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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 171: Karin got her revenge

Naruto talked with Iruka for a while before entering into the other room.

Sakura really wanted to ask Iruka about the cursed seal.

But Sasuke asked her to keep quiet about this matter.

So she did not have a choice but to keep quite.

They rested for a day before the second task time in the forest of death is complete.

Naruto is not idle during this time and practiced his chakra control for improvement.

During this time he did obtained some treasure chests but all of them are low grade and they barely improved anything.

As for Jutsu he got some but he did not have any use for them for the time being.

His clone led Karin all the way to the tower so that she would not face any dangers in the forest of death.

So she is fine.

As for her teammates they are already dead.

Other things are same as before.

When she reached the tower without the two scrolls she was deemed as disqualified.

But she did not care because her life would change.

As for the Jonin instructor that came with their team appeared to take her away from here.

He scolded her very much but he would not cause any harm to her.

She has a precious healing ability that is very valuable.

He would not cause any damage to her body.

They are not going to stay here to watch the finals of Chunin exam.

But that Jonin instructor did not notice that the clone of Naruto is still with her.

Well some cheap Jonin just became Jonin without proper training and experience by chance and did not have any actually capabilities.

Even if they had they could not find out about Naruto that is very good at chakra control.

When they went back to their allotted residence to take their things, Naruto made Karin prepare tea for the Jonin instructors as she usually made to do.

In the tea Naruto mixed in some special paralysis poison.

It would take immediately effect and did not have any odor or taste.

It was easy but the process of things takes time.

Soon the Jonin drank tea and felt the movements.

He wanted to attack Karin before he was completely paralyzed.

Unfortunately he could not do that because Naruto’s clone appeared and directly knocked him back.

Then it was time for Karin to avenge her mother.

It was because of this Jonin from the land of the grass that her mother suffered till she died.

It was them that killed her after using her for so long.

Yes she accepted them to use her ability to heal them.

But it is not to the point of killing her.

They even wanted to use Karin the same way as her mother.

Fortunately she was a bit talented and they are sure that she is the daughter of someone from the hidden grass village.

Well her mother is only 18 when she escaped to the hidden grass village.

Then she was used by many people in many ways till she died.

She also lost her virginity to this Jonin and gave birth to her daughter Karin.

So they considered her half from their land and gave her a chance to improve.

But it was still a selfish motive because they wanted her to slowly improve over time so that she has more chakra and can use her more like they did with her mother.

Right now there is no one around the building.

But taking care of this man here would be problematic.

The smell of blood can cause problems.

Naruto’s clone brought over a sealing paper that has a dead body stored inside it.

He collected few dead bodies just in case to use as body doubles to prove the deaths of the people.

In the land of waves, in order to save Zabuza and Haku from being hunted down, Naruto used two dead bodies to cover up the tracks as well.

Now Naruto is going to do the same trick for the two people here.

First he gave the chance for Karin to take revenge on this Jonin for her mother.

She took the kunai and under the guidance of Naruto cut at various places that can cause heavy pain.

Also the dick of the Jonin was pierced straight and the balls are nailed by the kunai as well.

The Jonin died the slow and painful death.

Right when he was being killed Naruto replaced his original body with a clone and he came over here with mayfly technique.

After killing the Jonin she hugged Naruto and cried for a while before losing consciousness.

Naruto once again used the mayfly technique to take her to his home and arranged for her at his home.

He left a clone to take care of her and return to the exam site.

As for his other clone it formed two more clones that appeared like the dead people of the hidden grass village.

They went into the house and then there is a burst of fire which started slowly.

The clone used the fire breath to burn the body of the Jonin completely and a female body was also arranged.

It was also burned till no one can recognize it.

There is already the smell of blood in the room.

If Naruto did not burn them someone would come over to check.

So burning them would be the best.

But first he burned the bodies till they could not deduce the cause of death.

Then he set the room on fire.

Any way they are all made of wood.

With the fire the clones directly vanished from there.

Even if there are witnesses they would only tell them that two men came over and then the fire started.

Even if they could get the image it was the image of the dead people which could not be investigated.

With all these arrangements the truth is completely covered.

Chapter 172: one punch to solve the match

Even if they could get the image it was the image of the dead people which could not be investigated.

With all these arrangements the truth is completely covered.

Soon the stupid speech of the third Hokage would start and then they would continue on with their farting.

Naruto waited for this nonsense to be over and they finally got the fighting started.

Naruto noticed Orochimaru and smiled at him casually and his hand formed a snake and moved front and back.

Orochimaru is currently in the appearance of a Jonin from the hidden sound village.

His mouth opened but he still did not reveal himself right now.

It was dangerous to reveal his identity with so many people present.

He can escape from here but the plan would be spoiled.

He thought that Naruto did not recognize him and only doubted him because of his current appearance is close to the appearance of Orochimaru.

Naruto shifted his gaze towards Kurenai and waved his hand happily.

Third Hokage noticed this and became angry because Naruto did not give him any face and continued to act as he pleased.

Naruto also waved at all the girls including the girl from the hidden sound village causing their team members to shiver.

Well then a sickly person that looks like he would die in the next moment appeared.

It was Hayate that person that acts as referee for the next test.

He is also the lover of Yugao.

Well he would die causing her deep grief.

Naruto is not old enough to comfort her right now but he would soon be able to do that.

Also she is in Anbu and Naruto has to get to her before comforting her.

Hayate started his nonsense again and Kabuto quit.

Naruto looked as if he expected this and did not show any surprise.

Naruto instead of being surprised came over to Kabuto and pass him a note and said.

“This is my contact information.

If you are free we can always go around and practice.

You can make it through in the next Chunin exam definitely.”

Naruto sounded stupid but the information in the note is different.

“I know the secret about Nono and her death.

Contact me after this test secretly without Orochimaru and Danzo knowing about this matter.”

Kabuto was shocked for a moment but still covered his emotions.

Then he gave out the reply.

“Of course Naruto kun… I will come and find you later.”

Kabuto left after that.

But his mind and heart are in turmoil.

He doesn’t know if what Naruto said is true or a lie but he was sure that Naruto knows something.

Based on his understanding of Naruto he felt that Naruto would not lie or boast but he was quite protective.

Also found that Naruto never used his full strength in a fight as if he was hiding things.

With all these things considered he decided to take this risk and trust Naruto once.

Soon the fights started.

Naruto did not have anything other than watching the fight.

Naruto on the other hand took out few of the snake meat skewers he made before and started to eat them while watching.

Naturally Choji came over for a bite.

Naruto is naturally happy to share some food with him and other people.

While they enjoy the match they happened quickly one after the other.

Naruto doesn’t want into to cut off her hair.

So she did not do that instead she fought with Sakura normally and their fight is not as bitter as it was in the original plot.

The reason is simple.

Ino liked Naruto and not Sasuke, so things are resolved directly.

Still in the end the match is a draw with mutual knock out.

Naruto sighed as things would not change sometimes.

In the battle between Temari and Tenten it is the same once again.

“They would be rivals in the future, even if I get them both to become my women.”

Naruto thought.

But then he should have given Tenten an idea of using heavy objects so that the wind would not cause the disturbance.

Well he did not do anything and things have already happened so nothing can be changed.

In the next match when kin lost to Shikamaru Naruto sent his shadow clone to follow along to transfer her away from here as well.

Any time later than this would lead her to her death and she would be gone.

Naruto doesn’t want beauties to die.

All the old men and other men can die for all he cares.

Others did not notice that Naruto sent a shadow clone along because he made an excuse of going to the bathroom for a moment.

Also the next will be his battle with Kiba.

So Naruto arrived quickly after going out for a few moments.

When arrived back his name was clearly displayed in the big display board.

Kiba thought that he was lucky.

Well Naruto did not show his capabilities during this time other than defeating Sasuke before.

So naturally others did not believe in his strength either.

Except for the people that had firsthand experience no one would believe that Naruto could win.

Kurenai also thought that Naruto would lose immediately.

“Sorry little brother.

But you will lose this round.”

She thought in her mind.

Kiba was arrogant and said.

“I feel bad for you.

So I will end this with one punch.”

Naruto smiled back and said.

“You want to end this with a single punch right.

Okay then.”

Then Kiba said.

“Don’t act tough.”

Right then the sickly ninja Hayate said to begin the match.

Kiba transformed and jumped at Naruto in a slamming posture.

Naruto clenched his fist and then gave a single punch to Kiba sending him back flying like a cannon ball.

He only stopped after he hit the wall and his face was swollen.

Naruto stood there without moving an inch and his hands still stretched forward like a fist.

Chapter 173: sorry big sister I used a little more strength

He only stopped after he hit the wall and his face was swollen.

Naruto stood there without moving an inch and his hands still stretched forward like a fist.

The little dog was also there shocked that it went to Kiba to check his condition.

Naruto waited for the announcement that the match is over.

Then he came to Kurenai and said.

“Sorry big sister, he pissed me off a little so I forgot to hold back and used a little more strength.”

Kurenai is speechless with the words of Naruto.

Naruto did not say anything and went back to his place to sit and eat while watching the coming matches.

Hinata came over to give Naruto some medical cream which he did not have any need right now.

But he still accepted it and asked her to sit and eat some meat with him.

She was shy and ran away.

Right at that moment rock lee asked Guy about the straps on the wrists of Naruto.

“Sensei, the straps on the wrists of Naruto seems to be the same as weights I have been using.

Did he also do the weight training?

How much weight should he be carrying?”

Kakashi already knows about this matter but no other person knows about this.

Guy glanced at it carefully and said.

“He is using weights on the same level as you but a little higher.

So don’t worry about this matter.”

But the face if might guy is not good because Naruto is currently carrying a total amount of weight of 2000 kilograms.

Not concentrated but divided all over the body at various proportions that would not hinder his movements and becomes excessive burden.

The way Naruto walks without cracking the ground is already a miracle.

This made guy looked at Kakashi to find out the answers but Kakashi directly showed his hands and said.

“Don’t ask me.

He is using them on his own and he did not even tell me.”

Others did not take this matter to heart because a little weight is nothing for training.

When Hinata returned the next match names are mentioned on the electronic board.

Unfortunately the next match is between Hinata and Neji.

Neji started blabber his mouth shooting all the nonsense he could fart.

Hinata was moved to tears and it was time for her to gain encouragement from Naruto.

Naruto did not say those words in the plot instead he said something differently.


What a good way of venting out your frustration on the wrong person.

You can’t even standup for yourself in your clan, but shouting about inequality in front a woman that is not in power.

Are all the branch family members cowards like you?

If you are brave enough you can always split away from your main family and form your own family.

There is old man Hokage over there to solve your disputes.

Why are you pushing the blame onto someone completely irrelevant like a shrew?

Don’t tell me you are a dog that can only bark at other instead of biting.”

The words of Naruto caused Neji to feel ashamed that he could not speak.

Then Naruto looked at Hinata and said.

“Hinata, you should also stand up for yourself.

These people including your own family that is the main family are only related to you by blood.

They did not have any right to decide your future just because they wanted to.

Fight for yourself and for your dreams instead of listening to their nonsense.

You came to become a ninja and you have to make decision for yourself.”

Naruto’s words motivated her and she got ready to fight Neji.

But still the end results are the same.

When Hinata fell down and Jonin took the step forward to stop Neji, Naruto appeared beside Hinata.

His hand emitted green light chakra on her heart to heal her injury.

Naruto did not say anything stupidly in plot.

Here the problem is Hinata.

Life is the most important thing.

One has to fight with their life on the line to improve but one should not fall into deep nonsense and fell into the track of a suicide bomber.

Hinata has just fallen into that side.

Naruto has to save her slowly.

What Neji did is not out of viciousness but everything was concentrated by the words of his family over time.

It is just like the stupid Itachi that thought that what he thinks is right.

Naturally it was not Naruto that provoked but he was provoked by Neji.

So Naruto gave out the reply.

“When you call other losers, you will be the real loser.

Any way we will meet in the finals.

I will kick your ass and give a great message to the Hyuga clan for both the main family and branch family.

Sometimes laying low might not the best solution to solve anything.

Since Hyuga clan wanted to provoke me then they have to face the corresponding consequences.


Naruto said with extremely calm tone.

It did not appear like his past self instead it appeared like the words of a powerful man that has seen through the life.

Even though Naruto has a villain system and he is the villain in heart and soul,

The body he is currently occupying is the body of the protagonist.

So things would naturally be contradicting.

During his words Naruto’s hands did not leave the heart area of Hinata and the healing light did not dimmed.

Slowly Hinata regained her consciousness.

With that Hinata coughed up some blood and regained her consciousness.

Naruto let the medical staff take care of Hinata.

They were surprised to find that Naruto has great talent in medical ninjutsu.

Naruto only smiled and did not say anything.

Third Hokage also did not understand what is going on.

He did not see Naruto practicing medical ninjutsu.

He thought that Kakashi taught Naruto or someone else taught him the medical ninjutsu to this level.

Chapter 174: twice as much weight as lee is carrying

He did not see Naruto practicing medical ninjutsu.

He thought that Kakashi taught Naruto or someone else taught him the medical ninjutsu to this level.

Because of his cautious nature, he wanted to let people investigate into this matter.

But the current situation is not right and there are problems with the movements of the hidden sand village.

So he decided to investigate Naruto later.

He never thought that he would die in the coming battle without properly arranging for his son and grandson.

Fortunately they village needed strength and support so no one did anything to cause trouble for the Sarutobi family.

Similarly there are other two elders and Danzo that covered their asses for the sake friendship they had with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Soon the match between rock lee and Gaara began.

This is an exciting match that Naruto was looking forward to.

Right at that time Sakura walked over with Ino wanting to ask about the weights that Naruto is wearing.

Naruto smiled and said.

“It is nothing just double the amount of thick eyebrows lee is wearing right now.”

Both Ino and Sakura thought that it was around 5 or 10 kilograms.

Then the fight started and might guy gave permission to rock lee to remove the weight.

Only when rock lee dropped the weights causing a small explosion of weights did the people present understood.

They all looked frighteningly at Naruto that is having twice as much as that amount of weight but can still move normally.

Also Naruto can use ninjutsu as well.

Immediately Naruto became a frighteningly strong opponent.

Then the match took over their attention and they focused on rock lee that is moving with extreme speed.

They saw the shadow of Naruto moving at that speed or even faster.

This made their back became cold and their forehead covered in sweat beads.

Kankuro thought.

“No wonder Gaara backed off before.”

He thought liked this remembering the incident where Gaara backed off when they confronted Naruto.

Also he remembered trying to piss off Naruto before making his spine shiver for a moment.

He came over to Naruto originally to talk about the information related to the candidates of the hidden leaf village but he silently back away back to his team space.

The eyes of Tamara are actually shining when she looked at Naruto.

She liked strong and handsome man.

Naruto is both right now and she became interested.

She was not frightened because Naruto seems to be rather nice to the girls.

So she was interested in Naruto and decided to see if she can form a connection.

It is not like they would kill everyone in the hidden leaf village.

If things are good she can take Naruto to herself.

Well she has her thoughts while the match continued.


The preliminary matches finally concluded.

As for the situation of kin she was already transported back to his house in knocked out state.

Her original body was replaced with a transformed corpse.

Even if someone discovers they would not do anything to it.

They started to draw lots for the finals.

Naturally Naruto drew Neji Hyuga.

Naruto smiled and looked at Neji and said.

“It seems like your ass is going to be kicked in front of a great audience.

The Hyuga clan would receive a great blessing too hehe….”

Naruto smiled looking at Neji.

After witnessing the battle of rock lee and the power, he displayed Neji felt that Naruto is a string opponent and he has to fight carefully.

So he no longer underestimated Naruto.

But still he did not lose his arrogance.

After leaving here Naruto did not go to meet with Kakashi to ask him to train him.

Instead he went to the appointed location to meet with Kabuto to talk.

This was not his home.

He gave the contact information of a fake he created during this month just in case.

After waiting for a few minutes Kabuto arrived.

He just escaped from Kakashi after failing to kill Sasuke.

He was curious about what Naruto wanted to say.

After Kabuto arrived Naruto took out a box chicken wings he is eating and offered Kabuto to take one.

But Kabuto did not take any and looked at Naruto to speak.

After a few moment of chewing Naruto spoke.

“You know that I am the nine tails jinchūriki right.”

Kabuto thought for a moment and nodded his head.

There are suspicions but as an information agent he was sure that Naruto is the 9 tailed fox jinchūriki.

Naruto continued.

“Jinchūriki sometimes has the abilities to speak with ghosts, connect to the pure land and sometimes they can see the past and the future.

You were really attached to the person called Nono.

Also she is not a bad woman.

She just wanted to live her life normally taking care of orphans.

Unfortunately the poisonous eyes of Danzo fell on her and her talent as a spy.

Even though you are not related to her by blood you inherited similar capabilities in the talent of information collection and spying.

These things made Danzo value you more than her.

So he used his brain to come up with the solution of separating the both of you.

For that he gave different photos of each other to you both making you believe that the person you like is still well.

But you are both pitted against each other and finally he made you kill her with your own hands.”

Kabuto felt that what Naruto said is true as he know part of the truth.

But it did not let him trust Naruto completely about his claims about seeing the past and the future.

Naruto looked at his disbelief and said.

“I know you could not believe me.

So let me tell you something to make you believe be.

You just went to chat with Orochimaru and then went to kill Sasuke but you have failed because of the hindrance of Kakashi….”

Chapter 175: I want a strong team mate

“I know you could not believe me.

So let me tell you something to make you believe be.

You just went to chat with Orochimaru and then went to kill Sasuke but you have failed because of the hindrance of Kakashi.

Actually you don’t want to kill Sasuke.

You only wanted to block off the path for Orochimaru and did not want him to get his hands on one of the strongest bloodlines.

Also you are currently as strong as Kakashi without using his Sharingan.

So you don’t have to hide your strength in front of me.


Naruto said clearly making Kabuto more and more shocked.

Finally he understood that what Naruto said might be true.

That is about the claim of Naruto knowing about the future and the past.

But the question here is what Naruto wanted by telling him all these things.

So he waited silently till Naruto spoke about what he wanted.

“I don’t know if you are a good man or a bad man.

All I know is that you are capable and had enough strength to do the things you wanted to do.

I want a capable ally.

I don’t have many requirements right now.

But in the future I have a few requirements.

Don’t worry my requirements are needed when you complete the sage mode of the serpent cave.

I know you can do that.

When you completed that we will talk what I needed.

As for the life of Danzo that caused the death of your adopted mother, it would be gone under the hands of Sasuke.

If you can, then try your best to make it out when I give you the signal.

Then you might get a chance to take your revenge.

That is all I wanted to say.

Do you wish to cooperate with me?

Well you are already a double agent.

It is not a problem to become a triple agent.

But there is nothing for you to take from me other than 9 tails.


Naruto spoke as he extended his hand.

Hesitating for a while Kabuto finally extended his hand to form the cooperation with Naruto.

With that Kabuto left and Naruto also left this place to visit the hospital.

It was time for him to visit Kakashi.

But he knows that Kakashi would bring over Ebisu to teach Naruto.

Well Naruto don’t want to train with Ebisu instead he wanted to scold Kakashi.

Naruto wanted to get the Hatake style sword art from him.

But no matter how commotion he created Kakashi did not give Naruto any big treasure chest.

So he wanted to use the parent’s card here.

When he arrived Kakashi just came down stairs after checking the situation of Sasuke.

Naturally he pointed at Ebisu and said that Ebisu would train Naruto while he would train Sasuke.

Naruto looked at Ebisu and sighed.

“Kakashi sensei, you are really a good student that is filial to my parents.

They should be blind to take on such a good disciple like you.

I am really disappointed in you Kakashi sensei.

Anyway thank you for your help before.”

After saying these words Naruto turned around before he was stopped by Kakashi.


Do you know who your parents are?”

He asked Naruto but Naruto simply showed four fingers and waved his had before leaving.

Kakashi was stunned.

He knows what the 4 fingers means.

It is the fourth Hokage.

He did not ask Naruto how he knows because there is 9 tails inside him and it can tell him some of the things to play with his heart.

Kakashi was frightened and felt that he has failed as a student as well.

Naruto did not glance at Ebisu even once during the entire time.

Ebisu felt that his pride was stepped on so he followed Naruto wanting to teach him.

He did not understand the conversation.

If he knew that Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage he would directly prostrate just like he did with the Konohamaru the grandson of the third Hokage.

Finally they came to an empty ground and Naruto looked at him.

“Since you want to train me, first prove that you are stronger than me.”

Ebisu immediately accepted it and their fight started.

Naruto did not have anyone monitoring him.

So he don’t have to worry about anything and fight a little unrestrained.

The foundation of Naruto is very strong.

In the same level he is far stronger than others because of the solid foundation and chakra reserves.

So when the fight ended Ebisu was in no condition to fight back and a kunai appeared on his neck.

But the spot they are standing in right now is the hot springs and it is the woman’s bathing area.

While they fought they came all the way here.

The result is that Ebisu could not last against Naruto and lost.

He finally understood why Naruto did not like to be taught by him.

Naruto don’t want to make intentional enemies right now so he said few words to Ebisu to make him guilty and embarrassed.

“It is not that I look down on you because you are weaker than me.

It is just that you eyes when you looked at me, you are always indifferent and looked at me like an enemy just like the other people in the village.

I know that I have 9 tails inside me.

But it was not my choice and it was sealed inside me when I was just born.

So naturally I did not have a say in this matter.

You blaming me for the deeds of 9- tailed fox is no different than blaming the sage of 6 paths for introducing chakra into this world.

I am containing 9 tails too protect you all but your eyes did not give me the respect I deserve.

Instead it is the eyes of blaming and contempt.

That is why I did not like you……….


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