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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 201: the change in the system

Then they put on their clothes and left one after the other.

He let her leave first and then he left later.

As for the people that want to come here to get the recording, Vicky doesn’t care about them.

Since they want to suffer he would let them suffer.

He did not have anything to do with the power struggle in the Elven city.

So he left here like a shadow and went to meet with his women.

He made sure that there is no one following behind him.

When he came back his women did not let him get close to them.

Instead they ordered him to take a complete and through bath before he could get to them.

For one thing, they did not have any problem with being close to each other.

But the outsider is still an outsider for them.

Vicky sighed and went to take a bath in the ark space.

When he came out of the bathroom the women are there in the bed room.

They are waiting for the news that Vicky brought.

In the ark space usually they would not wear any clothe other than underwear.

Wearing clothes needed them to be washed.

It is not like they did not have enough water.

But it is never enough water in the apocalypse land.

The more water they had the better.

The girls are sitting naked while talking and giggling.

Vicky came out with the towel on his head but his bottom was completely exposed.

His dick is half erect but looked like it can penetrate through a steal plate easily.

Vicky smiled at his women and got on the bed after drying his body with the strong warmth generated from his body using the magic power.

After getting on the bed Vicky told them the important things.

Also he took out the four tier 7 spars and showed them.

When they looked at the spars Vicky told them that the benefits that he got from the blessing.

His energy suddenly heightened and the girls felt the strong energy.

The found that Vicky is very close to reaching 1 star powerhouse level.

This made them happy and they don’t have to fear about many things later with the presence of Vicky by their side.

With Vicky’s current power he can easily fight against the powerhouses in these three cities.

Then Vicky called pinky to tell him about the benefits that he would get for cucking the protagonist.

“Good job host.

You have completed the quest perfectly.

Based on the request from the host about not getting your women cucking you, the reward of cucking the protagonist is modified.

But the host has to current condition so that you would not get cucked by your women.

The system needs to be upgraded so wait for 6 hours before you get to know the new things.”

Vicky and the girls had a bad premonition about this matter that the system was about to tell him.

After 6 hours Vicky and the girls finished eating breakfast and returned back to the real world.

Then they spent some time there and returned back to the ark space right when the system gave a notification that it has upgraded.

“Congratulations host the system has successfully formed a connection with the will of the apocalypse land.

The system has upgraded successfully.

First listen to the explanation of the system and then you can understand the functions of the new system.

There are many protagonists in this world and they have offended many powerful villains.

Also to become a protagonist they have to sacrifice something of equal value that was designated by the will of the world.

Other than a few exceptions all the other protagonists were cursed to be cucked by their mother, step mothers, sisters, step sisters, fiancées and wives….

When host meets these people at the right time, how would be issued a mission to cuck these protagonists.

Also to solve the needs of these women, that are unfortunate enough to be close to those protagonists.

In return for your services your women would be well protected along with many rewards from the system and the will of the world.

Every time you cuck a protagonist you would gain the recognition of the will of the world and your luck would increase.

Since your women are following you their luck would increases corresponding to your luck.

This way host and his women had higher chance of survival when facing the coming disasters in the future.

Also host might get some unexpected benefits.

This is the new upgrade of the system and the name of this kind of system is apocalypse villain system.

Pinky was very proud to tell the host that I can be upgraded to this level.

Host you can still decline this upgrade.

But the resultant consequences would be disastrous for the host and his women.

You have to be prepared for everything.

So make your choice host.


Vicky’s face was as dark as charcoal.

Similarly his women also had dark faces.

Also Vicky never expected to become a villain.

He did not have anything or thought that can make him look like a villain.

Well he is ruthless enough to leave the lives of many people to die back on earth after using them for protection.

He also cucked the protagonist once just now,

But all these things are normal in the apocalypse land.

How did he become a villain?

He was sure that he is not a protagonist but still.

He did not understand.

His women had different expression with deep thought in their minds.

Among them Ginny is actually smiling.

Actually she is the first one to accept Vicky to go and play with the Elven princess.

It seem like she has this strange fetish or something like that.

Vicky doesn’t know about this but waited for them to decide on their own.

He doesn’t want to step on the mine field right now.

Chapter 202: the first dispute in the group

Vicky doesn’t know about this but waited for them to decide on their own.

He doesn’t want to step on the mine field right now.

His women kicked him out of the house to roam around the Elven city while they complete their discussion.

Vicky did not have a choice but to go out.

While he was walking he looked for the local delicacies and order takeaways for 49 people.

Sometimes the caravans would come around to order big so it is normal for the people to order for this many people at once.

So Vicky got 50 sets of take away with separate packing and then he went around the place while silently sending the big pack into his arks space.

The elves here are vegetarians.

There are non vegetarian restaurants as well but they will only cook but would not eat.

Also the cooking is done through the oil extracted from their big tree sap unlike other cities that would use animal fat oil for cooking.

They can get many things from meat but they could not get all the supplements.

Vicky already has a farm and other things in the ark space.

But having extra is always good.

So he order the meals related to the vegetarian side.

Well most of them are soups or other side dishes that can be added to the meat.


After going around for a long time he returned back to the room.

When he came the girls are quite and divided into two groups.

Vicky doesn’t know what happened and how to solve them.

Most probably some agreed and some disagreed.

But if it is a disagreement then it means that they would be at the risk of getting into the hands of another man.

Vicky waited for them to speak.

Ginny took the initiative to speak.

“Vicky, we four agree that you can fuck other women for our benefits and for our protection.

But the two did not agree.”

The two that did not agree are Rose and Nubia.

So Vicky looked at them to hear to their side of the talk.

“It is wrong to cheat other men and seduce their women.

Since you did not like that we should not do such a thing to other people.

But if you really wanted to do we would not stop you.”

This is actually the first disagreement in the group after so long.

Vicky sighed and started to explain the situation to all the 6 women more carefully.

“I will not be cheating any women.

I will only give them a way out.

You might now know this but the men in the apocalypse land would only have sex drive at the early phase of their lives.

After they faced many disasters they would soon become numb to everything and will not be able to enjoy women.

So the woman would naturally feel sad because they could not solve their sexual needs.

The women here would have higher sex drive the more they faced the disaster.

But they did not like their men to feel bad so they would hide these things for a long time.

So those women make mishaps during their battles and die earlier than men.

That is the reason why there is a large difference in the number of men and women.

If their needs are solved properly they would have survived as well.

What we are doing is helping the apocalypse land return back to its balance.

In the future there might be lesser women to no women causing the living population of apocalypse land complete zero.

Well it would not be that bad as the apocalypse land would do something to create more beings to continue the population.

So what we are doing is not wrong.

It was the choice of the woman.

Well I can assure you one thing I would not let you feel sad about your sexual needs.

I have enough power to satisfy you all completely.

But we need power to improve and become strong.

There are people that are very cruel.

It is not death that is the sad thing when you fall into the hands of such people.”

Vicky stopped and sighed.

Then he said again.

“You should feel like this because you have encountered many things before right.

Don’t worry I am not a forcible person that would do things against the will of other people.

I will only give what they wanted and help them with their needs.

You should know better than anyone about my nature right.”

Vicky said looking at Rose and Nubia.

The cat of Nubia moved first and went to the side of Vicky while rubbing its head.

It indicates that it took the side of Vicky.

Nubia sighed and moved to the side of Vicky.

Rose was the last one to move but before she made the decision she asked Vicky.

“Promise me that you would not become like that rich man that caused the death of my mother.”

The other woman understood why Rose is acting like that.

They did not hate either Rose or Nubia because everyone has their own problems and thoughts.

Vicky immediately nodded and made a verbal promise.

Rose took a step forward and kissed Vicky to seal the deal.

Well it did not end at that and they all went back to the ark space.

Soon their clothes are scattered around the room and all of them are on the bed naked.

Fortunately Vicky’s vitality is very strong and improved to the next level after receiving the blessing of Elven princess Tamara.

With all that he pounded the women till they begged him to stop or lost consciousness.

All of their ass holes have his cum oozing out of it after he creampied them.

Well he pounded their pussies but did not cum inside them as the safety to not to get them pregnant.

Well Vicky saved many condoms stored in the ark space.

Chapter 203: Warning jerry about the coming disaster

Well he pounded their pussies but did not cum inside them as the safety to not to get them pregnant.

Well Vicky saved many condoms stored in the ark space.

With their problem solved they took a comfortable bath in the morning next day and then returned to the real world from ark space.

After that they went to the guild to arrange for their return journey.

That is they took on another escort mission to the city of Gnore.

After returning Vicky has something he wants to talk jerry.

They have to make preparations so that the sudden things would cause many damages.

The local delicacies are not as good as the food they had in store.

But the cooking of Vicky is good with all the spices and ingredients in the right measurements.

This would make their apatite rise like crazy and the food tastes amazing.

So other than buying takeouts Vicky also got the raw materials that he can use later.

He only bought the raw materials that are good in improving their power and tastes good.

With the escort mission they returned back to the city of Gnore.

The people in this city are excitedly talking about the new land and how they are exploring the place.

There are also people that are talking about the dangers of the new place and other nonsense.

It went on and on as Vicky went to visit jerry after letting his wives return to the room.

Jerry was preparing to go into the new land to harvest some rare minerals from there.

“You are finally back,

We have to go to the new land.

I heard that they have many good materials in large quantities.

We have to get them quickly.

There is too much competition and many big people are going there….”

He rambled for a while and Vicky stopped him and said.

“We don’t have to go there.

We can always collect them through special means later.

But that new land is very dangerous.

You did not have the complete information.

So don’t get tricked by them and enter a game of survival there.”

Jerry stopped in his tracks and asked.

“What are the problems that you are talking about?”

Vicky smiled and said.

“There is a locust that can even bite through metal,

There are loads of undead that reached tier 5,

Plant based monster, beast type monsters.

Just like that there are many dangerous over there.

Also there is this super virus that is rampant over there that killed most of its people.

There are zombies over there.

So that place is extremely dangerous that was being claimed by the nature.

It is not just one natural disaster but a bunch of them that are currently leveling the land over there.

So we should not go over there.

No matter how many people go there they will not be able to get everything.

Let them test the waters for us and then we can make our move if all the things are good.”

Jerry listened to everything carefully and finally asked the generalized question.

“How did you know?”

Vicky smiled back and said.

“I went to the Elven city right, there the Elven princess Tamara is marrying a human man.

This man actually came out of the new land and I got the information from her.

Well I helped her removed a special curse and she even gave me the Elven princess blessing.

If you have doubt you can use that life energy detector to check.”

But when jerry checked the energy levels of Vicky he was shocked that Vicky is very close to 1 star level.

He could not hold back to ask Vicky.

“How did you improve so much in such a short amount of time?”

Vicky smiled mysteriously.

“The blessing of the high elf is really a good thing.

It improved my level quickly and I am just a step away from reaching the 1 star level.

This made jerry envious.

But he knows that this level of blessing of the elves can only be given by the ones that have high elf bloodline.

Others could not give this kind of blessing.

Also the number of time they can give this kind of blessing is limited.

So they will not be able to give this level of blessing to just anyone.

With that he believed in the words of Vicky and decided to sit out on the matter of going into the apocalypse land.

Also Vicky told him about the prediction about the coming natural disaster that is the sudden flood that can submerge the entire city.

For a moment he did not believe that.

This is because they are in a desert area where water is the scarcest thing here.

So how can the cities are submerged by water.

But suddenly he thought of another thing.

In the apocalypse land the stupidest thing is common sense towards the natural disasters.

It is better to feed the dogs with this common sense than to solve the mysteries of natural disasters with the common sense.

So he immediately started the preparations for all his things.

In his previous life he lost many of his equipment during the sudden flood causing him heavy losses.

But this time it would not happen.

Vicky told him that the flood would recede quickly and he has to protect them so that they would not be soaked and become useless.

He followed the words of Vicky.

It would take him a month to complete all these things.

While jerry is preparing these things Vicky went back to his room.

But when he arrived he saw that the door of his room was broken.

He did not fear that something would have happened to his women.

If there is then they would have sent him a signal.

When he entered the room he saw around 10 thugs with weapons rolling on the floor while his women are interrogating them about their origins.

Chapter 204: nailed to the wall while still alive

If there is then they would have sent him a signal.

When he entered the room he saw around 10 thugs with weapons rolling on the floor while his women are interrogating them about their origins.

Soon they found the origin of these people.

They belong to a mercenary gang called the big hammer.

One of the mercenary gang members participated in the escort mission that Vicky and the girls took the Elven city.

During that time he found rumors that the girls that are following Vicky are super beauties and they also hand plenty of spar along with plenty of food.

There is also a rumor that they had a space treasure tool.

As for the origin of those rumors they did not know.

The person that told them all this was still at their mercenary base.

Vicky told his girls to rest and went to deal with this matter.

While coming out of the room he found a sneaky person that is watching their room to find out what is happening.

Vicky quickly moved and appeared in front of this person.

After interrogating him he got the information.

It is the ice mage from before that caused all these problems.

That ice mage has a background and they are this big hammer gang.

He used his connection to spread rumors about the things that the group of Vicky had on hand causing the current situation.

Other than them there are many other people that are eying for Vicky and his girls.

Since the situation has reached this point Vicky could not expect to explain the things and get out of this matter.

Instead he has to take the initiative to kill a few and make an example to pull the truth out of their mouths.

Letting his girls stay at the house is not a good move right now.

So he called the girls to come along with him while dragging the half dead people of the big hammer gang.

When he came to the building where the big hammer mercenary people would assemble and live he took out big hammer and nails from a bag he is carrying.

Then he nailed the people alive onto the building of the big hammer mercenary which is extremely cruel to look.

The screams of these people caused the people inside to become alert.

Vicky’s women have already surrounded the building and they will not be able to escape.

Anyone that came into contact with Vicky would be severely beat them and nail them to the doors, walls.

The nails are specifically nailed in a way where they would die if they are pulled out.

But they would be able to live as long as they are not removed.

Even then they would still die and most of their bones are already broken.

So even if they survive the disaster they will never be able to recover in their life time.

Vicky caught the ice mage and other people including the leader of the big hammer mercenary gang.

He is a tier 7 powerhouse but he was still captured like a little chick and he was nailed perfectly to the door.

Soon someone from the local authorities that maintain order came over wanting to obstruct Vicky.

They belong to the technotrix clan.

Well they wanted to use the technotrix clan to pressure Vicky to release the people but they got caught along with the process.

But Vicky did not give them and face and nailed them together to the big mercenary gang building.

No matter what they saw or how much they begged for mercy they were not excused.

Vicky used his mind control to make those people to talk.

With the capabilities of Ginny she was able to make them speak about the rumors.

With their screams everyone knows what is happening.

They understood that the normal rumors are fine but if there is a rumor about a space storage device then it is no different than signing a death sentence.

If the big powers believed that there is a space device the situation of Vicky’s group would be the worst.

The powerhouses would take actions and most of them are either killed or worse for the women.

So Vicky’s reaction is normal in this matter.

He pulled out some chairs from the big hammer mercenary building and sat in the middle of the road looking at the people that are nailed to the wall.

There are screaming in pain and hauling in anger but they could not move.

Soon a high ranking person from the technotrix clan appeared here asking Vicky what he is doing.

But Vicky did not speak instead he let the nailed men do the talking.

Of course the official of the technotrix clan that was nailed before wanted to spray out the lies but Ginny was there to make him speak the truth.

After listening to their words the high ranking person from the technotrix clan understood the situation.

Also he was frightened at one point.

The strongest of their clan that is their clan head is only a tier 8 power house and there is a hidden elder that is barely a 1 star power house.

Their clan head cannot do what Vicky did to the head of the big hammer mercenary gang.

Their hidden elder can do something like this but he was currently preserving his strength to save their family when they are really in need.

He was at the end of his life span even with all the machines that installed in their bodies.

So Vicky should be at least stronger than then head of his clan.

He could not deal with this matter immediately and he sent his men to inform about this matter to the head of the clan so that things would not go bad quickly.

While he stood there he decisively took the side of Vicky because he knows that the big hammer mercenary gang is in the wrong here.

Chapter 205: I will cook the dinner for your invitation

He could not deal with this matter immediately and he sent his men to inform about this matter to the head of the clan so that things would not go bad quickly.

While he stood there he decisively took the side of Vicky because he knows that the big hammer mercenary gang is in the wrong here.

Also he doesn’t want to make an enemy of the strong person and suffer a disaster.

Even thought they belong to the strong technotrix clan they are just a branch family.

There are other branch families that are in competitive relationship.

Unless something devastating happed causing many branch families to die they would not take action against anyone.

Soon the clan head of the technotrix clan appeared and he appreciated the good thinking of the higher official of his clan to take the side of Vicky.

He expelled the officer that sided with big hammer mercenary gang on the outside.

Inside he saw the gruesome scene in front of him and felt strong pain in his balls.

He did not think that there would be someone cruel enough to nail the balls of a person and would not let him lose consciousness.

So this scene was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Seeing Vicky he understood that he is not some simple person that can be subdued easily.

So he smiled at Vicky and said.

“Mister, what should I call you?

I am Richard from the technotrix clan.”

Vicky also smiled back and said.

“I am Vicky.

It is nice to meet you Mister Richard.”

Vicky did not say any name of family or clan or power that belongs to the apocalypse land.

This indicates three things.

First is that Vicky doesn’t want to reveal his origin.

Second is that Vicky did not have any origin to begin with to say.

Third is that Vicky is an outcast of some sort of big clan or is currently in hiding from someone.

But a normal person without a strong origin cannot be as strong as Vicky.

So the second option is not correct.

It should be either the first or the third.

No matter what the case is it is not something they could bear to offend.

If it is really a big clan and Vicky is its member their technotrix clan would make them face him on their own.

Unless a powerful person and a senior come out to fight them they will not be supported by the technotrix clan to fight against Vicky.

This indicates that they are on their own when facing Vicky.

Looking at the confident appearance of Vicky they were sure that Vicky has support and background.

So the final conclusion is not to meddle with Vicky even if they lost their face against other clans here for the time being.

If they could gain the friendship of Vicky and then connection with the power behind him that they will naturally become the clan that profited the most in this encounter.

Thinking of this way the head of the technotrix branch family immediately laughed heartily and said.

“Mister Vicky, as an apology for the person from our family that caused you troubles I want to invite you to dinner.

Please don’t reject our dinner offer.”

Vicky could not reject this offer if he wanted to stay here peacefully.

Vicky smiled back and said.

“I would really like to have dinner with you but I do not prefer anyone cooking.

Usually I would cook for myself.

Trust me I am a professional when it comes to cooking.

So if Mister Richard wants to have dinner with me then I can only as you to arrange the ingredients for me to cook…”

The expression of Richard changed a little thinking that Vicky might be an enemy that wanted to poison him.

So Vicky said.

“Don’t worry Mister Richard, prepare the things in the open space and I would cook in front of you.

Cooking is an art that can be displayed.”

Vicky said kicking the ball back to the court of Richard.

Richard could not change his words and finally accepted for Vicky to cook.

He sent someone to arrange the ingredients in the open area while leading Vicky and his women with him.

While talking to Richard Vicky already told his women to steal everything that can be stolen from the big hammer mercenary gang.

Ginny on the other hand read the mind of the leader of the big hammer mercenary gang and the ice mage.

Then she knows where their secret stash and other things are hidden.

So they directly looted everything in this place silently.

Natasha went into the building from behind to moved the things into ark space.

Then she came out from behind as if she was simply guarding the backdoor.

All the surveillance equipment was also taken by her.

No information about Vicky and them can be known by them.

Vicky and the girls followed them to the roof top of an area where they arranged many fresh ingredients of the desert.

Well there are not many green items.

Most of it was meat and there are few spices that are related to the desert.

Richard was really interested to know how Vicky is going to cook.

The ingredients are of high quality and he would really cry if Vicky wasted them.

It is not so easy to procure good ingredients in this desert where everything is hard to grow with a minute amount of water.

Vicky told him women to sit while he started to cook.

His hands moved slowly while chopping the meat and other ingredients into fine proportions.

Even thought it looked slow Vicky is not slow but very fast.

He completed all the required processing of the food materials within 10 minutes and finally he started to cook with fire.

He added the ingredients in specific order at various timings while controlling the fire from going to high and low at various intervals.


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