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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 51: it is an insult to call them bastards and bitches

She needs to have few recovery skills too.

The fast recovery could let her feel worry free, unfortunately those skills are really costly that she could not afford right now.

Well this world did not allow any super natural things so she was restricted with the things she has available at hand.

While thinking of these things she started to dance in front of the camera for her viewers to have fun.

The Dance skill includes all kinds of dances.

So she can do the belly dance at the basic level even though she is just shaking her belly, tits and ass.

But still it was so erotic that those people are drooling while watching her dance moves.

After 10 minutes she sweated a little.

But the scent of her sweat is like that of a seductive pheromone that can attract the people around easily.

This was a benefit that she got from improving her body enchantments over 5 points.

Also the slight sweat made her look really sexy.

Soon the voting stopped with the third option getting the most votes.

It is a knotted shirt that is knotted above her belly button with none of the other buttons fastened.

There is also a mini skirt below that barely covers her ass and pussy.

This looked more like a cow girl dress in those porn and adult movies.

So many people though that it was the best dress she should wear for the coming incident.

She made sure that her phone was fully charged.

She quickly put on the dress and showed it to her audience in live.

She was more beautiful when she covered her body with that small dress.

This is because sometimes imagination can become more beautiful and the suspense of removing to see the inside would be wonderful.

That is the reason why many people like to open the presents and treasure boxes to look inside.

So she looks more beautiful and her body becomes mysterious when she put on this kind of revealing clothes.

Of course it is not like she is not beautiful without clothes.

Without clothes she gives of the feeling that people should fuck her and with these revealing clothes she gives off a feeling that she should get fucked even more.

She put on the knotted short without buttoning any other buttons.

Her tits are quite bit to show off a good part of her cleavage and the knot is right above her belly button.

A small part of the nipple patch is also slightly visible at the edge when seen at the right angle.

This gave a strange but seductive aura to her top.

With no bra to obstruct the view it would be more charming.

Then the mini skirt is quite short but not tight.

It would fly up with a slight wind.

It barely came to her thighs and her ass was not that much covered either.

But when she stands her pussy and ass are not clearly visible.

For some reason if she bends down then one can get a clear view of her pink pussy and a bountiful and shapely ass.

Her ass is a perfect love symbol shaped very similar to her tits.

The viewers of her channel are literally drooling looking at her.

She used her initial funds to buy some memberships in apps.

So she can broadcast her live video in more than one website at the same time.

As for the application that monitoring all her channels, it was personally written by her.

She has a hacking skill that improved to level 6 and is close to level 7.

She wrote this application and applied to be patented it already.

She is personally using that and even promoted her adult channel about her application.

Many people are interested in this application and she has enough security.

There are hackers stronger than her but no one would be willing to steal from a bitch.

Of course she would transfer her money regularly and use it to improve her conditions.

This is all her plan for the future and she already started these preparations.

But still it has only been few weeks and things are just getting started.

They will get into motion soon.

She came out of her room and there is another middle aged milf sitting on the sofa while her father brought her some coffee to drink.

After seeing her father Rita used the system to check if her father is really her biological father.

For that she even spent 100 lust points.

The result is that she is not her biological father.

She was really surprised.

She wanted to know more about her own family and father.

Unfortunately she did not have enough lust points to spend to know about that.

Even if she spends she could not find out about that because it did not have any clues left behind.

This means that except her birth mother that is already dead she did not have any relation to this family.

This means she doesn’t have to mind if her father sees her pussy and tried to do something to her later.

Well he is too much of a coward to do anything any way.

At most he would try to use her to get some money.

In a way everyone in this family is a bastard and a bitch.

Compared to them the acts of Rita can be considered as good deeds.

Calling them bastards and bitches is an insult to the people of her family that she did not belong to.

Any way she did not care about them and she has her own thoughts and agenda.

Gaining lust points would let her reach higher levels in her life.

What is there to fear about when she accepts the title bitch?

With her so accepting to be a bitch and with her hot figure she can still live a life of a goddess in the hearts of many people.

Chapter 52: I am not related to this family

What is there to fear about when she accepts the title bitch?

With her so accepting to be a bitch and with her hot figure she can still live a life of a goddess in the hearts of many people.

There are beauties like that in this world but are stopped and tied down because of the morality of the stupid public.

Fortunately for her she did not care and money would come to her hands one way or the other.

As for the reputation, there are always some shameless dogs that would bark like a dog at her even though they would masturbate looking at other bitches.

She did not care about them.


She went forward to greet Martha her step mother.

“Hello mom, how are you doing?”

She said as she came in front of Martha.

Martha is a sexy milf in her forties.

She has big tits and ass but her tits are sagging.

Her ass is good but the body fat made it hard for anyone to have good feel of them.

On an average she is only a tenth of a beauty compared to Rita’s current image.

She is trying her best to look beautiful and frequently cheats on Sam with the neighborhood middle aged men.

But over the years the people in the neighborhood lost their interest in her.

Well her tits are sagging, she has accumulated good amount of fat, her pussy is not that tight and even her ass hole is not that tight.

The only good point is her bubbly ass that is good for spanking and big areola that gives a strange attraction to the people that looked at them.

Her tits look like pies with the big areola.

So still she can get some people to play with rarely these days.

But looking at Rita right now has given her new idea.

That is to use her to get some benefits from other people.

Rita did not have mind reading skill.

But Lilith in the system can clearly see the thoughts of these three people of Rita’s family.

All of them want to use her to gain something and enjoy a good life.

It is not like Rita cared about that or Lilith cared about this matter.

Both of them are very happy to have a gangbang.

But still she did not like this kind of people.

Martha never showed a good expression to her.

But now she changed her expression as a good step mother and asked the well being of Rita with great concern.

During this time Rita bent down and fake father got a clear view of her ass and pussy.

He had an erection but his dick is very small.

After that Rita left the house with her jiggling tits and butt cheeks.

Unfortunately there is no one here to look at her beauty.

Well the fans in her phone are looking at her all this time.

Before greeting Martha she kept her phone at side corner cupboard to record the incident.

Right now her adult show account is getting a barrage on fake the appearance of her family love is.

Also they were shocked by how her parents are.

While walking she spoke to the audience.

“Actually I am not blood related with my father or my step mother or my step brother.

Half of the land here belongs to my mother.

They are unwilling to give this to me and reduce me to become an adult actor to earn money for myself.

I have already applied about this at the court and I would get the results soon.

Till then in order to not to arouse their thoughts I have to act like a good girl for them.”

The comments section started to buzz again with many good words and lewd comments.

Some of them requested to take the naked pictures of her fake bitch mother.

She accepted all this and decided to take the things later.

Right now she went to the barn holding the phone.

As soon as she entered her hand was pulled by a person in the dark.

It was her step brother.

“Bitch you are late.

How long do I have to wait for you here?

If you don’t want the father and mother to know about bitchy side, then get down on your knees and give me a tit job with those big tits.”

Because of the puss she fell made an accidental fall into the grass with her ass facing her step brother.

At the same time her skirt moved up revealing her ass and pussy completely.

She immediately turned around adjusted her skirt.

The system has already acknowledged that she has shown her pussy to him.

He immediately started to say dirty words again about her not wearing any panties and what kind of bitch she is.

While he was ranting she took the chance to put the phone on the side where everything can be recorded perfectly.

He did not notice because she is enticing him by moving her body to attract his attention.

When everything is set she dropped down on her knees and pulled her tits out of her knotted shirt.

The shirt is very tight and barely holding her tits inside.

She her tits are out her step brother immediately became aroused to the peak and his reasoning is completely gone.

He directly pulled down his pants revealing his small weak looking dick came out into the open.

Yes his dick is very small even at its erected state.

The audience all looked at his dick and started to laugh.

There is another barrage of comments saying that he is a puny dicked man that was unworthy of the tits of Rita.

Rita held her tits and covered his dick.

Immediately his dick was completely buried along with his balls.

The firmness and tightness of her tits acted on his dick and he could not hold back and cummed on her tits immediately.

Chapter 53: chain task quest completed successfully

Immediately his dick was completely buried along with his balls.

The firmness and tightness of her tits acted on his dick and he could not hold back and cummed on her tits immediately.

Her tits felt slimy and she felt disgusted by her step brother.

It is not because he was perverted but because he could not last long.

The premature Cumming is something she did not expect from her perverted brother.

She sighed and let her brother play as he pleased.

Any way he would not be able to fuck her pussy.

At most he would cum again if she tightened her tits and grasp his dick firmly.

So she did that immediately.

The soft, hot, slimy and tight feeling has made his dick hard again.

But he did not last that long.

He has cummed in less than a minute after getting hard the second time.

Rita did not show her disgusting feeling on her face.

Instead she appeared calm and let his brother play his plans.

Her brother immediately pulled his dick out in happiness which was clearly visible on his face.

He then took out a phone that is in his shirt pocket that is recording everything that happened from the front view.

He took out the phone and played the video of her giving him a tit job.

Then he spoke.

“This is the concrete evidence that you are a bitch.

Now you have to do as I say.

If not I will send this video online so that everyone would call you a bitch.”

He wanted to threaten her.

Does Rita really fear showing this on the internet?

She is already an internet celebrity and even if he posted it, the most important thing that people would notice is her tits and the second important thing is his quick shooting.

He is clearly stupid.

But for her benefit Rita acted as if she was frightened and looked rather pitiful.

She is currently receiving many donations and lust points for her acting with her step brother that is trying to threaten her using some low level videos.

She is an amateur porn actress and she is already showing her face in those adult videos she is publishing.

So she did not fear the threats of this fake step brother.

After she accepted his words he gave her an instruction and left.

“Get ready in the evening,

I will take you to meet some good friends of mine.

There you have to do as I say so that your step brother that is me can earn some money.

As long as you do your best I will not post this video or tell mother and father about this.”

After he left she went to her phone and looked at the messages.

She has earned quite a bit of money from the time she started her live broadcast.

She has made more than 500 USD.

This was all given to her for various reasons.

As for the lust points she is getting close to 350 and it is moving sturdily.

She took out some tissues from her small hand bag and cleaned her tits.

“It is really disgusting to have this puny amount of cum on my tits.

Also it is not that thick.

I really missed the cum of the big dicks that can satisfy me.

My dear lovers online I really miss you all Cumming on me from all directions.”

She said watching the phone.

The audience immediately hyped up.

The thought of covering her with cum from hundreds of thousands of people has aroused her.

Most of the people are currently jerking their dicks and even women are fingering their pussies imagining the situation like that.

After cleaning her tits she once again arranged her dress and decided to go around the village showing her tits and ass.

She showed her image and started to walk on the dirt road into the village center.

Along the way she would turn around in circle making the air lift her skirt for the people to look.

When she met familiar men she would go to them and give them a hug saying that she is back from the city.

But the hands of those men would fall on her ass and touch her butt cheeks, ass hole and pussy….

Some of them are bold and touched her tits and even pinched her nipples.

When they found that she is not stopping them more people touched her body.

Some even gave their dicks to her hand to jerk them.

She did all this silently as they had their conversation.

They wanted to take her to the place with less people.

But she said something to escape from their hands.

Since there are their wives present in the place those old men, middle aged men and young men did not try to do anything excessive.

Even if she jerked them it is not counted as sex.

So she was maintaining things properly as per the instructions of the system.

After she is done showing off in the village she returned back home when the system mentioned her that the village tour task is completed.

The charging in her phone is also very low right now.

So she stopped broadcasting when she started to return.

She gave greetings to all the people that gave her donations.

She has actually obtained over 1000 dollars of money and 700 lust points for the actions she did.

This broadcast would become a video and stay in her site so other can watch that again.

She avoided all the places that are good for ambushing from the men of the village.

She was shocked to find that there are really men waiting for her to return in that direction.

She quickly returned home.

After coming back home she got the rewards for completing the quest.

She got a new curse called the sour grapes.

She had a thought of what this curse would do but she was still excited.

Chapter 54: A good daughter’s Adult video

She got a new curse called the sour grapes.

She had a thought of what this curse would do but she was still excited.

She checked the description.


Curse name: Sour grapes


Your nipples and clit would erect quickly and can be outlined no matter which dress you wear.

Your nipples and clit would be very sensitive and very attractive to anyone that looked at them directly or outline of them through the clothes.

Everyone that has lust towards you wants to touch your nipples and clit one way or the other like the fox that wants to eat the grapes.

The people that could not feel your nipples would become irritated and tries to make plans to get them through under handed means.

Your nipples and clit are protected and would not be injured quickly through normal means of sucking, pinching, biting, pulling and squeezing.

If host tried to use piercings they would appear more beautiful instead of giving disgust to the people.

The pleasure from the nipples and clit would be multiplied by the number of people present in a place that want to touch you.

Hint: be careful not to get your nipples and clit destroyed by the perverts.

It is best to cooperate with them than to resist.


She understands that it is similar to the curse related to her ass and the priority is towards her nipples and clit.

This made her happy.

Well her pussy did not get a curse yet.

But she might get something like that later.

For now she wanted to take a bath after the erotic trip outside.

Her pussy was completely soaked in her love juices.

She has to masturbate to relieve her lust if not she might explode.

Right when the previous quest is completed and the rewards are given she was given another quest.

Well Lilith doesn’t want to leave a single opportunity to shave off the desires of those humans to gain the system points.

The deeper the desire and the closure it is related to lust the higher the amount of points she would receive.


Quest: a good daughter’s adult video


Right now the step mother of the host and the fake father of the host have arranged camera’s in the bathroom to record the host taking a bath without the knowledge of the other.

They are going to use your nude video to make you accept their words and do as they say to get money from other people using your body.

Choice 1: take a normal bath and let them record your nude video.

Host would receive 20 lust points, further choices would be unlocked.

Choice 2: masturbate while taking a bath and let them record the video of your masturbating.

Host would be rewarded with 50 lust points, acting skill and further choices would be unlocked.

Choice 3:remove the cameras and did not let them record your nude video.

The family conditions would become harsh and host would face relentless tries of nude video recording from fake step mother and fake father.

Host, please make a choice for the above choices to continue to the next set of choices.


She thought for a moment and chose the second option.

Does she fear being recorded nude?


She has already left her shame when she first decided to follow the system.

This world would not help the people that hide themselves.

Everyone was given a chance or an opportunity.

How absurd that opportunity looked like, it is the only chance that is given to any person in their life.

Gaining a second chance or opportunity and it being a good one is something that would only happen in fairy tale or to a protagonist.

She was sure that she is not a protagonist.

The identity she chosen for herself is that of an exhibitionist bitch.

She chose this because it is her true nature and this is the opportunity given to her.

As she expected the system did not disappoint her.

She is enjoying and getting money from it.

She is also protected and can live the life she wanted to live.

So she would not back away from any kind of this mission that the system throws at her.

It is not her destiny that is decided by some sort of stupid god.

But it is something that she chose for herself.

So she did not fear or back away from anything.

Also when the missions appear she would choose something that would give her more benefits and improve her power.

After choosing the second option another set of choices appeared for her to choose.


Your first choice is chosen successfully.

Please make your choice in the choices given below.

Side of the fake step mother:

Choice 1:accept the threats of your fake step mother and follow her command to visit some men in the morning tomorrow.

Host would be rewarded with 1 body enchant point, 200 lust points and 100 skill experience points card.

Choice 2: reject her and let your video posted online.

Host would be condemned by the people of the village in the name of moral high ground.

Host would lose the right to inherit your mother’s inheritance because of the public opinion.

Host would get 500 lust points for getting the video uploaded online.

Choice 3: reject her and remove your video your fake step mother’s phone using hacking skill.

Host would be pursued by your fake step mother till she gets what she wanted unless your leave the house.


Side of fake father:

Choice 1: let your father publish your nude video to gain money from the adult sites.

Host would get 500 lust points for getting the video uploaded online.

Choice 2: remove your video your fake father’s phone using hacking skill.

Host would be pursued by your fake father till he gets what he wanted unless your leave the house.


Looking at the details of the choices she has to make two choices here.

Chapter 55: system will leave after 20 years

Looking at the details of the choices she has to make two choices here.

Based on her personality in both cases she would make the first choice because of her bitchy heart.

But she has another slight doubt in her mind.

She felt that system is moving a little too fast.

It is as if the system did not have time or something like that.

First she made her choices and then asked the system about her doubt.


Host has good intuition for a woman.

The system will not be able to stay in this low level world for too long.

It can only stay with you for 20 years.

In these 20 years all your achievements and things you brought from the system like skills would be left to you.

But the system will no longer be able to give you any quests.

Also there will be a price for you to have some good points of the system that are improved specifically.

This means right on your birthday when you are 38 years old, the system would leave you.

So make the best use of the system before that.

Also become a bitch that the system is proud off.”

Reading the information the eyes of Rita turned red and she sighed.

It is as she imagined.

The system did not have too long to stay with her.

The system will only stay with her for 20 years.

There seems to be other restrictions and things after the system leaves.

As for why the system would leave is not known to her.

The only reason that the system gave her is that it could not stay here for long because of the low level world.

So she has no way of knowing anything about this matter.

But she was not worried.

After getting the system she became confident.

She did not fear anything in her life.

Also by the time the system leaves she would have already settled in her life.

She would even have kids and a family.

As for money she would have tons of that along with many skills and businesses.

With all these things on hand why would she fear about anything?

The only bad thing is she was sad because the system leaves her.

Well it is 20 years later so she decided to leave this matter and get ready to what that was about to happen now.

With that she took out her towel and removed all of her clothes.

She barely covered her body with the towel and went into the common bathroom.

To go to the common bathroom she has to go through the hall and it is right beside the stair case.

She shamelessly walked around the house in her bath towel.

She fake father, fake step brother and step mother are in the hall and they looked at her with drooling faces.

The eyes of her step mother and her fake father are sparkling.

This is because they arranged cameras in the bathroom.

Rita went into the bathroom with a smile while shaking her ass with barely covering bath towel.

After entering the bathroom she has already found the location of the cameras.

She went to stand in the best location for the recording.

Well she got the acting skill after making the choice before.

So she knows the basics of acting.

Because of that she stood on the spot and immediately felt a great sense of arousal.

Being recorded made her more and more aroused.

Her pussy became so wet that she is trembling to stand properly.

Her hand reached her pussy and started to rub her clitoris.

Slowly her index finger went into her pussy and then her other hand went to her tits and started to pinch her nipples.



She started to moan while masturbating.

She did not care if her moans were heard by the three people outside.

She was already aroused from all the things that happened during the day.

So it did not take long for her to have a squirting orgasm.

With that her legs gave away and she slumped down to the floor.

Fortunately she has already turned on the shower and the water fell on her head and face.

This let her stay awake.

She bit her lip and slowly stood up.

Then she started to wash her body and clean her pussy.

This aroused her once more and she started to masturbate again.

With the second time done she finally slumped down again with ecstasy.

The camera recorded everything perfectly and she finally washed her body again and covered her body with the wet towel.

With her long wet hair falling down her back with the wet towel she looked extremely seductive.

The dicks of both her fake father and fake step brother stood up.

Unfortunately they could not even form a small bulge on their pants.

That is how small their dicks are.

Well may be they are related by blood because of their small dicks.

She did not look at them and went straight into her room.

She took out another dress from her bag.

It is a sleeveless crop top without any bra.

This outlined her tits and nipples clearly.

Also her crop top ended right below her tits and barely covered her tits leaving all of her waist completely displayed.

If her tits swayed wildly then it would definitely popped out of her crop top.

Down below she is wearing tight jeans shorts that was below her hips and barely covered till her thighs.

Her long legs are clearly visible along with her perfectly white and smooth skin.

She is extremely seductive in her current outfit.

She took out her phone wanting to record the event that is going to happen soon.

She charged her phone after she came back from the tour around the village in the afternoon.

She is going to live broadcast the incident that is going to happen tonight.

Chapter 56: first gang bang quest

She charged her phone after she came back from the tour around the village in the afternoon.

She is going to live broadcast the incident that is going to happen tonight.

She is going to go with her fake step brother to meet with some local gangs.

This means that she is going to be having a gang bang tonight.

But that is only one of the important things.

She would use this opportunity to steal their money and everything they had on hand when they fell asleep.

She has already prepared the chloroform tablets and chloroform sprayer in her bag.

Well she disguised them as other tablets and sanitizer spray.

So it was not found in the previous check of the cops that checked for stolen cash.

Now she put this in her portable pussy space.

So she can use that to put those people into deep sleep and get what she wanted quickly.

The reason why she wanted so much money is because she is going to enter a big university and there she needs more money to show off or escape from some sticky situations.

So she decided to earn as much as she possibly can when she possibly can.

Also getting gang banged is a good way of improving some of her skills.

If her fighting skill increases then she can be safer to some extent in sticky situations.

In most cases she would use her body to get through them.

But sometimes she could not solve things by fucking other people.

So the best way to solve this thing is through the fight.

Well she would not fight anyone in the face when there are many people.

That would cause other people become wary of her.

She wanted to project herself as an innocent and soft natured woman that doesn’t know anything.

She has already made some mental preparations and she has a plan.

After dressing up the system once again activated and gave her a quest.


Quest: first gangbang

Description: host is going to face the first gang bang situation in her life because of your fake step brother.

Stay strong and get as much as cum and pleasure as you possibly can.

Rewards: body enchantment 1 point, 100 points skill experience card, 100 x the number of people that fucked the host lust points.


This is the quest that Rita saw.

But in reality the rewards are at least 9 times higher than the amount showing.

Lilith the system did this to gain more system points.

She needs more system points to upgrade from these lower level worlds that did not have any super natural phenomenon.

Also all the skills and things related to lust are very cheap for her to get which is only a tenth of the original cost that she is showing to Rita.

Lilith has already projected the life of Rita and using all these things to give her the best possible life that she possibly can before leaving.

Even if she gives all the points to Rita, there is no use.

Instead Rita would improve too quickly and the end result is that she would lose her motivation.

She wanted Rita to enjoy her life and youth to the fullest before the system leaves her.

Before that she would give Rita all the skills and things required for her to survive in this low level world to the fullest.

That is what she planned and what she is doing.

Without the need for Rita to think and buy the skills, Lilith has awarded the skills needed for Rita to do things in the best way.

The skills pain and pleasure and the pleasure fighting techniques were also the suggestions of Lilith to her anticipating the coming gang bang events with all the points she has right now.

So Lilith planned everything and she is also sharing all the pleasure of Rita when she was fucked.


Soon it was night and the family had dinner.

Well it is not much of a dinner compared to what Rita is eating these past few days.

But she did not complain as she has to endure the things little more.

She only brought a small bag as she was not planning to stay for long here.

She would go back to the town with the railways station and stay there in a hotel for the time being.

As for the industrialization that is going to happen here requires her to sell her land and either take an apartment or take the money in place of that.

She has already applied it with the court and came into conclusion with the people that would go for taking over the villages here.

So she doesn’t have to worry about this matter.

She has decided to take the money.

Since the things would be completed quickly they helped with the court case.

For this they don’t have to call her father to question because the land was still registered in the name of her mother.

She is the only legal daughter of her mother.

With this confirmed the transfer would be done quickly.

She completed this process over the phone and the results would come one in 3 days after she returned to this village.

Also she found interesting news from the call she got after taking the bath.

That is they are going to move forward with their plan at the end of the week for shifting of people with government order.

Also her court case is completely done and the compensation money would be transferred to her account soon.

The amount is actually quite small.

Her land along with not wanting any relocation choice or anything she would receive around 54 thousand dollars as compensation.

Well the agricultural land cost in rural areas is only 3800 dollars which is very less compared to urban areas.

Her land amounts to around 10 acres and she don’t want a change of location apartment.

Chapter 57: gang leader derrick

Well the agricultural land cost in rural areas is only 3800 dollars which is very less compared to urban areas.

Her land amounts to around 10 acres and she don’t want a change of location apartment.

All of this gave her 54 thousand dollars.

It will be deposited into her account after she signs the documents.

They told her that they would settle this when they come over to take the land later directly.

Also they have emailed her the copy of the documents related to transfer of her mother’s land deeds to her.

It was perfectly registered in her name.

Also she was entitled to get half of her father’s land as it was from ancestors and he did not earn that on his own.

So she would get more money from them later.

She told them that she would visit them for a talk tomorrow about another important thing.

They are more than happy to talk with an easy customer that would take compensation without giving out any big protests and problems.

Also her voice is very seductive and her profile picture is very erotic.

So those men that are dealing with this issue really wanted to meet her in person.

They are willing to talk to her in depth to know more about her thoughts and plans.

After the measly meal, with a sandwich of old breads for her, her fake step brother called her over to go along with him.

All the time when he is eating some good food, he was looking at her tits nonstop.

He really wanted to take a bite of her tits right then and right there.

Her dress is super sexy and perfectly fits with the taste of their gang leader derrick.

He took her out of the house and walked towards the end of the village.

She followed without questioning.

The only thing that did not match is actually her foot wear.

If she put on some high heels it would have been perfect.

But she is only wearing slippers.

She followed to the end of the village where the last street light is shining.

Right under the street light there are few motor bikes with punk style people.

Her fake step brother Sam took her here leading her to the man that looked like a bear.

He is the leader of the group derrick.

When he looked at the appearance of Rita he was immediately attracted.

Compared to many women in this area she is actually like a heroine.

Well that is because of the improvements that she made and the perfect appearance with tits and ass.

Also because of the basic dance skill her walking is also sexy like a cat walk.

Originally Sam wanted to use her to gain money from these people in return for fucking Rita as they like.

But now things might change as the group leader derrick liked her and wanted to have her.

This was not noticed by Sam as his eyes are still glittering about getting his debt off and gain more money using his step sister Rita.

On the other hand Rita has already noticed the situation with the gangsters.

Her eyes are really good and she was able to see the bulges in their pants when looking at her.

When she arrived in front of them Sam introduced her and spoke to the gang leader.

“Leader, this is my step sister Rita.

You can do whatever you want with her but you have to clear off my debt.

As for other members you can fuck her but you have to pay me money for fucking her.”

Rita acted like she was shocked and showed her innocent face.

But that did not match well with her current dress.

Well her act is really good and those people really believed her.

Derrick spoke.

“Well we will see about your debt later after I tasted her.”

Then he turned his head towards Rita and said.

“Hey titty come over here and get on the bike.

We are going elsewhere to play.”

She wanted to get behind the bike.

But the gang leader stopped her and said.

“Remove your dress and get on the front.

Align your pussy to my dick so that I can fuck you along the way.

Get over here you bitch.”

He said and Rita directly followed his words and came over to him.

She removed her clothes in a sexy way making the other gangsters drool at her.

She wanted to give her removed dress to Sam.

But the other gangsters were very interested so she can only give it to them.

They smelled her top and bottom dress with great pleasure and the gang leader pulled her close to him.

He directly lifted her and made her sit on the tank of the bike.

Her tits came straight to his face and he started to suck on then while the engine of the bike is started.

The vibrations that came from the top of the bike went straight to her ass and pussy that is right on the top of the tank.

She felt like there are two vibrators in both her ass and pussy at the same time.

Her entire bottom was vibrating while her tits and nipples are being sucked and played making her more and more aroused.

Her pussy became so wet that it started to release her love juices.

The gang leader unzipped his pants revealing 8 inches long dick and let Rita grind her pussy over the dick.

Then he inserted it straight inside her pussy in a single push.

Her pussy was enchanted to complete 10 points and the gang leader derrick is in heaven.

He pulled her close so that the entire dick went into her pussy and then he made her hug his bear body tightly.

Then they started to move away from this place to an abandoned barn somewhere along the road.

This is their base where they stay and play with women.

Chapter 58: gang bang, hidden stash of derrick

Then they started to move away from this place to an abandoned barn somewhere along the road.

This is their base where they stay and play with women.

It is like a gang base.

While on the way the pleasure from this kind of sex has made Rita have an orgasm.

When they arrived at the base derrick fucked her for a while and then gave her to his gang members to play.

Well she is too beautiful for him to enjoy her alone.

If he did not share then this might cause problems for him as a leader.

On the other hand Rita was concerned about her dress and it was safe.

After using it for masturbating they gave it to Sam for safe keeping.

Sam also followed over here and stood on the side without doing anything.

Rita wanted to broadcast everything that is happening but she was unable to do that in her current situation.

She put her phone in her portable pussy space when removing her clothes before.

Soon they all fucked her and Sam actually recorded the entire incident.

Since Rita did not show any resistance and let them fuck with full consciousness, it is not a problem to upload this video.

She has to get that from Sam first.

While getting fucked by so many people with big dicks she was immersed in the world of pleasure completely.

She was so happy that she squirted and orgasmed many times during the time they fucked her.

Finally when it was around the middle of the night they fell asleep.

Sam is also like that and slept with the video recorder on.

Rita should be exhausted and should be in pain from being fucked by over 8 guys.

But she was not exhausted and she is not in pain because of her new skills.

The pain and pleasure and the pleasure fighting skill has made her strong during the time she got fucked.

With all the pain turned into pleasure her body worked beyond the limit.

The pleasure fighting skill improved her fighting power and even stats directly.

This made her strong and helped her in recovering from the exhaustion quickly.

Also her healing was also boasted with the improved stats letting her become more and more energetic.

When she made sure that they all fell asleep she slowly stood up and pulled out a sprayer from her pussy.

She did not directly spray on the faces of these people instead she took the underwear of these guys and sprayed on it.

Then she placed it on their faces for a specific amount of time before removing.

After that she pinched them to know their reaction.

She calmed down.

Then she checked everyone once again by kicking them.

Even after kicking they did not wake up.

She immediately moved around looking for cash or valuables present on them.

It might look cheap when she is getting over 50 thousand dollars soon.

But they creampied her pussy and ass hole till the cum flowed out of them like a water fall.

So they have to pay the price for her service.

Also she was sure that there is a hidden stash of cash in this place that was hidden by the the gang leader derrick.

As for its location it can be found with the help of the system.

Well she has to spend lust points for that but it is the choice she would take.

But it would well worth it.

Based on her memories and knowledge the gang leader derrick was like a loan shark that collected money from many people and hide it all in his stash.

Most of the time, he would not spend any of the money he earned.

He would threaten the people to get food, drinks and even petrol from those that are weaker than him.

So he hardly every spent the money.

Based on this information she was sure that the hidden stash is here and the amount is more than 200 thousand dollars.

Well he has been leaching and extorting from over 8 surrounding villages that has more than 250 families.

Gaining one thousand dollars from all these families would directly amount to the big amount.

“System can you check where the hidden stash of gang leader derrick is present.”


It is possible to find the location.

For this host has to spend the 100 lust points and follow the system commands to get the location of the hidden stash.

Do you wish to spend the lust point to obtain the location of the hidden stash of derrick?”

Rita immediate nodded her head and she received a message.

“-100 lust points”


Host has to put the dick of derrick in the mouth of your fake step brother Sam.

Then sit on the face of derrick with your pussy right on the top of his mouth and get an orgasm on his face.

As soon as you had an orgasm you will be able to obtain the location of the hidden stash and all the secret stashes of gang leader derrick.”

Rita was surprised to find that there is more than one hidden stash that belongs to derrick.

She was happy to get the news and she immediately got into work.

She dragged her fake step brother Sam easily.

He is not that heavy and particularly lean.

Also she became strong after getting gangbanged just now.

The improvement in strength is not that big but it is enough.

She pulled him over to go between the legs of derrick and pulled down the pants of derrick.

Then she moved the face of Sam on to his dick and helped the dick into his mouth.

Sam may be sleeping but he still started to suck on the dick of derrick as if it was chicken lollipop.

Rita felt interested and she took a short video of this with her phone.

Then she moved to sit on the face of derrick.

Chapter 59: successfully stolen 255 thousand dollars

Rita felt interested and she took a short video of this with her phone.

Then she moved to sit on the face of derrick and then she started to rub her pussy on his mouth as hard as she could.

Well her pussy is already covered with the cum from the gang bang and it is also very sensitive.

So it did not take long for her to have another squirting orgasm spraying it on the face of derrick.

This did not wake him up.

They will stay knocked out till tomorrow morning no matter what happens.

They can also wake up early only if she used some sort of strong smelling chemical to neutralize the effects of the chloroform.

The moment she had an orgasm she got an extra memory about the hidden stash of derrick.

Derrick has two hidden stashes.

One is in the barn and the other is at his home in another village.

It would take 30 minutes ride on a motor bike to go to his home.

After getting the information she immediately used the torch of her phone to walk deep into the broken barn.

As she moved she appeared at a corner with a still intact wall.

This place would not have any chance of getting wet from even the heavy rain fall.

Under that place there is a small hidden compartment.

It was covered with a slab and over that there is a big amount of soil present on it.

If it was her previous self then she would not be able to lift this slab and open the hidden compartment.

But now she can barely move the things.

She tried her best to move the slap to the side and then the hidden compartment was opened using the hook that is connected to the small door.

After opening it there is a small air tight metal box.

She took out the box and found that there are 150 thousand dollars cash and some gold biscuit pieces and ornament pieces.

She put the things back into the box and pushed it into her pussy.

Well only a small corner of the box entered her pussy and the box vanished into the portable pussy space.

The happiness of Rita has increased to the peak.

She quickly closed the thing and returned the things back to the way they were before.

She did not put on her dress but only covered her face with a scarf and put on a jacket of a gangster that fucked her before.

She got the keys to a bike and took the bike to the house of derrick.

She learnt how to ride a bike from some thugs that liked her previous flat chest appearance as a bitch.

Well she lived in the dark side of the world and she has to know her way around to survive without dying easily.

The climate is cold and she felt chill with her pussy exposed.

Fortunately she put on her shorts along with the jacket from those thugs.

It was deep in the night and everyone is sleeping in the house.

Also she did not take the bike all the way to the house and stopped far away.

She doesn’t have to go to the house instead she has to go to the barn.

In the barn there is a place where they kept the cows.

Behind the cows is a cabinet and on the right side of the cabinet is a small hidden compartment similar to the one that is present in the broken barn just now.

It was actually personally constructed by derrick.

So it was the thing only he knows.

She quickly got there and got another box.

The cows present did not sound much as they are timid to begin with.

She did not open the box there instead she checked the contents after she came back to the broken barn where derrick is.

She found that there is another 100 thousand dollars in cash and there are few gold biscuits.

She put the entire thing in her portable pussy space after removing her shorts and dropping them in their previous position along with the jack in its previous position.

Then she got between the two thugs that fucked her before they fell asleep.

She stroked their dicks to erect and pulled them close so that their dicks pierced into her pussy and ass hole properly.

After that she pulled them into embracing her with her nipple in the mouth of a thug in sucking motion.

She liked the smell of the cum and sweat of these thugs as she fell asleep.

Today her gains have exceeded her thoughts.

She got 250 thousand dollars + gold pieces from derrick’s hidden stash and another 5 thousand cash and gold rings and chains from looting them.

Also she got to take a video of her fake step brother sucking the dick of derrick.

Her phone was once again sent into her portable pussy space for safe keeping.

She checked all the things without leaving evidences before sleeping.

Early in the next morning she woke up with the shout of the gang leader derrick.

The two thugs that had their dicks still inside her also woke up looking at the busty beauty in their arms.

They were immediately aroused and moved their dicks making her moan from the pleasure from their movements.

But it was suddenly stopped by the shouts and words of boss derrick.

Derrick did not notice that his cash and gold are missing from his body.

What he is shouting is about Sam that is actually sucking on his dick.

“What the fuck is you sucking, you sissy trap idiot.

Let go of my dick you bastard.

I am not into men.”

Derrick is very allergic towards man to man sex.

He only liked to fuck women and did not want to fuck a man.

He felt so disgusted that he directly vomited on the spot.

Chapter 60: plan to steal half of her fake father’s land

He only liked to fuck women and did not want to fuck a man.

He felt so disgusted that he directly vomited on the spot.

He did not notice that his face already had cum on it and when he noticed that, he thought that it was Sam that cummed on his face.

This made his so angry that he kicked Sam few times breaking his bones.

The other gang members woke up because of the roars of derrick and screams of Sam.



Two dicks that are still inside the pussy and ass hole of Rita finally came out along with her soft moans.

This attracted more gang members than the screams of Sam and roars of derrick.

She is completely naked right now and but the boss derrick is not in a position to enjoy this thing.

He was so angry that he whipped the cum on his face with the cloth on the side and immediately washed his face with water.

Sam is already bleeding.

Even derrick doesn’t want to have a murder case on his head.

So made those gangsters take Sam to the town to the hospital and take Rita with him along.

Then he came to Rita and Sam and asked.

“How Sam got those injuries?”

The first one to spoke is Rita.

“Sam provoked a bull and got hit.

Then he fell on rocks to get injured.”

Rita said quickly in a single breath.

Derrick looked at Rita that is still naked and got a boner.

After you take care of my boner, you can take your brother away from here.

Derrick then fucked Rita while his gang members searched for the phone of Sam and called his parents to tell them that he was injured in an accident.

Martha like a low class street whore started to curse Rita for not taking good care of her son in the phone and asked them where they are going to admit him in the hospital.

Rita was really angry as she heard the shouts of Martha from the speaker.

Derrick did not take long to cum inside her.

Well he was completely sucked dry by Rita last night and later her stupid brother sucked it till morning.

He drank cum continuously during the night so derrick was already out of juice.

Rita quickly put on her clothes and got on one of the bikes but the man doesn’t want to waste the opportunity.

So he made a small cut in her shorts revealing her pussy directly then made her sit in the front with her tits out.

He inserted his dick inside her pussy and moved on.

Derrick and some of the remaining gang members left along with him back to their homes.

Before reaching the hospital Rita was fucked by few gangsters.

They stopped the bike and exchanged her to fuck her.

She came to the hospital with her pussy still having cum flowing out of it.

They first admitted Sam at the emergency ward while they did the emergency treatment she called Martha and gave it to the doctor.

“Doctor, don’t worry about the money we will come over to you right away and pay the money to you.

First I will transfer the money in my account to your account.”

The money was quickly transferred from Martha.

It was the money that she squeezed out of mike and borrowed few other neighbors.

She actually used Rita to borrow the money.

She promised them that they can fuck her as much as they wanted as long as they give her money now.

With that the doctor immediately started the treatment.

When the treatment started Rita left this hospital and went to a nearby hotel to take a warm water bath.

It will take at least 2 hours for Martha and mike to come over here.

Any way she did not have to do anything here.

After the warm bath she called room service boy and told him to measure her body and bring her a set of normal clothes.

She doesn’t need any underwear for dress.

She asked him to bring a short tube dress.

It is not that difficult to find a tube dress that can fit her bust and ass.

Also she prefers the tight dress.

She gave him money to buy the dress quickly.

So things went very quickly.

Within half an hour she is as good as new.

The person that brought her dress could not last even 2 minutes with her beauty in play.

She pulled out her phone from her pussy and she called the people that are taking over the land of the village.

Then she went to them directly.

The representative that is acquiring the lands from villages is ready for Rita.

She came to him with a special proposal.

That is about her right to get half of the land from her fake father.

Well no one knows that her fake father did not have any blood relation to her.

She can use the previous court case as the base to gain the land from her fake father.

She can acquire the land from her father because this land is not earned by him but inherited from his ancestors.

This way he did not have the right to hog in all the land to himself.

His legal descendents also has right in this matter.

For this she needs a signature from him.

She is going to get that signature when Martha and mike comes to the hospital to check on Sam.

This is an unexpected benefit that she got after Sam was thoroughly kicked.

But she has to bear with her fake step mother Martha for a few moments.

Before coming here doctor has said that she has to sign a form for specific operation.

It can be delayed by some time till the parents arrive.

When she talked about the things the representative of the land acquisition has immediately prepared the documents to transfer half of her father’s land to her.


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