to face such a person with his 50 to 60 stat point power.

Even though he was more balanced there is always hidden dangerous.

He is not willing to throw away his life here.

So he waited.

Soon the stupid man and the rhino started to fight.

Vikram did not expect that this man to have some skills.

He was able to dodge the attacks of rhino.

But he was also exhausted along the way.

Slowly the situation deteriorated and finally it hit man with its horn.

Naturally that Chinese man died on the spot.

Chapter 522: hidden danger

Slowly the situation deteriorated and finally it hit man with its horn.

Naturally that Chinese man died on the spot.

But Vikram did not move forward because the situation might be different.

He doesn’t want to become the prey to any other person.

While waiting he was not idle instead he carefully observed his surroundings.

He was hiding in the dense leaves of the tree.

Half an hour passed and nothing changed.

There are few beasts that are attracted by the smell of blood.

They are munching down the other beasts right now.

Vikram started to move.

He did not move towards the center instead he started to go around the area.

He wanted to see if there is anyone around with the help of Tian Meng.

Usually others would not have a detection spirit like dream worm.

Even if they noticed Vikram they would not attack him directly.

This is because they wanted to sneak attack him.

Unfortunately for them Vikram can sense them easily when they are close at a certain distance.

Vikram moved sneakily and the other party noticing him is very low.

While he jumped around he suddenly felt the presence of another person that is sneaking in the thick bush looking forward towards the mound of dead beasts with greedy eyes.

He did not notice Vikram instead he was fantasizing about how much he can earn from selling so many things.

The reason why he was waiting here is just like Vikram.

He thought that there are other people and this is a fight of patience.

Vikram checked his insight skill and found that the other party might have a stat or two that are stronger than him.

But these values are not that great to cause any problem to Vikram.

Vikram took out his spear and pointed at the head of the person and threw it.

The sense value of the other person is much lower than Vikram.

That is why he did not sense the presence of Vikram.

Vikram doesn’t know how he came all this way with his low sense value.

He might be lucky to come all the way.

But it was unlucky to meet with Vikram.

Vikram did not want to kill this person at first.

But after the improvement of his will and insight he was able to senses the strange killing intent and few other things around people.

This person is not good and he has too much grievance value around him.

In fact most of his Lucky was actually rapidly consumed by these grievances.

Since there is a temple in the arks space it is normal to have karma values.

Killing would not give much karma of positive or negative.

But there are few things that should not be crossed.

If crossed the corresponding value of karma would be added and it would accumulate.

Once it reaches a certain value this karma would start to case many problems like rapid luck consumption.

Sudden illness or sudden crisis….

Just like that anything can happen because of that karma value.

There is no particular measuring device to this karma value and many people did not even know about this information.

Even Vikram only knows the superficial information and his improved insight can sense the things.

So Vikram did not stop and directly plunged his spear straight into the head of the man that is hiding.

The process is quick and the man died in less than 5 seconds.

Because the hit happened to his head he could not make any sound.

With his death Vikram took the things that can be taken and continued to search the area.

But he did not find anyone and Tian Meng also did not find anything.

Without any lead Vikram sighed and decided to collect the materials.

He was quick to move.

The hanging roots of the banyan tree became wood and plant fiber.

The tree was collected completely that is over 200 units of wood.

The beasts were disintegrated into meat and were packed separately in space.

There monster cores are also collected in large numbers.

This time Vikram found that the energy in the monster core of the tree is much higher than that of other monster beasts.

All of this was collected while the beasts munching on the meat were killed quickly with the machete and spear on hand.

Vikram has already cleaned the spear that is covered with human blood.

Vikram did not have strange habits.

Also those spears were thoroughly cleaned before using the water because of the situation with poisonous frog.

His clothes were not washed because of the time constraint.

After collecting everything he was really exhausted.

He took the treasure chest along with him and went to the bear cave for the time being.

There is no one here because of the arrangements he made to check for intruders.

With that assurance he went into the cave to rest.

He has been in the tensed fighting state for 5 hours.

Usually he did not do this kind of hard work every time.

So he was a little exhausted.

But his mentality is very strong.

He arranged a set of traps in the light blind spots of the cave just in case of someone or some beast comes over.

Then he stripped off his clothes to take a comfortable bath.

His body was previously dipped in poisonous water and poisonous frog blood.

He has to wash his body and the clothes carefully.

He was not worried about the expenditure of the water.

What he is spending is the domestic water that he collected but not the drinking water.

He can replenish it later.

For now he plants to carefully arrange the things.

After washing he put the clothes on the side to dry.

He lit up a small fire.

The bear cave is not completely closed.

There are ventilation holes that are very small like a porous membrane.

He carefully arranged the fire area and the clothes that are kept for drying are also there.

Chapter 523: poison resistance

There are ventilation holes that are very small like a porous membrane.

He carefully arranged the fire area and the clothes that are kept for drying are also there.

He first took out the frog meat that is not that much.

He cooked it carefully.

He found that consuming this frog meat can give him immunity to minor toxins and resistance to poison.

So he did not hesitate to eat the meat after carefully cooking it.

But as soon as he ate the little meat he felt that his stomach ached.

He actually lost consciousness.

When he woke up an hour of time has passed.

Fortunately there is no one here to attack him.

He has forgotten his principles and did not take caution before eating the food.

“I think that I have become softer over the years spent in the fantasy world and real world.”

If it was his past self then he would have covered the entrance to the cave with a bolder before eating something like this.

While thinking he put on the clothes and checked his status.

He found that his poison resistance has increased.

He is already resistant to poison but with the frog that resistance has stabilized at solid 20 percent.

No poison of minor poison could cause him any damage.

If it was other people that are the frog meat then they would have lost consciousness for at least 10 hours.

But Vikram was only out by 1 hour.

This show how strong his resistance and adaptability are.

He was already hungry after improving his resistance.

He started to cook the meat of the big beat from before.

While cooking he took out the bronze treasure chest to check the thing.

When he opened it he was dazzled by the things inside.

Vitality improvement potion x 1

Intelligence improvement potion x 1

Banyan tree hanging root whip x 1


Only these three things came out and Vikram was satisfied with these three things.

First of all his vitality is important and improving his intelligence stats can give him extra benefits with unlocking the power of dream worm.

Vikram did not hesitate and directly drank the two potions quickly.

Well they are small glass bottles that can be used to store volatile things.

After drinking his vitality stats reached 100+ stat points while his intelligence stats reached 80+ stats points.

If his intelligence stats reaches 100 he will be able to use his basic telekinesis and few other small things.

Then he checked the whip.

Item: banyan tree hanging root whip

Description: the banyan trees are strong with strong vitality and taking vitality of other plants around it.

The whip that is made of the hanging roots of banyan tree has the ability to steal the vitality of other people and give it to the user.

In simple terms it steals the health points of other people and then heals his body with the stolen health points.

It can repair automatically and it can be upgraded using the monster cores.


Vikram smiled and decided to use this for the time being.

It can be the best item for him in the lower levels.

At the handle of the whip end there is a space to place the monster cores for improvement.

This information was also provided straight into his mind when he thought about the improvement of the whip in his hand.

He took out the monster core of the banyan tree and looked at it for a moment.

Then he put it at the open end of the whip handle.

Immediately many small roots appeared and formed a cocoon like thing around the monster core and attached it firmly to end of the whip.

It looked like a design bulge in the Snape of a tear drop that is usually the structure of the monster core.

The size shrank slowly and the entire whip started to show green vines shining with full of power.

Vikram put it back in space to let it complete its energy intake and upgrade.

The time inside his personal space is stagnant.

But he can let the time flow at the specific place if he wanted.

So he let the time flow for the whip.

Then he looked at the meat that was almost cooked.

He will not stay here for long and move on to other areas.

But before that he plans to upgrade his base to level 10 completely.

This is an important step.

He took out his base first and placed it in the cave.

Then he connected the materials he collected into the base to let it upgrade.

Then he ate the meat while chatting with candy and Veena.

As for Cylia and Ginny (Jenny, I changed it) they did not contact him right now.

But their images are still there without turning our gray so they are still alive.

He observed that the dead people got their image turned grey and they are eliminated.


He collected the base that was upgraded and went out of the cave.

Then he started to hoard the materials required for improving the base.

It is mainly wood, stone and plant fiber.

These things are plenty available around the area.

So Vikram got the things quickly till the evening.

Whenever he was exhausted he would drink some water or juice and then he would eat the meat.

He has to consume the meat quickly to show the improvements.

As he expected the stamina and strength showed improvement as he ate and exercised.

The improvement that day is only 5 stats points over all by the consumption of the meat.

On the other hand the base was upgraded to level 7 and Vikram did not rest at night.

He continued to hoard more things to upgrade the base.

The higher the level of the base the safer it is for the player staying inside it.

A level 10, survival base can resist the attacks of a level 15 monster and beast.

Chapter 524: water survival entry point

The higher the level of the base the safer it is for the player staying inside it.

A level 10, survival base can resist the attacks of a level 15 monster and beast.

So for the next few days this is his target.

He found the location to harvest stone near the cliff,

There is wood everywhere and plant fiber is also everywhere.

This is not the only thing he plant to eat most of the meat that can improve his stats quickly.

Fortunately his cooking was so good that he can eat as much as he wanted.

With his constant exercise of hoarding things was digested and there is no fat.

The pickaxe and the stone axe could not last long.

So he bought the blueprints for metal pickaxe and iron axe.

He used the work bench that is free to start making these metal pickaxe and iron axe.

The work became easy for him.

Also he put some mad dog meat for sale.

There are people that still buy this.

Vikram also found that mad dog meat can let a person activate berserk mode within half an hour of eating it.

All the stats would rise by 10 percent for a few minutes and then everything would drop by 50 percent after coming out of the berserk mode.

So as a life saving material this meat was sold out quickly.

Vikram also sold this to get the blueprints, metals and few important things.

He worked for another 2 days continuously and upgraded his base to level 10.

He got a level- 12 blueprint and can upgrade to level 11, after breaking the level-12 base blueprint into two level 11 blueprints.

But the problem is not the blueprint but the materials.

From this point on the materials requires has changed.

It requires 2 iron ingots, and 10 units of lime along with a base core.

Lime is not lemon instead it is used for the construction and it a main ingredient in making cement from the old times.

Fortunately Vikram found that digging for stones has a chance of getting lime.

He has already collected 4 units of lime.

But the digging rate is 1 unit of lime can be found for digging around 100 units of stone.

So naturally it was hard to get immediately.

He still needs to explore the area to find other places to enter into another survival situation.

Also the stone reserves that he was digging before is not exhausted.

So he has to move away from here.

But before leaving he stocked up on the basic materials like wood, stone and plant fiber.

Also 4 water purifying machines are made and are placed on the top of 4 wooden barrels.

They would produce clean water.

During this time Vikram gained over 20 thousand survival points in 5 days.

This is because of his actions before to kill too many monster beasts here and even killing two other survivors.

This earned him a big wave of survival points.

They were used to gain better benefits for him.

Also he got three more base cores with him.

Based on the upgrade instruction from level 11 he needs more and more base cores.

This means that there would be good amount of struggle.

They might either fight or join together into a single group in the future.

While thinking of this Vikram moved to the other side of the forest slowly.

He still followed along the side of the river.

Along the way he found three wooden treasure chests, a mango fruit tree in full bloom, 2 iron treasure chests….

There are few beasts that are guarding these areas but were killed by Vikram.

He did not open the treasure chests and went along finding another area with stone reserves to gain more lime.

But he did not dig here either.

He went forward following the river as he found an area filled with snakes.

He has to take a detour because the trees were also filled with the snakes.

Also he vaguely saw a silver treasure chest in the snakes infested area.

He did not dare to bet his life here for a silver treasure chest.

He moved forward along the river and he happened to hear huge sound of the sea shore.

He almost could not believe his ears.

How can there be a sea in this place.

But when he arrived at the location at the end of the river, it is an open area with river touching the sea side.

It might be a sea or it might be an ocean.

What is strange is that the big cliff like wall broke like a Wedge.

But the opening is really huge.

The distance is not that large and Vikram can easily go there with a boat by rowing for a day or two.

The water at the wedge should be turbulent and needed careful maneuvering to navigate out of this place.

Right then Vikram got a notification when standing on the sandy beach.


Congratulations host, you have discovered another entry point for sea survival.

You will receive an extra reward for the discovery and if you enter into this survival area you can earn a bonus reward.

Number of people that can enter through this entry point in your current 20 day trail is 5 people.

Current available spots are 4.

Host cannot receive the first person to enter this water survival through this point.

The survivor has an entry requirement of to have at least level-10 survival base.



Host meets the requirements to enter water survival mode.

The survival base of the host can transform into a raft with a hut at level 10.

The upgrade blueprints will show a different upgrade pattern when you are in sea survival.

But reverting back to land would become problematic without proper materials.

So please choose the things carefully.

Once you made the choice you will not be able to change things easily.”

Chapter 525: a safe place with easy mode

Vikram also did not plan on going into the water because he is a creature of land instead of a creature of water.

Even though he knows swimming very well, going into the water with creatures that can be faster than him is very disadvantageous to him.

So he has directly rejected going into the water right now.

He would go into the water later when he got the chance again.

He did not believe that this is the only chance to enter the water survival mode.

So he walked along the coast and found few coconut trees.

He collected the coconuts along the way.

Coconuts are very useful in many places as food and water resources.

It can also be used as a material to lit fire with the dried shells.

So he collected more and frequently stored them inside the base.

In the way he found a protruded rock.

This is a good source of rock and lime.

So started to dig and decided to spend the day here.

Also he took out the fiber from his space and made thin ropes with high strength.

He attached some bait to the rope and threw it into the sea water.

Other than that he took out the sea water into to check if it has any poison.

Fortunately there is no poison.

So he decided to dry the sea water to make sea salt.

Even though he has brought some salt and materials they could not last long in this world.

He needs to refill them.

It is especially so for the salt that is essential for his body.

So he took the seal water in a big barrel and made a basin like thing using an iron ingot with the work bench.

He got the design of these minor things from previous trade.

There are plenty of these daily necessity things but he did not have enough materials to make them all.

He then made a fire pit with the tree leaves here to boil the sea water.

Whenever the water is gone he would pour more water to increase the concentration of the salt.

By the time it was evening he can gain at least 1 kilogram of salt.

While doing many things he was really proficient in multi tasking.

There is no disturbance because there is no smell of meat and this place did not have any thing that can attract those beasts.

There is no water source to drink or there is nothing here to hunt.

Instead there is fire here that they did not like.

Even thought those beasts have mutated those beasts are still beasts and they would still fear fire.

With the assurance he continued to work while still being vigilant.

While he was mining the stone and lime he came across few brainless lizards.

Even though they are lizards they are very big.

At least 1 meter long and has scales all over their body.

Vikram used the machete in his space to cut off their heads quickly.

They are agile but not as agile as him.

Vikram took out the cross bow from the space.

He used another material in place of string that he got from the mass beast killing before.

Like the leather of the bear he got the tendons of some beasts like deer.

Other materials are already with him to use so there is no problem.

He used the cross bow and the machete to kill at least 4 lizards.

Then he collected them with system decomposing.

From them he only got 1 beast core for the one that he headed with the machete.

The remaining three did not have any beast core.

Vikram did not care and collected their meat and their hook like bones that came along as the material.

Vikram immediately had the idea to hunt few more lizards.

He made some bait and attracted their attention and killed more than 20 lizards here.

He did not plan to eat the lizard meat as it did not have any special property.

He would sell it later.

He still has plenty of meat of those high level beasts that can improve his stats available to him.

He pulled out the rope that he threw into the water before.

The bait is gone but the fishes are not there.

Vikram just wanted to check and see if there are fishes.

This confirmed that there are fishes inside.

This gave him the right plan to deceive those fishes and pulled them using the newly obtained hooks.

Actually the nature is really a strange thing.

When there is a poison there is also an antidote to it right beside it.

The prey has a predator and the prey has a prey to survive.

Just like that the hooks to catch those fishes and the plant fiber to make the rope and fish net are all available side by side.

Vikram immediately did that and sent the rope into the water with hooks covered with lizard meat.

He went to mine and later when he added water to the fire he pulled the rope to set it to fish again.

In one pull he got over 20 fish of various sizes.

The fishes are normal fishes without any distinctive features of big teeth like piranhas that he caught before.

This should be easy to catch area in this survival ground of the wilderness.

There is always like that.

There is no perfect tough place or easy place and there is no perfect blessing or curse.

Everything has a loop hole and a flow that decides their direction.

As long as the flow and direction are identified then it would be as easy as walking in the park to get the things easily.

But there are prerequisite that you understand the flow and the flaw.

One wrong step can also cause a knot and kill that person on the spot.

That is how things are everywhere in the world.


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