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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 211: fighting the tier 3 monster beast tiger

Mohini and her girls are also on the move and went straight to the location where they estimated that the tiger monster would appear.

Mohini did not know from where that monster beast tier 3 tiger would come out in the cast gray forest.

All she remembered is that this monster appeared from the far west end of the forest near the barren rock mountain.

This is a high place where the tiger would stay and watch the monster beasts attack the base.

If the attacks are continuous then even the magic formation can break.

Also the magic formation cannot block with multiple targets at the same time.

If the monster tiger comes down to attack them.

Then they would most probably break the formation with a single paw swing.

Mohini and the girls came to this side and started to hunt the monster that should emerge from here.

While the groups of soldiers are waiting they saw the large number of monster beasts running out of the big plant forest.

They are ferocious and are ready to attack with full swing.

Mohini took out her guns along with her girls,

There is also a swords strapped to their side for quickly usage.

Mohini’s group of three is a little away from the side of the soldiers but they can still see Mohini’s group fighting.

Mohini took the guns to shoot the leading dogs that are bigger than a lion and there are cats as ferocious as tigers.

Mohini and her girls would not show off their space here.

So they have few sets of bullet magazines ready on the side.

There is a big box behind them that contains many weapons including the sniper rifles.

They started to shoot the beast as fast as they could.

After killing over 100 beasts the tide of beasts almost came to them.

So they put back their guns and started to use their swords to fight with the monster beasts.

They killed more beasts with the cold weapons than the hot weapons.

They looked like dancing when killing the beasts and all the beasts that came into contact with the swords would be cut.

Right around that time they heard a big roar from the barren rock mountain on the side.

Everyone saw a monster tiger that is as big as a bus.

Many hunters that are brave enough to face the monster beast tide have their legs limp and fell back in fear.

The soldiers are still fine.


At that time the soldiers heard a heavy sound.


Mohini used a high caliber sniper rifle to hit the eye of the giant monster tiger making it scream in pain.

The soldiers have immediately became excited and they once again seen the braveness of Mohini.

They are thoroughly convinced that Mohini is a brave and intelligent woman.

That heroine that came to save them in the time of crisis just like it was mentioned in those ancient classics.

No matter what cast or religion or creed, it was always mentioned that they would meet with a savior that would save them from the crisis and guide them to prosperity.

So they all believed so looking at Mohini’s actions.

On the other hand Mohini did not stop and took another sniper and shot at the other eye of the tiger.

But this time it missed because the tiger is very fast which is very different from its body size.

Immediately the tiger moved back from the mountain with a roar and then jumped out towards Mohini and others.

Mohini is already prepared.

She took out a RPG launcher and held a grenade on her hands with the pin removed.

She first threw the grenade that was about to explode straight at the tiger with all her strength.

She threw it at the estimated spot that of the monster tiger would step on.

With the blast of the grenade the tiger changed it direction.

But Mohini immediately launched the RPG towards the estimated location where the monster tiger would dodge the blast of the grenade.

The tiger really dodged to the other direction and immediately hit by an RPG.

It was heavily damaged and it understood that it would be hard to deal with Mohini right now.

So it wanted to escape back.

Mohini gave it a chase.

When she was in the sight of the people she moved a little slowly but when she was out of the people’s sight she moved faster and faster.

Her women did not move from there and continued to fight with the beasts that are attacking them on their side.

When Mohini was out of sight from those people she moved even faster than before and caught up to the tiger.

First she used the mental interference to mess up with the thoughts of the tiger and then used the chance to hit a high caliber sniper bullet at a certain spot of its neck.

There will be paralysis nerves at this location of the tiger.

As long as there is a strong impact in this location the tiger would lose its mobility and motor functions of the body.

The tiger that is fleeing did not expect this kind of attack.

Actually it wanted to retaliate against Mohini just now when it saw that she is alone.

Its intelligence is on the same level as humans.

Unfortunately it miscalculated and acted a step too late.

As soon as it was hit Mohini was not idle and shot another bullet at the same spot.

Even Mohini did not expect to hit the bullet at the right spot.

Originally she was planning to run away as soon as the first bullet missed the neck of the tiger.

But it hit perfectly unexpectedly and she was able to obtain the benefits from it.

So she did not stop for a moment and immediately continued to attack.

There are many loaded sniper rifles in the space for her to use.

Chapter 212: tier 3 monster tiger was killed

So she did not stop for a moment and immediately continued to attack.

There are many loaded sniper rifles in the space for her to use.

So, she doesn’t have to waste time reloading.

With her fast actions the second bullet actually missed and the tiger became vigilant.

Even though it was injured it did not lose all of its power completely.

It has the same intelligence as that of a human and Mohini made an action that she is loading the bullet in the gun.

This made it want to attack Mohini.

But it did not expect that Mohini is only showing a faint with her actions.

When the tiger turned and wanted to attack her Mohini shot another bullet towards its neck, when it was running towards her.

It turned its head to the side to escape the bullet.

But it did not expect that another bullet shot right after.

Mohini switched the guns without changing the posture and shot immediately.

This time the bullet hit the right spot.

The tiger was temporarily paralyzed completely.

This is the perfect time for Mohini to attack.

She directly took few more snipers and shot them into its forehead.

The skull bone in the forehead is very strong.

For a tier 3 monster tiger it was even stronger.

Mohini took out many high caliber guns one after the other and shot at the head of the tiger.

She prepared them all before coming for this fight.

If it is only one bullet then the skull might not break.

But Mohini shot 5 bullets in 10 seconds one after the other on the fixed target.

This was easy for her.

The paralysis of the tiger only lasts for 10 seconds with its regenerative capabilities.

All the bullets did not hit the same spot.

But it hit in the nearby range and impacted on the skull area at the eye socket of the tiger.

This place is the weakest.

Mohini’s work succeeded and the fifth bullet has reached the brain of the tiger.

But it was still able to live.

Mohini knows that she did not have more time.

So she took out the assault rifle and tried her best to shoot at the eye socket while retreating to a safe distance.

At that time her target is to let as many bullets enter its head as possible.

Fortunately Mohini’s attack succeeded and the tiger got two more bullets in its brain.

With that the tiger died on the spot.

Actually its brain is dead but not the body.

Mohini for the safety reasons shot few more bullets and made sure that the tiger is dead.

This time she got a drop box triggered by the system too.

So it is confirmed that the tiger is dead.

She came to the tiger and first cut off its head and then cut off its body with a sword as fast as she could.

After she is done she placed the entire thing in her stagnant time warehouse.

The blood smell would attract more beasts here so she immediately moved away from here and returned to the camp.

With the deterrence effect of the big tiger gone the other monster beasts retreated back into the forest and escaped.

Mohini came back and reported the bad news that the tiger escaped.

Well it did not reduce her prestige as they thought that the escape of this tiger is the reason why those beasts retreated.

With that Mohini’s prestige improved by leaps and bounds.

When the higher officials enquired how she did that Mohini told them that her accuracy was boasted by her detection power when shooting.

This simple explanation stopped them from preying on her more for information.

Mohini’s women have already returned back to their house and are sorting the weapons they had left after this fight.

Naturally it was the weapons in that box they are sorting.

They have hundreds of boxes of weapons like this with them at their disposal.

Mohini completed her talk with the higher ups and got a good amount of contribution points.

Mohini directly exchanged all the contribution points for bullets and guns in the ration she previously followed.

This was to replenish the previously used ammunition.

She preferred most of the bullets of sniper and higher caliber.

In one of the future cities in the apocalypse land there is a special sniper rifle where people don’t have to add bullets continuously.

The magazine has a spacial space formation inside that can store sniper bullets.

The cost there is not the gun but the bullets.

Making a bullet require materials and they are consumables.

The problem with apocalypse land is that the materials are scarce.

So the cost of the gun is less than the magazine and the bullets.

For this reason Mohini collects more bullets and materials for usage later.

Currently the number of ore fields on earth is being removed just like that.

The extracted ore is still there but the main ore inside the earth is gone.

Instead new locations for ore are formed with small pockets.

They are scattered at various places on earth that are hard to find.

When earth is connected to the apocalypse land then the positions would be shuffled again.

At that time it would be hard to find resources.

Normal iron and some basic materials area already rare, when it comes to rare materials like gold and other special metals it was very hard to find.

For this reason whenever Mohini finds the rare materials in those industrial areas, she would collect them and store them in her space.

This has become her hobby.

When Mohini arrived back her girls has already collected the monster cores of the beasts that they and Mohini killed.

Also they silently put away some of the strong monster beast corpses.

They are going to use them as meat later.

Since they also have stagnant space it is not hard for them to store the meat.

Chapter 213: tier 3 monster meat cooking with monster core

They are going to use them as meat later.

Since they also have stagnant space it is not hard for them to store the meat.

They would not eat the meat dishes that they prepared before right now because they are too delicious to eat it now.

They would eat it later.

Instead they would eat the meat of the tier 2 and tier 1 monster beasts that can help them improve their capabilities.

Mohini would be the one doing most of the process of processing the meat and then cooking as well.

They will help in preparatory work.

It is not a problem to cook meat now because the entire base has tons of meat to eat now.

The meat of the monster beasts cannot be stored for long even in this cold weather.

So they can only reduce the price of the meat and let the people eat the meat and save more storable supplies.

With so much meat the people of the base are happy and they started to cook.

Mohini took the chance to cook the meat in the most delicious manner.

Since there is the smell of meat every where they would not be able to find them and force them to give the meat.

Mohini used the specially prepared onion, ginger, garlic and other spices to cook the delicious meal for them in a large quantity.

For this in the center of the room they put a big stove and a big container for cooking.

The girls did the work of applying the spice mixture to the meat pieces while Mohini prepares the other cooking processes.

With the collective effort they cooked a meal that would be sufficient for 100 people with more than 10 dishes.

Also the big tiger was completely processed and cooked separately.

It is a tier 3 monster beast and the benefits that they get from consuming it meat are far higher than that of other tier 2 and tier 1 monster beasts.

Mohini also learnt a special cooking process from one of the future cities about using the monster core of the beast to cook the monster beast along.

This is only possible for monster beasts and plant based monsters.

This way the enhancement would be greater and the impurities in the body would be less for the better future improvement.

So Mohini followed the process and cooked slowly.

She did try this in her previous life but she was not strong enough to cook big dishes.

But small dishes are still possible.

She would practice more in the future.

This is the best way to gain more benefits for her and the girls without a problem of sharing.

The tiger meat was specifically cooked and divided into three equal portions and packed them in three special utensils for them to eat.

Mohini stored her portion in her space while the two women also stored them in their own stagnant space for eating later.

Not only the tiger meat but all the other dishes were also stored between them separately.

This way they can eat whenever, they want and easy to reduce conflicts in small matters.

That is not all even if there is problem they can hide the things carefully.

In the apocalypse situation it is not easy to survive without any problem.

If something happens and his ark space is locked then none of them can do anything.

If they stored it in three different places then it would be easy to survive even if there are some mishaps.

This is her plan and the two women appreciate her plan very much.

They also understood that anything can happen in the apocalypse land.

So they have to be prepared for the worst all the time.

In a single day a desert can completely turn into an ocean in the apocalypse land.

Some places in the apocalypse land have special fields where all space devices are inaccessible.

Due to all kinds of strange situations being prepared and having extra insurance is always a good thing.

The cooking of meat with spices did attracted lot of attention but no one knows from where the smell is coming.

Everyone in the camp is cooking meat and it can be from anywhere.

When they are done with the cooking the three people took a comfortable bath in a big tub filled with hot water that they just boiled after cooking.

They did not use the previously boiled water because it was for emergencies when there is no choice.

All three took a little shower to wash off first before entering the hot water.

The tub is not that big and the sat very close.

Naturally Mohini moved out her fresh dick that stood up poking its head out of water making the two girls giggle.

Mohini also smiled at them and moved her hands toward their pussies to finger them.

Immediately the giggles of the two girls turned into moans.

They rolled their eyes at Mohini and pinched her nipples with their small fingers.

Well there is no pain and Mohini felt strong pleasure and moaned.

She let them pinch away her nipples and tits as much as they wanted to.

She moved her hands to the top and held on to their tits from behind their arms.

She pinched on to their nipples to make them moan a little more with their sexy voices.

Mohini pulled them closure to her face and held them rightly to suck on their tits.

The girls moaned and smiled coquettishly.

‘Bitch let go.

You can play in the night.

We still have other things to do today.”

They said but Mohini did not let them go.

Their tits were sucked till their nipples swollen a little and their lips were also swollen a little after a long time of kissing.

Mohini did not make big moves for now.

She would do that in the night.

As for her dick it did not calm down for a while….

Chapter 214: everyone wants a share of the pie

She would do that in the night.

As for her dick it did not calm down for a while but she still controlled it in the end.

They are in a safe place now but it is not that safe.

The square faced city is the best place to feel safe for the long time.

At least till few years it would not fall easily.

Till then they can stay there safely.

Mohini doesn’t want to make big tosses till then.

She did not remember everything that happen other than the major events.

So it would be best to stay at the peak state for the time being.

After a good bath they went back to the small room to eat the tiger meat with the side dishes they liked to eat with.

With that their day ended.

They slept peacefully after switching on a heater to warm the small room to adequate temperature in this cold climate.

They also hugged each other as they set the temperature a little lower so that they would be warm together.


For the next few days they rarely went out and continued to work on improving their stats.

Mohini can see their stats after help them improve it with the exercise procedures and the models she understood.

In her spare time Mohini studied the medicinal herbs book and other special materials book of identification from the ark library.

After that she would go around the newly formed gloomy forest to search for materials while killing the mutated beasts.

As for the undead they are having a hard time to come out.

The tons of snow on the old base were hardened by the awakened people over the time.

Because of this the activity under was completely stopped in the past month.

The rats and many insects were also stuck there.

But it will only work for a short while.

As long as the mutated beasts, or insects or those undead or those zombies stepped into tier 3 then they would cause a heavy damage.

But the process was indeed slowed down.

Well the final result would be an eruption just like the 10 thousand zombies that suddenly appeared at the previous base.

Mohini can sense that the movements under the thick snow and ice and the concentrated energy there.

She was thinking of what she should tell the higher ups so that they would move out of this place quickly before they are surrounded suddenly.

Based on her previous life memories they would stay here for another 6 months.

They already received the information back from the scouts about the situation of other bases.

They are going to pool in soon and form a big refugee camp at the northern part where the land is a little more barren with mountains.

That kind of place would be advantageous for them to fight against the mutated beasts.

This should be their next temporary base.

It also happened in the previous life where they are suddenly surrounded by many mutated beasts and all kinds of monsters.

The people have to leave here quickly and before leaving the location of the next base was announced.

The lucky survivors made it out of here and reached the base while the remaining people died in the hands of these monsters.

Mohini knows the location of that base but even if she urged the people are not in a position to listen.

The reason is simple.

The people became over confident.

They were so confident that they would not even take her warning into their heads.

Last time during the strategy with the beast tide, many officials actually interjected the words of Mohini.

They added their own thoughts and believed in the survivalists in the army instead.

Mohini still has prestige in the army and the survivors; this made the higher officials and the head people jealous.

So they wanted to reduce the role of Mohini as much as possible.

The old minister still believes in Mohini because they avoided many dangerous situations during these past 3 years thanks to following Mohini’s plan.

But now other people want to take the share in the pie.

They understood the gains of the reputation and wanted to have more reputation.

The charity acts can gain loyalty of people which is free meat shields which is life saving.

Suggestion a better plan that can save the lives of soldiers will give better protection for them.

If the plan succeeded then they would receive more contribution points and rewards along with the gratitude.

This is the best way to gain the benefits.

Many people thought and started to act.

As for the reason why these people are encouraged is because the influence of Mohini has reached greater heights in the eyes of survivors and soldiers.

They wanted to find a way to reduce it so that they would not lose their benefits.

This is the way of balancing the people for their interests.

Unfortunately not everything would follow the route they wanted.

Sometimes things are complicated and a wrong decision can cost the lives of the people.

Even if Mohini gave them comments they would not listen.

So Mohini simply gave up.

When soldiers asked Mohini about this matter,

Mohini told them the truth and they were furious because of those leaders trying to move things because of their petty profits at the cost of their lives.

Even though she is a bitch she saved their lives many times.

So they are grateful to her.

Mohini did not give them any suggestions and only told them all the best before leaving.

They thought that Mohini is angry and those higher officials laughed and gave the chances to their relatives to pull them into ranks.

But things are not as easy as they seem to be.

The soldiers requested the higher officials to reconsider their thoughts about asking suggestions from Mohini.

But they did not move instead they threatened the soldiers that asked for this to step down.

Chapter 215: luring enemies into a trap

The soldiers requested the higher officials to reconsider their thoughts about asking suggestions from Mohini.

But they did not move instead they threatened the soldiers that asked for this to step down.

This made the soldiers angry and they directly wanted to quit being a soldier but there is still family to feed and they cannot just leave.

But they did not expect that big trouble that is looming around them.

Mohini came back to the house first and explained the situation to her women and then left to meet with the old minister and the general that previously supported her.

It is not to ask their help but give them a little advice before completely leaving the things.

Well they did help her even with their selfish motives so she has to repay them.

She came to them and talked to them about her thoughts first.

Then she told them the locations in the barren mountains where they can form a good base and also get the things from the nearby plant forest area in a map.

After telling them about this she told them about the coming disaster based on her calculation and she decided to move on to the next place that she marked.

They tried to persuade Mohini but Mohini did not listen to them.

Some time you have to play hard to get the things done if not your hard work would be considered as free service without any value.

After telling them all these things Mohini came back home.

She did not go in instead she called the 20 guard soldiers.

She distributed the contribution points he has on hand which is not much just a 100 each.

With these contribution points she can at most exchange them for a tier 1 spar from the monster.

It was very useless for her.

Then she told them that she no longer needed their services and she will be leaving here soon to a different place.

The people were shocked.

They tried to persuade Mohini but Mohini did not listen to them instead she warned them of the coming danger before leaving back into her house.

Mohini did not waste any time, her women has already packed the things that needed to be packed in the house.

Then she came to store the small room into the space first and the other things are also stored.

After the second check they came out and took the military vehicle they got from the higher officials and left the base directly.

Some soldiers and survivors that received help from her before has stopped them from time to time as the rumors about her departure has already spread throughout the base.

Mohini simply explained the situation and left without listening to their persuasion.

Sometimes the hard earned things can fall apart.

When we cannot reinforce them, one has to be strong enough to let go and pick up the pieces later.

This is also a way of honing things and gaining more powerful subordinates in the future.

Mohini never wanted to stay out alone after thinking of the benefits between being along and being with a group.

The current situation is different.

In a few days at most the undead tide would strike them.

Then there will be a monster tide and there is also the insect locust attack.

With all these things they will have a crisis of life and death.

In the previous life it happened and many people died before fleeing from this place.

Mohini wanted to save them this time but they chose to die.

Mohini already told the people about the safe location she found and let them take the initiative to come there.

Mohini and the girls left the base smoothly and started to move north.

Well they covered their bodies completely instead of putting on the dress that showed their bodies.

It was so cold outside that she has to cover up.

On the way they attracted the attention of some zombies and other things.

Also on the way there are few more cars chasing after them.

Mohini did not stop but increased the speed and entered a danger zone.

This place in her previous life is the territory of a tier 3 wild boar.

Mohini originally planned to kill it on the way when passing through this area.

She doesn’t know the intentions of the people chasing her but she doesn’t care.

She let Radha drive the car while she took out binoculars to check the faces of the people that are chasing her.

After seeing their faces and their lip movements Mohini came to a conclusion that they are enemies.

Since they are enemies Mohini would not give them a chance.

Fortunately she is also in the right place to trap them right now.

While going around, Mohini told Radha to take a cut into the plant forest to the side.

After going for a little while Mohini found a good hiding place.

The people followed them into the plant forest.

Mohini left the military car here and told the girls to climb a plant that has thick leaves to hide behind the leaves.

Mohini then took out big lumps of meat wastes that she took from the tier 3 monster beast tiger and other monster beasts that she dissected.

She directly dropped them in the nearby area from the system space.

Then she climbed to the top of the tree and came to her women.

After that she took out a special scent to spray on their bodies.

This would mask them from the monster beasts.

This is the territory of a tier 3 monster beast wild boar.

It has a keen nose for the smell of meat and would definitely be attracted it.

It is because of this reason this current area did not have many monster beasts in fear of becoming the food of the wild boar.

This was not known by the people that is chasing after Mohini.

Chapter 216: hunting the tier 3 monster wild boar

It is because of this reason this current area did not have many monster beasts in fear of becoming the food of the wild boar.

This was not known by the people that is chasing after Mohini.

On the other hand the people chasing after Mohini and others came here at their fastest speed in the cars.

But when they arrived to the spot where the military car is parked they stopped their cars and started to check around vigilantly.

They have seen the abilities of Mohini before and they are all holding guns to kill Mohini as soon as they saw her.

Mohini guessed it correctly they came here to kill Mohini under the orders of some people.

Mohini doesn’t need to know who those people are.

Mohini on the other hand is hiding on the top of the plant along with her women felt a strong stench approaching the location they are currently present.

Mohini knows that the wild boar is on its way here and these people would die.

Mohini’s women covered their noses from the unbearable stench from the wild boar.

The wild boar is as big as a truck that is a little smaller than the tiger before.

But it was more ferocious and its body is like a strong armor.

Under normal circumstances it is not possible to attack it unless one shot it with a shot gun at the weak spot from a close range.

In the big meat waste lump Mohini has mixed in some muscle relaxants.

As long as the wild boar eats it would be helpless after a while.

There is a reason why pig is called a pig.

It would not leave anything and eats everything.

Mohini was sure that after killing those people it would eat them.

Then it would eat the monster meat lump mixed with muscle relaxants that Mohini left there because of its pig nature.

All she has to do is to wait for the opportunity and strike when things are right.

While she is watching she noticed a position where the wild boar is actually waiting and looking at the people patiently.

Mohini gestured her women to take a look at the wild boar in the dark.

It is evening and the number of huge plants is too much enough to create dark and shady places.

There dark and shady places can even hide the big things like the wild boar that is as big as a truck.

The two women looked at the wild boar covering their noses and frowning because of its ferocious and gluttonous expression.

On the other hand the people that smelled the strong stench thought that it was from the meat lump on the side.

They are carefully checking the car that Mohini and girls left behind and went around to search for clues of Mohini and the girls.

But they did not find anything in this darkness.

Right at that moment suddenly there is big sound.

The wild boar came out of the shadows and bite off the top half of the body of a man from her behind.

The people immediately reacted and started to shoot at it.

But no bullets touched it because it was running around.

Even if a bullet touched its hard skin it would not penetrate much.

Normal bullets and even grenades cannot put a dent in its skin.

Wild boars usually rub off against the rocks, mud and dirt.

All of this would slowly dry off on its back forming a strong shell.

The rough skin below was already hardened from all the rubbing around.

The wild boar ran to the side and hit another person with its tusks.

Its tusk straight away pierced into the chest of that man and he was still screaming while he died slowly.

Then it directly crashed into another person that flew back and hit a tree with all of its bones broken.

The head on hit from the wild boar of this size is no different than the head on hit from a high speed train.

So that person is dead immediately.

Another one that is a little faster entered a car and wanted to leave.

But the car was hit by the wild boar and it directly over turned.

The oil in the car leaked and the fire quickly started.


The car blasted in the background of the wild boar.

It appearance of this incident looked more like an action movie hero elevation opening scene than the fight with a monster wild boar.

Here the wild boar is actually the protagonist.

Just like that the 12 people following behind Mohini in two cars died quickly one.

Mohini was really fascinated by the scene that happened in front of her.

Mohini was sure that she would not be able to kill the wild boar with her current strength in tier 3.

She should be at least at tier 4 to make a difference.

But there is always a solution like the muscle relaxant that she prepared.

Even a whale would be unable to move after take a little of this muscle relaxant.

Mohini actually mixed a good amount of it in the meat waste on the side.

After the wild boar is done killing the people it started to eat.

It was very fast in eating just like its nature of pig.

When she came to the meat waster it sniffed for a little while causing Mohini and the girls to become tensed.

But still it finally ate the meat waste with great relish that disgusted Mohini and her girls.

They were able to hold back from vomiting.

Soon after eating the meat waste the wild boar is still okay.

Mohini even though that this muscle relaxant did not work.

After few seconds the big wild boar finally fell to the side with its legs unable stand still.

With the falling of the wild boar Mohini finally sighed of relief from the previous tensed state.

Chapter 217: temporary stop

After few seconds the big wild boar finally fell to the side with its legs unable stand still.

With the falling of the wild boar Mohini finally sighed of relief from the previous tensed state.

But she did not immediately go there to check the situation.

Who knows what would happen.

She just waited for a few minutes before the wild boar could not move anymore and shouting around in order to scar all of its enemies.

It is a tier 3 monster beast.

It has human level intelligence.

So it was sure that it was plotted by someone.

Understanding this it is trying its best to scar the other party as if it was still in good condition.

This is the indication that the wild boar is completely paralyzed.

This time Mohini slowly got down from the big plant.

Then came behind the wild boar where it cannot see her.

She went straight to its back and took out a chain saw from the ark space.


With a little fuel the chain started to rotate roaring loudly.

The pig tried to struggle but it could not move.

Mohini is wearing some protective cover from the blood and flesh that would spray on her.

She directly placed the chain saw on the neck of the wild boar.

The chain saw has a hard time cutting into the skin of the wild boar.

Mohini took a few minutes to make the cut and then it became easy.

Struggling slowly the wild boar died.

Mohini did not cut the stomach of the beast because she don’t want to accidentally break open its stomach and mix the human flesh with the flesh of the wild boar.

So she was careful and cut off its head first then she would deal with the remaining things.

As its head was completely cut off the wild boar died.

The muscle relaxant in its body would directly lose its effect after a few hours.

So Mohini doesn’t have to worry about that.

Then she started to dissect the wild boar separating the beast into eatable meat, useful parts and other things were all separated.

After the Mohini cleaned the eatable meat and stored it back in the time stagnant warehouse.

Everything was divided between the three and the meat waste was also collected separately for using as bait in the future.

After this was settled Mohini and the girls left from this place under the directions of Mohini.

Radha is still driving while Sakura is sitting on Mohini’s lap in co pilot seat.

Well they played a game of rock paper scissor and this is the result.

They would not complaint about these things.

On the other hand Mohini started to fondle the tits of Sakura as she hugged her from behind and finger her pussy gentle.

The climate is very cold and they are close to each other to keep warm.

As for Radha she was a little envious but under Mohini’s teasing she smiled.

They would not make it to the location that they want to go right now.

Only if they set out early in the morning from the base and they did not encounter any problems then they would be able to reach their destination by the night.

But they already started late and along with the current disturbance they were stuck half way through.

Fortunately this has happened in the previous life too and there is a small town area nearby.

They can stay there in a house and set off tomorrow morning again.

While this is going on the base is having its own problem.

After Mohini left the old minister and the military people became angry.

Accidentally the news about the killers sent to kill Mohini was also spread throughout the base causing too much uproar.

The higher ups that plotted against Mohini started to regret it a little because of this current head ache.

They don’t know that in less than a week they would face a big catastrophe that would make them want to die.

That is because they would face a continuous wave of beasts, zombies, undead, rodents and even insects.

The magic formation of the base would collapse because of the continuous attacks and the final result is that these people fleeing with their lives from this place.

Fortunately old minister and few others already know the location pointed by Mohini but they don’t know the safe directions from many territories of these beasts.

So they have to pay the bloody price for the survival.

On the other hand Mohini found a half collapsed house that can fit her mini room.

Her mini room naturally fits anywhere easily and directly mingles with the other buildings.

With the mini room set and the heater was placed inside the mini room.

Since it is a heater instead of an air conditioner it was very easy for it to work.

There is no sound at all.

After entering the room the two girls have finally sighed of relief.

They have been holding back for a long time.

They were actually frightened by the scene before.

They have seen things like this before but they were fearful all the time.

The reason is that no one wants to stand at the edge of life and death all the time.

The normal social life of the humans is much better than the current situation.

That is true even for Sakura that was a killer before.

If it was normal human world without this apocalypse she can do whatever she wants.

But the current world is completely different and anything can happen at any time.

There is no safe place or there is no guarantee for life.

So they are fearful to love someone and they are more fearful to lose someone they love.

Previously they also know the situation about the strength of the wild boar.

Even in the previous life they did not dare to fight with wild boars directly…

Chapter 218: danger of the bees

Previously they also know the situation about the strength of the wild boar.

Even in the previous life they did not dare to fight with wild boars directly,

It is even if they are of low level because of the strong defensive and offensive capabilities of a wild boar.

But right now the situation is different.

Right now it was someone they love that made the trap.

If their trap failed then they would have died before.

Don’t think that they are on the top of a plant.

As long as the wild boar wanted it can directly strike the big plant a few times and make them fall from the top.

Then they can only fight head on and die in its stomach.

Fortunately nothing happened at that time.

Also the horrible stench made them lose their hunger and they did not eat anything for the time being.

Mohini is also like that.

That night they slept with empty stomach.

They did not go into the space to take a bath because there is still a long journey before they reach a safe place.

So taking bath now is completely useless.

But still they hugged each other and slept peacefully.

Mohini did not play with them that night because they were mentally exhausted in the chase and the fight before.

Also they are going to an unknown place without any background or support.

So they are a little nervous in their thoughts.

Mohini held them tightly to keep them calm their minds and also keep them warm while sleeping.

They directly held the big tits of Mohini and Mohini’s hands are on their asses holding them tightly.

That night was not very peaceful because whenever there is a monster beast howl or roar outside they would wake up in fear that something might happened.


In the next day they woke up with red eyes because of the irregular sleep last night.

Mohini was thinking of not moving from this place immediately because this place is relatively safe for the time being.

Without a big army and people going to that empty place is particularly a waste.

They cannot just build a single house in the barren flat place.

If she did then it would be too obvious that there is someone living here with loads of food.

That is both for other survivors and also those beasts.

So going away from here is not that good.

This place has a few broken buildings and mostly backward houses.

There is no shadow of human in this place.

Mohini and the girls searched the place and found that the people here have left this place in a hurry.

So this place is abandoned.

But the question is when is it abandoned and why is it abandoned.

For that Mohini carefully searched the places again and found that this place is abandoned after the rain started or right after the earthquake.

At that time the change or mutation did not happened yet.

There are no corpses or remains.

Also the people here have gone through the extreme heat.

But how did they do that as there are not many air conditioning devices.

There is a place with dried up blood nearby where the walls fell.

After searching around, Mohini found that this place was abandoned after the first earthquake during the rain.

But it was long before mutation happened.

They left this place and left completely.

There are signs of cars.

Most probably they went to the base.

But for some reason Mohini always feel that this place is creepy.

From his past life memories they only stayed here for one night and left early in the morning.

But thinking more about that this place is very strange,

This is because people would at least leave the corpse of the old.

Mohini would not believe that they would take everyone including old and sick people from here equally.

When thinking about that she found a clue.

It is a wax like substance that is stuck to one of the broken walls.

But it was not candle wax or any other kind of artificial wax.

It is a natural wax.

Mohini directly found that it is more like a bee wax.

This place is out of the territory of the wild boar.

This means that this place is close to the territory of a bee hive.

This made Mohini trembled for a moment.

This is because it was a dangerous place.

Most probably all the people here have died quickly and are taken by those bees.

Also these bees are evolved bees.

As for honey, there should be none.

The evolved bees might have a different approach and are inclined towards flesh and blood instead of nectar and pollen.

This is the thought of Mohini.

“No wonder there are not many beasts in the surrounding area.

The place that the next temporary base should be farther away from here and it was a barren flat place.

Most probably for that very reason this place was not attacked by those bees.

The bees are all tier 1 monster insects and their strength is in numbers.

Previously many people vanished when coming to the base in the barren lands.

Most probably they have encountered these bees in large numbers.”

Knowing this Mohini sighed.

She understood what the problem is.

If it is like that then she and the girls has to leave this place as quickly as possible.

Mohini doesn’t know how close it is to the bees nest from the place they are in.

But it should be considerably farther away from here.

That is the reason why they were not targeted last night.

Immediately after that Mohini took the girls back to the broken building and took their things that are placed here temporarily.

Then they immediately set off leaving this place.

Previously she wanted to stay here but now she changed her mind.

They went straight to the barren plains first.

Chapter 219: new house in the cold weather

Previously she wanted to stay here but now she changed her mind.

They went straight to the barren plains first.

The place is completely covered with snow.

It is completely white everywhere.

If people look at this scene continuously then it is not that good for their eyes.

After coming here Mohini moved around the places with ice scats and went all the way to the place that has stable ground.

This place has a record of avalanche once before people completely settled in.

Except for a place everything here is not stable right now.

When all the people settled the ice around would naturally melt because of constant human activity and people build their things on the soil.

With that they would be able to stay here easily.

As for the spot that Mohini found is the place where the avalanche should have formed.

She marked the locations first and then came out of the unstable ice sheet covered area.

She took out some fire crackers and lit the fuse.

After that she threw them to the locations that she previously marked.

Their location has a cover from the falling avalanche so they don’t have to worry.

With the fire crackers blasting at the weak spots and the big sound created by them the big ice sheet started to fall in steps.

Mohini was quickly as she threw around 6 fire crackers and the huge ice sheet rushed down directly into the gorge on the side of the flat area.

That is the direction of the slope.

Also this should be remained all time because the fall from here directly leads to over 70 foot fall.

That is very dangerous without proper protection.

So Mohini kept that in mind.

Since the snow sheet was gone she went straight to the other side the place where it is safer comparable to many places.

This place still has snow but it can easily be removed.

Mohini went there to first take out some tree trunks and then big rocks as the base.

After that she took out some concrete slabs and arranged a small house that is of the 6 square meters big and it can fit around 8 to 10 people inside.

There is ready made cover and other fitting of the house that he previously bought along with the mini room.

This is a readymade house that did not require much effort.

But it can still take 3 hours to build even with the strength that Mohini and the girls possess.

The good thing about this is that Mohini can now take it directly with him as a single unit and can place it out at will at anywhere.

This is the best when moving.

As for the internal structure Mohini has already bought many fittings that cam makes the internal design sound, water, heat proof in many ways.

Also it has a certain amount of strength of resistance because of the alloy sheets and internal reinforcing.

Mohini did not use this till now because she did not see any use to it.

Her small room is enough for her before.

But now she has girls to take care and in the future many things can change.

So she decided to assemble this today.

At the same time the perimeter around the house was arranged with the tier 4 defensive formation with the materials he has on hand.

Also this formation is a little special.

Inside the house she made the tier 4 magic gathering formation using the gems and precious that have awakened.

The power source for the formation is solved and it can keep things safe for Mohini.

If she wanted she can directly take the entire thing into her space and place them in another place.

As for upgrading the formation he will do that later after getting better materials.

With the arrangements they three people sighed of relief because they can sleep peacefully today.

The survivors would not come to them any time soon.

Based on the estimate they would not be here within a week.

After the arrangements the three people collected lot of snow from the surrounding place and started to heat it inside the house to form some hot water.

Then they took a hot water bath.

Well Mohini was planning to do that outside but she was very open in nature.

She wanted to have good outdoor bath with his girls completely naked in the hot water surrounded by snow.

The bath tub is still small and the three people are closely stuck to each other in the hot water.

Even though there is live fire raging under the bath tub to heat the water they still felt that the water is not hot enough.

The temperature is very low here.

They completed with the bath quickly and moved on the next thing.

Even though Mohini put up the defensive formation there is no heating formation in the house.

The reason is simply the number of spars and materials are not enough.

Also the materials are not enough to create more powerful energy gathering formation that can support heating formation right now.

Because of this they can only make do with the heaters and batteries that already had.

Inside the new house they once again took the mini room and sent inside to switch on the heaters.

Before going inside they ate some hot food sitting close to each other.

After the food they went into the mini room and slept happily.

They did not have to fear about anything for the time being.

The external appearance of the house is very normal and people would not thing that it was magical to build it.

It was a ready to made house that was put together here that is all there is to it.

Also people could not find the formations that Mohini arranged inside the house easily.

That is no all.

Currently the house is being buried by the heavy snow that is falling continuously.

Chapter 220: visitors

Also people could not find the formations that Mohini arranged inside the house easily.

That is no all.

Currently the house is being buried by the heavy snow that is falling continuously.

In the mini room the heaters are working to keep them warm along with their body temperatures.

They slept peacefully that day after not sleeping properly yesterday and the panic they felt during the finding of the honey bees residing area their nerves are tensed.

Now they finally relaxed.

They did not do anything heavy to relieve themselves instead they simply slept.

In the morning next day they went out of the house that was covered in heavy snow.

It was hard to even open the door.

With good strength and the fire and water capabilities of both Radha and Sakura helped in opening the door after melting the ice around.

They only came out to look around but not to go out to hunt.

They are going to stay here to train more to improve their abilities.

They have enough materials.

All they have to do is to improve their strength.


A week passed by quickly and there is no sign of people coming here.

Base on her estimate they should be coming here soon in this week.

Mohini did not care and happily enjoyed her free time with her women.

They have each other to keep warm and their bodies are always aroused to emit more heat.

But it required energy so they ate a lot and exercised a lot in a lustful way.

Since there is so much water they can always make some hot water to wash.

So they are having fun these few days.

They asses and pussies were pounded everyday by each other is causing them to have some problems walking.

They are rolling their eyes at each other these days because they did not let each other go the entire week.

But their lust did not die and none of the three got the winning hand on the other two except for Mohini standing a little high.

The practice that she received is all to their dicks and pussies instead of their powers.

Well their control has increased with their high concentration during this time.

The reason for this strong strength is actually a special medicine that Mohini brewed.

The testicles of the wild boar that they hunted before is an excellent medicine for improving men’s virility.

Well they are all women but Mohini can let them grow the dicks with the help of the system.

So naturally they can enjoy the benefits of a man thing too.

But the hardest part is actually brewing the medicine.

If the medicine is brewed wrongly the effects would be temporary and there is a chance of reduction of the virility of a man.

But if it was refined correctly then the medicine has permanent effects.

The indication for this is the strong sense of lust and constant erection for an entire week.

If it is temporary then it would stop on the third day.

So Mohini has actually succeeded in permanently improving her night power fucking a woman.

Now she was sure to be able to satisfy more than 5 women at a time.

Even if she did that she would not lose her virility in her life.

For that the system is there but this would also improve her vitality and other special things later.

Well there is always a chance of getting poisoned or having suffered some attacks there.

So unless there is a specific damage she would be fine no matter what.

On the other hand she would slowly improve her capabilities related to this thing in the future finding more wild boars of higher levels.

Mohini also brewed the strengthening potion for them that can be made from the bone marrow of the wild boar.

It can let them recover quickly and it would also have permanent effect.

Unfortunately it would not work on men.

If it did she would have sold some to the people that fucks her to get more satisfaction.

Wild boar is hard to kill but it is also full of treasures.

Mohini brewed the strengthening potion from the bone marrow of the tiger she killed before.

It would be useful to them.

Just like that their time is going on peacefully.

After the small fights in the night they became even more closure.


10 days later they heard the sound of vehicles coming.

This sound was enough to cause the newly formed snow sheet to shake.

It did not fall but it would definitely fall in the future again.

Mohini did not see who came but before they arrive to this place she came out of this house along with her women and stored it inside the space immediately.

At the same time she replaced this with a small rubber tent with good heat resistant properties that would keep things warm inside.

It is an inflatable tent so it was easy to put in place.

There is also a small place for fire that Mohini arranged before.

The entire thing appeared like a small camping area.

The snow fall quickly covered the barren soil that appeared after removing the house.

The women are already ready as they anticipated this to happen.

The only sad thing is that they have to sleep in this tent from now on and the temperature is very low making them very hard to sleep at night.

The people that came this time are old minister and few other soldiers along with the general.

They are not in a good mood and their appearance is very haggard.

There are many injured people among them.

When they arrived here Mohini came out of her tent and greeted the people.

From their words Mohini understood what happened.

10 days after Mohini left the previous base they got report that the number of beasts, insects, undead and zombies in the area has increased exponentially.


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