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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 511: the danger under the abyss

Only after finding out that Vikram did not make a move it started to move out slowly and crawled down from the narrow passage way.

All of this was observed by Tian Meng while Vikram was silently sitting and resting.

Right when the snake crawled down to the edge and swallowed the last piece Vikram suddenly appeared out of hut.

Vikram moved the fastest to drip the spear straight on its head.

But he was not holding one spear instead there are two.

Just in case he was going for the heart location of the snake along with its head.

He could not be sure if the snake has a hard body.

But the location near the heart is usually week.

So he dropped the spears with both the hands at precise decided locations at the same time.

The spear on its head actually missed because of the agility and outer shell strength of the snake with only just a scar and some blood.

But the second spear hit the Mark and pinned the snake into the ground.

The spear hit at a tricky angle and cut off through the soft portion of its body that is the lower part or under body.

It went in and pierced the heart of the snake.

This position was locked on with the help of dream brother.

So it became easy for Vikram to kill the snake.

With the piercing of the spear the snake rolled and struggled on the ground for a while and even sprayed the venom out.

Vikram moved away from that area that poison was sprayed.

The ground showed the corrosion like it was spilled with something with strong acidity.

Vikram waited for it to complete stropped struggling.

But he did not dare to go near it for the time being.

Snakes are far more cunning than many other and are very good at acting dead and sneak attacking.

So he did not bother to go near the snake.

Instead he went into the small hut and took out some fiber mended into rope.

He mended it slowly into a rope before when he was waiting for the snake to come down.

He came out with the rope and tied it around the small hut tightly at one end and the other end was tied around his waist.

He did not believe that the narrow passage way was stable enough for him to get the silver treasure chest and return back.

Also the abyss below gave him a very dangerous feeling as if there is something dangerous underneath and looking at him through the darkness.

The snake finally died and he poked it few times with the other spear that did not pierce its head before.

Making sure that it did not move for a long time Vikram sent it into the personal space.

Even if it did not die it would die after it enters into the personal space.

The personal space would not allow any living creatures.

If they are put inside they would die directly.

He got the two spears and removed more than half of the attachable staff leaving two short arm length spears.

He can use them to latch on to the edge wall if there is a problem later.

After making all the preparations he took a deep breath and took his first step on the narrow passage way.

As soon as he took the step he felt that the piece of land below his step shake a little.

He took the step back and checked the situation.

The foundation is shaking.

Vikram lightened his footsteps and started to walk slowly on the narrow passage way to the top where the silver treasure chest is.

He could not make any excess movements so as to not to cause the foundation of the narrow passageway to collapse cutting off his return.

When he reached the top he did not dare to stand on a single spot for more than 2 seconds.

He quickly used the personal space to transfer the silver treasure chest.

But as soon as he took the silver treasure chest into the personal space the entire platform started to shake violently as if it would collapse at any moment.

Vikram did not have time to think and immediately moved towards the edge.

Right when he was 2 meters away from the platform the passageway fell completely.

He also fell down and was hanging at the edge with the help of the fiber that he tied to his waist.

Right at that moment he felt a strong sense of crisis as if danger is coming to him from behind.

The innate skill called Will activated calming his mind and letting his body not to freeze up with the fear of the strong killing intent.

He immediately took out the two short spears and used them as support to plunge them into the edge to climb up at his fastest speed.

When human body was hyper tensed then it would show special potential removing all the limiters of the body temporarily.

This has happened right now and Vikram climbed up in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he climbed up he went to the hut and took that into the Pokémon ball.

He did not forget to cut the fiber rope around his waist and started to run towards the other walls.

Behind him in the darkness of the abyss two dark red eyes shone creating a very dangerous feeling.

The shadow along with the black fog moved towards him but it was stopped by a barrier like thing right at the edge.

But Vikram could not gamble his life with some barrier.

He went to the wall that gave him empty feeling at the left corner and started to dig there.

The creature used its force to hit the barrier making the entire room to shake.

Even the edge started to show the signs of cracking when the creature hit the barrier.

Chapter 512: disasters with opportunities

The creature used its force to hit the barrier making the entire room to shake.

Even the edge started to show the signs of cracking when the creature hit the barrier.

Fortunately the wall he came over did not have any dangerous feeling.

Even if there is a feeling Vikram has to go in because staying here will definitely kill him.

He dug the wall at the fastest speed and jumped into the next room with the shovel on hand.

As soon as he entered into the next room he fell into the muddy ground.

The place he landed is like a river bank with flowing water from unknown source.

The cold water eased his tense nerves and he slowly moved to the dry ground and took deep breaths.

After few minutes he finally calmed down and looked at his surroundings.

On the dry land there are just some plants and grass.

Other than that there are no trees or rocks.

He called out for Tian Meng but the reply was delayed.

“I am still here.

I don’t know what that creature is but it was very strong.

Fortunately you did not stay there.

If you stay there we would have died in there.

We are really lucky.”

Vikram nodded his head.

Fortunately his innate skill Will activated completely keeping him on the rational side and did not fall into fear.

He observed his skill panel and found that his innate skill king’s will have leveled up by a few tiers quickly after this big event.

With the previous accumulated skill experience points and the current brush off has let it quickly reached tier 4.

Vikram nodded happily with the unexpected gain.

He suddenly noticed that there are some red rabbits hopping in the grass and hid back into the hole they burrowed.

They did not come to attack Vikram.

This is also a good thing.

Vikram also remembered that he still has a silver treasure chest that he has to open and gain some good things from.

He looked around to make sure that there is nothing wrong.

Even dream worm looked around to see if there any problem and found that everything is alright.

With that they stopped being vigilant and relaxed for now.

Vikram took out the silver treasure chest and placed it in front of him.

He did not dare to open it directly and tool the help of pickaxe and shovel to open the box from a little distance.

Fortunately there is no trap and inside he obtained some good things.

Level 10 base upgrade blueprint x 2

Vitality improvement potion x 1

Work bench blueprint x 1

Crossbow and arrow set blueprint x 1

Chicken Biryani x 4

20 liters water bottle x 4


The eyes of Vikram are shining.

He can split the level 10 base upgrade blueprint into two level 9 base upgrade blueprint.

Similarly he can pull that all the way to level 3.

He can upgrade his base to level 3 first with the amount of materials he has on hand.

The only material that is in requirement is actually the fiber.

Fortunately this place has plenty of plants that can only become fiber and foliage.

So he immediately went to collect them.

But before that he took out the vitality potion and checked it.

Item: vitality potion

Description: consumable item that can improve vitality.

It is not a healing item so Vikram can directly consume it to improve his vitality stats.

So he directly drank it and immediately felt strong warmth all over his body.

Then he checked his status panel to find that his vitality stats have improved by 20 stats points.

This made him happier.

With extra vitality his defense and stamina would also show improvement.

The work bench could be placed inside the base but the base should be at least level 5.

Vikram did not have these materials.

As for the crossbow and arrows set blueprint, it is said that he can add them to the work bench once it was made and use it to make the crossbow and arrows.

Also he found that the work bench requires extra materials and also need a source of power to operate.

It would not work on its own without a source of power.

Vikram quickly collected the plant fiber and then dripped the grass and foliage that was slightly dried into the rabbit holes.

Then he rubbed the tip of the spears against the iron blocks to generate fire splinters and lit the foliage and grass.

When the rabbits came out he directly killed them and used the system to break them into meat.

He did not have equipment to process them.

He also found a good thing that the rabbit meat can improve his agility stats.

With all the plants collected here Vikram just had enough materials to upgrade the base to level- 3 with the level 3 blueprint.

He split one of the level 10 blueprint to this level and based on the available thing he can upgrade to level 10 at the end with a level 3 blueprint remaining as excess.

He can sell it out later or increase it to a higher level blueprint.

While the base is upgrading he made a simply camp fire with the few blocks of extra stone, iron and the foliage.

Then he started to cook the rabbit meat slowly.

There is not much rabbit meat and he can finish it today.

It is already evening so he decided to stay here for the day.

Any way the lighting in the room strangely dimmed as if the sun is setting and it looked like it would become dark later.

Soon after half an hour his guesses came true.

It turned dark and he felt like he was camping out in the open.

Right around that time he received messages from candy and Veena that they decided to stop too.

So they chatted about their gains and losses that day.

Chapter 513: trade mania

Right around that time he received messages from candy and Veena that they decided to stop too.

So they chatted about their gains and losses that day.

The timer on the space showed that it was around 6 PM.


Attention all survivors….

Attention all survivors….

After 6 PM all the monsters and creatures in the rooms would have an all round improvement by two times their original power.

So be careful if you want to explore in the dark.

The rewards would not increase thought…”

The last sentence made many people stop in their tracks of wanting to explore the next room.

They have faced the monsters and creatures in the rooms and they know that if they are twice as strong then they might have to face some injuries.

In this kind of place injury is the worst thing that can happen.

Getting an injury is no different than reducing their strength.

Also there is no medicine till now.

Even if someone got that they would not trade the medicine for anything.

So naturally no one would take the risk.

This includes Vikram because he did not get a single medicine during this entire time from many treasure chests that he got till now.

So he was worried that even he might not be safe and secured.

While he was chatting with candy and Veena another notification popped out.


Trade mania,

For the sake of giving a little novice protection, the survivors are given a special trading time for 1 hour from 7 PM to 8 PM.

You can trade for free during this time and from tomorrow everything would be charged with survival points.

You can also trade the goods separately from the trading area without any charges applied.

The auction system would work during this time….”

With few more rules the notification ended.

Vikram blinked for a moment and immediately became happy.

Veena said that she has enough materials to upgrade her base to level 3 but she is missing a level 2 upgrade blueprint.

So Vikram would give her that after separating the level 3 base upgrade blueprint into two level 2 base upgrade blueprints.

As for the other level 2 base upgrade blueprint Vikram decided to sell.

Candy did not require a level 2 base upgrade blueprint.

With that he waited peacefully for the trading to start.

Soon it was 7 PM and the trade started.

Vikram did not put anything up for sale.

In the stocks trading and in other cases it is best to wait and trade after understanding the market.

This kind of limited time market has two important rushes.

The opening rush and the closing rush.

Vikram plans to use the closing rush to sell off his goods at the best possible price from the previous collected data.

As he expected right when the trade started many people put wood, stone, plant fiber and even the dugout soil asking for water, food and medicine.

There are people that are asking for blueprints.

There are people that are selling blueprints.

Also some are selling meat from creatures.

The number of people in an area is limited to 1 million.

But the trade area is all places inclusive.

Vikram doesn’t know where candy and Veena are present because they are in a faraway place.

Similarly Cylia and jenny were also far away.

Also Cylia and jenny did not give him any reply till now.

So Vikram doesn’t know their thoughts.

First of all Vikram started to search for the materials that are put at the cheap list.

There are 10 units of wood sold for 100 ml of water.

Similarly stone 10 units of stone sold for 100 ml of water.

Plant fiber is 5 units for 100 ml of water.

Just like that many materials are on sale.

But the number of people that are begging are actually very less.

Vikram first sent some materials to Veena and candy.

Veena received the level 2 base upgrade blueprint.

Candy wanted to eat something delicious so she sent some pig meat not the wild boar meat to Vikram to cook.

She was fortunate enough to encounter some pork in a treasure chest.

Vikram also noticed some spices on sale but they are costly.

He would wait till the end to see if the cost of the spices reduces a little to buy them with water or bread.

While Vikram is cooking time passed by quickly and there is only 10 minutes before the close of the trade time.

Vikram found that many of the prices are reduced and he directly selected many of the wood, stone, fiber……..

Then he bought them using the water and bread he has.

The water is collected from the small river like thing that is flowing from somewhere and flowing to somewhere.

He could not see the edge as it looked just like the abyss that he saw before.

Fortunate there is no sense of danger here.

Also the water he took in using a used water bottle.

When he put it in the trade window it did not show any problem with the water.

But the quality of water is not good and suggested that he needs boil the water before drinking.

So he made it specifically noted to the buyers that they have to boil the water before drinking.

Using this water as the currency he bought all the materials available except for the normal soil.

There are few people that are actually selling some fertile soil.

Vikram also collected some from the fertile from under the trees that he got before.

All of that was also stored in units in the personal space by the setting of the system.

This shows that even sand has its own use and he has to find the use of it later.

This also means that it is possible to farm in the future.

He has to stay here for more than 6 year so it is inevitable to farm for green vegetables.

Chapter 514: the creatures in the night

This also means that it is possible to farm in the future.

He has to stay here for more than 6 year so it is inevitable to farm for green vegetables.

This is the only way to get all the necessary supplements for the humans and many creatures.

By the time the trading market closed Vikram has enough materials to upgrade his base directly to level 6.

He spent the time to upgrade which is just over 10 minutes.

Then he made the work bench that consumed most of his iron blocks directly.

As soon as work bench is made it asked him for a source of power to start.

Unfortunately Vikram did not have a power source and he doesn’t know what power source it actually requires.

Vikram sighed and he did not get any clue from his girls either.

Since there is nothing he could do he simply started to cook for himself for the night.

While hoarding just now he got some cooking utensils from others in trade mania just now.

So instead of cooking something normal he made some stir fry with meat.

While harvesting just now he got some eatable grass and plant leaves.

These things were originally not very popular in the real world or back on earth.

He only learnt about them when he went on a mission in a remote area in Africa where a backward tribe used these things to cook meat.

So he did the same and the fragrance made his tongue salivate.

He ate straight from the cooking vessel since there is nothing like a plate available with him.

He was eating rabbit meat.

When he was done eating he checked his stats and found that his agility has really improved by 2 stat points.

Well he is at the starting point.

So it is natural that the improvement appeared right now.

In the future he might have to consume more to see the same improvement.

Also there is still more rabbit meat and wild boar meat available for him to eat.

For now he has plenty of food available for him to consume.

As for the dog meat it was used to gain few more blueprints like a water purifier and condenser design and barrel design….

He made barrel and took big barrels of water from the water body on the side.

This would be used later when he wanted to use water purifier and condenser.

The problem here is that he did not have any bronze ingots which are needed for the water purifier.

He sighed that he did not encounter a bronze treasure chest during this time.

It should be below silver treasure chest but he did not have one.

Since there is nothing he could do he decided to wake up early on the next day for the journey.

In around 6000 days the first day was finally over.

He did not rest outside because the system said that the base is the only safe place.

So he went inside to rest.

After the upgrade the space is much wider inside the base and he can create partitions if needed to separate the place into separate rooms.

The space inside has increased to 6x6x6 cubic meters.

It looked like a big room with lot of space.

But Vikram did not have many things to place inside.

He took out some plant fiber and foliage to make a place to sleep.

He took out big bread pack to use it as pillow.

Well there is a cover around it and he don’t mind sleeping on it or squashing the bread.

He is going to use the squashed bread to cook something different the next day.

When he was sleeping he felt that there are some things moving outside the base.

So he slowly got out and checked the situation through the small holes on the wooden board walls.

When he looked out he saw that there are big creatures like black panthers or leopards that are as big as an elephant.

Their feeling these monsters are giving is not different than the high level chaos monster beasts back in the real world.

They are very strong and they seem like they can move between rooms without any obstruction or they can sense the things.

Also inside the base it appears that they are safe for the time being.

It might be a novice protection or something like that.

So the base is safe right now.

He doesn’t know how long this protection would last.


The host was capable enough to discover this secret.

The time of novice protection would last for 20 days in the survival world

As long as the stats of the survivor reach 100 stat points or they upgrade their base to level 10, they will be able to survive the disaster of being discovered by night creatures.

It should be completed before the 20 days time limit.

You will be given a choice and based on your thoughts the rewards are given.

Option 1: keep the discovery to yourself.

You would be rewarded with discovery reward of 1000 survival points and the title loner.

Option 2: spread the news

Host would receive extra reward other than bonus.

The reward would be 1 survival point for every 1000 people that got the news you spread.


Title: loner

Description: loner title would make the person unable to meet with another person of the same species ever in this survival event.

Congratulations you will not be betrayed by someone from the same species.


Vikram smiled and chose the second option.

He doesn’t care about the people that want to betray him because he would kill them the moment they wanted to do something.

He is not a soft person to leave a betrayer without any revenge.

But he would not spread the news right now.

Instead he would spread it at 5 AM in the morning next day.

6 AM is the reset time for getting survival points.

Chapter 515: rewards of the first day

Instead he would spread it at 5 AM in the morning next day.

6 AM is the reset time for getting survival points.

Early morning on the next day Vikram wok up around at 5 AM.

He immediately sent the information he obtained thought the system with a speaker that is given for free for the first day.

From the second day one has to have survival points to use the speaker to speak in the chatting page.

Also chatting page has world chat, species chat, regional chat and local chat.

The local chat has around 1 million members.

Everyone was given 1 speaker in all of these chats for free on the first day.

So he spoke in every one of the chats at the same time.

With that he received a message.


Host has successfully completed the choice.

Host would receive your bonus reward and other rewards after the reset time.

The rewards are calculated at 6 AM in the morning and the rewards would be given to the survivor….”

With that message Vikram relaxed and went to wash off.

The barrels he has were from the trade yesterday and he needs more barrels.

For that he has to activate the work bench because he already got the blueprint of the barrel.

To activate the work bench he has only one way that is to find the source of energy.

Since he could not find any then he can only leave here reluctantly without taking the plenty of water here.

He quickly filled up the barrels and other things he had on hand.

When it was around 6 AM the system gave out a ring.


Congratulations on surviving

The rewards for the survival are being calculated right now.

The bonus reward of discovery, 1000 survival points are rewarded.

4.5 million Survivors watched your shared information, 4500 survival points are rewarded. (One time)

Successfully survived the first day, 10 survival points are rewarded.

Survivor has explored 16 rooms, 160 survival points are rewarded.

Host has killed 4 mad dogs of level 3, 120 survival points are rewarded.

Host has killed 4 agile rabbits of level 2, 80 survival points are rewarded.

Host has killed 1 wild boar of level 8, 80 survival points are rewarded.

Host has killed 1 poisonous snake of level 6, 60 survival points are rewarded.

The survival base is upgraded to level 6, 60 survival points are rewarded

The grand total of survival points 6070 survival points.


Vikram was happy with the survival points that he obtained.

He checked the details and found the new rules in another notification.


Dear survivor the first day is free trade without charging survival points.

But from today every trade has a certain cost that needed to be paid.

Selling or buying the things can be carried out through the usage of survival points.

If it is barter then the system calculates the fee of the things for trade.

100 units of wood and stone would charge a fee of 10 survival point.

1 liter of water trading requires 10 survival points as fee.

Various dishes and blueprints would also be charged for selling and buying by the system.

So please be prepared for the payment.”

Vikram checked the things and sighed.

He packed his things and looked at the water source for one last time before leaving this room.

He dug the wall in front of him and started his new day’s journey.

In the next room he only got some plant fiber and nothing else.

There is a plant with a flower with orange red flower.

It was collected separately.

System immediately asked him if he wanted to identify the material.

But there is a certain fee for this.

Vikram checked it and found that it costs 10 survival points to find the information about this plant.

Vikram doesn’t know what this plant is and he dare not touch the unknown thing directly.

So he decided to give it a search by spending 10 survival points.

“System identification of the plant is complete

Plant Name: blood burst

Description: it is one of the key ingredients to make a berserk potion

Directly consuming the flower on the plant can temporarily increase all the stats by 50 percent for 2 minutes

After the improvement it would decrease all the stat by 50 percent for 20 minutes.

The flower tastes like that of eating raw beetroot.


Vikram found that it is not a poisonous plant.

He directly took it out and kept in his personal space.

If the situation is not right he can use this as the trump card.

Vikram then moved to the next room as he continued while the chat panel is silent because no one wanted to spend survival points on nonsense.

Well there are occasional morons and MLM Company people that would target to attract the resources of other survivors.

There are always idiots that believe in this kind of nonsense.

Vikram did not have any time to look at these advertisements and the begging of morons.

Candy and Veena messaged him that they received around 400 survival points yesterday after all the things.

Fortunately private chats with the friends are not charged.

At least that is what Vikram thought and found that it is a monthly recharge thing.

He has to spend 200 survival points every month to get messages from his friends and send messages back.

Fortunately he did not have to pay them immediately instead he can pay them at any time of the month.

If not paid by the end of the month it would be deducted automatically or penalty would fall on him.

Candy and Veena already know about this matter.

But still they have to talk with someone if not they would become mad.

So they sent the message to Vikram and informed him about this matter and said that it was not a problem.

Vikram also replied and paid 50 points for now and the remaining amount would be paid later.

Chapter 516: monster core energy source

So they sent the message to Vikram and informed him about this matter and said that it was not a problem.

Vikram also replied and paid 50 points for now and the remaining amount would be paid later.

With that he talked to them as he moved to the new room.

The next room is also normal with a wooden treasure chest.

The rewards are only food and some water.

When he went to the walls again he felt danger from one of the walls but there is also reward there.

As for the other walls there is not much feeling in them.

Vikram was immediately moved to dig this wall on the left.

Soon he entered into the new room with the spear in his hand.

He checked the room and found that the room is quite big but there is no such thing as abyss.

At the center of the room there is a small nest and a big wolf was sleeping there.

Beside the wolf there is a bronze treasure chest.

The wolf is not small.

It is as big as or even bigger than a lion.

It was completely grey with black patches.

It is currently sleeping or at least acting like it is sleeping.

Vikram was sure that it was a beast that is above level 10 and killing it is not an easy thing.

He did not move from the spot he appeared for a few moments before checking the situation around him clearly.

The ground has trees, small twigs and leaves all over.

There are only 2 trees here but the foliage was spread all over the place.

It would act like a detection mechanism for the wolf to detect the movements around.

As long as someone stepped on the broken twigs or leave there would be sound and the wolf would become alert.

Naturally there is no such thing near the walls.

It was the protection of the system.

Vikram was sure that even if he did not make a sound his smell would be noticed by the wolf and it would definitely wake up soon.

As he thought moments later the wolf opened it eyes and looked towards Vikram.

Vikram did not move from his position and stayed there with the wall behind him.

He has a plan to solve the wolf with smallest movement directly.

Vikram immediately put on an expression of fear.

Dogs and many kinds of animals can read the human emotions from face and act accordingly.

With the fear on the face of Vikram the vigilance of the wolf reduced a little.

He took the position to start the attack on Vikram.

Vikram showed even more fear and tightly held the spear in his hands.

The wolf has already calculated and decided to push or dodge the spear when it attacks him.



It made these sounds with great happiness as if it got a feast.

Vikram did not move and then made an action as if his legs and hands are trembling with fear.

The wolf started to run towards him with great speed and right when it was about to pounce at Vikram, it used its front legs claws to push the spear to the side.

Right then Vikram brought out the other spear from the personal space with its flat bottom supported the wall and its sharp head wet straight towards the mouth of the wolf.

Actually the spear is stationary with Vikram standing sideways positioning it so that its sharp tip to point straight at the mouth of the wolf.

The wolf that just pushed away the other spear did not think that another spear would come out of thin air at the last moment.

Also it was at its full speed pounce towards Vikram.

Naturally in that situation it could no longer escape and was impaled from the mouth with the sharp spear piercing its insides because of the strong base support of the wall.

Vikram was not idle at that time the other spear that was pushed by the wolf was sent to space and it was taken out again to pierce the wolf again from different angle.

The force was really great and the wolf was directly nailed to the ground with its neck by the spear.

The wolf wanted to move and kill Vikram but it could not move in its situation of disoriented head.

Also it has strong internal bleeding as it struggled for a while before dying slowly.

Vikram did not leave or move away from the wolf.

He held the spear down so that the wolf would not get a chance to attack or move.

Only after he got the option of decomposing the wolf did he calmed down.

He pulled out the spears and sent them back to space after cleaning it with the leaves of the tree.

Then he decomposed the wolf immediately he got two things.

Wolf meat x 8 (Consuming it might increase agility and sense)

Monster core x 1 (Can be used as energy source)

Vikram immediately became interested.

He took out the base to check the monster core usage.

When he put the monster core in the energy source box of the work bench and it immediately disintegrated into energy.

Then the work bench notified him.

“The current energy was sufficient for 1 hour of usage.”

Vikram immediately understood but he will not use it right way.

He went to check the bronze treasure chest.

As soon as he opened the treasure chest he got few good things.

Machete x 1

10 pieces cream bread box x2

Iron ingots x 4

5 liter Water bottle x 4

6 pieces spice pack box x 1


Vikram looked at the things and felt happy.

They are really useful to him right now.

With the things available he can make cross bow and arrows now.

With them hunting would become much easier.

He took away the base and started to collect the remaining materials.

Chapter 517: room filled with water and poisonous frog

With them hunting would become much easier.

He took away the base and started to collect the remaining materials.

After setting everything he took out the base again.

Then he first made few wooden barrels with the work bench.

Well he did not have to do anything all he has to do is to click the blueprint and input the materials into the work bench.

It would automatically manufacture the selected item.

A wooden barrel requires 1 minute of production time.

Vikram made 6 wooden barrels spending 12 units of wood.

Then he selected the water condenser and purifier that would take 24 minutes to complete.

He added the materials that he just obtained to the work bench and let it work.

Everything would be made after 30 minutes.

During this time he can go around to other rooms.

While going around he checked the walls again.

This time he felt that he has to go down again.

So he started to dig a hole on the ground.

In the room below he fell straight into water.

The water is cold and Vikram immediately became vigilant.

He looked around to see the big room filled with water but there is also lighting.

The water is very clear and cold.

Vikram made sure that he did not drink any part of the water without knowing what this is.

The depth of the water is only 2.5 meters and he can clearly see the bottom.

He did not see any danger nearby but there is a bronze box under the water at one corner.

Also there are few shining pearls, water plants and few other collectable things in the water.

But Vikram did not reduce his vigilance.

This is because this place gave the same feeling as the previous room.

Tian Meng quickly scanned and found that there is a frog like creatures right by the side of the treasure chest.

It seems like this frog is very poisonous.

Also it was as big as a dog.

If you did not look carefully you will think of it as a rock under the water.

This also means that the water has poisonous nature too.

But the amount of poison in the water is not strong to cause much harm to Vikram.

Fighting with the frog in the water is completely useless.

The frog is very poisonous and can easily pollute the water with more poison.

Vikram cannot eat frog but he was sure that it was a level 10 creature.

So he can use the monster core.

There is also bronze treasure chest.

But he did not have any weapons to fight with the frog under the water.

If he could not fight with his full strength he will not be able to kill it.

Vikram was sure that its tongue is its attack weapon.

The attack can easily poison Vikram.

Vikram hesitated for a moment and then thought about the heavy iron blocks he has on hand.

Even in water as long as the weight is applied the creature under it would die.

As for the damage to those metal and wood it can easily be solved with just washing a little.

Well he will think about it later.

While thinking he came over to the treasure chest.

He doesn’t know how far is the reach of the frog from its original position to stretch out its tongue.

Naturally it was around a third of the length of its body.

Since it is as big as a dog which should be around a meter and a half, it should stretch out its tongue for a distance of half a meter minimum and a meter at maximum.

That is because it is a creature in this survival event.

Vikram floated to the top of the water where there is a meter of air gap for him to take in some air.

Then he had a different idea that is to collect some boulders in the water and use them to crush the frog instead of dropping his metal ingots.

With that thought dream brother immediately searched for few boulders around.

Vikram has a big space so he can do this others might not be able to do the same as Vikram at this current stage.

There are higher level people than Vikram that has more personal space but they should be able to think about this point before using it.

Vikram quickly collected the big boulders into his personal space and then brought it over to the top of the frog.

The frog did not react to the movements of Vikram, thinking that the prey is observing the situation.

It could not attack longer distances and can only attack at close range.

So naturally it is waiting.

Unexpectedly there a big shadow about its head suddenly that rolled down straight on the top of its head.

It was a bolder that Vikram released at the right position with the help of the dream worm.

The bolder came into contact with the frog but its movement is not that fast.

So the frog still has time to escape.

But right then few more boulders fell around it without it noticing.

The result is that the frog was completely crushed under the boulders.

Vikram took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He has already noticed the blood in the water.

It was poisonous to come into contact with the blood for too long.

So Vikram has to complete his work quickly.

He closed his eyes so that his eyes would not be damaged by the poisonous blood of the frog.

When he came down dream worm helped him with the directions.

Vikram walked forward till he reached the treasure chest.

Before starting this plan Vikram has already took everything around this place and only the treasure chest and frog remained with few resources around.

Vikram doesn’t know if the frog is really dead but dream worm can tell with its senses and tell Vikram about the details.

Chapter 518: golden treasure chest and deadly ghost

Before starting this plan Vikram has already took everything around this place and only the treasure chest and frog remained with few resources around.

Vikram doesn’t know if the frog is really dead but dream worm can tell with its senses and tell Vikram about the details.

The frog did not die but Vikram did not care because it could not move right now.

It was straight under the bolder and was stuck.

Also it was heavily injured right now.

It could not move but it can attack as its head is still intact.

Vikram first took away the bronze treasure chest.

Then he moved around the area to get everything he wanted.

He then floated up to get more air and then returned into the water with his eyes closed.

He took out his spear and pierced through the eye of the frog under the directions of dream brother.

After few trails it finally died and the options appeared in front of Vikram.

Even thought he closed his eyes the option appeared in front of him.

With a thought he chose to disintegrate the frog and take the materials obtained.

Poisonous frog meat X2

Monster core x1

The strange thing here is that the insight skill told him that this frog meat is useful to him.

So he immediately kept the things inside his personal space and left this room.

He swam to the sides of the walls and found that the wall to the right in the back has better feeling.

So he dug the wall quickly and entered through the black film.

Strangely the water in the room behind did not enter here.

But he was completely drenched by the water and he has to wash his body quickly before doing anything.

Dream worm quickly scanned the area and told him that the room is safe.

Other than a well there is nothing in this room.

Vikram did not go to the well because anything can happen in the apocalypse land.

He removed his clothes and took out a mineral water bottle and washed off his head and face cleanly first.

Even though it was a loss he has to bear with that to gain the benefits.

With the face and hair cleaned he finally opened his eyes.

He looked at the old well in this place surrounded by dead trees and looked eerie.

He actually had a good feeling about this place.

It was very strange and Vikram felt if his senses are being tampered with something here.

So he did not drop his vigilance.

After a moment of hesitation he decided to take a look at the well that has a glimmer of golden light coming out of it.

When he come closure the good feeling increased.

It is like someone or something wanted him to come close to it.

Vikram is still vigilant and looked into the well.

Immediately what appeared in front of his eyes is a golden treasure chest.

The first thing that came to his mind is danger instead of happiness.

This place is dangerous and I have to leave here.

He did not have any greed towards the golden treasure chest instead he was greedy for his life.

Right at that moment there is a dark figure right behind Vikram.

It was not a living being but a ghostly being with the scariest appearance.

Its eyes have worms coming out of them, face filled with scars and burn marks.

Hair stuck to its head like it was applied with grease.

The body did not have a physical thing instead it was unreal.

It was covered with chains all over but not physical chains.

Vikram and Tian Meng noticed this immediately.

But they did not turn around.

Instead Vikram took a leap over the 1.5 meter wide old well and ran to the opposite wall without a second thought.

The ghost did not seem to have thought that and Tian Meng tried its best to stop the attraction of thoughts towards Vikram.

But after crossing few meters away from the well the sense of danger is completely gone.

Vikram was really shocked.

But he did not dare to turn around.

Even though it was golden treasure chest he did not dare to look for it.

When he came to the wall he did not try to sense anything and directly dug the wall.

It seems like the ghost could not move out of a certain distance away from the well.

Unfortunately the golden treasure chest is inside the well.

But the ghostly attraction is really great and Vikram doesn’t want to use his life for the golden treasure chest like a moth flying into the flames.

Vikram completed the digging of the wall and entered to the next room decisively.

This time he actually fell on the top of a tree.

This place has an open sky with sun on the top.

Vikram was shocked.

He suddenly thought that he was outside in the real world.

Unfortunately that was not true.

He was still inside the survival event.

He quickly caught the branches to not fall down as soon as he got hit by the tree.

The system gave him a notification.


Congratulations on arriving at a special place.

20 days survival in the wilderness challenge would commence.

The number of people currently present in this wilderness is 8 including the host.

This is a huge place where host can explore the place carefully.

Find the clue to the next survival situation as quickly as possible within the 20 days.

If you did not find the place then you will be eliminated with a penalty.

As long as the penalty is paid host can go out of this place to the real world.

If the penalty was not paid then the host would be obliterated.”

Vikram looked back and found that the entrance he came was through the cliff wall of a mountain rock.

The place is already closed completely.

Chapter 519: the wilderness is really dangerous than closed rooms

Vikram looked back and found that the entrance he came was through the cliff wall of a mountain rock.

The place is already closed completely.

Fortunately the height he fell is not that high and he was able to react quickly to hold on to the thick branch.

After stabilizing his mind, he looked around carefully.

The trees are very tall and are lush green in color.

He is already at the top of the tree and looked around the area.

As far as his eyes could see there is a forest with thick trees.

The surrounding area has an enclosed space surrounded by curved cliff in circular space.

The curve is inward without letting anyone to climb out.

Also the cliff edge is so high that it is impossible to climb out no matter what.

There is huge bird like creatures in the sky that would hunt down the people that wanted to climb.

So all in all it is impossible to climb out of this place.

Also those birds would not fly out of this place.

Outside the enclosed area there is a huge open sky with sun and clouds.

It is day time and based on the time in the system it was 10 AM in the morning.

Strangely the sun is actually in the right position.

Vikram heard carefully and found that there is the sound of water.

Vikram slowly climbed down the tree and checked to see if there are any animal markings in the area.

Since there is water there are animals around the area.

Vikram doesn’t know what kind of animals there are so he did not dare to make too much noise.

He walked towards the water source and found that there are scratch markings on the trees.

These scratch marks are actually from a bear.

The height of the bear is over 3 meters high.

He was shocked and felt more vigilant while walking.

He was sure that the bear cave should be at the cliff wall.

Vikram walked over towards the water source slowly.

On the way he found few animal droppings from other animals like wild boars, rabbits….

When Vikram came close to the water source he did not go ahead instead he climbed up the tree to jump from tree to tree to reach the edge where the water source is present.

Only when he came close to the water source did he understand how good his caution is.

It actually saved his life.

When he looked at the water which is a river he found few eyes floating up from the water.

There are crocodiles in the water.

Not small ones but big ones that are more than 5 meters long.

Even though there is a way to stop them from biting him but fighting them in the water is really dangerous.

Killing them is not an easy thing.

While he was waiting a wild boar arrived near the water source.

Immediately the crocodiles came over to bite the wild boar and pull it deep into the water.

Soon the water turned red with all the blood.

Then the waves stopped.

The water is moving and the blood washed away.

Vikram found another important thing.

That is the beasts here are more than level 10 level creatures.

Killing them is not an easy thing when they surrounded him.

He doesn’t know if there is any ghost like creatures here.

He did not stop there and followed along the flowing direction of the river.

This way he can meet other people or find an area without any crocodiles.

He happened to come straight at the location of crocodiles nest before.

This did not mean that the entire river is filled with crocodiles.

After jumping around the trees for a while he actually felt a shine reflected on his eyes.

He immediately stopped and looked in that direction.

It was actually a bronze treasure chest right below a big banyan tree.

Vikram observed it for a few moments.

Then broke the branch of a tree and threw towards the bronze treasure chest.

It is not a low level wooden treasure chest but a bronze treasure chest.

So naturally it should have some beast to protect it.

The broken branch hit the ground but there are no movements around the bronze treasure chest.

Vikram still did not believe that and looked around the area to find a beast to test out the situation.

But he did not find anything around here.

So he took out the fish slices from his ark space, pierced it with a tree branch and threw it towards the bronze treasure chest.

After doing this he waited there silently for the smell of fish meat to attract the attention of other creatures.

But he did not expect that the creature was actually a bear.

The bear is 3 meters tall and when it came all the way to the slice of fish meat it was disappointed.

Then suddenly the prop roots of the banyan tree moved slowly behind the big bear.

Vikram was shocked.

He did not expect that the banyan tree is actually a monster.

This made him terrified when he was hanging around the trees.

On the other hand the fight between the monster tree and the bear started immediately.

As they fought with each other Vikram stood there silently to gain benefits when both sides are exhausted.

The tree has many broken branches while the bear has many tears on its skin with blood oozing out.

The fierce fight lasted for half an hour before the big bear separated from the tree and decided to escape from here.

Vikram would not let it leave because it was the best chance he can get.

Actually both the monster tree and the big bear are over level 10 but there is a slight different in levels that caused the situation.

Vikram followed the big bear for a while.

The big bear noticed Vikram and stopped after a while to attack its pursuer.

Chapter 520: strangled the bear to death

Vikram followed the big bear for a while.

The big bear noticed Vikram and stopped after a while to attack its pursuer.

Vikram did not move to attack it directly.

He chased it till it reached its cave.

He wanted to know where it lived so that he can get some benefits from its home.

So he chased it but the big bear stopped immediately after leaving the territory of the banyan tree monster and decided to confront Vikram directly.

Vikram was already prepared for this and right when the bear turned back he dropped out a noose made of plant fiber rope straight on to its neck.

The rope was hanged on from a thick branch and Vikram jumped down holding the rope controlling his center of gravity.

The bear is at least 3 times heavier than Vikram.

But the sudden movements made the noose tight around the neck of the bear causing it to suffocate.

It tried to break the rope but Vikram used the rope to swing forward with a spear on his hand to poke the wounds of the bear causing it to lose its strength.

After a few minutes of strangling the bear finally died.

Vikram only stopped when he saw the option of disintegrating the bear.

He now has a machete and he can dissect the bear meat.

But the big problem is the surrounding situation.

The bloody smell can easily attract the beasts around.

So it is good to escape from here quickly without getting himself into the traps.

So he directly disintegrated the bear body.

Immediately he got.

Bear skin x 1

Bear meat x 5

Monster core x 1


His insight activated and gave him a notification that consuming the bear meat can improve his stamina and strength.

Vikram nodded his head and looked towards the direction that bear is fleeing.

There are markings that the bear came towards here using this way.

This means that following the trail can lead to the place from where the bear started to come.

It is said that the bear can smell the things 3 kilometers away easily.

So people would not eat anything smelly when they are in the bear infested areas of the forest when they got for camping.

Naturally the distance to travel to follow the trail should also be a long one that is 3 kilometers or higher.

Vikram followed the trail quickly leaving the bloody scene.

Soon he heard some commotion behind him.

Vikram plan to let those beasts stay there to kill themselves or lure them back to the big banyan tree with the bronze treasure chest.

This way he can gain more benefits.

As long as they fight each other he can be a fisher man to gain the benefits from the side.

He quickly moved towards the cliff wall again and after a while he stopped on the top of the tree branch.

In front of him there is a cave.

It should be the bear cave.

Vikram was vigilant for a few minutes observing the surrounding area.

He wants to make sure that there is only one bear and it is the dead bear.

If there is more than one bear then the situation would become complicated.

This would cause him problems.

If there is low leveled bear then he can kill it.

It there is high leveled bear then he has to flee from here.

After coming here Vikram took out a stone and threw it into the cave.


There is a stone hitting sound inside the cave but there are no movements.

Vikram waited for few more minutes and threw another stone into the cave.


Still there is no other sound.

So Vikram decided to move to the cave entrance to let dream worm take a look.

The distance that dream worm can search was not large because Vikram’s stats are not really high right now.

If it was a room then it can still sense few meters around.

But the open space between the tree that Vikram was on and the cave is much larger.

So naturally they could not notice the things.

Also the cave seems to be deep.

At the entrance of the cave Tian Meng checked and found that there is no problem inside.

So Vikram entered.

After a while he walked slowly inside the dark cave.

Inside the cave expanded into a circular dome like structure.

Inside there is a bronze treasure chest at the center.

Tian Meng found that nothing dangerous.

So Vikram walked forward and opened the bronze treasure chest.

Quick step boots x 1

Claw gloves x 1

Base upgrade blueprint level 12 x 1

Mango pulp juice x 2

Identification skill x 1


Vikram was surprised by the sudden gains.

He immediately used the item identification skill.

He felt a strong reaction from his insight skill and this identification skill is directly added to it.

Then he checked the quickly step boots.

Item: quick step boots

Description: these boots are made from the paws of a bear.

They are soft and light that can let the user move freely and quickly.

Buff: +10 percent increase in agility.


After finding this out Vikram looked at his boots.

Item: special crafted ordinary boots

Description: these boots are specifically crafted for the person called Vikram

These boots contain special compartment that can store and equip sharp weapon.

Buff: firm to stand and hard to break

Adaptable and breathable to most environments

+12 percent increase in agility.

+6 percent for sturdiness.


Vikram was shocked that his boots are much better than the boots that are provided from a treasure chest.

He was happy about this matter.

Then Vikram checked the claw gloves.

Item: claw gloves

Description: normal gloves made of bear paws that has attached with the sharp nails of a bear.

Buffs: claw attack has 10 percent more damage.

Cons: once equipped other hand weapons could not be equipped by the host.



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