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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 436: conquered the hidden mist village

These people are very good with water and they can travel back to the hidden mist village at their fastest speed within 2 hours.

The people of the hidden leaf village also got the information from their spies.

They were all shocked and scared.

The 7 ninja swordsmen arrived back at the hidden mist village with their fastest speed.

Also while they are returning they talked about a strategy to solve Suzaku.

Unfortunately for them,

In front of absolute strength no amount of strategy is useful.

Suzaku waited there without saying anything and he has made his own plans to directly crush the strongest support of the hidden mist village to crush them completely.

When the 7 ninja swordsmen from the hidden mist village arrived, Suzaku smile at them and said.

“You should be the last line of defense in the hearts of the people of the hidden mist village right.

Let me break this wall and occupy them into my empire completely.

Sorry in advance.

For my empire to rise, I have no choice but to sacrifice you…

But I am a kind hearted person so I am giving you a choice.

Kneel down and join my side, I will spare you.

You have 3 minutes to make your choice.

After that I will make a choice for you and that would the death penalty.

Your time starts now…”

Suzaku spoke to the 7 ninja swordsmen of the hidden mist village…

They can sense the strong operation coming from Suzaku.

They are sure that they could not win even if they combined the power of all 7 of them.

Zabuza was actually the first one to make his choice.

He is rebellious from the start and he is the survivor of the blood mist.

His main target is always to survive not to kill.

Also he has good ideals at the start which is why he tried to kill the fourth Mizukage that is destroying the strong bloodlines of the hidden mist village.

So he directly stepped forward and said.

“I don’t want to die, and I surrender.

But I have one request.

I don’t want you to destroy the hidden mist village and its innocent people.”

Suzaku looked at him with the blood red glowing eyes and nodded his head.

“Okay, you can stand on that side.”

Then Suzaku looked the remaining ninja swordsman and said.

“There is still 2 minutes left”

Soon another two gave up and surrendered.

But the remaining 4 of them decided to fight Suzaku.

Unfortunately for them they could not even fight against Suzaku for a full minute before dying.

Their death is tragic and the remaining swordsmen felt their scalps tingly.

It was solved with that.

The spirit of the ninja from the hidden mist village has broken.

With the deaths of many people the hidden mist village’s elders are mentally broken.

So they gave up the resistance.

Suzaku looked around and found Mai Terumi among the group.

Then he straight away went to her shocking her and the surrounding people.

“You look promising.

I am going to leave you to occupy this place peacefully.

You are in charge here.”

While he spoke to her the ninja from the hidden leaf village arrived here.

Suzaku told them to follow Mai and arrange the things.

Also they should occupy the hidden mist village and the entire place peacefully.

After arranging Suzaku vanished under the astonished eyes of Mai Terumi.

Suzaku returned to another battle field where the hidden cloud village is invading.

Suzaku would not participate in this battle field right now.

Right now third Hokage requested backup as the number of people on his side has reduced considerably.

So Suzaku decided to send the remaining of the Uchiha clan that is under the command of Fugaku and Ryo Uchiha.

They were missed in the first shot but now they were targeted by Suzaku.

Suzaku also gave permission to Orochimaru to play with their bodies as he likes for his experiments.

Orochimaru was very delighted about this matter.

He was literally jumping inside.

After that Suzaku moved away from here to make sure that Fugaku and Ryo along with his followers from the Uchiha clan went to support third Hokage.

Well they would not go to the battle field obediently.

So Suzaku has to use some hard measures.

He used the help of Tsunade with her Hokage power to order these people to go to the battle field or be labeled as traitors.

With the threat they did not have a choice but to go the battle field with heavy hearts.

Still they could not do anything but to follow third Hokage into the battle field.

Also the wife of Fugaku became pregnant.

That is not all Shisui in the Uchiha clan showed excellent capabilities at the tender age of 5 similar to Kakashi.

Suzaku is noticing all these things but did not act on these things as his time in this world was severely reduced by the laws of the world.

So he can complete his things as quickly as possible.

Other than the Uchiha clan the remains of the main family of the Hyuga clan were also sent to the battle field to follow the third Hokage.

Well not all only Hisashi and his supporters along with his father were sent to the battle field.

This immediately increased the numbers and variations on the side of third Hokage to do more tricks and live a little longer.

With the troops he received he felt that he might be able to defeat the hidden cloud village.

Unfortunately some ideas and thoughts are just for dreaming but the reality is nowhere near that imagination.

The thoughts of third Hokage are similar in this matter.

Suzaku returned to the battle front where Jiraiya is trying his best to fight against the tactics of the Tsuchikage of the hidden stone village.

Well after the bridge crossing plan became useless, the ninja of the hidden stone village has actually buried the blasting paper at the coast of the river.

Chapter 437: the situation of the hidden stone village and hidden cloud village

Suzaku returned to the battle front where Jiraiya is trying his best to fight against the tactics of the Tsuchikage of the hidden stone village.

Well after the bridge crossing plan became useless, the ninja of the hidden stone village has actually buried the blasting paper at the coast of the river.

They are present along the entire shallow water area.

Suzaku’s clone has already visited the hidden stone village and found the mother of Kurotsuchi.

She is called Akatsuchi.

She is similar to Mai Terumi in the beauty with still reddish black hair and bloody red eyes.

Her age is around 17 or 18 and she would soon marry the son of the current Tsuchikage old man Onoki.

But unfortunately the entire plot changed with the appearance of Suzaku.

The current situation in the Tsuchikage’s office is very tense.

This is because they got the recent news of Suzaku’s achievements.

First they did not think that in just one week Suzaku would take down two hidden villages one after the other.

First of all hidden sand village fell along with the loss of few of their ninja that went to assassinate Pakura.

They got the news but they did not care about the death of the few Genin ninja.

But what shocked them is that Suzaku went straight to the office of Kazekage and killed rasa along with the elders that supported him as the next Kazekage.

With that he directly took over the land of the wind along with the land of the rain.

They also got the news about the death of Hanzo.

That is not the main point instead the main point is the head of Hanzo was actually hanged at the main base of the hidden rain village.

This directly destroyed the moral of all the rebels of the land of the rain that are former ninja that served under Hanzo.

Now the entire takeover of the land of rain is completed in just a week.

The land of the wind is also showing signs of joining the ninja empire formed by Suzaku without much effort.

This is because all the rebels are directly killed without giving them a chance to backstab.

The process is very ruthless and decisive solving the problem at the very roots.

Because of the process of killing many rebels quit the rebellion and directly chose the peaceful method of integration.

So the conquest of the land of the wind is just around the corner.

That is not all the border of the land of the wind is tightly guarded by the troops of the hidden leaf village combined with the hidden sand village.

They changed their head bands to the head band of the ninja that belong to the ninja empire.

This is the new army called the ninja guards of the ninja empire.

Their symbol is actually the pirates of the Caribbean symbol which is quite realistic with a skull and two swords under it.

The skull has three eyes where one is a Sharingan, one is a Byakugan and the other is a Rinnegan.

The entire thing looked stylish and gave a strange sense to the people.

It is as if saying that anyone that messes with them would be killed and few other meanings.


With the continuous news about these things the situation in the hidden stone village is not good.

That day they received a piece of shocking news that the hidden mist village has fallen and it was under the control of Suzaku.

Other than that they heard the news that the Suzaku alone used the power of Susanoo to kill the Mizukage Yagura and turned him into meat paste.

That is not all Suzaku is said to have killed 4 of the 7 ninja swordsmen within a span of a single minute without using a Susanoo.

It is said that the height of the Susanoo that Suzaku produced is very tall compared to the Susanoo of Madara Uchiha.

The remaining three ninja swordsmen of the hidden mist village have surrendered to Suzaku.

One after the other the news from the hidden mist village is explosive making Onoki tremble hearing about the Susanoo.

He only had one fear that is deeply imprinted in his soul caused by Madara Uchiha.

That is the reason why Onoki used every possible means to instigate the Uchiha clan of the hidden leaf village to completely destroy them.

But now when Suzaku showed very similar capabilities of Mangekyō Sharingan and Susanoo has made him tremble all over.

His inner fear has come out giving him a heart attack because of his old age.

Right that day the chain of command of the hidden stone collapsed.

Because of the situation the son of Onoki have to take command to stabilize the things.

But his prestige and capabilities are not enough to stand above all and command the situation they are facing right now.

So the situation of the hidden stone village is not that good.

Suzaku did not take the opportunity and waited for a while to slowly stabilize the already captured land.

So for the next 20 days he will not be doing anything other than playing with his women.

As for the hidden cloud village it was also in a similar situation of fright.

They heard about the information where Suzaku directly killed a Kage into meat paste in a matter of seconds.

They did not dare to face Suzaku right now and they felt that Madara Uchiha has returned back or reborn in the form of Suzaku right now.

But they did not back away either as they tried their best to reduce the ninja from the hidden leaf village as much as possible.

They also know that the ninja sent to their side to fight are all people that are sent to die because of their behavior in the hidden leaf village.

So they wanted to make double insurance by killing these people and get close to the hidden leaf village in friendly terms in the name of peace.

Chapter 438: waiting instead of attacking

They also know that the ninja sent to their side to fight are all people that are sent to die because of their behavior in the hidden leaf village.

So they wanted to make double insurance by killing these people and get close to the hidden leaf village in friendly terms in the name of peace.


Suzaku on the other hand got the report back from the occupied lands.

Suzaku has implemented special modifications so that taking over the land would become easy for him.

First of all the tax is a normal thing but there is no excess tax.

Second they are directly named as the citizens of the ninja empire instead of making them vassal state people.

So they have equal rights as the people of the ninja empire.

Third is because of the war the cost of living has increased sharply.

But Suzaku returned some of the provisions pushing the costs back to the normal level.

Fourth is the quick rectification of all the problems, this caused the people to live happily.

This directly won the hearts of the people letting Suzaku get their lands directly.

Fifth is the abolishing the nobles and daimyo of the other states from their original ranking and changed the ranking.

They become the subjects of Suzaku as the Shogun of the ninja empire.

Sixth is the power structure is ninja empire is completely different from the previous village and land dual rule system.

That means there are no longer Kage of a hidden village and the daimyo of the land.

Everything is unified into a single power ruled by Suzaku alone.


This is how Suzaku planned the things.

The daimyo of the land of the wind and the daimyo of the land of the mist were downgraded to normal nobles.

They can maintain a small army of guards to protect them but they would not have the same privileges as they had as the daimyo.

Since the power Suzaku showed is very strong they can only accept these conditions.

Suzaku did not cause them any big damages.

All their properties and wealth are still with them.

Only a part of it was taken away to stabilize the newly acquitted land.

So in terms of capital, Suzaku did not use the money of the land of fire.

Instead all of the capital used to stabilize the other lands is acquired from the daimyo of the specific lands.

But in return Suzaku let them keep their grand appearance as the first nobles of the ninja empire.

That is the title with benefits even after they lost the battle is exchanged for the capital that they had in excessive amounts.

This has balanced the situation in 15 days.

At the same time the ninja from these lands combined with the ninja of the hidden leaf village and the size of the army grew.

As the army of these lands has already prepared for war with all the supplies ready, they simply moved to another battle front.

That is not all Suzaku did, he called all the remaining people that are guarding the coast towards the hidden mist village to return to the village and rest.

Similarly all the idle people were shifted to a different side.

After resting for a week they would be sent to the side of hidden stone village.

As for the side of third Hokage that is continuously requesting for extra troops, only received blank response.

Also the people that would give response are actually the ones that lost their loved ones in the plots of the third Hokage.

Giving those replies they are very happy feeling the aggrieved expression of the third Hokage.

Danzo and other elders of the hidden leaf village are still alive.

Suzaku let them live and rot in the prison.

They cannot use chakra as Suzaku directly sealed it.

They could not break the seal with chakra.

The roots that are loyal to Danzo are completely gone.

The base of the roots was directly decimated.

Suzaku sent his clone to the temple of fire to check if there is anything that is out of ordinary present here.

Other than that the process of occupying is going smoothly.

Their next target is the land of stone and the hidden stone village.

The old man Onoki is currently in the hidden stone village hospital because of the heart attack under the excessive pressure.

Fortunately this is the first heart attack and not a severe one.

The old man is really good with his health and he was able withstand the heart attack easily.

Unfortunately the hidden stone village is having a hard time because of breaks in command chain and the differences between the ninja.

Also the pressure coming from the news that they got about Suzaku and many ninja from other villages is causing panic in the hidden stone village.

In the past week this is their situation.

They are constantly living in fear for the entire week.

This is like the shell shock caused in the modern battle fields.

After listening to much terrible news, they will naturally have psychological fears in their thoughts.

But their expected attack did not appear for a month.

So they started to become like loose sand checking things back and forth.

At the same time they also revealed all the information related to the battle formations and other secrets.

It was easy for the people from the hidden leaf village to capture all the information related to traps and other things.

This is what Suzaku is waiting for.

The people of the land of stone are stubborn.

They would not easily surrender to Suzaku even if he goes to the hidden stone village and killed their Tsuchikage.

So they only way to get them is through the tricky way.

There is no need to break their strong spirit instead he has to take them using tricks.

These people are stubborn and only the old man Tsuchikage is intelligent enough to see through the tricks.

Chapter 439: The land of the stone surrenders

There is no need to break their strong spirit instead he has to take them using tricks.

These people are stubborn and only the old man Tsuchikage is intelligent enough to see through the tricks.

Time passed by slowly and another week passed.

At that time the people in the hidden stone village are completely restless.

They are shivering from fear of death.

This is because the number of ninja that are surrounding them has increased significantly over the past week.

Well the ninja that took short vacation from the war and the ninja that went to help in occupying the land also came back with bright faces with smooth work.

There is no resistance at all.

With the number increasing it is normal for the people in the hidden stone village to fear.

That day Suzaku appeared at the hidden stone village and many parts of the land of the stone.

Then he made a huge announcement with his enhanced voice.

“To all the people of the hidden stone village,

I don’t want unnecessary bloodshed and reduce the good ninja and people.

So I came here with a proposal.

As long as you surrender we will not attack you.

You will become the citizens of the ninja empire and enjoy the equal treatment.

I will give you three days to make a choice.

After three days I will take the action directly too directly decimate the hidden stone village and its power circle of ninja and elders.

Also don’t try to play any tricks with me as the check would be strict.

All the criminals and rebels would be eliminated on the spot.

The three days dead line starts now.”

Suzaku made this announcement around at 10 AM in the morning.

The people of the hidden stone village and the entire land of stone heard the words of Suzaku clearly.

The first thought of most of the people is to avoid war.

They don’t want to go to war and die.

Who would want to die if they can live normally?

When the final result is the same no matter if they fight or not, what is the point of fighting from the start.

Since it is like that most people and many ninja has inclined to live instead of blindly dying.

Suzaku did not make a move as he said for the next three days.

What they did is to observe.


Three days ago when Suzaku made the announcement Tsuchikage Onoki has already woken up.

He also listened to the words of Suzaku and fell into deep contemplation.

Unlike the third Hokage is more cunning but at least he still knows how to choose.

In the past few days other than enquiring about the battle results of the war, he also checked the situation of the occupied areas under Suzaku.

He did not see any negative trend and everything is well maintained.

The people started to go for a better future.

For example Suzaku in the land of the wind near the villages has found an underwater resource under the ground.

He used the power of his clone to bring out that huge water resource and formed channels to pass through many areas of the land of the wind.

This directly changed the topography of the land of the wind and reduced the desert cover.

Other than that Suzaku used the wood style to create huge amount of trees and vegetation.

If things are maintained well then the desert would be gone and it would be replaced with a prosperous area full of vegetation.

In the land of the rain Suzaku stopped the excessive rain and pushed the clouds towards the land of the wind to increase the water resource in the land of the wind.

Because of the stopping of the excessive rain the land of rain started to recover its vitality with the bright sun shining on the land.

As for the land of the mist Suzaku used his power to pull the land under the water and connected all the islands of the land of the mist to form a strong stable island.

The place also lost the excessive mist and the bright sun is shining.

Just like that many problems in those lands were solved.

If this keeps up then their prosperity would reach the same level as the land of fire in the coming years.

All these things can only be done with the power that is on the same level of sage of 6 paths that is said to have created the moon.

If Suzaku is as powerful as the sage of 6 paths then their battle is futile.

Instead of battling surrendering is the best option for the people and ninja of the land of the stone.

Land of the stone also has many problems and they cannot be solved by him or any other Kage level powerhouses of the land of the stone.

So if Suzaku can solve them for them then, they don’t mind surrendering to Suzaku.


In the past three days after waking up Tsuchikage Onoki checked the things again to make sure that everything he thought of before was true.

Then he held a high level meeting along with all the top elders and daimyo of the land of the stone.

This meeting is about the thought of surrendering to Suzaku and merging into the ninja empire.

Tsuchikage Onoki is not the only one that did the research work.

The daimyo of the land of the stone also did the work and came to a conclusion.

With the two people discussing things the other elders could not speak.

Even if they spoke only the daimyo and Onoki has the right to make the final decision.

Since it is the choice of life and death of many people, they thoroughly discussed and came to a conclusion.

“The land of the stone surrenders”

This is the final decision they made and they personally decided to go to Suzaku to speak.

Chapter 440: third Hokage killed Fugaku and fled

“The land of the stone surrenders”

This is the final decision they made and they personally decided to go to Suzaku to speak.

Onoki came over to meet with Suzaku to speak about this matter.

He did not fear that Suzaku would go back on his words and kill them at that place.

The discussions happened quickly and Suzaku did not put on any airs in front of the people.

“I accept your surrender.

As for the takeover of the land of the stone, it will be over seen by my clone and a person from the hidden stone village.

Let me bring that person here.”

As soon as Suzaku spoke his clone that is following Akatsuchi received the message from the main body.

Immediately after that the clone came to Akatsuchi and used the flying thunder god to appear beside Suzaku.

As soon as she appeared she felt dizzy and took a moment to adjust.

When she looked again the people in front of her are Tsuchikage and few other important elders of the hidden stone village.

She knows that they went to surrender as she is one of the promising rookies that are being nurtured for the future of the hidden stone village.

The proposal of marriage has not been made yet.

So she is still single and optimistic of her ninja future.

When she suddenly appeared on this place of meeting she was so shocked that she felt dizzy again and was about to faint.

But with her experience as a ninja she forcibly held on from fainting.

As for the Tsuchikage and the elders of the hidden stone village, they are shocked to see Akatsuchi here.

They have their thoughts but they never expected that Suzaku would choose Akatsuchi.

Well they have already anticipated that Suzaku would choose a woman from their land as his bride just like he did with the hidden sand village and hidden mist village.

But they did not expect that it was Akatsuchi would be chosen.

Well they did not have any objection.

Suzaku directly spoke.

“You are Akatsuchi right.

From now on you will be the helm of managing the land of the stone and help me occupying the land completely.

The prosperity of the land of the stone that is merged into the ninja empire depends on you.

My clone will follow you and you can ask it if you don’t know anything.”

After Suzaku finished speaking Akatsuchi fainted.

It was really too much for her young brain.

She was so excited that she fainted.

Suzaku’s clone took her to rest on the side while Suzaku continued with the discussion of other matters.

The faces of Tsuchikage and other elders are dignified looking at the situation.

But they did not say anything.

It is normal in the formation of an empire for the emperor to take in some brides from different lands for support.

While they are discussing here something different is happening on the battle front of the hidden cloud village and the ninja empire.

Suddenly everyone saw that third Hokage along with his sons and wife rushing out of this their camp as if he was fleeing.

At the same time there is a rumor spreading around the camp that third Hokage abandoned them and ran away for his life.

Many people easily understood that there is something wrong here.

But they did not dare to point their fingers at the situation;

Instead they spread the rumors even more.

Only this way they will be able to survive the current situation.

Then another rumor spread in the village that is Fugaku was killed by third Hokage before leaving.

The reason for this is the affair between Fugaku and the wife of third Hokage.

Immediately this became the hottest topic of the situation.

As for the situation of the hidden cloud village is more different.

They can easily see that it was all planned by Suzaku and their gulped down their saliva thinking of the situation.

After getting the surrender of the hidden stone village they also decided to surrender.

But they are prideful and could not admit defeat directly.

So the third Raikage has decided to make a proposal of duel between him and Suzaku.

If Suzaku defeats him then the hidden cloud village would surrender directly.

But the rumors started about third Hokage and Uchiha clan causing the matters to be delayed.

Well they did not dare to talk about it right now.

After a week the news of the deaths of third Hokage and his family came out of nowhere.

Fugaku is dead and Ryo Uchiha is grieving over his son.

Ryo Uchiha knows that it was all done by Suzaku but he could not speak.

Now in a way he did not have a single son.

The son that calls him father has died and the other son he despises from the childhood would not call him father.

Also he was adopted by the daimyo so what can he say at this moment.

He regretted it very much and finally committed suicide on that day.

With that most of the enemies of Suzaku are solved.

There is still the group of Danzo and the two elders.

But they would not last long.

Suzaku let them all pass away quickly in that week.

With the shackles solved that is the hidden dangers solved Suzaku became peaceful and went to the meeting with the hidden cloud village Raikage.

Based on the trajectory they have already prepared for Suzaku to choose a woman from their land already.

They also proposed a duel between Raikage and Suzaku.

Suzaku naturally accepted the duel which is a very normal thing to do.

After that they set up a battle field which is a desolate place between the land of the fire and the hidden cloud village.

Suzaku and third Raikage stood opposite to each other.

Suzaku did not appear like a small man or a thin man compared to third Raikage.


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