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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 466: three wives are not sufficient for you?


This is her most sensitive place and she let out light moan with flushed rosy cheeks.

With the surprise she turned around to look at the person that is fondling her.

Immediately what appeared behind her is Shizuka with a smiling face and straight away kissed on her lips.

She wanted to struggle but the hands of Shizuka moved forward holding her head and pinching her nipples at the same time making her lose her strength.

She slowly hugged Shizuka instead of struggling and slumped into her embrace.

After 20 minutes long kiss, she could not hold back her breath any longer and Shizuka let her breath.

Her face is red and panting heavily to breath in the air.

But she is still in the hands of Shizuka looking straight into her eyes.

The shame slowly washed away and it was replaced with anger and finally she erupted with another punch.

But her punch did not do any damage to Shizuka.

Well she is also not using her full force because Shizuka is very important to her.

“Why did you do this?

You just got married yesterday and have three wives and had the first night just yesterday.

Is it not sufficient for you?

I am your teacher and you are even hitting on me.”

Tsunade is trying her best to not to lose her cool and show the angry expression.

But her body is more honest and reacting to the hand movements of Shizuka.

Shizuka smiled and hugged Tsunade from behind while her hands not leaving her tits.

She tilted her head close to her ear and said.

“Tsunade sensei, I have always liked you.

It is the same way I like my women.

But you have not noticed me and treated me as a child.

Now it is different.

I have grown up and I can take care of all your burdens.

You don’t have to act tough in front of those people.

I will take care of everything.

You and all the women in the Senju clan are mine for the talking.

No one can stop me.

You want to revive the Senju clan right.

Then come with me to make some babies.

You might have already known that I am a bitch in heart and I want my women to have enjoyment with other men.

Yesterday was really fun, with four of us losing our virginities to some big black dicks.

They are the servants that I have got from searching though the ninja world.

They are really good at satisfying a woman.

Don’t you want to have that satisfaction?

I heard that Senju and Uzumaki clan women have higher sex drive that would not let them satisfied with a single dick.

It has been long since the men in the Senju clan died and those milfs are craving for sex with thick cocks.

You are still a virgin with many dreams right.

Don’t you want to do naughty things and wear sexy clothes like me and my women are wearing?

You always wanted to ask me to do that with other women of the Senju clan right.

It is just that you don’t know how to speak about that.

Now you got the chance to speak.

Tell me honestly, is there anyone other than me that you can trust in the entire ninja world.

Is there anyone other than me that loves you so much?

I have promised that I would take care of you and Kushina to Mito-san.

This is the way I take care of the women that belongs to me.

You belong to me from now on….”

Shizuka whispered all of this into the ears of Tsunade blowing air into her ears making her blushed red from embarrassment.

Also she was really aroused.

After the death of her loved people she always considered Shizuka as her confident and a very close person.

Also over time she even had the feelings of a woman towards Shizuka.

It is just that she was concerned that Shizuka is too young for her.

Also Shizuka has other women that she likes and wants to marry.

Other than that she was embarrassed to tell her that she liked her student that she trained for so many years.

All of this combined made her stop her thoughts on Shizuka.

But now it seems that her student already knows about her thoughts and even reciprocated to her thoughts.

She was both happy and nervous because she doesn’t know how the people outside in the village would think of this matter.

But the next words of Shizuka stopped her from thinking about this.

“You don’t have to worry about what the people outside would think.

The Senju clan is on its last legs.

It is normal for you to do anything in your power to make the Senju clan return back to its original glory.

So marrying me along with all the women in the Senju clan can be legally justified.

As for manipulating the rumors and other things,

You can leave them to me to take care off.

People would think that you and the other women of the Senju clan are making great sacrifice of the survival of your clan.

So they would not think badly of you.

Well the people might think of you as bitches but not in this village as I would hide your identities.

After few years they would even praise you deeds for the survival of your clan.

So don’t worry.

No matter which color children that are born to my women I will take responsibility.

So you can happily place a green hat on my head.

Well I would do that same to you all too.

Any way without my permission you will not be able to get pregnant no matter how much they cummed inside you all.

So don’t worry about anything.

Later we will fix a good date for the marriage between me and you along with the other women that are willing to become my wives….”

Chapter 467: Taking over Senju clan full of hot milfs

“…So don’t worry about anything.

Later we will fix a good date for the marriage between me and you along with the other women that are willing to become my wives.

But for now let us have some fun as lovers.

You are my little lover now sensei.

So be a good girl and serve me your melons.”


Shizuka said while pinching her nipples making Tsunade moan in pleasure and accept the words of Shizuka.

Then Shizuka turned her towards her and kissed her with her hands on her ass fondling her butt cheeks.

Tsunade thought that the entire thing is a dream.

After 20 minutes of kissing Shizuka took Tsunade and made her sit on her lap as she faced her.

With adjustment of the height the big milk jugs of Tsunade came straight to the face of Shizuka.

Shizuka removed her baggy clothes revealing the big melons to the fresh air.

Then she started to kiss them, lick them, pinch her nipples, and suck on her nipples.

Tsunade moaned but did not let go.

She put her hands around the head of Shizuka and held her head close to her tits.

Right around that time some of the Senju clan women noticed the sounds and took a peek.

They are shocked to find the scene between the teacher and student.

Also that student has just married yesterday.

How strong the student should be to come and play with Tsunade after playing with three hot wives all night long.

The scene is so hot and their thoughts are also hot making them wet.

They started to touch their pussies slightly.

They did not have the chance to play for a long time after the death of their loved ones.

Also the libido of the women from the strong bloodline is strong too.

So they are having hard time calming themselves with just their hands.

They need the strong hands and thick living sword to poke them to calm their minds and satisfy their lustful hunger.

Shizuka has already noticed the women outside that are touching their pussies looking at Shizuka playing with the tits of Tsunade.

Shizuka stopped playing and then spoke.

“You don’t have to hide and do these things.

Call all the women of the Senju clan and come here for a meeting.

I have something to tell them all.

If you do well I will get big things to play with your pussy for at least one round till you climaxed.”

As soon as she said these words the women that are playing outside has the thought of being played and they immediately climaxed with the thoughts.

Then they went to call other woman to meeting room of the clan immediately.

Well none of them are doing any missions during this time because the Senju clan is being hunted and they have to protect themselves under the orders of Tsunade.

While they are assembling Shizuka continued to play with Tsunade.

Her tits are already out and Shizuka is sucking her nipples.

The thing is the room they are in is right beside the meeting room.

So the moans of Tsunade can be heard by those that are gathering in the meeting room.

Their faces are red as they know that Tsunade is having some really good time on the other room.

They all thought that Tsunade has succeeded in convincing Shizuka to take all of them as her wives for the propagation and future of the Senju clan.

Well even though Shizuka is also a woman they believed that she can make them pregnant.

This is the result of the perverted patch of the fantasy world system.

They thought that Tsunade sacrificed herself for the great cause first.

With this thought they became fiery and decided to go on the path that their princess has made for them for the greater good of the clan.

Well they don’t know that the entire thing is other way around between Tsunade and Shizuka.

Shizuka can sense that the people have gathered here.

On the other hand there is an Anbu that is keeping an eye on the Senju clan.

One of Shizuka’s clones appeared out of nowhere and directly knocked the Anbu ninja.

Then it started to guard the Senju clan as usual.

Shizuka on the other hand held Tsunade in her arms and came to the meeting room.

There are no men in the Senju clan, so Shizuka did not bother to cover the tits of Tsunade and came here just while still kissing her.

Tsunade was too intoxicated to notice her surroundings.

She did not know that she is currently in the meeting room surrounded by many Senju clan women.

Well all of them combined would only be less than 10 people.

It is not much of a clan right now with this small number.

It is no wonder that Anbu ninja came into the Senju clan area without being noticed.

Fortunately there is her shadow clone present that is covering the situation carefully.

When she came to the meeting hall and let go of Tsunade she finally realized that she was in the meeting room surrounded by other women.

Immediately she became shy looking at the situation.

Her face is red.

She is not the shameless future self in the plot right now.

Because of the interference of Shizuka things have changed.

Shizuka then announced to the people present in the meeting room.

“From now on you are all mine.

I will marry you all at the same time and you can make the preparations for that.

My shadow clone would help you in the process.

You don’t have to worry about anything and feel the threat from anything.

In few months third great ninja war is about to start and third Hokage that bastard would definitely play tricks to pull you into his play.

At that time, don’t fall into his trap.

On the day of our wedding Tsunade would become the head of the Senju clan….”

Chapter 468: girls in bitchy clothes

“…At that time, don’t fall into his trap.

On the day of our wedding Tsunade would become the head of the Senju clan.

I will take care of the situation of the war later.

Since I am already here, why don’t we all play some more before I leave for work?”

Shizuka stayed there and played with the women for a while….play means that.

She stripped them all showing the bodies of 10 milfs along with Tsunade which is a sight to look at.

She has decided to bring in more servants to play with all the girls.

She is planning to get at least 3 men for every women she has to let her enjoy the bliss fully from all three holes.

She did not touch the virgin women for now as she has few principles….


On the other hand the other four villages are in a different state.

First of all the hidden mist village found that their three tailed beast is missing.

They did not find any trace of struggle.

They did not find the barrier around being broken.

They did not find anything.

All they found is that the three tails is missing.

So the panic is clearly knows that some strong person took the beast without letting it struggle.

In the hidden sand village the jinchūriki was given food once every few days to keep him weak and not cause any trouble.

But when the person came to deliver the food they found that there is no one inside the cage.

That is right their jinchūriki is missing.

Immediately the high level of hidden sand village is in panic.

On the other hand hidden cloud and hidden rock village are having a different panic in their upper circle.

They got the news that many big changes have happened in the hidden leaf village.

There is a situation where someone from the Uchiha clan rebelled and captured some of the village elders.

They were all detained and these elders include Danzo that controls the roots of the village.

These things are shocking to them and made them think that these things are all too unbelievable to make them believe.

That is right things like that could not happen in a village like hidden leaf village.

They all know that Danzo is around Kage level ninja.

How can someone capture him and detain him without doing something big.

Also there are roots which is a strong force filled with many capable Jonin and elite Jonin level ninja.

The reason why the hidden leaf village could repel all the three villages in the previous war is for this very reason.

How can they believe these things that are unbelievable?

So they are reluctant to make any move right now.

They sent their spies to check the situation carefully before deciding.

In the second ninja war all things happened in a way that left most villages dissatisfied.

They are not convinced and wanted to act again.

They wanted to fight again.

For that they are secretly making preparations all this time from the past three months.

Now the news about the situation in the hidden leaf village has disrupted their peace.

The information about a new Senju clan woman that can use wood style has increased their panic even more.

During this time Shizuka’s clone brought back Karin from the land of grass without any problem.

The process is a simple knock out and bringing back which is as simply as plucking a fruit that is just about your head.

After bringing her over Shizuka talked to her and arranged her to stay in Senju clan.

During this time third Hokage is very busy.

He is still the Hokage.

The damage that Shizuka did was not recoverable.

Shizuka has interrogated the three elders so much that they confessed everything.

Under the influence of the Sharingan, Danzo even told the unlocking method of the seal on the root people.

Shizuka has unlocked the seal and let them return to their clans and families safely.

Also she specifically noted down all the people with big dicks and asked them to join her side to become her personal body guards.

She prefers both black and white dicks without being biased.

What she wanted is a dick to ravage her and the color of the dick doesn’t matter.

Most of them can still recover from the trauma and brainwashing of Danzo.

The few that were unable to recover were helped by Shizuka with the help of Sharingan to return them to normal.

This was all done by Shizuka’s clones.

The reputation of Shizuka increased so quickly that her name is clamoring throughout the village.

Many people started to respect Shizuka.

But the way she is wearing a dress is making them talk about this more.

She is only wearing a tit band that is 4 inches wide to hold her tits and a mini skirt that is also few inches long.

It is just barely covering her pussy and almost showing off her ass completely.

Also she is not wearing any panties.

Well if there is a slight breeze then everyone can see her beautiful forbidden parts.

Fortunately there are no cars if not there would be many accidents.

She is going around the village with this dress.

Not only Shizuka, but also Mikoto, Himeko and Hazuki are also like that.

They are like a bunch of bitches going around the village.

But no one complained.

Instead their beauty was praised as divine and the days of the people that saw them were very good.

They would work energetically on the day they had seen them in the morning.


The players that made plans to gain some good things were completely pushed out of their plans.

Also they don’t know which female player is bold enough to cause a situation like this.

But the appearance of Mikoto, Himeko, Shizuka and Hazuki are perfect.

Unfortunately for them they can only see but could not touch those beauties.

Chapter 469: octopus balls from the 8 tails

But the appearance of Mikoto, Himeko, Shizuka and Hazuki are perfect.

Unfortunately for them they can only see but could not touch those beauties.

They are not in the stormy seas facing the huge waves that are created by Shizuka.

They don’t know what to do as the plot they know no longer exists.

Shizuka on the other hand is changing things very quickly.

She directly destroyed the plot.

Well it is said that when a person reaches absolute power no amount of strategies can change the situation.

Shizuka plans to take over the world completely and then try and attack other worlds like the Otsutsuki planet.

This way she would get the highest evaluation possible as a player.

But for that she has to have enough strength to travel between the worlds and the location of the Otsutsuki planet too.

She can use simulation but even in simulation she got nothing.

So she can only take the route of asking for directions.


Shizuka let other countries do as they please while she prepared her own things.

First of all she is planning to get the 2 tails for her food in a few days.

If possible she likes to take the 8 tails as well.

She wanted to know how the octopus balls made out of the pig octopus that is 8 tails would taste like.

As for the other tailed beasts they are mostly not eatable.

But Shizuka would see how things would turn out.

Currently her target is the hidden cloud village.

Well she did not have to do any work as her clones would do all the work for her.

One clone went to the location where two tails was sealed.

It was actually an old guy at the verge of dying.

Based on the knowledge she found that the candidate for becoming the next jinchūriki is a little girl called Yugito Nii.

Shizuka would not let that happen.

It is a good deed but stopping her plans for her own gains is also a form of villainy.

It is like how pirates are.

For pirates the navy is the enemy along with other pirates.

So every pirate group is an independent individual.

Shizuka’s clone did the same process as it did with the hidden sand village.

Quickly the two tails is released and it was stopped from moving while the clone cuts its body to get the meat she needed.

After getting what she wanted the 2 tails was killed on the spot.

After its death the clone went to cook the meat of the 2 tails beast that has flaming fire nature.

Another clone went to the location where the 8 tails is currently present.

It was already in the body of the killer B.

But Shizuka did not have a problem with that.

She can take a part of the tailed beast without causing the death of the killer B.

This has happened in the original plot where Akatsuki tried to capture the 8 tails it left its body with a limb cut off.

This cut off limb is actually the clone.

Shizuka is going to do the same procedure.

There is only one big problem that is killer B has people guarding him.

Also he is not interested in woman.

Shizuka used her Sharingan to solve the problem easily.

The 8 tails can still resist a little and sense the situation.

But in front of a strong being like Shizuka that has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan it could not resist her.

Shizuka’s clone got its meat too and then left the people in shambles.

To these people what appeared and attacked them is actually Madara Uchiha.

That is the appearance that Shizuka took to attack them.

Another clone of Shizuka went straight to the Kage office of the hidden cloud village.

The reason for this is to find the whereabouts of the treasured tools of sage of 6 paths.

Even thought she can produce the truth seeker balls and other things she still want to have all the things that can possibly threaten her plans into her hands.

For this she started her search.

Based on the information she knows and other ways of checking she can find the clues of their locations.

Once they are found they will be taken by her for usage.

She doesn’t have to use them directly and can give them to her clones to put on a good show later when facing the 10 tails.

After searching and collection she left here and went straight back to Shizuka using the flying thunder god technique.

The clones started to cook the meat of the tailed beasts for Shizuka to eat.

Shizuka is currently eating 6 meals a day.

Three are from her beloved wives and the other three meals are prepared by her clones to improve her power with tailed beast meat.

As for her women they were taken back to the mansion after they return back to the home.

When they returned to the secret mansion the servants took hold of Mikoto, Himeko, Hazuki and Shizuka.

They picked them some slutty dresses and took them to the nearby gambling town.

The eyes of all the people are on the 4 beauties in revealing clothes.

The servants spanked their asses from time to time and made them reveal their tits suddenly in the middle of the street.

This way they made a joyful outing when everyone is looking at them with lust.

For the day the servants did not let any other person touch the women.

All they can do is to see their beautiful curves and masturbate.

On the second day the servants took the girls special pubs and let the girls do some strip dance to earn extra cash.

On the third day they were taught some twerking dance from some bitches with the money they earned on the previous day.

On the fourth day they are auctioned in the bar saying that they would do………

Chapter 470: Another wedding, tense hidden village

On the third day they were taught some twerking dance from some bitches with the money they earned on the previous day.

On the fourth day they are auctioned in the bar saying that they would do twerking dance on the dick of the man that made the highest bid.

Among the girls only Himeko and Shizuka were able to do the twerk dance well.

Well their asses are quite big for them to successfully do this kind of dance on the dicks.

As for Mikoto and Hazuki they received punishment.

They have to increase the size of their asses too.

For that the best way is by getting spanked on their asses.

Similarly getting their tits they have to be fondled, pinched, and pulled to become large.

So the coming days are spent with Mikoto and Hazuki getting spanked and their nipples and tits played like this.

Coming back to the topic of eating she made her wives and servants stop preparing meals for her.

She said that the cum she is eating is enough.

While she said this to them, she consumed the tailed beast meat.

She did not share the tailed beast meat with her wives because she doesn’t want to cause any adverse effects in them for eating something that cannot adapt to.

So she would not feed them.

Her body is thoroughly strengthened so she can eat the meat and survive without any problems.

Well she did not just eat the meat; she continued to exercise to digest all this energy.

Walking in the air is a best way to exercise her surging chakra.

From the 6 paths sage level Shizuka moved beyond and reached the level of Kaguya after consuming the 1 tailed beast.

Now by consuming the meat of the 2 tails and 8 tails she stepped into the level of Otsutsuki clan elite people.

It is not like forming jinchūriki and borrowing the chakra from them.

She is directly on that level.

With her current strength she can easily break the ninja world into pieces.

She continued to move on.

She cannot eat some of the tailed beasts because she doesn’t like them.

But that did not stop her from obtaining their core chakra using the Sharingan.

She was able to awaken the chakra absorption technique of the Otsutsuki clan and she can use it for her own advantage.

These days Shizuka was very busy with the training in the day and playing with her women and servants in the night.

She has obtained few more servants that has big dicks and are really good at taking care of a woman.

Every morning she would wake up between two of her servants with their dicks still inside her pussy and asshole.

This is the same with her other women as well.

These servants were unable to completely satisfy all the needs of Shizuka.

She needs more people like them to accommodate the Senju clan women and Tsunade.

So she is planning to marry Tsunade and other Senju clan women soon.

Also she got the Byakugan.

Now she would see if she can go to moon and get the Byakugan to upgrade it into Tenseigan.

The ninth yin seal is already formed and was fully filled.

With her chakra control exercises every day the amount that can be stored has increased in quality and quantity.

All of this only took her around 3 months of time.

Now she was currently participating in another wedding as the groom.

There are around 10 brides wearing traditional dresses with their heads down waiting for the ritual to complete.

The person carrying out the ritual is actually the third Hokage.

His face is complicated because he is doing something he would never thought that he would do.

He is letting Shizuka marry all the Senju clan women along with Tsunade.

Also they are wearing clothes that almost revealed their pussies at the bottom and threatened to burst out their tits at any moment.

There are many male ninja around for the wedding ceremony.


There is a reason for this to happen

Few days ago the situation between the villages was tensed to the breaking point.

Many villages lost their Jinchūriki’s except for the hidden leaf village.

Well Shizuka after taking their chakra killed those Jinchūriki to avoid unnecessary problems.

Madara on the other hand is restless because of the situation and don’t know who is actually killing those jinchūriki.

If those jinchūriki are killed it would take 3 to 5 years of time for the tailed beasts to be born again.

It was not a short amount of time and Madara was anxious about this matter.

Even though it would not hinder with his plans as they takes more than a decade to get into play.

He still has to find the person that is causing all these problems.

This is so that he can avoid future troubles.

But those ninja villages are not like this.

They are in deep panic and they immediately wanted to fight with the hidden leaf village.

They wanted to know why the jinchūriki in the hidden leaf village is still okay while all their jinchūriki have died.

They have decided to go to war.

The two hidden villages of cloud and stone that usually at odds with each other have decided to form an alliance.

As for the hidden sand and mist village they are in different situation.

It is especially so for the hidden sand village that is extremely poor.

They are in the situation of economic collapse right now and they did not have a choice but to go to war.

Fortunately there are some good seedlings like Pakura on their side this time.

As for the hidden mist village, they are boiling right now because they lost their tailed beast.

Their current Kage personally checked the situation and found that it was done by someone related to the Uzumaki clan that they destroyed.

They first considered that this is the revenge plan from them.


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