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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 171: removed the blood curse of Astoria

It would take some time before all the observations are done.

Also he could not show this to the people directly as it might cause some heavy problems.

For now he is not strong enough to handle any of these things.

So he told Rita to not to tell anyone about this matter.

“The wizards that can cast the blood curse are all strong dark wizards.

They are very cruel by nature.

Right now publicizing that I can remove blood curse is no different than offending them all at the same time.

Even though I am strong I might not be able to face them all at the same time.

There are too many people around me for me to protect them.

So I don’t want you to speak even a single word about this to anyone.”

Rita immediately understood the situation and nodded her head like chicken pecking the grains on the ground.

He let Rita stay here to rest and she can go out in the morning.

The house elves already know that Rita is John’s women and their employer too.

So they are respectful towards Rita

With the things arranged here John returned back to Hogwarts.

In the next few days there is nothing special other than John using the blood or Astoria and Daphne to solve their blood curse.

He succeeded with Nagini's blood curse but these two are different.

Well the base theory and setting is complete so all he has to do is to complete is the final step to solve the blood curse.

That is he has to find the right rune to solve the blood curse safely breaking all the locks.

It was not an easy process.

Four days later John got news from Kreacher that Nagini woke up.

Also she has a humongous apatite.

John can understand the reason.

It should be related to the large amount of energy that is spent to break the blood curse in her body.

John doesn’t have to say to feed her, his house elves will feed her.

John took his time and came back to the Grimmauld palace 12 to meet with Nagini and talk to her.

She did not become crazy and looked very normal.

After dressing up and eating the food her complexion became rosy and looked much better than before.

John took the initiative to speak.

“I know that you are called Nagini but can you tell me your name.”

She looked at John for a moment but did not answer.

John waited for a moment and said.

“I have removed the blood curse for you.

Now you can transform between snake and human as you wish.”

Finally she spoke.

“I am called Nagini as long as I remember.

Thank you for returning my humanity to me.”

John smiled back and said.

“I know that there are some bad incidents in the past.

Don’t shy away from them because they would become a burden if you hide.

You are going to start a new life,

So face your past and clear it away.

I will help you in any way I can.

Don’t worry that I look young.

I have already seen the true nature of the world and I can handle things.

By the way I did not introduce myself.

I am Jonathan black from the black family.

I am also its last heir.

Also I do not indiscriminate between pure blood and muggle blood nonsense.

So you don’t have to worry.

You can rest and decide the things on your own.

When you recover enough you can talk to me about your thoughts.”

She was really moved and said.

“Thank you.”

John smiled at her and arranged things for her with Winky.

After that he returned back to Hogwarts and continued his study on solving the blood curses.

On December first week John completed in solving the blood curse of Greengrass family.

So he called both Astoria and Daphne to the room of requirements.

He needs helpers right now so he called Winky as well.

With them present John told the Greengrass sisters about the situation of the blood curse.

Since it would be troublesome he would remove the blood curse one at a time.

So he asked them to choose.

Most probably the first person would be Astoria.

Well she is the youngest and she is the one showing the symptoms most.

John told her to strip off her dress and put on different white sheets just in case.

John acted as a gentleman and turned around for her to change.

With the help of Winky and Daphne she quickly changed.

John told her to lie down on the bed he prepared and then waved his wand to cast the anti blood curse on her.

Also John cast a healing spell on her.

This was to prevent any adverse sudden effects.

With that the process started.

Unlike Nagini Astoria started to bleed from all of her 7 orifices and it continued to the point of bleeding through her sweat pores.

John cast the healing spell and regeneration spell continuously and the strong vitality of the wand helped his healing spell and regeneration spells to act strongly.

Astoria looked like she was in pain and Daphne wanted to go and help her but John stopped her.

Winky on the side is also helping with the process.

After struggling for 2 hours she finally calmed down.

The blood curse is completely broken and all the blood that was severely damaged by the strange dark energy was completely removed.

John fed some blood improvement potions to Astoria and helped her with high calorie food that can improve her lost energy reserves.

After nursing her for the entire night she was completely cured.

Only when she woke up in the morning did Daphne calmed down.

She was so happy that she jumped to John and kissed him.

Astoria was taken to take a bath to clean off all the blood on her body.

Chapter 172: fleur asks John to be her dance partner

She was so happy that she jumped to John and kissed him.

Astoria was taken to take a bath to clean off all the blood on her body.

At that time John took a small blood sample from her to check the situation of her blood curse.

He found that everything is completely removed and solved.

As for Daphne he would take 2 days of rest before completely removing her blood curse too.

Daphne and Astoria rested here for the night.

In the morning next day John helped them back to their dorms using the invisibility cloak.

The two days quickly passed by and it was the turn of Daphne.

She knows that it would be painful but she has to bear with it.

Also she has complete trust in John and she will be fine.

John checked everything and made sure that Daphne was ready.

Then he cast the anti blood curse spell and then vitality recovery spell.

Slowly time passed by with the same thing as Astoria happening to Daphne.

Her milky white body as covered with blood all over.

Fortunately she did not have to bear the pain as much as Astoria has to.

The reason for this is the blood curse is dormant in her body while the blood curse in Astoria’s body is active.

So after sometime Daphne got back to normal and John checked the situation.

Then he let Astoria and Winky take care of Daphne.

Pansy and others were not invited because this would be a bloody scene and he doesn’t want to frighten them.

They also know what is happening here and they are anxious without sleep.

Naturally a woman would want the other women that are competing for her man to die.

But John’s women are different in this matter.

They don’t want John to be sad about anything.

They know that if one of them die then he would become sad.

They don’t want that.

Instead of having John sad they would prefer share John with other women.

Also they have become close in the past few years and they are as close as blood sisters.

They know that the coming time is turbulent and they have to be united to stay strong and survive the coming disasters.


Daphne got rid of the blood curse completely.

Now the Greengrass family is fine without any blood curse problem.

There is nothing new till the end of December.

During this time the dance practice for the Yule ball has started.

Naturally the boys are reluctant and girls are more active in this matter.

John went around and danced naturally with Romilda that is on the same class as him.


A few days later fleur came over to ask John if he wanted to become her dance partner.

Well she has many potential options but she liked the charm of John which did not crumble in front of her Veela charm.

This made her interested in him.

It is a casual interest but not a romantic one.

Right at that time her Veela charm came out of her body and Ron that was around was attracted by that charm.

He walked over to her like a dog in heat and asked if she would be willing to become his dance partner.

He was ruthlessly rejected and John did not crumble even with all of her charm acting on him.

John smiled and said.

“If Miss Fleur is okay with that then I don’t mind to become your dance partner.

But there will be a surprise at the Yule ball.

Also I will have many dance partners at the same time.

Are you sure that you are still willing to be my dance partner?”

John asked her again for confirmation.

Fleur became more interested in the words of John.

She wanted to know what surprise he is going to cook.

So she decided to give it a try.

Any way she is a champion and a Veela.

With a hook of her finger she can pull the partners of other people over to her to become her dance partner in just a moment.

So she was not worried about anything.

John smiled mysteriously and left gracefully.

As the Christmas holidays begin, Hermione refuses to tell Ron and Harry who her date for the Yule Ball is.

So they stared to make fun of her.

Well she did not reveal because if they know it was John they would boil with rage.

Even after the Yule ball she has to explain to them about this matter.

She has to tell them that she did this because of repaying the help that John gave her.

She did not say about this but she revealed that after Malfoy put the curse on her that made her already large front teeth grow to a huge size.

She let Madam Pomfrey shrink them to a more normal size when she healed her.

Draco Malfoy tries to taunt Hermione, saying no one in their right mind would take her to the ball.

But the mere mention of John is enough to drive him back.

He was fearful of John because he felt John is extremely dangerous.

So he did not dare to trouble Hermione.

Harry and Ron are not there at that time so they did not know that Hermione used the name of John to protect herself subconsciously.

After she realized she started to blush realizing her true feeling towards John.

But she could not reveal them right now and break her friendship with Harry and Ron.

She wanted them to come together and work together.

But her dreams might not come true with the actions of John.

Well in the public opinion John does everything right without any problem.

But Harry on the other hand got many holes in the things he does.

Because of this the public support is towards John is far higher than it was towards Harry.

Harry only got his public support because of his savior title.

Chapter 173: Rita Skeeter’s first time part- 1

Because of this the public support is towards John is far higher than it was towards Harry.

Harry only got his public support because of his savior title.

Time passed by and the Christmas holidays started on 20th of December.

On that very day the trace on John was lifted completely.

He was physically 18 years old.

This also happened to Hermione as her trace lifted before her birthday right before the wedding or fleur and William Weasley.

This means that John has reached adulthood.

In order to not to alert the ministry of magic he sent Sebastian to manipulate few things silently.

It is to put the person in charge of monitoring the traces to stop noticing him completely.

Or even if he notices this he would think that the trace is still there.

This is a strong memory manipulation charm cast on him.

So John would be safe from all the problems related to ministry of magic.

Since it is like that John plan to have some fun to celebrate.

Rita Skeeter is still present at Hogsmeade waiting for the good incidents to record and write more juicy articles.

Dumbledore banned her entry because of the previous incidents but she can be shameless sometimes.

John called her over and decided to give and take their first times.

Originally he wanted to do it with Nymphadora but he has a different plan for her.

He wanted to take her first time on the day of the Christmas and he was planning to give her a specific dress to make things spicier.

For today he is going to have the mature big girl Rita Skeeter that looked like Marlin Monroe.

He did not say anything to her before and decided to surprise her tonight.

That night many students decided to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas.

Well there is a Yule ball and many other things here.

So there are not many that left to their homes for the Christmas.

In the night after dinner John sneaked out of Hogwarts and went straight to Hogsmeade.

It was a cold night and he knocked on the door of the room where Rita is currently staying.

Rita checked the person at the door and found that it was John.

She was surprised and decided to open the door quickly.

She is wearing tight and thick night dress to sleep because of the coldness.

But with John the coldness is gone and it was replaced by warmth and joy.

As soon as the door opened John entered to hug her.

Then he locked the door behind.

Then he cast a ward of silencing, anti surveillance and few other spells to completely block the outside interference acting on them.

He then took out a dress for Rita.

It is a special sexy lady Santa Claus dress and asked her to put on this dress.

It only have red hat with a small bell at the top end of the hat.

Then there is a red band that did not have any shoulder straps and it only have 4 centimeters in width that covered her tits with her nipples poking out from the small holes in it.

The design is that of a flower with the hole at the center of the flower bud and her erected nipples poked straight out of flower bud.

At the bottom side there are many small bells arranged in order.

With every step he took the bells would ring softly giving an erotic feeling.

Then at the bottom she is wearing a red micro bikini that is very right revealing her ass almost completely and her pussy was clearly outlined.

For her legs, she is wearing thigh length stockings and knee length high heel boots.

She looked extremely hot and sexy in this dress.

But because of the cold climate she is slightly shivering.

There is a box of strawberries in her hand.

John smiled at her and pulled her over into his embrace while keeping the strawberry box to the side.

With his hug and warm embrace she did not feel much cold.

“Today, I am going to eat you.

You will be filled up completely with my love and warmth.”

John whispered in her ear making her tremble in excitement and she said.

“I have been waiting for this for a long time.”

They started to kiss with a tight hug and the bells rang softly with their movements.

The hands of John felt her back slowly and reached all the way to her ass.

He cupped her butt cheeks and pinched them softly making Rita tremble in pleasure.

When they separated John put a strawberry in her mouth and kissed again sharing the strawberry between each other.

This made her more excited and her pussy is wet staining her new dress.

But she did not care about that John left her lips and moved down gently licking the erected nipples that are poking out of her dress through the small holes.

He placed the strawberries that have small groves cut on them on her nipples creating strawberry nipples.

Then he bit them along with her nipples getting a moan from her.

John slowly removed her tits band revealing her bountiful tits.

They are DD cup with full bust making him feel full when he cupped them with his hands.

He directly sucked on her nipples and played with her nipple patch around the nipples.

Then he moved down to her navel and started to use his tongue to fuck her belly button.

Her moans reverberated throughout the room and the wet stain of her pussy became bigger and bigger.

From navel John moved down to her pussy that was completely and cleanly shaved without any pubic hair.

It looked quite good with white and pink combination.

John did not lower her small bikini and started to lick her pussy directly from the outline on the bikini.

His hands are not free and they are pinching her nipples still.

Chapter 174: Rita Skeeter’s first time part- 2

John did not lower her small bikini and started to lick her pussy directly from the outline on the bikini.

His hands are not free and they are pinching her nipples still.

Slowly he pulled down her little bikini revealing her forbidden area that no man has seen before that day.

She did not have any pubic hair and everything is clean and smooth.

With his tongue directly coming into contact with her pussy lips Rita could not bear it any longer.

She let out a loud moan and had an orgasm.

John did not let her go and gave her pussy a strong lip kiss.

Then moved up to share this kiss with her actually lips.

This made her even more aroused.

Finally John sat down beside her and flipped her so that her face would fall into the lap of John.

John waved his wand and the clothes on his body removed automatically and neatly folded and were sent to the table on the side.

Right in front of the blurry eyes of Rita stood a throbbing tower with a masculine scent that made her head tingly.

The tower itself looked 6 to 7 inches long but still soft right now.

The balls are exaggeratedly big like a pair of oranges.

Her tongue automatically came out and started to lick the base of the dick and the ball of John.

She felt that she tasted fresh grass with make scent.

This made her refreshed and her hands moved forward to hold the dick in her hands.

She was unable to hold it completely with one hand required the help of other.

It felt warm to touch.

It was not hot but a strange warmth that made her want to get close to it.

She held the dick tightly and slowly crawled forward wanting to taste the dick.

The dick that was soft was already erect after the balls are licked.

It was 10 inches long and looked really like a tower.

Because of the low temperature the dick emitted slight fog of mist because of its warmth.

Slowly Rita moved to kiss the tip and said.

“I like this stick very much.

You have to punish this bad girl with this still till I listen to your words.”

She said with a smile and started to gobble down the head of the dick.

Her mouth looked like the mouth of a squirrel that got nuts filled in her mouth.

It was really cure and John put his hands on her head and helped her move.

Vick was sure that she will not be able to take the dick into her mouth completely.

She is inexperienced.

He thought that he should research on some spells that would transform the throat to facilitate the deep throat.

For now he did not force her to take the deep throat and let her suck on his dick as she liked.

She felt that his dick is a warm ice fruit in this cold weather and sucked it more and more happily.

“Slurp… slurp…. Slurp…”

Her mouth made many lewd sounds.

The hands of John moved down her collar bone and started to play with her tits.

After few minutes she could not make John cum which made her disappointed.

So he pulled her up and kissed her lips and said.

“Don’t worry baby, you can learn that slowly.

For now, I have to punish your with the big stick to make you more obedient right.”

John sat upright with his dick standing upright.

Rita is sitting on his lap with her legs coiled around John.

John gently lifted her up with his hands under her armpits and said.

“Now be a good girl and stretch tour pussy lips so that the big stick can go inside.”

Rita moved her hands to stretch her pussy lips and John slowly landed the hole straight on the tip of his dick.

Naturally it did not enter inside because of the tightness of the virgin pussy.

John used his magic to move his dick and rub against the pussy lips of Rita.

The pussy juices and the pre cum came into contact with each other and the place became more lubricated.

The moans of Rita reverberated in the room from all the pleasure.

John once again used his magic to let the tip of his dick enter into the pussy of Rita.

As it went in Rita’s eyes turned red and a scream of pain and pleasure came out of her mouth.

John took the opportunity to move his hands to her hips and slowly pushed the dick inside her pussy.

He moved his dick inside as fast as possible so that she felt less pain.

As soon as the dick entered inside he waved his hands casting a healing spell to heal pussy of Rita.

At that time Rita already stopped her screams and they changed into her moans.

She then touched her belly about her pussy to feel a deformation and the outline of the dick of John.

She touched it and a smiled slowly crept on her face.

Blood drops flowed from within the pussy of Rita followed the dick and stained the bed sheets.

Her hymen is completely broken and her virginity is gone.

“You have to take responsibility for taking my virginity.

I am your women from now on.

So don’t abandon me.

If you did I would become a ghost and haunt you forever.”

Rita spoke and kissed John with her head bent.

Well she could not move down any more.

After kissing she moved her head and her tits came to the face of John.

She moved her hands to wrap around his head and rightly pushed his head between her tits.

Then she tried to move her hips but she could not because of the tightness and her lack of strength in legs.

The hands of John on her hips moved her body up and down helping her….

Chapter 175: Rita Skeeter’s first time part- 3

Then she tried to move her hips but she could not because of the tightness and her lack of strength in legs.

The hands of John on her hips moved her body up and down helping her have the pleasure she wanted and said.

“Right you are my women and you will be my women till death do us apart.”

As Rita moaned John moved his hands to spank her ass from time to time causing Rita to moan louder.

John changed directions as he stood up and let her hold him as he moved his hips to pound her in the air.

Then he put on back on the bed and pounded her in missionary position.

Finally after a while he shot his first load of cum inside her till the point that the cum over flowed out of her pussy.

She hand an orgasm with a squirt this time along with her screams and moans of pleasure.

He left his dick inside her for a few moments till he calmed down.

Her body trembled from time to time after this.

When he pulled his dick out Rita had another orgasm from the pleasure.

John let her rest for a few minutes while he used his wand to make all the cum inside her flow out without leaving anything.

It stained bed sheets along with the blood stain from before.

Neither John nor Rita cared about this matter.

John suddenly took out an oil bottle from his pant pocket.

Rita is still in the previous pleasure state to notice what John is doing.

Suddenly John flipped her over on the bed and dripped the massage oil on her back.

When the cold massage oil touched her back her back trembled.

Then John placed his hand on the back and started to rub her back slowly relieving all the stress she accumulated over the past few days from her last massage.

Then his hands moved slowly towards her ass and fondled her ass till it was soft and bouncy on his hands.

Finally he moved to the crack between butt cheeks causing her to tremble more and more.

At that time his hands went to her ass hole.

Before that he swished his wand so that everything is perfectly clean and ready for play.

So he moved his fingers to rub her ass hole slowly to soften her and she started to moan again.

Slowly his finger entered into her ass hole and rubbed the insides with oil.

Then another finger entered to slowly widen the hole.

The third and the fourth finger also entered completely opening the hole that is very small to the side where the tip of his dick can enter.

Right then John positioned his dick straight into the ass hole of Rita.

Rita is not in a position to see any of this.

She was in deep pleasure to notice the things that are happening to her right now.

She only noticed when the tip of the dick trying to enter her tight ass hole.

“No you will break me.

It was too small for that dick.


John did not listen to her words and pushed the dick inside.

With the head of the dick entering her asshole things became normal for the shaft behind.

Her scream turned into a soft moan and the facial expression changed from pain to pleasure in an instant.

Well John cast a healing spell on her so that she can bear with the pain and everything would heal quickly.

She was facing the bed with her face buried in the pillow leaking out her muffled moans.

Her tits are being crushed by her but the hands of John moved from behind and appeared on those flesh mounds.

He started to fondle them as he pushed his dick deeper and deeper into her ass hole.

Finally when the entire thing is inside her she felt that she was full for the first time.

She was so happy that tears rolled down her eyes.

She turned her head to get a kiss from John.

John kissed her as he started to move his hips once again.

The moans of Rita started once again.

But they are muffle by the kiss of John.

It went on and on for some time before John finally cummed inside her ass hole with the cum over flowing.

Another creampie is formed after John loaded her ass hole with his cum.

Right before he cummed his hands moved to the clit of Rita and pressed it hard.

Then he suddenly sat upright with his and her legs spread wide open with his cum inside her ass hole.

Because of the cum and high stimulation Rita squirted spraying her cum and love juice far and wide like a sprinkler.

This made her head filled with so much pleasure that she could not take it anymore.

She fainted at the end of this.

John caught her from falling and slowly pulled her back on to the bed.

He did not pull out his dick and inserted it much deeper.

Then wrapped his hands around her tits from behind and slept peacefully.

He wanted to continue but he has to do that when she was still awake instead of when she lost her consciousness.

He wanted her to feel the pleasure along with him instead of only pleasuring himself.

He don’t have to pull out the cum from her ass hole.

Well there is magic and he can use the magic to clean it up if needed.

He also brought her a present but not for now but for Christmas.

It was specifically crafted by him and it was for her ass hole.

It was a special butt plug.

It would vibrate when John wanted to play with her or when John was excited.

He would give this present to her Christmas along with the special dress that he specifically made for her.

He took her measurements before.


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