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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 216: entering the labyrinth temple

It was actually a temple like thing that appeared to be made out of sand stone.

But no one knows how it is holding while still in the water for so long.

May be it has some energy protection formation or something like that.

Its structure is largely under t he ground and only the upper part that is like a gate is on display.

There is a neat sculpted work around the door.

The construction of the entire temple looked like a mixture of many ancient cultures and races.

While they are observing the situation in the water something changed suddenly.

That is the water started to move.

Actually it is not going anywhere instead some cracks appeared in the soil on the ground under the water.

All the water is actually rushing inside to fill that gap.

These cracks appeared more like the mouths of some sort and after taking in a certain amount of water they would close suddenly.

After closing it is no different than normal wet sandy ground.

Because of many number of such cracks both big and small made the water turbulent.

The water vanished suddenly but there are also big whirlpools in it.

Many survivors that just made something to stay afloat were sucked into these whirlpools and died without a way out.

Vicky with the help of Radha that is good at controlling water and other women that balanced the boat survived easily.

Within few minutes the water vanished as if there is no water at all.

The boat slowly landed on the ground right in front of the ruined temple.

Vicky directly took the boat into the ark space and they started to walk through the entrance.

After the entrance at the temple there are stairs that are leading down into this underground hall.

In the great hall there are hundreds of passage ways with no resemblance with each other and no clues to move forward.

It is a big underground labyrinth.

But as soon as they entered all of them received a message.


Congratulations on making it this far.

Since you came here you should know about the situation in the apocalypse land.

These temples were set so that our descendents would regain their main bloodline to stat their journey in this apocalypse land.

Each descendent of the 7 progenitors would have your own destinies so follow the path that your bloodline shows you to find your inheritance.


This message appeared after they came into the hall under the ground.

When they are done reading the message they all looked at each other.

Based on the message they have to separate here and follow the direction of their blood to move and get their inheritance left by their ancestor.

For the time being no one would come to disturb them.

So this is the best time to move.

They all felt a strong connection to a passage way.

Each of them were attracted to a different passage way.

Vicky came here in his previous life but the there is no attraction like this.

Most probably it would only appear after Vicky met with other descendents of the progenitors and come here as a team.

While they each are attracted to a different passage they were also attracted to a single passage in common.

That is there are two options for each person.

One passage way is for a single person alone while the other is for all of them combined together.

Then the other notification appeared.


There are two choices for you.

Choice 1: Individual passage way would lead you to the rightful inheritance after challenging yourself.

Choice 2: collective passage way where the final inheritance would be shared between all of you equally.

It is a team effort and the rewards are shared.

Make your choice.”

Vicky really wanted to laugh looking at this simple thing.

He doesn’t know who came up with an obvious question and answer.

Naturally what they wanted is unity of the group.

So it is natural that they would choose the second option.

In the apocalypse land you cannot take a big leap in improvement suddenly.

If it happens then the entire foundation would have problems.

On the other hand collective improvement, caution and backup plans are priceless treasures in the apocalypse land.

So the choice is obviously the second option.

With that decided Vicky looked at his wives.

Immediately they all nodded at Vicky.

They made the same choice as him.

Separation is said to be the thing that killed their ancestors.

They are not planning to do that.

With that they chose the passage way that would only let one person enter into the passage way at a time.

Naturally one of them has to take the lead.

For that Vicky is the best candidate that can use all kinds of power with his jack of all trades skill.

Ginny behind him sensed forward in the passage way and pointed at the location of the traps.

Yes there are traps in this place.

There are automatic arrows, there are traps on the ground, and there are pit falls and many other things.

Also there are poisonous gas sprays, acid sprays, lava river flowing areas and many other things.

In this place there is no other creature but the traps are enough to make many survivors die easily.

Vicky took the lead and Natasha took the end.

Ginny was in the middle along with Rose.

Sakura and Radha are standing at the sides flanking.

Inside the passage way there is enough space for three people to walk side by side.

But they would not do something so stupid because there are traps.

Vicky entered first and an arrow was fired straight into his face.

But he was already prepared and used a 5 cm thick metal board to block the arrow.

Then with the protection of the metal board he moved forward toward the trap that is shooting the arrows.

Chapter 217: many traps and final secret room

But he was already prepared and used a 5 cm thick metal board to block the arrow.

Then with the protection of the metal board he moved forward toward the trap that is shooting the arrows.

Along the way he would disable the traps on the ground with his mind triggering the traps which are mostly bear traps.

There are many arrows that are being fired at them.

The amount of force in those arrows is also really high.

The iron sheet that Vicky is holding is not holding well.

It already had many dents and the arrows actually pierced into it too.

Even with the telekinesis they were unable to stop the arrows.

Vicky took out more iron sheet shields with handles like car doors he specifically welded before for protection with jerry.

The internal lining has aluminum foam that can cushion the force by a large margin.

With the new shields they moved faster while disabling the traps.

While walking, they suddenly felt that the ground under them tremble for a moment.

So they ran forward immediately the ground opened with many spikes that have some liquid on their dents.

It should be poison with the strong smell of acidic nature spread through the air.

Vicky waited for a moment to check but continued forward.

The suddenly something passed by in front of him cutting off a layer of the shield in front of him.

This was caused by the quickly moving blade that passed through the thin slit of the wall.

The slit and the passages are so small that they could not be scene clearly in the dim lit area.

Vicky really wanted to catch that blade to use it for attacking other people.

But he could not catch it because the iron shield in front of him was cut so smoothly like it was cutting air.

He doesn’t know how many of them are there in front of him.

Even Ginny could not find the things properly.

Ginny concentrated more and more and tried to concentrate in the distance of 1 meter ahead.

But one batch of people can move forward at a moment.

Each batch can only have 2 people in this small place.

Right then Vicky felt a strong threat from above.

At that moment he pushed the people back and he took the side of the wall.

Immediately he noticed a spear like thing pass through a hole from the top and went into the ground.

Even the hole for the spear was covered in sand on the ground.

It was really dangerous just now.

Noticing all these dangers are very hard with so many people here.

If there is only one person they would have died already.

Since things are very dangerous Vicky called the girls to use their own powers to check the situation ahead.

Rose was asked to search the ground while Nubia would search using the ground.

The fire and ice are useless here but still they can search for fire traps and ice traps ahead of them.

Because of the affinity they will be able to feel them quickly.

Just like that they travelled for a long time before they reached another big hall.

Right after they reached the big hall they found that there are 7 other passages here.

This means that even if they passed through individually they would all gather at this place.

But after going through so many traps they understood that individually they will not be able to come here easily.

They would have paid a bloody price to come all the way here.

They looked at the big hall again at the center there are 7 big escape pods like things.

Each of them has the Mark that is on the pendent of the ark space before.

The 7 of them were attracted to their own individual pods because of a strange attraction.

Vicky did not arrive here in his previous life.

There are other treasure rooms with some herbs and materials other than this room.

This room seems to be specifically arranged for them to come.

Each of them entered their specific pod and the door of the pod closed with them inside.

Their clothes disintegrated and many tubes and things appeared out of nowhere.

They connected to the 7 of them and then some brushes appeared to draw some runes on them along with strange liquid pumping into their bodies.

It appeared like a big science experiment with magic involved.

Time passed by and no one knows how long has it been.

Vicky is the first one to wake up and he felt very strong.

He checked his power using the identity card and found that he has reached tier 5 of 1 star power.

His body looked stronger and perfectly shaped like a chiseled body like a statue.

The skin looked clean and has good color of health.

He felt that there is something changed and the information about his bloodline appeared in his mind.

He belongs to the high human race which is a very rare and almost extinct race that did not have many people alive.

Even if they are alive they are being held captive for using them for various horrible purposes.

Soon his wives are also done and they started to come out of the pods.

First is Radha and she did not appear shy when coming down completely naked.

They are naked in the ark space many times.

Along with her one by one all the girls came out.

They are feeling their power and changes along with the memory of their origins.

So Vicky did not disturb them while they are checking themselves.

After some time the escape pods behind them shattered and started to turn into dust directly.

They just crumbled away and another passage way appeared behind the wall where the pods are placed before.

Vicky and the girls changed into new clothes first and decided to explore here instead of talking about their changes.

Chapter 218: protagonist appeared near the labyrinth temple

They just crumbled away and another passage way appeared behind the wall where the pods are placed before.

Vicky and the girls changed into new clothes first and decided to explore here instead of talking about their changes.

The biggest difference they saw is actually the Sekhmet and Nubia coming out of the pod together.

Vicky has already told them that there are plenty of materials present in this hidden place.

There is no food but there are many spars valuable materials that are very rare and technology that is hard to find.

Most probably the progenitors feared that letting all the things on earth might have a hidden problem if their enemy were to find them.

As long as the important things are not in the ark space or their descendents then everything would be fine.

It was proved right as many strange beings appeared on earth from time.

The wars of gods and powerful beings in all those mythologies are all about this matter.

The unknown power that descended on earth all these times was those creatures that came to look for the secrets of the progenitors.

Unfortunately they did not find anything on earth and left.

It is said that they are defeated by those heroes.

But it was all just nonsense that they made to increase their fame and power among the people.

Most of them actually came here for the calculating method that is used to calculate the prophecies in the book of prophecies.

But even that could not stop the death of the progenitors.

Sometimes things are inevitable and could not be changed no matter what.

Even if you want to change the price that needed to be paid is many times higher or of equal value to the gain.

So everything is balanced.


Vicky and the girls walked through the passage way that was opened behind the pods just now.

They found a long passage way with many runes on the wall.

Most of these runes are used to conceal the things inside.

What they are concealing is the main passage way.

In the passage way there are doors that are completely closed with stone walls at regular intervals.

Most probably there is a room on the other side and these runes are made to cover the passage way.

Vicky asked Rose to use the earth element ability to pull down the wall of the passage way.

As soon as she pulled down the wall they saw a huge hall.

Vicky knows what this place is.

He came here before in his previous life.

This place is one of the treasure vaults filled with various materials like techniques, metals, preserved herbs, artifacts and spars.

This means that all the stone doors on the passage way have this kind of vaults behind them.

Vicky smiled and the smile on the faces of the girls is also big.

They entered and each of them went to a different section to put the things inside the ark space.

Their hands are quickly as there are many doors that need their work.

The spars reached all the way to 3 star levels but not higher than that.

Most probably they are used up and this is the minimum arrangement that they got from their ancestors.

Vicky did not mind as there are always ins and outs in the matters.

After they cleared this room they went to the next room.

Just like that they filled up their ark space with plenty of materials.

The materials are all placed in the warehouse where there is plenty of space after the recent upgrades.


Right at this moment there is another man that came to these ruins.

It was none other than the protagonist that was cucked by Vicky.

Along with him there is also Tamara the Elven princess.

She can sense that Vicky is already inside the ruins but sometimes this sense vanishes.

That is when Vicky enterers the passage way that sense vanishes but when he comes into the treasure vaults she can sense him.

Vicky also sensed her presence and immediately told his women about this matter.

So they have to speed up the matter here before the protagonist comes over to get something.

If the protagonist is here then it is most probably means that there is something great here that they did not discover yet.

So Vicky immediately asked Ginny to search in the labyrinth to see if there is anything of greater value like the space crystal before.

Ginny started to search while other took over her work.

With the qualitative improvement and her bloodline unlocking she got more power and she can directly sense the entire area of the labyrinth.

She quickly found that one of the tunnels at the start leads to a room which is not connected to any of the rooms in the passage way.

This room seems to contain something that she could not understand.

But it is something similar to the space crystal before.

Also she sensed that the protagonist that Vicky spoke is actually going towards that tunnel alone.

As for the Elven princess Tamara has returned back to call in some people.

Vicky guessed that this is the protagonist tactic and Vicky has to disrupt it.

So he decided to go there at his fastest speed to get the crystal.

It might be that the crystal is far more valuable than the treasures in these rooms.

So Vicky immediately moved with the support of Ginny giving instructions.

Vicky was not the fastest among them but he has the overall power that can let him stand above any of them all.

So Vicky made his way through the passage ways in the labyrinth quickly to reach the area where the crystal is present.

It would take another 20 minutes for the protagonist to come over to this room.

Vicky looked at the milky white crystal that appeared to have a very strong energy inside it.

Chapter 219: got the time crystal

It would take another 20 minutes for the protagonist to come over to this room.

Vicky looked at the milky white crystal that appeared to have a very strong energy inside it.

It was floating in the air above an abyss just like the space crystal floating in the air above burning magma before.

Vicky is not stupid enough to go to the time crystal instead he took out a piece of meat waste and threw it towards the floating time crystal.

The meat waste that entered the abyss space around the time crystal immediately started to rot and crumble at the visible rate.

It is not like it disintegrated instead it appeared more like being aged and decayed with time.

If Vicky were to go near it then the situation would be the same.

At the same time Vicky sent his consciousness close to the abyss but immediately it felt like entering a quagmire.

Then his consciousness was cut off causing him to have a backlash.

Vicky understood that he will not be able to get this crystal by himself.

He needs the support of someone that is favored by the luck and the will of the world.

This kind of stupid person is going to come here soon.

It was none other than the protagonist that is on the way here.

So Vicky immediately hid in the corner and waited for the lab rat to come over to do the experiment.

Soon the protagonist with his arrogant face appeared.

Vicky knows this protagonist was called Johny.

He found the name from the Elven princess Tamara after they fucked before.

He is from some European country.

From the time they looked at him before he appeared to be much stronger.

He reached tier 8 and his power is also stable.

It is much more stable than other powerhouses of the same level.

Unfortunately for him, he could not sense the presence of Vicky with his current power.

But his protagonist spider sense is tingly and felt that he was being watched.

So he looked around few time before coming close to the abyss where the time crystal floating around.

He took out a strange armor from his system inventory.

The chatter mouth pinky has already told Vicky that the protagonist Johny has a system.

This armor seems to be made out of plant materials.

Most probably it was made out of the Elven tree bark of the Elven city outside.

Then he dropped over few seeds on the ground and dripped few drops of precious viscous water like thing from a special bottle.

Vicky observed this all.

Immediately the seeds grew into plant vines like in the story of magic bean plant leading to the castle in the clouds.

These plants grew in curly manner covering the entire abyss.

They did not seem to rot easily but are very tenacious.

The protagonist quickly put on the plant bark armor around his body and wanted to step on the magic bean plant to get the time crystal.

Vicky was patient and did not run over right to the protagonist right now.

Before stepping into the area before the abyss, the protagonist looked around carefully again and took out the bottle carrying the viscous water from before wanting to take a sip.

Vicky still waited and let the protagonist take the sip of viscous water.

Right then Vicky shot out a needle using his mind power to hit the protagonist through the cracks of the tree bark armor.

Naturally he suddenly felt something small pierce his neck area and he fell unconscious.

Vicky came over and pulled out the needle from the back of the neck of the protagonist.

Then he put on the armor made of tree bark and took a step forward after drinking the viscous water from the bottle.

It felt like it has strong vitality.

Big trees would form a pool of concentrated water under their trees.

The water there would be very nutritious to all.

But they can be poisonous because of the nature of the plant.

Vicky can safely drink this because he has the blessing from the Elven princess Tamara.

If it is anyone else then they would definitely die from excess vitality poison.

Excessive amount of anything can be poisonous.

Naturally vitality is also the same.

More amount of vitality can cause the body to grew uncontrollably and cause tumors or some sort.

So, too much of anything without a proper balance or proper container to store, it would become a dangerous thing.

After drinking the viscous water Vicky felt a strong surge of vitality.

He already have huge amount of vitality after tempering his body in the vitality pool before and few other things like Elven blessing.

Now this amount of vitality did not cause him any harm.

Instead he felt that his body would not age quickly and the bark around his body attached to his body tightly closing all the gaps after few seconds.

Then Vicky stretched his hand into the abyss area feeling that his hand is does not age with the bark armor suffering the problem of aging.

Vicky took a step forward and felt the situation of the bark armor carefully.

It was rapidly aging but it was also receiving vitality from Vicky.

So it did not rot away directly.

Vicky knows that it would not last long.

So he stepped forward quickly without slipping from the soft magic bean tree and reached the location of floating white crystal.

As soon as he came into close to the time crystal the ark space asked him if he wanted to take let the ark space absorb the crystal.

It is said that he will not be able to access the ark space for 24 hours of time.

Vicky immediately accepted it as there is not much time to waste.

He has already warned his women to not to enter the ark space during this time as soon as he found the time crystal.

Chapter 220: greedy to not let go of any thing

Vicky immediately accepted it as there is not much time to waste.

He has already warned his women to not to enter the ark space during this time as soon as he found the time crystal.

With that the time crystal vanished in front of him.

Also the magic bean plant started to grow more vigorously without the suppression of the time crystal aging.

Vicky quickly jumped on to the ground and took off the bark armor slowly.

This thing is particularly useful in special cases.

So Vicky did not intend to give it back.

He checked the body of the protagonist and did not find anything on him.

Most probably everything was stored in the system inventory.

Vicky has asked pinky before and found that the other system is still very backward and could not sense her existence.

But it could not take the things hidden in the inventory of that system as well.

Also this system belongs to the protagonist and it did not have the authority to do anything against a protagonist.

They are protected by the will of the world.

Vicky sighed and immediately moved away from here.

He quickly came to the location where the girls are trying to collect the materials.

They can now place the things inside but they will not be able to enter into the space right now.

The girls also understood this and they took out their emergency bag packs for the 7 of them before Vicky started to move.

They have 3 days worth rations and other things.

Also Vicky took out a piece of metal that Jerry would really like and want to have.

It was a liquid metal that has special properties.

It is used to make AI for the Tier 1 mechanical beings.

The little mind that Vicky brought over to Jerry before also possesses this kind of liquid metal in minute traces.

The amount that Vicky took out is around 2 ml but it can make at least 4 little minds easily.

So this is really a valuable treasure.

Vicky actually found more than 2 liters of it but he would not show everything to Jerry.

He separated some in a test tube like thing before and held it separately.

It was given to his women before he left from them to get the time crystal.

While Vicky took the time crystal they took out their bag packs ready to use after Vicky came back.

They have experience from the space crystal integration.

The harvest is really big and they have to leave here after taking everything.

With Ginny monitoring the situation it was easy for them to hoard the things in these treasure vaults.

By the time Vicky arrived they have completely gathered everything.

So they are at the end of the passage way.

Vicky is a greedy person and his women are as greedy as him.

So they did not just leave here instead they went to all the traps to take all the metal and usable things from all the traps.

They took the opportunity where the other people are not here.

Ginny noticed that the elves brought by Elven princess Tamara came over and they went straight towards the protagonist.

This is because she has a trace left on the protagonist to follow him.

Vicky did not check that path.

It seems like this path and time crystal was not prepared by the progenitors instead it was later formed separately by someone forming a different path in the labyrinth ruins.

So this passage way did not have any traps set.

It is like it was specifically prepared knowing the stupidity of the protagonist first hand.

Vicky doesn’t know how the protagonist could use this time crystal if he got that before Vicky.

May be he would get some sort of time power like stopping the time or reversing the time or something more strange just because he is the protagonist.

Vicky did not have any mind to think of that nonsense.

He and his girls moved at their fastest speed.

Those traps are arranged in a way to attack the incoming person from outside.

They would not cause any damage to the person coming out of the treasure vault.

So going through each treasure vault they collected all the metal.

This metal can be used by the space for some upgrades.

They can be used to make projectile weapons after making them into an alloy.

There are many other ways to use these metals and other materials in the trap.

There are even poison, hot metal and cold metals mixed within the traps.

Everything was collected quickly before they returned back to the secret passage way.

While they are collecting they came to a treasure vault where Vicky saw Nisha killing Roy here.

This place has a message from the progenitors.

“The space you are carrying is not your own.

You will lose it soon and everything returns back to the original owners.”

Vicky doesn’t know about this message.

But he was sure that after seeing this message his situation became more miserable with Nisha.

She kept her eyes on him most of the time without letting him gain any special materials or weapons or armor.

Also she did not let him improve his fighting power.

Also she made Vicky do useless chores and memories some nonsense of the things.

It is like she directly blocked Vicky’s growth to become strong.

Instead she intended to develop Vicky like a servant that does odd jobs.

Fortunately everything became useful to Vicky.

He got so many good things because he was good at doing those odd jobs.

Sometimes the simplest thing can be the key to solving the toughest problem.

Vicky won the hearts of the girls because of his cooking skills and his way of doing normal chores quickly with care.

He is like a magic robot that can complete many hard works and many complicated chores in the shortest time possible.


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