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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 221: the situation back at base

From their words Mohini understood what happened.

10 days after Mohini left the previous base they got report that the number of beasts, insects, undead and zombies in the area has increased exponentially.

The reason for this is actually the other groups of survivors that came here for safety.

They were silently followed by the intelligent tier 3 monsters and they lead a large number of monsters in the surroundings of the area.

Those top brass of the country and high level heads though that they could handle with the missiles and bombs they had on hand.

Unfortunately they are not enough.

Yes they are still effective in the attack.

But the number of monsters that can be killed completely is very less.

The power users started to use their power to support the military.

But it was also not sufficient as most of the power users are at tier 1 and tier 2.

With their combined capabilities they were able to suppress few tides of monsters.

That is they relied on the defensive formation of the base.

But when the big earthworm like monsters came from underground the barrier around the base was broken.

As soon as it was broken many strange monsters of various kinds started to directly attack then without a care for the day or night.

The battle went on but the people are exhausted from fighting.

The situation sharply dropped to the point of inevitable doom.

Right then people started to make their own way to scatter from the attack of the monsters.

The high level people took their people to leave when they saw that the situation is hopeless.

The low level people and most of the soldiers were abandoned there to fend for themselves.

They can leave after buying enough time for those big people for leaving.

During this time many riots broke out and some of the heads of the country were killed by the angry soldiers.

They took the chance to form a group and flee from this place with the supplies and their families.

The old minister, general and other people that followed Mohini before also formed a group and left very early.

Also they told the location that Mohini told them before public so that they can make it there if they are lucky.

This is the story that happened in the base after Mohini left with her girls.

Well it is a tragic story.

But some things are inevitable in this world.

Originally Mohini wanted to change the fate of these people by the fame she gained, pointing at the right direction.

But the situation made people blind with greed and the black sheep got their words first into the minds of the heads.

The result is that the efforts that Mohini put before were wasted.

Well one can try to change fate but not dictate it as everyone has their own choice.

Her priority is her safety and the safety of her girls.

After that she would think about others if she has the extra capacity.

If not they are to fend off for themselves.

The old minister and others looked at the surrounding area and under the help of Mohini they let another big sheet of ice roll down from the flat top.

Immediately after that the soldiers started to start the preparations for the camp setting.

With the human activity and tents the ice did not cover the area so quickly.

There are a few scientists that are good with formations arranged a formation around the parameter with the supplies they brought back.

It is a tier 3, defensive formation that can keep them safe for the time being.

As for the energy required to run the formation, those scientists has made a break through this time and made a tier 2, energy accumulating formation.

But it could not keep up with the consumption.

So they amalgamated it with tier 2, energy accumulating formation along with few spars to keep up with the consumption of tier 3, defensive formation.

The cold in the place was largely reduced with the burning fore in the surrounding areas.

There are portable magic heaters that have small heat generating formation engraved in it.

Just a tier 1 spar is enough to run the heater for an hour.

The number of tier 1 spars in the hands of the people increased after the battle few days ago.

So the value of tier 1 spars has largely reduced during this time.

Mohini took the portable magic heater.

But she did not use it.

Instead she changed the engraving slowly to make it more efficient.

Then she started to use it.

With the same cost of 1 tier 1 spar it can last for 3 hours and even the heating capacity also increased.

Not only for heating, it will also be useful cooking.

The girls loved this very much.

In the previous life other countries also has various magic heaters for extreme cold.

Each has their own design and capacity.

Mohini got the opportunity to study them.

The internal setting is very normal and it did not take long for her to understand the model of the formation.

With the knowledge he experimented a little and got a better one.

But it is not for sale,

Instead it was for her personal usage.

Now with the memories of that changed formation she just tweaked a little and changed the heater formation.

The new and improved heater is formed.

She put the heater inside the tent and started it with the spar she had on hand.

Immediately the temperature inside the small tent stabilized.

It is not as cold as it was before.

But the problem is the humidity that was formed from the heating.

This is indeed a problem but not for Mohini.

But Mohini simply made a small formation with cheap materials to keep the humidity out of the tent.

It was easy when you know some handy tricks in the problematic environment.

Chapter 222: unbreakable prestige among the soldiers

But Mohini simply made a small formation with cheap materials to keep the humidity out of the tent.

It was easy when you know some handy tricks in the problematic environment.

Mohini has many handy tricks like these that he learnt in the previous life.

In the warm tent the things got warmer with the girls bearing tits to hug her that is already naked during the night.

Also their dicks are in full swing but they can only give each other blow job or tit job because they cannot just vanish into the ark space to wash.

Another week passed.

During this time the old minister and soldiers started to make a perimeter but the snow sheet was unstable.

Without many people staying on this place the ice would continue to accumulate over time and it would be problematic for them here in the future.

So they only had one choice that is to only open a small place for them.

The good thing here is that the monster beasts are not attacking them right now.

The bad thing is that the ammunition they had on them was not much and they cannot fight another big fight with a monster tide.

Also the materials they had were mostly scattered into various groups and they did not have enough resources for all the things.

This did not give them any choice but to go out and hunt the monsters.

The land connecting to the plane is wide so they did not have to fear that they would cut off with the way blocked.

Every day the soldiers hunted the monsters in the most primitive way with bone weapons.

The guns are valuable as the ammunition is low.

So they are conserving the things as much as possible.

Because of this they are hunting in the primitive ways.

The bone weapons are more streamlined and the plant fiber is used to tie the bones.

It was all done by the people from the think tank.

They even came up with the bone arrows and bow.

Things are looking up.

Also during this time even more survivor’s soldiers and lucky survivors appeared.

Well the one that tried to remove Mohini also appeared.

They have more ammunition than the group on the side of Mohini.

After coming over they started to act as if they are nobles.

They even eyed Mohini and her girls.

But they made one miss calculation.

No matter who they are they are not allowed to eye her women and her unless she wanted them to.

If not she would kill them.

Only with her consent can they enjoy their beauties if not she would make sure that they can never enjoy any beauty.

So on that very day the soldiers on this place saw a one man massacre.

The process is so exciting that the remaining soldiers on Mohini’s side immediately took the initiative to participate.

The other party has more ammunition.

But their marksman ship is poor.

Mohini dropped a bunch of smoke bombs and entered the smoke.

The smoke bomb lasts a very less time.

But during that time from the smoke people saw that severed heads, hands and legs flying out.

People had cold sweat on their heads looking at the scene.

Mohini cleared these people but she did not kill the three people that led the group here.

Instead they were tied to poles with all their clothes removed.

Mohini arranged a simple mechanism where the gun fires at their dicks after every 3 seconds.

The process of their deaths and screams along with the blood made the people clearly understand one thing.

This is the woman that took two women out of their base to stay in this isolated place alone.

Also she survived better than them and had better food than them….

They are fine and the girls looked more rosy and healthy than many women in the current situation.

Only now they realized how strong Mohini really is.

A person that can fight off the tier 3 beast without any fear and chase it to not to return again is really strong.

They realized that Mohini is not only good at thinking but she is also good with fighting and a very superior one at that.

They already forgot that she used to be a bitch before.

Instead they felt like she is doing what a man would do.

That is a man fucking a bunch of women when he is strong and in this situation.

So she is fucking a bunch of men and women to relieve her lust.

This made them forget about her being a bitch.

They all took a deep breath.

The soldiers that went along with Mohini to fight did not get to do much.

Also even in that fog Mohini did not hit any soldier on their side but only attacked the people of the enemy very accurately.

With that solved that week ended.

Now the next week started and the three dead were hanged at the entrance along with their names and deeds for the incoming people to look at it before coming inside.

This was how Mohini arranged the things.

The soldiers followed without any question.

Mohini did not take charge of the soldiers but her voice has the highest response rate than the old minister and the general.

This prestige was formed with the efforts, strength and intelligence of Mohini.

So no one can break it.

Because of the smell of the blood few monster beasts were attracted from the nearby forest.

When they came over they became the dinner of the soldiers.

Mohini and girls usually go into the forest from time to time to collect materials.

This place also holds something very important.

It was actually a pool filled with hot water.

This hot water has special properties for the body of the awakened and even the normal person.

This place is guarded by a big white serpent.

It is extremely poisonous.

Chapter 223: vitality pool

This hot water has special properties for the body of the awakened and even the normal person.

This place is guarded by a big white serpent.

It is extremely poisonous.

In the previous life this place was destroyed in the fight and the scientists found that the boiling water has special properties.

They got small samples of water later and found this through various experiments.

It is said that the host water here is a liquidated vitality essence of strange magical energy.

Later Mohini heard something like that in the apocalypse land.

It is on the side of the elves and they called this as vitality pool.

It is also their holy place with many trees in the area.

Elves usually protect this place and shifted it into the inner sanctuary.

This vitality pool is called as holy water and only the holy maiden of the Elven race,

That is the person that is designated as the next queen and priestess of nature have the right to take a dip in this water for purification.

Mohini also found that the water inside the vitality pool would not stay like this forever and they are highly volatile in nature.

They cannot be taken out side of the pool as they would vanish immediately without a strong container.

Every person that uses it would reduce the quantity and it would not replenish by itself.

From the appearance to the end they can only accommodate few people based on its size.

In the previous life Mohini did not get a chance to take a look at this vitality pool.

But she knows the rough location.

She would not give up the opportunity easily.

She would directly move the vitality pool into the space if possible.

If not she has special big containers made of bronze with air tight seal specially prepared for food preservation to use.

She would use them to store the excess water.

One person can only absorb a little amount and the next time dipping would not have much effect.

As for the effects, no one knows about this.

These days Mohini is searching for this vitality pool in the surrounding area.

She knows the rough location that this was inside a cave inside a mountain.

She knows the internal mapping in the cave leading to the vitality pool.

But she doesn’t know the exact location of this cave as there are many mountains and cave around this place.

Some caves have bears, some caves have wild mountain goats, and some has mountain tigers….

She has to search all the caves on by one.

This took her another week with all the new people coming to seek refuge the place started to grow bigger.

Well there are skirmishes when the people that caused Mohini to leave the previous base, that arrived high and mighty.

Unfortunately they were directly killed on spot without any form of reluctance or thought.

This was an order from Mohini and the soldiers followed the orders as soon as they spotted the traitors that caused them to lose the lives of many soldiers in the previous base.

On the other hand Mohini finally found the cave she was looking for.

This was because she saw the shed skin of a snake that was very big.

It is bigger than the biggest snake on earth.

Mohini was not sure if she can kill this snake and get the pool without paying a bloody price for this.

In the best case the pool might be damaged.

Mohini was reluctant to lose such a good chance easily.

She wanted to lure the snake out of that place.

The best opportunity for that also right now.

The snakes that recently shed their skin would usually look for the chance to replenish their spent energy.

So they would be looking for high quality meat.

Also they would be attracted to the bloody smell quickly.

This is all Mohini knows about the snake species of the monster beasts.

The current snake they should be facing is a tier 4 and the shed skin at the cave entrance is fresh.

The intelligence of the snake is high but it was currently in a weakened state and it was crazy for blood and meat.

So Mohini decided to use this opportunity.

She immediately started to find the best place to set the trap.

She told the girls to leave this place and go to a hiding spot, just in case if the snake suddenly comes out because of their bad luck.

The girls moved away quickly.

At this kind of situation they would not act lovey- dovey like brain dead heroines and cause the dangerous situation to worse.

It is not that they don’t love Mohini.

It is precisely because of that they left giving him less things to worry about.

They went to a mountain top with hidden surroundings and sprayed some special liquid that Mohini prepared from the mutated plants.

This would keep other monster beasts from coming close to them and indentifying them.

Then they took out a sniper.

Here Sakura is the experienced one in shooting and Radha is not so experienced.

So they divided the work where Radha would arrange the spot and reload the sniper rifles along with positioning for rapid fire while Sakura keeps an eye on Mohini to support her at any given moment.

While they are arranging things Mohini was also making her preparations for the trap created for the snake.

The shell of the snake is very strong and if she wanted to kill it the best way is internal explosion.

This way even if she loses a big amount of the snake meat she would be able to get the vitality pool which is most beneficial.

So she decided to take the gamble here.

She has to take caution for another important thing that is the spray of the monster snake poison that is almost on the same level as highly corrosive acid.

Chapter 224: killing the giant snake

So she decided to take the gamble here.

She has to take caution for another important thing that is the spray of the monster snake poison that is almost on the same level as highly corrosive acid.

Anything falling on his skin, even a simple contact might be fatal.

So she has to be prepared to hide when the explosion happens.

The hiding place should be big would not get the flying poison to touch her accidentally.

First of all she started to make a hidden area to the side that has a small depression on the ground.

One side is blocked from something flowing in while the other side was left open so that she can run out of this place at any time.

Then she covered it with a special metal sheet to block off something from falling on her.

After this arrangement she went to the spot she wanted to create trap and took out some gelatin sticks.

She tied them together and connected all the fuses to the remote controlled device.

Then she took out a big load of meet waste that she got from the wild boar and other meat waste that she got during this time.

She put the remote bomb in the meat that is tightly packed so that it would not break when the snake eats the bomb along with the meat waste.

In the mate waste she also has some dead mutated rats.

One of the mutated rats was stuffed with the bomb that she just prepared.

After that she took out a bottle filled with blood and poured it half way to the cave at the fastest speed.

Then she threw the bottle towards the cave so that it would splash the blood at the cave entrance.

After doing that, Mohini ran back without even looking back fearing that the snake would appear here suddenly.

There is already rumbling sound from the cave.

Most probably the snake already got the smell of the blood and it on the way out.

Right at the moment Mohini got under the metal sheet and covered up the snake appeared out of the cave.

If it was in its right state it would have definitely hit Mohini first.

But it was in a little crazy state along with the smell of the blood it became crazier.

So it only had the thought of eating meat and drinking blood right now in its mind.

It went straight towards the big lump of monster meat waste along with the dead rats.

They are still fresh as if they were killed recently.

Even if they are poisoned they cannot poison the snake that has resistance to poison for tier 5 or below poison with its current level.

It slithered its tongue on the meat waste for a few moments and then continued to eat the meat waste along with the dead rats with great relish.

Mohini was looking at the scene through the cracks of the metal sheet.

She saw the snake eat the dead rant that has red ribbon tied to its tail.

While she was looking suddenly she felt a crisis.

She immediately entered into the space without a second thought.


Right then the tail of the snake whipped on the metal sheet that she is using as cover.

Fortunately she entered into the space.

The two women did not panic as when the metal sheet flew out of the place there is no Mohini or anything in the ditch below the metal plate.

Mohini that entered the space has a strong heart rate as she just escaped the certain death.

The hit from the tail of the snake is no different from the hit from a huge metal ball that breaks the buildings.

She waited for a few seconds before returning to the reality and pressed the remote switch to detonate the bomb.

She still appeared on the ditch but there is a metal shield in her hand.

It was a broad metal shield that covered her from top to bottom.


With a huge bang the big snake has a hole in its body that directly showed its bones.

The body was almost broken in two.

The bomb that Mohini made entered the half way point below the heart of the snake when the explosion happened.

The snake started to roll on the icy floor with its huge body in great pain.

Mohini covered her body with the big shield and hid in the ditch from the rampage of the big snake.

Slowly it died after 5 minutes of struggling.

Mohini did not go to it immediately because snakes also have cunning nature just like foxes.

After a little while there is once again the struggle of the snake but it still did not die.

Mohini waited for a whole half an hour before confirming that the snake died completely.

This place is a little farther away from the current base.

Also because of the big sounds and the hissing of the snake the surrounding people moved farther away from here than to come close to this place.

Mohini went to dissect the snake.

But first she cut off its poison glands, and then she cut off its head and slowly moved to the other parts.

The snakes just like other monster beasts only have one spar in its body.

But rarely the snakes have second crystal forming in their poison gland.

This poison gland crystal has special properties.

It crystal can have the capabilities of poisoning or removing poison or giving poison immunity.

It can be found by testing the crystal or appraisal magic or other techniques.

Mohini carefully dissected the entire snake quickly.

During this time the girls kept watch from the mountain top so that no one would disturb Mohini, wanting to take a share the snake meet.

Mohini took half an hour to completely dissect the snake with her technique of dissecting the monsters over the years in the previous life.

Chapter 225: vitality pool benefits

During this time the girls kept watch from the mountain top so that no one would disturb Mohini, wanting to take a share the snake meet.

Mohini took half an hour to completely dissect the snake with her technique of dissecting the monsters over the years in the previous life.

In this half an hour three shots were made by Sakura as she killed some survivors coming toward here with bad motives.

The other survivors followed them would run away with the death of a person.

No one wanted to die.

The girls did not bother with the people that are fleeing.

So Mohini was not disturbed during her work dismantling the big snake.

After she was done she called the girls to come down as they entered into the snake cave together.

The cave is dark as they turned on the flash lights to move slowly into the cave.

They don’t know if there is a second one inside.

So they have to be careful.

If there is even a small problem they would immediately enter the ark space and then they would think of counter measures.

In the ark space they can communicate with each other.

After the accumulation over time they have time to stay in the ark space for a little while without feeling distressed about the loss of time.

The cave is long and there are many split ends.

They navigated through the cave slowly.

The people back at the base would not feel distressed about their disappearance for one or two days.

It is normal to hunt for a little longer sometimes.

So they have to stay out over night sometimes.

Mohini chose the direction in the split ends based on her memories and the fresh markings of the soil caused by the snake.

After few hours of slowly navigating on the slippery floor of the cave they arrived at a warm place.

This place is warm and the cave expanded into a huge hall like cave structure.

Well it is still a cave but the entire thing widened enough to fit a stadium.

Right at the center of the cave is a small pool that can fit 5 people at a time.

Well all 5 people have to tightly pack inside at the same time.

If not 3 people can easily fit inside.

The water in the pool is crystal clear and the water is boiling like it was some sort of a hot spring.

But another strange thing is that there is no smell of volcanic materials as sulfur.

Mohini and the group did not go to the pool immediately instead they checked around the entire hall cautiously.

They did not find any strange thing.

There are few pieces of animal waste and pieces of flesh and few bones.

Most probably it is from the meals that the snake had before.

Well Mohini checked around and there is no other entrance other than the one that they came here.

The water in the pool did not come from below but it came from above through the Stalagmite cones above.

Not all of them but one of them has a strange color of green.

Mohini was sure that this is the source of the pool here.

Taking the pool below is not possible without taking the big piece of Stalagmite from above.

Fortunately Mohini has the suitable equipment to remove the big Stalagmite cone from the top of the cave.

She doesn’t want other people to have this.

But before getting into action the three removed their clothes and got into the pool without a care for someone to see them.

Immediately they felt a strange but strong wave of pleasure all over their body and they are literally shaking from pleasure.

It is like their body has sublimated to the point that they would have an orgasm.

But they held back so as to not to spoil the pool of vitality.

After half an hour they stopped feeling the pleasure and finally everything returned to normal.

The vitality pool has reduced by a large amount.

Well they did not care as they slowly got out of the pool and they found another strange thing immediately.

That is their bodies are not wet at all.

Also they felt that their body became unbelievably strong.

Mohini opened the system and made a simple check and found that her vitality was off the charts.

It is not a direct improvement but there is a bracket beside the original number containing a 1000 directly.

This means that her vitality potential of the body has increased by that much and it will slowly increase.

Her body would adapt to that level of vitality and finally reach the fulfillment level.

On the other hand they became more beautiful.

Their skin became more white and rosy.

They are so soft that Mohini really wanted to fuck them right then and there.

But they are in the enemy territory and they have to quickly leave after taking the things that wanted to take.

Mohini also found that her telekinesis skill along with the mind related stats showed great improvement.

She casually checked as she tried to lift the bolder on the side that is as big as her.

Immediately she lifted the bolder with her thoughts as if it was made of paper but not rock.

After her the girls also tried the same.

They are a little worse in control but they still lifted the bolder with a thought.

As for physical strength Mohini was able to move the bolder as if it was child’s play with one hand.

The bolder turned into pieces with a single punch.

Mohini was very satisfied with her gain of power and then they put on their dresses.

After that they got on to the work of taking the vitality pool.

Mohini knows the procedure for this.

Fortunately she has telekinesis to help her in this situation if not the chance of successfully extraction of the vitality pool is not possible.


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