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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 151: you two did not have any resemblance at all

Right around that time they found that Iruka is battling with the person that is carrying the scroll of forbidden seals.

Later they found that it was Mizuki the other teacher at the ninja academy.

With that the entire thing is solved but Naruto would not leave the things at that and said.

“See you ugly uncle.

It is that person playing dress up because some snot nosed pricks like you spread the rumors of me being a demon fox.

This gathered hatred of the people and they are using me as a shield.

I don’t know which fucking bastard spread the rumors about me being a demon fox.

But I would really bless them with special blessing.

‘They and all their descendents should be greened and raise the sons of others as their own.’

‘With an accident their balls should be crushed.’

‘When they urgently want to use the bathroom because of loose motions, their pants stuck’


The curses of Naruto went for 10 minutes in the form of blessing with one nastier than the previous one.

The ninja that actually spread the rumors for third Hokage had their foreheads covered in cold sweat.

Well they don’t know if the 9 tails has the ability to cast a curse or blessing like this.

There are few religions in the ninja world and they really work.

There is Hidan from Akatsuki that is almost immortal.

Third Hokage after living for so long and those old ninja with all their experience don’t know if Naruto’s words would come true.

After cursing for a while Naruto stopped when he heard the whisper from someone nearby.

“Isn't the guy that the de…Naruto is calling as the ugly uncle, Asuma the son of the third Hokage?”

After listening to this comment Naruto stopped and took a close look at the face of third Hokage that is as dark as charcoal and the face of Asuma that is as red as monkey butt.

“Third Hokage gramps, I just heard them whispering that this ugly uncle is your son.

But why did I not see a single resemblance between the two of you?”

Naruto asked with an innocent face.

His system is screaming all this time about the treasure chests that is being extracted.

But Naruto stopped it from doing that when he was at the graduation celebration dinner few hours ago.

He bought another accumulation card and used that at that time.

He caused many strong emotional fluctuations.

Well he is going to cause a big scene based on his plan so he has to be prepared to get a big reward

This time the cost of accumulation card has increased to 10 thousand villain points.

Previously it was only 5 thousand villain points.

It shows that the next accumulation card is 20 thousand villain points.

It seems like the more he buys the higher the cost would be for this kind of thing.

With the big event planned that can gain him thousands of villain points, it is a small price to pay.

Also he has to get strong as quickly as possible.

If he wants to get more women he has to prove his worth and has strong body to accompany then in life and bed.

For that he needs to be extremely strong just like how he was in the tutorial world.

But for that he needs too much time training or has to gather too many cards for a long time.

Fortunately there are few situations where he can cause the people to have strong emotional fluctuations.

It is especially so with his annoying personality that originally ingrained in his body by character set by this world.

Also he has enough brains to use the situations and words to cause a small fire to flare up in to a volcanic blast juts like now.

When Naruto said that Asuma did not have any resemblance to third Hokage, all the marks are hit perfectly.

Naruto saw the accumulation of the emotional fluctuations of third Hokage and Asuma to reach the peak of their level.

Similarly many other ninja are filled with shock, excitement, fear and anger from the words of Naruto.

Some of them that could not control their emotions well actually laughed.

Naruto was not left here any longer because third Hokage felt like he would get a heart attack if Naruto stayed here longer.

So he made the Anbu send Naruto back to his house as quickly as possible.

At the same time the group of people present did not make a single noise in fear that third Hokage would target them or Asuma would target them.

But some of them are really impressed by the words of Naruto.

They also felt that Asuma the second son of third Hokage did not look like third Hokage.

There is almost no resemblance at all.

The people that spread the word of Naruto being a demon fox feared because Asuma did not have any resemblance to third Hokage.

They felt that third Hokage was wearing a green hat and this was caused by the curse of the demon fox.

They are so fearful that they would not even dare to utter the word demon fox.

Other than that they prepared to keep an extra eye on their wives and husbands.

Danzo that received the news about the current incident has a different reaction.

He is not angry about the curses.

He did not have a family or a wife so he has nothing.

Well he is a limp dicked idiot that could not lift his dick even with the help of chakra.

So what can these curses do?

But the words about third Hokage and Asuma’s relation made him really happy in a dark way.

“Finally there is someone that pointed out the fact that Asuma did not have any resemblance to the third Hokage at all.

He looked more like the summoned beast of third Hokage called the Monkey King Enma….”

Chapter 152: third Hokage who are my parents

“Finally there is someone that pointed out the fact that Asuma did not have any resemblance to the third Hokage at all.

He looked more like the summoned beast of third Hokage called the Monkey King Enma.

I am really starting to like this Naruto kid.

Unlike his father and mother he got a very sharp tongue.

If I can I should use him well.”

Danzo thought as he got the news about the incident of the stolen scroll of forbidden seals.

As for what happened to Mizuki that was captured is unknown.

Naruto after returning to his house, he slept with a happy smile.

This is because there are many ninja that is showing gold treasure chest level accumulation before he returned.

So tomorrow night he would be getting something really good.

But he has to wait till then to gain the best rewards till the night tomorrow.

With the treasure chests from the minimum of elite Jonin level ninja is really good rewards.

There is something that would happen on the next day.

Also the touching conversation between Naruto and Iruka did not happen.

But their thoughts are still there and Iruka is really good to Naruto.

Well he don’t need such a touching moment with another man.

If it is a girl then Naruto would be happy.

Naruto did not take any stupid photo with useless markings like in the plot.

He took an image in his most handsome appearance.

Also his pose and sense of dressing are perfect for the most handsome guy.

The photographer even asked Naruto to get an extra copy of his photo to put on his display board.

It is not for some sort of perversion.

Naruto is handsome and he wanted to show off that he took the photo of a handsome man.

Well Naruto don’t mind and let him.

Then he went to submit for the ninja joining application for the Genin level.

Third Hokage did the interview along with another Jonin from Sarutobi clan that is taking care of the paper work.

The face of third Hokage is naturally bad because of incident last night.

Naruto observed that the treasure box emotional accumulation is still filling after reaching the large golden treasure chest size.

It seem like there are more treasure chests above the golden treasure chest as well.

But the system did not tell him because that level of people or emotions has not reached yet.

Well another thing about this matter is that the improvement or filling up the bar seems to be very slow in this matter.

It is not like Naruto is doing something irritating to cause third Hokage to become angry or frustrated.

Right at that moment when the processing was about to be done someone came through the door with a flashy entrance.

The face of third Hokage once again turned to dark just like last night.

He could not help buy cover his face with his Hokage cap to stop the embarrassment.

It was the grandson of the third Hokage.

His name is Konohamaru.

Third Hokage is pinning his hopes on this grandson all this time.

Also he was sure that Konohamaru is his grandson unlike his son Asuma.

Well the flashy entrance made a sudden slip and this little kid fell straight on his face.

As soon as he pulled his face from kissing the floor he looked towards Naruto cursing someone has put a trap.

Right behind him is his teacher Ebisu that has the eyes of discrimination towards Naruto for the 9 tails sealed inside him.

Naruto really did not like this kind of people.

So he has his plan on playing with this person.

“You there, you did something here.”

He started to shout and Naruto looked back at him with calm gaze instead of annoying appearance he should usually has.

“Who let this stupid kid into Hokage’s office?”

Naruto said looking towards Ebisu and continued

“You look like a pick pocket, don’t tell me you kidnapped that kid and came to Hokage’s office.

Oh, wait that his hidden leaf village’s head band.

Don’t tell me you are also a ninja.”

“What did you say?”

Ebisu flared.

“Hey I am talking to you.”

Konohamaru shouted pointing at Naruto.

Naruto directly ignored Konohamaru and looked towards Ebisu and said.

“You could not even take care of a snot nosed brat and you call yourself a ninja.

The quality of ninja in the hidden leaf village is really dropping.

No wonder my parents died.

It should be because of this kind of pig teammates.”

Naruto said with a sad tone.

He did not give any chance to Ebisu to speak and then he looked towards third Hokage and said.

“By the way third Hokage gramps, I have grown up and came all the way to becoming a ninja.

You only ever told me that my parents died during the 9 tailed beast attacks.

So can you tell me about them?

At least tell me their names.”

The words Naruto spoke are normal but the glint in his eyes shows that he already knows the answer but is still asking third Hokage.

Third Hokage can see this in the eyes of Naruto and he felt that if he did not reveal about the parents of Naruto then something bad would happen.

While he was thinking on how to solve this, his grandson Konohamaru went to Naruto to punch him with his prankster mentality.

Right when he came to Naruto, Naruto caught him by his neck like he is some sort of dog or a cat.

Ebisu was the first one to react because of doing the same thing many times.

“Let go off him.

Do you know who he is?

He is the honorable grandson of the honorable third Hokage.”

Konohamaru as if he was watching the show that happens everywhere spoke to Naruto in mocking tone.

“Now, do you still dare to hit me?”

Naruto moved him to fall on to his lap.

Chapter 153: Meeting Konohamaru

“Now, do you still dare to hit me?”

Naruto moved him to fall on to his lap.

It is not for something strange instead Naruto wanted to give him some punishment.

“What are you doing?

Let me go.”

Naruto did not listen to his words and then spanked on the ass of Konohamaru.

“Phat…Do you know brat, this is the hidden leaf village where everyone is equal.”

“Ahaaaa…let me go…”

“Phat…You have to act respectful to your elders when you see them.”

“Ahaaaa…My grandfather would not let you go…”

“It seem like the so called ninja instructor is all just talk and no real matter.

What a complete waste of resources.

Do you know, by your age I am already doing my house chores other than training to become a ninja.

Unlike me you have so many resources, yet so stupid.

I am really disappointed.”

Naruto spanked till Konohamaru till he cried and swore that he would correct his ways.

Naruto then glanced at Ebisu that is glaring at him with piercing eyes.

The eyes of Naruto contained strong ridicule towards Ebisu and said.

“I presume that you would take good care of him and his ass so that he can really work hard.

Well he is the honorable grandson of the honorable third Hokage right.

He should be able to keep his promise.”

Naruto let Konohamaru go and then looked back at the third Hokage that had even darker face.

“By the way third Hokage gramps, you did not answer my question.

Tell me about my parents.

Things are built up on trust you know.”

Naruto’s words had a hint of threat in them.

But third Hokage did not take this into his thoughts because he has monitored Naruto for so long.

He knows that Naruto is trying to act cool that he seems to have copied from Sasuke Uchiha to gain the attention of women.

Well that is what he thought after knowing that Naruto has close contact with many beautiful women in his class in the past month.

He thought that Naruto is entering into the adult stage hitting his puberty so his rebellious nature is out right now.

The reason for his strong belief is that both of Naruto’s parents are stupid and hot blooded.

So it is impossible for Naruto to be calm and collected.

With this he deemed all of this as an act and decided to buy a little more time to check the situation.

“You are not strong enough to know.

When you become a Chunin then I will tell you who your parents are.”

Third Hokage said.

Naruto smiled mockingly and said.

“Okay then I will become Chunin quickly in the coming exam and get the answers from you.”

Naruto did not take another glance towards Konohamaru and Ebisu before leaving as if everything was just normal.

Konohamaru actually followed Naruto even after all this.

Naruto let him follow so that they can be of use to him in the future.

Having an errand boy is always a good thing.

Also there will be a girl in their team and the girl that can attach to a sub protagonist character like Konohamaru would have beautiful appearance in the future.

So Naruto was looking forward to it when they become adults.

But for now he kept quiet about this matter.


Naruto gave him some directions but in a very ordinary way instead of showing his knowledge.

Naruto was sure that he was currently being watched by third Hokage using his telescopic technique.

So he would not dare to do something as stupid as to show off his true capabilities.

Well naturally Ebisu found them quickly after Konohamaru’s emotional episode.

The eyes of Ebisu are still looking at Naruto like he is some sort of a demon.

So Naruto made Konohamaru to perform the sexy transformation Jutsu to catch him off guard.

Naruto doesn’t want to perform this kind of thing as he was not into that sissy stuff.

But he doesn’t mind making Konohamaru into that in the future.

Well he is a villain and he can do anything as long as it is helpful to him.

As soon as Konohamaru did that Ebisu was caught off guard.

That exact moment Naruto appeared behind him.

Actually it is just a pebble that Naruto threw when Ebisu was looking at them angrily.

But this pebble is a shadow clone that transformed into a pebble.

The exact moment when Konohamaru used the sexy transformation Jutsu Ebisu was distracted and Naruto’s shadow clone appeared.

Then it directly kicked the balls of Ebisu sending him into the air with full force.

This knocked him out completely.

After that Naruto gave him a stylish speech so that third Hokage did not suspect Naruto.

Naruto fought with exact precision but it can also be covered up in the form of a prank.

Ebisu that heard the good words of Naruto about some stupid ninja way was also moved.

So he did not act like he was conscious for a little longer.

Honestly Naruto always thinks that ninja should act in secret and silently instead of going in the open like this.

He doesn’t know if they were called warriors or ninja if they went around fighting head on stupidly.

Ninja should be fighting from the shadows instead of light.

Any way each world has its own damn rules and he has to follow them.

After that he returned back to his home and made sure that nothing important was out of ordinary.

The closet pervert Kakashi would be visiting his home to check.

He has to act like there is nothing excessive that would be suspicious in his home.

Also that night he would receive his rewards.

But he held back his anticipation and decided to look into them the morning of the next day, giving his body enough rest to sleep when the opportunity came.

In the morning next day he told the system to open all the treasure chests he got.

Chapter 154: overall power Jonin level

But he held back his anticipation and decided to look into them the morning of the next day, giving his body enough rest to sleep when the opportunity came.

In the morning next day he told the system to open all the treasure chests he got.


All the treasure chests are being opened.

Fine chakra control of Sarutobi Hiruzen card x1

Complete knowledge of all the seals researched by Sarutobi Hiruzen card x1

Research results and information on Senju and Uchiha cells by Danzo card x1

Cumulative package of various Jutsu x1

Wind elemental peak grade chakra conversion control card x2

Fire elemental peak grade chakra conversion control card x12

Earth elemental peak grade chakra conversion control card x6

Water elemental peak grade chakra conversion control card x8

Lightning elemental peak grade chakra conversion control card x2

Peak grade chakra control improvement cards x12

Peak grade ninjutsu mastery cards x8

Peak grade Taijutsu mastery cards x6

Peak grade Genjutsu mastery cards x4

Villain point cards

100,000 point denomination x7

10,000 point denomination x9

18.9 million Ryo cash



Since there are too many cards the system took the liberty of adding similar cards to form higher cards directly for the usage of the host.

If host did not like that, you can change the setting later for the future rewards form the treasure chests…”


All the cards related to experience, powers, cash of this world are usable in this world only.

So don’t save them for later host, use them all.

Even if you enter the same world again you will not be able to use them as everything starts from fresh starting point.

The only things that you can carry on are special skills or props that are marked as permanent or things that can be taken to different worlds for usage….”

This time they are really big numbers.

Naruto did not mind changing this because it is very convenient to use things this way.

Any way he wanted to improve the important things instead of everything that is smaller value.

He would increase the generalized things so that he can gain the understanding of the smaller things at a faster pace.

Previously Naruto got some knowledge from the chakra seal research of third Hokage.

But now getting a complete part of it is really great for Naruto.

Also the research on the Senju and Uchiha clan cells is also valuable.

Well he did not have any usage for this but he can always sell it to Orochimaru or use it to pull Orochimaru to his side.


Naruto did not waste any time and directly include all these things into his power base.

As the system said, hiding these things and trying to use them elsewhere is completely useless.

After adding them his Jutsu, chakra, control and understanding have all been improved by another large margin.

He also checked his status about his improvement.




Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 12

Bloodlines: Uzumaki, Senju, (Uchiha under progress)

Body: perfect sage body

Available chakra: a step away from Kage level

Yin seals: 4 (Jonin level)


Elemental affinities:


Wind (By birth)

Water (Senju bloodline)

Earth (Senju bloodline)

Fire (higher understanding chakra conversion)

Water (Through understanding chakra conversion)

Yang (Senju bloodline)


Chakra control: a step away from Kage level


Jutsu affinity:


Ninjutsu: Jonin level

Genjutsu: Jonin level

Taijutsu: Jonin level


Overall status: Jonin level


Looking at his information he nodded his head happily.

He is plenty strong right now.

But his body still has to develop to show his full potential.

With his fists he might cause damage but he would be damage back no matter how much chakra he has.

His body needed to be exercised more in harsh way to temper it into perfection.

Controlling of chakra is good but as long as his body is trained to become strong then everything would work with it perfectly.

Also he needs a strong body to satisfy all of his women in the future too.

So he better train hard.

After making his decision Naruto got to his daily routine.

He is having holidays for the next few days before his Jonin instructor takes his team.

Any graduated Genin would have to work under a Jonin as a team to gain experience.

So his team and Jonin instructor Kakashi would appear soon.

Naruto thought while continued to do his exercise.

Even though Kakashi would visit Naruto would still train to become strong.

He doesn’t have to act with Kakashi.

Also he can sense the presence of Kakashi with his strong perception.

So the training went for a few days.

Naruto bought some weights like rock lee did and started to train to get his body stronger.

That day he went to the academy to meet with the Jonin instructor and his team.

Naruto sat on his usual spot.

He did greet his friends along with Hinata and Ino.

But he did not say anything to Sakura or Sasuke.

Unlike in the original plot Sakura did not come to Naruto to want to sit beside Naruto.

When Naruto went to greet other she silently sat between them and started to pester Sasuke.

Whenever Sasuke saw her, he would remember about his crushed balls.

Even thought he only had revenge in his mind, it did not mean that he don’t like his dick and balls.

He looked at Naruto with hatred and Sakura felt that he was looking at her with hatred.

Soon the Jonin instructors appeared one after the other.

Asuma came and looked at Naruto with hatred before taking Ino, Shikamaru and Choji.

Ino waved her hand at Naruto and left happily.

Asuma would not make things difficult for Ino because Ino’s father is a very important person and he loves his daughter the most.

Anything happening to her might fracture the relations between Sarutobi clan and the trio of Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans.

Then Kurenai appeared and waved at Naruto.

Chapter 155: introductions part-1

Anything happening to her might fracture the relations between Sarutobi clan and the trio of Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans.

Then Kurenai appeared and waved at Naruto.

Naruto waved back and greeted her as big sister.

Then she took Kiba, Shino and Hinata with her.

Finally only Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are the only people left.

The thing like Naruto capturing Sasuke and then going to Sakura did not happened as Naruto don’t want to do this kind of nonsense.

Naruto did not sit in the same seat as them and moved forward.

He went to the corner towards the window.

He sensed that Kakashi is watching them from there.

Naruto did not say anything and went to the window to throw the chalk straight at where Kakashi is hiding.

When throwing the piece of chalk towards Kakashi, Naruto said

“Old man you should not spy on people like that.”

Kakashi was originally hiding behind the tree trunk noticing Naruto came to the window with a piece of chalk.

He did not expect that Naruto discovered him.

When Naruto said these words it attracted the attention of Sasuke and Sakura.

They looked out and did not find anything so Sakura said.

“Don’t play any tricks.

There is no one outside….”

She spoke without thinking anything.

Sasuke did not say anything but his thoughts are same as Sakura.

Naruto smiled back and did not say anything to refute them.

Instead he threw another piece of chalk and said.

“Don’t waste my time old man, your hair is all white.

You are either an old man or a patient with kidney deficiency.”

When Naruto said this Kakashi could not stand still.

If his hair color is identified, this means that Naruto clearly noticed him.

So unlike in the plot Kakashi appeared through the window shocking both Sakura and Sasuke.

“How much of your capabilities have you been hiding from me Naruto?”

Sasuke thought in his mind.

“There really is someone outside and I could not even sense them.

Is Naruto really a genius that has been hiding all this time because of something?”

Sakura thought with different thoughts in her mind.

Kakashi that came inside said.

“I am your Jonin instructor.

My first impression about you is a bit interesting.

We can go elsewhere to talk.”

When they went to the roof top Kakashi spoke.

“Let us begin with the instructions….”

Naruto immediately said.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself first so that we can follow the model?”

“You looked really suspicious…”

Sakura said looking at the hair of Kakashi and the words of Naruto.

Even Sasuke is looking at his hair.

Kakashi knowing the thoughts of these kids made him embarrassed.

“Oh…well…My name is Kakashi Hatake.

I don’t like to tell you about my likes and dislikes, as for the future hope well…

As for hobbies I have a lot of them.

Also my hair is white because if it my natural hair color and nothing more.”

Naruto then smiled and spoke.

“Then let me deduce some things about you Kakashi sensei.

You are from the Hatake clan that is good at using Hatake style Kenjutsu.

But it seem like you are not using a sword any more.

Then your likes and dislikes seem to be imitating others burying your own true nature.

May be it has combined to form a new nature.

As for your hobbies you like reading books.

That book in your pocket should be called “make out paradise” right.

You should be a pervert to read a book like that.

Also you should be the friend of that green dressed ninja that would run around the village many times saying the word YOUTH.

Many be you are friends or even more based on the fact that you did not have girlfriend…

Well my deduction ends here.

How is it Kakashi sensei?

Did I say everything right?”

Kakashi was really dumbfounded.

Both Sasuke and Sakura were also shocked and looked at Kakashi for confirmation.

Unfortunately Kakashi could not confirm any of Naruto’s words.

This is because if he confirms Naruto’s deduction, then he is would be a delusional pervert that is friend or more than a friend with might guy.

He doesn’t want to be any of that so he kept silent for a moment and said.

“No everything is wrong.”

He quickly switched the topic and pointed at Sakura and said.

“Ladies first, let’s start introductions with you.”

Things went along the plot.

Sakura spoke about her thoughts and interests and likes while shying away looking at Sasuke.

She also mentioned clearly that she disliked Naruto.

Sasuke acted all cool and nonsense saying that he is an avenger….

Naruto laughed at what Sasuke said and said.

“You don’t even know what happened?

You don’t even know what is the cause?

You wanted to kill someone just because of your initial thought.

You are more stupid than I thought.

Any way it is none of my concern.

But let me give you a word of advice.

Sometimes things are not what they seem to be.”

Kakashi was dumbfounded as Naruto seems to know more than he should know.

He thought that the information was given to him by the 9 tails or something like that.

Naruto then looked at Kakashi and started to say.

“I am Uzumaki Naruto,

That third Hokage old geezer told me that my parents died during the 9 tails attack.

But he refused to disclose the truth about the identities of my parents.

I suspect that things are not what they appear to be.

Also someone is spreading the word of me being a demon fox.

If my parents are really fought with the 9 tails and died like that then they should at least have friends and family.

At least some inheritance from them to let me live peacefully from my childhood years.

Since nothing like that has ever appeared then it means that all the people my parents trusted should be ungrateful bastards….”

Chapter 156: introductions part-2

“…At least some inheritance from them to let me live peacefully from my childhood years.

Since nothing like that has ever appeared then it means that all the people my parents trusted should be ungrateful bastards.

So my first future goal is simple that is to punish all these people with something worse than death.

Once it is done I want to take over the entire ninja world and establish an empire.

Only unification can stop the wars and deaths of other people.

That would be my future goal.

As for my likes, I like my women, I like eating good tasty food and I like to be in control.

As for my dislikes, I don’t like the blind people that could not see the truth.

Also I don’t like ungrateful bastards that would receive help and when the others are in need they would hide away.

My hobbies are…well I have too many hobbies to go around with.


Naruto said all this with a cheerful sunny smile making the entire thing looked contradicting.

He looked much better like the early morning sun unlike Sasuke that looked like a gloomy damp forest.

Based on the original plot Kakashi knows that Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage.

In the original plot when Naruto introduced himself Kakashi thought that “He turned out to be interesting”

This confirms that he knows the Naruto’s identity.

Not only this but many people know about the identity of the Naruto but they simply kept quite because of some invisible enemy that might attack Naruto if they knew who he was.

But the strange thing is that the entire village calls him demon fox.

Just this information is enough to say that Naruto is a 9 tails jinchūriki.

Also his family name and his hair along with the time of his birth with 9 tails sealing inside his body,

Even a 3 year old kid can tell that Naruto is the son of fourth Hokage.

What Naruto can say is that these people are either stupid or they purposefully avoided taking care of an infant when their benefactor died for them.

As for the enemies of Minato, let us thing about differently.

Even the last Uchiha like Sasuke was fine for so long, can other people really attack Naruto with all the surveillance.

So it was clear that they planned everything for their own benefit and forgot all the help and care they received from his parents.

These people are the ungrateful bastards that he is speaking about.

This includes Kakashi as well.

The eyes of Naruto looked straight at Kakashi giving him the feeling that Naruto knows something.

Naruto’s words are as clear as days telling that you are all ungrateful bastards that made my life like this spoiling all of my childhood.

Kakashi smile like an idiot for a moment.


Then we will move on to the important thing.

First of all we are going to do with the four of us.

It is the survival training….”

Unlike in the plot Naruto did not show too much enthusiasm like a moron.

He looked calm, bright and cheerful.

Kakashi continued with the information about the survival training.

He said all the nonsense but Naruto did not have much reaction to Kakashi’s words.

Instead it is Sakura that could not hold back and asked for many questions.

Well originally Naruto should ask these questions and she would get the answers.

Since Naruto did not ask then she has to ask the things on her own.

With all the information given the face of Sakura is not good.

But the faces of Sasuke which is gloomy and Naruto that has a bright face did not change.

They were told to assemble in the ninja training field in the morning next day without eating breakfast.

But Naruto would come after eating breakfast as he usually does.

There is no specific restriction that they should not eat breakfast.

He only said not to eat because they would throw up.

He gave them a print out to give them an extra impact of tomorrow’s training.

Unfortunately it did not do anything for Naruto.

He just casually looked at it before making a paper crane with it.

In the morning next day Naruto came late after eating his fill of breakfast and everything.

Well Kakashi came just few minutes after Naruto arrived.

“You are late.”

Sakura accused Kakashi for being late and she cursed at Naruto but Naruto did not care about her nonsense.

Instead Naruto gave out an excuse that he helped a kind old lady cross the street, so he was late.

Naruto also brought over a box with some food just for show.

Soon the game of bells started.

This time Naruto is not going to get his ass poked.

Instead he plans to let Sasuke experience that.

Well he really wanted to put Sakura in this place but he doesn’t want something like that.

If it was Sasuke then it would be perfect for his future with men.

He is going to develop the Uchiha clan as a woman giving birth to children.

Well Naruto did not have any thoughts of participating and this is after Sasuke and Sakura married and had Sadara.

During the basic plot he is not going to disturb these things much.

His target is to get the powerful beauties onto his side and make them join his harem completely without any problems.

After that he can do the things with more ease.

Unlike Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto’s stomach did not protest because he has already eaten his fill.

Also he went around a little with exercise with everything digested.

He is not hungry instead he is very energetic and his eyes are sharp like a predator.

Naruto did not say anything to earn the title “all bark and no bite” like in the original plot.

Instead he looked at Kakashi silently calculating his moves and possible sudden unexpected changes.

Chapter 157: the bells test

Naruto did not say anything to earn the title “all bark and no bite” like in the original plot.

Instead he looked at Kakashi silently calculating his moves and possible sudden unexpected changes.

Also to switch places with Sasuke at the exact moment he needs Sasuke to be at a close distance.

Naruto has already planned the things to use the shadow clones to do this work.


After making his plan he waited till Kakashi said the word start.


As long as he said this word the trio of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke vanished.

While hiding Naruto separated two shadow clones while the main body turned into a blade of grass that was detached from the grass root because of being stepped on it.

One clone went to hide in the trees and bushes while the other clone hide in the river water.

Unlike in the plot Naruto did not stand outside like a moron and invited Kakashi to fight.

Kakashi that is in the open field put his hand in his ninja tool bag and both Sasuke and Sakura were vigilantly looking at the situation.

Naruto was not that focused about this.

Naruto on the other hand is thinking of how to solve Kakashi thinking about his plan.

After a moment Naruto sent his clone to attack Kakashi with Taijutsu and with assistance from his clone, he moved Kakashi towards the location where Sasuke is hiding.

Then the situation where Kakashi appeared behind Naruto and decided to poke him with the tiger seal.

Naruto’s clone immediately use the body replacement Jutsu and Sasuke that is squatting in the bushes appeared in place of Naruto’s clone.

“A thousand years of pain.”

Kakashi poked the person in front of him.


Suddenly a pig being slaughtered sound appeared from the mouth of Sasuke that suddenly realized that he is in the wrong place and something poked his sensitive hole.

He jumped up so high that he was at the top of the tree at that moment while the clone of Naruto vanished with the words.

“Sorry about that, I did not expect for you to become my body replacement target.”

Sasuke has strong resentment in his eyes looking at the vanishing clone of Naruto.

As for Sakura, she has fainted the moment she saw Sasuke being poked.

She felt like she was in a nightmare and did not think that what happened in front of her is a reality.

Sasuke jumped straight into the water from there and he took the route of attack that Naruto originally should take.

First with the shuriken and then once again went into hiding after coming out of the water in a hidden place.

There is no shadow clone fight here but Sasuke is cursing under his breath saying that his ass hurts so much.


After the incident Kakashi vanished from that spot dropping a bell near the tree.

Naruto’s clone noticed this and the real Naruto that is flying like the blade of grass tried its best to move close to the location of the bell.

It is not to get caught but to obvious trap but to make another trap.

While this is happening Naruto’s clone walked over to get the bell as a decoy.

While he is walking the blade of grass caught to his leg to come near the location of the bell.

At that Naruto got caught in the trap and Kakashi appeared to collect the bell.

Right at that moment the blade of grass transformed into Naruto and caught the bell that is still tied to the waist of Kakashi.

The bell on the floor is also a real bell but there are too many traps around.

The bell on Kakashi’s waist did not have many traps.

If Kakashi leaves to escape from Naruto’s hand grabbing the bell then Naruto can get the bell on the ground.

Similarly if Kakashi did not escape then the bell on his waist would be taken by Naruto.

So it is a two way locking situation where Kakashi can only chose one.

Well he is an elite Jonin and can move much faster.

But at close range and at the speed of Naruto it was impossible for Naruto to miss the chance.

The clone of Naruto that was caught in the trap has already swinging around going up with a kunai to cut the rope around his leg.

So Kakashi did not have a time but still he was able to escape with his extra ordinary speed.

Naruto was only able to touch the tip of the bell for a moment.

Well Naruto is current at Jonin level while Kakashi is elite Jonin level.

So it is natural that Naruto was unable to catch the bell at that exact moment.

But he did not give up easily.

Right at that moment Sasuke that was in the vicinity attacked.

With another replacement Kakashi escaped.

Naruto on the other hand also moved away from here into a different hiding place.

On the other hand Sakura woke up and Kakashi is right beside her.

At that time she quickly stood up to find Sasuke that got his ass poked.

She wanted to see if she can help him.

While at that she saw that Naruto’s clone is trying to cut the rope that tied to his leg.

But she did not care about him and went to look for Sasuke like a blind rabbit.

Just like in the plot she fell into the Genjutsu that was created by Kakashi,

With her scream, Naruto and Sasuke know that she fell into the trap of Kakashi.

Sasuke decided to face Kakashi head on while Naruto hid along with his clone waiting for the right moment.

Right when both Kakashi and Sasuke are fighting another pebble on their side suddenly transformed into Naruto and caught the bell.

Well he did not catch the bell but purposefully left it after holding them in his hands for a moment.

Chapter 158: changed plot

Right when both Kakashi and Sasuke are fighting another pebble on their side suddenly transformed into Naruto and caught the bell.

Well he did not catch the bell but purposefully left it after holding them in his hands for a moment.

The reason for this is that he doesn’t want to show his full capabilities to Kakashi just yet.

He doesn’t know how much he can believe Kakashi.

Right now Naruto only showed capabilities on par with Sasuke or a little above it.


Finally they all have failed and Naruto was not tied to the pole.

Instead it was Sakura that was tied to the pole because she was unable to do anything other than fainting for a simple Genjutsu.

Both Sasuke and Naruto worked hard and almost got the bell.

So it is only natural for her to be tied up.


Naruto doesn’t want to spoil the plot just yet.

Also being in the team of Kakashi can let him meet with many people and there would be protection too.

Other than that the suspicion of third Hokage would be a lot lesser when he was in the team of Kakashi that third Hokage trusts the most.

With the words of Kakashi saying all three of them failed and should quit being ninja then Sasuke once again lost his cool and decided to fight Kakashi.


It followed along the plot with only Sakura tied up with her stomach protesting from hunger from last night.

Sasuke is the first one to give the food and Naruto is the last while saying.

“You would not eat the food that I gave you any way.

But still you can eat a little so that you would not become a hindrance during the next fight.”

Naruto has a hard time saying these words to Sakura.

They passed the test and Sakura was left tied to the pole with food right in front of her with her stomach protesting.


From then on they started to do various missions well all are D ranked.

Naruto did not protest most of the time till the cat mission appeared.

Also when catching the cat Naruto threw it straight at Sasuke after catching so that it would scratch the face of Sasuke instead of his face.

Humans have instinctive reaction to catch or block when something thrown at them.

Also it is subconscious reaction in cases where their vigilance is low with no sense of urgency or threat.

Well the result is that the face of Sasuke was scratched and Sakura scolded Naruto for doing this.

Naruto did not care about that and went to the mission’s hall with Kakashi.

After coming here Naruto simply said.

“Third Hokage gramps, can you improve the mission rank.

Honestly it is really boring to do these missions you know.

Also we have done so many D rank missions that we are perfectly experienced and even got fed up.”

Naruto said to third Hokage and then looked towards Sasuke and Sakura and said.

“What do you think guys?

If I am the only one that said these words then it would not have much impact.

Kakashi sensei said that right team work.

If you share the same opinion as me then come forward to ask instead of standing there and watching the show.

Well if you like the D rank missions so much then I don’t mind playing house with you for a while longer.


The last sentence directly broke the walls in the minds of Sakura and Sasuke and they also requested for a better mission.

With that Naruto smile with his successful pulling Sasuke and Sakura into his plan.

Well as usual the old man and Iruka spoke all the nonsense they could and assigned the mission to the team 7.

This time Naruto did not get the sarcastic comments from Tazuna that client that wanted them to escort him and protect him till he completes the bridge.

Also, with of all the exercise Naruto is taller than both Sasuke and Sakura.

Comparatively Sasuke is shorter with Sakura’s hair that bushed up.

With his face that was scratched, he really looked like a loser that is trying to make it look like he is a cool person.

Unfortunately only Sakura is sharing this opinion.


They quickly packed things up and let off.

When they are out Naruto did not make the appearance of a country bumpkin and moved in a calm and collected manner.

Just when they are out of the village he felt the gaze of few people and Naruto knows who they are.

Naruto specifically prepared a balloon filled with his piss before going out on this mission.

This is a secret attack to make those ninja more irritable.

Well they did hide in a water puddle and they would be in for a special warm water bath with the things in the balloon that Naruto got.

Naruto walked by the side of the puddle and dropped the balloon into the puddle.

Sakura did not understand what Naruto is doing but they walked forward.

When Naruto felt the gaze on his back again he threw a rock on his hand blasting the balloon covering the face of the ninja with his piss.

With the strong smell their cover is blown and they made the frontal attack immediately targeting Kakashi.

Kakashi acted as if he died and ripped to shreds by the attack of those two ninja.

Naruto did not freeze up as they tried to attack Sakura she froze up.

She is not the cool and collected person in the original plot either.

It is just that she got enough time for her to get back to her senses when Naruto was attacked in the original plot.

This time they attacked Naruto again because he attracted their agro with the balloon before.

But Naruto doesn’t want to touch them when they are covered in his piss that pissed them off to this point.

Chapter 159: fighting Zabuza

This time they attacked Naruto again because he attracted their agro with the balloon before.

But Naruto doesn’t want to touch them when they are covered in his piss that pissed them off to this point.

So he threw the shuriken and a kunai to lock the chain and then used the diversionary tactics to use the same chain to tie them to a tree.

As for knocking them is very simply with a rock on the side that hit their heads on the right spot.

The process is fast, smooth and exact.

Sasuke did react but he did not get to do anything because Naruto took the show before

With the ninja knocked out Naruto called in Kakashi that is hiding and watching.

“Kakashi sensei, I know that you are hiding.

Come out quickly, we have to wrap these things out….”

Kakashi immediately came out to check the condition of the two ninja.

Sakura was shocked.

Naruto turned to towards Tazuna and said.

“Tazuna san you seem to be lying to us about the severity of the situation.

You said that it was only a band of thieves.

But if there are ninja attacking you, then the protection mission would change from C rank.

It should be a B rank mission based on the level of ninja that are attacking.

So could you clarify the matter?”

Tazuna finally started to talk explaining about his situation and other things.

Well both Sakura and Sasuke accepted to continue the mission because of the words of Kakashi.

Well Tazuna did some moral kidnapping with his story to pull Sasuke and Sakura into his side.

With no other choice Kakashi also followed along.

Well they are the righteous group and they would do anything they could to help the poor and the needy.

So it is completely natural for this to happen.

Right when they landed and walked a little while, they encountered their first obstacle.

It was actually a rabbit that hopped out of the bushes.

“Kakashi sensei, this place seems wrong.

Also that rabbit looked like it was raised in a cage.

The one that is making this diversion must have thought of us as fools.”

Naruto said looking at the rabbit.

Then he felt the presence of a person and an attack right at that moment.

“Everyone get down”

Naruto shouted.

Immediately a long broad sword stuck to a tree and a man appeared standing on its handle.

He is Zabuza.

If possible Naruto really wanted to recruit him as a subordinate.

Well he is much better than many ninja in the hidden leaf village.

Unfortunately it is not possible right now.

He would think about it at a later time.

For now he has to go into acting mode and act just like that in the plot.

Not too stupid but not too assertive as well.


The mist around them got thicker there is also a strong killing intent and chakra spreading around them.

Sasuke shivered from slight fear and Naruto immediately said.

“Sasuke don’t shiver like a wet cat.

I would not let my comrades die.”

(I still have to cuck you and restore the Uchiha clan with the babies you are going to give birth.)

Naruto thought.

Kakashi also looked back and was about to say the same thing to Sasuke.

Then the fight started between Kakashi and Zabuza till Kakashi was imprisoned.

Naruto did not take the initiative to fight during this time and waited till it happened.

When the water clone of Zabuza appeared on the land with the real one still in water, Naruto became vigilant.

Naturally the first kick should be towards Naruto to take out his head band.

Unfortunately that kick did not connect instead Naruto caught his leg and pulled it hard towards him with a kunai pointing straight towards the space between the legs.

The water clone of Zabuza did not expect this from a little Genin.

The movements are so smooth that it felt like Naruto has been practicing fighting and experience thousands of fight.

Well Zabuza was also quickly to escape from this situation with only a shuriken logged between his legs.

The clone is still there and pulled the shuriken.

Sakura could not laugh out loud at this situation.

Sasuke did not make a move as he and Sakura is protecting the old man.

Well he did not want to move forward to attack.

But he has lost the initiative so he could not move from his spot before Naruto was down.

Actually Naruto did not look like he needs support.

The water clone is the clone of Zabuza but it is not as strong as the real person.

It is the same as the shadow clone that are produced with a part of the chakra.

So Naruto fought normally with him into stalemate with no clear victor.

Zabuza that is restraining Kakashi could not continue this matter for long because the chakra consumption for imprisoning Kakashi is really high.

Suddenly something unexpected happened.

One of the shuriken that Naruto threw just now missed the water clone of Zabuza and went straight towards the real Zabuza.

Well real Zabuza simply knocked it off but in the next second the shuriken turned into Naruto and kicked Zabuza straight on the face.

This cut off the connection between the imprisoning water ball of Kakashi and Zabuza.

With that the plot returned back to the original one.

Well Zabuza was able to attack Naruto’s clone while the real Naruto took care of the water clone of Zabuza during the stunned time.

With the appearance of Haku that put Zabuza in the suspended animation state has solved the problem.

On the other hand Kakashi was exhausted too quickly.

It was strange why he was exhausted so much in such a short amount of time.

Based on the age and experience he should be very strong even with the high consumption of the Sharingan.

Also he is around the prime age of his life too.

Chapter 160: a different training from others

Based on the age and experience he should be very strong even with the high consumption of the Sharingan.

Also he is around the prime age of his life too.

Many be it is related to the plot setting or some other things that caused this problem.

Naruto did not care about this and went to catch Kakashi before he fell on the ground.

Well Kakashi might be one of the ungrateful bastards, but he has his uses.

Naruto would not let go of such a strategic resource easily.

Naruto held his hands while Sasuke held his legs as they carried him to the fishing village where Tazuna’s house is located.

Inside is Tazuna's daughter called tsunami and she is a hot milf.

Naruto went around the milf asking to see if he could be of any help calling her big sister all the time.

Well he did have romantic feelings but more importantly he liked this strong lady that can stand up for herself and other people.

So this admiration gave good impression of Naruto and he acted like a good younger brother trying to help her gaining her good impression.

Looking at Naruto like this Sakura could not connect to the person that scolded her before.

At that time she suddenly realized something.

That is the bad words she said before about Naruto being an orphan that did not have anyone to teach him about his family.

Also another piece of memory appeared in her mind about when he decided to share his food to her before.

Then she thought that her words are bad and Naruto is not really a bad person.

He never truly caused any harm to anyone but everyone has called him with various names all this time causing him so much pain in his heart.

This made her feel sorry and guilty about her previous actions.

Mind it that she is not falling in love with him.

Instead it was just simple remorse.

She would never let her eyes fall on another man other than Sasuke.

That is how stubborn she is.

All she wanted to do is to apologize to Naruto about the previous incident and her actions.

That is all.

Right at that time Kakashi woke up and started to explain about Haku.

Well the mysterious person just like Anbu that hunt down the ninja that abandons their village.

After that Kakashi fell into coma again and the group has a thought of knowing what is under the mask of Kakashi.

Naturally Naruto has already seen it but the reactions of the other two are really great to watch.

When Kakashi suddenly woke up and spoke aloud his thoughts Naruto added the last words.

“Most probably Zabuza is still alive and that masked ninja might be an accomplice of Zabuza.”

With the words of Naruto, Kakashi explained with the exclamations of Sasuke and Sakura.

Finally they are decided to train now.

Naruto is already good at training so he would continue to get more precise chakra control on his own while the other gloat over their little progress.

That is right Naruto would purposefully act like he could not do that and train his own thing.

That is vertical walking in the air.

He is not walking on the tree surface instead he is walking on the surface of the air on the surface of the tree.

This is his model of training right now to improve the chakra control.

Right when Naruto thought about these things Inari the son of tsunami appeared with his harsh words.

Naruto did not refute him but only said one thing.

“In order to do great things many sacrifices are needed.

Peace would not come out of thin air.

One has to stand up and motivate others to stand up for the peace would give the true peace.

Sometimes the person stands up early might end up dead but that is never in vain.

There is always some value to the efforts and life of a person.

It is just that the final results take time to appear instead if appearing on the spot.

After saying these words Naruto walked out of the house with Kakashi and others to do the training in the forest.

When Naruto climbed this time he climbed in his own process of training which is new to him.

Naturally he fell back just like that in the plot.

Then he started to try again and again.

He did not do the encouraging nor was he mad at anyone.

He just trained in a single minded way without stopping at anything.

Sakura felt that it is not the right time to speak with Naruto and apologize to him.

This is because she doesn’t want Sasuke to have different impression of her when she speaks to Naruto.

Well Naruto don’t know about this and even if he knows he would not care about this matter.

While Sakura is at the bridge guarding the place, Naruto and Sasuke trained.

Naturally Naruto is making progress but it was extremely slow even compared to Naruto in the plot.

The reason for this is his way of training on walking in the air.

If moment speed is concerned Naruto can easily top most people in the hidden leaf village using the mayfly technique of the black Zetsu.

With Senju clan bloodline and all the chakra in storage it would be a piece of cake.

But in order to improve that he needs to act more to gain more.

Of course that night after eating Naruto went back to train and slept in the forest.

He was working even harder because he has some people to meet and take care of some people during the coming days of turmoil in the hidden leaf village.

For that he has to be prepared.

His current power is not enough.

As for practicing ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Naruto never stopped.

When Sasuke left Naruto switched to practice other things as much as he could to improve his overall capabilities.


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