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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 86: everyone has their own plan for Nick

Rita smiled and said.

“I don’t want to cause them any problem right now.

As for the matter I am grateful to them for giving me this kind of life.

But the only thing I did not like from her is her indifference towards me before.

Still I will not blame them.

All I wanted is to get my hands on nick and turn him into my sissy cuckold husband.

This way I would get a financial stability and security for the future.

Even if I became pregnant with the child of John, nick would raise the child for him and me.

This way I will not become a hindrance to Christina and cause public problems.


The words of Rita gained the approval of Christina and John.

Rita really thought long about the future.

So they accepted her thoughts and decided to move their hands to get nick to completely fall into the hands of Rita.

They asked if Rita had any thoughts on how she wanted to pull nick into falling into her trap.

Rita simply explained some of the thoughts related to her plans on getting nick.

Nick is already in love with her.

It was time for her to use her projection ability to make nick fall into her trap willingly.

That night they spent here happily, sleeping while hugging each other.

John slowly became the center with Rita and Christina hugging him from either side.

On the next day Rita and Christina returned to the room of Christina outside the university.

They washed up each other and changed into new clothes that they have already prepared.

Then they returned to the university dorms and got their things to go to classes.

In the class as soon as Rita appeared in the class, nick walked over to her to make some friendly chat.

No one would recognize Rita that was dressed like a slut yesterday to the nerd like woman she is now today.

Rita showed more shyness and spoke with half sentences with nick.

Her face is also red from shyness.

Christina noticed this and left to her class.

Nick became more interested in Rita when he saw her shyness and innocent nerdy appearance.

Also Rita is wearing pig tails giving her a unique charm.

Because of the size of her tits many men would take fleeting glances at her from time to time.

They would stop looking at her when they saw her nerdy face with glasses and pimples.

Actually there are no pimples on her face but she put on some spots with makeup to look like this.

Rick came to the class today and he noticed Rita and felt that she is a beauty that is eligible to be fucked by him.

So he wanted to slowly trap her.

For that he wanted to find a goat that would suit the entire thing.

So when he noticed nick having a careful chat with Rita, he immediately chose his goat to take care of the task.

Also when he saw the big ass of nick and the feminine appearance of nick’s body, he knows that nick was best suited to become a sissy cuck.

So he decided to make nick into his sissy of the room.

For that he would shift to the room to become the roommates of nick.

He gestured Ginny that he wanted to tell her about something.

So they left the class separately and met at the roof.

There he told his idea about nick and wanting to fuck that nerdy girl.

Ginny did not think badly about this because Rita is considered as a beauty just below her in the second place even though she looked nerdy.

Ginny also knows that Rick is like that and accepted it immediately.

They started to plan on how to pull nick and then get Rita into his arms.

For that Ginny has to attract the attention of nick and make him want to become strong.

With that, nick will ask his new roommate Rick for help.

Rick would use his plans to slowly make nick into a sissy cuckold and then use him to lure Rita to fall into this trap.

With that he would get to fuck both Rita and nick.

Then they would show the ugliness of both Rita and nick in the class making them unpopular.

This way Ginny would gain the perfect first place in beauty of the class.

If Rita is gone from the eyes of everyone them Ginny would become the only beauty in the class and there will be no one close to her in beauty in her class.

Ginny likes to stand on the top and have too much gap between her and the second position.

So she liked this plan very much.

Also she would get a sissy cuckold and a maid for her to play with as she likes.

There are many people that she wanted to satisfy and get benefits from them.

For that she has to have this pair of sissy cuck and a slut.

With her thoughts she immediately decided to follow the plan of Rick to trap Rick.

They would not force anyone.

They would slowly pull the dark side of their human nature through lust and get what they wanted.

Well this is the reality of the world and it was the same no matter where you are.

Also the one that is always in the wrong is the one that was cheated but not the one that cheats.

You are cheated because you are stupid and naive.

So it is your own fault.

One has to know how to defend and the naive people are meant to be the prey of the strong and intelligent.

Unfortunately Rita is not as naive as they think she is.

Instead she is very strong and can go as far as to walk around completely naked in the class without fearing a gang bang.

That is how strong and firm Rita is right now.

Chapter 87: system choice about nick’s future

Instead she is very strong and can go as far as to walk around completely naked in the class without fearing a gang bang.

That is how strong and firm Rita is right now.

A week has passed by from that day.

John observed that Rick is trying to get nick through the words of Rick’s other roommates.

So John used his connections to move nick into his dorm.

Nick that should originally in the dorm room or Rick was transferred to the dorm room John.

John has more command of the dormitory warden than other people.

When he was transferred Rick wanted to object as he felt that his prey is going to be gone.

But he could not stop because John is stronger than him.

Also Rick and John did not see each other because they did not get along well.

Rick is currently in the territory of John.

Rick knows that their family is much weaker than the family background of John so he could not mess with John casually.

Even thought they would not fight in a deadly battle he did not dare to mess with someone like John and his family.

So he can only wait for the right opportunity.

“Any way John must also have the same thoughts as me.”

Rick thought and wanted to see if he could get something out of it without putting much effort.


Nick on the other hand acted like a timid rabbit that came out of the wolves den to the tiger den.

John is a big black man with muscular body and his dick is as thick as the arm of nick.

Nick originally had this problem of tendencies and fantasies towards becoming sissy.

Also he always wanted to wear female clothes and inner wear.

But he was reluctant to do that thinking that he is a man and must act like a man.

Well no one that saw his dick and ball along with his big ass would believe that he is a man or at least fit to be called a man.

They did not immediately make their moves instead they are waiting for nick to slowly fall into the trap.

The trap is seduction of the big dick.

Every day after big John comes out of the shower he would show off his big dick and nick would stare at the dick.

As days passed by the amount of time he stares at the dick increased.

John would act like he did not see the stares of John giving him a comfortable feeling of a cat drinking the milk while closing its eyes.

It thought that since it closed its eyes no one see the cat drinking milk.

Unfortunately nick is stupid when the matter is related to the big dick.

His sissy heart started to throb.

Usually nick was made to clean the dorm room so he would do that every day.

Few days passed by quickly.

During this time Rita would occasionally go out in a car after she got the driving license by paying off with her body.

She recorded the live shows and put them on show for her fans to watch in those adult sites.

She was still not discovered by either of Christina or John about being a porn actress in those adult sites.

This was all because of the good thing about the hacking skill of Rita

She used the lust points she gained during this time to completely fill the hacking skill to reach level 20 other than her own practice.

So it has reached the peak of this world.

In the phones of her friends and people she knows her videos would not appear.

Because of this she was not worried at all that they would recognize her.

Also she control over many phones and cameras in the area to record her videos in multiple angles.

Her coverage and the number of fans are numerous and the rewards she is getting also increased to thousands of dollars.

She started to improve her other skills along with the skill she already had.

But she did not touch the body enchantment right now.

That day she got a peculiar quest or choice of a sort.


Host it is time to start turning your boyfriend and to be husband in to a good sissy cuck.

This is the projection quest that you can choose to send it to him making him think that he has awakened a system.

Choice 1: give him the sissy cuckold system and gain few rewards for him with the help of the system and lust points generated.

Choice 2: do not give him the system and slowly turn him into a sissy cuckold manually with the help of the people.

Choice 3: do the amalgamation of the system and manual help to turn him into a sissy cuckold for the future.


Rita directly chose the third option because it was best.

She could not simply make the system and turn him into a sissy cuckold.

It would be too unscientific and might cause some problems.

She can do that manually but it might cause the same adverse effects that happened to nick in her future memories.

This would cause him to die and kill a few people.

But if the combination is good and he was happy then the situation would be much better.

She thought of that and made the choice.

The system immediately accepted it and then the series of choices began.

These are the choices that Lilith is giving to Rita so that she can choose on how to proceed.

Some choices require her to pay with lust points.

Rita is understands that investments are needed to gain profits back.

So she happily accepted it and paid the lust points.

Right at that time nick that was staring at the dick of John got a blue screen in front of him snapping him out of his imagination of sucking that big dick.

Chapter 88: steal the panties and wear them

So she happily accepted it and paid the lust points.

Right at that time nick that was staring at the dick of John got a blue screen in front of him snapping him out of his imagination of sucking that big dick.

“Congratulations host.

Because of your persistent thoughts of having fun with a big dick the special system has been activated.

The name of the system would appear after you complete your transformation.

With that system you will be able to completely your inner most desire completely.

But first you have to complete a quest.

Quest: stare the big tower

Description: stare at the big dick of big John for 1 minute completely without any intruption.

Reward: system will be bound

Punishment: system would leave


Because of his wild imagination nick has thought of getting a system many times.

But getting a system right now made him feel like he would become a protagonist.

Actually this was just a projection from Rita and it was not a real system.

It was Rita that chose the things and gives them to nick.

As for the rewards they are also true.

Because of her actions nick is going to step into the path of lust.

So the lust energy he generates would be converted into lust points and be deposited to Rita’s system.

These lust points can be used to get the corresponding rewards and other thing for her and also make a big profit for her.


Nick looked at the quest given to him and it made him hesitate for a moment.

He was sure that the system did not have any good intentions when it gave him a quest like this.

But the temptation is too great for him to let go of the system.

“What can happen to me?

With the system I can do anything.”

Immediately after getting to this conclusion he accepted the task and started to stare at the dick of John without even blinking.

John noticed this and smiled.

Rita told him that she is going to play some games with nick to turn him into a sissy slowly.

So she asked him to act like he did not notice the abnormal behavior of nick for a while.

Because of her words John let nick stare at his dick for as long as he wanted.

After a minute nick stopped looking and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom he looked into the mirror finding that his face flushed red like a silly girl.

He doesn’t know what is happening but he liked the dick so much.

If he stared at it any longer then he could not stop himself from going forward to take a lick.

But he held himself back.

At that time the system gave another congratulatory message.

“Congratulation host you were able to successfully retain the system after completing the quest.”


Quest: steal the panties.

Description: today your most favorite girl is going to bring an extra pair of panties to the class.

Steal them carefully and wear those panties in place of your underwear.

Restriction: do not wear any inner wear when you go to the college.

Reward: affection meter towards the person you love.

Punishment: if you did not wear panties then you would be found out by the person you love and she will hate you.


Looking at the quest he doesn’t know how to think about it.

But he was sure that he would gain something good if he completes the quest.

So he decided to take the quest.

With the determination he washed up and came out of the bathroom covered with bath towel.

He did not wrap the bath towel like other men.

Instead he wrapped it all the way to his tits.

He wears the towel this was subconsciously whenever he was under great stress.

He consciously wanted to stop this habit because only women and sissy people would wear it like this.

But he could not stop his subconscious actions.

So he got on with that.

Fortunately John is not here in the room.

If he did then nick don’t know where he could put his head.

He quickly got dressed and did not wear anything under his clothes.

He did not expect that his nipples would be erect and outlined on his clothes.

Also his ass felt freer without big underwear that would cover it usually.

His walking style is a little different than usual.

He took his bag and walked over the class.

When he came to the class he saw that Rita is already there with her hand bag kept on the table.

Also when he looked into the handbag when he passed by her, he found that there is a pair of purple panties inside.

He thought that Rita is clumsy as always so she kept the underwear here.

During the lunch break everyone left the class and Rita left the class without taking her bag.

It is as if she forgot to take her bag with her when she left.

Nick waited for everyone to leave and finally took the chance to silently steal the panties.

He wanted to go to the toilet to wear the panties.

Unfortunately there are many people that usually bully him near the bathroom.

So he did not have a choice but to come back to the class room frustrated.

He has to wear the underwear if not everyone would find out that he is the one that stole Rita’s panties.

With that all his previous hard work and connection he build up for her would be gone forever.

Because of this he got an idea that is to put on the underwear on the spot.

There is no one in the class and he looked at the corridor and found that there is no one.

He became bold for a moment and felt that he can quickly wear the underwear before anyone could come here to the class room.

Chapter 89: special pills to turn nick into a sissy

There is no one in the class and he looked at the corridor and found that there is no one.

He became bold for a moment and felt that he can quickly wear the underwear before anyone could come here to the class room.

He doesn’t know that this scene was being recorded by Rita silently.

She has been hiding near the stair case and when nick is sneaking around.

After nick put on her panties she left there quickly.

This recording can be used by John later to convince nick into becoming a sissy.

Well nick would accept it straight but for his psychological comfort this video is needed.

With this first step the system issued a new quest for Rita.


Quest: transformation pill

Description: system would provide you with transformation pills at the cost of lust points.

Host has to make her selected cuck consume these transformation pills at least 20 per month for 4 months continuously.

Reward: the selected cuck would accept becoming a sissy completely

The spent lust points on consumed pills would be returned double.

The pure affection of the sissy cuck to the host would increase 1 point per each pill that is consumed with a maximum of 100 points.


Rita looked at the quest and immediately thought that this is great.

The pure affection means absolute affection and loyalty.

She can finally move on to the next step.

As long as she successfully subdued nick she will have a stable future.

She already had her own business and money.

But having someone trustworthy to take care of her is also an important thing.

This should be nick.

This way she can happily fuck around while nick would take care of the family other than earning for them.

While thinking of the happy future Rita’s eyes twinkled.



Congratulations host you have received the affection meter that can be used to see the affection of one person that you like the most.”

Nick immediately wanted to look at the affection level of Rita.

He quickly put on the dress and right then Rita appeared.

He was thrilled and shocked at the same time.

Any moment later he would have been exposed to Rita.

This excitement made him want to try the game of exhibitionist again.

But he held back his excitement so that Rita would not find him as a perverted person.

His thoughts are far more different than Rita thought.

He not only thought of himself being an exhibitionist but he wanted Rita to become an exhibitionist like him.

He was imagining the situation where they are walking around naked on the street during the night and in other outdoor places.

Rita looked at the glint in his eyes and knows that he was excited from the incident just now.

Nick immediately used his affection meter on Rita and he can only check the affection of Rita.

It is one person thing only.

So he checked and found that Rita have 46 points of affection towards.

That is she thinks of him as more than a friend.

Rita looked at him and she immediately sent a quest to nick.


Immediately he became happier and wanted to talk to Rita.

But then a quest appeared in front of him.


Quest: love of life.

Description: the person you love likes to look at you in a transformed appearance.

For that you have to get and consume some special pills.

These special pills are available with your dorm roommate John.

Do anything you can to get the pills from him and consume them.

Consume at least 1 pill a day for 4 months straight.

Reward: the affection of your loved one would increase at least 1 point per every 2 pills consumed till the maximum of 100 affection points.

You would complete your transformation to become your best form that you desire the most with all your heart.


Nick immediately became excited after looking at the quest.

He happily greeted Rita with a smile and then decided to go back to the dorm and talk too big John.

Usually he would not utter a word or make a sound in the presence of big John.

Now he wanted to do anything that big John asked him to do to get the pills from his hands.

While thinking he wanted to leave to get lunch.

Rita knows what nick is thinking right now.

So she has to move quickly to hand over the pills to John and let him continue his play with nick.

Then she went to John to give him the bottle of pills and said about her plan.

As for how she got these pill was told to John.

She said that she knows a mad doctor or some sort that has this transformation pills that would permanently turn a man into a woman.

That is right it would even create a pussy at the end but it would leave the small dick and balls out.

Listening to this information John became interested.

But he understood that this is an experimental product and has to be verified before it could be used later.

With that nick became their guinea pig for their plan.

Actually he is not a guinea pig for experiments because these pills are produced by the system and will work perfectly.

So there is no risk in this.

It is just that Rita don’t want any problems on her head with identities of people and other things.

Because of this she has decided to do this instead of revealing about her secrets.

The secret about the system should go to the grave along with her.

After giving the pills to big John Rita went to meet with Christina and talk to her about her plan.

The more she listened the more interested Christina became about the future.

She was looking forward to the day when nick turned into a half woman to play with John.

Chapter 90: you really want the pill

The more she listened the more interested Christina became about the future.

She was looking forward to the day when nick turned into a half woman to play with John.

While they are talking and eating care in the cake shop near the university, nick reached the dormitories.

John already got this information from Rita and he was already prepared for this matter.

So he already came back to the dorms with his sweaty dress.

He did not care about the classes and went for basketball practice.

Now he is done with the practice and came over to entertain nick.

Nick that arrived urgently looked at John and asked.

“Senior John, it is said that you have special pills that can make me strong like a macho man.

Is it true?”

John looked at nick and said.

“I do have the pills but taking them is a long process and there will be some side effects that you have to bear with it till your body is completely fixed.

Also these pills are not free.

What will you pay me for the pills?

I heard that you like that new nerdy busty girls called Rita.

She is close to my girl Christina.

From her I found that Rita liked macho man more.

Are you willing to take the risk to become a macho man for her?”

The words of John appeared like the words of a devil that came over to offer a devil’s contract.

Nick thought for a moment and decided to accept the risks.

But then John asked again.

“Are you sure about this?

If you break taking the pill then you would return back to the scrawny self or even worse.

So once started you have to take the pill every day for at least 4 months straight.


Nick hesitated for a moment but still he accepted it.

Then John smiled and said.

“You have to eat some high grade supplements in order to support the power of the pill.

So be a good slut and get down on your knees.

You have to suck the supplements first before taking the pill.”

Nick did not think much and got down on his knees.

Right at that time John pulled down his sports shorts and revealed the big black snake inside his pants.

It was really big, thick, black and shiny with glaring light.

Usually nick would look at it from a distance and acts like he only casually looked at it.

But right now he got to look at it straight in front of his face.

So the impact is too much for him.

He gulped down his saliva while looking at the big dick.

His eyes could not move away from the dick.

John took the initiative to move close to the face of nick and place his dick just inches away from his face.

Then he said.

“Don’t thing that I don’t see you are drooling at my dick all day long.

You want to have the pills right.

Be a good boy and suck my dick and receive the big load of supplements.

With that I will give you a pill.

From today onwards you have to listen to my orders if you did not listen then I will not give you the pill.

So let’s get started.”

The mouth of nick opened slightly looking at the situation in front of him.

John took the chance to put his dick straight into the mouth of nick.

Nick did not reject it.

Instead he was aroused by the way that John is dominating him.

His inner desire has awakened and he took the initiative to suck on tip of the dick.

John waited for nick to adapt a little before pushing his dick into nick’s throat.

Nick suffocated a little but when John pulled back he took deep breath.

Just like that John fucked the mouth of nick for half an hour before shooting the big load into the mouth of nick.

The big load filled up the stomach of nick very quickly and he started to cough because of the lack of air just now.

John gave him a glass of water for him to drink and calm down.

Nick was still in the mesmerized state and did not realize that John took the video of the entire thing.

Finally when it was all done, John took out a bottle with pills and stuffed a pill into the mouth of nick and let him swallow it.

Only then nick realize that he swallowed the pill.

Well this is what he wanted.

He quickly ran to the bathroom to wash his face and mouth.

His mouth has the cum of John sprayed around.

His eyes have tears falling down because of the suffocation before.

But his face actually showed the expression of satisfaction.

When he looked at his face in the mirror he did not feel anything was wrong but felt that he was meant to be like this.

But he could not let go of his love towards Rita.

He doesn’t know what kind of love he has for her but he was sure that he could not let her go no matter what.

With the pill taken he could no longer go back.

But he don’t want to go back either.

Right now what he is feeling is that he doesn’t know how to face big John right now.

But he did not expect that the big John called him right away.

“Hey slut, come back here after washing your face.

You still have to pay the price for the pill.”

Nick doesn’t know what he has to pay for the price but he was sure that it would be the next level of what he did just now.

He slowly walked out of the bathroom and faced big John.

Big John is still sitting on the bed with his dick out in the open.

Also his dick is still in fully erected while throbbing continuously.


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