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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 136: Iruka sensei saves the situation

This means that he and Naruto are the same kind that did not know any manners because they are orphans.

They did not have anyone to teach proper manners.

Naruto looked back at her with his eyes emitting playful intent instead of killing intent and anger.

“Well I am an orphan.

But at least I am well mannered than you are.

You are just going around someone in the name of love and liking when your parents send you to the academy for you to study with their hard earned money.

(An arrow stuck to Sakura’s head)

Also you are treating other students like they are air and even pushing them as you please just to get into the view of some snot nosed brat.

(An arrow stuck to Sakura’s head and another one to the head of Sasuke)

That is not all, when you actually slipped and fell down on someone you not only apologize to them, instead you called them as pervert and want to hit them.

(Another arrow stuck to the head of head of Sakura)

You are really well mannered and lady like with absolute gorgeous appearance.

Your parents should have taught you really well than an orphan like me.”

The sarcasm in the words of Naruto was so deep and his voice was so loud that everyone in the class listened to it.

The entire class was silent that even the sound made by a dropped pin can be heard loudly.

There is also Iruka sensei that was at the door listening to the words of Naruto silently.

He felt the words of Naruto were really correct.

Also for the first time he actually felt that Naruto was talking properly and felt proud of Naruto for some reason.

Also he felt sad because he treated Naruto as his brother all this time.

With the words of Naruto, he decided to put in more effort to make Naruto think of him as a brother and did not feel sad being an orphan.

Iruka also know the feeling of this as he is an orphan too.

As for Sakura she was so speechless that she did not know what to say.

No one thought that Naruto was in the wrong after listening to his words.

Sasuke finally spoke facing Naruto.

Also it is not about Sakura but a different matter.

“Who are you calling a snot nosed brat?”

Naruto turned towards him and spoke with a smile.

“Well of course I am talking about the snot nosed brat that is being chased by Sakura here.

Why are you asking me?

If you are the person that Sakura is chasing then you are the snot nosed brat.”

Naruto said this in a way that if Sasuke accepted that he is being chased by Sakura then it means that he is the snot nosed brat.

If he did not accept this then he just asked Naruto the stupid question like a stupid fool.

He was locked in a situation where taking a step forward would make him fall in the well and taking a step back would make him fall into a hole.

No matter what he chose he would fall.

For the first time after so long he don’t know how to choose.

So he actually remained silent making many of his fan girls disappointed.

He was speechless this made may boys price Naruto for his sharp tongue.

On the other hand Sasuke thought that he would teach a good lesson to Naruto when the match started.

Sakura on the other hand stood there like a stone statue and did not know what to reply.

Even the Sasuke she admired did not say a single word in her favor.

On the contrary he did not know how to answer the question of Naruto so he because speechless.

This caused her opinion of Sasuke to fall down a little.

But that did not change anything as Sasuke did not care about her or anything she wants to say.

She can only take a step back.

But she was too much embarrassed.

Fortunately Iruka came into the class right at that time to ease the situation.

He knows that if he did not enter now things with Sakura would become so complicated that it would lead to bad situations.

So he entered the class and said.

“Okay everyone, get back to your seats and open the xxxx book and page xx and study.”

With his words the situation eased and they got back to the normal.

But the words have been spoken so things are different right now.

If Naruto really defeated Sasuke in the matches in the evening then this would be a complete turn over making people shocked to the core.

Naruto would really receive very good rewards.

Previously when he caused the situation with Sasuke and Sakura the emotional bar on their heads has filled up.

The treasure box on the side of the bar changed from bronze to silver color.

If he worked hard then it would turn from silver to gold.

This is the case with many people.

It is especially so for Hinata that was quick to reach to the words of Naruto.

The time passed by quickly and it was already after noon.

The students went to the training grounds for the one on one match to be held in the evening.

The students are divided into slots of two that would advance to the next fight from the winner of another slot.

Finally there is only one winner.

Usually Sasuke is the only one that would be at the end as the final winner.

But this time this is going to change as Naruto is going to play the things really well with Sasuke.

Also usually Naruto would be defeated after few rounds and very rarely face Sasuke because of the accidental matching up.

Right now Naruto is going to face Choji in his first round and the continuous match ups are not with Sasuke.

Chapter 137: one on one matches started

Also usually Naruto would be defeated after few rounds and very rarely face Sasuke because of the accidental matching up.

Right now Naruto is going to face Choji in his first round and the continuous match ups are not with Sasuke.

Only after few match ups can Naruto face Sasuke.

Also Naruto has to win these matches to face Sasuke.

As for the side of the girls Naruto was not matched up with a single girl.

This might be a coincidence but it was good.

Consecutively, few matches would happen at the same time to save time.

Naruto and Choji were standing in the ring facing each other.

With the signal from Iruka sensei, their fight started.

Choji did not learn his special Jutsu just yet.

He is still a beginner in his expansion Jutsu.

Currently he can try and become a ball to fight with Naruto by hitting him out of the ring.

Unfortunately it can also be used to push him out of the ring if you use a faint as decoy.

Naruto did the same.

As soon as the match started Choji tried to use his expansion Jutsu to turn into a ball.

Naruto on the other hand did not make any move.

Actually he couldn’t make a move because he did not know any Jutsu based on the plot.

All the Jutsu he knows are the 5 basic ninjutsu.

He got many other Jutsu in his mind and he practiced them for 5 years.

While the other students that are about to graduate only leant some basic ninjutsu just like Naruto along with the ninjutsu of their families.

For example Sasuke already know how to blow the fire ball Jutsu when he was 7 years old.

Similarly other students from the big ninja clans also know their own unique Jutsu.

Shikamaru knows about the shadow Jutsu, Choji knows about the expansion Jutsu….

But they are still in basics.

As for Naruto he knows many Jutsu but he did not want to use them.

All he does is to use his brain to trick his opponents out of bounds of the ring to win the match.

Even in front of Sasuke he is not going to show his capabilities completely.

He wanted them to be shocked but his cards needed to be hidden.

Only this way can he get more benefits in the future.

So when Choji is charging at him with his ball like body Naruto just jumped high up into the sky and landed straight at a tangential angle to Choji.

He not only landed but even kicked hard.

This kick contains delicately controlled chakra that has the pushing force.

Originally Choji could stop before going out of the bounds of the match ring.

But with the extra push he rolled out of the ring and Naruto landed peacefully in the ring with his hands still inside his pockets.

He looked cool.

But the number of people noticed him are very less.

This is because it is natural for one tail of crane to defeat another tail of crane accidentally some times.

So they did not bother with Naruto winning the match.

Naruto went to help Choji.

Choji had his head still spinning because of using that Jutsu to become a ball to crush others.

Naruto pulled him to the side with the help of Shikamaru and others.

After a while Choji is woke up and started to eat his chips again.

He is actually eating because of sadness that he lost to Naruto.

“Munch… Munch…

Sadly I have lost to Naruto even after using a Jutsu….

Munch… Munch…”

Naruto don’t know whether to laugh or cry for this comment.

But he decided to take it easy.

Naruto saw that Sakura and Hinata fought with Hinata winning and then Hinata and Ino fought with Hinata winning again.

Finally Hinata faced with Sasuke, with Sasuke winning.

As for Naruto he faced with Shikamaru next and he won easily with Shikamaru directly admitting defeat.

Then there is passerby A and passerby B that fought against Naruto.

Naruto won and actually reached the finals.

As Naruto won more and more he was recognized more and more.

Ino heart is beating wildly as Naruto moved to the finals.

He really acted differently today that made her think that Naruto might really won over Sasuke.

But her love brain would not let her believe these thoughts.

But her face still had a blush because of the thoughts of kissing the cheek of Naruto.

Even though it is just a kiss on the cheek she was still embarrassed.

On the other hand Sakura is having different thought.

“How can Naruto defeat so many people?

Don’t tell me he hid all his capabilities all these years just to make a fool of everyone.”

If Naruto heard this then he would have said something like that.

“You really got food brains because of your wide forehead.

You nailed the core of the matter with a single thought.

Unfortunately because you hit you knee to the stone your brain is not working properly.

So you did not understand the point you discovered.”

In the mind of Sakura the thoughts went on.

“Fuck, so what if you defeat few easy targets and get to the finals.

This is all just a coincidence.

Sasuke would defeat you and kick your ass.

Yeah, my cool Sasuke would do definitely beat Naruto till he cries with his face covered in snot and tears.”

The inner voice of Sakura is cheering for Sasuke while she scolds Naruto.

On the other hand Hinata is having a different thought in her mind.

“My sweet Naruto is so cool.

I have been watching all of his matches.

He did not use his hands even once and put them in his pockets.

He became so strong that other students could not fight against him.

My heart is pounding so loudly.

Fortunately I was not matched up against Naruto.

I could not fight against him…”

Chapter 138: Sasuke’s first kiss is gone…

Hinata is having these thoughts as she loves Naruto very much.

Finally it is the match between Sasuke and Naruto as the finals.

As for Kiba it actually faced Sasuke and was defeated.

In a way things for Naruto happened too smoothly.

It is given a different impression to those people, making them think that Naruto has it easy just now because he is lucky today.

Even thought his mode of speech and the way he carries himself has changed but they did not realized it because it has only been a day.

They thought that Naruto is only acting differently to gain their attention again like he usually does during the past 5 years.

So they did not notice the main difference in Naruto.

Well it doesn’t matter,

If Naruto did not realize in him then he would make them realize.


Right now Sasuke and Naruto are standing facing each other in the ring.

Iruka sensei checked the check list and then said.

“You can start now.”

As soon as he finished speaking Sasuke ran towards Naruto.

He ran so fast that it left after images around when he ran.

But to Naruto it was not that fast.

After having Sharingan and Byakugan in his past life, he has the thought of experimenting on what would happen if he channeled chakra into normal eyes.

But he was fascinated by the result.

He did not get any special power but this made his vision more concentrated and locates small things and movements easily.

This is called micro movement vision.

Also his dynamic motion vision also improved significantly.

So right now he can see Sasuke clearly and also see his every movement clearly.

Naturally in this situation like this the judgment of any normal ninja is that Sasuke is going for a frontal attack.

But Naruto knows that Sasuke would never attack from the front and would take a side step to attack from behind.

Right at that time Sasuke in front of him vanished.

Actually it is an optical illusion where the mind takes time to recognize the object that is not present in the intended path or trajectory.

But Naruto did not flinch or made an action to strike forward.

Sasuke took the side step and came right behind Naruto and was ready to attack.

Right then Naruto kicked back with his legs like a donkey or a horse kicks with its back legs.

This hit landed straight on the crotch region of Sasuke and he was sent flying back like a foot ball.

Well the situation of his balls is still unknown.

But his mind definitely went blank just from the amount of pain.

Also the direction he is flying is straight towards Choji that just put a chip in his mouth.

Under the widened eyes of Sasuke his face planted straight on the face of Choji.

Also it is not just face that was planted on the face of Choji but also his lips.

Just like that Sasuke lost his very first kiss and he might have lost his future descendents too.

Well no one knows what the final result is but currently all the people are in shocked state that they don’t know what happened.

Everything happened so quickly that they did not have any time to reach in that situation.

Also the shocking incident has sent them into a bewildered state that their body did not move even if they wanted to.

Only after few moments because of the scream of Sasuke and his vomiting the chips from his mouth has pulled people back into reality.

That is right the chips inside the mouth of Choji went into the mouth of Sasuke.

That is how deeply they kissed at the moment of contact.

Iruka that is in charge of the class immediately run over to Sasuke too check his condition.

Naturally Naruto is the winner of this round of matching.

Sakura and Ino are in so much shock that they did not come out of it.

Their shock is not because of the defeat of Sasuke but the first kiss of Sasuke went to the Choji.

It was also a deep kiss with the chips inside the mouth of Choji went to the mouth of Sasuke.

Even though this matter is disgusting they still felt sorry for Sasuke and felt regret that they lost their first kiss of Sasuke.

Iruka that went to Sasuke found that Sasuke is alright externally but he knows that the previous hit actually hit Sasuke right on the balls.

But he could not check that hear.

He has to take Sasuke to the infirmary to make the check up.

He could not blame Naruto here as it was a battle and anything can happen in the battle.

Also Naruto never acted like this and accurately hit his targets.

Well Naruto is infamous for his annoyance and his lack of capabilities other than annoyance.

So, all of them thought that Naruto has kicked Sasuke by fluke.

But they forgot about a specific point that is Naruto kicked with too much strength and where did this strength come from.

They did not think about this point.

Since they did not think about it in the current situation, even if they doubted something they would have no way of investigation properly.

It is not like they come over to Naruto to check his chakra capabilities.

Naruto can simply use the 9 tails as a shield for the sudden burst of energy.

Everyone would easily believe that matters.

Also he doesn’t have to explain the matter completely.

Iruka took Sasuke to the infirmary for checking.

Currently Sasuke was unable to move his lower body properly.

It is caused by the severe pain and the numbing of the body’s defense mechanism.

But once the treatment started, it is hard to say how much pain that Sasuke would be in, in the future.

The infirmary looked at the situation of Sasuke’s balls and decided to send him straight to the main hospital for treatment.

Chapter 139: Naruto’s first kiss

But once the treatment started, it is hard to say how much pain that Sasuke would be in, in the future.

The infirmary looked at the situation of Sasuke’s balls and decided to send him straight to the main hospital for treatment.

The third Hokage appeared here for the news and the people from the roots are also lurking around for the news on Sasuke.

If Sasuke really has strong problem then Itachi would come back and cause huge problems in the hidden leaf village.

Third Hokage asked Iruka to make a report of the entire matter.

While they are thinking Naruto and the students back at the academy are sent home.

The results of the battle are that Naruto won.

Also many girls went to Choji to beat him up because he stole the first kiss of Sasuke.

As for the matter with Naruto they wanted to beat him up too.

But they were unable to catch up to him.

In the past they could easily catch Naruto with so many numbers to beat him up when he speak bad of Sasuke.

But now they could not even catch him with all their effort.

His hides so well that he is almost like a ghost.

His annoying laughter would be heard by them from time to time.

But they could not catch him.

As time passed by in the evening they forgot about Sasuke and felt like they have played a game of ninja just like when they are kids.

Also their opinion of Naruto has changed a little because they were never able to get him but only heard his voice.

“It is late now, we can play tomorrow.

So you have to go home now.

Bye then.”

These are the words almost every girl heard except for three girls that heard a different message from him.

First it is to Hinata,

“Thank you Hinata,

You really tried to help me when so many girls chase after me to beat me up.

I really like you.

But it is getting late.

If you get lost again I will come to help you just like on that snowy night.

But you should head back home so as to not to be punished by your father.

So be a good girl and go back home.”

The face of Hinata immediately turned red from her shyness and she immediately started to tremble muttering.

“He did remember me from that snowy day.”

“He remembers me….”

“He remembers me….”

“He remembers me….”

As she said that she immediately turned around and spoke a sentence before running away.

“Oh, I will go home then…”

She ran back home like a frightened rabbit.

Then the next person that Naruto has to meet is actually Ino that is searching for Naruto in the empty alley.

She is not searching Naruto to beat him up.

It was to save him.

She is a woman that loves beautiful and handsome appearance along with strong power.

Naruto might not have handsome and cool appearance but he showed his strength when he escaped from the hands of so many girls for so long.

She started to think that Naruto might not have defeated Sasuke by fluke but he hid his strength all this time.

She can understand that Naruto is an orphan that did not have any backing.

She heard from her father that the talented people might not get good lives if they did not have enough backing.

Well she belongs to a clan that studies the human mind and act according to it.

So she understands that Naruto might be strong and acted weak all this time.

Also for a moment when he kicked Sasuke, Naruto looked cool and handsome too.

That is not all, when Sasuke kissed the lips of Choji to even pull out the chips in Choji’s mouth into his mouth.

She completely lost interest in Sasuke.

Previously she would have imagined kissing Sasuke.

But now whenever she thought of that what appears is the kissing scene of Sasuke and Choji, also the appearance of Sasuke that is spitting the chips.

This made her give up on Sasuke and she got new interest in Naruto.

But it is only interest.

The way it changes has to be seen over time.

She was searching Naruto to save him and let him escape back to his house safely.

Right then the voice of Naruto appeared in her ears.

“Thank you for your effort to save me.

But I will not forget our bet in the morning.

You said that you would give me a kiss on the cheek if I won against Sasuke right.

See I have won the match just to get a kiss from your soft and beautiful lips.

This place is secluded enough.

Why not give me a kiss here?”

Naruto said as he walked over to Ino that actually blushed.

Naruto found out her intentions and he might know what she is thinking in her heart.

But she could not just give things away like that.

So she put on a strong serious expression and spoke like a girl that is just fulfilling her promise but nothing more.

“Oh it is only a kiss on the cheek.

It is not like I am going to kiss your lips.”

She said these words but her body is moving very slowly.

She came to the side of Naruto to kiss on his cheek.

But then Naruto turned his head and she kissed on his lips.


She actually closed her eyes so as to not to be embarrassed at that moment of her kissing Naruto’s cheek.

But then she felt that she is not kissing the cheek but something different.

So she opened her eyes and looked into the deep blue eyes of Naruto.

She looked at his face up close and she felt her heart beat faster.

Her mind went blank unable to think anything.

She doesn’t know what to say as Naruto moved forward and continued the kiss she initiated.

Chapter 140: you took away my first kiss

Her mind went blank unable to think anything.

She doesn’t know what to say as Naruto moved forward and continued the kiss she initiated.

As they got close and kissed the thoughts of Ino changed towards Naruto.

After they parted Naruto put on a pitiful face and said.

“Ino, you took my first kiss.

Even though I liked it, but still it was my first kiss you know.

You said that you would kiss on my cheek.

But why did you call me just when you are about to kiss my cheek.

I turned towards you and you actually kissed my lips.

Also why is your mouth so sweet?

Did you eat something sweet just now?

Also you smell like flowers and I really liked that smell you know.”

Naruto spoke without giving Ino a chance to speak.

She is already speechless after the kiss but with the words of Naruto she was completely speechless for a few moments.

She really wanted to hit Naruto but she could not for some reason.

She finally spoke controlling her emotions and tears at the edges of her eyes.

“You know that is my first kiss.

Why did you turn to my side when I want to ki…ki…kiss… your cheek.

Now my first kiss is gone now.

You have to take responsibility to me.

If not I will not let you live peacefully…….”

The face of Ino is completely red from embarrassment.

She immediately ran away from there as if fearing that Naruto would kiss her again.

She did not know how to face Naruto right now.

As she left Naruto went to find his last target.

That is Sasuke.

Suddenly Sakura that is searching for Naruto heart the voice of Naruto.

By this time only Sakura is searching for Naruto.

“Well…well… you are still searching for me.

I thought that you would go to hospital to look after Sasuke.

Well Sasuke is also an orphan right now…right….

It seems like you like beating other than to be with your loved one.

You are really a talent, kind and considerate girl for the one you love.

My…my…I thought you liked Sasuke very much.

But it seems like you hate me more than the love you have for Sasuke.


The sarcastic tone of Naruto was clearly heard by her.

Originally when Naruto started to speak Sakura noticed Naruto.

She wanted to run towards him, catch him and beat him up.

But when Naruto talked about Sasuke, she stopped in her tracks and immediately thought.

“Really, I should go look for Sasuke and take care of him right…

Why I am so obsessed with finding Naruto?

Is it really for revenge for Sasuke?”

Sakura fell into self doubt as Naruto left without giving her chance to catch up to him.

Only after few minutes after Naruto left did Sakura came back to her senses.

When she looked around she did not find Naruto.

She did not look for Naruto anymore and went to the hospital to check on Sasuke.


Back at the hospital,

“Iruka, what is the situation of Sasuke?”

Third Hokage asked Iruka that got the report from the doctor just now.

After reading the report Iruka has a strange face and sighed.

Then he said to third Hokage.

“Sir, it seems like the kick from Naruto was really strong.

Also the connecting point of the kick from Naruto is straight on the balls.

This resulted in some internal trauma.

Doctors reported that Sasuke might have problems with having children in the future.

Other than that everything is fine.”

Iruka said with a frown and handed over the report to third Hokage.

For a man it is really important to have manhood.

So if he has problems with manhood then it would cause serious problems for him in the future.

This is what Iruka is worrying about.

Third Hokage looked at the report and sighed.

He then made an order to not to spread about this information.

Also they were all ordered to not to tell about this to Sasuke.

If Sasuke becomes angry and went to fight with Naruto then the situation is not something he could handle.

One is Sasuke Uchiha with Itachi Uchiha as backing.

The other is Naruto that has 9 tailed beast sealed inside him.

So he doesn’t want this kind of conflict to arise.

Others thought that third Hokage is kind enough to not to tell Sasuke about this horrible news for the safety of Sasuke.

But this report was sent to Danzo and after reading the report he was actually quite happy.

It was the sadistic happiness.

Naruto returned to his house happily with some beef steak and also the noodles from Ichiraku ramen along with few other ingredients.

He is going to experiment a new flavor.

It seems like the old habits of Naruto is still inside his mind.

As for the money that Naruto spending was all from the treasure boxes that he opened before.

Also the watch that was kept on Naruto was actually removed after few incidents causing trouble for third Hokage.

Any way he has the telescopic technique that can let him keep watch of the entire village.

So he pulled out the guards that are guarding Naruto.

After the scolding of Naruto Danzo don’t want to listen to those reports any more.

Also third Hokage made it clear that Naruto would not be sent to the roots.

With this decision observing Naruto is useless to him.

He realized this and called off the roots too.

That is not all Naruto would soon graduate and become a ninja.

If that is the case following him all the time is not possible.

Since it is like that things have changed completely.

So there is no more surveillance around Naruto.

With no surveillance Naruto started to buy the things around with the money he has.

Naruto happily arranged the Ichiraku ramen and then put the other ingredients around.

After that he taste tested the combinations between them.


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