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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 146: successfully graduated

With the improvement they are even stronger.

For example the Genjutsu breaking talent from Sasuke that is the resistance to Genjutsu has directly shot up to Jonin level which is very high.

The medical ninjutsu affinity also improved and became easier to use.

His current strength he can compete with few of the Jonin in the village easily.

Well his status page is displayed by the system.




Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 12

Bloodlines: Uzumaki, Senju, (Uchiha under progress)

Body: perfect sage body


Elemental affinities:


Wind (By birth)

Water (Senju bloodline)

Earth (Senju bloodline)

Yang (Senju bloodline)


Chakra control: elite Jonin level


Jutsu affinity:


Ninjutsu: special Jonin level

Genjutsu: special Jonin level

Taijutsu: special Jonin level


Overall status: special Jonin level


With the status he can understand his current level.

With so many experience cards he only improved this much.

It is less than his expectation.

Training and improving in this world is many times difficult than that of in the previous tutorial world.

Even with the cards he was not sure if he can improve these things in a short time.

Based on his guess he needs at least 1000 high grade mastery cards to make one Jutsu to improve to next level of Jonin.

When his puberty hits this difficulty would be temporarily be reduced by a small margin.

But then again he still has to work hard.

From here on out the difficulty would also increase.

It is normal everywhere.

The higher you climb the harder it is to climb.


Finally a month passed by quickly and the name of annoyance that Naruto had has actually vanished from the thoughts of many students.

Some of the girls are even interested in him.

Also after two weeks after Sasuke was hospitalized, he returned back to the school.

But he became even gloomier that you can squeeze water out of him.

Naruto knows what happened.

Sasuke was unable to digest the matter that Naruto has won against him with a single kick.

It was such a short battle that he don’t know how to reach to this matter.

He doesn’t know if Naruto has a fluke winning or her purposefully hidden his strength all this time.

If it is the first then he doesn’t care.

But if it is the second then he has to think about the matters carefully and he has to plan his next steps with prudence in the future.

So he did not talk with Naruto and only stays there gloomy.

Also there is Sakura that would frequently pester him making him more irritated about his other problem after the kick there.


Soon it was the time for the graduation.

Unlike the original plot Naruto did not act like a moron for a month so things are much different than the usual mode.

Tomorrow is the graduation and he was not grounded by Iruka for doing anything stupid like painting the Hokage statues.


On the next day the students are called over to take the graduation test.

The written exam is over and only practical exam remains.

Naruto did not care about the written exam as Naruto is stupid to begin with.

On the other hand he went to the practical exam that he is good with.

Quickly the practical exam started.

The students are called one after the other.

Everyone passed and it was Naruto’s turn.

The test is the clone Jutsu.

Actually the original Naruto is not good with the clone Jutsu because he was unable to control his chakra properly.

This was because of the presence of the 9 tailed fox and the chakra seal.

But right now the situation is different.

Also Naruto don’t want to show his excellent chakra control for his age.

So he tried to release more spoke showing that he wasted more chakra.

With that he produced a clone that is perfectly identical to him in his first trail.

With that he passed the test easily and graduated.

Mizuki sensei did not get to sway Naruto about this matter.

Instead he wanted to use another way for this matter.

That is to use the clone of Naruto or transform into Naruto to get the scroll of forbidden seals.

This is his plan and that day he implemented.

Unfortunately he forgot about one thing.

That is Iruka and Naruto are close and are having a party at Ichiraku ramen shop for the successful graduation of Naruto.

Not only Naruto and Iruka there is also Ino, Hinata and few other people present here.

Naruto stayed and talked to them for a while before he returned back home.

Before leaving Hinata with a shy face gave him a charm that she made by her hand.

Then she ran away like a frightened rabbit.

On the other hand Ino is different.

Since Naruto graduated easily this means that they can successfully move on to their jobs as a ninja.

Because of this they will not be able to meet often like when they are in the academy.

So she wanted to do something confirm something.

She took the courage and chased after Naruto and Naruto has already noticed her.

He went to an alley that was empty and waited for her.

When she appeared her face is blushed looking at the surroundings.

She did not expect that Naruto has already noticed her and led her to this alley with no other person.

She took a deep breath and then said.

“Naruto, you took my first kiss.

So you have to take responsibility.

Tell me do you l…Li…like me?”

She asked with a fluttering tone.

After Sasuke rejected her she is not in a situation where she could receive another rejection.

So she did not tell him that she lived her.

Instead she asked him if he likes her.

Naruto smiled at her and came close to her.

She took a step back in fear that Naruto would do something to her again just like before.

Chapter 147: need of witnesses for safety

Naruto smiled at her and came close to her.

She took a step back in fear that Naruto would do something to her again just like before.

Naruto did not give her any chance to back away any more and directly pulled her into his hug and kissed her on the lips again.

“I love you Ino.

I know that you are bothered about Sasuke that broke your heart before and also fearful of Hinata that is close to me.

But let me tell you one thing.

In the past 12 years due to the deeds of some selfish people I have to live the life of isolation without a chance to call someone my own.

My mother and father trusted those people and sacrificed themselves for the village.

But instead of being grateful they only used me for their political gains.

Because of all this I have changed the way I am thinking.

I want everything.

Anyone that would be willing to share my burden and stand in front of me receive a fatal blow to save me is considered close to my heart.

You might now know this but Hinata would really stand in front of me to take the fatal blow without thinking twice.

That is how much she loves me.

Tell me would I betray such a loving person.

Yes she is shy but she has deep love for me.

Similarly I saw that kind of personality in you too.

You love me the moment you kissed my lips.

Actually I am not kidding before when I said that it was really my first kiss.

So I fell in love with you too.

Also I did not even touch the hand of Hinata till now.

Consider Hinata as your sister and teach her to become my wife in the future just like you.

Don’t be tied to the stupid rules and morals of the ninja world.

I will become the strongest person to break all the rules of this world If I have to get the people I love.

Do you understand?”

Naruto said looking into the eyes of Ino.

Her mind is thinking rapidly even though it was going blank from the previous kiss.

But she understood one thing that is the suffering of Naruto for so many years.

“It seems like Naruto was used for political gains labeling him as demon fox or something.”

She thought thinking about the childhood of Naruto.

Also she got another important point.

That is Hinata was so deeply in love with Naruto and Naruto also likes her.

This made her hurt a little but while thinking about Naruto’s past she thought that it was all right.

Well he did not have anyone to love him or trust him.

So he would naturally be attracted to the people that love him and let him trust them.

Also the words of Naruto reverberated in her mind.

“He is willing break every rule and moral in this world if it is to get them both.”

This made her heart flutter and she became happy again.

She already let go of the small thing like liking a single women for life.

Well she liked Naruto and she would not let him go no matter what.

But she would definitely check with Hinata before confirming the things about Hinata’s relationship with Naruto.

So she said.

“I want to test Hinata and know what she really wanted.

Any way she is a straight forward person and simple questioning would be enough to know her thoughts.

If she really is as good as you said, the I don’t mind having her as my sister.

But Hyuga clan is closed and they would not allow outsiders to marry into the family or outside the family.


As for me, I am happy that you love me and I love you too.

I was stupid before but I have changed and I would not switch to other people later.

I will only love you.

So don’t abandon me.”

Naruto smiled at her words and said.

“I like long hair, big tits, thin waist and big bouncy ass.

So you better eat well and grow your body perfectly.

As for you, I will train well to become an extremely hot guy that would not be able to take your eyes of me.

So train well my girl.”

Naruto said and kissed her cheek making her blush till her entire face turned red.

Naruto sent her back to her home first and then started to walk back to his home.

It was already night and Naruto has another thing to do.

He was sure that Mizuki would do something and try to push the blame on him.

Most probably he would start after the group separated after the graduation celebration.

So what Naruto has to do is to gain some witnesses that he is still present here and did not steal anything from the Hokage’s office.

For that he has to move in a specific direction to first meet the guy sensei that is exercising in the night before sleeping.

Naruto met him and greeted guy sensei.

As for rock lee, he is not super strong yet.

He trained too hard and was unconscious right now.

“Hello Guy sensei, how are you doing?”

Naruto asked when the person was running past him.

Guy sensei is one of the people that did not look down on Naruto because of the demon fox name.

He was quite friendly and greeted Naruto back with his signature smile on his face.

Then he left running to continue his exercise.

The first target is complete.

Next is to meet two people near a restaurant.

Naruto has accidentally heard Asuma proposing Kurenai to have dinner at a new restaurant tonight.

Most probably they would come out of the restaurant right around this time.

Another good thing is that it was right on the way to his home.

While he was walking he came across them coming out of the restaurant.

Chapter 148: big sister don’t go out with this kind of perverted uncle

Another good thing is that it was right on the way to his home.

While he was walking he came across them coming out of the restaurant.

He changed his route straight towards them creating an accidental encounter.

Asuma is carrying a bunch of flowers and Naruto came straight to them.

Asuma did not care about a kid coming towards them.

But he did not expect that the kid suddenly reached out and take a Rose from the bunch of flowers and presented it to Kurenai.

Yes Naruto did exactly that.

Asuma originally brought a bouquet of flowers to give it to Kurenai.

He wanted to present it when they are leaving the restaurant.

For that he made arrangements that the flowers would be delivered at the right time when they leave.

So he just got the bouquet of flowers on his hand and was ready to give to Kurenai in the form of proposing.

Well he has a rich father and the leader of the village.

So he can get anything he wanted and act like a rich second generation playboy.

But Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere and took the most beautiful Rose in the bunch of flowers.

Then he gave it to Kurenai and said.

“Big Sister you are so beautiful.

Your eyes and beauty matches this beautiful Rose.

When I become old enough to marry, will you marry me?”

The words of Naruto shocked both Asuma and Kurenai at the same time.

Asuma was more shocked than Kurenai.

Well Kurenai deals with the side of illusions so her mental fortitude is much stronger than that of other people.

She immediately laughed receiving the Rose from Naruto and said while rubbing his head.

“Big sister will remember this.

You are such a sweet handsome boy.

When you become old enough come and propose to me.

If you are really strong, rich and as handsome as you are now, I will definitely marry you.”

She said in a joking way.

But Asuma’s face was black.

His momentum was completely ruined by a random brat.

But it did not end there.

That random brat took a Rose from his proposing bouquet of flowers and proposed to the woman he wanted to propose.

This made them so angry that he accidentally crushed the flower bouquet.

This was noticed by Kurenai and she felt disgusted by Asuma.

Naruto took the chance to speak.

“Big sister you are very beautiful.

So don’t go out at night with this kind of perverted uncles.

It is not good to travel alone in the night like that.

Let me escort you back to your home.”

Asuma could not hold back any longer and shouted.

“You brat, who are you calling a perverted uncle.

She and I are of same age.

Why are you calling her big sister and calling me uncle.”

Asuma is usually not so stupid but Naruto created few instances to arouse his anger right at this moment.

Well he continuously undermined him right in front of the girl he liked.

He has ruined his perfect proposing situation and even proposed to his girl.

Also he called him perverted uncle.

All of these hit him hard.

The final word of calling him a perverted uncle has actually hit the sour spot because he looked aged compared to his original appearance.

Previously many people have compared this matter between him and his elder brother making fun of him.

This has been deeply imprinted in his heart.

Also he is hot tempered to begin with.

For this very reason he left the hidden leaf village to become one of the 12 guardians of the daimyo of the land of fire.

After his temper cooled down and his brother died, he returned back to the village to settle down.

Unfortunately his sour spot was hit by a kid again.

Also he was mocked right in front of the girl he liked.

This made him lose control of what he could say and what he could not say.

His words just now meant that Kurenai is also as old as he is and she is not a big sister but an aunt just like how he was called an uncle.

No women in any world would bear to hear the word aunt.

They would prefer being called as big sister more than an aunt.

So Kurenai immediately flared up and she directly kicked Asuma.

Asuma flew all the way to the compound wall of the restaurant and knocked it hard before falling down.

Well when women became angry no one can stop their strength.

“Leave that rude perverted uncle aside.

Let’s go little brother, escort me back to my house.

We can talk while we walk.”

Naruto felt a strong sense of fear for a moment.

Fortunately he is not stupid enough to get on the bad side of the girls.

While walking towards her home, Kurenai asked Naruto about his name and parents.

“By the way litter brother, what is your name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

What do your parents do?”

She casually asked these questions without any deeper meaning.

She just became interested in Naruto and wanted to know who he is.

“I am Naruto Uzumaki,

I am 12 years old.

I am an orphan and don’t know who my parents are.

That old gramps third Hokage did not say anything about them no matter how many times I asked him.

I have rented a room on that side of the village with the village allowances for orphans.

Also, I have graduated from the ninja academy today.

By the way big sister, I did not ask for your name.

What is your name big sister?”

Naruto specifically used the word big sister many times so that he would gain better impression.

Also he did not have any change of expression or saying a lie though his facial expression.

If there is anything like that then Kurenai can easily find it with her quick senses.

Chapter 149: getting the witness

Also he did not have any change of expression or saying a lie though his facial expression.

If there is anything like that then Kurenai can easily find it with her quick senses.

Since there is nothing like that she believed in the words of Naruto and felt sad for him.

Also when she found out that he was graduated today she was surer that everything is true.

Well she is going to be one of the Jonin that is going to take a batch of Genin under her.

She simply answered her name.

“I am Kurenai Yuhi.

You can call me big sister Kurenai.

Congratulations on graduating from the academy and becoming a ninja.”

She said as they walked towards her house.

She knows where the house of Naruto is.

Based on Naruto’s words she mapped the route from the academy or Ichiraku ramen shop to the Naruto’s house.

The restaurant that they dined this evening is actually right on the route.

So she reduced her vigilance.

She is a ninja and she did not believe much in coincidences.

Actually the entire meeting is really a coincidence.

Naruto did not expect to meet them here originally.

He accidentally obtained the news and got here to get them as a witness.

But getting the witness is one thing and proposing to her is another thing.

This was the improvement of the plan that he made on the spot.

This let him got to know Kurenai and form a connection with her.


As they talked they quickly came to her house.

Originally Kurenai knows about the kid that was called demon fox.

But she did not know that it was Naruto.

Well most ninja don’t know about that and they did not care about this matter.

Knowing the darkness of the village only makes them lose their devotion to the village and saddened their lives.

So she did not care and only cared to enjoy her life.

Naruto also did not say about this matter.


After she got to her home she invited Naruto to eat some cookies.

But Naruto said that he has to go back as it is getting late.

So she gave him a bag of cookies and let him leave.

During this time Asuma did not come to bother Naruto because he is not completely stupid.

He understood that Kurenai became angry because of what he said.

So he decided to leave her to cool off while he would come another day to coax her.

Also he could not do anything to Naruto because touching him and him appearing in front of Kurenai would directly ruin his image in her mind.

So he could only swallow his anger for the time being.

Naruto returned to his house that day and waited for the village to have a signal about the gathering of ninja.

Well they would send an eagle to fly around screaming in the sky which is the signal for assembly.

If this did not happened before 12 in the night then Mizuki is not going to steal anything.

Naruto waited while practicing chakra control of sitting on the top of the water in a big tub without getting his body wet from the water.

It is even harder than walking on the water.

One has to change their center of gravity to sit and the point of contact increases.

In order to balance that one has to emit chakra from many points forming a cover to the entire skin and clothes surface coming into contact with the water.

He sat in the meditative position to feel the chakra in the nature.

He is planning to integrate it into his body and merging it with his cells to complete integrates it into his body.

This way he would not have to worry about turning into stone.

He was able to do that in his previous life.

He knows the basics of meditation so he can easily do that.

When one reaches a certain level of strength, resting and meditating is the best exercise than continuously training like an idiot.

Once the limit is reached both mentally and physically then he can train physically again.

While training with natural chakra Naruto is not excessive.

He specifically made a shadow clone beside him all the time.

It was so that he could be snapped out if something happened.

He did not have the complete memory of his training of achievements.

He only knows the outline in this life.

So he has to be careful not to cause any big mishaps and turn into a stone.

Fortunately the clone did not pull him out suddenly and his training was smooth.

All he did is to feel the natural chakra and feel it like a water surface.

While he was doing that his clone called him telling him that the eagle is outside flying in the sky.

Naruto came out of the meditation and his clone vanished on its own.

This is because a ninja would come here to look for him to see if he is still at home or not.

Naruto quickly hid the big tub filled with water and went to his bed to act as if he was sleeping.

His clothes disheveled and he started to make light snore.

At that time he felt someone appear at the window.

They opened the window and entered inside.

He silently checked the house carefully and did not find anything like the scroll of forbidden seals.

He immediately took Naruto by his neck and rushed out of the window.

One of his hands covered the mouth of Naruto and the other held him tightly.

Naruto should struggle at that time so he started to struggle wildly to the point of biting the hand of the person that is captured him from his house.

The man that captured Naruto is actually wearing a mask just like an Anbu ninja.

This means he is an Anbu and he whispered to Naruto.

Chapter 150: how did you become a ninja with that level of stupidity?

The man that captured Naruto is actually wearing a mask just like an Anbu ninja.

This means he is an Anbu and he whispered to Naruto.

“I am under the orders of third Hokage to bring you to him.

So don’t struggle.”

Naruto stopped struggling only after looking at the direction they are going.

They are headed towards the Hokage’s office.

When they reached the Hokage’s office there is already a bunch of people present.

They are special Jonin, Jonin, and elite Jonin in them that are currently present in the village.

In the recorded video it showed that Naruto stole the scroll of forbidden seals.

As soon as Naruto appeared there is someone bad mouthing him?

“How dare that brat steal something as important as the scroll of forbidden seals?

He should be punished severely and imprisoned for life.

How dare that demon fox do something so traitorous to the village?”

Naruto was brought over by the Anbu ninja right at that time and heard everything.

Also he recognized the person.

It is actually Asuma the son of third Hokage.

As soon as Naruto came the Anbu ninja went over to third Hokage and said his report about Naruto.

On the other hand Naruto waited for third Hokage to speak.

Third Hokage looked towards Naruto and asked.

“Where have you been during the time frame between 10 PM and till now?”

Naruto directly answered.

“After the celebrating of my graduation that happened around at 9 PM I went to drop off Hinata and Ino back at their homes.

After that I started to get back to my home.

On the way around at 10 PM I met the ninja in green dress exercising during the night every day.

I met him when I went around for a walk in the morning sometimes.”

Naruto then looked into the group and pointed at Might guy.

“There he is, he is the one I am talking about.”

Might guy came forward and said.

“Yes I met him when I am doing the third lap of my night run around at 10 PM.”

Third Hokage nodded.

After that Naruto continued.

“After that I went around and met a beautiful big sister that is being pestered by this ugly uncle.

These two are also present here.

That is the beautiful big sister I am talking about (Pointing at Kurenai)

That is the ugly uncle that is pestering her at the restaurant (Pointing at Asuma)”

Immediately the people around understood why Asuma is ranting at Naruto so much when he saw the image of Naruto in the recording.

As for the faces of Kurenai and Asuma, they are completely red whenever Naruto pointed towards them.

Kurenai’s face is red because she was being called as beautiful big sister.

She is blushing.

Asuma’s face is red because he was being called as ugly uncle.

He is angry.

Other understood this matter but did not dare to speak or laugh.

Well Asuma is the only remaining son of third Hokage and he is hitting on Kurenai.

Weather it is love or not no one knows about this matter.

Naruto continued.

“At that time that ugly uncle said some bad things about the beautiful big sister and she kicked him.

Then I escorted the big sister back to her home and she gave me cookies.

Then I returned back home around at 11:30 PM and went to sleep.

Suddenly a person appeared and he brought me here after that.”

Naruto said his side of the information.

When everyone listened to the story they understood that someone has transformed as Naruto to steal the scroll of forbidden seals.

But Asuma did not give up and clamored saying.

“If the thief did not know you so well, then how can he transform into you and try to steal the scroll of forbidden seals.

You should be collaborating with him.

You should be taken to interrogation department and be subjected to few things to make you speak the truth.”

Naruto looked at him as if he was looking at a moron and said.

“You are so stupid, how can you actually become a ninja.

All the important scrolls would be specifically guarded 24/7 in the most secret part of the village.

How can anyone steal them easily?

Even if they want to steal them, they would need to disguise better than a new graduate like me.

What would he gain transforming into me and going to steal?

If that person is strong enough to steal a secret scroll then he would have taken me along.

Why bother with so much trouble of transforming into me and steal the things.

He can simply transform into an Anbu with a mask.

No one can discover him easily.

Don’t you think all of this is a diversionary tactic?

Many people in the village call me as demon fox and hate me.

So transforming into me would give him more time because of the previous hatred.

I don’t know which cuck put that demon fox name on me.

But one day when I find him I would definitely pay 100 times this hatred for all of his family members.

They should pay the price for my suffering.

Any way even I can deduce something so simple.

I have only graduated from the ninja academy yesterday.

You are such an old uncle that should have experienced many things.

How did not even became a ninja and survive for so long with this level of stupidity.”

Naruto asked with a sly smile as if he was provoking Asuma.

Well he only showed a momentary smile to when their eyes met to make Asuma angry.

Naruto doesn’t care if others noticed this or not.

The people present immediately understood and think what Naruto said is true.

Right around that time they found that Iruka is battling with the person that is carrying the scroll of forbidden seals.

Later they found that it was Mizuki the other teacher at the ninja academy.


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