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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 136: a surprise for Ron is prepared

Well it has been more than a month since Jonathan last kissed them.

Everything about Jonathan is mesmerizing so his kiss is also a great thing.

After kissing his women for so many times a skill related to kissing is formed.

He knows about this through system notification.

It is also a good permanent skill that is imprinted in his memories.

When he kisses anyone they would feel more delighted.

Also his breath and the taste of his mouth would turn to the liking to the woman that he kissed.

That is not all his kisses would give them strong pleasure as if they had an orgasm.

Well it is still at the starting stage.

That is why when he kissed the woman they would lose their strength and cling on to him more.

They want that pleasure that they could not get from other people.


After returning back to the tent Jonathan spoke to Tonks and Sebastian.

Jonathan also saw Winky at the tent of Barty crouch there is no one there.

Jonathan though that Winky is a good match to dobby.

So he decided to match them.

He has never seen a marriage of house elves.

That would be a great thing to do.

So Jonathan put this thought in his mind and he would see to that in the future.

After some time the match is about to start and Jonathan would go there to take a look.

Also Jonathan has arranged something special for Ron today.

It is to give Ron a kiss of his life.

Ron is currently with Hermione and Harry.

Also he is hitting puberty so he felt strange attraction towards Hermione.

He wanted to be with her.

On the other hand Hermione is not that into Ron.

Well things can change at any time based on the situation.

So Jonathan has to steer things in a way where Ron would not go after Hermione.

Just the thought of him hitting on Hermione is unbearable for Jonathan.

He would not leave the beauties to those men.


The entire stadium is lively and it was great with all these people cheering to their favorite Quidditch team.

Jonathan saw that Ron is a box that is trying to collect the gold from leprechauns.

Unfortunately he is stupid enough to not to know that the leprechauns gold would vanish after a while.

For this match Narcissa also came with Draco.

But Lucius did not come because of personal reasons.

Jonathan invited Narcissa to his personal box and talked to her about some things.

She is a part of death eaters unofficially, Jonathan know that and talked to her about their arrangements.

Jonathan did not make any advancement on her as it is not appropriate in the current situation.

There are cameras that are connected to the big screens.

So he would not make any move on her just in case, so that he would not appear doing something to Narcissa on the big screen.

Draco did not care about his mother.

He was more interested in bullying Harry potter.

Jonathan has already ordered Sebastian to enchant the golden snitch with a special thing.

So Sebastian came back with happy smile and reported back to Jonathan.

“Master, your orders are completed successfully.”

Narcissa that is by his side became curious and asked.

“What are the arrangements you are talking about.

Are you going to commit a crime?

Please let me join in this matter as well.”

For some reason after being with Jonathan for so long Narcissa started to show new series of emotions in her previously expression less face.

She was acting like a little kid in her spring.

Before Jonathan can speak few other visitors arrived to his box.

It was actually his women pansy, Daphne and few others.

When they arrived they saw Narcissa asking something with excitement.

Jonathan immediately smiled at them and invited them to sit.

“I have made some special arrangements for Ron to meet his fated love.

So you have to see that as the match goes on.”

They did not ask about Narcissa’s relation with him and Narcissa did not ask about their relation with Jonathan.

At that time Rita Skeeter has arrived and said.

“You said that you are going to give me some juicy material right.

Have you made the arrangements?”

She directly barged into the box and asked Jonathan as if she was talking to her husband.

When she saw other girls she changed her face a little and said.

“…Cough…I did not expect that you have visitors.

Wait a minute; all of them are your woman…

So it is family then.

Then it is not a problem to talk about the arrangements right.”

She is actually bold enough to directly go to Jonathan and sit on his lap as it was natural.

Immediately the other women became jealous.

One can clearly see their jealousy in their eyes.

But they did not say anything as Jonathan is like this.

He did not like conflicts between his women and treats them equally with love that they enjoyed.

So they did not have any conflicts.

But they also want to sit on his lap with his warm embrace around them to have some hot action.

They did not take the initiative because of what Jonathan said but Rita actually sat on his lap.

So they are waiting for Jonathan to move Rita to another seat to be fair.

Jonathan did not disappoint them.

“Rita, I am not a great wizard yet.

So I cannot cover up many things.

So be a good girl and sit in another chair instead of my lap.

For now we have to fortify our strengths where no one can touch us.

Only then we can play the games like this.

Jonathan said this and pinched Rita on her waist.


“Okay, I will not cause any trouble so don’t pinch me like that.”

She went to sit on the side seat.

Chapter 137: a juicy scene for the juicy news


“Okay, I will not cause any trouble so don’t pinch me like that.”

She went to sit on the side seat.

Right then the camera rolled around showing the audience.

Jonathan’s box also appeared in the view.

Fortunately Rita has already got up and left the lap of Jonathan.

If not it could have become a scandal.

Well right now dealing with a scandal is a hard thing.

Fortunately it was avoided.

Even Rita was shaking a little.

She was fearful that if Jonathan became angry, he would leave her.

She liked Jonathan so much that she subconsciously became dependent on him.

So she doesn’t want to leave the side of Jonathan no matter what.

The current incident shaken her up because of the possible scandal for Jonathan and what would the consequences of that.

After the recording magic passed by their box Jonathan stood up and came behind Rita.

He hugged her from behind and said.

“Don’t worry; I am not angry with you.

But you have to take things into consideration.

Before I graduate from Hogwarts we have to keep out affairs secret.

Now take a seat and get ready to capture a good scene that is going to unfold soon.

All the preparations are already done.”

Rita sighed and she smiled happily.

She went to sit among other girls as if nothing happened and watched the match.

Sebastian prepared snacks and drinks for them to enjoy the match.

The match started quickly and it was very exciting match to watch.

Victor Krum is going around making many stunts to attract the attention of everyone.

At the same time he is also chasing after the golden snitch.

When it was reaching the final situation of the match the golden snitch flew towards the location where Ron is present.

It was the situation where victor Krum would catch the golden snitch.

He even turned upside down on his broomstick to catch the golden snitch.

Right then the golden snitch appeared right in front of Ron and Krum is also right in front of Ron with inverted appearance.

Because this is the location of the audience the seats and things are flying around.

A waste paper flew and fell on the face of victor Krum.

He moved his hand to remove the waste paper but the accident happen.

The golden snitch is in the middle, on one side it was Ron that is kissing it and the other side it was victor Krum with upside down face that is kissing it.

The wings of the golden snitch are fluttering in between them like the wings of an angle.

Sebastian was waiting for this situation and took a picture of this situation at close range quickly.

This is going to be given to Rita Skeeter to publish a juicy article later.

The juicy article is about the passionate love between Ron and victor Krum.

With the strong force of the hit Ron and Krum flee and caused a big mess.

But still The Bulgarian National Team’s young Seeker, Viktor Krum, uses his excellent flying skills to catch the Snitch.

So the Bulgarian team won the match.

But both Ron and Krum lost their front teeth, along with several serious fractures.

They will be hospitalized for quite some time before being discharged.

The photo that Sebastian took was quickly developed and brought to Jonathan and other to take a look.

The moving magical image showed the passionate kiss between Ron and victor Krum.

Rita that saw the picture understood what the juicy incident that is about to unfold.

With the current situation the filming equipment is not working on showing the audience instead it is trying to show the injured people and their supporters.

Rita came over to Jonathan and kissed him.

“My love, you really gave me a good present here.

I will make it into a grand incident to stir up the world.

Leave everything to me.”

After that she left here quickly in excitement.

Jonathan gave another copy to Narcissa and told her.

“Show this to Lucius and let him be at ease for a while.

If he was too worked up, he would become paranoid and cause problems for our plan.”

Narcissa also kissed Jonathan and said.

“I will take care of it as you liked.

Don’t forget to come home early.

We still have to do our session.

I want some rewards today.”

She said and left with blushing face.

The girls already saw the image and laughed with Jonathan.

Then they left this place and returned back to Jonathan’s tent.

There they kissed Jonathan for a while before leaving.

As for Nymphadora she wanted to see if she can mobilize some Auror to help her take care of the death eater’s incident.

So she is not with Jonathan right now.

She already took permission from Jonathan about this matter so it is not a problem.

Jonathan did all of this after she left and sent all the women back to their tents before she came back.

Also Jonathan warned all his women about the possible attack in the night.

He told them to be careful and if something happens then come to him for safety.

After a while Nymphadora came back with sad face.

She was unable to mobilize even a single supporting Auror about this matter.

Everyone asked her where she got the information from.

When she did not give them a reply then the result is their distrust.

Also they don’t want to lose their lives if there really is a death eaters attack.

Every one of them is just like any other human being that loves their lives.

Since it is not an official order with rewards and support, they did not want to act in this matter and risk their lives for free.

Nymphadora is a beauty but their lives are more important than to impress the beauty.

So everyone made many excuses to slip off and not help Nymphadora Tonks.

Chapter 138: disrupting the dark mark

Nymphadora is a beauty but their lives are more important than to impress the beauty.

So everyone made many excuses to slip off and not help Nymphadora Tonks.

That is way she is having a helpless and sad expression when she returned.

Jonathan looked at her and consoled her with his kind words.

But well things would not change by much.

As the time slowly passed by the attack started deep in the night.

Jonathan did not go to participate in the attack instead asked Sebastian to set up a barrier that can repel any attack back by double time on their tent.

Nymphadora wanted to go out and help but because of her duty to protect Jonathan she stopped here.

Jonathan looked at her situation and told her.

“You can go and try to save them if you want.

Don’t worry;

I will give you permission for that.

But I want you to do me a favor that is at the end of all these, a special situation might happen.

It is the situation where the person causing the ruckus would leave a wand in the hands of a house elf to push the blame on to it.

I want you to act as a witness for this incident and help me prove the innocence of that house elf.

That is all I wanted.

Also be careful.

I don’t want such a beauty to have any accidents.”

Jonathan said these words and let her leave after a hug that she did not reject.

Jonathan looked at her affectionate points that reached 75 suddenly.

She is falling for Jonathan slowly but it would take time to tame a wild horse.

Jonathan smiled as she left and then spoke to Sebastian.

“Sebastian, it looks like we are going to have a new house elf.

She is a very loyal one but she would soon lose her owner.

She is also a friend of dobby and we can match them perfectly.

If you have any perfect house elf you liked then think of bringing her over.

We can match you a marriage as well.

Unfortunately Kreacher is too old for a marriage.

Well we have to find a granny house elf for it if possible.”

Jonathan said as he laughed and Sebastian also laughed.

Sebastian always maintains a perfect mentality of a butler and never once crosses his lines.

It is like he was too stiff when it comes to the matters of talking.

Jonathan tried to change him many times but he did not show any changes.

May be after the death of Gellert Grindelwald, he would show some changes.

Well there are minor changes but the stiffness needs to be changed over time.


When the attack started the Florian Greengrass has brought his daughters over to Jonathan’s tent for safety.

Pansy’s father also did the same.

Similarly few other people arrived.

They did not believe in the power of Jonathan but the power of money behind Jonathan that gave them belief that Jonathan would be fine.

So they brought over their daughters and women here for safety.

Some men also shamelessly stayed here.

Jonathan got bored and he came to the entrance of the tent.

The attack has been going on for a little while now.

Jonathan saw the dark mark is being cast into the sky.

But Jonathan has a strange idea so he took out his wand and casted the Patronus charm.

“Expecto Patronus”

Immediately a huge eagle appeared out of nowhere and flew into the sky.

After eating so many dementors it has actually developed some intelligence.

So it can communicate with Jonathan and follow his commands.

It went straight into the sky and directly disrupted the clouds that are about to form the dark Mark completely.

The people that have to see the formation of the dark mark have already seen the formation.

But they were shocked when a strange dark bird suddenly appeared in the sky and directly disrupted the completion of the dark Mark.

Jonathan did this to gain the attention of death eaters and Voldemort.

Also he did this to show the people that he did not fear Voldemort or death eaters.

Well the death eaters that came here have already ran away.

Barty crouch junior looked at the disrupted dark Mark and started to scream wildly as if his parents were killed and his wife cucked him.

Well he cares about neither of these matters other than being a bitch to the Voldemort.

Any way Jonathan did not care about this matter and the situation has reached the point where the Aurors and other people arrived and captured Winky.

The wand in her hand actually belongs to Harry potter.

Everything was the same as that happened in the original plot.

The only exception is what Jonathan did at the end.

With the matter solved Winky was taken to hearing in the magic court because she was holding the magic wand which is against some of the laws.

Hermione found this ridicules and because angry for the treatment of house elves.

Well things moved on quickly and people that went to check the situation came back to get their family member and thank Jonathan for protecting them.

Well it is a bunch of nonsense.

They just want to form connection with Jonathan and get some financing into their companies.

Even thought Dumbledore was said to be the guardian of his financing business they know that the final say for this matter stays in the hands of Jonathan.

Jonathan politely spoke to them with the attitude of a fence sitter and sent them out.

After that he returned back to the Malfoy mansion.

Narcissa also arrived here with Draco.

As for Lucius he went to take care of his death eater duties.

Jonathan did not care about this matter and Nymphadora also came back right after Jonathan.

She brought over a message from the ministry of magic.

It was related to her needing to attend the court hearing.

Chapter 139: everything in the world has its own price

She brought over a message from the ministry of magic.

It was related to her needing to attend the court hearing.

The incident related to Winky is only one thing and the other thing is related to the word that she spoke before the match.

She could not speak about the source because the source is Jonathan.

Well Jonathan told others out of good intentions and she got the wind of it through eavesdropping.

Then she spread the word to everyone and the final result is that she was being implicated.

Not only her but Jonathan would be implicated as well.

She doesn’t know how to solve this matter.

She was also asked to attend the court hearing to know about this matter clearly.

She came to Jonathan to ask what she should do.

She was very confused and is feeling remorseful.

When she told them about the possible danger none of them responded to her.

But when they faced the danger they wanted to push the blame towards her.

She originally had good impression on those Aurors.

She used to look up to them.

But now she felt that they are completely corrupted to the core.

She even thought of resigning as an Auror.

Unfortunately she will not be able to that right now.

If she suddenly quits then it would become more suspicious.

She has to find the answer to her problem right now.

For that she has to ask the person that can help her.

Even though Jonathan is just a kid he has unusual temperament and even his appearance is not like a kid.

She thought of asking him for a solution.

But she don’t know that asking for a suggestion is nothing more than falling into his trap and becoming entangled with him forever.

Jonathan was drinking tea while eating some cookies made by Kreacher back at the house.

Sebastian is serving Jonathan while Nymphadora spoke to Jonathan about her worries.

Jonathan listened to all this without saying a word and when the words he was expecting came out from her mouth.

“What should I do?

Do you have any solution for this matter?”

When she asked Jonathan finally spoke.

“Miss Tonks, if you want a suggestion from me then you have two options to get a suggestion from me.

The first option is as a person I know that was close to becoming my friend I can give you a suggestion.

But this might bring you away from me and the possible friendship with you would be gone forever.

The second option is as a business man I can give you a solution for a price.

This would not affect our current standings and possible friendship in the future.

The price will be decided by me as the price of things change based on the value of the information.

It is just like the price of water.

If you by the side of a river, then the value of water are nothing but if you are in a desert then the value of water changes accordingly.

So you can choose one of the two options.

Based on the option I will give you a suggestion or solution.”

Nymphadora was shocked to hear the words of Jonathan.

She felt that Jonathan is a good person and would help her when she is down.

Well actually she was the one that caused the mess and looking for someone to clean up the mess.

She knows that but human nature would not let them think about this because they always think that it was the duty of the rich and powerful to help the poor and the needy.

In Nymphadora’s case it is just a solution, since Jonathan knows a solution he has to tell her.

What would he lose if he tells her?

With that kind of thinking she started to change the way she spoke immediately and showed her fangs like a tigress.

She did not hurt him physically instead she started to speak like those poor people accusing the rich for being rich.

Jonathan did not speak till she was finished and said.

“It seems like you understood something wrong here Miss Tonks.

Everything in this world has a price and the price varies based on various reasons that specific thing.

We only met just a month ago.

Even though you are from the order of phoenix, I am not from the order of phoenix.

My father did not treat me like he treats someone else’s son.

Till recently because of my father I was called the son of a traitor and a murdered.

Even after I saved my father he said that I have to be god to someone stupid just because he was called god father for naming him.

I have tried my best to save him but still he is like that, even thought he did not see me since my birth.

After seeing these things I understood the nature of people.

Something that comes for free has no value to it.

It even includes the love from the family.

So I have decided that everything I do will have something of price or value involved in it so that my deeds would not become worthless.

Even the two options I gave you have their own set of prices.

Of course there are people that have paid a life time price to earn my trust and I would trust them and protect them with all I have unconditionally.

But you are not even a proper friend to me right now.

My trust towards you only reached the preliminary level.

So how can I give you something free without charging a price?

Think about it.

Will you work for the Aurors if they say that you will not be paid?

Will you appreciate your superiors if they did not give you the credit for your hard work?

Now you can make your choice.

Once the choice is made you cannot take back the things easily…”

Chapter 140: the system comes out again

“…Now you can make your choice.

Once the choice is made you cannot take back the things easily.

So think carefully to make your choice.”

With the words of Jonathan her previous affection towards Jonathan has dropped to 60 points from 75 points.

It is a sharp fall.

But it did not go down below that.

It seems like the 60 affection point is a special mile stone.

Unless something big happens it would not fall below that.

Well Jonathan is going to test it to the maximum limit.

Any way Nymphadora did not have any choice but to ask for him for help.

Well her best choice is actually to directly disclose about the source of information that is Jonathan.

But with her current affection points she would be reluctant to do that.

Well it is normal most of the time even without affection points.

The plot line characters in movies and TV shows are simply stupid.

They would not even recognize something that is right in front of their eyes.

Even their decisions are as stupid as they could be.

They would choose a way where most people would suffer and show that their suffering is what gave them the final good result.

But in reality the villain always enjoys everything till he dies while the protagonist would work hard for his entire life even after winning against the villain.

At most villain would suffer a little and die peacefully, while the protagonist has to maintain the good face which requires constant effort.

So they can only be good people for life.

Well the villains are also stupid people that would fall for the nonsense of the protagonist and their supporters.

So all in all they are a bunch of morons that would do something that can easily be resolved by waving a hand into an international issue that needs nuclear bombs.

Even then they would mention it as their pride which is funny to look at.


Jonathan thought looking at the expression of Nymphadora.

After some struggle then she picked the second choice.

“Okay then I will pick the second choice.

Tell me what price I have to pay to get the solution for this situation.”

Right when Jonathan wanted to say something the system gave a choice.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: Ask Nymphadora for a kiss on lips for the solution.

Nymphadora would think of you as a pervert and the affection point drops to 30 points.

Choice 2: ask her to submit to you completely.

Nymphadora would think that you are a pervert and a villain and her affection point drops straight to 0.

Choice 3: ask her to become a part of your organization as a personal guard and relieve from Aurors.

Nymphadora would think that you don’t want her to face this kind of situations again and you want to protect her.

Affection points would be restored back to the previous value and +10 affection points would be added.


Jonathan looked though the choices and frowned.

He originally wanted to ask her for a kiss.

But it seems like this is not a good idea.

This means that she is too rebellious in nature and would fire up into a fire cracker for even a minute thing.

So Jonathan has to be careful about the matters in the future.

So he directly chose the third choice.

But he could not just read out the third choice as it is.

He has to add few things at the front and the back to make it seem more touching.

So Jonathan opened his mouth to speak.

“I want you to quit as an Auror and join my organization as my personal body guard.

You have already seen how they act in the Aurors.

They have already lost the spirit of unity and the nature of justice in them.

Also joining my side means that you are taking neutral stance.

That means you will not be able to participate in either on the side of death eaters or on the side of the order of phoenix.

We do not support anyone and I don’t want my people to struggle in the pointless struggles of endless stupidity.

I want a safe and peaceful environment for me and my people.

There is only profits and happiness of my people in my eyes.

As for others they simply chose the wrong side to follow and they have to bear the consequences.

Now it is your choice to make.

This is the price I gave you.

But before you make your choice you should also listen to my warning.

Beware that what I want from my people is only loyalty and love.

Even if there is an ounce of betrayal then I would completely eliminate them from the existence personally.”

Jonathan said with clear but serious eyes.

Nymphadora was shocked by the words of Jonathan and stayed silent for a few minutes.

Usually she is fiery and would jump up right away.

But now it is different.

The words of Jonathan are harsh but the final thing can be summarized into single sentence.

“I don’t want you to be harmed, so join my side and become loyal to me to live peacefully with me.”

Even though she is dunce she is still a woman and she can understand such a simple thing.

When she summarized the thing she felt warm in her heart for Jonathan and she decided to give deep consideration related to this matter.

Jonathan spoke harshly to her and said everything has a price.

But the final result is that Jonathan wanted her to live a happy life.

Also Jonathan wanted her to be on his side instead of going into deadly fights.

She is tomboyish by nature so she was not proposed by many people.

For the fact she did not give her first kiss to anyone at.

So she is completely a newbie to the things like romance and love.