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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 151: Harry and Ron threatening Jonathan to release Sirius black

The Merlin’s treasure map is one of the most important things for Jonathan.

It can let him find the location of the Merlin’s treasure along with knowledge that can lead him to the origin of magic.

This is what Jonathan wanted to get.

Well Jonathan decided to go to the court hearing as he has nothing to do for the next month other than his research and women.

Dumbledore is completely on his side in this matter.

But he cannot be biased as Sirius is one of the members of the order of phoenix.

So he decided to stay out of this matter.

That means he did not help any side.

Jonathan did not put the case on and he did not try to do anything to save Sirius about this matter.

Instead of that another article was published saying that Harry potter and Ron Weasley have actually threatened Jonathan to save Sirius.

This article was baseless and Dumbledore asked Jonathan about this matter along with few Aurors that came to investigate.

Jonathan stated that they did not threaten him.

To be more precise Jonathan stated that they are not strong enough to threaten him with their measly power.

But his politeness and power standing won their hearts.

They felt that their savior that is Harry potter is weak like a duckling compared to Jonathan that is like a true phoenix.

Well they did not say anything out loud but Dumbledore perceived their thoughts.

But he was not worried as Harry potter is the only one that can kill Voldemort and remain as the savior.

He has already made his plans and he told Jonathan about these things too.

Jonathan agreed to not to interfere about this matters with Harry potter as long as he did not purposefully come to do some twerking in front of him.

Well Jonathan is not into men.

He only likes women and beautiful ones at that.


Even though the Aurors and the ministry of magic gave an explanation of the article related to Harry and Ron threatening Jonathan, it did not reach to the public properly as they intended.

The article that Harry and Ron threatening Jonathan was on the front page with highlights while the article about the clarification is somewhere in a corner that could not be seen by any one.

Or it was simply over looked as some stupid advertisement.

It is clear that the media is not on the side of Sirius but on the side of Jonathan.

The reason for this is Jonathan is their shareholder and a person with strong power in many fields.

Not just power but connections or roots in all the things.

If they did something out of the line they would be facing a financial disaster at their front doors.

Jonathan did not give them any statement or word.

But it is a silent rule to save the person that can give you benefits and also ruin you when you cross the line.

So they directly took the side of Jonathan.

The wizards did not have the habit of watching TV to let the ministry make a live show.

So all things settled easily by themselves without the interference of Jonathan.

Well Rita has said a few words and made anonymous articles in his favor.

That is the reason why Jonathan pulled her into his side.

Well she is also a beauty that was not recognized from the original world.

Most probably the writer did not want the characters to be more beautiful based on their personal characteristics.

The choice of the cast and description is very different from the people here.

Harry and Ron never looked like saviors.

They looked like sissy boys that would get on their knees to beg the moment they were commanded.

It is funny how Harry was actually called a savior.

Without his glasses he might never hit a target properly and even then he is still the savior which is simply stupid.

May be this world itself has a problem with selection.

Well he is not strong enough to see how the will of this world looked like but he was sure that it was as damn as its choice of people to become its saviors.

But there is one thing that Jonathan is really happy about.

Most of the girls that are in the main or support roles are hot chicks.

This taste of the will of the world can be called perfect if he wanted to complement it.


Soon it was time for the trail in the court about Sirius black.

Dumbledore pitched in the money to save Sirius black for the damages he caused to the news paper office.

Sirius knows that he could not get any job or anything with his current reputation.

With his current situation he can only file a law suit to get a part of inheritance from the black family.

Only this way he can survive.

If not, he can only die like a street dog or beggar with hunger.

So he made the claim right in front of minister of magic when the case of him stealing from Jonathan was mentioned.

“I am from the black family and I am titled to a part of the inheritance from the black family.”

The minister of magic wanted to consider.

He feared the power of Jonathan and wanted to balance it out with Sirius black.

Jonathan at that time passed on a letter to the judge that is the minister of magic with a calm smile.

It is like the calm before the storm.

Dolores did not dare to utter even a single word all this time.

When she looked at Jonathan, she felt like being looked at by an existence where she can only be an ant.

She really doesn’t want to mess things up and lose what she built for so long.

Minister took the letter and opened the seal to read the letter with the seal of black family.

Chapter 152: the Will from Walburga black

She really doesn’t want to mess things up and lose what she built for so long.

Minister took the letter and opened the seal to read the letter with the seal of black family.

Immediately the letter flew out of his hand and an old voice that is filled of authority came from the letter.

“I am Walburga black, writing this will in perfect health condition.

Because of the acts of my son Sirius black that did not act like a person with noble bloodline and went to fight for others disregarding his own family,

Namely, me his mother, his wife and his new born son,

We have decided to banish him from the black family and remove his name from the genealogy record of black family completely.

This decision is made with the support of all the black family elders that are currently living.



(The voices of acceptance of other black family elders is recorded)

As of now Sirius would no longer have black family name and is not entitled to any form of inheritance from the black family.

Since he was born in the black family,

We are leaving 100 gold galleons in the hands of Gringotts for his living expenses as the last pity.

This decision cannot be interfered with anyone including the ministry of magic or the heir of black family Jonathan black.


This is actually a true letter that Walburga black made before she died to reduce any possible problems for Jonathan just in case.

Well as a mother she knows the character of Sirius black the most.

So she made this preparation.

She gave the letter to Jonathan and told him to use it if one day Sirius comes to get a part of the inheritance.

Originally Jonathan doesn’t want to use this and wanted to have an extra helper in the order of phoenix.

But now this has changed because of the bitching nature of Sirius black.

So he decided to present the letter to the ministry of magic directly shattering all the dreams of Sirius black to enjoy his carefree life with money from inheritance.

Fortunately Jonathan had this letter if not that cunning minister fudge would have made Jonathan give out half of black family’s wealth.

The words in the letter including the minister of magic did not have the right to interfere really hit his nerves.

But he really did not have the right to meddle into family affairs.

This news about Sirius trying to force Jonathan to hand over the inheritance of the black family would be in the new articles in the evening and tomorrow’s morning edition.

Well Rita Skeeter is already here recording everything.

She even added some extra points to spice up the things.

After hearing the letter the letter fell down on the desk.

Jonathan then waved his wand to take the letter back and said.

“If there is nothing else, I would like to leave here sir.

I have already seen enough shamelessness for one day.

I will be at the honey dukes to get some candy to change my mood.”

Jonathan said to Dumbledore but not minister of magic and left without looking back.

No one stopped him.

He is on the moral high ground.

While he is leaving a beetle flew over and fell on his shoulder.

“My little beetle, be a good girl and spice the things up okay.

As payment I will give you a good massage later

He told to the beetle that is Rita Skeeter.”

Well he wanted to give her a good massage now but Dumbledore would come to take him back to Hogwarts after this.

So he could not play around.

But she can always come to Hogsmeade and get some good things done.

With that planned Rita Skeeter left happily after getting her present from Jonathan.

It was her favorite treat from honey dukes.

Jonathan bought few more of the things which are discounted for him because he is a share holder of this store.

He got them and waited for Dumbledore.

He did not wait long only half an hour.

Dumbledore took him back to Hogwarts.

Actually he can apparate back to Hogwarts on his own but he don’t want to show too much of his capabilities right now.

Sebastian contacted Jonathan in that half an hour and Jonathan gave him a few treats and told him to give them to Kreacher, wily, dobby and Winky.

As for Sebastian he did not like these small treats.

He likes red wine and appreciates high class food.

So Jonathan gave him some money to get what he wanted and enjoy for the day.

This is an appreciation for all of his hard work and dedication.


After returning to Hogwarts Jonathan did not say much to Dumbledore and went straight to his dorm.

That evening the news paper came with all the details related to the trail of Sirius black.

It is a hot topic and many people are following this news.

Harry, Ron and Hermione did not get to go to the trail so they don’t know what happened.

They did not ask Jonathan and sending letter to Sirius did not give him any reply.

So they waited for the news paper where the spiced up article of Sirius was revealed.

“Sirius black is no longer a black.”

“Sirius was kicked out of the black family.”

“Sirius the shameless father wants to steal the inheritance from his son Jonathan black”

Just like this there are many titles.

This means that Sirius is no longer from black family.

The detailed explanation and the will of the mother of Sirius black was also mentioned clearly.

With everything on the show Harry, Ron and Hermione were shocked.

Actually Harry and Ron were still thinking that Sirius was right and Jonathan was wrong.

Hermione has a different thought.

She thought that Jonathan hid that letter for so long so that he could be with his father.

Chapter 153: Sirius is broke and wants to borrow from Harry potter

Hermione has a different thought.

She thought that Jonathan hid that letter for so long so that he could be with his father.

But now there is no choice but to reveal that letter because of the actions of Sirius black wanting to take everything from Jonathan.

That is not all he was still in convicted state for the violation of ministry of magic rules about Animagus.

He is an illegal Animagus.

So it is natural.

To apply to become a legal Animagus he has to pay the charges along with the penalty which amounts up to 60 gold galleons.

Well he would still be left with 40 gold galleons with which he should live his entire life.

It is not hard if he was able to take the Weasley family as example.

They are living with 1 gold galleon for most of their expenses.

He is just one person so he can easily live and considered rich comparing to Weasley family.

Well that is if he lived a proper frugal life along with finding a job.

If not then he would only be the loser and die like a dog.

With his plead it was quickly arranged to get his money from Gringotts and the process of Animagus legalization was done quickly.

His plan is to leach off the women that he was close to before.

Unfortunately he did not know that most of the women that are close to him are already married and lost their interest in him long ago.

Well he lived in Azkaban for 10 years and the rumors of him being completely broke is already in the news.

Which women in the right mind want to invite a street dog to fuck her and let it leach off her?

Well there are some perverted women that would do that.

But these kinds of women are usually greasy and ugly to the point that Sirius black would not even want to look at them.

The people in the order of phoenix have already started to avoid him.

The only person that can still support him is none other than Harry potter.

With his utmost stupidity he would definitely support Sirius black with a few good words.

Jonathan has a plan set up for this as well.

Harry potter and even his father might seem like good people but they are all the same and they through their weight around in the name of greater good nonsense.

His father played the pranks along with Sirius and flirted with many women.

There is a situation where he removed the clothes of Snape in the school grounds for some arguments.

Don’t you thing his death is self inflicted.

He even calls himself a Gryffindor that stands on the side of justice.

A person who could not understand the feelings of others is actually showing it off as goodness and justice.

But the beauties like lily would fall into the embrace of such a morally degenerate characters.

Well you can consider Dumbledore that said to have turned new leaf.

The bad guys show their dark side outside while the good guys do the things in the dark while maintaining their good status and appearance.

If lily and James were still alive then they should have taken a divorce by now because of the flirty nature of James potter.

He might have reduced his ways to the dark side to get the love of lily.

But it is by no means completely removed.

He would still revert back to his past self at any possible chance when his love or lust towards lily subdues.

Jonathan can only pity lily for believing in this kind of moron.

Well if he could Jonathan would definitely pull her into his side even if she is a married women like Narcissa.

Even he could not bring back dead.

That is how beautiful she actually is.

She is red haired with big tits and ass with a very trusting personality that a perfect wife should have.

Who would not desire a perfect wife that would be willing to sacrifice her life for her love without even a moment of hesitation?

He was so interested in Hermione because she has the similar temperament to lily.

Even though she did not have the red hair but she is still beautiful and thoughtful like lily with her own unique personality.

Jonathan would not let her fall into the hands of that snot nosed Weasley moRON and get sullied.

Well Sirius did not have any were to go and Harry potter would definitely sponsor him.

Since Jonathan was there in the same room he could see the letters that Harry is receiving and it is not hard to read what letters he received with some magic in place.

As Jonathan expected that very evening after the Animagus recording is done, Sirius black received letter from Harry.

It is a letter saying that he wanted to borrow 10 thousand gold galleons from Harry to start off some business.

Fortunately the next day is Sunday and Harry can go to Hogsmeade.

From there Sirius can take Harry to Diagon alley though apparition.

Then he can borrow the money he wanted from Harry.

He even replied that he is willing.

Jonathan really doubts if Harry is really a man sometimes.

Well he did have a dick based on the loud mouth Ron’s words which is average in their words.

But Jonathan thinks that they are limp dicked idiots.

Many be Harry was attracted to the charm of Sirius black.

Well the reason for Jonathan’s doubt is that even after marriage in the original plot Harry is the one doing house chores while Ginny would happily play the house with him.

Jonathan has to see the future to know the exact details but for now he would keep things at that.

Jonathan has sent a letter to Sebastian with new instructions.

It is about stealing the money from Sirius black after he borrows money from Harry.

Chapter 154: Merlin’s treasure can wait

Jonathan has sent a letter to Sebastian with new instructions.

It is about stealing the money from Sirius black after he borrows money from Harry.

It is an easy job for a house elf.

Also it is not known to anyone including dobby and Winky.

As for Jonathan something good has happened to him after dealing with Sirius black.

He got the map to Merlin’s treasure.

It won’t be easy to find.

But with the Map Jonathan can take the first steps into the general direction.

Also Jonathan did not have any good impression of Merlin.

He is a deceitful person that played with the love of Morgan le Fay in the name of pulling her towards her love that is King Arthur a dumb numbskull.

He did not understand the one who loved him and he did not understand who his wife loved.

All in all he is the greatest cuck that is chosen by gods and Merlin to carry out the establishment of the empire of greed and deceit.

Well it doesn’t matter.

The Merlin’s treasure seems to be buried in a lake in Scotland.

But there seems to be something wrong.

It showed that there is a castle by the lake and a mountain.

But in normal maps there is no mountain or castle in this place.

Jonathan wanted to go there and check but it is not the time for that.

He cannot just leave in the middle of the school.

Well Dumbledore would not mind letting him have a trip but still it is better to do things as discretely as possible.

He did not trust Dumbledore in the slightest.

Even though he is showing favor towards Jonathan if things changes he would definitely makes Jonathan scapegoat like he did with Snape and others to rectify his mistakes.

Jonathan has free time now but he has to scout the things more before making his plans.

Merlin is the worst and the system is as cunning as these old people.

If by chance there is Merlin’s ghost that wanted to take over his body and the system directly accepted it then there would be nothing left of Jonathan.

So he cannot rush to do things.

Right now his body and mind are well developed but he needs to improve his spirit.

For the Yule ball he has to use a special spell that needs a strong spirit.

Only that way can he can dance with all of his women at the same.

For that he needs the guidance of the creatures that are close to the spirits.

The best creatures to find are actually the fairies.

In order to meet them Jonathan has to enter the forbidden forest.

Pixie and doxy are just the sub species of these fairies.

What Jonathan needed to meet is an actual fairy.

He has to gain the trust of pixies of doxies to gain the access to the location of the fairies.

With his body nature that is close to the nature he can easily get close to them.

But his humanoid appearance is the biggest problem.

That is the reason why the real fairies did not appear in front of the humans.

Only a very kind person with a pure heart can get close to the real fairies.

The real fairies are capable of human speech and they have very strong connection to magic unlike the pixies and doxies.

But to get started Jonathan has to go and meet Hagrid.

Jonathan cannot just barge in to the forbidden forest.

Well he can go but it is better to know the location of the pixies which would reduce the time for searching.

Pixies can make little pranks but they would not cause major damages but doxies are very naughty and can cause some really damages through their pranks.

In the original plot there seems to be many situations where fairies are mentioned but most of the cases they are just pixies.

While thinking Jonathan went out of his dorm and went to the school grounds all the way to Hagrid’s hut.



Jonathan knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me Hagrid, Jonathan black.”

Hagrid did not come over to open the door and said.

“I a busy right now could you come some other time.”

It is clear that Hagrid did not want to meet with Jonathan or help Jonathan.

Jonathan sighed and said while leaving.

“It is really stupid to believe in friends and help them.

When you actually need something they would shy away saying various reason.

Truly in this world there are no true friends that would help back after receiving help.

Well the world is full of scum….

Well another wrong friend I presume…”

Jonathan left with these words and Hagrid clearly heard these words and opened his door wanting to call for Jonathan.

Well he did receive from Jonathan twice now.

One removed the blame on his name and the other saved Buckbeak.

He was ashamed of himself of the way he treated Jonathan right now.

He could be no different than those people in Slytherin that he hates the most.

Even after he opened his door Jonathan did not look back and walked away without turning back.

“Jonathan, wait.

Tell me what do you want?”

He called and Jonathan turned back to look and said.

“No need, Professor Hagrid.

I know you are really busy with your work about teaching students.

I will look into the things on my own.

Sorry to disturb you.

I will not disturb you again.”

Jonathan said the harsh words with sweet and innocent smile.

Then left without even turning back to look at Hagrid even after he called Jonathan many times.

Hagrid has already read the news paper about how Sirius talked about in the court and how things went.

He went to ask Dumbledore what is happening and found that Jonathan is not at the fault here.

Also he knows the carefree nature of Sirius.

Chapter 155: meeting Luna unexpectedly in the forbidden forest

He went to ask Dumbledore what is happening and found that Jonathan is not at the fault here.

Also he knows the carefree nature of Sirius.

But Sirius is his friend and wanted to stick to him instead of Jonathan that Harry and Ron hate.

But after finding about the good deeds of Jonathan from the mouth of Dumbledore he has conflicted opinion.

Finally he chose to stand on the side of Sirius.

But he seems to have forgotten that he got help from Jonathan and the debt is not paid back.

Jonathan will not ask about it now.

But when they come to him for help again he would get the things that should be paid.

Jonathan directly went towards the forbidden forest.

On the way he has a fortunate encounter with Luna.

Jonathan really forgot about her.

She is the only other person that can get close to the magical creatures easily and knows more about their location.

“Luna, what are you searching here for?”

Luna lifted her strange looking glasses that are shining with different colors and answered.

“I have been searching for new magical creatures that can be published in my father’s news papers.”

Jonathan walked over to her and said.

“Can you help me with finding some pixies in the forbidden forest?

I have to ask them some questions.”

Luna looked at Jonathan for a moment with her dazed eyes and said.

“Do you want to find the real fairies?”

Jonathan smiled and hugged Luna directly.

“You really are an intelligent person.

You are correct.

I want to find the real fairies and wanted to know if I can learn some spirit protection magic from them.

I am in urgent need of some spirit protection magic.”

Luna did not push Jonathan away and let him hold her tightly while thinking about something.

Jonathan knows that it would take some time for her to think of the things.

So he transfigured the stone on the side into a rockery chair and sat on it while still holding Luna in his arms.

She is sitting quietly on his lap in a warm embrace.

She is not wearing any shoes and her white feet were hanging because she is a little short even when sitting on Jonathan’s lap.

Jonathan felt a peace of mind when he held on to Luna as he closed his eyes.

After a few moments Luna turned towards Jonathan and said.

“I know where the pixies are.

But I don’t know if they would take you to the fairies.

The fairies are seriously hunted before and they are hiding for survival.

Also what are you going to exchange them with to get their spirit magic arts?”

She asked with her hands around Jonathan’s neck.

Even thought she acts like a lunatic, she is still a woman and even she can blush about some things.

Jonathan heard her and directly kissed her.

She reciprocated back without a word and her hold around his next has tightened.

After a passionate kiss Jonathan stopped and said.

“I don’t know what to pay them.

But gaining the spirit protection magic is important to solve many big problems.

I heard that pixies like sweet things and small house like things.

So I am going to think of these things to repay them.

Well I have to talk to them first.

Even though I don’t know their language there is something that would be able to ease their minds.


After saying that Jonathan carried Luna in his arms like a princess and waved his hand to turn the chair back into a rock.

Then he said.

“Now tell me the way,

I will carry you.

I could not see your smooth legs getting all bruised up because of walking bare footed.

Any way you are as light as a feather.

It seems like you are not eating enough supplement and food to grow up.

Remember this I want you to have big tits, big ass and thin waist with long hair.

If you did not maintain this figure, I will punish you and make you go on a diet without any cakes till you turn out as I said.

You are my girl and you should be as beautiful as me.

I don’t want others to say anything you comparing with others and make you sad.

Be a good girl, eat and exercise as I have told you before.”

She was embarrassed to say anything.

She hid her face on the side of his shoulder and said in the soft voice.

“Okay, I will eat well and exercise as you said.”

“Good girl.

Now point the direction and we will go there quickly.”

She silently pointed the directions while Jonathan nimbly moved around jumping around the ground and roots.

Finally they came to a small lake side with strange hive like structure under the roots.

There are small flying creatures that looked humanoid and flying around the area with their buzzing sound.

Jonathan came over to them and they became vigilant.

They did not do anything other than buzzing around Jonathan and Luna.

They are checking him out.

But then they felt a strong energy of nature from the body of Jonathan.

This soothed them.

Well they are like plant based creatures that are very close the nature.

The life energy from Jonathan made them interested and the first pixie landed on his shoulder for a moment and left again.

But then it flew over again and landed without leaving.

Jonathan waited for them to get close to him and let down their guards before speaking.

“I am here to speak with the fairy.

I know that you can understand my words.

I don’t have any bad intentions.

I only want to do business.

I want to learn the spirit magic arts in return I want to negotiate what the fairies wanted.

So can you please inform the fairy about this matter?

If you don’t trust me I can take a magic oath in the name of lady fate.”

Chapter 156: anxious system, deal with fairies

After Jonathan spoke these words the pixies buzzed around for a few moments and one of them slipped away silently.

It did not think that Jonathan noticed it but he noticed that.

The pixie went into a small wooden hole in a huge tree root.

After that Jonathan doesn’t know where it went.

He waited under the colorful show of the dance of pixies in the dark area of the forbidden forest.

Well this place is dark even with the sun shining outside because of the towering trees that covered the sky.

Soon the pixie returned and something that looked just like pixie but more refined appearance appeared.

It can make many expressions and can also speak properly.

This is the real fairy.

There are two important reasons why the fairy came out in front of Jonathan.

First is the strong sense of vitality that is similar to nature emitting from his body.

Second is the person he took the oath.

You can oath on anyone and break it but taking an oath of lady fate is no different than signing a warrant that can cause punishment worse than death to Jonathan if it was broken.

Being a fairy that is connected to the nature and the law of causality, they understood what this means.

So it appeared and the first thing it said is for Jonathan to take an oath that he would not harm the fairies.

Jonathan had no choice.

Even as a villain he could not let things happen as they please and have to compromise at some cases.

As if it was anxious the system immediately gave out a choice.


Please make your choice host.

Choice 1: decline the words of the fairy.

Host would be rewarded with complete control over the three unforgivable curses to the same level of Voldemort.

Choice 2: take an oath that fairies asked.

Host would never be able to harm fairies in any possible way and have to help them for life.


Jonathan did not make a choice instead he took the oath.

“As long as you did not harm me or specifically cause life threatening damage to me and my loved ones, I would not harm any fairies.

I took this oath in the name of lady fate.”

The oath has both sides covered.

This means that neither side could harm each other.

The fairy smiled and spoke.

“My subordinate said that you want to learn the spirit magic.

Why do you want to learn the spirit magic from the fairies?”

For some strange reason they did not ask or question related to Luna.

May be she was naturally welcome all over the place and every species.

They pixies are actually started to make her hair into braids and putting flowers into her hair making her look more beautiful.

Jonathan let her have her fun as he placed her on a good stone nearby to have fun with the pixies.

Then Jonathan looked at the fairy to answer.

“I know that the magic world is going to fall into a great turmoil and there are things that only magic could not solve.

Also I have to find the secrets of an old wizard that is cunning enough to play with the heart of a good woman.

I fear that the spirit of the old man is still there and might take over my body.

I wanted to help the lady that lost her love to restore her to her former self and destroy the soul of this old wizard.

Also I am searching for the origin of magic and the magic of the fairies is as well known as the Elven lore.

So I wanted to give it a try and see if I can learn the spirit magic.

With that I could take a step forward towards the magic origin.

Well there are other reasons like my trick for the Yule ball that needs me to have strong spirit.


Jonathan gave out an explanation for the fairy.

She understood his reasoning and then said.

“Fairies magic is special and not every human can learn this.

The young lady here has the ability to learn the fairies magic.

But I don’t know about you.

You may be able to learn it or you might not be able to learn it.

But you still have to pay the price.

What price are you willing to pay for learning the spirit magic?”

The fairy said while smiling cutely.

Jonathan then looked at her and said.

“I wanted to learn and tell me what you wanted as price.”

The fairy pointed at Luna and said.

“Why don’t you leave her here, as the price for teaching you with spirit magic?”

Jonathan smiled at the fairies and said.

“As I said before,

I would not leave anyone that is close to my heart for others to take.

She is my loved one and a piece of my heart.

Asking her is no different than killing me.

I would rather not learn spirit magic than abandon her.

So change the price if you can.

By the way I will give you an offer.

In the future I would become a strongest wizard that control things from behind the scenes.

I can give you a place to call as home, where you can thrive and expand like in the past.

But for that I need your trust.

I am a business man and my prices are fair.

What I want back is the loyalty of the fairies and to learn the spirit magic.

You can think about this and give me the reply.

I am a student at Hogwarts here.

You can always enquire about me.”

Jonathan said to the fairy giving her enough time to consider.

Jonathan once again hugged Luna into his arms.

Her hair is already done and looked really beautiful.

Jonathan took some cake and candies from his magic pocket and gave them to the pixies and said.

Chapter 157:

Her hair is already done and looked really beautiful.

Jonathan took some cake and candies from his magic pocket and gave them to the pixies and said.

“Thank you for your care of Luna.

I really liked her hair style now.”

After saying these words Jonathan left carrying Luna back to the castle.

The fairies need time to enquire and get to know Jonathan more before making the big decision.

When the fairies found that goblins, werewolves and some other magical creatures are already on the side they decided to take the gamble.

After a few days a pixie came to visit Jonathan and it was the signal that Jonathan has the green light to start the spirit magic practice.

When he went to the fairy again she asked Jonathan to make an oath saying that he would support them later when they are in need or something like not harming them like other human beings…

Jonathan thought for a moment and made another oath with the points that would not harm his interests.

This made the fairy give up on what it wanted to say and finally called Jonathan to follow it along.

Jonathan went over and finally there is an entrance that looked like a small vortex at the edge of a small cross section of branch.

When Jonathan touched the vortex Jonathan entered into a different place.

It was colorful and there are many other fairies here.

This is a small fairy colony or kingdom in a way.

There are small wooden structures covered with colorful leaves that looked very beautiful.

The entire place looked like a magical thing.

Jonathan was led to an empty space to sit and then he was taught the spirit magic by the scholars of the fairies.

The fairy spirit magic is really strange.

The main requirement is to connect with the nature.

As long as he could not connect with the nature he will not be able to master this fairy spirit magic.

Based on their records Elven lore is also like that.

But it was already lost in the river of time.

Everyday Jonathan would spend the night here training while attending the school during the day.

Well he is still using the time turner to rest with the extra 5 hours.

Since this is of great importance Jonathan stopped going to find his women during the evenings.

Well he already told them about the importance of what he is doing and they understood him.

They would not pester him like other women.

Because of the comprehension skill he has and his natural affinity he was able to pick up the things quickly.

Previously when his Patronus charm beast the dark phoenix gave him a part of the soul that belongs to the dementors.

This part of the soul that improves his soul also improved his spirit energy.

The sad thing is that he did not have away to direct the improvement.

It is like getting all the proteins but only letting it turn into fat instead of muscle.

But now the fairy spirit magic was able to divert things and move them in the right order.

All the excessive soul energy was turned into the useful spirit energy that strengthened his soul to the next level.

The higher the improvement of his soul the higher it is the development of his consciousness and the understanding of his surrounding nature.

It is like a new world filled with many colors that he could not see before.

This made him understand the world in a deeper way.

Also his understanding of the use of spells also changed.

Wizards used magic in their bodies to cast the magic spells.

This has been infected throughout the world.

But there are some traditional cultures like the elves, fairies, gods of Egypt, gods in India and many ancient places has super level wizards that has different approach.

They would use the magic of the nature through various ways to create a magical phenomenon.

The various ways are like using hand signs while emitting specific magic energy, singing a specific tune of sound sequence, connecting specific things in a special way….

Just like that there are many ways of using magic of the nature.

But it takes time to cast the spell as there is a previous procedure.

Also, the hand movement of the wand when casting the magic spell was actually derived from one of these ways.

When waving their wand, to draw a simplified version of a rune with the magic inside their body to activate the rune to create the magic phenomenon.

Potions making is also like that.

It is mixing of various ingredients that have various natures to form a final result of desired effect to produce a magical phenomenon upon the usage.

The spirit magic of the fairies is more towards the side of using the natural magic energy.

In order to do that in the quickest possible way they have to have certain level of connection with the magic energy of the nature.

Fortunately Jonathan had this connection thanks to the support of his wand and the druid blood in his body.

With that he was able to cast some natural spells without using the wand.

There are no names to these spells.

One can create fire and another can call the rain to stop it.

But since the power Jonathan can mobilize with his current soul is small he was unable to do much.

He made a small fire of the same size of a cricket ball and the rain cloud is even smaller.

It barely covered the area around him.

With this cloud he can certainly wet someone easily.

It can be best used when he wanted to make the clothes of a girl transparent to look at their tits.

Well they have to wear corresponding mode of clothes.

Jonathan still has to practice because there is too much soul energy that he got from the dementors that he needed to absorb.

Chapter 158: Ron’s big confession part-1

Well they have to wear corresponding mode of clothes.

Jonathan still has to practice because there is too much soul energy that he got from the dementors that he needed to absorb.

In just a month Jonathan learnt all the basics of the fairy spirit magic.

He has to improve his spirit to the appropriate level so that he can learn the advanced fairy spirit magic.

For that Jonathan has to improve more through normal means or he can always let his dark phoenix eat away the dementors to gain extra benefits.

For that he has to go to Azkaban.

But his phoenix might be discovered.

Since everything is interrelated Jonathan needs to pick a perfect time to plan the things carefully.

Before that he has to work on his own.

Well he has enough supplement soul pieces to train right now.

So he is not in a rush for new supply yet.

While he is practicing the time also moved quickly and it was already the end of October.

As for the outside news, the world is quite for the time being after the big news of Sirius.

Sirius is now successfully leaching off on Harry.

Till now the house elves of Jonathan has already stole the money from Sirius 8 times.

This little money actually amounts to over 60 thousand gold galleons.

Harry originally had 200 thousand gold galleons from his parents and the inheritance of potter’s family.

This is really big money and all of this came from Harry potter in just 2 months.

They used various tricks to take money from Sirius.

Every time Sirius would wag his tail back to Harry for more money.

Well Sirius would write the “I OWE YOU” forms to Harry but he has to make money to return the money back.

But instead of returning he is asking for more using various reasons.

Right now even Harry was reluctant to give money to Sirius that did not have any sense of caution.

Well even in the original plot Sirius is like that.

He did not have caution for his life or for his money.

Because of his impulsive nature all he ever did is to complicate the things rather than solving them.

So Harry started to avoid Sirius when he asked about the money again.

Jonathan on the other hand made it with good money.

Potter are a big family but after their complete decline along with the death of all the family members except for Harry things fell down and divided up by the other big families.

All of this happened under the watchful eyes of the great good man Dumbledore.

So, all that was left is the house of potters and the money that is left in Gringotts.

It could not be taken by other people easily.

Also the patents that his forefathers had are already expired after so many years.

So there is no source of income for Harry potter.

If it was in the original plot the money from the black family along with the assets of Dumbledore will make Harry very rich.

But now both of these things were taken by Jonathan leaving Harry with his measly money.

Now even that money was being taken by people like Sirius, Ron and his brothers.

It is soon the last week of October,

Lessons were ended early due to the delegations from the two other schools, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute, arriving that evening.

The lesson cut off, for Gryffindors was Potions, and the Trio felt lucky, especially when Snape hinted of a poisoning, to find out if their antidotes work or not.

Well Jonathan was also there and watched their change of expressions with great joy.

On 30th October, the day was spent in arrangements and some tension in the school for the arrival of the new guests.

That night, each of the Houses is assembled in a line in the Great Hall while waiting for the delegates to arrive.

The first comes by flying carriage, the second shortly afterwards via submerged ship, with their respective heads.

Madame Maxime is the Headmistress of Beauxbatons.

She is a woman as big as Hagrid that came out of the flying carriage with many beauties tagging along with her.

With their beautiful performance they were welcomed with great joy.

Naturally Jonathan attracted their attention because of his striking features and the eyes that looked like they can see through them.

Igor Karkaroff is the Headmaster of Durmstrang.

He was followed by many male students that have the strong vibe of a group of trained thugs than students.

Viktor Krum is revealed to be among the Durmstrang students, which makes Ron, a little excited.

Suddenly a voice appeared by the side of Ron asking him.

“Ron, who do you love?”

Ron subconsciously shouted without knowing that someone cast a temporary loud speaker spell on his mouth.

“I love victor Krum.”

The words of Ron reverberate through the great hall attracting the attention of everyone.

Well Krum is a man and he was loved mostly by girls.

Even if men like him, they would not say I love victor Krum.

Instead they would say that they admire victor Krum as a player.

So the words of Ron along with the previous incident of the passionate kiss that broke their teeth have made the current situation very tense.

Rita Skeeter that came early in the name of covering the Triwizard tournament was also present in the great hall.

Jonathan has already told her that this would happen and she took the picture and all the things she required at the right moment as if she was perfectly prepared.

With that another juicy article would appear in the morning next day taking the remaining pride that Krum and Ron had left with after the last incident.

As for the spell that was cast on Ron was from Jonathan using spirit magic which is not traceable with the current magic world.

Chapter 159: Ron’s big confession part-2

With that another juicy article would appear in the morning next day taking the remaining pride that Krum and Ron had left with after the last incident.

As for the spell that was cast on Ron was from Jonathan using spirit magic which is not traceable with the current magic world.

The words that Ron heard appeared in his mind directly in the voice of Hermione and Harry.

This is also using the spirit magic.

As soon as Ron shouted everyone in the great hall looked at him causing him to blush till his face is as red as his hair.

As for his sister Ginny she directly distanced herself from Ron because of the embarrassment.

Krum did not say anything other than feeling a visible shiver from his body the moment he heard the confession of Ron.

Dumbledore once again came forward to wipe the ass of Ron and said.

“Ron is a great fan of Quidditch and Krum.

He was excited and saying like that.”

With that the great hall subdued but Rita Skeeter would not let go of such a good chance to blow the wind.

Jonathan has already given his approval to her.

So things would start blowing to become a storm by tomorrow morning.

The students sit down at their tables as usual

The Beauxbatons students sat at the Ravenclaw table and Durmstrang students sat at Slytherin table.

From time to time the beauties from the Beauxbatons looked towards Jonathan with interest.

With everyone sitting on their seats the Welcoming Feast began.

Hagrid, Ludo Bagman, and Barty Crouch all arrive late for the feast.

They are going to be the people controlling the trails of the goblet of fire.

After the feast, Dumbledore announced that Bagman and Crouch, who helped organize the Triwizard tournament.

They will also be serving as judges alongside the three headmasters to evaluate the Champions' performances of the Triwizard tournament.

Dumbledore then announced that the three champions will be chosen by the Goblet of Fire.

It is an enchanted artifact specifically for this and it has a binding contract with the participants.

After that he announced the details of the selection.

The students must drop their names into the Goblet and the Goblet chooses the most worthy entrants to compete in three dangerous tasks.

He specifically mentioned that the trails or tasks would be very dangerous and can cause death even with many cautions they are taking.

So he told the students that want to drop their names consider it carefully.

Once chosen they cannot back down from not participating.

Dumbledore finished his speech by stating the champions will be selected the following night during Halloween.

Dumbledore also told them that the age line around would prevent any and all students that are not of the right age could not participate in this.

The Goblet is placed in the Great Hall and an Age Line is drawn around the Goblet to prevent underage students from submitting their names.

That night Jonathan appeared here and dropped his name in the goblet of fire.

The fire burnt highly and took his name instead of throwing out like with other under aged people.

With this the main thing is solved.

Jonathan’s current age is 17+ years old and it is still below 18.

His age is obtained through passage of time but not the through the magic potion or other nonsense.

So he was able to pass the age line easily.

In the morning next day Jonathan came early to the great hall to enjoy the show.

Just like that in the plot, Fred and George attempt to cross the line through the use of an Ageing Potion.

But they are repelled by the line with them rapidly aging with big beards like old wizards in their robes.

The pair has to be sent to the Hospital Wing to have their long grey beards removed.

Everyone started to laugh at their comedy show, while Dumbledore commented that their beards are finer than those of the other students who tried to enter.

Not this time but it was before the banning of Triwizard tournament.

Also at that time the news papers appeared from the owls falling into the hands of the students.

The article about the screams of Ron about loving Krum was in the front page.

It was so shocking that the juicy article immediately became a hit.

It has already spread throughout the world.

Ron doesn’t know where to put his face.

Even Arthur received comments that his son has special hobbies.

Fred and George escaped because they are in the hospital wing but Ginny was thoroughly roasted.

Also right now she would be in her vulnerable state.

Right now hitting off the gates would give in much better results than during the normal times.

She would go to a specific place to cry because of all the words she heard from the other people.

Jonathan is going to take this time to his advantage.

Yes she did not like Jonathan because of Harry, Ron and Hermione thinking of Sirius.

But that did not mean that she is completely out of thinking on her own.

She knows what is right and wrong and what she wanted is an eventful life rather than the boring life that she is having with the Weasley family.

Jonathan is rich, handsome and cool with many women surrounding him most of the time.

This made her like Jonathan more.

This is the life style that she liked and Jonathan can provide it for her.

Also he saved her and she did not forget about this matter.

She is simply avoiding Jonathan because of her family and Sirius.

When she talked to her mother about this matter, she actually supported Jonathan instead of Sirius.

As a mother she knows best what Jonathan should have gone through without having to rely on anyone and living in the house of Malfoy.

Also she clearly knows what kind of person Sirius black is.

Chapter 160: Ginny’s confession

As a mother she knows best what Jonathan should have gone through without having to rely on anyone and living in the house of Malfoy.

Also she clearly knows what kind of person Sirius black is.

So she told her daughter that if possible she should find happiness with the person she loved instead of thinking in the lines of their family.

She doesn’t have to abandon her love for the nonsense of their family and friends.

So if Ginny really likes Jonathan then molly would wholeheartedly support her.

Also she really wanted to have a good long chat with Jonathan on her own too.

She is in deep thought about this during her time in summer holidays.

There are quite a few people that are trying to get her.

But what she wanted is actually Jonathan.

By the end of the holidays and New Year started she heard about the Triwizard tournament.

Also she heard that there will be a Yule ball for the Christmas.

She wanted to be partners with Jonathan.

But she was sure that there are many women that wanted to be his partner.

With her confused thoughts she doesn’t know what to decide on.

So she decided to ask Hermione for advice.

“Hermione, I have something to talk to you.”

Hermione looked at Ginny for a while and then took her to a different secluded place to talk to her.

Hermione knows that Ginny wanted to have a girl to girl talk.

After coming to a secluded place Hermione checked the surroundings again and cast a silencing charm.

It was easy for her and she picked it off by learning independently.

After that she asked Ginny.

“What is the matter with you?

You looked so troubled.

If I can I would help you.”

Ginny thought for a moment and finally said.

“I like Jonathan.”

Ginny said these words and stopped waiting to observe the expression of Hermione.

After finding that there is nothing big she wanted to continue but Hermione spoke first.

“Do you know that he has at least 5 women that are happy to share him between them?

Do you know that he is very business minded and deals with everything in business terminology?

Once I talked to him to get a favor from him…

He then put on a price….”

Hermione hesitated for a moment and said.

“He said that the price of the favor is my first kiss.

You should know what it means right.

That is how he is.

But the women beside him never abandon him.

Also he has his good points too.

He is rich, handsome, and capable compared to many people of his age.

Also he did not seem like a complete pure blood enthusiast like other noble families.

This can be shown from the orphanages that he built for both wizard world children and muggle children.

Also he really is taking good care of his house elves.

I really wanted to ask him if he wanted to be a part of SPEW.

But I have to stay on the side of Harry and Ron as their friend.

With that I did not have a choice but to choose between Jonathan and friendship.

The final result is I chose friendship to stand on the side of Harry and Ron.

If you really like him so much then you have to talk to him in his business language.

You have to ask him what price is needed to become his woman and stay by his side forever…….”

Just like that she advice Ginny about her experiences.

While listening to Hermione, Ginny understood that Hermione is also likes Harry.

Finally Hermione said as if remembering something.

“I have a debt to pay to him from the previous payment.

He told me that I should become his dance partner for the Yule ball.

I don’t know what he is thinking.

I heard that pansy is also bragging that she was also invited to become his partner.

Currently not many people know about this matter so it was not in a rushed situation.

If they know about the Yule ball they would swarm around Jonathan to become his dance partners.


What Hermione said is not exaggerated but it was all true.

Ginny asked with question marks on her head.

“How is he going to have so many dance partners at the same time?”

Hermione thought for a moment and wanted to say something.

But even her genius brain did not have a solution for this problem.

Still she believes that Jonathan would pull something out.

After their discussion Ginny has decided to follow her instincts and talk to Jonathan.

Jonathan has not approached her directly till now.

But still he showed interest towards Jonathan on few occasions that they have met.

This was enough for her to try.

Jonathan walked out of the great hall and went towards the direction of the lake to chill down there.

The scenery there is very nice and beautiful.

She silently followed Jonathan and made sure that Harry, Ron or any other good for nothing people from the Gryffindor did not notice her.

Jonathan has notice her following him and walked to a secluded place to see if she is really following him or just coincidentally going in the same direction as him.

When he arrived at the hill side near the lake she came over and stood a little away from Jonathan.

“Miss Weasley, you have been following me for a long while.

May I know the purpose for following me for so long?”

Jonathan said with a smile looking at Ginny that had her face a little red from blushing.

Jonathan waited for her to collect her thoughts and speak.

She is a firm person just like lily potter in some ways other than appearance.

She would speak straight out of her mind instead of going around in circles.

So she directly said.

“Jonathan, I love you….”

Her face turned as red as her hair.



Can't wait for everyone reaction to his name