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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 146: mad- eye moody/ Barty crouch junior

Jonathan and the girls took the carriage to the castle and their things would also move along to the carriage.

Jonathan did not hide the women around him and he did not care about what others thought of him and his women.

When they arrived the evening time dinner would start in the great hall.

The first thing that started is naturally the sorting ceremony.

The events of the year start with the sorting ceremony.

Jonathan did not pay attention to them.

Instead his attention is towards Hermione.

It is not enough for her to notice him.

Right now Romilda is holding on to Jonathan and giving him food to eat like a loyal wife.

The scene made many people jealous.

Both pansy, Daphne and Astoria are also little jealous.

But they did not show much because Jonathan really treats them greatly.

While this is happening, the incident that Jonathan is waiting happened.

The ghost of Nearly Headless Nick brings up the subject of Peeves causing problems in the kitchen.

Hermione learns that house-elves work there.

This makes her even angrier about the way house-elves are treated.

It is especially since house-elves do not get any benefits, which the house-elves themselves do not want.

She then refuses to eat any more food in protest.

Well even if she did not eat no one took notice of her and quickly other finished their food.

She was the only one that is actually hungry.

She can still be pulled to his side and Jonathan don’t want her to be sullied by the snot nosed Ron Weasley.

But he would not force anyone.

They have to make their own choice.

Also both George and Fred decided to take money from Harry for their dream project of jokes shop.

Jonathan understood this and did not put his fingers into this matter anymore.


When the students completed eating Dumbledore stood up to say few words.

After making a few start-of-term notices, Professor Dumbledore announced that instead of having Quidditch this year, a very special event is going to take place at Hogwarts.

This has created lots of mayhem, especially from the Weasley twins that wanted to get into the Quidditch team and show off.

While they want to say something about this matter, something big happened.

The doors opened with a loud bang as if someone opened them with full force.


This attracted the attention of everyone present.

No one would be stupid enough to cause ruckus at Hogwarts.

If someone did then that should be a crazy person.

So they all looked towards the door that was opened suddenly.

From the opened door a mysterious man with a bizarre appearance appears in the Great Hall.

Dumbledore identified him as Mad-Eye Moody, the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher.

Jonathan has to say from all the teachers that Dumbledore invited to become the defense against dark arts teacher, the Barty crouch junior is actually the best.

He taught the students properly about the dark side of the wizarding world and the effect of the curses that are not meant to be used.

The previous defense against dark arts teachers are too good people or simply stupid enough to teach something good.

Even though he is a death eater Barty crouch junior in the appearance of mad- eye moody did a good job in teaching.

If he is not that stupid and endangered his life, he would have a good carrier as a teacher.

Unfortunately these things cannot be changed.

He went straight to Dumbledore as if he was really a mad bull under the astonished and fearful eyes of the students.

Then he went to sit on chair that is positioned for the defense against dark arts teacher.

Afterwards, Dumbledore stated about the event that took the place of Quidditch match.

It is the Triwizard Tournament, which will start at the end of October on Halloween.

The Tournament calls for a single champion from each of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe to compete in a series of three trials for the prize of one thousand Galleons.

Though it was stopped from play in the past due to the vast number of student deaths, this time it is different.

Dumbledore reveals that both Barty Crouch from the Department of International Co-operation and Bagman from the Department of Games and Sports departments at the British Ministry of Magic have decided to reinstate the tournament.

It was reinstated under the condition that new safety rules are used, including that no student under the age of seventeen will submit their name for consideration.

Jonathan is fortunately 17 years old physically with respect to the age of time.

The age like that Dumbledore draws has a feature to check the age of a person through the amount of time that the body spent in this world.

It is like carbon dating test for humans to know the age of the thing.

Artificial aging is of no use because the body did not spend that much time in reality.

So the best way to get past the age line is like Jonathan that has physically aged to 17 years.

The students are then sent to bed, though Fred and George plot to find a way to bypass Dumbledore's safety measures.

This is so that they can enter the tournament, to get fame and glory, as well as money.

They don’t want to take the money from harry either.

They want to stand on their own feat.

So they wanted to earn their money through their own hard work.

This point is what Jonathan liked in them.

Also this point did not appear in the thoughts of Ron which is very revolting for Jonathan.

Ron wants to earn money without hard work.

You can see that from the way he tried to collect the leprechaun’s gold during the Quidditch world cup before.

He is jealous of Harry because he has wealth to show off from his parents.

Chapter 147: preplanned bombs and fire crackers

You can see that from the way he tried to collect the leprechaun’s gold during the Quidditch world cup before.

He is jealous of Harry because he has wealth to show off from his parents.


That day has ended and on the next day the bombs and fire crackers that Jonathan placed took effect immediately.

Jonathan came to the great hall for breakfast just like every other student.

At that time the news papers and letters dropped from the owls.

Also Jonathan noticed something about Hermione.

Hermione has also ended her hunger strike, deciding to stand up for house-elf rights in a different manner.

Right at that moment the commotion started about the new articles and the letters they got from their parents.

It is all about the articles in news papers.

It was related to lily potter and Sirius having an affair.

Also there is an article about Sirius prioritizing Harry potter over his own son Jonathan.

Even after not being with Jonathan since his birth Sirius is close to lily potter’s son instead of being with his son Jonathan.

The death eaters and the people that hated Harry potter started to spread the rumors even faster.

It even mentioned about Sirius stealing from the Grimmauld palace 12 and selling the antiques in the knock turn alley.

By the record all these things originally belongs to Jonathan by the will of the black family elders that passed away recently.

Sirius did not have any right in this matter or to take anything without the permission of Jonathan.

He used that stolen money to buy a fire bolt for Harry potter that is latest and costly.

As for his son Jonathan he only bought a second hand old model nimbus 2001.

Also it specifically mentioned that the portion of money that was stolen was from the funds that Jonathan gathered for the orphanage.

That is the reason why the establishment of the orphanage was delayed by several months.

The news article portrayed Sirius as an ungrateful father that did not have any consideration for his son that saved him and his family that he was born in.

The article even mentioned the invoices and the inheritance issued by the ministry of magic.

Not one article but a bunch of articles were mentioned in different news papers.

This caused the students to boil in gossiping.

Harry, Ron and Hermione also saw this and they thought that it was done by Jonathan.

But when they looked at Jonathan that was looking at the news paper with shocked eyes has made them think otherwise.

They felt that it has nothing to do with Jonathan but it did not remove their suspicion completely.

Still the name of lily potter was tarnished along with the name of Harry potter.

The entire great hall was in uproar and some students started to show disgust towards Harry.

Jonathan was smiling inside but he kept a serious face.

This time Jonathan looked angry towards Harry, Ron and Hermione and said directly.

“You did this right.

Even though my father did not care about me, I did not make things difficult for him and let him live as he liked.

Why are you bothering me?

Do you know how much this would damage my business and circles that was hard earned over the years?

What did you do something like this?

It even spoiled your mother’s name along with my father….why….”

Jonathan asked with anger blazing out of his eyes towards the three people.

With his strong magic control Jonathan flared his magic power to create a strong operation towards them almost making them tremble.

Right then moody appeared to save the day.

He directly cast a stunner spell towards Jonathan.

But Jonathan simply waved his wand and changed his target.

“You are once an Auror;

I did not expect you to do sneak attacks like those dark wizards.

Are you really Auror moody?”

Moody or to be precise Barty crouch junior momentarily stunned by the words of Jonathan.

But he regained his composure and said.

“It has nothing to do with them.

I will let the Aurors investigate and give you an explanation…”

He said to Jonathan and took the trio out of the great hall quickly to meet with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was also in a tight situation right now.

The article was so repulsive that he could not take it.

But the things written on it related to the relation between Sirius and Jonathan was actually correct.

Jonathan has already told him what Sirius did and why he sent Sirius out of the black family house and banned him.

As for the things related to Sirius and lily was kind of strange.

He could not say that Sirius did not liked lily just like Snape that loved lily.

So he was in a tight situation.

Jonathan that was previously in the great hall also left the place.

But he already had his breakfast.

He would never leave food that is served to him.

He came from a situation where he did not even have proper food, clothes or shelter in his previous life after the betrayal.

So he knows their value completely and he would not waste things.

In the headmaster’s office Dumbledore is sitting on his chair while the trio is looking at him.

Harry was the first one to speak.

“Professor Dumbledore is what that appeared in the article true.”

Dumbledore did not know how to answer that question but he still have to say.

So he said.

“It is true that Sirius once loved lily but they are never together.

As for the part Sirius stole from the funds of orphanage to give you the fire bolt broomstick is actually true.

Jonathan once said this to me in secret while sharing his problems about raising more money for the orphanage.

You know that he wanted to establish the orphanage around the time of Christmas but it was delayed till the end of the academic year because Sirius took the money….”

Chapter 148: scumbag father Sirius black

“…Jonathan once said this to me in secret while sharing his problems about raising more money for the orphanage.

You know that he wanted to establish the orphanage around the time of Christmas but it was delayed till the end of the academic year because Sirius took the money.

Also all the money for the orphanage was earned through his ideas and did not have anything to do with the black family’s inheritance.

So, most of the matters in the news paper are true.

But I don’t know about the connection between Sirius black and lily potter.

I can assure you that this incident might not be related to him and it was don’t by other people that wanted to do damage to you and him at the same time.

He is currently rising at a faster pace reaching the level of a strong character in the society and in magic research.

He can be of great help you when facing the future problems with both money and power.

I have already talked to him about this matter to join the order of phoenix.

But Sirius has stupidly caused him to feel sad and did not show a single concern as a father.

This caused him to go distant from the order of phoenix.

Sigh…my hard work was wasted by a person like Sirius.”

Of course Dumbledore would support Jonathan because he felt closer to someone that holds blood relation to him.

He has already given up the blood relations and many things.

But Jonathan became close after they chatted and experimented many things.

He felt like he was seeing his younger self in Jonathan.

Also he saw the younger images of his loved ones in him.

This caused him to support Jonathan more reaching almost on the same level of Harry potter.

Harry and others left while Jonathan went to the class silently.

He did not speak to anyone and put on an angry expression.

Well he has to act to make the things seem unrelated to him.

First the Gryffindor fourth-years have lessons for Herbology.

Then the Care of Magical Creatures, where Hagrid teaches about monstrous creatures known as Blast-Ended Skrewts.

Finally they have divination class.

In the divination class the already irritable Harry and Ron became more irritable.

Hermione did not come to divination class because she did not have any affinity to this class.

So she did not take this class in elective.

Ron that was irritable has actually made a rude comment to Lavender Brown.

This made Sybill Trelawney assigns the class extra homework for him.

Jonathan also looked angry all the time without changing his expression.

Well his face felt stiff from all the put up expression all this time.

After the class it was evening and things should cool off by now.

But that did not happen because of a certain someone started to poke the people for his own amusement.

It is actually Draco Malfoy.

First of all he brought out the evening edition of news paper that has few exaggerated things about Sirius black and lily potter.

Then another article about the relationship between Sirius black and Jonathan black.

It is about how Sirius black treated his son and Harry potter with many exaggerated incidents involved.

Then another news article about how Jonathan saved Sirius black and how much risk he took to capture the mass murderer peter Pettigrew.

It also mentioned how ungrateful Sirius black is being to his son that he did not care for since his birth.

It also put on a sad story of Jonathan being an orphan even with his father present and all the main relatives dead.

Finally Draco pointed another article about Ron’s father Arthur Weasley.

Draco Malfoy insulted Ron by showing Ron a Daily Prophet article that casts Ron's father Arthur Weasley that is identified in the article as Arnold Weasley in a bad light by Rita Skeeter.

No one knows how Rita Skeeter found out about the attack on Alastor Moody's home, even after the Ministry of Magic tried to keep it secret.

Well Jonathan knows and he did not speak about this matter.

He still acted angry.

He already told the house elves in the kitchen to pack him a lunch and give it to Romilda vane later.

She would give it to him later in the room of requirements.

So Jonathan has already put on an angry expression and left from the great hall directly and left to his dormitory.

On the other hand Harry, Ron and Hermione felt the full force of the ridicule from Draco.

While Harry and Hermione restrain an angry Ron, Draco makes some rude comments about Mrs. Weasley.

After Harry counters this by making a rude comment about Draco's mother and starts walking away.

Then the angry Draco attempts to curse Harry from behind.

Moody quickly intervenes, transfiguring Draco into a white ferret and bouncing him around until Professor McGonagall appears.

After seeing what he is doing McGonagall undoes the spell.

She then proceeds to tell Moody off by stating they never punish the students by hexing them.

Moody defends his actions by explaining he thought a good sharp shock would be sufficient.

Professor McGonagall tells him they punish the students by giving them detentions or speaking with the offender's Head of House.

With that, Moody takes Draco Malfoy to see Professor Snape.

This settled the things and the attention on Jonathan were completely removed about this matter.

All that is left is the fight between Draco and Harry’s group.

Draco did not have pansy and few Slytherin girls supporting him.

He only had the brainless Crabbe and Goyle by his side.

So things are far out of place.

Jonathan after some time went to the room of requirements.

Along the way he got Romilda vane, and few other girls to follow along in secret.

In the room or requirements Jonathan turned the room into a place like a beach resort.

The food he asked the house elves to prepare is barbeque and some soft drinks.

Chapter 149: popularity shot through the roof

In the room or requirements Jonathan turned the room into a place like a beach resort.

The food he asked the house elves to prepare is barbeque and some soft drinks.

Well usually they would not prepare something like that.

But sometimes Jonathan helped them and they changed their opinion about Jonathan.

So they prepared the things that Jonathan asked them to prepare.

Jonathan left Nymphadora at Hogsmeade just in case if Jonathan needed extra support.

She has already resigned her post as an Auror.


Well she was not brought here as things would be lot awkward.

Jonathan still needs to mend her thoughts towards his line of thinking.

So in the room of requirements that looked like a beach area there is only few girls that are already good with his line of thinking.

They are pansy, Daphne, Astoria, Romilda and Luna.

Cho Chang is still in process but really close, Hannah needs a little more work too.

There is also Katie Bell that is trying to get close to Jonathan.

Most probably she would decide between Harry and Jonathan during the Triwizard tournament.

She is currently attracted to both of them.

She is more inclined to Jonathan after his display at the Quidditch practice before.

But because of many women around Jonathan, she was reluctant to set her eyes on him.

While Jonathan is eating the girls gossiped about various things that happened around the students.

This is related to the storm that Jonathan created this morning.

Everything went perfectly in the direction he wanted.

The words and deeds of Jonathan were already on the evening edition of the news paper turning the public opinion.

Harry did not give any justifiable reason or reply.

So in the eyes of public the image of lily potter and Harry potter along with Sirius black dropped quickly.

Jonathan became a victim that is morally upright and is doing charity deeds with his own money earned by him instead of using the black family money.

So the name of Jonathan became a norm of a good person and a kind gentle man.

His popularity shot through the roof.

So things would be different from tomorrow.

From tomorrow Jonathan would not show his anger to anyone.

But Hermione, Ginny along with Harry and Ron would feel his anger for the time being.

Ginny is completely different she originally liked Harry, then she became interested in Jonathan and now she is interested in someone else from her class.

Well she would spend more time with her classmates than her seniors.

So it is natural.

Jonathan kissed his women with good night kiss before sending them back to their dorms.

After they left Jonathan also returned to his room.

He is going to rest today and there is something important in 2 days.

The first class of moody would start.

Jonathan already had a close brush with moody once before and based on the mentality of Barty crouch junior he should be vengeful person.

So Jonathan has to make sure that he is in attention from any possible miss fire attacks on him in the coming class.

The first lesson with Moody is on Thursday.

Moody, after revealing he will only be staying for the year decided to show the fourth-year Gryffindors the Unforgivable Curses.

Well the reason for his thoughts is unknown.

Despite some fear amongst the students especially Neville, who needed comfort from both the trio and Moody after the lesson moody still explained about the unforgivable curses.

Moody showed the entire class the three curses using spiders as his test subjects

The first is the Imperius Curse.

It is a mind-control spell.

The second is the Cruciatus Curse.

It is a pain-inflicting spell.

The third is the Killing Curse.

It is a spell that causes instant death to any living thing it hits as the name suggests.

But there are exceptions to this curse proceedings based on the intent.

This curse can be used to make Horcruxes and this curse can also be used to make the strong protection as the after effect in exchange for the soul of the dead.

It is like a demon contract curse or something like that.

Jonathan wanted to do more extensive research on this curse later after leaving Hogwarts.

The things related to life and death is always strange.

This might lead Jonathan to one of his goals of finding the origin of magic.

Moody also reveals that the use of these spells gain the user a one-way ticket to Azkaban.

After the class Neville was comforted by the trio and then by moody.

Moody later lends Neville a Herbology book to cheer him up.

Harry and Ron are too depressed to do any homework on divination so they decided to fake it.

Hermione on the other hand has a bunch of things to think about.

So she doesn’t start her SPEW club on that day.

This means Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.

The things with Harry are not good and everything is turbulent.

So she stopped to do anything more for the time being and concentrated on solving the problem of Harry.

Actually the problem here is they don’t know who is spraying mud on them.

They confirmed that it was not Jonathan after talking to Dumbledore.

So they don’t have a target.

Another bad thing is that they did not know any publishers to help them solve the problem with another counter article.

Another big issue is that they did not have any proofs to deny the matter as the proofs presented are true with the seal of ministry of magic on it.

Even though many things mentioned in it are false and the proofs are completely irrelevance but somehow they formed a connection between them.

So it is a web of many locks and puzzles that needed to be solved step by step.

They should not let hot headed idiots to meddle in these matters.

Unfortunately Sirius is not such a person.

Chapter 150: Sirius black was arrested again

They should not let hot headed idiots to meddle in these matters.

Unfortunately Sirius is not such a person.

The moment he heard about this matter, he has already left to create a scene in the news paper office.

If the black family is still okay, there would be someone to wipe his ass and mess.

But now Jonathan would not lift a finger to do anything to stop him or save him.

So he is really in a mess.

After being set free he has already let lose himself in all kinds of nonsense.

In the name of getting to meet his old friends he went around everywhere leaching of off everyone he knew after Jonathan kicked him out of his house.

He got a little job thanks to the favor of Dumbledore.

Well the job is at Hogwarts.

Since Hagrid has became a professor now the duty of taking care of the castle grounds is empty.

This was given to him.

He expected to have fun with some final year girls that just turned into the women of the society.

Well all seventh year students at Hogwarts are all 18 years old.

Unfortunately for him just after he joined into the job Jonathan broke this news around.

He was like a mad bull that saw the red color and went to fight with the news papers that published the articles about him and lily.

But to the people it appeared like he came for a fight just because his secret about not caring for his son is out.

Also about stealing money from his own son has made the board of the Hogwarts School remove him from his new job on the second day.

He drunk some cheap drinks on his own and Jonathan made Sebastian secretly mix some special medicine to make him more angry and confused into the wine.

The effects of the medicine would dilute into his blood within 2 hours.

All it does is to improve his confused state and increase his anger.

Jonathan also planned to get the news in the news papers straight into his ears through various means.

Finally the result is his assault of the news paper office.

Now he was captured again and was behind the bars for new trail.

The total monitory damage he caused is around 120 gold gallons.

If it was before, this is this just a pocket change for Sirius black.

But now this is a huge amount for him and no one would lend him anything.

Also in his confused state he turned into his Animagus form that is into a dog.

Since he did not complete the proper registration of his Animagus form with the ministry of magic, he is an illegal Animagus.

This increased the charges on him and even Dumbledore could not get him out for the time being.

The reason why Jonathan did all this is because there are some big beauties in the seventh year that he likes.

He doesn’t want them to fall into the hands of his stupid father.

Any way he did not like his father jumping around causing him trouble.

So he took the chance to create the big mess in one single attack.

Here the plans of death eaters are disrupted,

The plans of order of phoenix was disrupted,

The reputation of Harry and his parents fell down,

His father was sent to prison with loss of all of his reputation and any right towards black family inheritance.

His illegal Animagus appearance was also known to everyone.

The reputation of Jonathan has increased by many folds and has reached new level and

Many other small things have happened in favor of Jonathan’s plans.

This made Jonathan really happy.

It is like Jonathan killed many birds with one shot.

Instead of one shot two birds, Jonathan’s shot gained him at least 6 birds.

When the connections and plans of the people are loose it is easy to get in between their cracks and control them.

This is what Jonathan is doing.

Well his wand chose him because of this nature to get in between the cracks and expand till the other party is under its control.

The grass roots are really strong.

After he was captured Jonathan received summons from the magic court again.

Not only him Harry potter and Dumbledore were also called.

Before going there Jonathan received a choice.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: plead for saving your father again and pay for the damages of the news paper office.

Host would be rewarded with great reputation for showing the filial piety towards your father.

Choice 2: did not plead for your father and let him get sentenced in the prison again.

Host would get his reputation damaged by a little.

Host would get the rewards of remaining pieces of Merlin’s treasure map and details.


Jonathan thought for a moment and chose the second option.

The strong wins all and he don’t need Sirius black to hinder his plans.

He only saved Sirius black before because he wanted to removed the name of the son of traitorous murderer.

Since it was removed he did not care what happens to Sirius black.

Any way he did not take good care of Jonathan and he did not even care for his mother or his wife that is the mother of Jonathan.

He did not even pay respect to his mother or his wife that are dead for a long time.

So there is no reason for Jonathan to take care of him.

The damage to his reputation can be recovered easily with other things.

Any way he has enough good reputation and other plans to improve his reputation in a solid way like the orphanages.

The Merlin’s treasure map is one of the most important things for Jonathan.

It can let him find the location of the Merlin’s treasure along with knowledge that can lead him to the origin of magic.



With the treasure of merlin I wonder if he will get his staff