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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 451: final settlement of Naruto world part-1

The biggest gains can be considered the sealing storage paper making process and the chakra fruits.

This is actually the money making machines in the real world.

But there are restrictions in the real world.

He has to see what they are before fully going into the money making business with the storage seal papers.

The month passed by quickly but (Suzaku) Vicky was unable to get the heart of Kaguya.

The reason was simple she was too deeply hurt by that bastard that married her before and there is no enough time to pull her thoughts towards Vicky.

With all these problems finally the entire thing came to an end.

The system gave a notification to Vicky telling him that the time of stay he over and he has to return.

Not only Vicky but all the other players that are still living were notified by the system.

Many of the players that chose to become ninja have suffered because they did not get a chance to show off.

On the other hand the players that got the commoner’s background that started to business have actually succeeded to reach greater height.

They all praised Vicky (Suzaku) for helping them very much indirectly.

Well they all know that Suzaku is a player but they don’t know clearly who he really is.

But they did not care.

They were profited by the things done by Vicky so they are happy.

All the money they earned can be converted into chaos points.

Well there is a conversion ratio but still for normal players it was really a big amount of gain.

Vicky called in all of his women to come to a place before the timer of the system ended.

They all looked at Vicky with puzzled expression to know what is going on.

Vicky did not mentioned about this matter before as it was completely unnecessary to talk about the real world.

He doesn’t need to ask the question of truest in the life fantasy world.

All the people that have reached a required amount of trust would come to the bridge space of settlement.

Also the amount of trust required in the life fantasy world is far higher than that of normal fantasy world.

Any way a white light passed by and Vicky was sent to the bridged space.

This time no one appeared beside him.

Only after he makes the payment and selects the candidates can he bring the fantasy world characters into the real world.

In the bridged space with waves of the ocean hitting the shore, but the waters are reflecting the starry skies clearly.

It is a strange place.

Vicky doesn’t know if it really exists or it was created by the system.

Whatever the case is this place is a marvel that can cause a person to relax very quickly.

But this place will also give a strong gloomy feeling.

Staying here for a while to relax is good, but living here is absolutely impossible.

While he was thinking of these things the system responded.


Calculating the results of the deeds of the player in the life fantasy world…

Strength ranking of the player in the life fantasy world---1st place

Player has successfully occupied the entire ninja world forming a new empire called the ninja empire.

Player has successfully solved the hidden villain Isshiki Otsutsuki completely.

Player has successfully occupied the moon where the fake Otsutsuki clan resides.

Player has solved has consumed the tailed beast meat of all 9 tailed beasts.

Player has successfully awakened the Otsutsuki bloodline with the highest possible purity.

Player has successfully awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Player has successfully awakened the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Player has successfully awakened the Rinnegan.

Player has successfully awakened the Rinne Sharingan.

Player has successfully awakened the Byakugan.

Player has successfully awakened the Tenseigan.

Player has successfully awakened and mastered the sage mode.

Player has achieved an unprecedented achievement of having 9 yin seals.

Player has successfully solved the 10 tails without the cost of the life of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Player was unable gain the heart of Kaguya.

Player was unable to reach the Otsutsuki planet.

Occupying the main Otsutsuki planet is not completed.


Vicky waited for the series of things to go down till it mentioned everything he did during this in the life fantasy world.


Calculations completed.

The cumulative completion of main task of the life fantasy world is 100 percent.

The hidden task completion of the life fantasy world is 48 percent.

Over all completion rate of the life fantasy world is 79 percent.”


Calculating the rewards for completing special achievements…

Player has defeated the 5 great ninja villages successfully…

Player has unified the entire ninja world forming new empire.

Player has captured the moon and occupied it completely.

Player has broken the rules of the Hyuga clan…

Player has defeated all the 10 tailed beasts and eaten 9 of them.

Player has separated the 10 tails from Kaguya without causing the damage to the life of Kaguya….

Host has successfully defeated the sage of 6 paths and his brother Hamura.

Host has awakened the Rinnegan, Rinne Sharingan and Tenseigan….


The cumulative achievement reward…

1.62 billion Chaos points.

27 free stat points.


The achievement rewards would be directly added to his status without any problem.


Player please chose 8 of the following rewards.

Option 1: 50 million chaos points

Option 2: 150 free stat points

Option 3: 15 free skill points

Option 4: 120 thousand military merit points

Option 5: 120 thousand civilian merit points

Option 6: eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (Restricted)

Option 7: perfect sage body (Permanent) (Requires Senju or Uzumaki clan physique)

Option 8: Rinnegan (Restricted)

Option 9: Byakugan

Option 10: Tenseigan (Restricted)

Option 11: Senju clan physique (100 percent purity with perfection)

Option 12: Uzumaki clan physique (100 percent purity with perfection)

Option 13: ninjutsu (All the ninjutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)

Option 14: Genjutsu (All the Genjutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)


Chapter 452: final settlement of Naruto world part-2


Option 13: ninjutsu (All the ninjutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)

Option 14: Genjutsu (All the Genjutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)

Option 15: Taijutsu (All the Taijutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)

Option 16: Senjutsu (Sage arts) (All the Senjutsu techniques learnt during the life fantasy world)

Option 17: Uchiha clan physique (100 percent purity with perfection)

Option 18: Hyuga clan physique (100 percent purity with perfection)

Option 19: Rinne Sharingan (restricted- requires Otsutsuki bloodline and 10 tails chakra)

Option 20: 10 percent Otsutsuki bloodline

Option 21: 10 percent of 10 tail beast chakra

Option 22: fake Otsutsuki Hyuga clan physique (100 percent purity with perfection)


Vicky looked at the list with many options with dazed expression.

He knows that the system is black hearted and put in some loops because of his over achievement.

The biggest problem is that the bloodlines and physiques that he got through extraction skill were completely turned into an option of selection.

If he did not choose this option then he would only get what he purchased before entering into the life fantasy world.

Also without the appropriate physique and appropriate amount of bloodline he would not get the benefits of that bloodline or physique.

That is if he did not have the Uchiha bloodline and physique with 100 percent purity then he would not be able to open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Also he has to select the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan so that he would not lose his eye sight with normal Mangekyō Sharingan.

That is not all he has to have enough energy or chakra or power to use the Mangekyō Sharingan or even normal Sharingan being a person from the second ring.

The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan needed the high stat points of third ring peak or fourth ring.

Vicky can barely manage that.

But if he chose the Uzumaki physique or Senju clan physique then he would be able to manage the power effectively.

Also in order to have the Rinnegan, he should open eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and also need either of Uzumaki or Senju clan physique.

As for Byakugan and Tenseigan he needs to have Hyuga clan physique and also the fake Otsutsuki Hyuga clan physique.

As for the ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu also became options.

He can still practice them after refining chakra.

If he selected the options he would be able to directly perform them with their corresponding chakra natures.

If these options are not selected then all the muscle memory that he accumulated in the Naruto world would be gone down the drain.

He can still practice them and gain everything based on his experience and memories.

But the time requires is also equally large.

That is the difference.

Vicky also needs other options like the free stat points which are very vital for his plans along with merit points and skill points.

Also he noticed that there is no option related to pure Otsutsuki bloodline.

It is most probably related to him unable to go and conquer the Otsutsuki planet.

He sighed and looked through the long list of potions to see what he should choose.

He only had 8 options that he could choose from the 20+ options.

After thinking for a while he decided to choose the options.

2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18 and 22

Vicky knows that Sharingan is very powerful but using it requires too much power and too many supports.

It is like a very powerful weapon that requires a strong source of energy to use.

Also this weapon is very demanding in requirements.

On the other hand the energy source that is commonly used in any world that can endlessly strengthen the body is much better to use.

That is what Vicky chose the perfect sage body and Senju clan physique that has strong connection to nature.

Also he chose the Hyuga clan and fake moon Otsutsuki Hyuga clan physique that can let him open Byakugan and Tenseigan that is on the same level of Sharingan or Rinnegan.

There are still some problems but in the real world and other fantasy world this combination is the best when compared to Sharingan and Rinnegan.

Also he decided to abandon both civilian and military merit points and many other things directly.

With the help of the options he selected he can have extra passive stats that is useful in many fantasy worlds.

The strong vitality and natural energy that can be obtained through the Senju clan bloodline and the perfect sage body are the main form of energy in many places.

For example if it was hunter x hunter world then Vicky can directly become an extremely strong enhancer.

With the help the energy produced by the Senju clan physique and the perfect sage body, he can easily support both Byakugan and Tenseigan.

Also Byakugan can let him see through the things and many minute things that are hard to find.

Just like that the perfect sage body and Senju clan bloodline can be of use in many places.

The Byakugan and Tenseigan would improve his spirit energy without causing any damage.

This spirit energy can be best used for the worlds with magical powers.

Just like that this combination can be considered the strongest that Vicky can chose with the limited number of potions he was given right now.

After the selection he directly accepted the rewards that he chose.

With that he suddenly felt his body was light.

The body was enhanced and felt more close to the surroundings.

He tried to open the Byakugan and then tried to open the Tenseigan.

But unexpectedly he saw something he did not expect when he opened the Tenseigan.

In front of him in the endless ocean and starry skies suddenly showed strange tornados which are actually like the appearances of strong shadows of beings.

They are strange and fascinating.

Even though they looked like this they did not look like they are evil, instead they appeared strangely divine.

Chapter 453: creating chakra seed again

They are strange and fascinating.

Even though they looked like this they did not look like they are evil, instead they appeared strangely divine.

But Vicky did not have too much time to care for them and have to leave here.

He needs to be much stronger to understand the power that can connect the real world to the fantasy worlds.

But there is another thing that he has to take before he leaves this place.

That is the people that trusted him and came out of the fantasy world.


Please choose from the list of subordinates that meets the requirement to bring them back to the real world.

Tsunade --- yes/ no

Kushina --- yes/ no

Mikoto --- yes/ no


The list of his women and few men that are loyal to him appeared in front of Vicky.

Vicky quickly selected his women and then selected Orochimaru in men.

As for others, they are all small time people and most of them actually hate Vicky.

Also just these few people cost all the achievement reward chaos points he got.

Well fortunately it is not more than that.

He did not bring back any normal people out even thought there are many with loyalty.

After the payment is done many women and Orochimaru appeared in front of him.

Their bodies quickly turned from pale light to real structure forming their bodies.

Finally a golden light passed by and they became completely real.

When they looked at Vicky the women immediately went forward to surround him.

Vicky looked exactly like that in the fantasy world.

Well no matter the genes the player looks 90 percent similar to his real image in the fantasy world.

So they can recognize him directly.

As for Orochimaru, he started to check the surroundings slowly wanting to know what this place is.

The girls also started to look at the surroundings with curiosity.

Vicky smiled and let them watch for few more moments.

But he sternly told both Mikoto and Himeko to not to use the Sharingan or Rinnegan to check the area.

Orochimaru quickly asked.

“Is this your world?

It is fascinating to look at.”

The girls also thought like that, but the feeling of fascination did not last long.

Vicky smiled and said.

“This is not my world.

This is the bridged space between your world and my world.”

While he said that a portal appeared on the side.

Vicky gestured everyone and said.

“We have to pass through that portal to go to my world.

I have already made arrangements.

We can talk about the important things after we enter into my world.

So quickly move.

We cannot stay here for long.”

After speaking Vicky led them to enter the portal one after the other.

Quickly everyone entered inside.

Vicky took a deep look at the bridged space one more time and stepped into the portal.

Then he returned back to the real world.

He meets up with his women and let his other women make arrangements for them.

He has another important thing to test.

Even thought he did not have any ninjutsu or other things with his muscle memory and practice he can still use wood style that he got from Senju clan.

Right now his Senju clan bloodline is 100 percent, Hyuga clan bloodline is 100 percent, moon Otsutsuki fake Hyuga clan is 100 percent and Uchiha clan bloodline is 30 percent.

He has the chance of opening Sharingan but not to the level of Mangekyō Sharingan quickly and easily.

His entire memory is still with him and he can use it.

But he has to practice from scratches again to reach his peak.

This include chakra refining and chakra control.

The amount of chakra is based on the average of vitality, stamina, intelligence and sense stats.

The effects of the bloodlines are also acting.

But they would not act directly on then stats instead they would show few percentage improvements for the specific stats when using things related to ninjutsu.

As long as he uses chakra then these bloodlines would improve those specific stats by a large margin.

For example if he wanted to use chakra to perform ninjutsu then the Senju clan bloodline would improve his vitality and stamina by 10 percent directly.

It might be a small number but later on with improvement in proficiency the results would also vary.

The Hyuga clan bloodline would improve the sense stats by 10 percent.

The Uchiha clan bloodline would improve the intelligence and sense stats by 3 percent for the 30 percent bloodline for now.

Just like that the value changes based on the usage of the person and adaptability of the player.

This is not the only good thing he also got the Tenseigan.

Even thought he has a powerful weapon on his hands he was unable to use it right now.

He could not even activate it because of the lack of chakra.

So he decided to go by trying to use the wood style to see how much chakra he actually has.

He actually measures chakra in a different sense than that of the people in the ninja world.

He measures it with wood style because of his immense chakra in the ninja world.

The amount of chakra that is used to produce a proper wooden house perfectly is equal to 1 unit of chakra.

This is his measuring unit.

There is a need for houses in the ark island any way.

So he decided to build some first.

With that first he sat crossed legs and began to form the chakra seed.

He has to complete the first step and then accumulate chakra and finally can use it.

Because of the bloodlines the accumulation of chakra would be faster too.

It did not take long for him to complete all the simply steps.

After completing them he started to accumulate the chakra to the beast of his capabilities.

He could not control the chakra flow properly.

Chapter 454: entering the ‘In Time’ fantasy world

After completing them he started to accumulate the chakra to the beast of his capabilities.

He could not control the chakra flow properly.

But the current control is only at the Genin level.

This is barely manageable.

Also he felt that controlling chakra in the real world is far more difficult than controlling chakra in the ninja world.

It is like the difference of walking on the land and waking underwater.

After accumulating the chakra to the limit of his current body stats he made the hand seal to make wooden houses.

Immediately the ground shake and wooden logs like structures came out magically.

They started to connect perfectly and a wooden house is formed.

It is a normal wooden house.

After making one Vicky continued to make more till he exhausted half of his accumulated chakra.

Finally he stopped at 15 houses.

His stats should be over 300 on an average so his chakra should be around 300 points.

But based on his calculation his chakra is around 30 units.

1 house is 1 unit and he spent nearly half of his chakra to build 15 houses.

After confirming that, he directly dispersed all the wooden houses.

He did not need them he can construct something bigger with wood like a sky scraper for his girls to live later.

He can even construct a hard wooden fortress.

After thinking of this he went to speak with his girls.

Orochimaru was told to understand this world first.

He was really fascinated by the strange things he saw after coming back to reality.

Vicky let him study with the help of his think tank.

Also Vicky went to meet with his think tank team to talk about the next fantasy world of in time.

That is not all he has to be very careful in this fantasy world to stay alive.

There are plenty of risks in this fantasy world.

The main problem is actually the restrictions of this fantasy world.

All kinds of power are not useful.

Any player can only exert the maximum strength of a normal human of that world.

Similarly the weapons are also restricted.

Everything and anything that player needed should be acquired in that fantasy world itself.

The time of stay is only 1 year.

The mode of the fantasy world is survival.

After dealing with the things Vicky went to rest and recover to the reality again.

This time he is in the fantasy world of over 20 years.

His mind needs time to adjust back.

He started to rest back at his apartment.

He did not forget to call in Revy and Roberta to play some double D’s while resting.

They served him really well and Vicky enjoyed spanking them into submission.

They enjoy the process of slowly falling into his hands and finally slept like little kitten in his arms.

Well they assess have turned red but with medical ninjutsu Vicky tried to heal them out of habit.

He actually did the same to Mai Terumi and few other girls in the ninja world.

Each day it is different group from 2 to 4 women.

Vicky caught up with all the women during this time and tasted the sweetness again.

Because of his actions, women were exhausted and required 2 days off just to recover.

Even with 4 people in a row Vicky is still bullish.

Well the good thing is the sage body that is helping him becoming naturally strong.

The amount of energy replenished is also quick.

After some time he could not put his mind at ease.

The problem with the fantasy world ‘In time’ is hard to solve.

Even after solving the problem the amount of gains might not be bigger than the expenditure.

But if things are done right the gains would be really high.


Peaceful days with Vicky cooking on the island and taking care of the business are quickly over and it was already the day when he has to enter into the fantasy world of ‘In Time’

In the original plot the protagonist is good but the others would have a hard time keeping things up.

It is not good to compete with the protagonist that is supported by the will of the world.

Vicky prepared his mind while enjoying his days instead of rushing the things.

Finally the days of the entry has arrived.

Vicky got the system notification asking him if he wanted to enter into the fantasy world.

Vicky nodded his head and immediately the system gave another message about the payment.

After the payment the system portal is opened and Vicky entered into the white room again.


Host the world you are going to enter is the “in time” fantasy world.

Description: the in time fantasy world happens in the year 2169.

In 2169, people are genetically engineered to stop aging on their 25th birthday and are given one free year to live.

Everyone has a timer on their forearm that shows their remaining time.

When it reaches zero, the person "times out" and dies instantly.

Time has become the universal currency, transferred directly between people or stored in capsules.

The country is divided into areas called Time Zones.

Dayton is the poorest, a ghetto where people rarely have over 24 hours on their clocks.

The richest area is New Greenwich, where people are wealthy enough to be effectively immortal.


Any and all forms of powers are restricted in this fantasy world.

The upper limit of capabilities is capped at the upper limit of normal human tolerance.

Weapons that are far advanced than the current timeline are not allowed to use in this world.


Vicky looked at the information and was surprised because too much information is given and even explained.

But he was sure that it was all because the difficulty is very high in this fantasy world.

Also the death rate of this fantasy world is also extremely high compared to many dangerous worlds.

Chapter 455: the Fantasy world of “In Time”

But he was sure that it was all because the difficulty is very high in this fantasy world.

Also the death rate of this fantasy world is also extremely high compared to many dangerous worlds.

The level of death rate in this fantasy world is on the same level as that of Sherlock Holmes world.

Soon a portal appeared on the side after selecting the necessary things and the system gave the notification.


Host can enter in to the fantasy world.”

Vicky slowly entered into the fantasy world.

After entering inside, he appeared in an alley way in an old place.

There is a transparent cover around separating him from the outside world.

Then the system gave out the notification.


Year: 2169

Location: Dayton

Main task:

Task 1: Survive for a year of time.

Task 2: earn at least 10 years worth of time. (Optional)

There is no upper limit.

The final settlement rewards will depend on the number of years that a player earns in the final analysis.

The ratio of stealing is 1 year for every 100 years.


After the final announcement the invisible shield around Vicky disappear.

He is wearing normal clothes.

On his hand the amount of time appeared is actually 306 years.

His average of stats should be 306 and it is showing 306 years.

But this amount of time in this place is a dangerous thing.

Fortunately he is wearing full hands shirt and a coat to cover things up.

In the simulation he has actually participated in the gambling and tried to gain many years.

But the final result is that he died during the gamble.

He could not use the night medicine because this world is technologically advanced to even preserve youth.

With this level of technology they are not lacking in something that Vicky could provide.

So it is useless.

So the only chance he was left to have big numbers is through gamble.

Even hacking would not work.

He could not bring in any super computer with him and the hacking level he has is still no up to the level of gaining the time from the advanced systems.

Vicky did not immediately leave the alley and stood there thinking about the situation he was currently in.

First thing is first, he did not want to interfere with the plot of this world directly.

Second is that he did not want to bring any women from this world back to reality.

At most he would fuck them if he was bored.

Third thing is Vicky wanted to rob the time instead of going around in circles.

With time on hand he can do many things.

The weapons of this world are also advanced and it is not easy to simply steal things around.

He has to time things perfectly with the robbery that the protagonist makes to perfectly steal the things when the attentions of the cops are away.

His think tank team has already come up with the solution.

They gave him a blueprint to make a jamming device.

This can temporarily block all the electronic equipment in the surrounding area of few tens of meters.

This can be used to hide his identity and steal things peacefully.

After stealing he can enter a crowded area and act normal.

The restrictions did not allow the jamming device to enter into this world.

He can only procure the materials here to make the jamming device on his own.

After thinking of everything he sighed and started to walk out of the alley.

He first has to know the situation of the current plot line.

Then he would move on with his plan.

The fortunate thing is that his physical strength is at the peak of humans and all the techniques he learnt are still usable.

There is a surprise that he found.

It is actually the sage body is active and it is not restricted.

So his stamina is much stronger than others.

In general analysis he is few times stronger than the strongest person of this world.

But Vicky can still die if he was hit by a bullet.

This can be countered with his skill related to sharp shooting.

So he is literally invincible again.

Vicky doesn’t have to worry because there are other players that would divert the attention towards themselves.

Those players also have hundreds of years of life span.

They did not understand this fantasy world as much as Vicky understood it.

So they are clueless flies.

If they made a single mistake like going for a women to have some fun,

Then the result is that they would die in their sleep peacefully.

No one can be trusted and they would try their best to catch the people when you let your guard down.

They only want your time and it would automatically kill you.

On the road Vicky went around the Dayton checking the situation around in the place.

It is a slum area in a sense.

But it is not completely a slum area.

The level of living is low.

The place is lawless to some extent and the number of people here is high.

One can clearly see the desperation of life in their eyes.

Also some of the open hands show the clock on their arms.

None of them has time more than a day.

It is like they are just barely hanging to their lives.

Any small change can put them to their deaths.

Also there are time thieves and few people that force other to do things.

Even though they are living in this slum like area there is surveillance in many areas.

Everything is under the watch of time cops called the time keepers.

These people hold advanced weapons and Vicky has to be careful of them.

He walked around slowly in the neighborhood.

His facial features did not mix in well with the people here.

Well he has the Indian appearance so it is natural to look different from the western people.

Chapter 456: slippery hands

His facial features did not mix in well with the people here.

Well he has the Indian appearance so it is natural to look different from the western people.

He did not deliberately hide his appearance.

There are all kinds of people here and there doesn’t seem to have any problems with nationality here.

While going around Vicky found few more important things that he could not get from the simulation.

Even though this world is advanced in technology they did not seem to be using the technology.

They seem to be only advanced in one thing related to the seemingly immortal bodies with the watch on their hand.

Even the weapons are mostly from 2010 to 2020.

It is over 100 years backward.

The technology related to computers is also backward.

Vicky did not understand why his hacking did not work in the fantasy world during the stimulation.

Also there are no flying cars, high tech things or any other.

Well he is still in the slum like area based on the information from the system.

So it is normal.

Vicky continued to move around checking out the situation.

Also he has to find the location of a good place to eat and stay for now.

Then he has to find the location of a bar to get information, a bank or other financial institution to steal…

Also there is another good thing about this place.

This place is chaotic and it is easy to do things here than in posh areas.

Here while he was going around he came across few more players.

But none of them had good face.

They all looked like they came into the wrong fantasy world.

The biggest problem in this fantasy world is death but the second problem is the reduction of hard earned stat points.

As long as the player spends his time the average value of the stat points also decreases.

If the player survives and goes out of this fantasy world, they would still have to bear the consequences of losing their stat points.

If the time increases the stat points would not increase but if the time decreases the stat points and normal power also decreases.

It is simply a cursed fantasy world to enter.

Vicky sighed and it was already after noon.

He came to a restaurant that looked good and had lunch.

The place for staying was also found.

As for the identity, it was easily solved by the system.

The identity can be obtained with little amount of chaos points before the entering into the world.

If not it would be a headache with all the time keepers that is the cops of this world to deal with.

So Vicky made the initial preparations.

For other players it might be hard for Vicky it is not hard to do that with his chaos points reserves.

It was already evening when he was done with going around collecting the information.

In the restaurant the beautiful waitress asked.

“Are you new here?”

Vicky looked at her and felt that she has a hot figure.

But his insight told him that her motives are not that pure.

He smiled at her and continued with the flow and started the conversation.

“Hey there, I am new here.

I came from another time zone.

Actually, you can say that I have fallen in rank and have to come here to survive.

I have to start my living here and have to move up slowly back to the place I came from.

By the way, I am Vicky.

What should I call you miss….”

“Oh it is nice to meet you Vicky, I am Miranda.”

With that the conversation continued and Vicky invited to have dinner with him.

Then they went to the bar nearby to have some drinks.

During the entire time Vicky did not show his watch to the people.

At least the number 3 was always hidden only showing the 6 number that is the number of years showing in 306.

She has tried many times to know the number of years that Vicky had on his hand watch.

But she did not find it as Vicky used her advances to make his advances to touch her body.

Since it is not possible to solve it through simple means she decided to use her beauty trap to play with Vicky during the night.

When they are still in the bar Vicky did not spend much time on buying drinks to everyone.

At the same time he did not act like he is some sort of rich kid to attract other chicks.

All he did was to play with Miranda’s advances.

Miranda did not notice but Vicky has actually opened up a little of her dress for others to watch her body.

Well she is considered an enemy so he did not have to show any mercy to her.

When they left this place Miranda suggested for them to go to her room.

But Vicky refused and took her to the hotel room that he booked.

Also he acted drunk while he is still in control of his body.

As for Miranda, her alcohol tolerance is really good.

After coming into the hotel room, she helped Vicky that is acting drunk to sit on the bed and said.

“I will take a shower first.”

Then she went into the bathroom.


Vicky smiled at her and pulled out a phone from his pocket.

It was the phone that Miranda is hiding inside her panties.

Vicky used his slippery hands to play with her pussy before while drinking.

During that time he took this phone and placed it inside his space.

Most probably she should call the backers behind her right now to pull a fast one on Vicky.

Unfortunately she did not get the chance.

Also because of Vicky she was completely aroused and really needs a dick to satisfy her lust right now.

Vicky is more than happy to play with her.

Chapter 457: spanked till she spilled out everything

Also because of Vicky she was completely aroused and really needs a dick to satisfy her lust right now.

Vicky is more than happy to play with her.

In the bathroom she checked he underwear but could not find her phone.

She panicked for a while and remembered that there is only one person that put his hands in her underwear.

So she knows that the person that took the phone should be that person.

It was none other than Vicky.

She felt dreaded as if knowing that Vicky might have known about her.

She feared but she could not stay inside this bathroom forever.

She gritted her teeth and she took a bath quickly.

After bathing she only put on the bath towel and came out of the bathroom.

She wanted to use her body in exchange to escape from the chance of death.

Well in this field every wrong step is associated with death.

She knows that well.

Outside Vicky was sitting naked on the bed.

Her eyes fell on three things immediately.

First is the body of Vicky that looked perfect.

Second is his dick that is throbbing and is quite big and long.

Third is the clock on the hand of Vicky that should the time around 6 years.

As for the 30 in front of the 6 of the number 306, Vicky covered it with skin patch that he bought from the system.

If someone checked it carefully they will immediately know.

This skin patch only just barely covers the number like a sticker.

With the small number the risk that Vicky usually faces would be reduced by a large margin.

When she looked at the number she was dazed.

The number is big for her and can be compared to a little rich man but this number would not be able to cause much trouble for her.

With the thought she sighed and made a decision.

That is to enjoy the night to relax and put some distance from this man.

But she forgot something very important.

That is her phone is still missing.

She came forward and stood in front of Vicky.

Her body has a good “S” shape curve that made Vicky excited.

Even though she has a good body the overall rating is only around 70 points for her beauty.

She is a beauty in these slum areas, but if she goes to the higher time zones then she would lose to other beauties.

Vicky pulled her closure looking straight into her face.

Her face is a little pale and fearful when looking at Vicky.

She doesn’t know how to answer Vicky, if Vicky asked about the other things.

Her heart is pounding wildly.

Vicky did not say anything and instead slowly opened the bath towel revealing her big tits and the rest of the body.

She has slight fat on her stomach but it looked good for an occasional different taste.

She also shaved her pussy and everything was kept clean.

Unfortunately the color of the skin is a little dark around the pussy.

She might be naturally born like that or she has done it too many times making her pussy like that.

Well Vicky did not care and he doesn’t have to worry about any sexually transmitted diseases.

He has special protection because of a skill and he would not be infected by any of these things.

So he can peacefully enjoy the raw sex to the fullest.

Vicky pulled her closure and started by kissing her belly button.

His hands fell on her butt cheeks as he fondled them and slapped on them few times with both of his hands at the same time.


She moaned with every slap.

She felt that the touch of Vicky no matter what it is very erotic.

She was aroused more and more with his touch and every action he did.

It was strange and she has never felt something like that.

Her body is thoroughly enjoying the interaction with Vicky.

Her pussy has already become wet and the love juices are oozing out of it in long strings.

Vicky pulled her over and lied flat on his lap while he is still sitting.

Everything is just perfect to spank her bountiful ass.

Ever since he spanked Revy before, he was more and more interested in spanking the girls.

He not only spanks her ass but specifically spank on her pussy.


“You really got a nice jiggling ass here”


“Your pussy is so wet.

Do you often do things like this?”



“Don’t like to me.

I can tell simply by looking at your pussy.

I am really experienced in this matter you know.”

Vicky said as he continued to spank her till Miranda revealed everything she knows and the gang she is working for.

She is actually working for the minuteman gang under time thief Fortis.

She has three orgasms before spilling all of her secrets including when she lost he virginity and how many people that fucked her till now.

All of this was obtained through simply spanking and fingering her pussy.

Finally as reward Vicky pulled her up and poked her pussy with his dick.

She sat on his lap with his dick that went straight into her sensitive pussy making her scream in moans.

Vicky put his hands on her hips and started to move her body up and down.

He moved her just enough to pull out his dick to the head and then inserted it all the way inside again.

Also he pulled her tits and bit down her nipples hard making her moan louder.

She did not have this much pleasure since she lost her virginity and had her first gang bang.

Now she felt that she has a complete gang bang with just one man.

That is how much pleasure that she is receiving right now from Vicky.

During the movements sometimes Vicky would stop and spank her ass once more to make her more sensitive.

Chapter 458: reconnaissance for the robbery

That is how much pleasure that she is receiving right now from Vicky.

During the movements sometimes Vicky would stop and spank her ass once more to make her more sensitive.

The night was eventful and the sleep time is also good for Vicky as he woke up late in the morning.

But someone has not woken up yet because of the wild ride last night.

She could not do anything about this matter as Vicky is like a wild bull that did not let her rest.

Her pussy and ass hole are swollen because of all the pounding.

She will not be able to walk around for the day.

Vicky transferred her few days of time as payment for the fun after washing up.

Then he called in to have breakfast.

While he is eating breakfast she woke up.

Even for a bitch having the man that fucked her being near her when she woke up is a pleasure in itself.

“I have transferred few days of time to you.

You can use it as you like.

If you want to have fun again, come to my room in the night.

You can bring other women if you cannot bear the burden alone.

Bring some good woman with nice shape and size.

Your phone is here.

You can leave whenever you want to leave.

You can order breakfast from the hotel room service after you cleaned up….”

Vicky said few things before leaving.

Today he is going to look around for the materials to make the jamming device.

Also he has to check out the financial institutions of this place.

Like banks, loaning companies and other things.

He has to see how they would work and where they store the time they got from all the people.

Hacking is useless.

After the small preparations Vicky went around to the industrial area to the other electronic stores.

Then he got some necessary parts from there.

He already got the tools he needed all the time with him.

After getting the parts he returned back to the hotel to have lunch.

Miranda has already left.

There is nothing of value in the room.

As for the matter there is a spare change of clothes, other than that there is nothing.

Vicky opened the window and started to fiddle with the electronic parts and finally made a reliable small jamming device.

After making that he checked it using the CCTV cameras and little other small equipment that he brought along before in the morning.

The jamming device is working perfectly.

In the afternoon he went around checking the financial institutions.

There is only one bank and one loaning organization present in this place.

The bank is very tightly secured.

Vicky went along to speak with the receptionist.

With his high amount of charm he was able to get some good amount of information.

Without charm even if he tried to get the information it would be useless.

The plot line characters would not speak about this and will not answer to any of player’s questions.

But Vicky has a strong charm that is really high for the second ring fantasy worlds.

So he was able to get the information he wanted.

After that he went to Wies time lenders financial organization branch.

It is a loaning organization that the protagonist fights against in this “In Time” fantasy world plot line.

Vicky went inside to have a nice long talk to get all the information he wanted to get.

Then he returned back to the hotel for dinner.

After going around so much he was really exhausted.

Right when he finished dinner his room door was knocked.

Vicky smiled meaningfully as he can sense the people outside the room.

There are three women outside the door.

One is Miranda and there are two other big beauties.

She brought them along to have fun for another night.

Even though her pussy is swollen she still wanted to have some more fun with that big dick.

Also she brought along her friends that are close to her.

One is a blond haired beauty with big tits and ass.

Other is a black haired woman with equally bigger tits and long hair that came down her waist.

Vicky came over to open the door and smile at the girls.

Then he invited them into the room.

“Have you eaten dinner?”

Vicky asked with his magnetic voice.

The three women were dazed for a moment.

The two girls other than Miranda were shocked to see such a handsome man.

They wanted to have some real fun.

They had already done with their dinner and came here just for the fun.

Vicky smile at them and told them to take a bath.

Vicky also wanted to go inside and start the play from the bathroom.

So he stripped off and went along with the girls into the bathroom.

There is a big bathtub in the bathroom filled with hot water.

In the bathtub Vicky sat down first and the new girls sat on either side of his lap holding onto his hands between their tits.

Miranda was sitting between his legs with her hand holding his dick and she leaned forward kissing Vicky.

They alternated the kisses between the three girls and Vicky tasted something different from each girl.

Well these girls are not we call as innocent girls.

They did it with many men for their benefits.

So you could not expect something big from them.

But as far as Vicky is concern they are good girls with good bodies to play.

Vicky pulled up the blond girl and sucked on her nipples that are quite big when they are erect.

As for the black haired girls nipples are actually long when they are erect.

Miranda did not have any of this as she has inverted nipples.

She should be excited to pull her nipples out that looked like buds and felt good when you bite on them.

Chapter 459: robbery in the night

Miranda did not have any of this as she has inverted nipples.

She should be excited to pull her nipples out that looked like buds and felt good when you bite on them.

Just like that he tasted the three beauties slowly.

When it is early in the morning Vicky slowly came out of the embrace of the three girls that are sleeping soundly on the bed.

The bed is filled with cum and love juices.

Vicky did not wash his body instead he put on a tight fit dress and attached the jammer he made before to the side of his waist best.

He switched on the jammer and went out of the hotel through the window and emergency exit.

He has already switched on the jammer so no CCTV camera recorded his movements.

First he went to the bank in the Dayton and took out his complicated tools to break into the inner vaults.

As for the security they were directly knocked out.

After entering inside Vicky specifically closed the outside door.

Since it is early hours the patrol is lax.

So they did not notice that the security guard is unconscious.

The person that answered in the communication is Vicky that changed his voice.

Vicky inside the bank started to take all the time storage devices and then transferred all the time into the clock on his hand.

He did not have any thoughts of taking these things with him.

He has a time storage device that he bought.

He will store the cumulative time into that storage device later.

It took him an entire hour to transfer time from all those small devices.

All in all he got 275 years of time from them.

He took the thing and left the bank without adjusting anything.

While on the way to Weis time lenders he took the time storage device and start to fill it up with the extra time he has just got.

Because of his quick movements and black dress no one noticed him.

He just like the way he sneaked into the bank, he sneaked into the time lending firm.

The jammer is working perfectly.

He checked the surveillance of the bank and he was not recorded.

Instead the CCTV camera stopped working because of the strong electromagnetic interference.

At this money lenders branch everything was stored inside a single time storage device.

So it was easy for Vicky to get that thing.

It was password protected.

But this is simply for him as long as it is not connected to the main computer and central AI.

That is not all there is a problem when removing the time storage device from the main connection.

The problem is it would alarm the time keepers that are cops as soon as the device is removed.

Naturally the branch manager should call the cops before removing or replacing the time storage device.

That is the rule for the security.

But now when Vicky removed the time storage device causing the alarm to go off at the location of the time keeper’s station and even in the time lenders building.

Since it was in the middle of the night when the time lenders branch is closed, it was easy to tell that it was a robbery.

So the time keepers immediately moved and even the patrol moved towards here immediately.

Vicky already knows about this and first arranged an escape route before removing the time storage device.

He needs 30 seconds to leave this building and go into hiding.

It takes 55 seconds to transfer all the time into the clock on his hand.

These 55 seconds are not wasted instead he would transfer all the time in the time storage device during this time.

It takes 1 minute 45 seconds for the time keepers to arrive here.

There is enough time for him to leave here leisurely.

But he would not do the slow work.

He likes the work to be smooth but not slow.

So the moment he removed the time storage device he started the transfer of the time into his own clock.

Then he moved out of the building using his pre arranged path.

Also he did not forget to open all the doors in the building.

So it is impossible for them to determine which directly he left.

There is another important thing.

The time storage device has a tracker.

So before leaving he has to drop that in the building and leave here.

When he came out of the building to the opposite direction he has to leave he waited for extra 25 seconds before all the time is transferred.

Then he ran in to an alley way that has complex connections to escape into the night.

Yes he ran instead of using a bike or other things.

Well he can run very fast like an athlete.

So it is normal for him to sprint instead of using a bike that produces too much noise.

He was not recorded in any of the cameras.

The time storage device with the tracker was left on the road of the opposite direction to distract the cops.

With that he did not have to worry about anything.

Before the lights came he returned back to the hotel and sneaked back into his room.

He removed his dress and hid it first.

Then he used the special time storage device to store all the stolen time he got right now.

Then this device was hidden in the personal space.

Fortunately there is no restriction about this matter.

After that he slowly climbed on to the bed like a silent black cat and cuddled with the women.

The time keepers are currently running wildly around the Dayton because of the two big robberies.

They did not have a single clue during this time.

So they are having a severe head ache.

Vicky on the other hand pulled the tits of the girls up and started to suck on them as he fell into sleep.

Chapter 460: saving the mother of the protagonist

So they are having a severe head ache.

Vicky on the other hand pulled the tits of the girls up and started to suck on them as he fell into sleep.

He will not be suspected as he only came 2 days ago.

Also based on the records it is said that he has over 300 years of time.

He covered it up well but the system has a record when crossing over the time zones.

Even thought Vicky appeared here there is a detailed path arranged by the system.

So there is no problem.

In the morning the three girls woke up and Vicky also woke up.

They could not go for another round because they are exhausted from many rounds last night.

Their pussies are swollen and red.

So they can only lie down for it to get better.

Miranda has already experienced it yesterday and today it was experiencing it again.

But there is no sadness in her eyes instead she was very much happy about this and the pleasure she received made her forget about this pain.

If Vicky asked her she would go with Vicky without saying a single word.

The other two girls also have similar thoughts.

Unfortunately Vicky did not want to bring these women.

He did not have any thoughts of bringing any women into the real world from this fantasy world.

The reason is simply he did not think that they are worth the effort.

Based on the news yesterday many of the players went to the next time zones to make some quick money.

But some of them are still present and they would be definitely checked because of the huge amounts of time they had.

Also they are the new people that appeared here suddenly with huge amounts of time.

So they will be the most suspicious.

Vicky gave few days of time to the girls and then used the time storage device to fill up his time to the peak of what he has before.

He even added an extra month just in case.

Since he is free he went around the Dayton again just to watch the show.

That evening when he went to the Weis time lender, it was still operational with many people coming and going.

Well they could not stop making money.

They are a corporate firm but not a government firm.

As soon as there is a problem they would immediately rectify it.

Also there is not much increase in the security.

Most probably they have tasted the sweetness of the insurance claim for the robbery.

So they are having a good time.

But Vicky did not care about this matter.

Vicky went to have breakfast at the nearby stand and decided to leave in the evening back to the hotel.

He decided to take a bus back as it is convenient.

Right when he wanted to get on the bus he saw another women that should looks like the mother of heroine in the main plot came to the bus.

Vicky understood that the main plot was about to start.

All the humans were genetically engineered and they stop aging at the age of 25.

The mother of the protagonist will called Rachel looked very beautiful.

At least she is much more beautiful than Miranda and other two women.

Right now she wanted to get on the bus but the charges is increased by two times and she did not have that much time to pay for the bus fare.

Vicky suddenly appeared behind her.

Well he also wants to get on the bus.

After listening to her Vicky immediately spoke.

“Miss, you seem like you did not have enough time.

So let me pay the fare for you, you can return it back when you have the time.

Come one get on the bus.”

Vicky said with a gentle smile on his face.

With his strong charm Rachel blushed and accepted the offer without saying a word to refuse.

Well no one wanted to die in this world.

So it is natural for her to accept his offer.

After getting on the bus Vicky paid the price of 4 hours and then they went to sit on the back.

After they sat down Rachel finally calmed down and said.

“Thank you for the help mister,

I have just paid the loan to the Weis time lenders and did not have much time immediately.

I did not expect that there is a sudden increase in the prices.

Thank you.

I will repay you when we get off the bus.

My son should be there with time on his hand.”

She said all this quickly.

Vicky smiled at her and did not say anything.

The reason why Vicky saved her is because he wanted to burden the protagonist more.

Only this way can he do things more peacefully.

When the protagonist is pressured he would show more potential in all things.

With him distracting the people and time keepers Vicky can easily steal the time following them from time zone to time zone.

This is his plan.

Vicky held the hand of Rachel that is still trembling from fear.

She felt fear because of her situation before.

This is the fear of death.

Vicky held her hand to comfort her.

Vicky was sure that her son is already ready with 100 years of time to live a happy life with her.

The journey time is not long.

It is only half an hour.

They got off the bus and will is waiting outside in a suit with some flowers on his hand.

He originally wanted to take his mother and leave to the higher time zones like the Greenwich Time zone to live happily with his mother.

But she should have died right now and changed his life forever.

But that was changed by Vicky and she is living right now.

Right when they got off the bus she immediately ran over to her son and started to tell him what happened.



This is my favorite movie, and this is the only scene I didn’t like in it. Seeing him save the mom felt great. Love this story!