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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 201: 2 years of training planning

Sakura came over to ask Naruto about how the others are with some guilty consciousness for the current situation.

She was sure that this was cause by her report before and her requesting of rescuing Sasuke to Tsunade.

Since she followed into Naruto simply said hello and did not say much.

All he said is that Sasuke left with Kabuto and Orochimaru on his own free will.

Sakura burst into tears but there is nothing Naruto could do.

Ino decided to take care of Sakura and meet with Naruto later.

So they separated.

There is only Naruto and Temari right now.

Naruto took Temari to the Ichiraku ramen shop and they ate ramen as Naruto talked to her.

He found that it was one of the conditions for the treaty set between the villages of hidden leaf and hidden sand to help each other when needed.

While they are talking they did not meet many others as most of them went out to perform missions.

Since the third Hokage died they would be facing a power shift.

This would make the trust of many clients in them a little lower.

Also the vigilance of other ninja villages would be much higher.

It might even cause a break out of a war.

So they have to perform more missions to cover the weakness or damage they suffered.

They have to perform well showing their power that they are not weak.

After two days Naruto sent Gaara, Kankuro and Temari out of the village.

Well they have to return back.

On the other hand Jiraiya wanted to take Naruto out to teach him more Jutsu.

But Naruto did not have any interest in the teaching method of Jiraiya.

So he decided to take a different route.

That is to send the shadow clone with Jiraiya to learn while he would chance his appearance to do his own things.

Also Naruto went to the land of the waves to bring the three girls back so that Tsunade would teach them.

Naturally they could not be trusted completely.

Karin is okay as she found out the situation after the hidden grass village was severely destroyed.

As for kin and Tayuya that are originally from the hidden sound village it was not easy.

They know the cruelty of the world and it is not safe for them to live in the hidden leaf village.

So Naruto made them a different offer.

That is to join his business and earn money here.

Also he would teach them some ninjutsu and other things base on their improvements and affinities.

With that said they directly accepted this matter.

Any way they already watched the people that came with them die.

Also the dead were directly abandoned without any people coming over to rescue them.

In this way they were more heart broken but Naruto saved them which made a good impression.

But a snake is still a snake and Naruto could not trust them.

He has to observe them slowly.

So he left clones with them for guidance and the real body left to a different place to train.

Naruto’s training model is different.

But before that Naruto took Karin back to the hidden leaf village and gave her to Tsunade.

Seeing another Uzumaki clan member Tsunade was moved to tears.

Well most people from Senju and Uzumaki clan are gone.

Right now everyone is scattered without a place to live.

Naruto’s clone that went out with Jiraiya was specifically learning various Jutsu while the real body was in seclusion to learn the Jutsu from the forbidden scroll of seals.

Naruto has to learn the flying thunder god technique again from scratches.

It was the right time now.

So he started with that and other Jutsu that are left in the hidden leaf village’s forbidden scrolls.

He also separated few more clones to continue to improve chakra control.

The methods are what he practiced in his previous life.

But the amount of time and effort requires for practice increases sharply as he stepped into the Kage level.

Jiraiya took Naruto’s clone out for 2 years to train.

When Naruto started this training process that age of Naruto is close to 14 years old.

By the time he returns the age of Naruto is close to 16 years.

After Naruto turns 16 there is only few months before the bloodline embryo of Uchiha clan and Hyuga clan merge into his body.

At that time he would start the next step of the training.

Using the eyes of Uchiha clan and Hyuga clan is not as easy as learning Jutsu.

One has to have instinctive ability of the bloodline to use them.

Naruto would get the bloodline but it would not mix in with his bloodline.

It would be managed by the system.

So naturally his body instinctive reaction to them is much lower than the original people of those clans.

Because of this he has to train more to adapt to them completely.

Once adapted everything would become natural for Naruto and he don’t have to worry about anything.

With the planning done Naruto started to learn and train quickly.

His girls also started to learn and train.

Because of the presence of Karin Sakura put more effort into learning.

Ino and Hinata were also hinted to learn from Tsunade to improve chakra control and medical ninjutsu.

They are more than happy to learn.

As for Kurenai and Asuma, things are completely broken because Naruto messed up taking huge amounts of property in the name of Asuma that belongs to third Hokage.

Actually the house and other shops belong to fourth Hokage and Kushina.

Naturally it was Naruto’s inheritance so he took over everything.

Also Naruto connected his company of infrastructure and trade between the land of the waves and hidden leaf village completely.

With that everything is set.

Tenten could not learn medical ninjutsu.

So Naruto got her a present of a weapon.

It is none other than Kusanagi sword.

Chapter 202: capturing Anko

So Naruto got her a present of a weapon.

It is none other than Kusanagi sword.

This sword is not much use to Naruto right now.

So he decided to gift it to her to gain more intimate connection with her.

Kurenai also got a present from Naruto.

It was related to a Genjutsu technique.

That is a resistance to Genjutsu technique that Naruto got from the forbidden scroll of seals.

She was impressed and started to learn it diligently while helping Hinata for Naruto.

Because of this matter her contact with Asuma has reduced very much.

As for Anko, Naruto came over to make a bet with her before he left.

His bet is simply.

As long as he beats her she would follow him obediently.

Well their age difference is not much only around 8 years.

She is around the same age as Shizune.

“Anko sensei, do you dare to bet with me.”

Naruto said with a mocking smile.

A hot headed woman like Anko would immediately be lit up and flare at Naruto.

But after the incident with Orochimaru she calmed down a lot.

Naruto smiled at her cautiousness and said.

“Anko sensei, if you win I will give you all this cash in this suitcase.

Think about how many dumplings you can buy with this money.”

The mentality of Anko is very similar to that of Naruto in the original plot.

So naturally her eyes lit up looking at the money and thoughts of eating dumplings.

So she agreed to fight.

But Naruto was sure that she would go back on her words if she loses.

So Naruto made her sign the betting agreements and each of them wrote their conditions.

As for the person that over sees the fight is actually Kakashi sensei and Guy sensei that was forcibly pulled over here.

The sudden appearance of Kakashi and guy made her vigilant.

So she looked at Naruto once again to guess what his purpose to get her.

She did not expect that Naruto came to her purely to get the beauty.

In the agreement it only said that she would be obedient to Naruto.

It was vague and did not have any clear sense.

Naruto also don’t want to make anything clear here.

She could not ask what it is because her eyes are mostly lingered on the reward she would get instead of what she has to pay.

Also the thing she checked is also the money she would get instead of what the word obedience means.

She was confident that she can defeat a Chunin without any problem.

With that they fight started.

Naruto let her make the first move.

Also Anko was in a hurry to make the first move to defeat Naruto and get the money quickly.

But she did not expected to be caught by Naruto and directly knocked unconscious.

She woke up after 5 minutes in the tight embrace of Naruto.

She was startled and wanted to get away from him.

But she could not break free from his embrace.

So she finally stopped moving and struggling.

Then Naruto spoke.

“It is obvious that I won the bet and you lost.

So be a good girl and obey me.

If you obey me then I will give you dumplings to eat later.

You have seen the money I have right.

You can live a good life following me.

I know you are stubborn.

Don’t thing that I will leave you just because of your stubbornness.

I will leave a clone here for you to train and improve.

You are too weak right now and you have to improve quickly.

There is going to be many big things in the future….”

Naruto said to her while still holding her tightly.

Anko could not struggle anymore and she also blushed like a lady.

Kakashi and guy have already left before after Anko fainted.

So it is not a problem.

Well they have seen Naruto fight before so naturally they were not that surprised.

Also the purpose of Naruto getting Anko is something they could guess as men.

Naruto seems to like Anko and wanted to put a leash on the stubborn horse like Anko.

Even though Naruto is young his thoughts are very mature.

So they simply helped him.

They are sure that Naruto would not do anything excessive.

Also Naruto told them that he has a way to remove the cursed seal on the back of the neck of Anko.

So they are more cooperative.

Since they are not present Naruto took Anko to her home first.

She actually led the way under the orders of Naruto.

When they came over Naruto said.

“I have a way to remove the cursed seal on your back.

But the process is painful and you have to bear with it.

I don’t want to leave a ticking time bomb on the back of the neck of my woman.”

Anko is not stupid and she understands the words of Naruto.

She did not expect that someone young would actually like her.

But it does not just like but he wanted to have her completely to himself.

So he made a strange bet for her stubborn nature.

She might go back on her bet so Naruto made sure that there are witnesses with an agreement.

She suddenly felt like a girl in love.

This strange feeling of being the target of an obsessive person that likes her is what she liked very much.

Also the strong strength Naruto put on her made her feel the strong instinct of getting close to him.

Naruto then started to remove the cursed seal again.

The process is not long or short but it still took him around an hour.

When the cursed seal was removed Naruto made another soul servant seal on the white snake of Orochimaru.

Then let it leave here quickly.

On the other hand Anko lost her consciousness and Naruto helped heal her exhausted body.

Chapter 203: arranging the clones everywhere

Then let it leave here quickly.

On the other hand Anko lost her consciousness and Naruto helped heal her exhausted body.

By the time she came back to her senses Naruto was still there and cooked some food for her.

After they ate the food Naruto changed his appearance and told her.

“I am going to live in the village with different appearance from now one.

My other clones went to train and I plan to improve my rank slowly over time.

I cannot live at my place because my presence might cause more incidents to the village.

I am a jinchūriki after all.

So I will stay with you here.

Other than you only Tsunade and Shizune knows about me.

So keep it a secret.

Also I will be training you.

If you train well I will get you some dumplings.

If not you would get spankings till your butt cheeks become dumplings.”

After Naruto said he went to meet with Tsunade and get a new secret identity.

Shizune knows about this matter and the living location of Naruto was kept a secret.

Kakashi and guy might find out if they saw Naruto staying with Anko.

But they would not say anything about this matter.

Also Danzo would not be stupid enough to go all the way to find out about some betting between Anko and Naruto.

So naturally Danzo don’t know about Naruto and their secret plans.

With that settled Naruto’s clone left with Jiraiya, one clone went to the land of the waves to do business and train Tayuya and kin.

They are both stubborn heads and Naruto decided to train them well with the help of Haku and Zabuza.

As for the real body it stayed in the hidden leaf village with changed appearance while doing missions secretly.

There are also few clones left in the hidden leaf village.

One clone was staying with Kurenai, one clone is with Tsunade and Shizune and other clone is going around messing with the people like Asuma to free up Kurenai from being chased.

Also the new identity of Naruto is a man from the trading and infrastructure organization that came here to stay in hidden leaf village.

As for the location of his office is one of the shops of Naruto.

With that everything was cleared quickly and Naruto started to train in many things in the shortest time possible.

There is another 4 clones of Naruto that are far away from here in a secluded island in the vast ocean outside.

One was seriously training in chakra control,

One clone is training in improving Genjutsu,

One clone is training ninjutsu and finally one clone is practicing Taijutsu.

All of them are wooden clones and they would not have any problem living for a long time.

During this time two more clones arrived here.

They are the clones that completely memorized the scroll of forbidden seals and came over to train.

One was training complicated ninjutsu while the other is trying to break the blood line limits with chakra combinations through trial and error method.

All the bloodline limits related to combination of natural elements can be copied through this method.

But the bloodline limits like Sharingan, Byakugan and the bones of Kaguya clan could not be obtained through this method.

So this is the duty of the clone.

In the land of waves there are two clones.

One clone is managing the business while the other clone is training Tayuya and kin.

Naturally kin and Tayuya would not listen to Naruto.

So Naruto made a proposal.

Every day they could challenge him to fight for once in the morning.

If they won against Naruto they can do whatever they want to do.

That is they can even leave if they wanted to.

But if they lose then they would receive 20 spankings each and would train well under Naruto.

Naturally they will not be able to beat him easily.

So they would receive spankings every day.

Actually when they are being spanked it was Naruto that came over to spank them.

Anko also has the same situation with Naruto.

Fortunately Naruto has the flying thunder god technique to help.

This is the first technique he learnt through the scroll of forbidden seals and practiced it quickly.

The real body is moving everywhere with this technique to improve his proficiency.

He was very possessive and did not like anyone touching his women even if it is his own clone.

After few days they got used to this and slowly became attached to Naruto.

The real body would only appear when he came to spank them and the remaining time Naruto was out to do his own things.

Even Tsunade, Shizune, Karin and Ino got the spanking.

Tsunade and Shizune received spanking because they did small mistakes in medical ninjutsu they are proficient in but not as good as Naruto.

Naruto is teaching them the knowledge that he accumulate to improve their chakra control more.

Actually Naruto felt that spanking is the best way to get close to them much quickly.

Among them Hinata was the best.

When she made a mistake or faint from shyness, she would get spanked.

At first she would turn red but later her heart change and awakened some strange desires.

It was very different from what Naruto has imagined.

Also only these people know that he was still present in the hidden leaf village.

But they would not speak out a word about this matter.

As for Kurenai, Naruto did not concentrate on her yet.

Also there is Tenten that needs some pampering but it can wait a little while.

Naruto would secretly appear at her house late at night to talk to her while sitting on her house’s roof top.

At first she was startled by the sudden appearance of Naruto.

But later she calmed down and they both talked.

Tenten requires for a person to talk to her because she is only good with weapons.

Chapter 204: improvement after 2 years

But later she calmed down and they both talked.

Tenten requires for a person to talk to her because she is only good with weapons.

So Naruto taught her during the talk some tips that can let her control the chakra more freely and improve her fighting capabilities during this time.


For the next 2 years things are in a high speed.

After 2 years Naruto is almost 16 years old in a few months all the clones are still working but the clone with Jiraiya have returned back to the hidden leaf village.

This means Naruto officially returned to the hidden leaf village.

In order to not to cause much problem Naruto specifically switched his clones after every month.

This way the overload of memories was easily taken care off with a good night sleep.

Also this overload of memories helped him improve him spirit and mind.

In the hidden leaf village many people forgot about Naruto.

Sakura also don’t know that Naruto was still in the hidden leaf village all this time.

She thought that Naruto went out to train with Jiraiya.

This is the thought of most people.

Except for his women no one knows about this matter.

In the last two years of high speed run Naruto has improved by leaps and bounds.

His overall strength has reached super Kage level and just a step away from sage level.

Also he actually opened 7 yin seals right now.

All of them are filled with almost super Kage level chakra.

The 9 tails really helped him and he was able to perfectly control its power and they made mutual improvement over this time.

But this power would not be used right now.

The flying thunder god technique was learned perfectly.

He can now move between to any place in the ninja world with just a thought.

Also one of the clones specifically filled many spots with his flying thunder god seal.

The high level improvement in strength and physique is just one matter and he still has another 2 years of time for more improvement.

His physical body can open the sixth gate and come out of it without many problems.

His Senju clan bloodline and Uzumaki clan bloodline was fully activated and his healing capability are beyond normal people with large amount of vitality.

The bloodline embryo of Uchiha clan, Hyuga clan and Otsutsuki clan would take few more months to completely integrate.

His sage more is more stable with perfect sage body.

9 tails can collect natural energy for him in higher amounts after practicing for so long.

So his safe mode can go on almost forever and his strength would reach directly to sage level when he is in sage mode.

Other than his resistance to Genjutsu has improved by another level.

What he was waiting for right now is the death of Uchiha Itachi.

After his death Sasuke would switch the eyes of Itachi Uchiha and Naruto plans to steal the eyes of Sasuke.

Right now he would gain the power of Itachi Uchiha with complete bloodline along with his Susanoo and weapons.

So naturally the eyes of Sasuke can help him complete his Mangekyō Sharingan without any future problem.

Also with his other bloodlines opening the Rinnegan would be much easier.

His preparations are made.

Also he don’t need to have any excessive feelings or need for fight to open the Rinnegan because he has already opened it in his past life.

The memories are enough to smoothly open them.

With the preparations completely made Naruto don’t have to fear anyone.

All he has to do is to wait peacefully to get his hands on the things that he wanted.

For now there is no one that can fight against him.

Unless Obito becomes the 10 tails jinchūriki and use the truth seeker balls no one can harm him.

If Naruto awakens the Rinnegan then it would become even easier for him to not to fear them.

Based on his calculation within a year he would be able to step into the sage level.

If he encounters a fortunate thing and get more treasure boxes from stronger people, then he would be able to step into 6 paths level or even higher.

As for the tailed beast chakra he can get them when the time comes through normal means following the plot.

He doesn’t have to eat them.

Any way in the future he did not plan to eat them instead he wanted to eat the 10 tails again.

He would devour it this time and try to take over the Otsutsuki plant.

After making up his mind he calmed down and switched with his clone and acted as if he just returned back to the hidden leaf village just now.

The funny thing is that Jiraiya did not notice this during the entire time.

Well perfect wooden clones are as hard to notice as noticing the white Zetsu that copied other people and ninja including their chakra.

The difference in wooden clones is also different.

For example the wooden clones produced by Yamato will not be as good as the wooden clone produced by Senju Hashirama.

Similarly the wooden clones produced by Senju Hashirama are not as good as wooden clones produced by sage of 6 paths.

The wooden clones produced by Naruto are as perfect as the wooden clones produced by sage of 6 paths.


After acting like he just arrived at the hidden leaf village he first met Sakura just like that in the plot.

Sakura grew up really well and Naruto already saw it during this time with another appearance.

But still he has to act like he was surprised.

Also Naruto knows that Sakura has become stronger.

Her punches are way stronger but still Naruto can withstand them.

He tempered his body with strong heat and coldness.

Also it was tempered with chakra to strengthen it completely to the point it was stronger than high speed steel.

Chapter 205: things can change as this is a real world

He tempered his body with strong heat and coldness.

Also it was tempered with chakra to strengthen it completely to the point it was stronger than high speed steel.

Even if she hits him at most he would be pushed back but no damage would be received from her.

Even the sharpest knife might not leave a dent on his body.

Also on his body there is a layer of compressed micro plant vines that formed into armor just like the sand armor of Gaara.

So he was literally walking strong hold that could not be damaged no matter what.

The plant fiber can cushion him from many things.

It would keep his body moisturized all the time.

It would maintain a constant temperature all the time that is optimum for his condition.

Even if there is a strong fire he would not be burnt easily.

Just like that there are many good things in this plant fiber armor.

The thing is no one knows about this matter.

Only white Zetsu that has strong sense can know about this matter.

Even if it knows it will not be able to do anything.

During this time Temari and Shikamaru did not meet instead she met Naruto when talking about cooperation.

Naruto always hid his face and things from the public but she knows that it was Naruto as Naruto told her.

So they did not meet during this time.

Right when Naruto was walking on the road with Jiraiya they met Temari and Naruto’s other clone.

The clone already sensed Naruto and told Temari that she has to act like she has just met Naruto.

During this time she has already fallen for Naruto and not as tough as she was before.

She naturally acted according to the act of the clone and left quickly.


Right now Sakura and Naruto would be tested by Kakashi.

They wanted to restore team 7 and start doing missions normally.

Actually Naruto did a lot of missions in secret and everything was clearly noted by Tsunade.

She would promote him soon after they complete the coming mission.

Naruto was already promoted to a Chunin before he left.

Now he would be promoted to an elite Jonin soon.


They went to the training ground for the test.

Kakashi also improved during this time but he did not reach that high level yet.

Naruto can single handedly take care of Kakashi but he don’t want to make any big moves now.

They are currently being watched by Obito, white Zetsu and black Zetsu from the dark.

So he has to be careful.

Unless he steps into the sage level completely he would not reveal his power to anyone right now.

In their fight naturally Naruto used the same tactic in the book about telling the ending of the book to catch Kakashi off guard.

With that they officially started to take missions.

During this time the first thing that happened is the capture of Gaara.

The plan of 10 tails revival started and as the one tailed jinchūriki Gaara was targeted.

Naruto has already prepared his speech for granny Chiyo to let her use her life to save Gaara.

Naruto can also use his special techniques to save Gaara.

But it would hinder the future plot and cause many disturbances.

As long as the plot continues he can make few deviations and capture his targets off guard.

Only then can he do what he wanted to do.

While waiting for the news Naruto silently waited.

He did not have any quarrels with Sakura.

He went to speak with his women one by one that is still in the village.

He also changed his house to his mother’s house that is much better than his father’s house.

His business is booming during this time with many orders and he is a rich man that can be compared to Sasuke.

Sasuke got rich from the property of the entire Uchiha clan.

But Naruto got rich with his efforts and he can improve further with his capabilities.

He went to talk with Teuchi about the business expansion and becoming a restaurant chain owner.

Naturally he is only one person but he still have to think about his daughter.

Naruto also got close to Ayame by helping her sometimes secretly.

Even though hidden leaf village is safe it is not without thugs.

So Naruto saved her before and she has good impression of him.

Also she is only 3 or 4 years older than him.

So he was able to get her easily to his side.

Also he made ramen for her making her happier.

She felt that Naruto respected her profession and let her continue in this profession.

This made her think highly of Naruto and came close to him.

Naruto observed one stranger thing here.

Unlike the anime where one person can only have one wife rules and some other nonsense did not appear in this world.

This world is a mixture of technology, feudal system and some magical elements like chakra.

So everything has messed up.

The people here are not characters in a plot like in the tutorial world.

This is a real world and all of them have their own free will.

As long as certain conditions are met the situation, character and personality can change for any person.

For example Naruto put on a scandal on Asuma saying that he has a mistress and he abandoned them.

No one care for the truth and the result of this rumor is the complete break of Asuma and Kurenai.

Now Asuma was so depressed that he was drinking all the time.

This has affected the team of Shikamaru but it did not change much.

But with Naruto’s presence as the strong assurance and support Ino was alright along with Shikamaru and Choji.

Similarly Tenten should fall for Neji but the things changed because of the intervention of Naruto that came to talk to her more and more.

Chapter 206: contact with Tenten

But with Naruto’s presence as the strong assurance and support Ino was alright along with Shikamaru and Choji.

Similarly Tenten should fall for Neji but the things changed because of the intervention of Naruto that came to talk to her more and more.

Now she learnt to store Jutsu in the sealing paper and use that along with her weapons.

Naturally all the Jutsu in the sealing papers were made by Naruto for her.

He helped her with sealing various ninjutsu into those sealed papers.

Also he left a Mark of flying thunder god on her.

So they are very frequently in contact.

Also she kept her mouth quite about Naruto coming to meet her.

For a 14 to 16 year girl, sneaking around and keeping secrets is a thrilling thing.

Well they are not doing anything bad and she is simply training with Naruto in secret.

She shared some of her worries and felt inferior when she saw the development of Neji and rock lee in her team.

So Naruto helped her in this matter.

Not everyone can use sealing paper to the fullest.

They also need to have talent to use this.

If the size, quantity, weight and nature of the item is big or different then sealing it in sealing paper requires huge amount of chakra.

Similarly taking that item out of the sealing paper will also require equal amount of chakra.

But with higher affinity the amount of chakra requires would reduce considerably.

So Tenten has this talent and she is the best candidate for mobile warehouse that can practically take anything and seal it.


After returning act Naruto also could not met her.

Well most of them are on missions that day very conveniently.

Only Sakura was present as if telling Naruto that the person you liked is here and look how cute she became.

Unfortunately the Naruto here is not the previous Naruto.

Even though Sakura is cute she is a brain dead love brain person that would not look at better choice.

Naruto doesn’t know what would be her thoughts if she knows that Sasuke can no longer give birth to anyone in the future.

After making careful consideration Naruto decided to turn Sasuke into a woman.

Well he would not play with him because he did not have a hobby to go with men turned into woman.

Instead the Raikage would be more than happy to get him and play after losing that arm.

This is the plan that Naruto come up with.

In this way there will be strong Uchiha clan that Sasuke or the female form Sasuka would give birth to in the future.

That would be the best result to quench all the hatred in the heart of Sasuke.

Well he needs so much love to quench all this longing.

At that time Naruto would see if Sakura would come to him or follow along with Sasuke.

Any way he did not care about this matter.

He will love here to the fullest of his capabilities and till the end of his life span which is very long taking his current age into account.

So there is no problem anywhere.


Temari just set off that day and Naruto was having a meal at Ichiraku ramen shop while talking closely with Ayame.

Teuchi did not object to this matter instead he was happy that a person that loves his ramen so much loves his daughter as well.

Also Naruto is the candidate that can become Hokage.

So why should he object.

Well he still maintained a little tough attitude so that things would not be misunderstood and taken for granted.

Right at that time Naruto was called by Sakura to go to mission’s hall to get a mission for their team.

Naruto knows that it was time for the incident where Gaara would be taken by the Akatsuki.

So he has to send help.

This is also a good chance to get close to Temari.

Jiraiya came right at that time to talk just before Naruto and other set off.

After speaking with each other simply they set off immediately.

Jiraiya told Naruto not to use the 9 tails Jutsu fearing that he would lose control.

What he doesn’t know is that the current relation between Naruto and 9 tails is very close.

During his training Naruto already tore off the seal that blocked the 9 tails.

As soon as the seal was broken her father’s chakra and spirit appeared.

“You are Minato, my father right.”

Minato was surprised and smiled.

He thought that the people of the hidden leaf village told him this.

But the next words of Naruto tore of this beautiful dream.

“You are a complete idiot.

I don’t know if you had your brain in the right place or not to trust in that group of idiots and die on me like that.

It was not them that told me about you.

It was you who told me about this in my previous life.”

Naruto simply made up a lie that he was reborn.

If needed he was willing to use the time turtle as the reason why he can come back in time.

“What happened exactly…?”

Naruto immediately started to narrate all kinds of things that third Hokage and Danzo did during this time.

The more he narrated the higher the frown on the face of Minato.

He did not know that he actually trusted the life of his infant son with the wolf hearted people.

Fortunately because of the 9 tails his son is safe.

As for how Naruto had a rebirth, he did not ask.

After listening to the narration Minato sighed and blamed himself.

This also means that Naruto willingly tore off the seal to summon him.

Also based on the age Naruto was not too old to control the 9 tails right now.

But before Minato spoke Naruto explained the information about him and 9 tails being close friends.

Chapter 207: meeting Itachi again

Also based on the age Naruto was not too old to control the 9 tails right now.

But before Minato spoke Naruto explained the information about him and 9 tails being close friends.

This caused his face to change and looked at the 9 tails that did not show anger.

The funny thing is 9 tails even apologized to Minato for killing them or becoming the cause of their death before.

This made Minato think that the tailed beast that his son trusted is much better at trust than the humans he trusted.

Minato sighed and told Naruto about all the things he knew and explained some of the important things.

With that his soul reached its limit.

But before it could dissipate Naruto moved to touch the soul and used the skill to absorb that he found using his experimentation with the forbidden scroll of seals.

With that the remaining soul energy merged into the soul of Naruto along with the memories of the soul.

Minato did not say anything as he immediately understood what Naruto was doing at that time.

He felt that it was his wrong and he accepted this matter.

Right after that Naruto unlocked the seal without the need of the key because the key information appeared in his mind from the memories of Minato.

When the gates are open 9 tails did not rush out and do the nonsensical things.

Instead it was calm without any movement.

It trusted Naruto so things are much better.

Naruto then opened up the doors and entered inside.

Right then Kushina appeared.

She is very beautiful in image and Naruto started to chat with her.

She was shocked to see that the 9 tails did not make any move and sit there just like that.

She listened to Naruto as Naruto questioned her.

“Why the hell did you marry a moron like Minato.

You should know better than any on that the old fox third Hokage is using people.

Even though you did not have any background at that time it is not to the point of marrying into the plan of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the end you still died leaving me out.

You at least have parents till you are old enough.

But I don’t have anyone.

Do you know how difficult it is to live with the name of monster on your head?

Any way you are already dead and I could not blame you.

But in your next life, marry someone with a little back bone.


Naruto told his thoughts clearly as a big man reprimanding a child.

Kushina don’t know what to say.

Originally the 9 tails was extracted and she would die definitely.

Her husband also died in the process stupidly along with her.

It might look like a romantic thing.

But in fact it is the behavior of irresponsibility on their part.

She understood this and was sad for not convincing Minato to live for their child.

She was also called monster later but it was not as much as Naruto was called.

She knows how she will be treated with the 9 tails inside her before.

She felt sorry for her son.


Naruto also absorbed her soul energy and took everything.

The knowledge on many seals that were not left with the hidden leaf village entered his mind completely imprinting inside his mind.

His clones would continue to study to gain more knowledge and useful information.


This has happened during his training in the past 2 years so many new things are in his hands right now.

As they set out they met with Temari on the way.

After informing her they started to move forward at a faster speed.

When they arrived at the hidden sand village they found that Kankuro was not in a good condition.

Sakura wanted to show off.

But Naruto took the lead and directly extracted the poison from the blood using a strange blood controlling technique.

As for the white fang nonsense Naruto did not participate in this matter.

After treating him he gave a list of medicinal materials to solve the poison completely.

The entire thing only took 2 hours and Kankuro woke up.

Temari was so moved that she kissed Naruto and said.

“Thank you for saving my brother…”

Well it was only a kiss on the cheek and other did not think of much about this matter.

She immediately went to Kankuro that woke up and hugged him.

Well she feared that she would lose her brother so it is a normal thing.

Chiyo asked about the identity of Naruto, Naruto is the one that answered to her.

“I am Naruto Uzumaki, a monster that was created by people like you that created Gaara using the name of the village.”

Naruto eyes did not show the gentleness that he showed to Temari when he was speaking to Chiyo.

Then they enquired the matter and set off immediately set off.

Well they moved much slowly comparatively because of the presence of the old lady that barely keeping up.

There is also team guy that is coming along from a different side that is currently engaged in fight with Kisame.

As for them they have encountered Itachi again.

“Hehe, Itachi we meet again.

You know my hatred for you would never reduce even an ounce for killing so many beauties just because of your stupidity.

Last time I felt that I did not kick your ass properly.

This time I would kick it strong enough to let you remember it till your next time.”

While Naruto is speaking the 9 tails inside got into the standard sage mode natural chakra absorbing mode.

Naruto has perfect sage body and he can absorb the natural chakra without any problem.

Right now he would receive extra from the 9 tails.

Since it is chaotic in nature it would not let others pull him into Genjutsu.

Also he is very much resistant to Genjutsu right now.

Chapter 208: agitated Itachi

Since it is chaotic in nature it would not let others pull him into Genjutsu.

Also he is very much resistant to Genjutsu right now.

So the tricks of Itachi even with Mangekyō Sharingan are actually useless.

Naruto did not stop speaking and continued.

“You know your father is a useless man that did not know how to care for his woman.

Mikoto real has this bad ending to have a grandfather, husband and sons like you.

If she was still alive I would have taken care of her like a delicate flower.

That girl named Izumi and her mother Hazuki were also good people.

Unfortunately she liked a stupid wolf like you.

For your brother you actually sacrificed the lives of others.

Since you made this choice I will definitely make the life of your brother miserable.

It would be to the point where he would not be able to call himself as a proper man.

If you can, then stop me from harming your brother.

As you wanted you and your brother would be the last Uchiha that descendent through your stupidity.

Later I would give rise to new Uchiha clan with better thinking capabilities than your stupid mutts………..”

The words of Naruto really hit all the nerves of Itachi and he directly wanted opened the Mangekyō Sharingan to put Naruto in Genjutsu.

Unfortunately it did not work on Naruto because the person in front of them is just a transformed Jonin of the hidden sand village.

So Naruto said.

“Any way this is the body of a Jonin from the hidden sand village.

You are just using it to delay time right.

Let me finish it off for you.”

Naruto was so fast that he suddenly appeared behind the Jonin and knocked at the back of his head.

It was a hard knock and directly broke the connection between the brain and the lower body.

No matter how many tricks a person has, they need to have the chakra flow and life in the body to use other people.

If not they can only be controlled like puppets like Sasori of red sand would use.

Right now after the hit from Naruto the living directly became the dead.

So Itachi can no longer control this person.


At a different place Itachi grunted with frustration because he heard the words of Naruto.

On the other hand Sakura and Temari that are following had strange eyes looking at Naruto.

Sakura showed slight amount of resentment because Naruto’s words threatened the life of Sasuke.

But she don’t know why Naruto has such hostility towards Itachi and what does it have to do with Mikoto and Izumi.

She did not even meet them before.

Well Naruto did meet Mikoto and Izumi before when he was still a kid.

But he could not speak to them because the plot would be disturbed.

Also he is not strong enough to speak to them.

If he makes contact with them then the time of their destruction would advance by a large margin.

This is because Danzo would use this as a card saying that Uchiha clan wants to take control of the 9 tails.

So Naruto can only watch as they die.

They did not continue forward and rested for the day.

Chiyo while resting during the dark asked Kakashi about Naruto and why he hates her so much.

When Kakashi described about the situation of Naruto that is almost like Gaara, she felt ashamed of herself.

Finally they made it to the location where they are extracting one tail from Gaara.

The seal was removed and inside Deidara and Sasori was sitting and waiting for them.

Deidara was actually sitting on Gaara.

Naruto thought.

“This artist is really sick.

Why does he want to sit on the top of other people?

That is even on their dead bodies.

He is simply stupid.

Well what does it have to do with me?

Let me just play along with the drama for now.”

As he thought Naruto spoke the words that Naruto in the original plot spoke with an emotionally unstable person appearance.

Well that is how Naruto looked like.

Over flow of emotions are the best Mark of stupidity and a good person.

He doesn’t want to be labeled as a good person because he is not one.

After the emotional drama that Naruto barely completed Deidara flew away with his clay bird and the body of Gaara.

Naturally Naruto and Kakashi followed.

Along the way Naruto’s clone waited for the fight between Sakura, Chiyo and Sasori came to an end.

Right at that time Naruto took out a kunai and threw it towards the bird flying in the sky.

It stuck straight at the shoulder cloth of Gaara.

Right then Naruto spoke with a pat on the back of Kakashi.

“Kakashi sense, I hope you don’t speak about the matter that you are about to see to anyone.”

As Naruto said that a flash appeared in place of Naruto.

In the next second Naruto was by the side of Gaara.

Immediately he used a strong blow to damage the bird and pulled Gaara out of the mouth of the bird.

Then he appeared beside Kakashi.

The eyes of Kakashi were so widened that he doesn’t know what to say at this moment.

It is the flying thunder god technique that was used by the fourth Hokage.

Well the inventor is the second Hokage but the further development was done by Minato the fourth Hokage.

So the current thing is very similar to yellow flash of Minato.

Actually Naruto did not use his full capabilities.

It was only on the level of the yellow flash used by Minato.

But that is not all a clone of Naruto suddenly appeared beside Deidara and then punched him straight on the face sending him flying from the top of the clay bird.

Also the clone directly destroyed the clay bird with his strong kick when he jumped towards Deidara.

Chapter 209: crashing the village elder meeting

But that is not all a clone of Naruto suddenly appeared beside Deidara and then punched him straight on the face sending him flying from the top of the clay bird.

Also the clone directly destroyed the clay bird with his strong kick when he jumped towards Deidara.

It was all done in a single move as Naruto’s clone flew over to attack Deidara again.

Deidara did not expect the fierce attacks of Naruto.

So he can only use his other art to implode his body creating a big explosion.

The later part continued just like that in the original plot.

Naruto helped in the revival process of Gaara.

But Chiyo died during the process.

Well this thing ended here.

But the Akatsuki organization became cautious at this situation.

They are wary of Naruto being much stronger than they expected.

Well Kisame, Itachi and Deidara, all of them received setback against Naruto.

Also he did not of the thing single handedly.

So they became cautious of Naruto.

But Naruto did not care about this small thing.

They would attribute this to the strange situation of Naruto with 9 tails and the information about Naruto learning from the soul of his father being sealed along with 9 tails.

This can be explained why Naruto can use flying thunder god technique.

So they would not be too cautious.

But Obito felt the nostalgia about this matter.

Well he would not bring out this matter for the time being.

While they are having fun Naruto and other returned back to the hidden sand village.

After this was done they would return back to the hidden leaf village.

They would take three days to return.

During this time Naruto pulled Tenten to go around flirting with Temari at the same time.

Tenten has frequently talked with Naruto so she did not mind him flirting with Temari.

Temari also met Naruto many time so she did not have much problem with Tenten.

Instead she was actively taking Naruto around to eat some local delicacies.

Naruto was happy to go around.

As for Sakura, he did not concentrate much on her but he still took her around with him.

He would not flirt with her and only talk to her with normal things.

Sakura don’t know that Naruto was present in the hidden leaf village all this time.

After few days they finally returned back to the hidden leaf village.

Kakashi did not have any big problem because he did not use his Sharingan this time.

So everything is normal.

The strange incident of Kakashi riding on the back of might guy did not appear here.

That is really a fortunate thing for the eyes of Naruto and everyone else.

Karin has trained well and she is as strong as Sakura in both fighting and medical ninjutsu.

Karin can be added to the group of Naruto because their group has one less member.

On the other hand Danzo also wanted to send Sai into the group of Naruto in the name of protecting the jinchūriki.

So there is an argument in the meeting room between Tsunade and the three elders sitting on the village management elder’s position.

Naruto did not want to meddle in these matters first but since they have come over to have a meeting any way Naruto decided to pay them a visit.

Naruto has already obtained all the evidence to convict these people.

But touching them would not yield any good results for him.

So he wanted them to pay some interest.

He came straight into the meeting room.

A pair of Anbu ninja wanted to stop him but they were directly knocked down.

Immediately a pair of roots wanted to attack and subdue Naruto.

Unfortunate they were subdued instead.

Naruto walked leisurely into the meeting hall and came to Tsunade.

Under their astonished eyes Naruto simply pulled Tsunade up into the air like lifting a little kitten and sat in the chair.

Then he placed Tsunade on his lap.

Only then Tsunade came back to her senses and wanted to retaliate.

But Naruto held her from behind making her unable to move.

The three people got to eat dog food for a few minutes.

Naruto did not do anything more and calmed Tsunade first.

After she calmed down with her red face Naruto spoke in the meeting hall.

“I am here to ask the three village elders to settle all the money that you embezzled from my inheritance.

Also since you are cowardly enough to hide in your turtle shell when my parents fought with their lives on the line I want to have an extra payment of 2 million Ryo from each of you.

Oh I almost forgot.

You will all be punished for making a rash decision of complete extermination of a founding clan in the name of personal agenda.

Pay half of your wealth to the village funds immediately.

If you did not do this, I don’t mind letting the 9 tails run on a rampage in your place.

Don’t think that I am joking.

I can really do that.

The 9 tails was always trying to get freedom.

So as long as I made a deal with it, you and your family would be done for.

Also there is no proper candidate present in the hidden leaf village that can actually stop me.

Don’t think about bringing Yamato.

Even with his half baked wood style he will not be able to stop me from breaking the seal and subduing the 9 tails.

What do you think Danzo?”

Naruto did not show even an ounce of respect for the people present.

He spoke like he came to his house and talking to some servants.

The three elders were first shocked by the actions of Naruto towards Tsunade.

Later they were speechless of what to say when Naruto spoke about them paying their money.

Of course they would not accept.

Koharu was the first one to shout among the three people present.

Chapter 210: bloody profit

Of course they would not accept.

Koharu was the first one to shout among the three people present.

“Who do you think you are trying to order us around?

Do you think that we will fear you because you have 9 tails?

We will not pay you anything.

Do what you want to do and I will see how you will do that.”

Naruto smiled at Koharu and said.

“No wonder you did not have a proper husband all this time.

Also it is no wonder Sarutobi Hiruzen did not marry you even though both of you are in the same team.

Naturally in most ninja teams there would be a woman to motivate the team.

Since they are teenagers they would fall in love and improve make them work hard to get their love.

But in your team none of the two males loved you.

Do you know the reason for this?

This is because you are too loud and first to jump around like a shrew.

On the other hand you are the first one to take a step back when you are asked to go through a life and death situation.

Naturally the amount of trust they had on you would be the lowest.

So you can never be Hokage.

Also I am not speaking boldly because I have 9 tails inside me.

I speak boldly because I have evidence of all your embezzlement and other hidden activities with me.

Do you want me to tell you how many people had affairs with you over the years?”

When Naruto said to this point the face of Koharu turned pale.

Naruto turned to Mitokado Hamura and said.

“You are the impulsive one most of the time but you are also the passive one in your team.

Even though a little stupid you have did more things than her in secret.

People don’t have to investigate specifically.

Just looking at your face can tell the entire story of your situation.


Naruto turned towards Danzo and said.

“You are the most vicious one out of everyone here.

You even attempted to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen just to become the Hokage.

All I can say is that you are really stupid in this matter and did not think about the matters thoroughly.

You always feel that you are just a moment late to express your intention to sacrifice to save others in front of Tobirama has caused you the big difference in the hidden leaf village.

But the reality is that it is not just a moment of hesitation in that situation.

It is also your inner feelings and the path you chose that caused the situation.

It is the same all these years and that is why you can never become the Hokage.

Even with the support of the roots that you forcibly controlled.

Even with the Sharingan under your bandages and the Senju clan cells on your hand, you can never become the Hokage of the hidden leaf village.


Naruto’s words are so directly and intense that Danzo was trembling with anger and shock, while the remaining people were shocked by the words of Naruto.

Tsunade immediately reacted because experimentation with the Senju clan bloodline was forbidden and Danzo actually did that.

Also she knows the active participation of Danzo during the massacre of the Uchiha clan.

So Tsunade immediately asked.

“Danzo, you are in serious violation in this matter.

Remove your bandages and show the right hand of yours.

If not we can only take charge of you right now?”

Unfortunately Tsunade did not have complete control of the Anbu in the hidden leaf village and the roots has similar amount of power compared to Anbu.

Tsunade also know about this matter and they can only compromise at this point of time.

They pressured Danzo but finally Danzo left with few stupid villain words.

“It is not your time to order me around.

You should stabilize your position as Hokage first before you can crack down on me.

I have already talked with the others and we decided that Naruto should have much less contact with the Akatsuki organization members.

So his missions should not be related to them.”

After saying these words he left quickly.

The other two can only stand up and leave without saying a word.

Naruto smiled and said comforting Tsunade.

“Don’t worry baby, I have a plan.

They might skip the things but they could not skip the meal.

Just downsize their funds directly.

Automatically it would cause problems.

Since they wanted to play the hard ball, let me give them a hard beating first.”

On that very day the three elders are penalized directly with 10 million Ryo in cash for embezzling the money from Naruto’s inheritance.

Also the rumors about Naruto was said to have been spread by Danzo and the other two elders.

These two things immediately became rumors and spread across the entire hidden leaf village.

Immediately the situation of the three elders dropped.

They also understand that the other party has tricks that can be used at some times.

So they could only pay the money 10 million each to control the situation.

Well the people of the village are already guilty towards Naruto for their previous bad attitude.

On the other hand there are few bad things they did were also revealed to the village people.

This made the situation dire for them and they could only accept the situation and pay the money to Naruto.

But this money is not small and it is a bloody profit.

They would need at least 10 years of time to regain the lost money and all the opportunities that this money could give them.

Naruto knows that they would definitely think of a way to hinder him in the future.

Fortunately Naruto specifically arranged his business in alternate name.

So it is not a problem to fear that they would find his business.

With this assurance the rumors in the village slowly died down.


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