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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 451: the evidence about the ugly secrets

“…What are you doing protecting someone strong.

See a cloud can rain on the fields which are useful, what is the point of raining in the ocean.

Moron, how did you actually become an Anbu ninja with this kind of impulsiveness in actions and stupidity?

You are not to blame for this.

We should blame the people that trained you to become stupid.

Isn't it because of the lack of proper training that we did not rescue our ally the Uzumaki clan and let them all perish?

If you have been working properly how could you only save one person from the entire Uzumaki tribe…?”

Shizuka then turned towards third Hokage and asked the same question and said.

“Now tell me third Hokage, why did you not let the Uchiha clan go to the rescue of the Uzumaki clan.

Are you deliberately colluding with the other villages to kill our allies…?”

At that time Tsunade also got into the argument and started to voice out her opinion.

This made the people of the village immediately change their opinion on third Hokage.

His popularity diminished at a visible rate.

What Shizuka is doing right now is to buy as much of time as possible for her clones to get the evidence.

All she need is another 10 minutes to complete the entire investigation.


In the group of people here there are also players that came to watch the show.

But they did not dare to meddle in this matter.

At that time the people involved are all big shots.

Any wrong move would add them into the hit list of the village management and there is also Madara Uchiha that is watching the things through Zetsu.

As long as they wanted to remove obstacles then no matter what they try they would die.

So they only watched the show silently….


Hiashi that found that news that Himeko was taken by Shizuka was devastated.

He is also here and looking at the show.

He was hoping for third Hokage to kill Shizuka so that he could take Himeko and his honor back.

Fugaku and Ryo did not appear because Shizuka almost broke their legs and there are many internal injuries.

They are not in a position to walk.

Third Hokage started to talk smoothly to release his son but Shizuka argued back with many things that are happening in the village.

Soon 10 minutes are passed and many Uchiha clansmen appeared from three directions.

Immediately Shizuka got the information from her three clones.

“Now there is evidence of what roots have done under the leadership of Danzo.

I have proof that he dug the graves and stole the dead of the Senju clan.”

Only of the Uchiha clansmen brought over a small child around one year old.

Danzo that was currently on the floor panting for air immediately became shocked.

Shizuka looked at him and spoke while giving the child to Tsunade.

“Tsunade sensei, after your brother died they dug your brother’s body and used it for experiments.

You should have heard that many children of the village are suddenly missing,

They injected the cells of Senju clan into many children and the finally result is all of them died except for this child.

He was able to integrate the Senju clan cells of your brother and he most probably can use wood style.

This is what roots people did.

There are also many things like the pairs of Uchiha clan eyes,

The bodies of previous clan heads that are used for experiments…..

Other than that there is also secret investigation done on the children of other clans…”

Shizuka spoke as he took out the copies of investigation and passed them to the respective clan heads.

Danzo that knows that if he did not speak right now he would definitely die opened his mouth to speak.

“How can you prove that it was all done by me?

What evidence do you have that pointing towards me?

How can you prove that it was all done by the roots under me?


He started to shoot off the questions but Shizuka got answers to all these questions right now.

She took out a video tape and said.

“All the investigation was recorded from the start to end from the time you left the roots base.

Even you are recorded in the video.

All the people in the roots were incapacitated and captured by the Uchiha people.

They are currently being held for further enquiry.

We consider village integrity as the important thing and unlike some old foxes.

So we did not kill anyone.

We know that you have this seal on their tongues that would make their brain fry the moment they spoke about your ugly deeds.

So I only held them as hostage without questioning.

Is the seal you made for hiding your ugly secrets or for hiding the village secrets?

Don’t worry we will get all the information we want soon.

This is the evidence….”

As soon as Shizuka spoke Danzo wanted to snatch the video tape with all his strength and wanted to destroy it.

Destroying a video tape does not require chakra.

Shizuka let him do that with a smile and said.

“Now everything is proved to be true with your actions.

Actually that is just an empty tape and the real one was safely hidden.

Next we will see the records of other two elders about their ugly deeds.

Utatane Koharu was charged with money embezzlement and changing many of the ninja gear for war resources into duplicates.

These cause the deaths of many of our ninja during the second ninja world war.

Mitokado Homura was charged with money embezzlement and changing the valuable medicine and few other medical resources with duplicates.

These cause the deaths of many of our ninja during the second ninja world war…

You are the lowest of the scum.

One of you even cut corners in the money given to the war orphans, orphanage and widows of the dead ninja of our village.

Tell me, how I should punish you…?”

Chapter 452: give me the evidence I will investigate it for you…

Shizuka specifically read out all the crimes of these people and the civilians name by name to prove her point.

Because of the open place none of the people were able to move and stop Shizuka.

Even if they wanted to stop using forces where can they get the force to stop Shizuka right now?

Jiraiya that was standing on the side widened his eyes in shock looking at the information.

Being a ninja that came from the civilians and participating in the war he has seen this kind of things during the war.

He was angered so much that he wanted to kill the two elders on the spot.

Shizuka would not allow something like that to happen.

There is still use for these people in the plot.

Right next to that Shizuka doesn’t have to interfere in this matter as everyone heard what Shizuka said.

In these few moments there are more than half of the village came to this current place.

The reason why none of the Anbu or roots came to do anything is because Shizuka’s clones are restraining them from coming here.

Without the man power can third Hokage do any anything?

That is when there are so many people are around looking at the situation.

Right now third Hokage only have one target that is to save his son.

As for the other three elders he already gave up.

Fortunately he never left any evidence of his wrong doings.

So even if Danzo, Koharu and Homura gave statements on him, he can simply deny them.

With that decided he started to speak for his son and he condemned the other three elders.

“I did not thing that you are this kind of people.

Tobirama sensei would be ashamed for having students like you.

Shizuka, my son did that on impulse and there is no malice.

He was angry because of your words pointed at the elders of village.

As an Anbu ninja he loves that village very much.


Shizuka patiently listened to all of this.

Actually Shizuka is letting the whole village listen to this.

Shizuka thought that the Hokage would say something different like

“I would investigate this matter more and give you an explanation.”

But may be the restrictions that Shizuka created are too strong that made third Hokage unable to say anything like this.

This old fox is still intelligent to cling on to his seat trying to act high and mighty even when all of his generals are dying.

The faces of Danzo, Homura and Koharu are not good looking at the acting of third Hokage.

But there seems to be a tactical understanding between them and the third Hokage.

So they are silent right now.

Shizuka knows they would plan something so Shizuka directly spoke.

“Since third Hokage said so much,

I will let your son leave but I want you to directly revoke the right of the elders of these three people and all the money they embezzled should be recovered within an hour.

After that within an hour all the money that should reach their rightful owner.

Till the process is complete I will personally give counseling to your son to behave well in the future.

You should quickly go and do that.

As the Hokage you should be the person responsible for the crimes of your subordinates.

We Uchiha are righteous and only support the village but not the scum of the village.

We are prideful of our clan and stand on the right side instead of going astray like these three elders.

Hokage san the time is ticking.

If the agreed tasks are not completed on time, I will have to personally take care of these things.

You should know for the righteousness and good we Uchiha would not hold back our fists.

The fists and kunai did not have eyes and something unchangeable might happen if we work.

You should go quickly…”

Shizuka said.

Since Shizuka took a step back third Hokage wanted to push few more steps.

So he spoke.

“Let the Anbu investigate the three elders and their deeds.

Give the evidence to me….”

He started to speak on and on.

But there is no change in the face of Shizuka other than the coldness increasing step by step.

“Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Do I look like a fool to you?

Do you want me to spell everything about the main person behind these people’s deeds?

I also have evidence on this person but just for my convenience I have been holding back.

You only have 56 minutes to bring the wealth that these people embezzled.

If not I would take of the things myself.

As for the punishment of these three traitors and their subordinates, it will be carried out in public trail instead of your personal trail.

You don’t have to worry about the evidence.

The next minute after the dead line my people would start acting.

Now get to work immediately, don’t waste my time, I still have to give counseling to your son in your place….”

Shizuka said this with a straight face.

The face of the third Hokage and the surrounding people darkened at a visible speed.

The other clan heads and civilians can easily understand that Shizuka did not have any trust in the words of third Hokage.

Well they could not lie in their hearts.

They also have the same thoughts except for some idiots.

Also after hearing so many of their people are captured by the roots, they are angry.

That is not all they feel.

They feel betrayed by the third Hokage that they trusted.

This is because third Hokage should know everything related to the things done by Danzo.

But he did not stop him and did not even warn them.

Now they lost their people.

Some of them are actually their talents that are considered to be the future of their clan.

But now they are no longer exists because of the experiments of Danzo.

Chapter 453: Shizuka’s identity was exposed

Some of them are actually their talents that are considered to be the future of their clan.

But now they are no longer exists because of the experiments of Danzo.

Well Danzo actually put his hands on the founding clans like Senju and Uchiha clan.

Senju clan lost all the main bloodline men from their clan.

Even their graves are dug.

That is how low these people are.

These are the thoughts of the people of the hidden leaf village and the clan heads right now.

Third Hokage frowned and finally the Anbu ninja appeared.

Shizuka’s clone let the Anbu ninja go while the roots were knocked out.

The Anbu that arrived were immediately ordered to recover the wealth by third Hokage.

He knows that Shizuka is acting very strangely and most probably Shizuka has some backer or power.

If Danzo and others are fine then he can use them as scapegoats to hit on Shizuka.

But now there are not there and also he is in the public and could not act rashly.

As for spreading rumors after this he would definitely do that to save Danzo and others.

They are his people and he has to save them to do dark things for him.

Right now he immediately left to the three clans that Danzo, Koharu and Homura belongs to.

Well he also went to his clan to collect his share of the money secretly.

He did not want Anbu to know that he has a share in this.

So he made an excuse that the amount of money is not sufficient and he has to compensate the money from his own pocket.

“Wow, third Hokage is so generous and kind hearted person.”

The brain dead fans and Anbu directly believed the words of this old fox.

Well Shizuka did not care and other clan heads already knows what is happening.

They smiled happily at the situation of the third Hokage and other village management elders that oppressed them for many years.


After third Hokage returned with the money he started to distribute the money to every home personally.

Well he did not get to talk to them more as he was pressed by time by his son in the hands of Shizuka.

But still he would speak a word of his kindness and sorry.

He even used the clone technique to move to all the places to act in the shortest time possible.

Shizuka was really surprised to see the speed at third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen finished both distribution and his words of sorry for his mistake.

Even Shizuka will not be able to do something like that.

This level of shamelessness will only appear in the politicians back on earth.

Well not one country but every country is like that.

They can lick anything to get the power to rule.

That was actually a disgrace for the title “Ruler”

When third Hokage finally came to Shizuka, his forehead was covered in sweat.

When Shizuka handed over the son of the third Hokage that has swollen face which is hard to recognize, third Hokage sighed of relief.

Also there is small smile on his face for a moment before it returned to the stern serious face.

This is he has achieved something good even when he was forced into this situation.

He wanted to take the credit that he was the one that found out all this and solved it for them.

But he did not expect that Shizuka would make another announcement.

“I hope all the people got their money.

If you did not receive your money and compensation then come to the Uchiha clan to give me the complaint.

Being a founding clan of the village we have an agreement with Hashirama Senju of the Senju clan.

He has anticipated that this clan might one day face great crisis.

(Well all of this is a lie and truth mixed in)

For this agreement to be fulfilled he married one of the Senju clan woman to the current head of the Uchiha clan Ryo Uchiha.

My name is Shizuka Uchiha the daughter of that Senju woman and Ryo Uchiha.

If one day the Senju clan loses the men from the main bloodline, I should act as the guard for the Senju clan women.

As the proof of this I can use the wood style of the Senju clan and the letter related to this was already given to Tsunade Senju that can prove my identity.

The wife of the first Hokage Mito Uzumaki also knows my identity and asked me to investigate the incident related to the Uzumaki clan.

So today I came here to fulfill my promise to my mother and ancestors….”

After speaking, Shizuka used the wood style to form the image of Hashirama Senju and also the image of her mother on the side right in front of the police station.

With this display all the clan heads were shocked to see that something like that.

Now Shizuka can be regarded as the only make heir with pure bloodline of the Senju clan.

This also means that Shizuka has the right to speak for the Senju clan.

But there is one problem that is Tsunade should accept the right that Shizuka spoke off.

Out of their expectations Tsunade directly accepted this and recognized that Shizuka is from the Senju clan.

The Uchiha clan people were also shocked.

Previous they only know that she was the illegitimate daughter of their clan head Ryo Uchiha and some woman.

But they did not expect that she has the bloodline from the Senju clan.

Also with the current setting she is the only male left with main bloodline and she also awaken the wood style.

Now they were shocked to see that Shizuka has both wood style and Sharingan which makes her the strongest of both Uchiha and Senju clans.

As soon as the people of the village found the identity of the Shizuka their impression on her was also changed.

Chapter 454: hidden leaf village is boiling

Now they were shocked to see that Shizuka has both wood style and Sharingan which makes her the strongest of both Uchiha and Senju clans.

As soon as the people of the village found the identity of the Shizuka their impression on her was also changed.

Jiraiya was shocked and did not expect that something like this happened.

Finally all the good things that third Hokage worked hard just now was directly given to Shizuka with these few words.

That is not all;

The loyalty of many Anbu and big clans also changes.

If the daimyo found out about this, he would definitely remove third Hokage and put Shizuka in the seat.

But Shizuka is not interested in becoming the Hokage instead she wanted to take over the entire ninja world.

This should be done in a systematic way instead of occupying them forcibly.

Shizuka can forcibly occupy them but the result is not that desirable as she has to face rebellions for a long time.

Well she has made plans for everything.

There are few people that can still threaten her.

They would not be able to do anything face to face but can still do some damage to her using underhanded ideas.

Right now revealing her identity of having both Senju and Uchiha bloodline is already a dangerous thing.

For this Shizuka did not do anything to the white Zetsu that is watching the situation.

If she did something to the white Zetsu and then they found out this information later.

It would be very easy for Madara to find that Shizuka has found the white Zetsu and silenced it through some other means.

For this reason Shizuka did not do anything to white Zetsu.

Most probably after some time this information would be in the ears of Madara.

Shizuka might face Madara or some other attacks from the dark later.

This would be dangerous.

So Shizuka has to be cautious from now one.

These bastards are so low that they would even try to attack the people close to her just to get their desired benefits.

Shizuka would not let that happen to her people.

So there is a shadow clone beside her women all the time guarding them secretly.

Being cautious is always a good thing.

Why cry over the spilled milk when you have the chance to protect them from the very start.


With the announcement that Shizuka made everything was sorted out and many people are visibly shaken.

This includes third Hokage, Danzo and other elders.

Danzo and other elders have actually fainted from the shock.

Third Hokage that old fox is still fine but internally he almost got a heart attack on the spot.

Jiraiya on the side was even more shocked.

Shizuka did tell him before the Senju clan is over.

Now the Senju clan is almost gone except for Shizuka that came out of nowhere.

In a way he actually lost the bet and has to cooperate with Shizuka unconditionally.

The head of the Hyuga clan did not know what kind of expression he should make.

He actually touched the core person of two powerful and prestigious founding clans of the village.

Is there anything more stupid than this that he could do?

Well he has been thinking of a way to apologize to Shizuka first.

His sons are at risk right now.

He felt that Shizuka hates the system of their clan separating the main bloodline and the branch bloodline.

So he doesn’t know what to do if Shizuka comes to his face and took all the branch family members under her protection.

Even Hokage could not do anything what he can do at this situation.

The other clans especially the Nara clan, Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan have their own thoughts.

Naturally they are the followers of the Sarutobi clan.

But now things are different.

Sarutobi clan has fallen from grace right now.

The current power rests in the hands of Shizuka that has inherited the power of both Uchiha and Senju clan which makes her the next Hokage sooner or later.

So they are thinking of jumping ships.

Inuzuka clan that was considered to be stupid has decided to act faster.

They are originally very close to the Senju clan and after that they became close to the Sarutobi clan.

But the situation changed and the Senju clan is stepping into glory.

So they are thinking of taking refuge with Shizuka.

As for the civilians they are actually very happy.

Previous when the first Hokage Senju Hashirama is still in power no other village dared to attack or even look at hidden leaf village.

But after his death they are constantly in war all the time.

This made them lose their loved ones over the years.

But if Shizuka becomes as strong as Senju Hashirama then they can still have a golden age where they and their children can live in peace again.

Well they could have never expected that Shizuka wanted to take over the entire ninja world.

Whatever the case is the entire hidden leaf village is boiling right now.

There are spies from other villages here and the information is already passed on to them.

This made other villages so shocked that they wanted to immediately assassinate Shizuka.

For that they did not mind sending their strong ninja and even go for war with the hidden leaf village breaking their previous agreement that they just made.

The hidden sand village is already sending their ninja to form alliance with other hidden villages.

They are trying to ally themselves to the hidden cloud village which is closure to them.

But the hidden cloud village people looked down on hidden sand village that is the weakest among the 5 hidden villages.

Shizuka on the other hand sent a shadow clone to the land of the grass to bring the mother of Karin.

Well currently she should be of the same age as Kushina and Shizuka don’t want to lose those red haired beauties.

Chapter 455: catching and cooking one tail beast

Shizuka on the other hand sent a shadow clone to the land of the grass to bring the mother of Karin.

Well currently she should be of the same age as Kushina and Shizuka don’t want to lose those red haired beauties.

Having two at a time would be a good thing.

When you have enough power you should know how to use it for your enjoyment.

She is going to marry Hazuki, Mikoto and Himeko in a few days.

After that she would try to get Tsunade and other milfs and hotties of the Senju clan.

Then after 2 years she would pull Kushina and Karen Uzumaki into her harem.

That would be the best.


The players in the village are having a hard time digesting the information.

It is especially so for Hiashi that wanted to marry Himeko.

His plan is gone.


It is not a hard thing for her clone to save someone from an easy place like the land of grass.

Shizuka was staying in the village while third Hokage was thinking of what happened right now.

Third Hokage never thought that Shizuka has such a background.

Even now third Hokage did not blame Shizuka because he thought that what happened was because he pushed Shizuka too much causing this situation.

He was sure that originally Shizuka has fallen into his web and became loyal to him.

But later when one by one the people close to her was pulled away from her by the village management and the clan elders.

That is Mikoto, Himeko and Kushina.

This made her become angry and investigated the bad things that village management and those clans did.

Third Hokage thought that this was the cause of all the mess.

If he had known he would have definitely used his Hokage power to make those clans marry Mikoto and Himeko to Shizuka so that she would not become like this and support him.

All of this was caused by Ryo Uchiha and the head of the Hyuga clan.

Third Hokage found the people to vent his anger.

Right now his eldest son is being healed by the ninja doctor.

After the analysis they found that all the injuries are internal and only normal injuries that cause pain but not real injuries that would stay for life.

He felt that he has missed a great chance and left Shizuka into the hands of Tsunade.

Shizuka on the other hand is quite calm.

Other than the clone that went to get Karen Uzumaki there are few other clones that is constantly monitoring the surroundings and her women for safety.

Because of the high level techniques and chakra of Shizuka no one has discovered her.

All of her clones are at least in super Kage level and they are wood clones.

So they can recover chakra also they can use sage mode.

Shizuka sent a clone to the land of the wind to see if it could slay the one tail Shikaku and bring some good meat.

One tails is not as strong as the three tails.

After consuming the meat of the three tails Shizuka has become strong by over 30 percent.

Her body can emit tailed beast chakra and use it to form a cloak around to fight.

Also her physical body became strong and more beautiful.

It is especially so for her dick that she can grow at will, that is continuously standing all this time.

She really wanted to poke someone but she held back till the marriage to have fun with her women.

But she also has another thought that is to let her and her woman entertain in a cheap night club to lose their virginities.

All the strong people she knows are stupidly upright and suspicious, so they would not be able to take their virginities and fuck them.

Orochimaru would not mind fucking her but she saw that the dick of Orochimaru is quite thin.

He was much suited to become a woman than a man.

So she is thinking of turning Orochimaru into woman and let him seduce Jiraiya to have a fuck.

But it will not happen right away and needs some time to think.

As for losing her virginity she is planning on different path to take on the wedding night.

With everything is set to motion, Shizuka peacefully sitting in the yard meditating to calm her mind.

There are Anbu appeared to check the situation of Shizuka but they could not come close to the location Shizuka is.

They did not dare to come because they don’t know if Shizuka would kill them directly.

Shizuka actually did not care about these people monitoring her.

Even if they monitor they would not be able to find anything about Shizuka.


Shizuka’s clone appeared in the land of the wind and with the flying thunder god technique, she threw a kunai into the air to take a look at the field.

Then use it to trace her way towards the hidden sand village.

After coming here she checked the situation of the hidden sand village first.

Then she used the Sharingan to enquire about the location of the jinchūriki of the one tail.

The process is extremely smooth.

Soon she came to a cell that locked an old man.

The cell has many makings of seals.

He looked more like old bones without any fat on his body.

Also there are many symbols on his body like a seal.

Shizuka looked at the miserable man and decided to give him his freedom from this life.

Shizuka used the Sharingan to control the man and took him out.

For Shizuka solving these small seals is nothing more than child’s play.

After solving the seal without the notice of anyone Shizuka took the jinchūriki away from here to an uninhabited area.

There she removed the seal and brought the one tail beast Shikaku outside.

After that the man that is the jinchūriki of one tailed beast died.

Chapter 456: wedding with sexy wedding dresses

There she removed the seal and brought the one tail beast Shikaku outside.

After that the man that is the jinchūriki of one tailed beast died.

Shizuka’s clone used the Sharingan to control Shikaku into creating a grave for the man using sand and stone.

After the grave is formed Shizuka’s clone controlled Shikaku and started its dissecting process alive.

The process was smooth as she started by removing the sand layer outside.

Then she went to cut the beast to get all the useful meat as quickly as she possibly could.

After getting the meat she let the beast die and dissipate like the three tails.

With that Shizuka’s clone started to cook the meat then and there before bringing it back to Shizuka.

The entire process only took a day.

Because of the high amount of chakra and energy Shizuka’s appetite is also high.

So the entire cooked meat only sufficient for her for three days at the minimum and 5 days at the maximum.

After eating the meat of the one tails she felt that her strength has improved by another number making her stronger.

But the amount of increase is not as big as the three tails.

Still at her level every small increase is useful to her.

Also she understood that these tailed beasts are a great tonic for her to improve her power further.

She could not wait to taste the other tailed beasts.

But this has to wait as her wedding day is tomorrow.

There are three hot brides ready to ride her dick and feel the energy in her body.

So she immediately put the other things on hold and concentrated on the arrangements for the marriage.

During these days Shizuka’s clones are constantly guarding her woman.

Hiashi actually tried to capture Himeko one of these days and got her balls kicked again by Shizuka’s clone.

This time he is no longer a man.

His balls are cracked and he can no longer roll around on the bed with a woman in his life

Even if he returns back to the real world his dick might not stand because of the psychological shadow of this incident.

On the other hand Fugaku actually tried to take Mikoto secretly but it did not happen.

Shizuka did not crack his ball because Shizuka wanted Itachi to be born and take the Sword of Totsuka and the Yata mirror.

For this Shizuka would not touch Fugaku for the time being.

Also there is Shisui that is already born.

There is also Obito.

These people are valuable to Shizuka and she would wait to get them.

It is like rising fat sheep.

So Fugaku received another beating almost breaking his bones putting him in the hospital for the time being.

On the other hand third Hokage tried to contact Ryo Uchiha after observing Shizuka for a while.

He wanted to know if Ryo Uchiha is still the head of the Uchiha clan.

Even in the previous incident he did not see Ryo Uchiha.

Shizuka really have to praise this old fox, third Hokage for his quick thinking which is far better than the thinking process of Danzo.

No wonder he became the third Hokage instead of other disciples of stupid second Hokage.

Shizuka knows that third Hokage contacted Ryo Uchiha.

Their conversation is actually simple.

Third Hokage asked if Ryo Uchiha can control Shizuka.

Also what is the current standing or Ryo Uchiha in the Uchiha clan?

The answer is that Ryo Uchiha is the head of the Uchiha clan in name only.

Other than that the number of people still loyal to him is currently unknown.

Well previously in the clan meeting they stood by the side of Ryo Uchiha but he was not sure if there is any spy among them or how much they are on his side.

With this doubt he doesn’t know how many people that is still on his side.

As for controlling Shizuka, Ryo Uchiha showed the situation of his son Fugaku to tell the level of closeness that Shizuka has towards them.

Looking at the seriously injured Fugaku that was being treated in the hospital, third Hokage stopped asking.

Then third Hokage contacted the Hyuga clan to know about their standing when Shizuka took the woman that is supposed to be the wife of the future head of the Hyuga clan.

But when he found out about the situation of Hiashi, third Hokage immediately left without asking.

He fears that if Shizuka knows about this then his son might be implicated in this matter.

So he quickly returned to the Hokage’s office and thought of some plans to rescue his subordinates Danzo, Homura and Koharu.

He tried sending Anbu or roots secretly but none of them succeeded.

Instead they are captured along with others.

As for roots investigation Shizuka left it to the Uchiha clan people under her along with her clone.

Shizuka did not care about the other things as she moved on with her marriage.

As for losing her virginity and the virginity of her woman she has different thoughts.

Today every clan head of the hidden leaf village came to participate in the wedding of Shizuka.

The reason for this is obvious.

Shizuka is a powerful ninja, she can do wood style and has ancestry in Senju clan.

In the current situation she is the only known ninja, Senju clan member with purest bloodline

This means that Shizuka has the chance to become Hokage in the future.

They would not dare to neglect Shizuka.

Many villagers came for the wedding.

Shizuka has prepared all kinds of meat and fish for the people to eat.

With her power it is very easy to hunt.

Also her cooking skills are super.

With a disguised clone everything was done perfectly.

Teuchi of Ichiraku ramen shop specifically came to set up a stall for his ramen here.

It is free to eat as all the ingredients were provided by Shizuka.

Chapter 457: I have a sissy cuckold fetish part-1

Teuchi of Ichiraku ramen shop specifically came to set up a stall for his ramen here.

It is free to eat as all the ingredients were provided by Shizuka.

This is his gift for Shizuka for her wedding.

Teuchi is already famous with his Ichiraku ramen right now.

Similarly many people that have good impression on Shizuka came to her wedding bearing many gifts for Shizuka and the girls.

Soon the wedding ceremony started.

Shizuka went around shopping with her girls to get all the necessary things happily in the past few days.

They are wearing traditional dresses mostly Japanese style here.

But the kimono dress is quite different.

It was actually short till their thighs and on the top it is revealing most of the cleavage.

All the people present were slightly trembling because of the excitement of seeing 4 women wearing sexy wedding dresses.

The wedding process was quickly over with the three brides and Shizuka as the bridegroom.

With the wedding done they went on with the celebration with all kinds of food and wine.

While drinking the wine Shizuka removed part of her clothes revealing her beautiful body enticing those people.

Someone wanted to poison Shizuka and it was found out by her.

This someone is actually third Hokage and a root ninja.

Unfortunately their plan did not work on the strong body of Shizuka.

The poison was directly neutralized and digested by Shizuka this made them shocked.

Shizuka smiled at them like a devil making them shiver as if they are standing in a blizzard completely naked.

But Shizuka is in a happy mood to take care of these people today.

Finally it is the wedding night when all three brides came into the bridal chamber in their traditional clothes.

The three beauties each put on a different type of makeup and jewelry making them more beautiful.

But here comes the quest from the system related to the perverted patch.


Quest: cuckold

Description: give your virginity to someone other than your women and give their virginity to someone else.

Rewards: host and your women would be rewarded with the curse ass lover’s favorite bitch


Shizuka immediately became curious to know what this strange curse that comes as a reward is.

So she checked the description.


Perverted curse name: ass lover’s favorite bitch.

Description: any person bearing this curse would attract all kinds of ass lovers to touch, spank, molest, fondle and fuck the ass of the person.

The attractiveness of the ass of the person would increase to a higher level.

No matter where this person is, there would be someone that wants to play with your ass.

No matter how restrained they are as long as they saw the ass of the person they would immediately want to do something naughty….”

Looking at the information the eyes of Shizuka sparkled and she immediately got this idea.

As for her woman, they liked what Shizuka wanted as long as there is love between them.

Also she has the silver tongue.

So it is easy to convince them.

Well they are as much as perverted as she is.

When she turned 18 her perverted patch activated.

At the same time all the girls related to her would also become perverted and the sense of exhibitionism also increases.

For this very reason they put on such a lewd wedding dress without any underwear.

Jiraiya has lost consciousness due to blood loss during the wedding.

Also the people of this world easily accepted this kind of absurd wedding for this reason too.

Even now they are looking at Shizuka like they are some bitches in heat.

Shizuka’s clones are looking for suitable candidates for them to lose their virginities.

The first target of search is naturally the hidden cloud village.

In the past week her clones has searched many people and found 4 best people from the commoner’s background that perfectly fits to her requirements.

They all had strong bodies and big black dicks.

Also their thoughts are perverted.

The four of them can go for 6 rounds without stopping and they have the habit of satisfying the woman completely till she becomes addicted to their dicks.

Her clone offered them special jobs as special care takers and brought them all over to a house that she built using the wood style.

They are called here on a special task.

Shizuka’s clone turned herself into a young master of some sort with scrawny body and told them his secret.

Well that is all an act to ruse them up to do her bidding.

The four people are standing in the mansion and all of them did not have any sex for at least 3 days.

Shizuka’s clone used the transformation to appear as a feminine young master with sissy body and said to them.

“I have just married 4 beautiful women.

Today will be my wedding night.

But I have this special fetish of being a sissy cuckold.

I could not satisfy them with my puny little dick.

So I have searched for people with good experience and was able to satisfy a woman completely till they only want your dick.

Then I found you four people.

Now your task is to help me fulfill my fetish and cuckold me and turn me into a sissy.

You will be staying here as the workers at this mansion.

You each had your specialty right.

One is good at cleaning and one is good at cooking….

You will stay here and fulfill the desires of my wives and mine as loyal workers.

But be warned that any mishap might cost you your lives.

Even if you go out of here now I will still kill you.

I have hidden guards around here.

You can do whatever you want with my wives and me as long as it is not excessive and for our pleasure.

I will pay you more than you can get anywhere outside for the normal house work….”

Chapter 458: I have a sissy cuckold fetish part-2

“…You can do whatever you want with my wives and me as long as it is not excessive and for our pleasure.

I will pay you more than you can get anywhere outside for the normal house work.

But if you betray or did anything excessive then the hidden guards would kill you.

Also if you like you can take them to the nearby city’s entertainment industries and let other people fuck them as they please.

Even if you strip them naked in the middle of the road, it is not a problem.

Also you and other passersby can cum inside them and even impregnate them.

It is not a problem.

But you cannot force anything and if you do something that they don’t like then you will be killed…..”

Well it is impossible to impregnate them because Shizuka has special skill that prevents this without her consent.

Just like that the clone of Shizuka that appears in the form of a man told them the instructions.

The four people have the appearance and dicks that is comparable to third Raikage.

There are few more people like them.

Shizuka is going to pull them all into working for her as she increases the number of women by her side.

This way every woman would have a dick to satisfy her and their wildest fantasies.

That is not all.

Shizuka use a special ninjutsu to temporarily change the appearance of her woman.

Other people would not be able to tell their true identities easily.

Right now her clone brought these 4 men to the mansion and is waiting for the brides to arrive here.

Actually the other clones of Shizuka would create some illusion here to make it look like a wedding ceremony.

The four people are just inside the illusion thinking that the four brides are entering into the house under the festivity atmosphere.

But there is nothing here and there are only 4 people and 1 clone here.

The 4 people accepted the world of Shizuka’s clone and decided to work here.

It is not an illusion as the contract and agreement are all written in paper.

So they are really happy.

The only illusion here is the entire wedding ceremony to make it look like everything is real.

Also Shizuka did not use any kind of mind control techniques or forced techniques.

Everything is done through free will.

What she wanted is genuine perverts that can satisfy her and her women.

She doesn’t want some puppets that did not know what to do without her command.

But that did not mean that she did not put any restrictions in their minds.

The restriction in their minds is to not to betray her and also to do their best to satisfy her and her women in every possible perverted way.

Other than that they would not do something that is excessive to harm her or her women in any way.

These are the only restrictions.

Other than that they are completely free willed about what they do to Shizuka and her women.

With this arrangement the 4 men quickly signed the contracts.

It was already evening and right now the real Shizuka is actually drinking her wedding wine and the three brides are already in the wedding chamber.

Now she has to go there and talk to her woman.

Even though they are perverts they did not show their perversion outside till now.

For that they need a trigger and the words of Shizuka are the best trigger in this matter.

As long as Shizuka said that she herself is a perverted bitch and wanted them to accompany to have fun like good bitches.

They would be more than willing.

Also if she said that, “I have this cuckold fetish and want my women to be fucked by other men along with myself.

Even if the other men fuck you, I still love you dearly and even more as we would be getting fucked together to bond more intimately.”

After arriving into the bridal chamber Shizuka said these words directly to her three women.

As soon as her words are spoken the three women has confused looks but also a strong sense of excitement of becoming a pervert is also in their eyes.

They liked Shizuka but they also had a strong doubt about how Shizuka would fuck them without a dick.

But now that doubt is gone and replaced with excitement with the words of Shizuka.

They dearly loved Shizuka and it would not change no matter what.

On the other hand they love the pleasure that they want as perverts and bitches.

This made them tremble in excitement.

They also looked closely into the eyes of Shizuka to know if what she said is true or false.

But Shizuka’s eyes were clear without any hint of deceiving.

At the same time there is madness of a pervert in the eyes of Shizuka.

This made them tremble even more and they almost had an orgasm with just a thought.

Shizuka then explained to them about the arrangements that she made for them.

Also she gave an outline of the dicks of the big black men that she arranged on the other side.

Their wedding dress is quite short on the lower part and they are asked to not to wear any panties.

Because of this reason Shizuka saw the wet lines of love juices that are flowing down their thighs with her words of description about the pleasure and fun they would have.

Shizuka stretched her hand to touch the slimy and hot love juice and licked it.

This made the three girls immediately had a squirting orgasm wetting their wedding dresses.




Their dress immediately became wet and the also moaned from the pleasure of Cumming a squirting orgasm with trembling bodies.

Shizuka immediately used a Jutsu to dry their clothes and clean them up quickly turning the dress as good as new as they are before.

Chapter 459: the perverts are good people too

Their dress immediately became wet and the also moaned from the pleasure of Cumming a squirting orgasm with trembling bodies.

Shizuka immediately used a Jutsu to dry their clothes and clean them up quickly turning the dress as good as new as they are before.

All of them accepted her thoughts.

Mikoto is the most hard to convince in this matter because she is extremely loyal.

But when she heard that both she and Shizuka would lose their virginities to a stranger made her wet.

Well everyone is a pervert as their bodies react to these thoughts.

They usually built a wall of moral around their minds making them hard to accept their real self.

Shizuka is helping them in this matter.

After that she summoned her clones to use the flying thunder god technique to take them to the pleasure mansion present near one of the gambling cities of the land of lightning.

They appeared in the room of the bridal chamber directly.

The bed is big enough to fit them all at the same time.

Shizuka wanted all of them to see each other when they are being fucked it is like an orgy.

This way they will no longer feel any shame in the future and becomes more open.

The all have the hearts of an exhibitionist bitch.

It was slightly open when they become close to Shizuka.

But it needs to be completely open for them to enjoy the things completely.

For this Shizuka has to help them with something like this to make them understand their inner desires and their true self.

The 4 big black men did not enter the bridal chamber.

There are 8 people in the bridal chamber they are Shizuka, Mikoto, Hazuki, Himeko and 4 clones of Shizuka.

The four clones turned into the appearance of female servants and Shizuka explained what she talked to the 4 men from the land of lightning.

It is about the contract and the male appearance of Shizuka as their husband….

Soon the clones of Shizuka in the appearance of the female servants came out of the room and went to report to the clone of Shizuka that is in the appearance of the cuckold husband.

“Master, the bridal chamber is ready and the four madams are waiting for you.”

After saying these words the four servants bowed deeply showing off their cleavages.

The 4 men from the land of lightning had their dicks erected almost tearing their pants.

But they know that these are servant girls and the main dishes are inside the bridal chamber.

So they held back.

Any way they can talk to their sissy cuckold owner to have these maids to serve them later.

This was actually planned by Shizuka.

She wanted to have extra pleasure and she left these 4 clones for this matter.

When her girls are not available these clones would have fun and all the pleasure would be transferred to her.

This is her plan for pleasure.

“Okay you can go and rest.

I will call you if I need anything.”

With that the four maids bowed once again and their cleavage was displayed once again.

There is also an accidental pop of their tits out of the clothes causing the hearts of the 4 big black men to drop down suddenly.

The 4 maids did not appear to be blushing or anything.

It is as if they did not notice that their tits are out and left just like that without even putting them back.

The four men from the land of lightning looked at each other and immediately asked the owner.

“Sir, we will satisfy the madams but, when madams are busy can you let those maids serve us.”

One of them that looked like a leader asked.

Originally he is the leader of guards and but he escaped from his original position because he was hunted down by his previous owner.

The reason for this is that he actually had an affair with the mother, wife, sister and daughter of his previous owner.

This was found out by him and he was given death sentence.

Fortunately he escaped quickly and hidden in this gambling city.

Shizuka found him through various means and got him over here.

The other three men are in similar cases.

Also none of them are sadistic murderers.

They only indulge in pleasure and even satisfy the woman they fuck till she would only remember their dicks.

That is how good they are.

Other than fucking they were also careful not to get the women they fuck pregnant.

If they did that they would not be able to enjoy the bliss of fucking the tender girls.

So they are very carefully.

If they are not snitched by some of the other jealous subordinates then they would be living the life of a happy pervert.

Well they will live that life soon.

This is their karma to do good deeds of helping those women that need pleasure and satisfy them completely.

Sometimes in this world good and bad can change based on the situation and the point of view.

Just because the public said something as right doesn’t mean that it is right.

The business men cheat the people to get extra profits.

They cheat the employees to reduce the wages to gain profits.

But will they be punished for their misdeeds.

No they live the life of a king and enjoy all kinds of good things.

What they did is business and used their ideas and plans to make money.

It is the people that are stupid to fall for that.

So they are in the right and the people’s curses would not fall on them.

Instead it would fall back on the person that cursed to suffer more.

Even though it all might seem as wrong it was all correct in the designated ways of the world.

But if that rich man forcibly taken someone then they would start suffering from the backlashes from the karma and fate.

Chapter 460: The real wedding night part-1

Even though it all might seem as wrong it was all correct in the designated ways of the world.

But if that rich man forcibly taken someone then they would start suffering from the backlashes from the karma and fate.

These people have helped many women that are not satisfied with the dicks of their weak husbands.

They helped relieve the sexual frustration that they had all this time.

So they are good people with great hearts.


After the maids left the clone of Shizuka that is the husband took the 4 men into the bridal chamber.

Shizuka and the three women have already decided and are excited for the coming events.

Right now all their faces are covered by the wedding dress but they figures are clearly outlined in their current dress.

When the 4 guards entered the room they were clearly attracted to the women present in the room.

Each of them was attracted to one person.

Well Himeko and Shizuka have melon tits and ass while Hazuki and Mikoto have shapely body with balanced hourglass figure.

Their skin color can be seen from the wedding dress that is only up to their thighs.

Their milky white thighs made the 4 guards licked their lips.

They looked like hungry wolves that found the good fat sheep.

The clone of Shizuka that is the husband spoke to his wives.

“My dear wives, as I said to you before.

I have the sissy cuckold fetish.

I want you all to give your virginities to these four new servants of our family.

As long as the request is not excessive, I want you to think of these servants as your masters.

Anyone of them can fuck you or even strip you naked in the middle of the town.

You just need to accept it and enjoy the happiness as a pervert.

No matter how much cum that was pumped inside your holes, I will help you clean it with my mouth.

Now chose your own servant for the wedding night to lose your virginity.

After that you can switch as you like….”

The four brides nodded their heads as they have already prepared for that.

Previously when the 4 servants are outside they have already seen them and had decided on who would take who.

So they each moved in front of a servant and stood there.

They did not remove the cloth covering their faces.

But they only stood in front of those servants silently.

The servants are also satisfied as the woman that is standing in front of them is the one they wanted to fuck.

The husband then spoke.

“You may pull the face cover to show your faces.

Be respectful to your servants.”

He said to the brides and then looked at his servants and said.

“I want you to take the virginity of all their holes and their entire body.

You can fuck them as you please.

I am a medical ninja so I can heal their injured pussies and ass holes after they lose their virginity for you to fuck them more immediately.

So don’t hold back.

Also if you have any instructions for me then feel free to tell me.”

The husband said with his feminine face.

The four brides have already changed their appearance using special technique.

They will be able to discover their true appearance easily.

The change of appearance was managed by the other clones of Shizuka.

So even if they lost consciousness they clones can still manage with their appearance.

When the husband said about giving him instructions the 4 servants smiled and the leader looking one said.

“Since the master is so generous, you should suck our dicks first and pass on the pre cum to the respective bride to start the process.

Before that we will play with them and ready their holes for the play.

What do you think?

Any way all the cum from us will be eaten by you.

So you should get the taste of the cum first.

Also remove your clothes and show your wives the great dick you have so that they can understand your efforts in finding us for them.”

The tone of the servant is commanding even thought he only spoke the normal words in requesting way.

The husband was trembling with excitement.

Well it is the clone of Shizuka, so what can you expect.

She immediately removed her male clothes completely showing her feminine body.

Shizuka made it so that the body of the husband is really sissy like.

She had nearly c cup tits and bubble but.

The size of the dick is only 2 inches long even when erected and the balls are as small as peanuts.

It was really an insult to even a sissy to have such small dick and balls.

The leader looking servant took a step forward and checked the dick.

With his simply touch the husband is already Cumming.

So the servant squeezed the dick a little and then slapped on the dick while saying.

“It really is a joke of a dick.

No wonder you asked us to satisfy your wives.

Also you have tits and no body hair.

You are really a sissy cuckold.

I will find you some good dresses to outline your body and take you to have some fun later.

Since we are fucking your wives we have to let someone fuck you as our boss right.

Then it is decided.

We will take your wives out later in some sexy dresses and you will also come along with the board hanging around your neck saying that you are their sissy cuckold husband.

Your ass is really cute.

There are many that would love to fuck that ass of yours.

But before all that we need to train you.

As our boss you should at least know how to suck a dick.

So get down on your keen and suck on my dick for starting practice….”


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