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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 436: do you know anyone with this kind of personality?

“…But the third Hokage said that there is an emergency at the borders of other hidden villages and lands which is fake news.

He convinced the Senju clan to take the lead to support at those places and promised to send some elite ninja to save the people from the Uzumaki clan.

But he did not send any for several days.

Mito san personally went to third Hokage and said that she would go in person to save your people.

But third Hokage interjected saying that Mito san is old and she is also a jinchūriki.

Only then he sent someone to save your people.

Even then he sent elite force to bring you and the book of seals related to the Uzumaki clan.

He was calculating to get benefits.

Even though the hidden mist village tried to attack you to get the book of seals from you, all they got are some basic level seals that are common in your tribe.

Think about it, a big hidden village like hidden leaf village only saved one person in the entire Uzumaki clan leaving all the other people to die.

Also no other children were saved.

Even if there is only one three man team they can at least save two children.

If they saved another male then the Uzumaki clan can flourish in the hidden leaf village.

But they only saved you and specifically a woman.

Do you know the reason for this?

They simply wanted to have the best person to become the jinchūriki and they want that person to be a woman that can be tied down by the binds of love.

If it was a man then there is chance that this person goes out of the hidden leaf village.

But if it was a woman then they would follow their husband and stay in the village.

But not anyone could become the husband of the jinchūriki.

They need someone that would trust them completely and believes in third Hokage and hidden leave village management unconditionally.

Also he has to be simple minded, naive and righteous even though it was stupidity.

Do you know anyone with this kind of personality?”

When Shizuka asked this question Kushina was dazed for a moment.

This is because she really knows someone like that.

That person is none other than Minato that was close to her just like Shizuka said.

Right at that moment the first crack appeared and the sprout of doubt appeared in the mind of Kushina towards Minato.

All Shizuka has to do is drop in some nutrients and water to grow it into the plant of destruction.

Shizuka gave her time to digest and continued speaking.

“I know that you would not believe me.

So let me prove this to you.

In a few minutes some elite Jonin from Anbu would come here and clear the cloud ninja.

But they would not show any signs of rescuing you.

Instead they would wait till Minato comes here and save you with a lovey-dovey expression.

This was all planned by third Hokage.

Even the information of you being a jinchūriki was spread by third Hokage.

He is also the one that let lose some of the security around you so that the cloud Shinobi captures you.

Actually he did not leave any possible opportunity to tie your heart to the village and support him.

Even if he is not the Hokage any more he will still be the one in power while Minato acts as his puppet.

Now let me help you return the cloud ninja back to normal.

Any way I just knocked them out.

After when Minato rescued you, you can ask him about the plans of third Hokage.

He would tell you everything truthfully.

He is that naive.

I even doubt that he would give you to third Hokage if he asked for…cough…coughs…”

Shizuka vanished in front of Kushina and the cloud ninja slowly stood up.

It is as if they have forgotten what have happened just now.

They took Kushina and started to escape again.

This is the power of the illusion from the Mangekyō Sharingan that Shizuka created right now.

In fact Shizuka did not attack anyone from the cloud Shinobi or stopped Kushina to speak.

In a moment of time they had their entire conversation while they are on the move in an illusionary space that Shizuka created with her Mangekyō Sharingan.

Shizuka wanted Kushina to feel the first hand experience of how third Hokage planned things for her from the very start.

Shizuka has planted a though in the mind of Minato before.

This thought would activate when Kushina asks the question and he would directly tell her everything he knows and what Shizuka wanted him to tell.

With that their love would be completely broken.

What Shizuka has to do is to wait on the side to watch the show.

Finally the heroine Kushina would fall into her hands.

Well there is no one to rely on other than Shizuka for her right now.

Shizuka hid her presence and no one can discover her even if the third Hokage was here.

She stayed on the side and moved along to find out what would happen.

Soon the Anbu ninja suddenly appeared around the cloud Shinobi and they started a fight.

During this time Kushina’s life was threatened many times but every time they would move away at a hair’s gap.

It was as if they purposefully wanted to scare her.

Her eyes changed slowly from the previous fear to numbness as she looked at the situation.

Right around that time one of the weakest cloud ninja that was severely injured ran towards her shouting.

“If cloud village did not get you, the hidden leaf village would not get you either.”

He ran towards her wanting to kill.

Right then Minato appeared in front of her like it was a staged drama.

He fought with the ninja fiercely and finally saved Kushina after killing him….”

Chapter 437: why do you want to protect me?

“…Right then Minato appeared in front of her like it was a staged drama.

He fought with the ninja fiercely and finally saved Kushina after killing him.

If it was Kushina that did not know their plan to scare her into freezing right now, she would have really fallen in love with Minato.

But now she felt that everything around her was pre planed show just to make her fall in love with Minato.

Her doubts grew bigger and bigger.

Minato as if he was a naive fool made some poses saving Kushina and then tried to princess carry her back to the village.

Kushina refused his help and even refused to let him touch her.

She was disgusted by the entire thing.

Minato and the Anbu on the other hand thought that she was scared and acting like this as self protection.

The Anbu stayed back to take care of the things but from the start to the end they did not speak to Minato or took a look at Kushina.

Minato told her that they should return back to the hidden leaf village.

Then they moved on.

Third Hokage’s telescopic technique would not be able to let him see all the way till here.

He can barely see the things in the hidden leaf village and some surroundings.

That is a certain radius of distance from him as a center.

While they are going back to the hidden leaf village, Kushina suddenly asked Minato.

“Minato, tell me the truth.

Did all the previous incidents that you saved me and met me accidentally,

Were they all created by third Hokage?”

As soon as she asked this Minato was dazed for a moment.

Immediately the thought that Shizuka planted has triggered.

Well he is an honest man from the beginning.

So he has no resistance to speak the truth when Kushina, the person he loved asked him to tell her the truth.

So he immediately started to talk about the incident that happened with him and the third Hokage.

“When you first arrived at the hidden leaf village, I fell in love with you.

At that time I was performing well and third Hokage wanted to talk to me.

While speaking to him I told him that I liked you.

So he said that he would support me to pursue you.

From then on every time you are in trouble someone from the third Hokage would signal me to save you.

Well at the start it was senior Shizuka Uchiha saved you a few times before I have a chance to get close to you.

Later third Hokage said that the Uchiha people are not good and he would send senior Shizuka away so that you would be safe from falling into Uchiha clans hands.

After that senior Shizuka was sent to the war with senior Tsunade.

From then on I saved you from all kinds of trouble.

This way we can become close to each other.....”

The more she listened the more Kushina became aware that she was tricked into loving Minato.

Most probably all the troubles that she had were caused by third Hokage provoking to create opportunity for Minato to show off in front of her.

Her mind immediately became complicated.

She understood that Shizuka is originally saving her for real.

But later she was diverted by the third Hokage and Minato took the place from her.

She became sad that she actually suspected the person that is really helping her and believed in wolves that should be her enemies.

The more she thought about this the sadder she became.

But she concealed it as she moved on back to the hidden leaf village.

While moving she heard the voice of Shizuka.

“Kushina I will meet you back at the hidden leaf village later.

Don’t worry; I will be there to protect you at all times.”

Shizuka said and her voice vanished.

Pearl tears fell down her eyes for a moment listening to the voice of Shizuka as she wiped them quickly without the knowledge of Minato.

They returned back to the village.

After speaking to third Hokage she returned back to her home.

She took a bath and wanted to rest but she was unable to sleep.

There are people monitoring her house.

But suddenly they all fell into Genjutsu,

Shizuka walked into the house of Kushina and appeared in her bed room.

She suddenly woke up sensing that someone came into her bedroom.

She was alert from the incident that just happened yesterday with the cloud ninja.

But when she looked at the person her guard dropped.

She is 13 years old and she looked very beautiful.

Shizuka came over and sat beside her bed on a chair and looked at her without blinking for a few minutes.

Kushina was also looking at Shizuka.

Then she finally spoke.

“I am sorry that I could not interfere with your things before to cause you to have this heart breaking situation.

But I am not strong enough.

Even now there are enemies strong enough just hiding behind and playing the lord.

I need another 2 years of time to become strong enough to defy all the people in this ninja world.

Till then I can only protect you from the shadows and not in the open.”

Kushina was moved but she has one doubt.

She was cheated once by Minato and third Hokage.

She doesn’t want to be cheated again and trust anyone blindly.

So she asked directly.

“You are not from Senju clan or Uzumaki clan,

You should be from the Uchiha clan, so why granny Mito asked you to protect me and sister Tsunade.”

Shizuka smile and made a hand seal.

Immediately the flower pot on the side, as if it was given a stimulant started to grow and a bunch of flowers bloomed.

The eyes of Kushina widened.

“You know wood style,

How is that even possible?”

Shizuka smiled and started to speak slowly.

Chapter 438: chatting with Hazuki

“You know wood style,

How is that even possible?”

Shizuka smiled and started to speak slowly.

“I am an orphan in the Uchiha clan with my parents died after my birth.

But it is a lie.

My father is the current head of the Uchiha clan Ryo Uchiha and my mother is from the Senju clan.

She is the secret mistress of my cheap father.

She died giving birth to me and later my cheap father left me in the orphanage covering up the traces that leads to a scandal on his life.

So technically I inherited the bloodlines from both Senju clan and Uchiha clan.

Mito san, knows about this and she also knows that third Hokage is plotting against the Senju clan just like he did with the Uzumaki clan before.

Well he did not do anything directly to the Uzumaki clan but went to steal things when their home is burning.

Senju clan originally opposed Sarutobi Hiruzen taking over the seat of the Hokage.

It was Mito san that helped him take the seat but he still held the grudge against the Senju clan.

But he could not act rashly.

So he waited until Mito san died and wanted to separate you from the Senju clan.

With the jinchūriki supporting him, he can use the provocation tactics to kill off all the Senju clan members or at least the main bloodline to quench his anger and grudge towards the Senju clan.

He wanted you to stabilize his position as Hokage or at least the power of Hokage is still in his hands even if he is not the Hokage.

As for my reason it is simply I like you and Tsunade along with Mikoto, Hazuki and Himeko.

I like you not as friends but as my woman.

So I tried to protect you.

It is not bad to love many beautiful women.

Why should I let the beautiful and kind hearted woman to fall into the hands of those idiots?

Beauties are mine alone and no one has right to take them away from me.

Just for this thing alone I am trying to become strong enough to fight against the entire ninja world.

I am a bitch and I want my women to become bitches like me.

I want my women to enjoy the life instead of worrying about a stupid man all their lives.


Shizuka said with her eyes burning with ambition.

Kushina did not know how to react to her words.

Her face turned red when she heard the words of becoming a bitch.

She was happy that she loves her,

She was happy that she called her beauty,

She was happy that she wanted to protect her with her life.

She was happy that she is becoming strong enough to fight against the entire ninja word for her.

But she is sad because Shizuka likes many beauties and she is one of them.

Also the thing of becoming a bitch has excited her a little.

Well she cannot break away from her as she is the best person she could find that is not lying to her and told the truth.

She is simple minded and she likes honest people.

So she likes Shizuka very much.

As for becoming a bitch, if Shizuka wants her to become a bitch then she would become a bitch.

She was excited about this too.

This is the influence of a title that Shizuka possess and the pervert patch.


After speaking to her Shizuka left back to the battle field.

Right now every available member is taken to war.

The main Uchiha people are not going to war but few of them went to war too.

Hazuki did not like wars and fighting but she did not have a choice.

She is just a Chunin and she only awakened single tomoe Sharingan.

She also came to the war along with her team.

She is a love brain woman.

For this very reason she liked an ordinary ninja that saved her life during the war and married him.

She is around 18 years of age right now.

Shizuka knows that it was the perfect time to get her.

As a medical ninja she would usually get in touch with many people.

So this time she specifically waited to get Hazuki that came for treatment after being injured.

Of course there is a beauty here then other medical ninja would want to hog in on her.

But this time they did not do that.

This is because Shizuka specifically used the thought implantation of the Sharingan to make them send Hazuki to her when she comes for treatment.

When she arrived into the room for treatment, Shizuka was checking the medical record of some patients.

Hazuki did not look down on Shizuka like other clansmen because she doesn’t like fighting and Shizuka is a medical ninja.

It is quite in line with her thought of being a rich house wife instead of fighting all the time.

Also Shizuka was very handsome and his appearance is top of the line.

Shizuka on the other hand looked at her with surprised eyes and said.

“Senior Hazuki, it has been a long time.

How are you doing?

Do you need healing?”

Shizuka asked with a gentle smile.

This made Hazuki skip a heartbeat.

She is not into women but when looking at Shizuka there is a strange attraction.

She blushed and came to Shizuka to show her hand that was cut and bandaged in the first aid.

Shizuka simply held her hand and she thought that her hand would cause pain.

But she only felt the warmth that slowly made her feel happy as the injury completely healed as if it did not exist from the very beginning.

Then they started to chat with each other.

During this time Shizuka was not disturbed.

Even if someone wanted her attention Shizuka just produced a shadow clone to take care of it as she spoke to her.

Chapter 439: popularity of Shizuka among women

During this time Shizuka was not disturbed.

Even if someone wanted her attention Shizuka just produced a shadow clone to take care of it as she spoke to her.

While chatting she opened up saying that she did not like war and wanted to stay at home after marriage.

Shizuka smiled and mixed her thoughts with her words and they simply got along well.

Shizuka then suggested her if she wanted to return back to the village with fake medical condition.

With her certification no one would check her again and she can happily go back home and rest.

She was really moved.

Well Shizuka doesn’t want her to fall in love with some stupid ninja.

She is even more beautiful than Izumi.

She could not leave such a beauty in the hands of some good for nothing idiot.

With Shizuka suggestion and caring words she was really moved and her favorability towards him increased by another notch.

She took a medical certificate and return back to report to her superior.

In the certificate it was mentioned that some of the nerves in her hand are damaged and she cannot perform ninjutsu or fight in physical fight.

With this medical evaluation she was useless in the battle field.

All she can do is to serve as a cannon fodder.

Because of that she was relieved to go back to the hidden leaf village with the next batch of supplies.

She was reluctant to leave the side of Shizuka.

But she was convinced by Shizuka that she would visit her later.

After that Shizuka continued with her world.

During this time she wanted to confirm few things.

First of all she invited Mikoto out during one of the times to sneak out.

“Mikoto, tell me do you love me.”

Mikoto was silent and did not answer this question.

But her eyes gave out the answer.

“Tell me if the clan asked you to marry me, will you marry me.”

Shizuka asked this question and she did not say anything again.

Well under normal circumstances no clan would as for two women to marry.

There are always special circumstances.

But her eyes showed longing and wish that it was real.

She feared that if she said yes Shizuka would ask the clansman to marry her to her.

She was already betrothed to Fugaku.

Now marrying her to Shizuka is no different than offending the head of the clan.

She doesn’t want anything to happen to Shizuka.

So she remained silent.

Taking her silence as the acceptance Shizuka asked her to look into his eyes.

She reluctantly looked into the eyes of Shizuka.

Their immediately turned red and then one tomoe, second tomoe and finally the third tomoe appeared startling her.

But it did not stop there.

The three tomoe started to rotate and rotate finally merging into one forming a star like symbol that is rapidly rotating in her eyes.

This startled Mikoto very much.

She knows that Shizuka has Sharingan and she is hiding it.

But she never expected that she opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

With this she was sure that Shizuka is strong enough to ask her hand in marriage.

But still it would be complicated.

She doesn’t want Shizuka to suffer after becoming so strong just for her.

But her attitude stayed strong and rejected Shizuka but her eyes have reluctance.

She opened the three tomoe Sharingan right at that moment thinking that she would lose her beloved forever after rejecting her today.

This grievance has made her feel so sad that it made her opened the three tomoe Sharingan directly.

Well if things go on like this and Shizuka lost her life in front of her.

Then she would definitely open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

That is how much she loved her.

Shizuka smiled at her instead her mind but only showed reluctance to her on her face.

She wanted her to have a surprise later.

After talking to her Shizuka went to invite Himeko for a chat and the result is the same.

She was even more surprised to see that Shizuka has awakened that the great Madara Uchiha that is called as a god awakened.

She was more optimistic than Mikoto about Shizuka.

Even though she rejected her, she was sure that Shizuka understood her point and would come for her.


After parting from Himeko, Shizuka returned to the battle field.

Then she took leave to visit back the village officially.

She was going to meet with Hazuki.

This way she would be able to divert the attention of many people.

As long as Shizuka becomes couple with Hazuki, then third Hokage would feel relieved as Shizuka would not come for Kushina.

Because of the appearance of Shizuka the concept of women love became a common thing in the village in the upper circle.

They did not think of it as strange.

Most probably it is related to the power of the fantasy system’s perverted patch that is making the move.

Ryo Uchiha would feel relieved that Shizuka would not come after his daughter in law.

The head of the Hyuga clan would be relieved that his daughter in law is not getting close to Shizuka.

These people are all on the edge during this time.

It is especially so for Mikoto and Himeko that was very close to Shizuka.

They even prepared all the things for their wedding as soon as they turned 18.

For Mikoto, Fugaku is already ready, for Himeko, Hiashi was chosen as the next head of the clan.

They were anxious because Shizuka was more handsome then the chosen partners.

At the same time her job is mostly risk free and very profitable without any life risks as a doctor and medical ninja.

Because of this reason most girls would prefer a person like Shizuka over many other people.

If she were a man then the popularity among women would be even higher.

For this very reason they are fear that the women would rebel against them and go away with Shizuka.

Chapter 440: eating 3 tailed beast

If she were a man then the popularity among women would be even higher.

For this very reason they are fear that the women would rebel against them and go away with Shizuka.

Well Shizuka also has a special status as the disciple of a powerful ninja like Tsunade.

Also she might even get a chance to become Hokage with the trust that third Hokage shows.

Because of these reasons they would not be able to fight back with Shizuka’s background.

So they are a little anxious.


Now Shizuka came back to the village and started to hang out with Hazuki.

Many people witnessed this and the rumors started spread.

With these rumors the anxious people have their hearts calmed down.

But they would never expect that Shizuka would hit on more than one woman at the same time.

Well they don’t know her plan at all.

After few days Shizuka returned back to the battle field as the number of injured has increased exponentially.

Also Tsunade cannot handle the situation because of her blood phobia.

Shizuka has other thoughts right now.

It is about the tailed beasts.

She heard rumors before that the gold and silver brothers of the hidden cloud village were able to eat the flesh of the nine tailed fox and gain some of its power like a jinchūriki.

This gave her the idea that how it would feel like eating the tailed beasts.

She was especially interested in the turtle three tails.

She is going to have too many women so he needs to have a strong virility to satisfy them all.

Well she can grow a dick and it also needs support to play with many women.

She heard that the eating turtles can improve the good thing of a man.

So she was very interested in this matter.

Because of this she left a clone here and started her journey towards the hidden mist village.

Any way the tailed beast should recover again after three years.

She would kill it and eat it now.

If everything is alright then she would go for other tailed beasts.

As for the nine tails she doesn’t have to worry immediately.

She will slowly take her time to eat.

Also the 10 tails should be a tree in its original form.

So it is eatable.

Well compared to the strange things that the people in Harry potter drop in their potions and drink, it is not strange at all.

All she has to do is to find a way to eat the 10 tails.

With this thought Shizuka reached the hidden mist village and started to search for the strong chakra signature.

But she could not find any.

She thought that this should be hidden in a barrier.

So the second solution is to use the Sharingan to enquire.

With this enquiry she got the information.

Currently there is no three tails jinchūriki.

Instead it was specifically kept in a big lake on the biggest island of the hidden mist village.

There it was being restricted by a strong barrier.

This barrier is actually a stolen sealing art from the Uzumaki clan.

So Shizuka was very familiar with this thing.

She observed the 3 tails that is sleeping on a small island at the center of the huge lake.

It was quite big.

Shizuka was sure that she cannot eat it directly.

But cooking such a big thing needs time.

She wanted to cut it into small pieces but there is a problem.

It has a strong shell and it is hard to cut.

With her Sharingan he can stop it from moving and doing thing.

She can make it obediently become food for Shizuka.

This is what she is going to do later.

But she did not bring any good ingredients with her so he would take all the useful meat and then store it in a sealing paper.

Then she would take it back, cook it into various dishes and eat it.

Just thinking about this is making her mouth water.

So she immediately got into action.

She first used few things to attract the attention of the three tails.

When it surfaced he directly used the Sharingan to control its body.

With that she binds it into a sealing formation that would restrict all of its movements that it would make from the pain of dissection.

Also Shizuka appeared in the appearance of Obito right now so the suspicion would go to another person.

She first opened the shell cutting it from the sides.

Because of the modification she done in the formation around no one would know what is happening inside.

Till she reached the end she did not let the beast die.

After collecting all the meat that is useful she finally killed it.

She has already stored the meat in a sealing paper and put it in system space.

So it would not go away.

As soon as it was killed the remains of the beast started to shine brightly and started to vanish into light spots.

It became strong chakra and spread through the place immediately.

Shizuka sighed as she completed the storing process before.

If she let the things go and did not store the meat before then everything would vanish immediately.

She first went to collect some ingredients from the surrounding villages and returned back the land of fire to get more ingredients.

With the meat collected Shizuka moved to a mountain region with not many people around.

Then she started to cook soup and other dishes with the meat that she obtained.

The meat of the tailed beasts is so tasty that Shizuka was in heaven.

She cooked all the meat into many dishes and stored them in sealing papers for eating them slowly.

She then remembered that the hidden cloud village has the fan from the Uchiha clan.

This should be a heat controlling artifact.

Getting it might let her make delicious food even tastier.


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