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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 191: turmoil in the oasis city

Remember that there is no space storage device in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

Even if they had they would store something extremely valuable instead of letting them use it for transporting spars.

So these spars are stored in boxes with special protection against magic leakage.

Vicky went around and stole them during the night.

That is not all he did.

He actually took the boxes of various groups and placed them in another powers place so that it can be found easily.

Vicky is going to create a huge turmoil in this oasis city so that he can do things more peacefully.

When the people are in tensed state they would not bother to find some normal things that Vicky would do.

Well Vicky is not going to do anything much.

He planned to steal more water from the oasis in a large quantity.

He found that the water here is really good for plants because of the excessive life energy.

But the problem is that the water is poisonous to other creatures for direct consumption.

The excessive vitality is dangerous for humans.

Vicky doesn’t want to stay in this oasis city for long.

The smell of dried fishes here is unbearable.

Also the drainage system is not good along with many problems.

This place appeared like a giant dump in the middle of the desert.

Also the temperature has reached 65 degrees Celsius which is as high as the extreme heat situation.

Fortunately there are only two suns in the sky these few days.

Based on the words from the people here the number of suns increases to either three or four by the end of the week.

The number of moons in the night is 4 and they said that the fifth silver moon would rise in 10 days.

At that time all the wolf type monster beasts would have a rampage forming a beast tide here.

They said that the sixth moon is the blood moon that only appeared once in this place and it would cause all the monsters to become blood thirsty and form a super beast tide.

Last time this happened it directly let the oasis city into ruins and everything was constructed back from scratches.

Also it is said that during the blood moon all the creatures including humans would have their instincts towards bloodlust.

Only strong willed people can bear the bloodlust and did not lose control.

Blood moon would appear at some places suddenly and this phenomenon did not have any possible explanation.

The prediction is not possible because the planetary movements of the apocalypse land are unpredictable.

Till now no one know the original structure of the apocalypse land.

Some say that it is a flat land and some say it is a gigantic planet with stars rotating around it.

Some say that it is a broken prime planet that is the first planet that actually formed.

But the book of information that Vicky got from the library form the progenitors describes this place as the training grounds of godhood.

That is right this place is said to train gods.

But Vicky doesn’t know why it was given this name.

Yes people can become unbelievable strong when they reach the power of 10 star level.

Well no one has reached this level yet and the highest known level is only the 8 star level that is controlling the countries of the safe areas.

Even these powerhouses are not like gods.

Yes they have very strong powers, longer life spans and can do many dangerous things.

But they still could not face against the natural disasters of the apocalypse land completely head on.

That is even they can die.

This means that there is something more here that Vicky needs to understand or this might be just the starting point and there are things beyond.


Vicky did not have so much time to think about this right now.

So he went straight to get what he wanted and switched the positions of those boxes.

In the ark space his women would remove the spars into a different place and places the boxes back for Vicky to return them.

There is a distance of few kilometers before the connection between the key holders of ark space is broken.

Vicky doesn’t have to worry about this matter and it was extremely easy for him to do this.

Within just one night he completed the task.

After that they returned back to the room to rest.

They would need a day or two to brew all these matters.

During this time the number of people fishing would reduce drastically.

There would be very less people during the dark because of the fear of being suspected and questioned.

Vicky is going to use this chance to fish in the troubled waters.


In the morning next day each power found big boxes named with other power in their main halls.

This made the people discover the things quickly and the word about it spread fast.

There is no such thing as a closed secret.

When they opened the boxes and checked there is nothing inside.

When they checked their own treasury warehouse their boxes are missing.

With that the quarrel started.

There are always impulsive people in the groups that would make the problem that can be solved with a finger nail to the need of an axe to solve it.

With that the things intensified in the unexpected turns with high amount of hostilities everywhere.

All the zones under the powers are highly damaged while the neutral zones are relatively safe.

By the time it is after noon there is already killing and the gangs are patrolling their areas to show off their power.

The irreversible grudges are formed between the people and they are going for some big problematic things soon.

But this will only last for a little while before the group leaders sit and talk about the strange occurrence.

Chapter 192: return back to the city of Gnore

The irreversible grudges are formed between the people and they are going for some big problematic things soon.

But this will only last for a little while before the group leaders sit and talk about the strange occurrence.

This kind of thing would not happen immediately.

With the things flaring up Vicky and the girls took the time to go to the fishing area during the night and dug 7 big pools in secret under the cover of the night.

All 7 of them used their best means to pull the water and fishes into the ark space.

They completed their work in just one night and on the next day they decided to leave here on another escort mission towards the city of Gnore.

They got everything they wanted and there is no reason to stay in the troubled water for long.


Unlike the escort mission towards the oasis city the return missions are far more dangerous.

This is because the caravan usually carries big amounts of dried fish.

No matter how much caution they took, the smell of the fish would not go away.

So many desert monster beasts are attracted towards the caravan.

Since it is like that the pay for the return journey is also much higher.

There is demand for these vitality fishes in the surrounding cities so it is always a good business.

Vicky and the girls once again fought twice the number of beast like desert serpents, desert wolves, mole monsters and many more before reaching the city of Gnore.

The return trip took more than 10 days which is 3 days more than the forward trip.

After returning back to the city, Vicky and the girls went to take rest for a few days.

After entering their room Vicky and the girls went into the ark space and straight away went to take a bath together.

Vicky scrubbed them completely from head to toe and he got a special wash form 6 girls at the same time.

It was literally heavenly.

Also their outdoor play that is when they are in the car of the caravan the girls took turn to sit on Vicky’s lap.

Actually there is another thing here.

The dick of Vicky is inside their pussies or ass holes during that time.

Well Vicky is possessive so the remaining girls would keep in mind to check the surroundings clearly so that no one would suddenly pop up on them.

With his dick inside Vicky would kiss the girl and play with her tits so that she can enjoy the pleasure to the fullest.

The moans of the women would be covered and muffled so no one can hear them.

Fortunately there are no mosquitoes and the carts are covered like a wagon so they are not exposed to the outside.

But this play made them hornier and they wanted to try many more things later when they got the chance.


With the good washing they decided to try the vita fish in a different way of cooking that Vicky knows.

He cooked the female fish and male fish separately and served his women.

After eating the fish Vicky felt like he has been revitalized and have the power to bang his women nonstop for the night.

At the same time the women also felt hornier and they really craved for a dick.

This was the effect of the vitality fish when they are put in time stagnant storage right after they are fished to cook.

They are at their best condition for Vicky and the girls to eat.

So their effects are also at the best condition.

Vicky and his women not only felt horny but also felt a strong sense of vitality.

It is like their entire body is filled with energy and all the cells in their body are being rejuvenated.

That night they really went wild and slept in the morning.

Before they woke up it was already evening on the next day.

They are sleeping inside the ark space so they were not worried about sudden attacks or anything.

When they woke up they did not feel uncomfortable and they are still energetic.

But they are also hungry.

Fortunately they have plenty of cooked food that they prepared in advance.

Vicky treated them with his own cooking that is the food he made before the start of the apocalypse.

Big boxes of this food were separately packed for Vicky to use in special occasions.

Now that he plant field also has plenty of vegetables were harvested, he can cook them again.

But the problem is with the meat.

The meat of the monster beast is not as good as the meat of the animals back on earth.

Well there is only a little amount of it that can really be used as eatable meat.

But the people of the apocalypse land eat everything as they prefer food rather than taste.

Food in the apocalypse land is scarce even thought there are many monster beasts.

Some of the monster beasts are infected with various poisons and viruses.

Processing them is a hard thing to do if they are killed by many attacks.

That is the reason why Vicky was paid such high price to get the monster beasts dissected before during the caravan escort mission.

Vicky and the girls ate the good with happy smile in lose clothing that felt perfect in the weather of the ark space that is perfect for the human body.

They also watched some shows while eating.

When they are done they simply rested for a while before returning back to the apocalypse land.

They cannot just vanish out of the room for a long time which is very suspicious.

Vicky went to meet with jerry and talked to him for a moment before leaving back to the room.

There is nothing special happening here and it is time for Vicky to rest again after the long travel and sweet night.

Chapter 193: expeditions to earth

Vicky went to meet with jerry and talked to him for a moment before leaving back to the room.

There is nothing special happening here and it is time for Vicky to rest again after the long travel and sweet night.

In the next few days Vicky took few small tasks of clearing some monsters in the desert that are around tier 3 and tier 4.

He took his women to gain more experience in dealing with these monsters.

They are strong but they need to train their response and combat experience.

Some of the girls already had combat experience.

But it is mostly towards the humans but not the monster beasts.

Even though they understood how to deal with the monster beasts back on earth before, they did it by using guns and bullets.

They did not know how to do that through cold weapons.

The guns are really useful but they are a rare commodity in the apocalypse land.

They need many things to build a complete chain for making thermal weapons.

They need the metal source in constant supply, they need the material source for energy and they need a stable location for the machines to work.

Without all these things it is impossible build a factory that can use those bullets.

Even now they are still using gun powder for propulsion of the bullets in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

This is because there are only few other ways to shoot the bullet out.

They can either use magnetic repulsion, electric arcs, telekinesis and other mind powers.

All these things are costly during an actual fight.

Also the magnetic repulsion and electric arcs requires higher level technology to stability.

So these things cannot be made normally.

They have to be made in a place that is completely stable and free from the disasters.

That is they are only available in the safe spot cities.

They have higher technology and special energy weapons.

In the outskirts of the apocalypse land, they can only use thermal weapons with gun powder.

Also some of them are still using the black gun powder which is much easier to make than the white gun powder.

The smokeless gun powder is only available from the cities around tier 2 and above.

Also when using the guns with black or white gun powder they would release strong smoke.

The sound was also very high directly revealing the location of the person that shoots.

Most monster beasts would be easily attracted to the smell and sound of the gun powder.

They would directly become the main target.

It is like attacking the archers when the war started to reduce the potential threat.

The monster beasts and all kinds of monsters are intelligent creatures above tier 3 and they are just like humans.

They also develop and improve over the period of time and they can perceive the things much more clearly because they came from mindless state to conscious state.

It is unlike already intelligent creatures that have long forgotten the usage of their consciousness.

That is the reason why a normal tier 3 powerhouse could not fight against a tier 3 monster singlehandedly.

Well Vicky’s group is different in this matter.

They trained their thoughts and actions based on the words of progenitors giving them much better way of controlling their consciousness.

Also the way they trained is more solid than other adventurers and survivors.


Every day they would go out hunting and Vicky would dissect the monster corpses cleanly.

Then they would sell it back to the merchant’s guild or adventurer’s guild based on the profits that they would receive.

Fortunately most of the creatures in this place are beast type monsters and insect type monsters.

There is no ghost or zombie or undead mode of monsters.

They are completely useless and killing them is a head ache.

Also the number of monsters in the desert area is very less compared to the lush green areas.

During this time they took some small escort missions to enter into the cities related to human and elves.

They are currently improving their overall understanding.

Even though Vicky has a better understanding it was all related to following Nisha and other thugs.

He did not have much firsthand experience in many things.

Fortunately now it is solved.

Vicky did not have any friends in the human city or the Elven city.

While travelling they found some important news about the search parties that went to the new land that is attached to the apocalypse land.

In the expedition these people found many people from earth that are barely surviving and are walking towards the apocalypse land connecting joint.

Other than that they also found that there are many rich materials in the new land.

But it was completely covered with many beasts including radiation beasts which are very dangerous.

There is also insect locusts along with undead, zombies with contagious virus that are discovered during the expedition.

Because of this most of the expeditions were stopped as the profits outweigh the losses.

Also he found some interesting news when they came to the Elven city.

It was about a person that saved the runaway Elven princess from the life and death situation from the jaws of a monster.

Now they have become a couple which has become a head ache for the ruler of the Elven city.

They usually did not accept the marriage with other races unless there is a special exception.

That is a strong powerhouse appears and asks the hand of their people for marriage.

Right now they are in a heated debate.

But after finding out that the Elven princess gave her first time to the human they did not have a choice.

Well they might have long lives but that did not mean that they are not into this loyalty and first time nonsense stuff.

Fortunately other than this Elven princess there is also an Elven prince that balances the things.

Chapter 194: help the Elven princess lose her virginity

Well they might have long lives but that did not mean that they are not into this loyalty and first time nonsense stuff.

Fortunately other than this Elven princess there is also an Elven prince that balances the things.

After a dramatic fight between an Elven warrior and the human with the winning of the human they changed their minds.

It was all prearranged by the princess so that her love can win.

So they reluctantly accepted this matter and let the Elven princess marry that human.

This human is none other than the protagonist candidate that Vicky and the girls met before.

When they went to stay in an inn to rest before taking another escort job to return to the city of Gnore something unexpected happened.

That is Vicky heard a “Ding” sound which is the indication that his long last system did not die.

He was waiting for the system to respond for many days after coming to the apocalypse land.

It is said that it would activate after the first disaster here but for some reason it started to activate suddenly.


“Did you miss me host.”

The system asked with the previous cute voice.

Vicky sighed and said.


Since you are not responding to my calls I thought that you are dead.

Fortunately you are still alive.”

Vicky said while laughing.

“Host, you are too mean.”

The system said in a pouting voice.

Vicky let his girls connect to the system as well so they can hear the words of the system and communicate with the system.

Vicky and the girls are not separate entities or individuals that are working together for interests.

After so long they were thoroughly bonded and they would not leave each other no matter what.

If one of them dies because of an unexpected thing then they would do everything in their power to find a method to resurrect their dead partner or try to find a way to travel back in time again.

That is how dedicated and unified they are.

They trust each other absolutely and they did not hide anything from each other.

So Vicky connected the system through him to all these girls before when the system stopped speaking.

“Host, because of the strange situation where the two systems merged I was called back for a thorough check.

They wanted to see if there is a problem with my core or my basic system.

But they did not find anything and they finally set me free.

As compensation they let me upgrade a little with more functions.

The functions are related to various kinds of quests and choices I can give to you….”

The girls are came to listen to the ranting of the system and waited for the emergency quest that it came with.

“Did, you get a quest for me.”

Not only Vicky but also the girls are curious of what the upgraded system would bring Vicky.


Yes host, there is a super quest for you that can give you a great benefit in your current situation.”

Vicky and the girls listening to this immediately became excited and asked the system to show the quest.

Immediately a blue screen appeared in front of Vicky that is also visible to his girls.


Quest: Help the Elven princess lose her virginity

Description: The Elven princess was cursed with a special curse.

She cannot give her first time to the person she loves as her husband.

If she gives her first time to her husband then he would die.

But any man other than her husband that gets her first time would improve their power by a large margin.

Rewards: host would receive special benefits for taking the virginity of the Elven princess.

Host would receive 4 tier 7 spars along with the blessing of an Elven princess (Permanent)

Hint: This is the perfect chance to gain the benefits and some pleasure



Host would receive special reward for cucking the protagonist without attracting the backlash from the will of the world.

The reward would appear after completing the previous quest.”


The blessing of an Elven princess: (Permanent)

The affinity towards the nature increased by 2 percent because the power of the princess is low and blood purity of royalty of the original Elven kind is low.

Any elf that met the host would feel a slight connection with good impression towards the host.”


Do you accept the quest host?”

Even though the rewards and everything is great Vicky and the girls had dark face because of the quest.

The system gave out a special explanation seeing the silence of Vicky thinking that it was related to something else.

It was about the rumor that the Elven princess has given her first time to the protagonist.


Host don’t have to worry, the Elven princess is still pure.

She knows about her curse and did not want anyone to know about that.

She truly fell in love with the protagonist and she wanted to live her life peacefully with him.

Unfortunately she could not give him her first time.

But without giving her first time she could not make him into her husband because of the restrictions of the elves.

Also she has to make her husband believe that she has given her first time to him.

For that she made an illusion of giving her first time to the protagonist during their journey.

Then she spread the rumors about her losing her virginity to the protagonist.

Now she is searching for a secret source to lose her virginity so that she can happily marry the protagonist.

She is desperate and she could not believe in anyone from the Elven city.

She has to find a person that is not from the Elven city and that would not pester her about this matter.

For that she even wanted to kill the person that takes her virginity and bury the truth forever….”

Chapter 195: the unexpected choice

“…She has to find a person that is not from the Elven city and that would not pester her about this matter.

For that she even wanted to kill the person that takes her virginity and bury the truth forever.

Host has to be careful till you get out of her hands.

High rewards can only be obtained through hard work and taking risks.


The faces of the 7 people are not good and turned black.

The 6 women have an understanding and they decided to share a capable person like Vicky.

But they don’t want to share him with any other women.

On the other hand Vicky has a different concern.

So he directly said to the system.

“Pinky, I want to put a special restriction.

I don’t want you to give out any quest that would make me share my women with others no matter what.

I don’t want to be cucked by my women and show them off to anyone.

I am a possessive man.

If you do something like that I will simply abandon you.

Do you understand?”

Vicky’s voice was so cold that he really made the system shiver.

But it still gave out the reply.

“Okay boss, the restriction activated.

All this kind of quests would be blocked directly.”

When Vicky heard these words he became even angrier and asked the system.

“If you put on the restriction then that means that this kind of quests exist right.

Pinky tell me, which moron came up with the quests like that.”

The system was silent for a moment and an electronic voice was heard by Vicky.

“The system is temporarily out of service.”

Vicky’s nerves popped but he still held back.

After dealing with the system he turned back towards his women and said.

“The quest is given by the system.

I did not have any control over it.

At least we have the choice of refusing the quest before taking it.

I love all of you and I am possessive enough to not to let any man lay their eyes on you.

Since I am like that I also reciprocate with the similar thoughts backwards.

The choice of this quest that is either taking it or leaving it would be left to you to decide.

I would act based on your thoughts.

This kind of quests should be decided by you for me.”

With what Vicky said the girls immediately began to discuss.

Vicky was not involved in this discussion.

The girls discussed for a while and made an unexpected decision.

They actually wanted Vicky to take the quest.

They are really happy that Vicky loved them possessive about them.

Unlike other men Vicky did not pounce on the chance to fuck any women that come into his eyes without a care.

Also the situation of Elven princess is special and she needs someone to take her virginity.

Since it has to be done by someone any way why not let Vicky take her virginity and get the benefits involved.

Also they saw that Elven princess is a beauty but not as beautiful as them.

Still a beauty is a beauty and they want Vicky to have a little change.

Well they are still conservative women and they would not go for other men.

A woman would go to other men only when she could not relieve her lust with her man.

Vicky is very capable in this matter and all their needs are thoroughly satisfied.

Also Vicky is many times better than many men.

So they would not leave him or cheat him mo matter what.

Instead they wanted Vicky to have some fun and gain some benefits.

They know that the apocalypse land is dangerous and they need more power for the future.

So they made this decision after the discussion.

With that done they called pinky the system.

“Pinky” x6

“Yes mistresses”

“We accept the quest and let Vicky handle it.

But you have to provide a safe path for him to escape successfully.”

Pinky spoke again.

“Don’t worry mistresses, the current level of the Elven princess is only tier 5.

She is not as strong as the host.

So host can easily escape from her after the deed is done.

But host has to mask his power and show only the power of a tier 4 adventurer to make her let her guard down.”

Vicky looked at the women for a moment and found that they did not show any reluctance in their eyes.

So he finally sighed and asked.

“Are you sure?”

The women looked at Vicky and nodded their heads.

Vicky also nodded his head and decided to take the task.

As soon as he accepted it the system gave out the instructions.

“Host; go to the bar called the “Spirit” in one hour and sit on the second stand in front of the bar at 7 PM.”

The time here is different and the shift of day and night is almost the same as back on earth.

The only difference is that there will be a deviation of amount of day and night from 24 to 48 hours in a day.

It is based on the lunar and solar movements of this place.

With the instructions of the system Vicky changed his clothes and reduced his perceivable level of tier 4.

Then he went to the location and sat at there waiting for the things to happen.

Right around 7 PM someone sat beside him on another seat.

The cloak covered the body of the person that could not let other people perceive their gender.

But Vicky was sure that this is the Elven princess.

Here he has to take the initiative and talked like a drunken man.

Vicky started to ramble about his life like he lost many thing and don’t want to live any more while drinking.

This was all the idea of the system to lure her into believing Vicky in sadness and trouble.


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