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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 111: Arorium the sand of time

It was really a big number.

The people that are currently fighting are actually someone from American wizarding world circle and the Russian wizarding world circle.

The reason why they are competing is because they have recognized the sand of time as a known wizarding material.

That is right the sand of time is called the Arorium.

It was a material that forms in minute traces when the aurora lights happen at the poles of the earth.

The total amount that can be produced for an entire year is around half an ounce which should be around 14 grams on an average.

The biggest problem is actually this 14 grams scattering throughout the icy planes.

Collecting them needs a special process and the process is costly.

Collecting 1 gram of Arorium would cost more than 20 thousand gold galleons.

But because of the rareness and other thing the cost can go up all the way to 50 thousand gold galleons.

At the same time 1 gram of Arorium that was used with the dagger of sand of time can give 1 year of life span.

This means to increase the life span of a person by a year, they have to spend around 50 thousand gold galleons.

The main requirement is that they should have this dagger to use the sand of time.

The runes on the dagger are a special alchemical formula and the materials of the dagger are very strange.

These things let the dagger use the essence energy of Arorium to give the life span to the user of the sword.

Even though Jonathan became interested about this, he quickly lost the interest.

Not many people know about Arorium.

To the people that know about Arorium, they think that it was highly unstable and volatile.

But reality is that there is a way to stabilize this material by storing it in a container made of the dragon core with special process.

Even Jonathan got to know about this material because of the knowledge he got from the inheritance of Gellert Grindelwald and the materials from Nicolas Flamel.

When Dumbledore asked Jonathan if he recognized the materials, Jonathan quickly explained what he knows.

Dumbledore nodded his head and asked.

“Jonathan, do you want that dagger.”

Jonathan looked at the dagger for a moment and did not have any greed towards it.

Currently it is useless to him.

But he is interested in researching the dagger for other purposes.

So he looked back at Dumbledore and said.

“I want to research it and understand its mysteries of age reversal.

Unfortunately it is out of my league right now,

Anyway I can get that when the time is right.”

Dumbledore nodded his head and sighed.

He thought that Jonathan would want this dagger to use in the future to live forever.

Or to resurrect some dead people stupidly.

Well Jonathan is not stupid.

Finally when both the countries are fighting the Rothschild family of Europe took the chance to strike the deal with 300 thousand gold galleons.

He got the dagger with a smile.

Dumbledore noticed this person and said.

“This Rothschild family is completely different from any noble family.

They show their nationality as European but they would not show which country they belongs to.

They have the businesses in every country in both the wizarding world and the muggle world.

They are the largest hidden power of Europe that would not go for nationalism.

Also the people from the Rothschild family would not join any magic school and learn at home with private tutoring….”

Dumbledore gave a rundown on the Rothschild family with a different look.

From his words Jonathan can understand that this family is strong and did not show arrogance or indifference.

Jonathan listened carefully and kept the thoughts in his mind.

In his hunt to find the magic origin he might have to pass through this kind of low key ancient families.

After confirming the purchases from the auction, they returned back to Hogwarts.

There they first started the extraction process.

Hogwarts has a refining room for artifacts.

Originally there is a branch for teaching artifact refining just like potions making.

But the number of people that chose the artifact refining process is less and less every year.

Well it is a dangerous process where they would deal with the molten metal and other poisonous things.

So this branch was removed from the available classes.

But Dumbledore still knows the process and can do things.

As for Jonathan, he only got the memory of the information and experience.

But did not do this kind of thing like curse breaking and extraction of materials.

So he followed Dumbledore and learnt for the following days every day.

During this time the third years are also visiting Hogsmeade on Halloween, and only Harry is not allowed, because his uncle did not sign his permission form.

Jonathan went around with his girls to all the places.

Where ever he goes there is a good group of women surrounding him.

He took them to honey dukes and bought them 100 gold galleons worth sweets and candy that they liked.

Then they went around the place exploring the Hogsmeade all the way from inside out for the fun.

Later many women left and only a few remained by the side of Jonathan.

They are pansy, Daphne and Romilda.

They went to the three broomsticks inn and had some iced soda and some normal drinks for them along with some refreshments.

As they ate the things they discussed.

Jonathan made some special props with the good metals he extracted and gave them to wear as bracelets.

The bracelet has a small plate that has limited times use shielding spell.

For the gifts Jonathan got a good amount of kisses from them.

Slowly a month passed by and that day is 31st of October.

Jonathan knows that today, Sirius black would come to Hogwarts to search for peter Pettigrew.

This would be a big sensation tomorrow.

Chapter 112: Sirius black’s attack at Hogwarts

Jonathan knows that today, Sirius black would come to Hogwarts to search for peter Pettigrew.

This would be a big sensation tomorrow.

In the morning Jonathan went to the Hogsmeade again with the girls.

He saw that Hermione and Ron also came out together.

Jonathan knows that Hermione would not be able to go to Ron.

But Ron seems to have a little interest towards Hermione.

In the past two years Ron acted like a brat without caring for the feelings of a girl.

But puberty has hit him and he has changed his personality a little.

Not by much but there is a tint of obsession towards Hermione.

Unfortunately Hermione was already marked by Jonathan and she would not easily fall for Ron.

Jonathan also would not let his women fall into the hands of other men.

Jonathan kept an eye of Hermione and Ron while still playing around with his women.

A few hours later,

Jonathan, Romilda, Ron and Hermione returned back to the Gryffindor tower at the same time.

They reach the portrait of the Fat Lady and see it slashed and that the Fat Lady is gone.

Peeves reveals that he saw her fleeing through another portrait after Sirius Black attacked her for not letting him into Gryffindor Tower.

Immediately Ron started to accuse Jonathan for the incident.

Actually Dumbledore that received information that Sirius escaped guessed that he would either come for Jonathan that is his son or to kill Harry.

With the shouts all the people grouped over and the professors arrived to clear the situation.

They immediately understood what is happening.

Dumbledore, Argus Filch, and Percy seek the fat lady out.

When they found the fat lady she told them that Sirius black has come to Hogwarts and wanted to enter into the Gryffindor tower.

It is natural for people to think that he either came to meet his son Jonathan or to kill Harry.

Whatever the case it might be has to enter Gryffindor dorm rooms.

But no one would expect that he came here to catch the rat that Ron kept as a pet which is peter Pettigrew.

Since the situation is not right Dumbledore took a different action.

He sent all of the students to sleep in the Great Hall overnight so that the teachers and staff can search the school.

Snape thinks Lupin is helping Sirius sneak into the castle.

Well they are close friends before and one is a dog and the other is a werewolf.

So Snape did not trust Lupin in matters related to Sirius.

Also Snape is carefully looking at Jonathan.

Snape was determined with his life to protect Harry the son of lily.

For that he is more and more cautious of the people around.

Jonathan being the son of Sirius was still being guarded against by Snape in this situation.

He was looking at Jonathan to see if Sirius would come to meet Jonathan.

Jonathan knows that during this time he could not be absent.

This would cause him more problems.

He is currently in the spot light and he has to stay quiet for a while.

The power of people with fear is very high and some things can be done on impulses of the frightened people.

So being cautious is good.

Every student is moved in the Great Hall to sleep while teachers search the castle.

None of the boys slept close to Jonathan.

There is a 3 meter radius around Jonathan that was currently empty giving the feeling that Jonathan is sick person or a person with great power.

No one stopped the behavior of the students as they can expand the great hall further with magic if needed.

The professors went to check the entire castle to find Sirius black.

They fail to find any sign of Sirius Black, and Snape suggests that someone inside the castle helped Black gain entry.

Dumbledore refutes this argument.

Nobody talks about anything but Sirius Black for the next few days.

The Fat Lady refuses to return to work until Sirius Black is caught.

Because of this, Dumbledore is forced to replace her with Sir Cadogan the Mad Knight.

Nobody in Gryffindor House is happy about this, because Sir Cadogan changes the password twice a day.

Also the passwords are ridiculously complicated.

The most part that they are unhappy about him is because he is extremely annoying.

But there's nothing they can do because none of the other pictures wanted the job because of what happened to the Fat Lady.

Meanwhile, because of the attack, Jonathan and an annoyed Harry gets placed under surveillance.

Teachers find excuses to go down the halls with them or the portraits would keep an eye on them all the time.

Percy Weasley, acting on his mother's orders, follows them everywhere like a guard dog.

Well he did not want to follow Jonathan but still he follows Jonathan because Jonathan saved Ginny before.

Another bad thing is that Jonathan and Harry are paired together most of the time as they both are under surveillance.

It is hard to follow two people to two different directions.

It is easy if they are together most of the time.

Many girls are annoyed by Harry standing by the side of Jonathan.

Harry became more and more miserable.

Professor McGonagall decides to reveal the truth to Harry but Harry reveals he already knows Black's after him.

As for Jonathan standing beside Harry got an apologetic expression from professor Mcgonagall.

She knows that Jonathan for most parts is a good person that follows the rules.

She could not blame Jonathan for the deeds that are committed by his father.

So she and none of the professors are hostile towards Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded at her expression telling her, he understands the situation.

Professor Mcgonagall sighed and turned towards Harry to speak.

She wanted to explain why she doesn't want him practicing Quidditch in the evenings but Harry states he's got to train for Quidditch match.

Chapter 113: get the snitch before Harry

Professor Mcgonagall sighed and turned towards Harry to speak.

She wanted to explain why she doesn't want him practicing Quidditch in the evenings but Harry states he's got to train for Quidditch match.

Professor McGonagall agrees and decides to ask Madam Hooch to be present.

As for Jonathan, he was asked by professor Mcgonagall if he wanted to practice Quidditch too for a while.

Jonathan decided to give it a try.

Since madam hooch is present she was more relieved.

Jonathan was given the practice broomstick to try.

In the flying class Jonathan was really good at flying.

So madam hooch did not feel much about Jonathan practicing with the Gryffindor team.

As for the position of practice in the Quidditch team, Jonathan was asked to try catching the snitch with Harry.

Actually it was the idea or Harry that he got from Ron when they are parting before.

Jonathan smiled at them because his current capabilities are far different from when it was before.

Before his flying talent is mediocre, but after the inheritance from strong people like Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, things has changed.

Jonathan has a very high potential in flying on the broomstick and he also possess extremely sharp reflexes.

With the muscle memory he can easily move on equal terms or even better than Harry.

That is the reason why the villain choice system was silent for so long without giving him any choices.

He has already gotten many good things from the inheritance.

There is nothing that the system could give him at the current situation with those minor choices.

Most of the time the choices are related the rewards that are obtained.

But today something special happened.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: perform better than Harry and make him lose his confidence in his capabilities in the being a seeker in the Quidditch team.

Host would be rewarded with the part of the map of Merlin’s treasure (1/6)

Host would be recommended to the Quidditch team of the country for selections.

Choice 2: let Harry show off.

The popularity of the host would drop off by 10 percent.


Even though it is said to be a choice but it is not a choice at all.

Jonathan can only choose the first option.

After the choice Jonathan sighed and got into work.

Immediately Oliver wood sent out the snitch while Jonathan and Harry are ready to catch the snitch.

After the snitch was released it immediately moved into the air at the fastest speed.

Harry quickly followed the flying snitch with his magnifying glasses like spectacles.

Jonathan was much better as he eyes directly locked on to the trajectory of the flying snitch in the next moment.


With the sound of the whistle both Jonathan and Harry took off into the air at high speed.

They flew around in the same direction at a close proximity.

Harry was astounded at how good Jonathan is flying close to him.

Also his movements are more erratic and are very smooth.

Jonathan’s face is calm and moved along with Harry following the snitch.

They made many curves, ups and downs during their dives they came very close to the land and suddenly took off.

It is a miracle how those old broomsticks are bearing the weights of the two people.

Jonathan sighed and increased the speed even further crossing over Harry and entered into the supports beam area of the stadium.

They moved like cicadas between the irregular beams and came out.

The snitch took a straight fall onto the earth from the highest point and they both competed to get the snitch by going straight down toward the ground.

The speed of the broomsticks along with the acceleration due to gravity went all the way down.

Finally Harry stopped at the safe distance and decided to move with the snitch that would take a curve at the ground.

Well it is the natural trajectory for the snitch and Harry understands it very well.

But he did not expect that Jonathan would go straight towards the ground at full speed without stopping at the safe distance.

Harry also did that in the movie and finally caught the snitch in his mouth in the plot once.

Well that did not happen now.

But still the actions of Jonathan have shocked Harry and all the people that are looking at the competition of Jonathan and Harry.

The actions of Jonathan made their hearts come into their mouths because of all the tension.

Finally the broom of Jonathan came close to the earth and turned just millimeters from the grass with the mighty force of the muscles of Jonathan.

He is currently super strong and even if he crashed directly the amount of damage he received might be very less.

He might not even break his bone, not even a single crack.

Also the broomstick that he is using is temporarily reinforced by a magic spell that he knows.

It would only work as long as he is holding the stick or was in close contact with his body.

Because of this even with his strong stop at full speed the broom stick did not break down into pieces.

Also Jonathan caught the snitch that was about to take a turn.

With the snitch in his hand Jonathan returned back to madam hooch as if nothing happened.

His face has a gentle smile that he always had.

Even his clothes are still as clean and perfect as ever without any wrinkles.

It is like Jonathan did not go to catch the snitch with many weird movements instead he just went around for a walk and came back with the snitch.

The people are dazed and Harry that became dazed lost control of his broomstick and fell on the ground before getting back to his senses from pain.


The people also reacted when Harry fell and immediately ran towards Harry to check if he is okay.

Chapter 114: do you want to join the national Quidditch team


The people also reacted when Harry fell and immediately ran towards Harry to check if he is okay.

Madam hooch looked at Jonathan with shining eyes.

Her eyes are shining just like the eyes of other professors that looked at Jonathan as if they found a jewel.

At the same time another person also looking at Jonathan in the same way.

It was Oliver wood.

Jonathan was so good that he was on the same level as professional players.

This was because Jonathan has strong reflexes while training every day.

So his movements when hovering and going around on the broomstick are also extremely precise.

Well Harry is also on the same level as Jonathan but in the end it was Jonathan that won over Harry.

This indicates that the capabilities of Jonathan are much higher than that of Harry.

Also there is another important point.

Jonathan has never practiced with them and he did all this just in a spur of a moment.

This shows that Jonathan has high potential to become a seeker.

Jonathan also looked tall and sturdy for his age.

He can be easily entered into a big Quidditch team.

Oliver wood could not invite Jonathan as the seeker because there is still Harry in their team.

With the potential Jonathan has, asking him to be an extra person would disappoint Jonathan.

Because of the conflicted thoughts Oliver did not extend an offer to Jonathan.

But madam hooch is different.

She really loves Quidditch and has many connections.

After checking that everything is fine and Harry was alright she came over to Jonathan and decided to conduct few more tests on Jonathan related to Quidditch compatibility.

After making sure that Jonathan is good, she would like to recommend Jonathan to the Quidditch team of the country.

Well that is if Jonathan accepts.

Then she personally asked Jonathan to act as the hitter, goal keeper and few other positions in the Quidditch team.

After the quickly check she found that Jonathan is perfectly fit for the position in a world team.

Also Jonathan did all this without practice.

Once he was thoroughly trained then he would be a super player.

For that day she dismissed the practice for the day.

First she sent Harry to professor Mcgonagall and then spoke to professor McGonagall about how high Jonathan’s potential in Quidditch.

After that she decided to speak to Jonathan separately.

She took Jonathan to an empty class room and then asked.

“Jonathan, do you like Quidditch?

You have a strong potential to become a best Quidditch player.

I have few connections in the Quidditch world team selections.

If you are interested we can talk it out.

What do you think?”

Jonathan pondered for a moment and decided to give it a try.

Any way he is going to do many businesses in the future.

At that time it would be wasteful to engage in other models.

He would be the male model and his women would be female models.

This would solve all the problems directly.

After thinking of this he nodded his head and said.

“Madam Hooch, I appreciate the offer very much.

But I have to take permission from my guardian Lucius Malfoy and also ask professor Dumbledore.

I am currently getting extra classes with professor Flitwick in dueling, professor Mcgonagall in transfiguration and professor Snape for potions.

So it is really hard to get the time to practice Quidditch.

You have to talk to them to adjust the things for me.

Please do me this favor.”

Madam hooch became speechless.

She doesn’t know that Jonathan has so much potential in so many fields that he was literally being used completely.

“No wonder he did not participate in Quidditch team selections before.

He is very busy with all the scheduled trainings with various professors.

It is really complicated.

Well first I have to speak with professor Dumbledore and then arrange the things.

I also have to talk with the manager and couch of the current British national team.”

After thinking of this she told Jonathan.

“Okay, I will talk to them first and tell you the results soon don’t worry.”

Jonathan nodded his head, thanked her for her help and left back to Gryffindor tower.

On the way he saw that Hermione is trying to find a book about the law of magical creatures.

The incident about the injury of Draco caused by Buckbeak was not solved yet.

Hagrid is having a hard time keeping things as they should be.

He was so depressed that Hermione, Harry and Ron wanted to help them.

In reality, both Harry and Ron are slacking off and goofing around while Hermione is tirelessly working to find a law point that could solve the current crisis.

Jonathan felt that it was amusing.

Also it has been long since Jonathan tasted the lips of Hermione.

It is her moment of need and right now she needs help or someone that can save Buckbeak in its situation.

There is no one to show the solution.

Right at the time of need Jonathan would become her only hope.

Well Jonathan could not go to her and asked.

“Hey lady, do you need any help?

All helps would be done for a kiss.

What do you think?”

That would be the pinnacle of stupidity.

May be Ron would do something like this but Jonathan would not do that.

He only appeared in the library for a few moments, just enough for Hermione to notice him.

After that he left here and returned to the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione noticed him and suddenly she remembered the incident that happened in their first year.

At that time Jonathan was able to solve the problem that they are searching for so long very easily.

This made her think that there is still hope.

Right at that time she noticed that Harry and Ron are actually sleeping on their desks in the pretext of checking the law books.

Chapter 115: Hermione comes to Jonathan to ask for help

This made her think that there is still hope.

Right at that time she noticed that Harry and Ron are actually sleeping on their desks in the pretext of checking the law books.

It is especially so for Ron that is even snoring with his snot and droll falling on the book under his head.

Madam Irma Pince the librarian that found this out and started to slap Ron with the feather duster.

At the same time Harry got caught up in this matter along with Ron.

They were kicked out of the by Madam Irma Pince.

So there is only Hermione left to check the things.

But her thoughts have changed when she saw Jonathan.

Instead of searching so much she wanted to know the answer to the problem from Jonathan.

The price is only a kiss.

She is also craving to taste that kiss once again.

As she grew the thoughts matures along with her.

The kiss became a Mark deep inside her heart that she wanted more and more.

Well it was her first kiss and she has been like that for a long time.

Since the opportunity arises she wanted to give it a try.

There is also a thing related to Sirius being here and Harry being angry stopping her from making a move.

But she is a Gryffindor.

When can rules properly stop a Gryffindor student?

Since it is a bad thing to play with Jonathan, she would definitely think of a way to do that.

Also she would be excited to do things like breaking the rules.

Jonathan has already returned to Gryffindor dormitories.

He was not permitted to go around after certain time at night because of the threat of Sirius black.

So he could not go the room of requirements.

Because of this he can only call his women quietly to an empty class room to talk after casting the invisibility and sound proofing wards.

Well they only talk and kiss at this stage.

The love is still blooming.

In the life with the family slow paced ones would have more time to explore and enjoy the life.

The fast paced ones would not understand each other and they would break out at small things causing fractures in the relationships.

On the next day Hermione followed silently along the way and found where pansy, Daphne and Romilda are going.

She came to an empty class room around at the sixth floor.

She silently waited in the corridor hiding in a corner.

Jonathan has already noticed her but he did not point out the things.

After a while he sent his girls back and right after they left another person entered into the empty class room with her fluffy hair and red face.

It was Hermione.

Compared to before she has more feminine charm in her.

Also her face is red from blushing.

She is blushing because she is thinking of kissing Jonathan again.

There are few more wild fantasies in her mind.

Jonathan looked at her and said.

“Oh, it is Miss Granger.

Do what do I got the honor to get a visit from miss granger.”

Jonathan said without much interest.

Hermione is a person that puts on the airs quickly.

If it is not hard earned then she would not see that as valuable.

This includes even Ron.

In the original plot when Ron went after another women Hermione was severely depressed and she even wanted to fight for Ron.

After struggling for a while she finally got Ron.

Only this way she felt that she has earned Ron.

At the same time she has a strong character and purity.

If someone questions her purity, no matter whom it is she would really take it to heart.

This happened when Ron doubted Hermione and Harry having an affair behind his back.

Jonathan would not say a single word that disrupts her character or make things easy to get to him.

Also Jonathan would have many women in the future.

Even after getting Jonathan, she would not be able to claim him completely.

She has to be prepared for that.

For this Jonathan is making things difficult for her.

It will be like that till she realizes the things and finally accepts Jonathan as he is right now.

Hermione bit her lips and came back to her senses.

She remembers about the reason she came here and wanted to ask Jonathan.

“You know that Buckbeak did not have anything to do with the accident with Draco that day.

I want to find a law point to save it from the possible death penalty.

Can you help me with that?

Also what should I pay?”

She asked looking at Jonathan’s devilishly handsome face and temperament that is distracting her more and more.

It is not just men that would be tempted when they looked at a beautiful woman.

When a woman saw a hot and handsome man they would also feel tempted.

Hermione is no exception for that and she was very much interested in Jonathan as much as any other women at Hogwarts.

For her question Jonathan gave the reply.

“What solution do you want?

You should know that this is a world with human domination.

Wizards are the priority of saving while the magical beast is a different species.

The law made by wizards is used to protect wizards but not the magical beasts.

If you want a solution then there is a solution.

But it is definitely not law.

I can assure you that Buckbeak would survive.

But the solution requires a price.

You should know that everything is equivalent exchange with me.

Also I am very surprised that you came to me for the solution.

I am the son of Sirius black that is a traitor and murderer to your best friend Harry.

Even if I gave a solution he might not accept it.

You have to think carefully before asking me for solution.

If Harry knows about this, he might even hate you and you might lose your friendship with Ron and Harry forever.”

Chapter 116: Hermione become my dance partner at Yule ball

Hermione has a deep thought listening to the words of Jonathan.

She really doesn’t know what Harry and Ron would think.

But she gave her word to find the solution for the problem with Buckbeak with Hagrid.

So she wanted to keep her word.

With that a deep determination appeared in her mind.

She felt that both Harry and Ron would understand her when she saved Buckbeak.

With that she finally made a decision and resolutely looked at Jonathan and nodded her head.

Jonathan smiled and said.

“Since you have made the decision, come over here and give me a kiss as the fee for me to think of the price.

After the price is decided we can come to a conclusion.”

Jonathan said as he patted his lap for Hermione to sit on.

Hermione blushed but did not refuse.

She walked over step by step and sat on the lap of Jonathan.

But the next moment the hands of Jonathan went around her thin waist and pulled her closure.

Her face is straight in front of the face of Jonathan.

They each felt their breath and Jonathan felt that the body of Hermione is indeed developed.

Each of his women has a different flavor and sensitivity to his touch.

Each feeling is different making Jonathan marvel about the thoughts of the creator of this world to make so many wonderful things.

Slowly their lips got into contact and locked completely.

Hermione closed her eyes while Jonathan looked at her face with the kiss that went on for over 10 minutes before parting.

Hermione became muddle headed and intoxicated during the kiss that she did not notice something important.

Right when they started kissing someone opened the door to the classroom.

Because of the invisibility ward and anti sound ward, no student could perceive what is happening in the class room.

But there is one student that is capable of this and the person opened the door is exactly that student.

She is none other than Luna Lovegood that is searching for her missing shoes.

She actually saw Jonathan and Hermione kissing.

But she did not blush even a little.

She simply said.

“Oh sorry for disturbing, I will come back later.”

After saying these words she left the class room with her carefree personality.

But Jonathan has different thoughts.

Right at the moment she opened the door and looked at Jonathan her pupils contracted.

Her body heated up for a moment and her affection meter changed.

It actually increased by few points.

This means that she is interested in looking at the man she liked being with other women.

This is strange conclusion on the part of Jonathan.

But he has to slowly verify this matter.

Luna is really special and Jonathan would not let her fall into the hands of other stupid people.

“All the beauties in the world belong to me and me alone.”

This is the motive of Jonathan for being a villain.

He would not leave the beauties to other people.


Since Hermione did not notice Luna he did not want to tell her either.

Luna is not the type to gossip the matters around.

After her mind became clear she looked at Jonathan with her hand still around his neck and his hands around her waist hugging closely, she blushed again.

She moved out wanting to distance herself from Jonathan.

Unfortunately Jonathan did not let her go and held her even more tightly.

“You don’t have to struggle.

You want to hear the solution right.

With that kiss of yours a good solution appeared in my mind.

So before the solution you have to listen to the price.

Be a good girl and listen carefully.”

Jonathan said holding her tightly without letting her move.

Hermione stopped struggling and said with trembling voice.

It is not fear or excitement but shyness.

Hermione is actually shy.

Jonathan smiled and said.

“Next year there will be Yule ball at Hogwarts.

I want you to become my dancing partner.

You cannot go with other people.”

Hermione suddenly became doubtful and asked.

“Aren’t you going with pansy, Daphne or other women that are close to you?”

There is a hint of sarcasm in her voice as if she wanted to poke Jonathan with her words.

It is like saying you already had women why are you coming to me for that.

But there is also a pride in her voice.

Jonathan smiled mysteriously and said.

“It is a secret and you will find the answer to this question at that moment.

For now let us come back to the current problem.

The solution for the problem of Buckbeak is…”

Jonathan spoke as his hand went around the neck of Hermione and pulled out the chain that is connected to the time turner.

She got the time turner because of her excessive studies and choosing many subjects at the same time.

It was stuck between her small milk jugs and when Jonathan pulled it out she let out a small moan with beet red face.

Jonathan looked at the shining gold time turner and said.

This is the key to solving the problem.

Hermione’s mind has already short circuited and she hardly heard the words of Jonathan.

In order to bring her back to her senses Jonathan moved forward and kissed her lips with a tight hug.

She came back to her sense when Jonathan bit on her lip while kissing.

She immediately pushed Jonathan as her eyes became moist from the momentary pain.

Jonathan smiled and then continued to speak about his plan.

“Wizards would not care for a magical beast when it injured a person.

Also if that person is a noble the situation goes down even more.

Also if that noble person is still a child and a single heir with an influential father, then the situation would become worst.

So you have to improve the standing background of Buckbeak to break this problem at the root….”

Chapter 117: plan to save Buckbeak

“Also if that noble person is still a child and a single heir with an influential father, then the situation would become worst.

So you have to improve the standing background of Buckbeak to break this problem at the root.

In order to do that, we must hide the Buckbeak from the eyes of the people from ministry.

Where can you hide Buckbeak from the eyes of the people from the ministry but Hagrid can still contact her?”

Jonathan asked looked at Hermione that is only inches away from his face.

She thought for a moment and answered.

“In the forest”

Jonathan smiled and said.

“Came close but did not think of another important point.

You can set it free before the people from the ministry come to execute it.

But this way Hagrid would be implicated.

So we much do the deed right in front of the people of ministry.

They much see the Buckbeak but they should not be able to execute it.

For that the best plan is to use this time turner…….”

Jonathan then narrated the plan that Hermione and Harry used in the original plot.

He narrated in a way that it was his original plan.

Hermione heard the plan with her eye blinking and pondering over and over again.

She finally got the answer and the solution to the problem.

With the problem gone she eased up and thought.

“Yes, Jonathan is really the right person to solve the problems instead of the pig teammates like Harry and Ron.”

She thought in her heart.

But suddenly she was kissed by Jonathan again.

She did not push him away and continued to indulge in the kiss for a while.

Then she left with her dazed expression.

Right after she left Jonathan came out and went in the opposite direction of Hermione and bumped into a girl while turning the corner.

She has a blond hair and looked quite tall and matured for her age which is 14 years just like Hermione.

She is Hannah abbot from Hufflepuff house.

Jonathan helped her stand up and asked.

“Are you alright?

What are you in such a hurry?”

Hannah abbot looked into the eyes of Jonathan for a while.

Her heart pounded with excitement.

She was actually going to the class she was late for but after colliding with Jonathan she forgot about this.

She looked silly towards Jonathan for a while.

Jonathan knows what is happening so he shook her shoulders for her to come back to her senses and said.

Her face turned red thinking of how she was staring at Jonathan and simply said sorry before leaving.

“Sorry I am late for the class and I have to leave.

I will apologize again after the class.”

She left the tail of the words to meet Jonathan again.

Of course she knows Jonathan.

Also she knows the situation with Sirius.

But she did not care and really liked Jonathan because of his appearance and etiquette when he carries himself around.

Jonathan simply sighed and left there back to the Gryffindor tower.

Gryffindor's first Quidditch match is coming up, but due to Draco Malfoy's fake injury, Slytherin cannot play.

Gryffindor plays Hufflepuff instead.

It happened on November 8th,

On the day before the match, Lupin became ill and professor Snape took his classes for him.

Even though professor Snape hates Lupin just as much as he hates James potter, the current situation is different.

During the other classes between professor Snape and Jonathan he taught Jonathan how to make the potion for relieving the situation of a werewolf.

It is called Wolfsbane Potion.

Jonathan learnt it diligently as it can be used by his loyal workers in the gold mines.

On that day when professor Snape took the class of Lupin for Gryffindor's, he ignores Lupin's syllabus and instead gives a lesson on werewolves and assigns the class to write an essay on werewolves.

Harry that asked the question about professor Lupin earned an extra punishment.

In the afternoon the Quidditch match started.

During the match, it is raining badly,

Jonathan and Harry saw a large black dog resembling the Grim in the topmost empty row of seats in the Quidditch stadium.

Jonathan sneered and thought.

“Even if the world wanted to stand against me, you will not be able to stop me from taking the lime light.”

During the match Harry flew higher and higher into the clouds to catch the golden snitch.

But he actually came face to face with the dementors.

Because of all the excitement and the concentration of happy emotions the dementors were attracted towards this direction.

Dementors enter the match causing Harry to faint and fall from his broomstick.

Harry was in a free fall situation while those dementors moved forward into the stadium.

Dumbledore can only do one thing at a time.

So he moved his wand to cast a momentum arresting spell to stop Harry from the free fall.

Even with the medicine and magic it is hard to save people that fell from such a height.

It is a slowing charm called the “Arresto Momentum”

Immediately Harry stopped his free fall.

With the free hand Dumbledore wanted to cast the spell to repel the dementors.

All the other professors also took out their wands as there are hundreds of dementors in the location.

But right before them Jonathan took the chance to cast the Patronus saint charm.

“Expecto Patronum”

With the spell sound came out of the mouth of Jonathan has reverberated in the huge field.

Immediately the blackish fog flew out of his wand creating a huge black mass at the center of the field.

Then this black fog suddenly split open forming into a huge black burning phoenix and flew towards the dementors like a burning black tornado.

At that moment the tail feathers and the edges of its wings appeared like strange black flame tentacles that caught the dementors and sucked their energy in return.

Chapter 118: a fight with 100 dementors

Then this black fog suddenly split open forming into a huge black burning phoenix and flew towards the dementors like a burning black tornado.

At that moment the tail feathers and the edges of its wings appeared like strange black flame tentacles that caught the dementors and sucked their energy in return.

The dementors that were caught by the dark phoenix burst into black smog and integrated into the phoenix.

This is not how the Patronus charm works.

Normally they would only release the happy memories for those dementors to feed on.

But here the Patronus charm produced a mythical creature that is feeding on the dementors.

If one things of it logically it is quite normal.

If the Patronus charm can stop the dementors then it can also destroy them.

Even a medicine and food becomes when it is consumed in high quantities.

So even for dementors consuming too many good feelings and joyous movements in a short amount of time might cause them to perish.

If they can consume the joyous moments of a person then there must be a creature that can consume them.

It is the natural order that cannot be broken even if a god wants to break it.

Jonathan is using that specific thing to use the Patronus charm to gain benefits.

Every time a dementor dies Jonathan would feel that his mental power and spirit increased by a small margin.

Among the hundreds of dementors more than 30 of them were caught by the feathered tentacles that extended out of its body.

All the 30 dementors perished just like that causing a huge loss to the ministry.

But can it be blamed.

They are the ones that cause the trouble at the school.

It is a school but not a prison.

If they want to keep watch then they have to bring people instead of this kind of dark creatures.

But the image of Jonathan standing there and fighting with more than 100 dementors was imprinted in the eyes of many people.

It was a spectacular scene.

Rita Skeeter is also here.

She specifically came here by the invitation of Jonathan and put on an excuse that she came here to investigate.

So no one stopped her.

She took the picture of Jonathan fighting with the dementors in the most heroic way possible.

She got this big scoop and she is literally jumping around with joy.

This matter was solved.

Before she left she told the people wanting to have an exclusive interview with Jonathan.

Well they are actually kissing happily in a private room.

Rita was sitting on Jonathan lap and hugged his head tightly Jonathan is also having a good time holding her tightly.

Her body really has good curves comparable to the actor Marlin Monroe.

After an hour of normal playing …cough…cough…only kissing and hugging (Fondling a little) they separated and Jonathan gave her a letter.

It contains what to write and what to omit in the entire incident.

Rita knows how to present the information that Jonathan gives her so they are both happy.

She really wanted to take the next step with Jonathan but she held back.

It is not like she doesn’t want to.

It is just that Jonathan did not accept this.

He told her that the male body would be at its strongest after the rapid growth phase at the age of 18.

So he wanted to take the next step at that age.

Jonathan has told her about the thing with the time turner and asked her to wait for another year and half at most for his physical body to turn 18 years old.

As long as he turns 18 things would be great.

There is a chance that the age line of the goblet of fire would not object him either.

The age line drawn by Dumbledore in the original plot was studied by Jonathan.

It did not actually check the growth of the body but it would check the amount of time that the body spent from the birth.

That is the reason why George and Fred that drank the aging potion could not pass through the age line.

On the other hand Jonathan naturally ages as he spent the extra time with the help of time turner.

No matter what, he genuinely spent the entire 5 hours every day.

This means that he spent 76+ days every year for the past few years.

All of this added he was already 2 years older than his peers.

In the next two years he spent another 2 years of time resulting in 160+ days.

That is equal to 5 months of time.

This means that in his fifth year Jonathan would be an adult.

The trace on the wand usage might also withdraw as it works on the same principle of the age line.

But officially he would only be 15 years old at that time and physically he would be 18 years old.

Jonathan smiled brightly and gave a final deep kiss to Rita before parting with her.

She left and Jonathan went to the great hall for dinner.

During that time Jonathan was awarded with 30 house points for the brave act he did during the Quidditch match before.

These 30 house points are not just for his bravery but also for him using the Patronus charm that many great wizards could not even use.

This is a great honor to Hogwarts.

Previously in the dueling tournament Jonathan used the Patronus charm and it was widely known.

But it was quickly covered up by the opposing party’s background using underhanded means.

So officially this was the first time Jonathan used this in front of so many people and even killed some dementors.

Because of this incident Dumbledore became happier but also worried.

The reason for this worry is the Patronus charm of Jonathan which is quite strange.

Instead of repelling the dementors, it actually destroyed them.

This might cause some problems with the ministry.

Chapter 119: national Quidditch team selection part-1

Instead of repelling the dementors, it actually destroyed them.

This might cause some problems with the ministry.

But they are in the wrong first.

With that no one would question him about this matter.

Harry was sent to hospital wing.

Alarmed by the adverse effects the Dementors have on him, Madam Pomfrey insisted that Harry stay in the hospital wing for the rest of the weekend.

The fortunate thing is that Harry’s nimbus 2000 was not broken by the Whomping willow tree.

In the next few days Jonathan did not have much to do.

Hermione also freed herself from all the checking and reading the magic law books on magical creatures to find the law point to solve the Buckbeak’s situation.

Harry and Ron were shocked by the freeness that Hermione showed in this matter.

They even doubted that it was Hermione or not.

For them Hermione only answered that she has found a solution.

They wanted to ask for the solution but Hermione did not tell them anything.

She only smiled mysteriously to them.

This is the smile she copied from Jonathan when he smiled mysteriously at her.

Well no one knows if it suited her or not.

But her actions are cute to look at.

It is especially so when Harry and Ron are sulking about this matter.

Jonathan did not care about this and mess with the situation they are in.

The following week, Lupin is back teaching class and states that the class doesn't have to write the essay Snape assigned for them, though Hermione has finished hers.

After class, Harry goes to Lupin wondering why the Dementors affect him so much.

Jonathan knows the plot and did not meddle in this matter.

There is another reason why Harry went to Lupin to talk.

The reason is actually Jonathan as Harry heard about what happened after he lost consciousness.

This made him want to show his capabilities and wanted to improve to rival Jonathan.

Even he doesn’t know what he wanted to win over Jonathan.

It may be related to the father of Jonathan that is Sirius.


It may be related to the face he lost.


It may be related to the constant nagging of Ron by his side.


It may be related the many number of beauties going close toward Jonathan.

Well they are hitting puberty.


It may be because of the jealousy over the greatness and capabilities of Jonathan when they both start almost at the same point.

The point he compares is related to staying in the house of other people to survive.

Whatever the reason it might be he went to Lupin to get the comfort and learn the Patronus charm.

Harry asked Lupin if he can give him private lessons on the spell to drive off Dementors in case another one arrives at a Quidditch match.

Lupin says he will, but after the Christmas holidays, citing his frequent illness.

This matter ended with their little chat that Jonathan already knows.

At the end of November, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had the Quidditch match and the dementors did not get close to here this time.

So the match was very well.

Also with the defeat of the Hufflepuff, the Gryffindor got another chance to make a comeback.

In the original match when Harry fainted, Gryffindor lost the match to Hufflepuff.

Oliver Wood the captain of the Gryffindor team has declined Hufflepuff captain Cedric Diggory's offer for a rematch.

Well Harry has fainted and it can be called unfair.

But Oliver did not say it like that.

He actually took Quidditch not as a match instead it is a battle for him.

Anything can happen in battle and there is no way for a person to complain about one’s own short comings.

Because of this he did not want the rematch.

This is also a reason why Harry was anxious to learn the spell to scare away the dementors.

In fact, Jonathan is the only person that can truly scar away the dementors.

Things went well over the days and time passed by quickly.

When it was around 10thof December madam hooch finally got through with Dumbledore and the manager of the national Quidditch team.

They manager was called over to test Jonathan with his team.

Dumbledore has discussed this matter with Jonathan and he did not want Jonathan to add in another task to his daily work.

The reason for this is Jonathan is already working all the time every day without resting much to learn potions, dueling, transfiguration and his research on magic cards.

Other than that he also has to complete the daily class and the assignment.

With all these things Jonathan hardly had any time to take extra thing.

Because of this Dumbledore did not want Jonathan to take extra classes.

But after discussing with Jonathan, he was finally convinced.

Then the manager and coach of the national Quidditch team came over to Hogwarts to conduct a test.

Any way Jonathan cannot participate right away.

He is under aged based on the official records.

He can participate when he was 16 years old of official age.

Before that he can be a seed candidate for the future team.

There are always people added and removed from the team based on age and other reasons.

This is the same with all kinds of sports that is happening at the national level.


Jonathan was called to the school fields and was asked to change in the Quidditch training uniform.

Madam hooch is also present in the place.

Professor Mcgonagall along with Dumbledore is also present.

As for other students, they don’t know about this matter.

This matter is confidential for the time being.

This is so that they would not be sabotage the future seed candidates of the team.

Some things like that have happened in the post.

In order to protect their future team members with good potential they would keep things from public and media.

Chapter 120: national Quidditch team selection part-2

Some things like that have happened in the post.

In order to protect their future team members with good potential they would keep things from public and media.

Jonathan prepared his clothes and came to the training grounds.

After coming her Jonathan greeted the manager and the coach of the national team under the introduction of madam hooch.

The manager and the coach did not have good thoughts about Jonathan because of the situation of Sirius.

Even if Jonathan performs well the end results cannot be announced directly.

They are only here to give face to madam hooch.

Jonathan can clearly see that on their faces.

But Jonathan did not say anything and only smiled at them.

Madam hooch also understood this matter.

But she felt that after checking Jonathan’s potential they would directly accept him without thinking about the family details of Jonathan.

With that the testing began.

The players that the manager and coach brought here are actually the trainees that are used for practice to train the national team.

They are usually used for testing new players.

Also these trainees are actually veteran players that were almost selected to the national team before and were now older than that required age.

They are currently using the firebolt broomsticks and looked at the shabby broomsticks at the Hogwarts Quidditch training facility.

The more they saw the more despise expression appeared on their faces.

Jonathan simply extended his hand and used a spell to summon his firebolt broomstick.

Actually Jonathan got the firebolt broomstick before when it was launched.

Also it is an excellent piece that has few points extra and better performance than a normal firebolt with similar appearance.

This is the thank you gift for the trust that Jonathan put on the inventor of the firebolt.

Jonathan got it and took it to Hogwarts with his things.

He did not use it till now because he did not have any use for it.

But right now he got the opportunity to use it.

Also Jonathan did not use any wand movements for casting the spell and bringing the broomstick.

The manager and the coach suddenly remembered few other things about Jonathan.

Previously they are arrogant and the wind of Sirius black shadowed the great things that Jonathan achieved these days.

But before that there are many articles about Jonathan.

Just few days ago there is an article about Jonathan being the youngest person to cast the Patronus charm in the world.

Even ministry of magic and Wizengamot has recognized this fact.

They did not make any award but they are planning to develop the potential of Jonathan regardless of the connection with his father Sirius black.

They are clear that in reality Sirius black did not meet with Jonathan since his birth till now.

Also based on the words of Jonathan, it particularly indicated that he hates Sirius black.

Another important thing is that Sirius black was removed from the black family records by his mother directly.

As long as Jonathan is present Sirius is not entitled to any inheritance related to the black family.

Other than that Jonathan has many investments and even collaboration with the goblins of the Gringotts bank.

With all things considered Jonathan is presently the wealthiest person with the highest potential among the young wizards.

If Sirius was solved, Jonathan has the chance of becoming the minister of magic for their country.

That is how powerful Jonathan is and there is only one person that has equal chance because of his birth incident.

That is Harry potter that was said to defeat Voldemort and survived the killing curse.

While thinking they came to the conclusion that they have to take things carefully and seriously.

Jonathan started to perform various moves so smoothly as if he has practiced the thing for more than 10 years.

Well Jonathan has the good thing from the inheritance from Gellert Grindelwald that includes muscle memory that helped him do all these quick moves.

Jonathan was tested in various positions one after the other.

He performed the Thimblerig Shuffle, Wronski Feint, and Wollongong Shimmy perfectly making both manager and coach open their mouths wide from shock.

They were shocked not by the moves.

Instead they are shocked by the smoothness and control of Jonathan.

They can easily swallow the golden snitch with their wide opened shocked mouths.

Jonathan safely landed in front of them and their testing also ended.

The trainees are also as much as shocked as they are as the manager and the coach.

They could not believe that Jonathan is just a third year student at Hogwarts.

They felt like they are training with the national team players.

As for the results they could not speak about this right now.

They have to consult few things before making a decision.

But they gave out a positive reply and the final selection would be held when Jonathan turned 15 years old officially.

For now they told Jonathan that they are very satisfied with his performance.

They still have to consider the talk with the ministry of magic officials and the sponsors.

The national Quidditch team is not only for playing but also the public interest and fame.

So they have to consider many things before selecting a candidate.

With that they left with happy smiles.


On the last Saturday before the Christmas Holiday, there is a Hogsmeade trip.

Along with an unspecified number of fourth-through-seventh years, all the third years besides Harry are allowed to go to the village to enjoy themselves and do some Christmas shopping.

In the original story, to bring some Christmas cheer to Harry, Fred and George reveal they know secret passages in and out of Hogwarts.

Also they give Harry the Marauder's Map as a Christmas present and instruct him on how to use it.

Jonathan did not take the Marauder's Map and left it there.

It did not have any use to Jonathan with his capabilities to communicate with the plants.


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