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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 461: Miranda’s little delusional plan

But that was changed by Vicky and she is living right now.

Right when they got off the bus she immediately ran over to her son and started to tell him what happened.

Will understood the situation and felt a strong dread.

He clearly knows that if Vicky did not help his mother then she most probably die on the way.

Even with the 100 years he has on his hand it would still be the death of his mother.

So in a way Vicky is the savior of his mother and he was really moved.

So he came forward and for the 2 hours of time that Vicky spent for his mother, he gave Vicky 2 years of time.

Vicky did not refuse his gratitude but only smiled at him.

This will is really stupid.

After speaking around with the protagonist Vicky took his leave.

Vicky did not have any thoughts on fucking will’s mother for the time being.

Also things would become ugly soon.

The players are in the fantasy world for 3 days and they should be prepared to do things right now.

They should be restless and must have planned something.

Well most players have entered higher time zones but they have to spend the time they had.

So naturally they would become weak.

Because of this reason they would do things to regain the lost time.

They would either plan business, or do some special dealings with the things they brought from the outside world that is real world.


They would resort to stealing and robbery.

Anything can happen in the coming days.

It would not be peaceful.

The minuteman gang might not be the dominating force in Dayton in the coming days.

Players are strong and they are ruthless compared to plot line characters.

For them this is the matter of life and death.

Even a cornered rat would bite back.

Also this is a great opportunity for them to get more time.

Human greed is endless.

Vicky doesn’t know which powerful players have appeared here but he was sure that the things are too calm.

It is like there would be a sudden storm.

So he made the decision to leave Dayton tomorrow morning.

For now he returned back to the hotel and had his dinner.

Soon the girls have appeared.

Miranda brought to more girls today.

There are a total of 5 of them.

It would really become a party.

But Vicky also felt that the things are not right.

The expression of one of the girls is unnatural.

It is like something is about to happen.

So Vicky simply told them that he would be back in a minute and went to the front desk of the hotel.

Well that is what those women thought.

Vicky went straight to the emergency exit and left this hotel directly.

While leaving he switched on the jammer and escaped silently.

During his escape he saw that there are more people in the alleyway around the hotel.

There should be people from the minuteman gang that come to capture him.

Vicky did not want to fight them right now.

Even thought he can kill them all, it would be of no use to him.

So he quickly left this place and decided to take a bus to the higher time zone tonight.

Vicky’s target is not to kill but to steal and rob.

Killing would gain more attention than stealing and robbing.

Vicky doesn’t want to attract the attention of the time keepers.

Even if the other party is a criminal they would still suspect few things of Vicky.

Like how he killed so many people.

For a legitimate self defense the defending party should have enough injuries to prove that it is self defense.

Will Vicky suffer those injuries and waste his time on useless things.

He was not so stupid.

So he left here silently instead.

There are late night busses and going to the higher time zone required the payment of 12 days of time.

Vicky simply paid from the excess amount of time he has got to the bus driver and sat in the comfortable seat.

The technology here has improved well but why are there still drivers.

There are no robots or automatic system for the transportation.

There is no teleportation.

For that matter there is not even scientific journals about new scientific discoveries.

This place is completely distorted with unbalanced growth in some fields and left the others just like that.


After Vicky left Miranda and the other 4 girls started to panic because Vicky did not return after a long time.

They first thought that the minuteman gang that came along with them might have captured Vicky.

But later the leading person that came along called her.

He told her that they did not capture anyone and they are still waiting for her signal to rush in.

This made Miranda dazed and she suddenly felt that she understand the situation.

It seems like Vicky found out about their little plan and left here directly in a sneaky way.

Yes, she figured out the situation and found that Vicky has escaped but this also means that she will be punished by those people from the minuteman gang.

For the sake of extra benefits she did not care about her swollen pussy and came to get fucked by Vicky for three consecutive days.

She wanted to reduce the vigilance of Vicky.

One of the times when Vicky took a bath with her she saw that there is a sticker like thing on the clock of Vicky.

She felt that Vicky has many years and has covered up the clock just to be on the safe side.

She immediately felt strong greed for all the time and the rich life she can get.

So she decided to take the chance to inform some of her trusted sisters to get the benefits.

But one of the trusted sisters has betrayed her.

Chapter 462: entered the eleventh time zone

So she decided to take the chance to inform some of her trusted sisters to get the benefits.

But one of the trusted sisters has betrayed her.

She is the one that Vicky noticed and felt something was wrong.

She wanted to gain more benefits so she gave out information about all things.

The final result is that Miranda was fucked to death for trying to betray.

She was suspected of informing Vicky about them and let him escape from their grip.

Well till death she doesn’t know what happened and she died unjustly.

Well you will get what you choose at the beginning.

The Dayton did not change much with the decrease in the players.

Some players were caught by the minuteman gang.

They died trying to escape with the time they had on hand.

Just like that things are gone from chaotic to more chaotic.

Also with the sudden rise in the prices things are more complicated.

Vicky that is on the bus started to think about other things and about the time zones.

There are 12 time zones in this fantasy world.

The Dayton is the lowest of the time zones which is equal to the slum area.

It is numbered as 12 in code.

The Greenwich area is not the highest but only numbered as 4 in code.

There are three higher time zones present about the Greenwich area.

The amount of time that is present in their hands at that place is far higher.

May be there is really a billion year person present in the first time zone.

The Wies time lenders main branch of the headquarters is present in Greenwich Time zone.

They are not the most powerful.

In the original plot they are shown in some sort of strong aristocratic family.

But in reality they are just that much and did not amount to much.

Their highest amount of time that is in the hands of Wies family is only a million years time storage device.

So they can be called million years.

The situation in the Greenwich Time zone always appeared like old style but the technology there is really advanced.

If you move up to the top three time zones the initial entry or crossing of the time zone requires 12 thousand years of time.

This amount is just to enter the third time zone.

The second and first time zone costs millions of years.

Knowing the information is also important.

The higher you move up the time zones the higher the development would be.

Also the higher you move up the time zones the higher the technological advancement would be.

This also means higher time zones have higher security.

The weapons that can kill Vicky that are related to time are present in the time zones above the third zone.

In the simulation Vicky was able to enter into the third time zone but could not move any forward because of the lack of time.

Even if he wanted to steal he could not because of the strong security.

Even the jammer is of no use.

Unless that person has very strong ability related to hacking on the same level of tony stark or higher then they will be able to steal the things and move to the first time zone.

The technology there can be very useful.

Anything related to the elements of time and space is very valuable.

The core technologies of this world can only be obtained through the first and the second time zones.

Unfortunately Vicky could not step into that place even if he wanted to.

Even as he currently has many strong hacking techniques, he is still unable.

If he has the Skynet from the terminator or Jarvis from the iron man or red and white queens of the resident evil world then he would be able to conquer this entire fantasy world with a wave of his hand.

Unfortunately they would appear after the third ring.

Currently they are not available in his hands.

Vicky sighed and rested in the bus while thinking of his future plans.

In the morning next day he has successfully arrived at the second time zone and went to find a hotel.

First thing is always a stay.

Well he has money for the stay.

So it is normal.

Vicky simply ordered some costly things and started to enjoy the day and rest for the day.

Well he has been travelling since last night.

Sleep is the most important thing to him other than eating.

No matter who it is, they would work so hard to earn money for the two main basic needs.

First to eat tasty and delicious food when you are hungry,

Second is to sleep peacefully when you are sleepy.

These two are the most basic and instinctive needs of a person.

Even if a person becomes a zombie they will not forget to eat even if they forgot to rest.

These two are the root cause of many problems and defines a human or a being as a being.

If a person rejects these two things then we can consider him as dead or even remove him being a living being.

Only non living or unanimated objects does not require these two things.

Vicky wants to enjoy his life and he would like these two things very much.

After eating some delicacies and tasting some wine he went to sleep.

Well he is not stupid enough to just sleep.

He set some defensive measures just in case before sleeping.

If something happen he would be alerted immediately.

The cost of his living is one day worth of time for one night stay.

As for food and other things it costed even more causing the hotel staff to panic.

Fortunately his sleep was not disturbed by anyone and he slept till evening.

After having another big meal he went to check out the situation in the current time zone that is the eleventh time zone.

Chapter 463: scouting the time zone 11

Fortunately his sleep was not disturbed by anyone and he slept till evening.

After having another big meal he went to check out the situation in the current time zone that is the eleventh time zone.

This place is not much better than that of the Dayton.

But it is not much better than Dayton.

Well it is to be expected as there are 12 time zones.

The environment of the last three and the first three would be perfectly opposite.

The last three would be close to slum areas while the first three would be close to the super richness.

Similarly the 6 in the middle would be like 6 steps between the slums and richness.

The minimum amount of time that needed to open a bank account at time zone 12 that is Dayton is only 1 month.

But in the time zone 11 the minimum amount of time required to open a bank account is actually 1 year.

Just like that it will increase continuously over time.

At time zone 4 that is the Greenwich Time zone the amount required to open a bank account is over 500 years or even 1000 years based on the bank.


Naturally in the evening Vicky went around the place to check out the situation.

It is one of the many areas in time zone 11.

There are time zones in every place.

The distribution is not that much known because the plot would not let players leave the current time zones appears in the movie.

That means they can only go around in the 12 time zone areas that follow the twelfth time zone as Dayton and the fourth time zone as Greenwich Time zone.

So it was a fixed path.

Also the fantasy system did not want to players to research about the other areas of earth other than these 12 time zones.

This is a restriction by the system and anyone that defies would be obliterated.

As usual Vicky went around the place to find out the important places.

First is the bank, second is the time lenders branches.

There is more than one branch of time lenders but all of them belong to Wies time lenders.

Then the third thing is to find a pub or a bar to pick up some girls.

Naturally he covered the clock on his hand with the special skin tattoo.

Well only a part of it was covered while the remaining thing is clearly visible.

He was not worried that he would attract too much attention.

Here the amount of time a person usually possesses is from few months to few years but less than 10 years on hand.

So Vicky having around 6 years of time on his hand will lead the other people to think that he is a rich man or second generation rich man.

Unlike the time zone 12 the Dayton, the people here are much more cautious about the matters related to time.

The crime rate is also low compared to Dayton.

But there are still people that would covet the time on the hand of Vicky.

So he has to be extra careful just in case.

Also the people here would act from behind through the darkness unlike the people from the Dayton that would run around waving their guns at the people.

The higher the time zone you climb the more covert the people does the crimes.

It is not that the crime rate is low in the higher level time zones.

It is just that the people would do the crime in more secretive way to hide the crime.

They are more refined in doing the crime and hide it properly.

It is very similar to the situation back on earth.

The backward countries would have less order in front of the people outside.

This will make those big countries call them terrorist countries or some other things.

The crime that happens in those small countries is actually very small compared to the crimes that are happening in those big countries.

The crime of robbery that happens in a small country might cause the damage in millions and might cause the deaths in tens or less.

But the crime that happens in the big countries would cause in billions and the cause of death of irreversible damage to hundreds or even thousands of people.

All of this would happen in secret through darkness that would never come into the light.

Even the victims don’t know that they are victims of such big crimes.

That is how things are.

It is a natural order of intelligent people which cannot be changed no matter where it was.


Well his 6 years time would be strong enough attraction to those people but they would not act against him directly.

They would only act on him from the shadows.

Also they would definitely choose a secluded place without any cameras of surveillance.

Well this is best for Vicky too.

He can stretch his limbs and crack their balls.

This way he doesn’t have to show his other side and deal with the time keepers.

He is also good with silent crimes.

Also he doesn’t need many weapons to deal with them.

With his confidence Vicky went to the bar.

The girls here are much better than that of the Dayton.

But on an average they are still on the same level.

There is a women with appearance over 7.5 that is better than Miranda.

She is called Lizzy.

She has a lovely brunette hair with good curves that are to the liking of Vicky.

Also she is currently fawning over him.

Most likely she wanted to spend the night with Vicky.

Vicky can easily see through her thoughts.

She is actually a bar dancer here.

She is wearing bitch like clothes.

It seems like she is not expecting to become his women.

She just wants to gain some benefits from Vicky.

That is all there is to it.

Chapter 464: started stealing in the eleventh time zone

She just wants to gain some benefits from Vicky.

That is all there is to it.

Vicky found it interesting.

Well any way she likes to give him good time so why would he refuse.

He took her straight to the hotel and then they started to play around.

She even actively participated in riding the dick of Vicky as soon as she laid her eyes on the big dick.

While they are having fun Vicky questioned her about few things about the eleventh ring of the he doesn’t know.

That is the thing about the local gangs.

This kind of information can only be given by an insider.

Lizzy as an insider and Vicky put her in the deep lustful taste to get all the information that he wanted from her.

Vicky also gathered the information he wanted about the banks and other financial intuitions.

That night is a good battle.

The response from the body of Lizzy is really good.

She has many orgasms and she even squirts which made Vicky really like to play with her more.

At night Vicky slept with his dick still piercing her pussy and stopping his cum from flowing out.

When it was deep in the night and the start of early morning Vicky woke up.

He took out a cork from a wine bottle and a cloth that was sprayed with chloroform.

Vicky first used the cloth on her face to put her into deep sleep.

Then he pulled out his dick and put a cork to stop the cum.

Well she will not be pregnant because of Vicky as she already took proper measures and that day is a safe day along with contraceptive pills.

The reason for doing all this is to create a proof that he is staying with her all night.

This is just in case witness and proof for his safety.

After that Vicky washed up his body and changed his clothes to that of right fitting thief clothes with free movements.

He then activated the jammer and then got down the hotel using the pipelines and shades at various rooms.

He went straight to the time lenders branches first.

This time he is going to do the reverse of what he did in Dayton.

If he caused a big alarm them most time keepers would go to this time lenders branches to guard and catch the thief.

While they are here Vicky can easily steal from the banks.

Well he creates a hole in the patrolling teams causing uproar with the time lenders branch offices.

So he immediately came here.

Then he went straight to the Wies time lenders branch office here and moved with his familiar steps.

The internal is almost completely identical to the previous branch.

This made things easy for Vicky.

Also he found that there are guards inside the branch office.

This should be caution that they took just in case if the thief comes to the other branches in the nearby time zone.

Vicky would not fall for their tricks and use the spray of chloroform and put the person to sleep.

They can keep an extra guard but they could not take the time storage device out of the office.

This is because it is dangerous as the safety of the time storage device cannot be guaranteed outside the branch office.

Also taking it out and putting it back every day is a hard process.

Then used the gas mask to move around quickly to see where the time storage device is.

After getting the device Vicky did not pull it out of the device directly.

First he cut off the power supply connections to experiment a few things to know if there is a way to disarm the alarms.

Right when the alarm started he did not stop hesitate or be any more gentle.

He directly pulled out the time storage device and transferred the time into his clock.

The time inside the storage device is over 613 years.

It would take some time to complete the transfer.

Vicky could not waste his time and directly escaped from here.

Because of the jammer the tracker in the time storage device would not work.

The jammer will only work on surveillance devices and devices like trackers.

All the other things would work normally.

To be more precise it would work on wireless information transfer devices.

The only exception is the time storage device that is completely different from the normal devices internally.

It has the ability to store the time which makes it superior to the common devices.

Vicky transferred the time while running around and reaching a lake side.

Don’t thing that his running is normal human level running.

He is twice as strong as normal human which is the limit of this world.

His running speed is very fast and his stamina is also very strong.

So he can run in the complicated alleyways very quickly without a problem.

Because of this no one can chase after him.

Vicky went straight towards the nearby largest water body.

Then dropped the time storage device there and escaped from there quickly.

As soon as the time storage device is out of the range of the jammer it would immediately release the tracking signal.

So the time keepers know the exact location the time storage device was dropped.

Vicky quickly returned to the alleyways and came to other time lenders branch locations.

First he carefully checked the situation of the time lenders branch.

Well he has just looted one and the other one would definitely be more secured.

So he checked twice and even sprayed the chloroform into the air vents that would pump the air into the branch office.

That is what he noticed.

The air vents and the ventilation system are still active.

This means there is someone inside the branch office.

So Vicky took a cautious step in this matter.

Immediately after that he entered through the air vents with his gas mask.

Chapter 465: 3000 years of time

So Vicky took a cautious step in this matter.

Immediately after that he entered through the air vents with his gas mask.

Then he checked the situation inside.

Also the doors are locked from inside so that he could not open them from outside.

After coming inside he checked the people that lost their consciousness.

Then he opened the doors for his escape route.

Well he opened all the doors directly to confuse the people.

After that he pulled out the time storage device and started to run out of the building at his fastest speed.

Since he already stole the time storage from another branch of time lenders from the other side of the city the time keepers are concentrated there.

They did not expect that another branch would be busted on the very same day.

Also it was early in the morning where most people should be in deep sleep state.

Waking them up at this would cause them to drop their work efficiency by a large margin.

Their mind would not process things properly.

This cause many openings and lags in their pursuit of Vicky.

As for Vicky he trained his mind to sleep in short intervals to recover his sleep.

Because of this he was perfectly alright.

After stealing from here he dropped the used time storage device with the tracker into sewage drainage.

He did not return back to the hotel instead he went to the bank of the eleventh time zone.

Then he stole from the bank.

Unlike the time lender branch offices the security at the banks is really low.

Also there is no tracker in the time storage devices they had.

Well most of them are from the civilians storing their time in the lockers.

Also the alarm triggering mechanism in the bank is not that high level.

So Vicky directly dismantled it and stole the things here directly.

He did not take a single time storage device or left any piece of evidence like finger prints or anything.

All he did was to take the time into his clock and leave here.

After that he returned back to the hotel.

Lizzy is still asleep.

Vicky first transferred all the time into a separate time storage device that he is storing before.

Currently it has over 3000 years of time.

This is the time he got from both twelfth time zone and eleventh time zone.

This is quite a big number.

The amount from the twelfth time zone amounts to around 300 year while the amount of time that came from the eleventh time zone is 10 times higher than that.

Vicky was really happy.

But he is sad at the same time.

He can only take a hundredth of the amount because it was all stolen.

Even though there is a doomsday difficulty Vicky did not take that level of difficulty right now.

He was fearful because if he takes the doomsday level difficulty the special time capturing guns would be on play in the hands of time keepers in the lower time zones.

He only took the normal difficulty without many benefits just like every other player in this round.

So there is no reduction in the amount of concession for the percentage reduction for stolen things.

So the 3000 years amounts to only 30 years for him.

But he can always use this to earn more.

The earned time did not have any problem with taking in full.

There are few shares that that Vicky was interested in.

He can use time he stole and get the things he wanted.

But in order to do proper investment he has to reach the fifth time zone.

Only then he can come into contact with enough higher technology to use a trading account.

Well the lower level slum areas did not have enough money to use the trading accounts.

If it was in the past before time became money it was possible.

But after time became money things has changed significantly.

It became like the time when only high class people trade with stocks and shares.

Vicky knows about this and decided to move quickly to the fifth time zone.

He would stay there for a while and move to the fourth time zone and start the trading.

He is not going to gamble there because it would cause severe problems for him.

Well he was sure that his luck is never good in gambling.

Everything he had is earned through hard work and tricks.

So it is natural for him to work hard to gain more money too.

On the other hand he tried to gamble in his simulation life because of following the protagonist path.

Unfortunate it did not end well.

Vicky made sure that he would not do that and do not come into contact with the protagonist.

Also he made sure that the difficulty of the fantasy world is normal level and not doomsday level.

Now things are going much better.

But from the next time zone that is time zone 10 there is a chance that there would be tightened security around the time lenders branches and bank branches.

Well if things like that happened twice, it is only natural for them to be cautious.

Also there might be a check at the time zone transfer station where the toll of time is paid.

Vicky has to be prepared for all these things.

While thinking he came over to the bed and removed all his dress he was naked once again.

His dick is already erected looking at the naked beauty.

She is still sleeping.

So he simply pulled the cork inside her pussy and pushed his dick inside quickly.


She moaned in her sleep with the dick once again filling up her pussy.

Then he hugged her to fall asleep.

He will fuck her more in the morning after waking up.

With that they slept peacefully while Vicky caught back his sleep from last night.


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