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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 226: the spar inside the giant snake

Mohini knows the procedure for this.

Fortunately she has telekinesis to help her in this situation if not the chance of successfully extraction of the vitality pool is not possible.

First she sent a strong metal cutter to cut the rock around the Stalagmite cone above while the girls moved the falling rocks aside from smashing the pool below.

When the big cone was cut from the base the girls held it from moving to the side and positioned it just like it was before.

Mohini on the other hand used her ability to slowly cut the bottom of the pond to take the entire piece of land.

Then she took the entire thing along with the previous Stalagmite cone into her ark space.

She invited the two girls to enter in to her ark space for the first time.

Then she took them to her farm land of the ark space which is the plantation area that was filled with lush greenness.

Here she has already molded the previous mountain that was formed from digging for the lake into a solid mountain.

Also there is a huge internal structure with a cave entrance.

She went there and attached the Stalagmite cone and the pond at one side of the big cave.

With that done they returned back to the reality and immediately moved out of this cave.

When they came out they moved far away from this place.

The reason for moving out so quickly is because the tier 4 monster snake here is removed.

So this territory became vacant.

Other tier 4 monster beasts might covet this area and they might launch an attack here.

The time they would get before other territory boss monsters notice the situation is only few hours.

In the past life when the monster snake was killed nothing happened and most of the army returned back to the camp.

They left few soldiers here along with the research team.

Right then a big mole appeared inside the cave and killed most of the researchers.

This mole is a tier 4 creature that is very good at underground tactics.

Also it is an intelligent being.

Actually the people did not escape but it let them escape to find the location of the human camp and get the big feast.

Unfortunately for this big mole on the next day when came out of the ground near the human settlement a big bird that looked like an eagle appeared out of nowhere and grabbed it.

With that one problem is solved but another problem started for the humans.

This eagle is very powerful and an aviation model monster beast.

With the weapons that humans have right now, they would not be able to kill it easily.

All of this happened 6 months after they moved into the new base that Mohini is currently in.

But Mohini moved the plan forward making the situation worse.

Now there will be huge fight and Mohini might really have to show off her talent.

She sighed at the situation.

Here there are no mosquitoes or rats but there are other wild beasts that are far more dangerous.

She wanted to act like a masked super hero but it would be useless.

Showing off her power would let her gain a little upper hand.

Also the more beasts she kills and eats that more benefits that she gets.

The huge vitality that they got needed to be digested slowly to improve their bodies.

At the same time eating the meat of the monster beasts would speed up this process.

As long as those 1000 points are added to her stats completely she will be very strong even in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

When they are returning Mohini stopped at a secluded area and entered a cave where the monster beast inside was already killed by them before.

She used the telekinesis to form a stone utensil to contain the poison gland of the snake that they just killed.

Mohini was very optimistic to find a spar inside.

She brought out the big venom sack and placed it on the utensil.

Then she formed a knife made of the sharp stone using the telekinesis.

This was sharpened to the maximum with her extreme control.

Then she started to cut the sack slowly after they came out into the open air.

Also they are standing a little far away.

When poisonous sack was open it would release strong poison into the air.

Inhaling that might not cause major problems for them but it was still bad to inhale the poison.

They are even wearing gas mask standing away.

As soon as the poisonous sack was cut the poison flowed out and there is a greenish mist floating out of it.

It quickly dissipated into the air and Mohini continued to dissect the poisonous sack layer by layer.

But till the end she did not get the spar she was looking for.

She was a little disappointed.

But still it was not bad to have so many benefits and losing a single thing.

With that solved, she placed this container in the ark warehouse with completely sealed air tight stone utensil.

It was placed in stagnant time warehouse safely.

After that she took out the snakes head and started to dissect it with another stone knife.

Soon the spar of the snake was taken out.

She continued to process the snake meat from head and other body.

She separated the snake skin, bones, eatable meat and useless meat.

Other than that spar of the snake there is also its internal organs that have special effects.

They can give poisonous immunity.

Mohini would not eat the entire thing along but to cook it and share it with the girls.

There is no rule that you have to eat an entire thing to gain the poison immunity of basic level.

It can help them resist the poison from rat bites and many bug bites.

Chapter 227: the giant eagle in the sky

There is no rule that you have to eat an entire thing to gain the poison immunity of basic level.

It can help them resist the poison from rat bites and many bug bites.

It is not possible to always safeguard form small things.

Injuries are common in this apocalypse situation and even in the future.

So having resistance and immunity to basic things is good.

She completed the dissection of the giant snake and then she started to cook the giant snake meat.

The process is a long one and they continued to spend time there.

Mohini used the spar of the snake in the cooking process and spent around 4 hours with the cooking.

During this time some people and beasts were attracted but they were all killed without exception.

The dead humans were stored in the warehouse separately for later usage as bait if needed.

With the snake meat cooked Mohini packed the things and returned to the camp area.

Just like before the entire food was separated into three portions and it was shared between the three to store inside.

Every other thing was also shared like this including meat waste and corpses.

They can use them as bait to escape when necessary.

So they are all valuable resources.

After they returned to the camp they entered their tent.

Soon the soldiers reported that there are many people missing and there is an explosion sound before.

They don’t know that it was all caused by Mohini.

Their duty is to stay there to guard the camp as the manpower is very low.

Even if they go out they would go out in groups towards the forest to hunt rather than going towards the cave area that is dangerous.

The area of the caves is like a blind box and most people would not go to that area.

The soldiers that heard the explosion sound before thought that some survivors were trapped there and used the explosions to escape.

But they never thought that Mohini uses the explosion to kill the boss of this area and they are going to face the invasion of other bosses in a few hours.

Mohini listened with serious expression and immediately ordered a little scout party to check the area.

They did not go to the caves area instead they climbed a small peak in the area to have a clear view of the surroundings.

After looking around with a binocular, Mohini immediately ordered the people to return back to the base.

When they came back Mohini asked the people to prepare the weapons to fight immediately.

She called the old minister and the general.

A group of officials and other people followed along.

Mohini told them that someone might have attacked the boss of this region.

Mohini told them that she found the boss of the region when she came before during her sneaking around the area.

Now that the boss of this region is injured or dead the other boss monster beasts of the surrounding regions would try to occupy this place.

This means they might be targeted.

So they immediately got into alert formation to fight back at any time.

They are ready for the battle and the remaining people tried their best to create a snow cover so that they would have a cover on their location.

With cover finding them would not be easy for many beasts.

Well they might just ignore them.

But Mohini knows that this is useless.

Soon a mole like creature would appear here.

It has affinity to earth element and it can feel the existence of the people easily.

Mohini immediately gave orders for people and soldiers to stay alert as she looked at the ground of the surrounding area from where the attack might come.

They waited for a long time as they made preparations.

Soon after few hours Mohini felt a strong gaze swept over her.

She looked into the sky immediately as she noticed the huge eagle in the sky.

Other people might not be able to see it because of the height it was flying.

But she and her girls can with their enhanced physical capabilities.

Mohini immediately took a sniper out of the tent and then pointed it at the direction of the giant eagle.

The giant eagle is looking towards the direction of the camp like it was looking at a feast of easy prey.

On the other hand it was also looking at the presence of another tier 4 creature that was looming in the ground under the camp.

When Mohini pointed the sniper towards it, it did not feel any strong life threat.

The bullets from the guns of the human world are actually not strong enough to pierce the flesh of the beasts of the tier 4 monsters.

One has to enchant the already existent bullet with special piercing magic and other magic.

Without that it is not possible to do much damage to the monsters beasts that are at level 4 and above.

Mohini was trying the hinder the monster beast to check her threat level.

The monster beast did feel pressure from Mohini and her women.

It felt like it is facing off with three other strong tier 3 beasts that are very close to stepping into level 4.

It can feel the threat but it did not care as it has confidence in escaping as soon as it got the chance into the air.

But it would have never expected that Mohini was a person from the future and she knows every single weak point of the monster beasts that are known to her.

This is her habit.

Previously she was not strong enough to face the tier 4 snake.

So she has to rely on the bomb to kill it.

But now that she has improved and continues to improve, she was thinking of testing her capabilities.

For this giant eagle its weakest part is actually its sexual organs.

Chapter 228: two sniper bullets in the ass

But now that she has improved and continues to improve, she was thinking of testing her capabilities.

For this giant eagle its weakest part is actually its sexual organs.

It would definitely come to the ground to either attack the camp or the mole inside the ground.

Right at that time Mohini is planning to kill this giant eagle that looked like a miniature airplane.

She really wanted to tame it but she was not strong enough to do that right now.

She did not shoot the eagle but only pointed at it as if she wanted to shoot it.

She did not stop other soldiers to shoot it.

If they did not shoot at the eagle it would really think that there is something wrong.

It has human level intelligence so it can understand the situation clearly.

But Mohini’s target is not to attack it right now instead she would let it fight with the mole like creature that would emerge out of the ground.

Naturally the mole should attack first and then the eagle should have come later.

But the current situation is a little different.

Well it is not time to compare the situations of the past and the present.

It is time to act.

While those soldiers noticed the eagle they started to shoot.

But none of their bullets made any damage to the eagle.

It did not even care about these bullets.

Also it dived down straight towards the camp.

Mohini immediately calculated the trajectory of its dive.

This should be the location where the tier 4 mole is present.

There are some survivors in this place that are looking at the entire situation like stupid sheep.

As soon as the eagle hit the ground it waved its wings causing the surrounding survivors shred into pieces.

Its wings are as strong as steel sheets.

So they were directly cut into pieces.

But it did not care and pecked straight into the ground creating a big hole and then used its claws to pull out the mole under the ground.

Even though the mole is a tier 4 creature with human level intelligence it cannot perceive the changes that are happening in the air.

Also it cannot change its nature just because of its intelligence.

So it was caught by the eagle with its sharp senses.

In the next moment it started to struggle while trying to attack the eagle.

Many soldiers shot at eagle and the mole but they were unable to make any big damage to it.

For the truth it really did not care about the small damage.

Right at that moment every part of the eagle is busy concentrating on killing the tier 4 mole.

Its wings, claws and its beak are moving rapidly almost creating afterimages.

The only part that is stationary is the ass of the bird that is not making quickly movements.

It is clearly highlighted with flesh color between the tail feathers.

Also it is one of its weak spots.

Any human or beast that has normal structure has weak points at specific places.

These things are common that did not change even if they become big or awakened the powers.

For anyone when someone hit straight at their weak points they would produce few reactions.

It is especially so when someone poked an ass with a sniper bullet.

Then things might follow the options below.

Option 1: extreme anger

Option 2: extreme pain

Option 3: stunned for a few seconds

Option 4: blank mind

Option 5: shocked to death (Very rare case)

Well for Mohini it was pleasure to get her ass poked, but it was only with a dick and not with a sniper bullet or anything.

At this kind of situation they would take one or more options.

But some things are very common.

That is it would definitely be stunned without movement for a few seconds.

This was calculated by Mohini and she was ready with her sniper.

But she was not very good at marksmanship and she decided to take the help of Sakura.

As for Radha, she is holding a long sword in her hand.

This was all planned by Mohini to create a series of movements.

This would be a huge risk that she is taking right now.

The end results might be winning or being severely injured.

There is even a minute chance of death.

But Mohini wanted to try her plan and execute it perfectly to kill the eagle and the mole.

Mohini pointed her sniper straight at the ass at the eagle and Sakura is also in the similar position.

It is always good to have two shots in place of one.

Even if one misses the second one would hit.

Or the combined effect would always create more impact.

She was waiting for the eagle to severely injuring the mole and decided to take the flight with the mole between its claws.

Right when it was about to take flight its body would be perfectly stationary.

Also everything would be wide open for them to shoot without any obstructions.


Soon the time has arrived where the mole is barely alive under the attacks of the eagle.

Also the eagle received some strong damages too.


Right when eagle opened its wings Mohini made the shot.

As soon as she shot she immediately let go of the sniper rifle and took the sword from the hands of Radha.

Mohini did not care if her bullet hit the target or not.


Before she started to run with the sword the second bullet was shot.

Mohini saw that the eagle stopped its flying movements as its entire body trembled twice with two big sniper bullets went straight into its ass.

Also it seems to be a male eagle.

So it was its first experience having bullets through its ass which appears to be not the best experience.

Mohini did not stop as she ran at the fastest speed creating strong momentum and kinetic energy.

Chapter 229: killing two tier 4 monster beasts at the same time

So it was its first experience having bullets through its ass which appears to be not the best experience.

Mohini did not stop as she ran at the fastest speed creating strong momentum and kinetic energy.

In less than a second he is already behind the eagle.

She went forward and jumped up stepping straight on the top of the tail feathers and pressed hard with her feet and ran along its spine.

The eagle wanted to retaliate but the dying tier 4, mole with its last effort bit on to the legs of the eagle making it distracted.

Mohini then jumped again right at the intersection point of its head and the spine.

She placed the sword straight in thrusting position going straight at the intersection point with all of her body weight and kinetic energy.

The sword went straight into the intersection point with her current strength, weight and kinetic energy she generated.


She did not stop at that.

Immediately after that she jumped to the right while still holding the sword that was inserted into the head of the eagle.

The reason she jumped to the right is because the blade on the right is sharp while the on the left side is dull.

With that the head of the beast started to rotate along with her movement in the opposite direction.

At the same time the flesh of the beast started to tear off.

The neck of the eagle has rotated by over 130 degrees and killing it without even having the time to scream again.

Mohini did not stop there as she pulled the sword from the head of the beast and pierced it again into the wound of the mole.

With that the mole also killed too.

Solving the two beasts so quickly has made the soldiers dazed.

When Mohini made the moved they stopped shooting.

This was fortunate that there are no miss fires and Mohini got shot.

As Mohini killed the two beasts she slumped down on the ground and started to pant heavily.

The soldiers took some time to realize what has happened.

When they realized it the loud cheers appeared from the camp.

Sakura and Radha immediately came to Mohini as they cheered happily looking at her.

She perfectly executed the entire thing and killed two tier 4 beasts in few seconds.

But right at that moment the eagle plunged its beak down as if it was dropping its head.

Radha pulled Mohini but she got her leg injured.

Mohini that realized the situation immediately used her hands to support the head of the eagle from not letting it completely pierce into her leg.

Fortunately the wound is not deep.

Her bone was not damaged as it was only flesh wound.

Mohini immediately called Sakura to bring out a cloth to seal off Radha’s wound and took her to their tent to do treatment.

Mohini knows healing magic.

So she used it to heal her in secret.

Radha did not lose her consciousness.

She did not even frown other than looking straight into the eyes of Mohini all the time when she is treating her.

Mohini kissed her and asked.

“What are you looking at?”

Radha asked.

“Would you really take care of me if I lost my leg or would you abandon me as a disabled person?”

Mohini looked at her and smiled peacefully.

“Do you really think that I would abandon you?

Even if your leg is gone, I will find a way to reattach your leg.

If not, I will find the Cyborg city to get you a mechanical leg.

If not, I will find the Elven city to get your leg re grow back to normal.

If not, that is not possible I will find the beast race city to get you have strong beast legs.

If not, I will find another vitality pool to let you take a bath to re grow your limbs.

If not, I will find an alchemist potions master or pill refiner to get you a body reshaping pill to re grow your limbs.


No matter what I would never abandon my woman.

You are my life and I am saving my life not yours.”

Mohini listed out so many things that the eyes of both Sakura and Radha widened.

At the same time they felt happy about Mohini’s words.

With her healing magic along with the strong vitality from the vitality pool stored in her body her would started to heal quickly.

It will take a long time to completely heal it.

After patching her up and giving her calm down kiss on her lips Mohini came out of the tent.

Sakura would take care of Radha.

Mohini went to collect her bounty.

She was going to take the spars in the head of the beasts.

Also she knows which part of the beast is most valuable and nutritious.

She would take that and leave the slag to others in the name of charity.

The beast is quite big so the portion she takes is very small.

No one tried to dissect the beast while Mohini was away helping her girl friend.

They don’t want to face the anger of Mohini if something happened to her girl friend Radha.

Also they know that even in this moral degenerate world Mohini is taking a very good care of her women and she loves them dearly.

After witnessing the strength that Mohini showed and the strength of those beasts, they understood one thing clearly.

If Mohini was not here then they would either go away from here or stay here and become the stored food of those beasts.

In this situation the help of Mohini is a necessity.

Without her help, if they faced another attack from the beasts like those then they would definitely die.

Also they remembered the big beast, insect, undead tide they faced in the base before.

So they are quite frightened by the entire situation.

Chapter 230: distributing the monster meat

Also they remembered the big beast, insect, undead tide they faced in the base before.

So they are quite frightened by the entire situation.

They don’t want to offend Mohini for a little piece of meat and cost their lives for this matter.

So they did not touch the two beasts when Mohini was away.

After Mohini came out of the tent they looked at her face that did not look sad or at any loss.

This means that her girlfriend Radha is not in any danger but only wounded saving Mohini from the dying attack of the eagle.

They were also envious about this for having a woman that would sacrifice her life for Mohini.

In the current situation they could not trust even their parents when there is life and death crisis.

But Mohini got a woman that would take in the hit in her place with her life on the line.


Mohini came over to the location of the dead monster beasts and then she started by pulling out her sword.

The sword showed signs of small damage after coming into contact with the feathers of the eagle.

Mohini started by cutting the heads of the dead eagle and the mole with her sword.

She called out people to bring a basin to collect the blood that was being drained out.

While the blood is flowing out Mohini poked the heads of the eagle and the mole.

It is like she was searching for the spars in their heads.

Many people are closely watching this scene.

If Mohini found the spars but did not submit them to the base they would not say anything out loud.

But they would still have dissatisfaction towards Mohini.

Not all monster beasts would have a spar in them.

The beasts with a spar would have higher chance of reaching new heights and higher tiers.

They are like nobility in the monster beasts, while the beasts without a spar are like worker class in comparison to human society.

Mohini poked for a little while and finally found the spar but she acted like she did not find a spar at all.

She used the sword as the connecting point to send the spar into the ark warehouse.

After improving her telekinesis it was easy for her to do that within limited distance.

After acting like not finding a spar she checked the head of the mole for a while.

But the result is the same.

She sneaked the spar into the space.

Then she put on a sad face making people believe that she did not find a spar.

The crowd has different opinions.

Some of them believed that she did not get a spar.

Some of them though that Mohini did not check thoroughly enough.

Some of them thought that Mohini is putting on a show and she would take all the meat with her.

Some has different thoughts about her.

Mohini left the heads of the beasts as it is and only collected the eyes of the eagle carefully and placed them in a beaker that she prepared.

Then she went to dissect the body of the monster beasts as the blood in them was already drained.

She took the important and most nutritious meat in the body of the monster beast that other people don’t know.

Other than that she checked the beast claw parts of the beast and cut off those pieces.

She packed these things separately and left the remaining corpse of the beast for the other survivors to have including the heads of those beasts.

She directly announced it in the group.

The total amount of meat that Mohini took is only sufficient for 3 people that can eat for 3 day.

The thoughts of the people immediately changed as their doubt is gone.

It was replaced with reverence and gratitude.

The scientists in the group have already announced that consuming the meat of the higher level monster beasts has the effect of improving human body.

So they are very much interested in eating this kind of higher tier monster beast.

Also some of them still believe that there is spar inside the heads of the monster beasts.

They thought that Mohini is a fool for leaving the heads to those people.

Some of them are grateful for a chance to eat good meat.

But before they made their move Mohini quickly announced that only the people that work hard for the base can receive the meat from the monster beasts.

The free loaders would not receive anything.

Mohini wanted to gain the support of the soldiers, but not the support of the idle lucky survivors.

So she made this announcement breaking the hearts of many survivors that usually leach off of other people.

Mohini did not take any action against them because they are more in numbers and they are once rich people but now broke with only some connections to survive.

After the announcement Mohini took her things and a small portion of blood that she got from the head of the monster beast and returned to her tent.

She did not care about the situation at the location of the dissected monster beasts.

She and Sakura sent the things while Radha is resting.

Mohini wanted to cook the monster meat as quickly as possible.

The monster meat of the mole that she got is very food for Radha and Sakura.

But she cannot cook something tasty here as not many people have spices and other condiments here for cooking.

Some of them did not even have salt.

So Mohini has to go out of the camp and cook the meat before coming back.

Till then Sakura would protect Radha.

After arranging the things Mohini left the base quickly.

She calculated how long it would take for her to return after cooking.

It was only 3 hours.

It is not a problem.

So she went out of this place and disappeared into the falling snow.


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