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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 466: time keepers knock on the door

He will fuck her more in the morning after waking up.

With that they slept peacefully while Vicky caught back his sleep from last night.



The door was knocked waking up Vicky and Lizzy.


Vicky pulled out his dick making a plop sound.

The cum and her love juices started to flow out staining the bed.

Vicky put on the night dress that looked like a kimono and came to the door to check.

He doesn’t mind others looking at the naked body of Lizzy.

Well she is not his women but just some bar dance girl.

But everyone has their dignity and she covered up her body with the bed sheet.

The bed sheets immediately became wet from all the cum and love juices that flowed out.

This made her once again sensitive and has another orgasm.

The entire situation has excited her and a new desire aroused in her mind.

This is the desire to become an exhibitionist.

This desire has awakened in her mind and made her future change.

This changed future has actually made her life happier and she even became rich.

She would sell her exhibitionism videos online to gain more time.

Even thought it a technologically advanced world the smart phones did not appear during the plot.

But there are smart phones.

Well usage of these smart phones is very less because the cost of buying and using the smart phones is not possible at the lower time zones.

Originally it was not less in the past of modernization.

But later it was removed from the hands of people when money was replaced by time.

Even now buying a smart phone is easy for but it needs time for that.

Lizzy with her newly awakened desire she would use all of her savings to buy a smart phone.

Then she would start earning using the exhibitionist videos.

This is her changed life and future that made her into a rich woman in the future.

Well it has nothing to do with Vicky but she would be grateful for Vicky because of his actions right now.

Vicky opened the door and the time keepers came to the door.

“Hello mister Vicky,

We are from time keepers that came here on an investigation.

Please cooperate with our investigation.”

Vicky nodded his head with a smile and invited them inside.

Lizzy immediately covered her body with the bed sheet and went to collect her clothes before leaving going into the changing room.

They sat down in the sofas facing each other.

The time keeper that is in charge of the investigation started talking by introducing himself and his subordinate.

“I am David and this is my subordinate mike.

We came here to investigate about the robbery of the time bank and the time lenders branches.

Did you cross over to this time zone recently from the twelfth time zone?”

Vicky looked at them without losing his composure and said.

“Yes, I have just crossed the time zone from twelfth to eleventh just yesterday.

Also I want to report a specific thing about my stay in the twelfth time zone star hotel.

Previously I went there to look at how time zone that was called the slum area would look like.

But I did not expect that there would be so many thugs that wanted to capture me and take all my time.

Fortunately one of the girls that came to me for the night alerted me.

I escaped from there using the dress of butler and returned here over night.

You should investigate this gang called the minuteman or something in the twelfth time zone.

I would make a formal complaint after your investigation is done.”

Vicky said with a slight dread in his eyes.

Vicky’s acting skills are really great and he has already seen through everything before using the simulation.

Since the simulation is expensive he did not use it quite often in the fantasy world.

Well the 2 thousand chaos points are not that big of an amount.

But after the simulation buying the results is becoming expensive.

So he would think of the best possible solutions using the texted simulation and then try to go all the way to the end.

Only after that he would buy the complete strategy of the simulation memory.

This way he would only spend 2000 chaos points on each simulation every day till it succeeded.

The final result would be good strategy with limited amount of the chaos points spending.

Also he would specifically use his thoughts on interpersonal relationships in this kind of in time fantasy world solving most of the problem.

He has already got the perfect strategy for this fantasy world and got what he wanted.

Because of this he already knows what is about to happen.

That means he knows what to say and what not to say.

The two investigators from the time keepers actually wanted to ask the same question that Vicky gave answer to.

That is why he leaved suddenly without checking out at the hotel he stayed.

There is also a missing woman at that place.

She was last seen with Vicky.

That is not all the robberies happened there on the night before.

Also when he came over to the eleventh time zone the robberies are happening here as well.

The most important thing is it is happening right when he appeared here.

This made them suspicious of him.

But it was only suspicion.

It is not like there are no other ways to enter into the time zone other than the road.

People would smuggle out from one place to another through many ways in secret.

As long there is enough time to spend they can smuggle into the higher level time zones without registering.

Because of the suspicion they questioned Vicky and they got the answers.

Also Vicky made his complaint on the minute man gang directly right now.

Lizzy on the other hand took a bath and waited for Vicky without leaving.

Chapter 467: a business plan from Lizzy

Also Vicky made his complaint on the minute man gang directly right now.

Lizzy on the other hand took a bath and waited for Vicky without leaving.

She still did not receive any time from Vicky.

She was hoping to get something from a rich man.

Also Vicky told her to wait for a while.


The time keepers wanted to check through the belongings of Vicky.

Vicky doesn’t mind letting them search the entire hotel room.

Soon they found a time storage device in his bag that has around 100 years of time.

This was like a secret stash that Vicky had for his travel.

Well it is normal for all the rich people to carry time in separate time storage devices just in case.

So they did not think of it as anything strange.

As for the records this time is not in the list of amount that Vicky has.

But that does not mean that this does not belong to Vicky.

Also it is a small amount in the investigation where thousands of years of time were stolen.

So they removed Vicky from the list of suspects for now.

Not completely removed but only degraded in the amount of suspicion.

Before sending those time keepers Vicky told them that he is planning to leave here to the next time zone soon.

They did not understand why he is going around messing with everything.

But they could not voice out this matter.

He is a rich man and he can do anything he wanted.

But they still asked as they have to keep things under control.

“May I know why you came to the lower time zones when the things are in chaotic state?”

Vicky looked at them and said with a smile.

“I want to start a new business, for that I need some loyal workers.

I always believe that the good works are born out of desperation and hard life.

I came to the lower time zones to find people like them.

Unfortunately there are many thugs that are formed in the same condition.

Sadly I met them instead of what I am looking for.”

After his answer the time keepers left.

Lizzy came to Vicky immediately, wanting to see if she can become that trust worthy person that he is looking for.

But she is not the one Vicky is looking for.

He told a white lie to make those time keepers believe him.

When Lizzy came to him her pussy is already swollen red from all the pounding she received last night.

But she gritted her teeth wanting to ride the dick of Vicky once again.

Vicky did not have any sadistic thoughts and he doesn’t want to break a woman just to have fun with her.

So he gave her few days of time and sent her off.

Also he told her the same words to bring more women tonight if she wanted to earn a few extra days of time.

Because of the presence of the time keepers she would not act rashly to inform those gangs about Vicky.

Even thought she is greedy for time she is not greedy enough to lose her life.

Also she has some new thoughts.

She wanted to request Vicky to take her to the higher time zones and she would let him fuck her as he please till then.

She wanted to start her life as an exhibitionist bitch.

Her beauty is still there and she can guarantee that she can be this beautiful for at least another 10 years.

She has to stabilize her life within the next 10 years.

She wanted to discuss this matter with Vicky.

Since he wanted to start a business why not invest a little in her.

With that thought she stayed behind and Vicky also listened to her words.

Her thoughts are really good.

Vicky did not despise those women that sell their bodies for money.

Instead he despises those people that would do nothing but causing trouble for their family members while drinking and gambling all day long.

Also those people that would only stay depressed and complain about the world being unfair.

These women are much better than politicians that would make fake promises and people that would sell humans and organs.

So he respects them for their courage and their will to live their life with their own efforts.

After listening to her thoughts Vicky smiled and decided to invest in her.

“I will take you all the way to the fifth ring and give you a house and necessary things for you to start your business.

But we first have to form a formal agreement about the partnership and start the business.

Also there are few legal things that you should be aware off.

I will give you some ideas to try and you can quickly succeed from them.

What do you say 7 to 3 partnership.

7 points is yours and 3 points is mine.

I will not bank on your hard work.

You can have your profits to yourself.

There are few illegal modes of these videos that can also be posted but it can only be posted in dark side of the web.

We will talk about that later.

For now come with me to a notary to finalize our business plan.

Make the name of the business as attractive as possible….”

Vicky spoke making Lizzy really become dizzy.

She did not expect that her plans would get funding so quickly.

A person really accepted her and wanted to give her a chance.

She was really moved and decided to follow Vicky with loyalty.

Also the main point she liked is that she would get 7 points of the profit which means that she is not working under anyone.

She can finally become the boss.

With the happy thoughts she followed Vicky and went to finalize their business.

The person in charge of the notary stared at Lizzy for a while and then stared at Vicky strangely.

Chapter 468: time cities and unstable time laws

With the happy thoughts she followed Vicky and went to finalize their business.

The person in charge of the notary stared at Lizzy for a while and then stared at Vicky strangely.

After they are done with that they returned back to the hotel to have some fun.

In the night they got on the bus to go to the next time zone.

Vicky paid for both of them and in the bus they are sitting side by side in comfortable sleeper class seats in an Air conditioned bus.

Vicky pulled her close under the blanket and started to undress her completely naked under the blanket.

Any way she wanted to be an exhibitionist.

So he started to teach her some things.

As for how he knows,

Well he lived in the dark side of earth and knows most of the things.

It is just that he did not use them on anyone.

The current situation is different and he was doing this for her to adapt.

When she was completely undressed she was trembling from the excitement.

This is the excitement an exhibitionist feels.

This is the thrill of being discovered by someone naked.

Also Vicky did not give her time to settle down her heart.

He started to fondle her tits and pinch her nipples.

She is holding back her moans to the best of her possible limit.

But suddenly a hand went to her pussy and pinched her clit.


She moaned from the pleasure immediately.

Her body is really sensitive.

Vicky liked this matter about her and was confident in his investment because of this matter.

Vicky fingered her so much that she squirted on the seat.

Her moans were muffled by his fingers in her mouth.

Finally his dick went inside her pussy making her body tremble with excitement.

She immediately had a squirting orgasm wetting the dick of Vicky completely.

Vicky doesn’t have to move much.

Even though the bus has good suspension the maintenance of the roads here is not good.

So the bus started to bump around causing his dick to jump around inside the pussy of Lizzy.

They were fucking without the knowledge of anyone till the next day early morning.

They stopped when the sun is rising and Vicky helped her put on her clothes.

She was very obedient like a docile cat.

Vicky paid for the time zone transfer for both of them and entered the time zone 10.

Vicky took her straight to the local big hotel and then booked a good room.

In this time zone Vicky is not going to steal the banks and time lenders straight away.

Because of his actions of stealing the time keepers has made extra preparations to protect those financial organizations.

So the night patrol around those buildings is really high.

It is hard to get into those banks and time lender branch offices easily.

But with his stimulation he found the time they are lax and he is going to use that to steal those banks of all the stored time.

The total money stored in these banks and the time lenders branch office is around 10 thousand years.

This is really a big number.

But Vicky has to steal the things in an organized way.

He has already prepared some darts covered with sleeping medicine.

He is going to use them to put those guards to sleep.

Even though the technology of this world is advanced they don’t know how to use the technology in these lower time zones.

This is the loop hole that Vicky found and he is going to use it.

The biggest problem with the time keepers in the lower time zones is that they are using normal guns that are even old model even for Vicky’s standards.

Also their armor to cover their bodies is very thin that could at most stop bullet wounds barely with normal guns.

It is said that one has to give away something of equal or higher value to get something they wanted.

Most probably this world has given up their research on advanced weapons and development of all areas.

The final result is the huge difference between the people between the time zones.

There is difference in living, luxuries, weapons and many more.

Except for medicine and nursing care of doctors to some extent, but even that is very bad in the lower time zones.

Vicky also found something important through his memories from the complete simulation.

That is he is actually staying in a single city.

That is right a single city has 12 time zones and this city is actually composed of all the people of few countries combined to form a single city.

It might seem strange but there are other time cities and all of them have 12 time zones.

That is not all everywhere the situation is mostly the same.

Also they could not travel between those time cities because of the problems of messing with the time laws.

When they genetically engineered the body with the time laws they have cause a disturbance in the time laws.

So they time cities are formed with 12 time zones to maintain the border of a stable time zone.

If they want to travel between the time cities they have to be prepared to bear the consequences of many years of time being spent.

The time fissures are there between the time cities where the time is unstable.

It is there where the problems occur for travelling between the time zones.

The trade between the time zones happens at specific intervals where the time between the time cities stabilizes.

Vicky was sure that he cannot go to other time cities and going to the center of the single time city that is was present in is already hard enough.

The information he got about the time cities is a confidential information that can be found only if he reaches the third time zone or higher.

Chapter 469: shifting the suspicion part-1

Vicky was sure that he cannot go to other time cities and going to the center of the single time city that is was present in is already hard enough.

The information he got about the time cities is a confidential information that can be found only if he reaches the third time zone or higher.

The people there were involved in trade and they know the important things.


For the next week Vicky did not do anything other than going around the tenth time zone to mark the locations of various places.

This place is not that big.

Also he took Lizzy with him around.

He especially made her put some revealing clothes that made other people drool at her.

He did not care what other people thought.

She is a valuable business partner and she has to understand what she has to do and how to record the things.

As for the smart phone or camera, Vicky would buy her one when he reaches the fifth time zone.

In the fifth time zone getting the things would be much easier.

Right now they returned back to the hotel and Vicky started to prepare for his plan.

First he fucked Lizzy till she was completely exhausted and fell asleep with his dick still inside her pussy.

Then he used a little sleep inducing medicine to put her into deep sleep.

After that he used a cork big enough to close her pussy when he removed his dick.

Then he changed his dress and left the hotel silently with the jammer on.

He has already prepared the special darts that has sleep inducing medicine smeared on it.

As long as the person is hit, even if it was an elephant, it would lose its consciousness in less than 3 seconds.

Vicky went to the location where the time lenders branch is.

Then he shot the guards that are patrolling outside.

Also he carefully took care of the guard that is acting as a homeless person in the alleyway.

He did not move them from their spots because he is going to run after taking the time storage device inside.

He went to the air ventilation system and spread the sleeping gas inside the time lenders office.

Then he sneaked in after breaking the door at the tip of the building.

Naturally all the doors below would be arranged with alarms.

But the doors at the top building would not be considered.

Well no thief would take all the effort to get to the top of the building and then go down.

So Vicky did that and went to through the top door.

As he expected there is no alarm here.

He then went straight down taking care of his business.

First he dismantled some of the alarms systems giving him a way out of the building.

Then he started his search to find the time storage device.

The original location of the time storage device is also changed to a more secured location.

Vicky got through easily because everyone here is sleeping.

There are more than 10 guards inside.

After he took the time storage device he arranged it to his wrist to transfer the time.

Then he started to run.

As soon as he took the device out of the system the alarm started.

Those patrols would come here immediately so Vicky has to escape quickly.

After coming out of the time lenders office he did not go towards the hotel but to the direction of the different branch of the time lender.

But it was only a distraction.

After transferring all the time into his clock he dropped the time storage device far away in the direction of another time lenders store.

Then he silently returned to the hotel while transferring the excessive time he just got back into another time storage device.

The time storage devices that he brought would be able to store 100,000 years in each of them.

They are not some super high storage devices that can store millions of years.

But he did not bother with them because his way of doing things and storing things is different.

He quickly returned to the hotel and got back to his previous position with his dick inside the pussy of Lizzy.

Right when he got back he used some ammonic solution to alleviate the sleepy inducing gas that he used on Lizzy.

Half an hour has passed and the time keepers that came to him at the eleventh time zone for questioning has come to his door again.

Also it was still the middle of the night.

They came here to check if Vicky is still here.

The distance from the time lenders branch to the hotel is very large.

Unless they used a vehicle and travel continuously for a period of time, they will not be able to reach the hotel quickly.

Even if there is a jammer the traffic would still record the shadow of something over 100 meters away.

They have already checked and no one passed by in any direction of road that would connect the time lenders office and the hotel.

They could not expect for a man to run in the alleyways at the speed of a vehicle.

Even with the advanced technology that is on equal level to the immortality they did not research on super power.

Even if they did that did not appear at the lower time zones.

All of these considered, if Vicky was still present in the hotel room then Vicky can safely be removed from the suspects list.

Also they got a new suspect called will from the twelfth time zone for the case of stealing the time and killing a rich man with 100 years of time called Hamilton.

So they knocked on the hotel door.

After a few knocks Vicky put on his night robes and came to check on the people.

Lizzy is still sleeping but her body is not covered with a bed sheet.

Chapter 470: shifting the suspicion part-2

After a few knocks Vicky put on his night robes and came to check on the people.

Lizzy is still sleeping but her body is not covered with a bed sheet.

So the cum flowing out of her pussy is clearly visible like a creampied pussy.

This was scene by the time keepers.

Right at that time Vicky spoke in a little irritate tone.

“What are you disturbing my good night sleep for.

If you want to investigate why don’t you come in the morning instead of waking up people in the middle of the night…?”

The irritation because of the lack of sleep and suddenly made to wake up can be heard from the tone of Vicky.

Right at that time Lizzy woke up because of the commotion.

She slightly looked around for a moment and found that there are others at the entrance.

Also she noticed that she was not covering her body.

She immediately pulled the bed sheets to cover her body and her face is bright red.

But she felt strangely aroused and wanted to have some more fun like that.

She wanted to show off her body to more people.

This is her exhibitionist tendency acting up.

But she would not implicate Vicky in this matter.

So she acted quietly without doing anything more.

The time keepers did not know how to answer Vicky.

They could not even speak.

Based on the appearance Vicky was in the hotel room fucking Lizzy the whole time.

This means that Vicky is not the thief but they still have to note down the official witness.

So officer in charge spoke.

“Sir, another robbery has happened tonight.

As long as there is enough proof that you are in this hotel room then we will safely remove you from the suspects list.”

Well he is a new officer and got flustered when Vicky started to scold them.

Well they are in the wrong to disturb someone in the middle of the night without proper evidence.

So he directly spoke about this matter.

Vicky let them search and as for the witness Lizzy spoke that she can prove that Vicky is here in this room all night.

She acted as Vicky’s witness as Vicky wanted her to be.

Even if she is suspicious she would not act on her own backer and a person that trusted her dream and give her such good conditions.

Also she was addicted to his dick and she liked his way of fucking her very much.

Because of all these reasons she would not say anything against Vicky.

After searching the hotel room, the time keepers did not find anything like a time storage device.

But they did not find anything other than the previous time storage device that Vicky is saving as an extra stash.

There is no change in the amount since they last saw this and so they calmed down.

Vicky was out of suspicion.

After that they left the hotel room and said their sorry to Vicky.

Also during the entire time Lizzy did not put on her clothes instead she only covered her body with bed sheets.

Also sometimes she acted clumsy and let go of the bed sheets to show off her naked body.

After the time keepers left Vicky came to her.

“You have become such a naughty girl.

Did you become excited showing off your creampied pussy to those time keepers?

Keep up the good work and you will become a top adult star in the future.

I will support you all the way.

Also you should find few more like minded girls to work with you.

This way you can make more.

You should have some good bitches like you right.

Now get on to the work and pull them into the business.

This way you can become the owner of a good adult video industry.

Also don’t take any women forcibly.

Only if they are interested in this matter, you can take them.

Remember I am telling you once again, only take the likeminded people.

Also there are few more rules that you must follow.

I will tell you them on the way to the inner time zones.

Tomorrow morning you can go on your own and bring some girls that you think as best.

After I check them you can continue with your work.


Vicky talked to her and started to fuck her again.

Vicky did not have any intentions of taking her to the real world.

He did not have any netorare or netorase fetish.

He only plays the game because he respects the wishes or others that truly wanted to improve themselves.

Lizzy did not ask him for help and she did not want to leach off him.

She wanted to live her life well with her own efforts.

This point impressed Vicky and he is going to let her have a chance to change her life.

So he decided to help her become a business woman and help him make some white money….cough…cough…time.

After fucking her few more time Vicky slept peacefully.

Well he would not completely sleep unless he is the only person present and was in a secured place.

In the morning next day he went around to investigate few more things about the other time lender’s branch and the bank branches in the area.

Yesterday he only got around 2000 years of time.

Today he is going to steal from the banks that have less security than the time lenders.

Most probably after what happened yesterday they would increase the security to the other time lender’s branch offices instead of the bank.

Well those time lenders offices have a strong business background to pressure the time keepers.

As for the banks that hold the public money, they are under the control of government that did not care about this cheap change of time.

So no action of specifically increased security was taken for them by the government or the officials.


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