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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 181: the escort journey starts

Well for this reason they have to walk most of the way or use desert cars to travel.

Those desert cars work with the spars as fuel, but the efficiency and all the other things are too low.

They can be used instead of hover cars but they have the frequent problems of getting the desert sand into their internal workings.

Also the wheels usually stuck in the sand most of the time.

This is the transportation at the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

It is said that at the central part of the apocalypse land there are high level transportation vehicles and even teleportation is not a lie.

There are flying ships just like that in the Treasure Island anime movie.

Similarly there are many other travelling tools.

But here it is just the lowest mode of transportation with monster camels pulling the carts.

Also the most of the goods that is being carried to the oasis city is actually water.

Why do they have to take water to the oasis city where water is available in abundance?

It is because the water there has special nature and has high amount of minerals.

Also it is especially saline to the point that they could not drink the water.

Actually those vita fish died in the disaster because of the sudden change in the salinity in the water causing them to die.

With the sudden change of salinity they could not properly take in the water and the oxygen in the water.

The final result is their death.

Well the water is also turbulent which is not good for the fish of this species to survive.


For this reason the oasis city requires water from outside.

As for why they are staying here is because of those fish has constant demand in the surrounding cities.

Other than the three cities on this side of the desert there are another 6 cities on the other side of the desert.

If Vicky wanted to leave here then he has to cross the desert and pass through those 6 cities to reach the main cities of the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

He has to travel all the way to find a 3 star city or country.

After going there he can get a map or way to enter into the middle region of the apocalypse land.

But before going there Vicky has to take all the opportunities along the way.

Well there might be other protagonists that are assigned to get those natural treasures that are formed from disasters except for the ruins that appear here in a year.

But that did not let Vicky leave things as it is.

He would do anything he possibly can to get all the treasures for himself and for his women.

While Vicky is thinking of this, they have already made their preparations and went to meet with the person that assigned the quest.

They requested 27 adventurers for their protection.

In the request they wanted 20 tier 3 adventurers and 7 tier 4 adventurers.

Other than that they are willing to take 3 survivors that are at tier 3 or tier 4.

The adventurers have classes and most of the time the wizards are more preferred.

The wizards are the people have abilities related to elements or extra offensive or defensive capabilities using magic.

As for the fighters they are mostly fight using body enchantments.

Usually wizards have weak physique in stories.

But that is not the case here because wizards would work hard strengthening their bodies the most.

Also they would specifically learn skills that can let them escape quickly or strengthen their defensive capabilities the most.

There are other specialty classes just like that in those games based on the opportunities and personalities that the adventurers and survivors had.

Vicky and the group registered as adventurers and they noted as magic warriors.


Their journey would take around 7 days to reach the oasis city with the caravan.

They group is already ready to leave for the trip, but Vicky observed that Radha and Ginny are not that good at disguising properly.

This might become a problem in the future if something was found out.

Well they are beauties and as long as someone noticed this then the situation would turn out differently.

Vicky thought but did not think that something like that would happen.

They quickly came to the meeting point.

All of them are wearing a bag pack that has rations and few things.

Vicky’s group is also wearing something like that.

This bag packs were bought yesterday and are very much useful in the matters of hiding their origins.

Also they had some food and water in the bag packs.

Like all the adventurers and survivors Vicky did not believe in the food that is provided by the caravan.

So they decided to take money for the expenses which is fixed.

It is a two tier 2 spars for any fighting adventurer and three tier 2 spars if they are a wizard or healer.

If it is a survivor of the same classes then they would add extra tier 2 spar.

Vicky went to collect the spar for the 7 of them.

This is also good for those business men from the caravan because they can carry more goods with the extra space.

So they prefer things this way.

Also in the apocalypse land trust is a valuable thing and once something happens no one can save you and no one will save you.

So making proper choices is important here.

After getting the spar Vicky went to get on a caravan with his women.

The 7 of them are a team and they are assigned to guard the third batch of carts in the caravan.

The entire caravan is divided into 4 parts with each guarded by specific number of people.

The first part is guarded by powerful adventurers or survivors.

Similarly the end is also guarded like this with powerful adventurers.

Chapter 182: desert wolf pack attacks

The first part is guarded by powerful adventurers or survivors.

Similarly the end is also guarded like this with powerful adventurers.

As for the middle they would leave it to the groups with tier 3 and a tier 4 adventurers or survivors.

The caravan moved slowly to the destination.

After they left the city the ground was normal for a while but after that it slowly turned into lose sand of the desert.

The air became dry and the temperature rose sharply.

Fortunately they are wearing constant temperature clothing inside.

Even though they are good they would not last long in the apocalypse land.

This is just outskirts and the temperature here is already around 50 degrees centigrade.

If they moved to some proper disaster zones the temperature would be even higher or even lower to reaching freezing.

In this kind of situations the adventurers and survivors can still survive by improving their physique using magic.

There are magic artifacts that are useful in this kind of abnormal temperatures.

But they would burn spar like crazy.

One has to have enough rich materials and proper equipment to survive in the abnormal situations.

In this apocalypse land earning is equal to the amount of risk.

So, not everyone would get the high quality products that can have resistance to temperature.

The constant temperature clothing they hand is only a temperature measure for this edge of outskirts.

When they moved in things would change and they have to prepared much better artifacts or improve their existing artifacts.

But it can wait after the disaster and they reached the other 6 cities beyond the desert.

For now they are going really well but this is the problem.

They heard that another caravan did not enter through the desert in the route of the oasis city for at least 2 weeks.

So this place should have monsters swarming already without anyone to clear them.

But there is nothing which is quite strange.

This made the people stay in vigilance the entire day.

But Ginny has already discovered the monsters they are looking for.

They are actually the desert wolves that can hide in the desert and attack suddenly in packs.

These desert wolves only have three valuable things.

First is their spar, second is their flesh and third is their skin that can be used as leather.

Its fangs and nails are strong but they are of no use to anyone in Vicky’s group.

He has stronger means than the ones that can be made from these wolves.

During the escort mission they monsters that an adventurer or a survivor hunted will belong to him or her.

They can use it or sell it to the caravan they are escorting.

If it is a group effort then the leader of the caravan can act as the arbiter in division or they can propose a voting among the people that participated in the attack for division.

These rules are set by the adventures and survivors guild and business guild.

So they are valid.

If a person or group defied these things then they would have to bear the consequences of their actions.

Vicky and his girls fought with four desert wolves that are around tier 3 and killed them.

They deliberately took time killing them.

Also none of them used their powers related to elements in fighting so that others would not recognize them.

Using elemental magic is the symbol of being a magic warrior.

Even though they mentioned being magic warriors they did not show much of their power during the battle.

The weapons they are using are their own specialty.

Vicky is carrying a rod that is thin at the center and widens to its edges.

The edges are cut in a manner of a drill bit used to drill the ground on both sides.

It is already very sharp for attacking.

But Vicky can attack two spear heads on both sides of the rod turning it into a double headed spear.

The drill bit like edge has special spiral markings that can be used to screw in the spear heads.

These rods and spear heads are made from special titanium, iron and few metal alloys that are extremely hard but also flexible.

There are 100 sets of them in his ark space.

Vicky used the name of a fake company in mechanical industry to make these things as machinery internal parts with high precision machinery.

Well the payment is only paid in half as the remaining payment should be paid after the end of the year.

Unfortunately they are not in a position to receive any more payment.

In the apocalypse land only radioactive materials turned into magic ores and magic minerals.

All the other metals are still the same.

They can be tempered with magic of various natures and elements to improve them but under normal circumstances they are all the same.

So his metal spears are nothing special other than the special design.

There are few more special features to these metal spears that only Vicky knows.

But he will not unlock them yet.

He only installed one spear head on one side and fought with the wolves.

After that he went to do the cleaning of the wolves and removing the necessary parts for usage.

At that time one of the caravan representatives came over to see if they want to sell anything.

Vicky talked with his women and decided to sell the fangs and nails of the wolves.

The remaining materials were used by him.

The representative was not that satisfied.

This is because other people sold most of the materials including the bodies of the wolves.

But the way Vicky handled the bodies of the wolves is very professional.

So he went back to report this matter to the caravan leader.

Other people handed over the corpses to the caravan because they are not proficient in handling the corpses.

So they directly sold them to the caravan.

Chapter 183: the specialty of desert mole monster

Other people handed over the corpses to the caravan because they are not proficient in handling the corpses.

So they directly sold them to the caravan.

The thing that attracted the leader of the caravan is the professional way of dissecting the corpses that Vicky did.

Their own butcher is not as professional as Vicky.

Well it has nothing to do with the professionalism, Vicky was strong and his precision is also higher than other people.

So it is natural for him to dissect the monsters smoothly.

But they could not understand this matter and decided to ask Vicky if he is willing to help them dissect the corpses of those monsters.

The more neatly it was dissected the higher the improvement in price of the materials.

Vicky accepted it but not as help but for a price.

The price was agreed by the caravan boss and Vicky is tier 3 spar for dissecting 10 corpses of the monster beasts with good precision.

Actually this price is okay and it was the same at the guilds for processing monster corpses for the adventurers and survivors.

Quickly a table was arranged with monster corpses that are brought over one after the other.

Vicky was very fast in his processing.

The butcher of the caravan was embarrassed and jealous of Vicky.

“You should learn from him.”

The boss of the caravan said to his butcher.

The word of the boss of the caravan made him angry and this anger is diverted towards Vicky.

Vicky also noticed this but he did not care about this matter.

He quickly dissected the wolf monster and received two tier 3 spars.

Well it is one tier 3 spar for dissecting all these things and another tier 3 spar is for dissecting remaining corpses and selling some of the materials.

Vicky kept the crystals and the materials he harvested in his bag pack.

Not all the meat is eatable and most of it was useless.

Only a small part of it contains most nutrients and energy.

Vicky took that and sold the remaining meat to the caravan for the second tier 3 spar.

The caravan moved forward smoothly.

As for cooking the meat Vicky would wait till their settled down and then cook them for him and his girls.

He cannot let his girls eat some tasteless food like dried food.

With their food reserves they don’t have to worry about the consumption of the food.

But they could not just show it off outside.

When the caravan stopped in the evening Vicky started to cook using a portable magic stove for the 7 of them.

He used little spices and the smell of the meat spread around the area.

Usually this kind of thing should be avoided in order to not to attract the attention of the monsters.

But Vicky did not care about this.

He quickly made the tasty food and gave it to the girls to eat and made his own portion at the last.

If they listened carefully they can hear the sounds of saliva swallowing from other people around.

But they did not speak about this matter.

This place is relatively safe and the highest level monster that can come to attack them is only a tier 4 monster.

They rested for few hours and then they started to move again.

In the first three days nothing happened and Vicky earned extra for the butchering work.

The butcher of the caravan lost the extra commission that he should get.

So he was grinding his teeth in anger.

Vicky did not care.

On the fourth day when they have reached the half way point to the oasis city they faced with the desert mole monsters.

These monsters are tricky with good defense and hiding capabilities.

Their outer body is strong but their inner body is very week.

Any attack that has piercing effect is useless while the attacks that can cause internal damage are really good for dealing with this kind of monsters.

Well not many people are good at this kind of heavy attack methods that can damage the internal organs.

Also these mole monsters have another use that is their back bone along with a string of nerve is the perfect fishing rods to fish in the oasis of the oasis city.

For some reason no boat can sail in the waters of the oasis without quickly corroding.

But the water did not have any acidic properties on the fishes.

When humans or other materials touched the water they would corrode.

As long as the water is take out of the oasis in wooden buckets and was added with 50 percent normal water it would become normal water that is drinkable.

It is strange but that is how things are.

So hunting these moles is important and they have high amount of demand in the oasis city.

So the only tier 5 person on the group took action.

He is actually an ice mage well his ice element is similar to that of Radha.

He is an ice elemental affinity adventurer that is good with ice spells and water spells.

Radha also learnt the spells from the ark library and she is far advanced from this tier 5 ice mage.

Not all people are same.

Each has their own way of improvement.

The people that improved with inferior methods would consume their potential leaving them no future growth.

The growth of Radha is not like that.

Vicky supplemented Radha with adequate amount of food with magic energy along with the quality of the energy to ingest very less impurities.

So her improvement is far higher than that of this tier 5 mage.

This tier 5 mage was brought along so that he can use his water spell to compress water to take more water along the way.

So he usually would not battle and enjoys good treatment from the boss of the caravan.

During the battle with the mole monsters something unexpected happened.

Chapter 184: the ice wizards wanted Radha to serve him for the night

So he usually would not battle and enjoys good treatment from the boss of the caravan.

During the battle with the mole monsters something unexpected happened.

That is the hood covering Radha fell back revealing her face and she did not apply the disguise makeup today.

So her beautiful face is out in the display.

It is only for a moment but the tier 5 ice mage noticed this.

It was noticed by Vicky and other girls too.

But they are in the battle and they did not have time to look into this matter.

Well the ice mage is a young and arrogant man.

Because of his power he thinks that he is above everyone in the caravan.

He has made many lady servants of the caravan and adventurers to spend nights with him.

Since he saw the beauty of Radha on the level of goddess he was aroused.

So after the battle he came all the way to Radha and said.

“Come to my tent tonight if you don’t want your team to be whipped out completely.”

After saying these he walked away arrogantly.

This was a mistake and Vicky understood that.

Radha and neither of his women had any fear in their eyes.

Instead a glint of killing intent appeared in their eyes.

They looked at Vicky as if they wanted to know what his thoughts are.

Vicky smiled back at them and this smile is very precise.

They have been together for so long and they know what this smile meant.

So they all smiled back at him.

Well others would not be able to see their smiles under the cloak.

But Vicky can perceive it easily.

Vicky did not act immediately.

The other adventurers also looked at the situation with pitying eyes towards Vicky and lustful gazes towards Radha.

Also their thoughts are different when they looked at other women that are covered in disguise and cloaks.

They believe that all the women under the cloaks are also beauties.

Till now only Vicky showed his face and none of the other women showed their faces.

With one women being so beautiful, they thought that all of his women in disguise are also beautiful.

The ice mage also thought the same and decided to get to know them in the night.

The owner of the caravan found this news but did not say anything about this matter.

Things like this would happen often in the apocalypse land and he could not meddle in these matters.

Also he could not offend a tier 5 ice mage adventurer for some novice adventurers that just started with the guild.

Vicky waited for their response and nothing happened.

It was evening when the caravan halted for the day.

The servant by the side of ice mage came over to Vicky’s group and said arrogantly.

“Master ordered all the women here to come to spend night with him.”

None of the women moved or even answered her after her message.

They continued to do what they are doing as if her message was air.

This was noticed by other adventurers but they did not speak instead they watched the show from the sidelines.

The ice mage is also thinking about the food cooked by Vicky for the past 2 days.

So he ordered the servant to order them to bring the food cooked nicely to him too.

The servant repeated the orders of the ice mage again with frustrated voice.

But still there is no response.

When he wanted to step forward to pull the shirt of Vicky, the eyes of Vicky turned towards him sharply.

The pressure of a tier 7 powerhouse fell fully on him as the target.

This is the precise control that Vicky has.

The moment the servant felt the pressure he immediately fell down on his knees without any form or resistance.

His head is covered in cold sweat and he was unable to even gulp down his saliva.

Nothing was uttered out of his mouth and he stayed like that even after Vicky turned his eyes back to his work.

It was a fear that Vicky gave him straight into his subconscious mind.

The fear is not normal fear.

It was instinctive to the point that it could threaten his very existence.

The on looking adventurers did not know what happened in that short moment.

Why the servant of a tier 5 mage kneeling down in front of some adventurers group without any words to say like he was rambling before.

The servant even wet his pants and stayed there like that without moving an inch.

He tried his best to reduce his existence as much as possible so that he would not be found out by Vicky.

The servant is actually a tier 3 adventurer, but not a perfectly trained one like Vicky and his group.

He felt that any small movement he makes might erase him from existence.

After 10 minutes another servant appeared and his situation is no different than the first one.

Another 10 minutes later the ice mage appeared with anger.

Right now Vicky and the girls just finished eating their dinner and the girls went to wash the dishes while Vicky sat there resting after eating his fill blissfully.

The other adventures looking at the delicious food being consumed by them made them swallow their saliva.

The caravan boss has heard about this incident and appeared at one corner silently looking as the incident unfolds with the arrival of the ice mage.

“What the hell are you doing knelling around like that over here?

Don’t I tell you to bring those bitches and food to my tent?”

He kicked the two servants and then walked towards the camp fire where Vicky and his girls are relaxing.

He did not come to Vicky instead he went straight to Radha and wanted to pull down her cloak.

But before his hand could reach her a hand suddenly appeared and caught his wrist.

Chapter 185: teaching a lesson to arrogant fools

He did not come to Vicky instead he went straight to Radha and wanted to pull down her cloak.

But before his hand could reach her a hand suddenly appeared and caught his wrist.

It is like an iron clamp that would not let his hand move forward or backward.

When he looked to the side a strong muscular man appeared by his side.

Vicky’s appearance is normal but the aura he emitted made him look like a powerful person.

Also Vicky did not appear like that sissy looking protagonists with long hair smooth skin and other nonsense.

Vicky looked like a trained athlete with bulging muscles that are big enough to be outlined clearly like a professional boxer.

Also one can clearly see the big bulge in his pants no matter what condition it is.

It was his dick that is that big when it is not aroused.

The balls are as big as oranges too.

The reason why he can satisfy 7 women easily is only because of this.

He usually covers his body with bulky clothes making him look like a slim and normal person.

This is his disguise to gain the best benefits that he wanted when there is an attack.

“Let go of my hand.”

The Ice mage shouted.

“Oh, I did not even grasp your little hand tightly and you are already shouting.

I thought that you are some sort of strong dude.

You are just a little sissy.

I thought that you wanted to get my women.

You are so useless that you are not worth to look at their faces.

I am going to give you a chance.

Be a good mutt and do your work.

Don’t mess with other people.

When it comes to my women, I am not a patient man.

Go back to your little tent and let your servants play with your puny cock of a joke you sissy bitch.”

Vicky said that and pushed the ice mage into a through.

He flew off 10 meters and fell on the kneeling servants and then lost consciousness.

Vicky’s girls giggled looking at the situation.

Vicky’s girls liked him for his excellent cooking skills at first.

But after that they understood every good point of Vicky and the more they learnt about him the more attached they become to him.

They were satisfied in every possible way in the apocalyptic world.

So they did not have a single thought of betraying Vicky.

Well he is practically a super husband with hot body that they would die for.

Also his dick is not traditional white even though his skin is white.

In the near equator zone most of the men and female had their crotch region black even thought their entire body is white as milk.

Well there are only a rare few like that and the entire thing look colorful to them.

They also like Vicky so much because he would not tolerate any idiot hit on them and get away with it safely.

After taking care of the ice mage Vicky turned his gaze towards the shadows of the caravan.

Well it is very bright because of three colorful moons in the sky.

One moon is golden yellow, one moon is bluish, and the third moon is light green in color.

That is the color of the freshly sprouted leaves.

So the combination color is a mixture of these colors.

With Vicky’s gaze the owner of the caravan and his other men shivered.

Vicky did not make things difficult for them and said.

“I don’t mind having some trouble.

But I don’t want more nuisance as I am enjoying my time with my women.

Beware that my patience is limited and you might not have something bad happened after we reached the oasis city.

There are some people that should not be offended no matter what.

Hope you take care of that sissy idiot, so that he would not get in my way.”

Vicky said and returned back to his camp fire position and started to chat with his wives.

For some reason they can hear his voice but they could not understand what he is saying.

Vicky is speaking to his women with the strong mental interference in his voice.

It is like his words are coded and they needed to be decoded to understand.

They can decode it with their current mental power easily.

If there is a person that is strong with perception, Mind and soul power then they can easily understand the words of Vicky.

Vicky is teaching this to his women to talk this way which is much easier to talk secrets.

Well when they improved their power they can easily improve the power of coding and increase their secrecy in speech.

With his warning the caravan owner was terrified.

He thought that Vicky’s group is some newbie group.

He did not expect to kick an iron plate here.

He did not know the background of Vicky’s group.

But he was sure that the power that Vicky showed did not belong to a newbie.

Then there is only one reason for all this that can explain everything.

Vicky should be some sort of young master from a rich and powerful family that is going around with his women to gain experience.

The other adventurers that came to watch the show before have come to similar conclusion.

They immediately became scarce and did not dare to go near Vicky from now on.

They don’t know what sort of person Vicky is and how strong he is.

So they don’t want to mess with someone they should not mess with and create excessive problems on their heads.

The caravan owner also had the same thought and decided to gift few more spars of tier 5 to cool off Vicky.

Well this level of caravan would not have many tier 5 spars with them all the time.

But they think that life is more important than few spars wealth.

Chapter 186: stealing the spars and pushing the blame

Well this level of caravan would not have many tier 5 spars with them all the time.

But they think that life is more important than few spars wealth.

They can always earn more as long as they are alive.

With that the rest of the journey is really smooth.

Vicky dissected those mole monsters and got their back bones.

There is a string attached to those back bones which is perfect for fishing.

It is like a natural fishing rod.


The ice mage did not make any more for the rest of the time.

It seems like the boss of the caravan had little talk with him, to calm him down.

Also he sent few tier 5 spars to Vicky as an apology for what they did.

Vicky actually refused to take those spar and said that these little things are not worth his attention.

He could not lower himself in front of these people and cause suspicions.

They should be in the illusion that Vicky is from some renowned power in the apocalypse land.

But he did not leave those tier 5 spars either.

When the boss gave those spar to Vicky he made Ginny leave a trace on them.

Later Ginny would control one of the servants of the ice mage to steal that box and place it in the belongings of the ice mage.

But it would not have a single spar in it along with the spars that the ice mage carrying.

All these things would be stolen by the servants and he would secretly put them in the cart Vicky and the girls are riding for Vicky to take them.

After doing all these things he would forget everything that he did and think that he run some errands for the ice mage.

Also he would only remember that the ice mage that told him to steal the things and it did not have anything to do with him.

Vicky took the spars and sent them to the ark space.

The more spars there is the more Vicky can use them to form a formation.

This would improve the concentration of the magic energy and it can be used to practice for them later.

Vicky already got many spars from the technotrix clan storage area when he stole the little mind from there.

They are made into a formation to concentrate their magic energy to reach tier 8 or higher.

The formation was already present in the training room of the ark space.

All Vicky has to do is to provide with the spar for it to extract the magic energy.

The formation can reach up to 1 star level of magic energy.

Unfortunately Vicky was unable to procure enough spars to reach that level yet.

Also they did not have time to enter into the ark space to train for long.

At most they can stay there for 10 hours a day.

That is if they are in an apartment where they lived privately but not in a place where they are travelling.

While travelling they cannot enter ark space because once they did they would be stuck on that spot while others leave along with the travel.

This is a dangerous thing to do if it was done when they are doing a space jump for long distance travel through those space ships.

Falling into a space fissures is a dangerous thing for the very existence.

So for now they would not practice anything.


After 7 days they reached the oasis city.

Vicky got the stamp he needed for the completion of the quest and got their rewards.

Naturally they would not check their spar.

But since it was pay day they checked the spar to pay the people.

The boss of the caravan has to pay the fee for the people.

When he went to check on the spars storage in his special cart, everything is missing.

Not only tier 5 spars but the only tier 6 spars along with few precious materials are also missing completely.

The caravan owner immediately called the patrol of the oasis city for the checking.

He did not believe that he would lose all those things so quickly.

All the adventurers and servants that came with the caravan were detained.

The highest power in this oasis city is only a tier 8 powerhouse.

Well there are a few tier 7 powerhouses as well from various families.

Vicky can easily fight against him with the support of his women he can fight few tier 8 powerhouses at the same time.

Vicky prepared to fight because those guards might want to see the faces of his women.

That is they wanted them to remove their cloaks to check.

Vicky has already prepared for this and they used a secret technique to make their bodies disfigured when needed.

Only Vicky would appear with his perfect body.

So it is not a problem.

But if there is a sudden unexpected surprise he should be able to take care of the things.

The people from the guards split into two groups.

One checked the caravan while the other checked the servants and adventurers that came along with the caravan.

Searching the caravan took long as they have to search many carts.

So the searching of people and their belongings is much easier.

When it was Vicky’s group turn the boss of the caravan was sweating.

If Vicky felt offended then he might die here.

Vicky did not say anything and removed his cloak for checking.

Then his women removed the cloaks for them to check.

His women looked very fat with almost nonexistent curves and ugly appearances.

They don’t mind looking this ugly to maintain their cover and have some peace of mind.

The tier 5 ice mage was shocked to see that the beauty he thought was this ugly.

But he felt that this was all a disguise.

His eyes could not lie to him and he definitely saw beauties.

Chapter 187: humiliated guard captain

But he felt that this was all a disguise.

His eyes could not lie to him and he definitely saw beauties.

He remembered his humiliation and wanted to get back on Vicky.

So he came to the guards and told them that the women are not ugly and fat.

They are just putting up disguise and hide the things inside the disguised excess fat.

This made those guards felt lustful and wanted to have an intimate contact with Vicky’s women

Vicky once again arrived and caught the hand of the guard and said.


I insist that you don’t touch my women.

If you have female guards then you can let them come and check.

But if a make things difficult for me I might have to cut off your arms.

Don’t make me more angry so as to not to lose something that can let you call yourself as a man.”

The guard and their captain clearly heard the words of Vicky and their arrogance flared.

So the guard captain said.

“I suspect that you are a terrorist and came here to cause trouble in our territory of the oasis city.

Guards capture them and put them I the prison so that we can interrogate them separately with all the guards.”

Then he came forward to Vicky and said with a normal voice.

“We will investigate your beautiful women till they only remember the shape of our dicks.”

Everyone present heard this and they are smiling inside at the misery of Vicky.

Vicky also smiled back and said.

“It seems like your wife and the wives of your guards need to find a new man to satisfy them.”

Vicky immediately got into action without a second thought.

Out of nowhere a small knife appeared on his hand and his hands moved like wind.

The guard captain in front of Vicky felt several gusts of wind and did not feel a single contact.

When the real wind blew his dress turn into shreds and flew away with the air.

This includes his underwear leaving him completely naked standing right in the middle of the road.

The guard captain did not even get a chance to use his power during the entire time.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye.

Well he is just a tier 5 adventurer that reached this level through supplements without putting any proper effort.

So naturally he was many times weaker than Vicky.

The surrounding guards and adventurers looked at the scene with severe shock.

They felt that their scalps numb and their forehead covered with cold sweat.

They did not expect that Vicky is so strong and so much skilled.

“This is just the sample.

Do you want me to work on your little thing to make you understand what it is to offend some people you could not offend?

Let me guess, your child needs an extra mommy than a daddy like you.

Am I right mister guard captain?”

Vicky said with a smile that is more like a devil smiling at them.

The surrounding guards stopped and could not even gulp down their saliva in fear of attracting the attention of Vicky.

The guard captain lost his power and immediately got on the floor without even thinking about being completely naked.

Then he started to beg Vicky for mercy.

He was sure that if he uttered a single wrong word then he would get something worse than death.

He really doesn’t want that to happen.

So he left his dignity to get his life in return.

Vicky got down and told him.

“Of course I will let you go.

But there is one condition.

You have to tell me who instigated you.

Don’t you think that he might be using your to test waters with me.

Do you want to be used by others like this instead he standing up for yourself.

Also, he might be the one that did the crime and had the stolen tier 5 spars on his hand.

Don’t you think that he is the best candidate to bully and get the spars?

Think about it.

He is the reason why you lost your dignity.

In reality you and I did not have any feud.”

Vicky while speaking took out a cloak from his bag and gave it to the guard captain.

It is a carrot and a stick method of doing things.

Vicky smiled and pushed the guard captain towards the ice mage that caused the situation.

Any way Vicky did not have any thoughts of the payment from the caravan boss.

What he wanted is the quest completion form signed.

He has already gotten that.

So there is no problem about this matter.


The guard captain covered his body with the cloak from Vicky.

For a moment he felt Vicky was a good person and all of his anger was diverted towards the ice mage.

So he ordered.

“Guards go and check the cart that this ice mage is travelling.

I suspect that he is the master mind behind the stealing of those spars.”

The guards did not dare to delay because their captain is angry now.

If they did something out of line then they would have to bear the burn of their actions.

So they immediately got into work and checked the caravan card that the ice mage stayed.

They actually find the boxes that the caravan owner stored the spars and precious materials before.

The owner of the caravan did not speak before when those guards of going after Vicky and his women.

So Vicky felt happy that he did not steal from an honest man.

Even if he is an honest man Vicky would still steal because he heard from the servants of the ice mage that this ice mage is from a bandit gang that is good at robbing the caravans.

So this is the price the boss of the caravan has to pay for saving his life from being killed during the caravan robbery.

Chapter 188: exploring the oasis city

Even if he is an honest man Vicky would still steal because he heard from the servants of the ice mage that this ice mage is from a bandit gang that is good at robbing the caravans.

So this is the price the boss of the caravan has to pay for saving his life from being killed during the caravan robbery.

To his surprise Vicky was actually paid by the by the guild as the amount of entire thing is big and the caravan boss is a frequent.

The payments to the adventurers can be done through loaning.

They don’t want to lose so many spars on the way when they are moving.

So Vicky can show the signed forms at the guild to get the spars.

After adjusting their thoughts Vicky quickly took his women to stay at a specific place.

No guard tried to stop Vicky or his women because they were sure that Vicky is not ordinary enough for them to do anything.

Even if they call their leader they might be punished instead of Vicky.

So they swallowed their anger including guard captain towards Vicky.

Instead all of this anger was diverted towards the boss of the caravan and the ice mage.

Vicky was sure that there would be new additions in the sissy’s of the town soon.

Apocalypse land is dangers and only strong has the right to live while the weak has to bear with the strong.

Vicky knows the rules and knows where to stay in this place.

He went to the hotel in a neutral zone and checked in.

Also he mentioned to his girls.

“No matter what we cannot go separately and have to be together all the time.

Remember this.

Even though we could take care of that guard captain, we are not strong to fight with an army of them all alone.

But as a group we can fight them all easily.

Also that powers that established this city here are not harmony but just a barely connected mutual connection or business.

They all hold strong weapons and artifacts in their hands which are very dangerous to us to face head on.

Based on the information of future opportunities our chance of opportunities would come in the future.

Till then we have to safely navigate through these obstacles.

After we settle down here we can start with fishing in the oasis.”

Then Vicky took out few pairs of gloves and gave each girl a pair of gloves.

These gloves are made from special skin layer of the mole monsters we fought before.

These are the only thing that can easily touch water.

You cannot touch the water in oasis directly.

There are buckets that are covered with the same material as the gloves that are available in this city.

People would get the water in the oasis using those buckets and then mix equal or more than equal of normal water turning that water into normal drinking water.

There are two conditions to make the oasis water into drinking water.

First that water mist not be in contact with the water in the oasis and

Second is that the water needed to be mixed with equal or more than equal that is 1:1 or 1+ ratio of water to make it drinkable.

If not that water is not drinkable at all.

It is not like it is as corrosive as it was in the oasis but it would taste like drainage water mixed with orck’s piss and goblins shit.

But surprisingly when normal water is mixed the smell and everything would be gone and it would turn into normal water.

It is strange and only of the ugly miracles of this oasis.

The neutral zone has hotels that are far more risky than that of the zones with a power backing them.

But the problem is that those people charge so much and they would do some weird stuff from time to time.

Vicky doesn’t want to get into high profile.

The neutral zones are made up of adventures that are original residents of this oasis.

They are the one that started to develop here first.

Later the other powers slowly moved over to develop because of the profits here.

The guild is in the neutral zone so this place can be relatively safe.

With the special guild membership cards they can get good accommodation here.

Then they rested for the day.

Well they stayed in the room most of the time and only leave into ark space during the evening when they can rest there peacefully after a full wash bath and eating good food.

In the morning next day they went to check out the oasis.

When they came over they thought that they standing at the shore of a sea.

This oasis is very big and the water is never calm.

It is not because of the waves but because of the fish jumping around.

There are so many fish that if it was normal lake they would be caught in no time.

Unfortunately they cannot be caught easily.

No boats can go into the lake as the closer they go to the center the faster the ship corrodes.

No net can be set as the only material suitable to form net is the 5 meter long string that is attached to the back bone of the mole monster.

Even if they tried to make a net out of many such strings, it would not last long.

At most a mole monster string last for 10 days, after that it would turn into normal dried flesh and crumble away.

So the fish net would not last that long.

Well there are plenty of mole monsters in the desert but hunting them takes time too.

All in all it would not be as profitable as fishing them through fishing rods than using other means.

With that the shore has many fisher men with fishing rods lined up all around the place.

Chapter 189: the monster in the oasis

All in all it would not be as profitable as fishing them through fishing rods than using other means.

With that the shore has many fisher men with fishing rods lined up all around the place.

They don’t have to fight with each other as there are fish everywhere close to the shore.

With little effort they can fish at least 10 of them per hour.

The 6 minutes per fish is not for fishing them but to carefully remove them from the end hook and place them in the water bucket without damaging them.

Vicky has another thought about this matter.

He is going to steal a piece of land here with the help of telekinesis he and his women are enough to do something like that.

He already made the big puddle holes in the ark space.

He would take the sand of the oasis along with the water and fish in it and place it straight into the ark space.

This way they can form a complete natural habituate for the fish here.

Also he has to observe things for a while before making a decision.

They have to come here during the night or early hours when the place is more deserted.

Vicky has discussed this matter with his women and they came here right now to do the scouting of the area.

There are many people wearing cloaks and different kind of dressings so it is normal for people to go around like that.

No one asked or questioned Vicky and his girls.

Vicky and his girls made it to the oasis and saw that it was really crowded.

They split up into two groups.

They would scout 10 kilometers on each side from their starting point.

Vicky’s group has Rose and Nubia.

The other group has remaining 4 people.

Before parting Vicky asked Radha to check the situation of the water here.

Being a person that has the affinity towards water she can determine what the problem with the water here is.

Strangely she did not find anything.

Rose also checked the soil but did not find anything strange.

If neither of these things worked then Vicky looked at Ginny to check if there is a strong existence in the water that can emit radioactivity or something similar.

Also he asked her to see if she can know what is in the minds of those fishes.

Ginny tried but felt an intense head ache immediately.

Vicky knows that it was a backlash from the strong sense from the water.

With his good control over the mind power he was able to feel a strong fluctuation back hitting Ginny causing her to have a sudden head ache.

Fortunately for her Vicky immediately cut off their connection and knocked her out to save her.

Vicky now knows that there is a strong creature in the oasis.

Most probably it is the reason for the strange nature of water in the oasis.

When Ginny wakes up they can find out more about this matter.

Vicky waited for Ginny to wake up and they went to a restaurant on the side to book a separate room.

They ordered some food and ate quietly but they are communicating using telepathy.

It is very easy with their power of mind.

It is also magic but it is a different application just like science.

Just the mind did not have enough power to send the words around with magic it would become easy.

Ginny explained that she saw a huge creature in the water.

There are many tentacles that looked like plant roots.

They are the ones that are releasing strange substance into the waters.

This substance is sustaining the fishes easily.

The difference in the water nature is caused by them.

She described the creature that she felt.

But she did not get to know the creature completely.

All she saw was the tentacles and the moment she came into contact with the tentacles she was back tracked immediately with a stronger force.

Fortunately Vicky came to knock her out and protected her mind severing all outer connections.

This stopped the backlash to the minimum.

Based on her description, the creature should be more than 1 star monster that should be related to a plant type monster.

On land the plant type monsters are the strongest with great vitality.

They cannot be killed easily.

Fortunately Rose did not try to connect to the soil more and get connected to the monster.

If it happened she would become a puppet of the monster.

Ginny was also in the similar situation.

It was really dangerous.

That is why it is called apocalypse land.

But Vicky did not understand the purpose of the monster staying out here all the way at the edge.

Also he doesn’t know what happened to the monster after the apocalypse that happened in few months.

Many be it has migrated or it might have died falling into an earth fissure.

Also he understood why those fishes might not be able to live outside this special mix water.

These fishes have already adapted to the current environment and the strong vitality provided by those roots mix.

This means that the key to this is actually those roots and the water that was taken out would lose its capabilities at a later time.

Vicky can use the testing room of the ark island to check what was mixed in the water and can make it artificially.

Then he can get a fish cultured in a separate pond.

But he was not sure if the testing could give him a complete result.

The reason for this is actually the problem with the level of the ark space.

The current ark space is only 1 star level and it needs more components to improve to the higher level.

For improving the testing capabilities of the ark space alchemy and research room it would need some special chips and high level technological components.

Chapter 190: fishing is not that easy

The current ark space is only 1 star level and it needs more components to improve to the higher level.

For improving the testing capabilities of the ark space alchemy and research room it would need some special chips and high level technological components.

The thing like the little mind can be useful here.

But he did not have one on hand.

So instead of that Vicky can use the time stagnation of ark space to take some water separately.

After their survey they went to buy more of the mole monster skin that is used to make the bucket covers.

He used it to completely wrap a water container that he used to place in the time stagnant space.

This way the water he stores in there would not lose its properties.

Unfortunately he could not store the living fish in stagnant time.

Well it is not a problem.

The big puddle that he made in the plantation area is good and he covered part of the surface with the skin of the mole monsters just in case.

With that everything is set.

That night he and his girls went to a spot where there are not many fisher men.

Well someone is always fishing here.

But at that time there is not many because of early hours.

Vicky took a spot while his women took the spots on his sides to maximize the cover.

After that Vicky dug a small hole on the shore of the oasis and the created a passage way to connect the oasis and the small hole.

What he is going to do is to use his telekinesis and send the water into the ark space.

This is the first thing.

Then the second thing is to make the fish come into this hole and transfer them into the ark space special puddle in the plantation area.

With the arrangements Vicky and all of his girls started to attract the fishes on the surface to come towards the small hole that Vicky made.

Vicky also held a big bucket to directly pull the fishes into the bucket and sent it straight to the ark space.

It was not that easy to complete this process in a single night or just few hours.

It would take a long time.

Also they only had little time on their hands that is the early hours before the day break.

So they need to stay here for a while before they got all the things they wanted.

It is not like they are in a hurry.

3 weeks has passed and they went to fishing every day.

The entire city of oasis was filled with the smell of dried fish.

It is really unbearable and they can only stay in the ark space for a little while.

Fortunately Nubia used the wind elemental affinity to ward off the smell of dried fishes from the room they are living in.

During the day Vicky went around the city in secret to find the strong holds of the local power.

There are more than 6 local powers in the oasis city.

They are not local powers but came here to take a piece of pie from the big cities around the desert.

They accumulated a good amount of wealth and it would be transported back to their respective power once every year.

Right now they did not send back the spars that have been collected.

This was all the information that Vicky collected while wandering around.

When he told his girls about this matter they are really excited.

Right now there are only 3 people in the group that can steal the hidden storage of spars.

They are Vicky, Radha and Sakura.

With their ghost abilities they can move from the walls and take everything.

Well there are restrictions like the formations and technological protections.

But with their absolute strength they can easily enter the place.

After the initial checking they planned that they would steal the things on that day.

Well the person that is going is actually Vicky only.

The girls will not be participating directly.

What they will be doing is that, they would enter the ark space and feed the spars to the formation to improve the magic energy in the formation.

Also they would go to the shore of the oasis and continue to fish the fishes into the pond.

After the observation the fishes did not die and the pond of water from the oasis started to release a stench.

Based on the system analysis this smelly water did not have any damage to the soil in the plantation area.

Instead this smelly water has good amount of vitality.

Vicky told them to keep an eye on this small puddle so that if a fish dies then it would be transferred straight to the time stagnant area for storage.

Vicky has already got hundreds and thousands of these fishes in the time stagnant area.

They are all dead fishes that are freshly bought.

These fishes can live for 30 minutes after taking them out of the water.

On the streets they are being sold in bulk while they are still in fish tanks.

So Vicky bought them and sent them to the ark space quickly.

All of this was done in a single action completion so the dead fishes are in the best possible condition.

Stealing from those powers is an easy thing for Vicky compared to stealing from the technotrix clan.

The reason is that these people are too lax.

They are on alert towards disasters but they did not have any sense of urgency and security for stealing them.

This is because no one would dare to try that with their life on the line in a desert.

Remember that there is no space storage device in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

Even if they had they would store something extremely valuable instead of letting them use it for transporting spars.


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