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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 481: protagonist appeared at casino

But Vicky did not mention any of his future plans and only said that he is into a small business with stocks trading.

Other than that he said that he has some small businesses in some adult industries from lower time zones.

With these words the people sighed as these things would not affect any of them.

Immediately things became amiable and they got to know each other.

They started to play.

This time Vicky did not win and lost the round.

His total loss is around 70 years of stolen time.

He lost so that the people would call him to play again.

Every person wants to win in the gamble they placed.

Once they won their mood improves and this would make them want to get the loser to play more so that they can win more.

This is the personality of most people.

Those business men are even more into this kind of thing because they like to take win in both the life and the game.

So Vicky was invited again to play the next day.

That day the daughter of Weis did not come here with him.

Well she only appears when the protagonist appears.

Also Vicky did not have any interest in her.

He was more interested in her mother and grandmother that still looked 25.

Her mother is a hot beauty and her grandmother looked just like her.

Both of them had milf bodies that are covered with lose clothes to cover them up.

Vicky would let the heroine take care of the protagonist while he gets to play with the milfs.


He returned back to the hotel and May is not there.

He did not want to break her so he sent her away for a few days to rest.

With the time he gave her, she did not have to worry about anything even if she takes no pay leave.

Well he is also resting.

He cannot just play all day long without a care for anything else.


On the next day he went to the casino in the evening.

This time he felt another familiar person entering around at the same time.

It was none other than the protagonist.

Looking at the protagonist Will that is trying his hardest to think about paying the volunteer charity time made Vicky smile with a sly smile.

Vicky did not appear in his vision and slipped by to the upper floor.

Today Weis brought his daughter along to let her have a change of air.

“Mister Vicky, you look good today.”

He smiled at Vicky.

Vicky returned the greeting.

“You look great too Mister Weis.

You seem to have brought someone along.

Who might this beautiful young lady be?”

Vicky acted like a gentle man but also a straight forward person.

Mister Weis immediately introduced his daughter Sylvia.

“This is my daughter Sylvia.”

“Sylvia, this is Mister Vicky, a business man I got to know yesterday.”

Vicky extended his hand and said.

“Hello Miss Sylvia, you look quite beautiful.”

Vicky greeted as he held her hand.

She also extended her hand for a shake hand but not some European style like kissing behind the hand.

Vicky also only did a hand shake and then went to sit on the opposite side of Weis.

It is the position where the protagonist should sit.

Vicky wanted to see if he could get the luck of the protagonist in winning the game if he sits in his spot.

This is just a guess and also the calculation of probability where the cards that should fall in front of him should be the winning cards.

But if the luck truly acts and the protagonist gets the winning cards then Vicky would simply drop things quickly.

If he got the right cards and got a chance to make a win then he don’t mind winning and doing a favor for the protagonist.

There is still something like getting the protagonist’s mother from the hands of the protagonist by his own free will.

For this to happen, Vicky has to make a good impression in the mind of the protagonist.

He calmed his mind and soon the others joined.

At that time will appeared and occupied the only empty spot.

Also he did not notice Vicky even thought Vicky was also in the same table as him.

Instead his eyes are focused on Mister Weis and specifically on his daughter.

He was literally eating her with his eyes.

Most probably Sylvia is also having a great time from the hot gaze of the protagonist.

Many be her pussy is already wet.

Vicky is handsome but for this world many things are restricted.

It was especially restricted against the protagonist and the main characters.

It was hard to gain their approval and gain benefits from them.

Vicky was able to get the approval from protagonist Will to some extent by saving his mother.

As for the heroine Sylvia, they are not that close so she did not have any impression on Vicky.

All she thought is that that Vicky is handsome with a good build unlike many other men in the field of business.

Vicky did not act like he was familiar with the protagonist will.

He acted like he did not notice Vicky from the start too.

Soon Vicky got his cards and took a look at them.

These cards have a winning chance but they are not the specific winning cards.

This means that more than the protagonist luck is needed to win the game when the protagonist is present.

Vicky smiled and decided to drop the game with minimum losses.

His limit for this match is only 20 years.

Vicky has successfully got off the game and waited for the heated battle between the protagonist and Weis.

The protagonist made a stunt of leaving only few seconds on his clock and won the game.

He earned around 1000 years of time in this game just like that in the plot.

Chapter 482: party invitation from Sylvia

The protagonist made a stunt of leaving only few seconds on his clock and won the game.

He earned around 1000 years of time in this game just like that in the plot.

Honestly his act appeared like male monkey trying to attract a female monkey.

Right then Vicky spoke.

“That was a splendid act mister will.

I did not expect that from you.”

These words brought back will to look at Vicky and recognize him.

He was startled and then spoke

“Sorry mister Vicky, I did not see you were there.”

He blurted out without thinking in his startled state.

Vicky smiled and said.

“It is not a problem,

You seem to be attracted to something more and immersed in that.

So it is natural that you did not see and recognize other people right.

By the way how is your mother doing?

Is she well?

This is a new place for you, have you settled down.”

Will, can only smile for a moment with embarrassment.

He knows what Vicky meant and it is clear as day that he was hitting on Sylvia.

He spoke.

“She is good,

We are staying in hotel blue moon.”

Vicky then thought.

(That is a good hotel to have honey moon with her.)

Rachel did not have the touch of a man for the past 25 years.

Even if there are few small things he did not have complete relationship.

She should be as tight as a virgin right now.

So Vicky was a little excited for the future.

Mister Weis spoke at that time.

“You two seems to know each other.”

For this Will decided to act quickly for the previous incident of not recognizing Vicky before.

“When we are at the twelfth time zone mister Vicky saved my mother.

If not for him, my mother would not be alive right now.”

Will said with deep voice.

Mister Weis and the heroine Sylvia became interested in Vicky because of these words and Vicky smiled back at them.

“Well it is nothing.

I believe that the desperate people from the lower time zones are people with good potential for taking in as workers.

So I made a visit to the lower time zones in search of some capable people.

While there I accidentally met Mister Will’s mother and helped her a little.

Any way he has already repaid me the time I gave them.

So it was nothing actually.”

Vicky simple words made the incident more prominent in the eyes of business men.

They know that Vicky is simply talking about the strategy of pulling people with potential.

They thought that what Vicky said is actually true.

Well it is the same thing that happened from ancient times.

The people with high potential would always come from desperation instead of people with super high sheltered background.

Well there are always exceptions.

But they were shocked by the guts of Vicky to go to the lower time zones and go around like that.

After stopping there Vicky spoke again.

“Mister Will if you don’t mind I want to give you an advice on something.”

“Please do Mister Vicky.”

“Well it is nothing really.

I am simply disappointed in you for making such a stupid act of playing at the edge of your life.

You should always remember that your life I given to you by your mother.

You cannot simply through it away for playing fun just like you just did in the game.

Think about it.

If Mister Weis is a bit slower or a card out of expectation were to fall in another’s person’s hand making him a winning hand what would you do.

What would happen to your mother?

I can only suggest you that don’t play dangerous acts like this in the future for the sake of your mother at the very least.

That is all I have to say for you.”

After saying these words Vicky stopped speaking.

The last few sentences are to make the protagonist will believe in him to entrust his mother to Vicky.

This way when he was captured by the time keepers and making his escape, Will would definitely ask Vicky to take care of his mother.

Vicky was smiling inside but the tone of reprimanding was still there.

Vicky sighed and decided to leave right now.

“My mood was spoiled a little.

I will come back tomorrow.


Vicky greeted few business men along with mister Weis before leaving.

Vicky was expecting mister Weis to invite Vicky to the party.

But unexpectedly it was Sylvia that invited Vicky when Vicky came to greet them before leaving.

She got good impression on Vicky because of his words related to the mother of Will or the concept of mother all together.

His words in turn support women altogether.

This gained her respect.

Well she is still into the protagonist in her current young age.

Vicky is not expecting her to fall in love with him.

Mister Weis also had a good word to Vicky and Vicky left.

As for the other things Vicky doesn’t have to worry.

The plot would continue along.

With the invitation to the party Vicky has achieved his goal.

He did not steal the things from the fourth time zone.

Vicky has to make preparations for that in a few days.

He has given enough time for them to reduce their vigilance.

If everything goes well, he would be able to steal at least 2 million years from bank and other financial organizations.

But he has to be more careful about the security and surveillance here.

With that he moved back to the hotel.

Today May is going to come.

After three days of rest she is completely healed.

She said that she is going to bring her friends, Ginny and Maria over.

These two friends of her are also in similar situation to her.

So they became close over time.

Vicky would not believe in things easily so he would investigate things…

Chapter 483: new lady butlers, new car, new suit

So they became close over time.

Vicky would not believe in things easily so he would investigate things slowly over the time when he fucks them.

He was not worried about an attack in the blind because this is the fourth time zone.

Returning back to the hotel he got three beauties waiting for him.

Well they are not in his room instead they are waiting in the restaurant and are waiting for Vicky to come and pick them.

Vicky came to them and they ate the dinner here.

After dinner Vicky took the girls back to his room along with some old costly wine ordered from the hotel.

Everything was delivered to his room.

After they got the wine, they girls stripped their clothes one piece at a time entertaining Vicky and then stripped him.

Then they took Vicky into the bathroom to have a comfortable hot water bath.

The room is a special suite room with big bath tub that can easily fit 4 people in it.

Vicky had the two new girls on either side and May was sitting on the top of him while kissing him.

He got a face massage from three pairs of big bouncy and soft tits while biting their grape nipples from time to time.

Slowly a beautiful night happened while playing with the three beauties.

Since there are three of them they shared the burden of a bull like Vicky and did not receive too much damage.

But the pleasure is the highest.


In the morning next day Vicky has things to do.

The girls rested a little before leaving happily with good amount of time on their hands.

Their pussies and ass holes were not swollen because of the shared burden among them.

They left after breakfast and Vicky also left to buy a new suit.

He doesn’t want to buy a car because it is a waste to him.

He can enjoy more by going through busses while traveling.

In a bus if he pierced a beauty then the shaking of the bus would take things to the next level.

Also being in the public can make things even better.

It cannot happen when travelling by car.

He is so bold because Vicky did not plan to take anyone out of this world.

They are of no use to him in the real world.

Also he did not have any feelings towards them.

After thinking for a while he decided to rent a car and a butler based on the simulation.

He is going to get a female butler that can serve him and do work for him for the time he will live here.

There are many good agencies like that.

Other than financial matters everything can be done by them.

Vicky is also careful with his simulation skill.

He got a lady butler with busty body and good skills in bed too.

The salary for the lady butler for the coming 10 months is 10 years of time.

It is really expensive if you think about it.

But it is still within his calculation.

Vicky got two of them, one with long blond hair and one with long black hair.

The blond one is called Angel and the black haired one is called lily.

Well it is actually blond angel and black lily.

They are both hotties and have good curves.

Also they did not mind anything as long as the boss that is Vicky ordered them to do.

They are good at fighting, managing, and miscellaneous works like driving and even sexual skills.

But they are trained in this way by those organizations and are only loyal to those organizations.

Even though they would work for Vicky, they cannot be trusted completely.

Those big companies would take this kind of beauties to make their offices lively and motivate their workers in various ways.

There is another section with male butlers that are trained similarly.

It is not like they did not have free will.

It is just that they are too much loyal to their organization.

So Vicky could not take them.

These are the only people that are worthy taking from this world but they are useless to him.

So he became free spirited and continued to do his work.

After getting the beauties he took them back to the hotel in the car he rented.

Well he rented the high end car of that era for a week.

He would change the model based on his needs.

He doesn’t have to go to the rental agency to bring the car over.

His lady butlers can complete the work for him.

His things became easy.

That evening his lady butler went to collect his new suit.

It is a suit is a full black one with inner shirt is violet magenta color giving a strange mysterious and attractive nature.

He put on his new outfit and checked how he looked.

After that he let the lady butlers drive the new rented car to the party at the Weis family mansion.

The mansion is really beautiful and it even had a private beach connected to it.

Unfortunately they did not know how to enjoy that.

Well Vicky would teach them.

After acting as a villain in the past fantasy world his mode of thinking changed.

He became a little darker and his regard to the things has change quite a lot.

But his love for his women is still there.

Well his thoughts have become a little perverted but it is normal.

When he arrived at the party he told his lady butlers to leave here and enjoy for a while.

Vicky gave them an extra month for them to enjoy themselves for a while before he called them.

They got a phone to receive his instructions.

So it is not a problem.

Vicky took a step inside with a present on hand.

It is a box with three sets of jewelry and a bracelet.

Chapter 484: eyes with a hint of lust

Vicky took a step inside with a present on hand.

It is a box with three sets of jewelry and a bracelet.

It is for mister Weis and his family.


When Vicky appeared he was received by Mister Weis as the host.

“Hello mister Vicky.”

“Hello mister Weis.

This is a small gift for you.”

Vicky gave the gift straight away.

Weis took the gift and said few courteous words for face value and then Vicky went inside to enjoy the party.

Weis also introduced his mother in law Carla and wife Michele.

Vicky looked at them and nodded his head just like how they did.

But he can see their interest towards Vicky and a glint of lust in their eyes.

Well with young bodies the interest in sex never dies.

After that he entered into the party.

The high class parties are very boring.

Even though there is so much good food he could not eat it.

He can only hold a wine glass that he could not drink much and can only show it off to the people while holding it.

It is really stupid to waste so many things.

But that is how these high class parties are like.

Vicky sighed as he found his gambling partners and talked to them.

While Vicky is talking to those people Weis came along and talked with them for a moment.

After that he left to greet other guests.

Then it was his wife and mother in law that moved around greeting people.

The protagonist will have already arrived here and is currently talking to the heroine Sylvia.

Vicky also noticed that Will did not bring his mother over for the party.

It seem like he don’t want others to know about her.

Well Vicky doesn’t care.

A few years of time can give out any information including the body sizes of the receptionist of the blue moon hotel.

Carla appeared in front of Vicky to talk to him.

She appeared just like Sylvia including the hairstyle and most of the appearance.

It is to the point that Vicky doubt if Sylvia is the daughter of Carla instead of Michele.

Well all these people only had the bodies of 25 years old even though they are older.

She invited Vicky to dance as she became interested in Vicky.

Well he doesn’t mind to have a simple dance as they danced Will and Sylvia is also dancing.

While they are dancing Vicky spoke to Carla about her and her daughter.

“Do you know I am a psychiatrist that can see through the thoughts of the people?”

Vicky said to her.

“Oh, really then tell me what I am thinking.”

Vicky smiled.

“Well it has been so long since you let loose right.

Even your daughter seems to be like that.

It looked like your son in law is not taking good care of you and your daughter.

Some heat inside your bodies can only be cooled off by a real man you know.”

Vicky said without a word and her face turned red.

But she did not deny the words of Vicky.

It is all true and she was attracted to Vicky just like her daughter because he is their type.

Vicky continued to speak.

“Your grand daughter is also like that.

She seems to have found a partner already.

Keep a good eye on her.

May be she would run away with him if you take your eyes off her.”

Vicky said and immediately at that time Will pulled the hand of Sylvia and took her out of this party.

Carla looked at this and was shocked.

What Vicky said is really true and things seem to be getting complicated.

But she did not leave Vicky as they continued to dance.

Well her daughter and son in law did not act so she would not act either.

They danced for a while as they talked.

“If you and your daughter want some special caring you can always come to me.

I can help you relieve all your stress and make you feel comfortable.

I have specialized tool that is big, long and thick.

It can stand for quite a long time too.

If you like come to me.

Well you might forget my details if I said them by word.

So I have already put my visiting card into your panties.”

Carla panicked as she did not know when Vicky put his visiting card into her panties.

Looking at her panicked appearance Vicky whispered in her ear.

“Don’t worry it was made of soft material and you could not feel it easily.

You can check that in the bathroom later.”

As Vicky said they parted.

Carla really wanted to check and see if Vicky really put the visiting card in her panties.

She left Vicky and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she pulled up her tube dress and checked her panties.

There is actually a soft card that is stuck in the crack between her butt cheeks.

It has the name of Vicky and his contact information.

She was so embarrassed that her face turned red.

By the time she came back the protagonist Will and Sylvia also came back.

Right around that time the time keepers also arrived.

Vicky is at the main hall and the time keepers came here for Will.

But they would not let Vicky go easily as they are suspicious.

They most probably want to investigate Vicky’s connection to Will.

But they could not do anything Vicky because they did not have any proof or court order against Vicky.

So what can they do to him other than getting roasted by him?

Also right at the top of his neck Vicky has a camera embedded in to the design of the clothing along with a micro phone.

Just in case he has to kick the asses of the time keepers in the name of self defense.

This would act as a proof for Vicky.

Chapter 485: Where is the evidence Mister Time keeper

Just in case he has to kick the asses of the time keepers in the name of self defense.

This would act as a proof for Vicky.

So Vicky was bold in this encounter the time keepers.

The time keeper Leon came with full force to capture the protagonist Will and surrounded the place completely from all directions.

His other target is Vicky.

As he came in to the hall he said to Weis.

“I am sorry to have to break up the party, Mister Weis.

I just need to have a word with your friends.”


Mister Weis muttered and looked at Will but he did not understand what it meant Friends.

Based on his thoughts it should be only Will,

Then who might others be.

This is the thought of Weis when Leon walked forward towards Vicky that is drinking wine peacefully.

As for Will he was taken by two other time keepers to upstairs.

Leon came in front of Vicky and said.

“Mister Vicky, there is something we need to talk about.”

“Oh, are you going to give me an update on the complaint I have made in the time zone 12 about the minute man gang.”

Vicky asked while drinking wine without any tension or anything on his face.

“It is not about that, we suspect you that you are the thief that stole the bank and financial organizations from time zone 12 to time zone 5.

So we wanted to question you about this.”

Leon said with a smile.

Vicky smiled back and said.

“Oh, really, those are some really big claims you are making mister time keeper.

So tell me, where is the evidence that I am the thief.

If you have the evidence, then show me the order to investigate me from the court.

Without a single proof or a reason to back up you claim you cannot suspect other people.

It is especially so towards a business man in a party in front of other business men.

If your claims are false, then you have to pay for reputation damages.

Also you have to make a public apology in the media with the name of time keepers.

Since you spoke the words of suspecting me, show me the evidence and order of investigation…TIME KEEPER LEON.”

Vicky’s words started to press hard speaking to the time keeper Leon.

Well he did not have evidence or an order of investigation.

His claim is based on his gut feeling.

So he did not have anything to say in this matter.

But he could not take a step back in front of a criminal that he suspected.

So he decided to take another step forward.

“Well, it is a casual investigation of a suspect during our field investigation.

It did not require a court order or anything else.

So you should cooperate with up.”

Vicky took another sip of wine and said.

“Mister Time keeper, I the world of business men, the reputation is the most important thing.

You just said that it is a casual field investigation.

Which field are you investigating right now?

Is it a crime scene?

If it is a crime scene you can make the field investigation and suspect me.

Since it is not, can you tell me why you are suspecting me?

If you are suspecting me because I talked to Mister Will over there, then you should suspect everyone here.

There are people that moved closely with him as well. (Looking at Sylvia)

So why are you suspecting me?”

Time keeper Leon did not have anything to reply and decided to back off.

“Well I will get the investigation order later and investigate you Mister Vicky.”

But Vicky is not a person to let go easily.

“Well, before you leave you have to make things clear and apologize to me for speaking out of like.

If not I need to sue the time keepers for the reputation damage,

Also instead of giving me the report about the complaint I made you are suspecting me back.

You are trying to suspect me in something I did not have any connection to.

If you did not apologize to me right now then I can only sue the time keepers.

You can make your choice.”

Vicky said while he stood there waiting for time keeper Leon to make his decision.

Based on the thoughts of Vicky time keeper Leon would not bow down his head to anyone that he suspects as a criminal.

So he would most probably walk away without apologizing.

“Well Mister Vicky you can sue me if you want.

But to sue me you still need evidence for that too.

The people present here are all rich, and how can you make them come and testify you.”

He said with a smile and walked away.


Vicky laughed out loud till his eyes had tears.

Then he looked at the time keeper Leon and said.

“You seem rather confident in this matter.

You might not know this but the way I dress is a bit different than other people.

I am a cautious man.

I usually had a micro camera and recording device on my suit or clothes most of the times when I go out.

It is so that I would not be at a disadvantage most of the time.

So right now all your words and images are recorded completely with the highest possible clarity.

Isn't it enough evidence to sue the time keepers and you Mister Time keeper?

Vicky said with a smile.

This time Leon really lost his chance to come back.

“Since you don’t want to apologize then there is no need to apologize to me.

I will see you in the court Mister Time keeper.”

Vicky then came to Mister Weis and said.

“My mood was spoiled because of this incident.

Sorry to cause the little commotion Mister Weis.

I hope you don’t mind me leaving right now.

I have someone to sue.”


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