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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 121: tutorial fantasy world has ended

Even though his storage space is limited he can always store things in the storage papers.

Based on the answer he got from the system.

In the coming days Suzaku spent his time with the girls like a big happy family.

There is no danger in the future till Suzaku left this world.

So he did not care about any matters.

Also he has his monitoring the entire ninja world in the form of a net hidden in the darkness.

No matter, who it is or what it is, they could not escape the eyes and ears of Suzaku.

With the assurance Suzaku tried his best to get close to his girls and try new ones too.

Well he is like a raging bull that can hardly be quenched.

Slowly with his endless lover he conquered the heart of Otsutsuki Kaguya and she is the only person that was able to bear with him.

It took Suzaku an entire 5 hours to completely satisfy her and knock her out.

When she woke up her expression was so great that she looked very lively.

Even black Zetsu was shocked.

He would have never thought that someone from the younger generation after 1000 years was able to save his mother and even conquer her heart and body.

A year passed by where Suzaku did not hear anything from the system.

There is not even a timer.

But he knows that his time in this world was about to end.

During this time he impregnated all of his women and they even gave birth to his children with strong genes.

Even Kaguya gave birth to a kid.

Suzaku was really happy to have such a big family with many children.

He did cause any problems to his own people even thought he is a villain.

His target is only other protagonists.

Just because he is a villain doesn’t mean that he would kill his own people and cause trouble for them in the stupidest way.

Also he would not tolerate any stupid people to live on his side.

He doesn’t want pig teammates.

Finally one day he heard the words of the system and immediately fell into trance like state.


Congratulations host, the system has successfully upgraded.”

Suzaku immediately asked.

“What about my family and women.

Is it a real world or fake?”


Everything that host has experienced in the tutorial world is real,

All the people are downgraded versions of the real characters of the original world.

They will no longer exist once the host leaves this tutorial world.

Don’t worry host you have lived in that world for the entirety of your life and the memories of that life can be viewed with the help of the system.

After the tutorial world host can choose to stay in the fantasy world till the end of your life in that world….”

Immediately he felt the memories of his entire life till death in the tutorial fantasy world.

It is not like he was replaced.

He lived his entire life there.

But the system simply skipped the entire thing and pulled his mind out quickly.

Suzaku did not understand this time and space manipulation but he did not care about that.

The memories that he had are the best proof that he lived in that world.

Even if he wanted to fight with the system, nothing would change right now.

So he let go of the things for the time being.


Host has gained the S rank evaluation in the tutorial (Maximum evaluation is SSS)

No treasure box is allotted for the host during the tutorial, only villain points are available for usage.

Currently host has 472 thousand villain points left accumulated.

Host can take some of the skill, abilities, physique, bloodline or physique he gained in this tutorial world by spending villain points”

Suzaku thought for a moment and nodded his head.

Immediately the system showed a virtual store.

As soon as he saw the first few things he immediately cursed the system for being black hearted in his heart.

But he did not scold it directly.

This is because he felt that the system has consciousness and scolding the system might cause some unnecessary problems.

Any way with his scolding the system would not give him any discount.

Also it is a villain system that is it is a villain just like him.

So anything can happen.

He started to look through the available options for buying.

Ninja world is unique and there are many good things.

What he has to choose is something that can be used in other worlds.

Like something that can be with him permanently.

It is just like the skill called comprehension that he got at the start of the tutorial world.

Perfect sage body ---------- 250 thousand villain points

Senju clan pure bloodline ---------- 200 thousand villain points

Uzumaki clan pure bloodline ---------- 200 thousand villain points

Uchiha clan pure bloodline ---------- 200 thousand villain points

Hyuga clan pure bloodline ---------- 200 thousand villain points

Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan ------------- 200 thousand villain points

Shadow clone Jutsu (Restrictions applied) -------- 20 thousand villain points.

Rasengan (Restricted) ------------- 50 thousand villain points


The list has everything that he has learnt or got during the stay in the tutorial Naruto fantasy world.

But some things are not at all mentioned like the 10 tails chakra, Rinnegan and other high level things.

Most probably the amount of villain points is not sufficient or these things are unavailable for the tutorial world.

With the thought he started to check the options one by one.

He did not choose the Uchiha bloodline as it is literally useless.

It is a strong bloodline like an extremely strong weapon.

But it requires equally strong energy source to use it.

Even the lowest level single tomoe Sharingan has cause Sasuke to be paralyzed with his Uchiha clan physique and bloodline.

If Suzaku were to enter a world where there are restrictions on the amount of energy source to use.

Chapter 122: fuck…I am Naruto

Even the lowest level single tomoe Sharingan has cause Sasuke to be paralyzed with his Uchiha clan physique and bloodline.

If Suzaku were to enter a world where there are restrictions on the amount of energy source to use, isn’t it simply saying that his super powerful weapon is useless?

Then the best possible thing to take is the source of energy or something that can help him take the energy freely from the nature.

For this the best choice would be perfect sage body.

Then the next important thing is related to the vitality.

For that there are two important entries that Suzaku can choose from.

One is the Senju clan and the other is the Uzumaki clan.

In comparison the Senju clan has high amounts of chakra string capacity and is close to nature.

The Uzumaki clan has strong vitality but not that close to nature.

Personally Suzaku prefers the Senju clan as they are strong overall.

With the perfect sage body, this bloodline is perfect for him to use in many places.

He also understood that most of the techniques would be erased from his memories leaving only the things he brought.

After making some considerations he started to choose the sage body, Senju clan bloodline and then few ninjutsu that are mentioned in the list.

After the selection the list closed with the payment.

He still had chakra fruits with him.

The system did not talk about them and Suzaku did not think of them either.

But he was sure that there will be restrictions about these things later.

There is nothing free in this world and it is especially so in the system.

After looking around at the costs of villain points he spent he understood this thing easily.


After these settlements a bright light appeared and his consciousness faded.

In the next moment he opened his opened his eyes with great difficulty.

His body felt full of fatigue.

“Where am I now?”

He tried to look around but his neck did not move.

Then he looked at the two people covered in injuries and area about to die in front of him.

“Hey the people look familiar.

Wait this is Minato and Kushina, fuck no….

Why am I still in the Naruto world?

Wait this scene of them dying.

This means…fuck I am Naruto….”


The system detected that the host has too much emotional fluctuations.

So the system has decided to give the host emotional villain system.

The system would bring back the consciousness and memories to the host when he turns 3 years old…”

“Fuck you system…”

Darkness filled the consciousness.

Another few years passed by and his consciousness returned.

It is not that the body did not have consciousness before but now it got the memories of Suzaku.

Well now it is Naruto.

As soon as his memories returned Naruto that was sleeping on the bed sat up.

He is 4 years old and he would turn 5 soon.

He looked around and checked his body carefully.

At that time the system voice appeared in his mind.


The permanent rewards bought by the host have no restrictions in this world.

The rewards would be integrated into the body of the host.

Perfect sage body and Senju clan bloodline (100 percent)

The ninjutsu techniques and other rewards would appear in the mind of the host.”

Naruto understood the situation and felt that his body is light and the natural energy is easy to absorb.

But he did not have any memory of these Jutsu.

He knows that he used them but he did not even have a proper memory of hand seals for a Jutsu.

He still remembers normal hand seals.

Also the few Jutsu that he bought before leaving the previous world are still in his mind.

He understood that and quickly calmed his mind.

He sensed around and did not find anyone but he was sure that there is someone always monitoring him.

There is not just one but more than one person is monitoring him.

For now he did not have any thoughts of changing things.

There is a big problem in front of him right now.

That is the change in the system.

He called the system and it appeared.


Host the upgraded system is called emotional villain system.

As long as you create strong emotional fluctuations in other people, the system would extract a treasure chest from that person.

The treasure chests are divided into 5 types from low to high, wood, iron, bronze, silver and gold.

Each treasure chest is further divided into small, medium and big treasure chests.

The size of the treasure chest did not vary but the contents inside the treasure chest have qualitative improvements.

The emotions like strong fear, anger, and disgust……..are the best useful tools that host has in his hands right now.

Good luck host.”

He did not receive a status panel this time.

He guessed that he needs to become strong enough before opening the status panel.

Also his body did not refine chakra yet so he has to refine that.


His stomach suddenly protested.

He did not eat anything and he was very hungry.

Also it is very cold inside and outside.

He looked around and then searched through his memories.

Based on the memories the money was already spent and he did not have anything notorious to eat right now.

There is still few packs of instant cup noodles present in his stash of emergency supplies.

Before leaving the previous world he has some emergency provisions in his system space.

He can use them but there is a problem.

He did not remember how to unseal the sealing technique and get the things inside out of it.

Also he did not have any chakra to begin with.

Even though he has gold, silver and cash inside his system space, it is particularly useless for the time being.

Even the techniques he knows are useless right now.

Chapter 123: emotional treasure chests

Even though he has gold, silver and cash inside his system space, it is particularly useless for the time being.

Even the techniques he knows are useless right now.

He sighed while eating the instant noodles that he just cooked.

“Since there is no other choice I have to go with the flow then.

System what can I get from the treasure boxes.”


Based on the person that the treasure chest is extracted from, host can receive anything related to that person or his profession.

It would not give the possessions of that person directly but gives something similar based on the treasure box level.

Host has to get a treasure chest to gain something and gain the first hand experience.”

Naruto had another doubt and asked.

“System, can I anger myself or do something more emotional to gain a treasure chest from myself?”


Host cannot extract the emotion treasure chests from himself.

Host can only gain emotional treasure chests from other people’s emotions.

Doing things with strong villainy like getting emotional treasure chests through strong negative emotions can gain better rewards by the host.”

Naruto understood the situation.

A weird smile appeared on his face and he understood what to do.

After eating his fill he slowly slept on his bed for the night.

He did not do anything weird to attract the attention of the people guarding him.

Also he did not enter inside his inner space to talk to Kurama.

Right now he did not have chakra or any way to support him to face the influence of 9 tails.

So he gave up the thing for now.

In the morning after washing his face, he went out with his cheap dress.

The dress barely considered a good quality.

Naruto knows how much money that Kushina and Minato should have based on the numbers from another world.

Naruto still felt bad for Kushina for choosing a moron as a husband.

Anyway, he could not change anything right now.

He went out of his home and went straight to the Tiffin centers outside.

This place is usually rushed right now because everyone wants to complete their breakfast and return to work.

This is normal in any world.

This world is the same in this matter.

Right when Naruto appeared in front of the shop the person in charge looked at Naruto and said.

“What are you looking at you demon fox…?”

Naruto was actually waiting for someone to say this.

Naruto directly looked towards the person and said.

“You called me demon fox.

How do you know that I am a demon fox?

Tell me if I am really a demon fox, can you still stand there and say that on my face.

I am just a little kid and you are actually spreading rumors like that.

You looked like a bear.

Then I will call you demon bear.

Hey demon bear why the hell are you selling breakfast to these people.

Do you want to fatten them up and eat them silently later?”

The shop owner’s face turned red from both shame and anger.

The people that are eating breakfast did not take that to heart but there is a seed of doubt in their thoughts.

The people that already brought breakfast started to eat it quickly wanting to leave

Some people that wanted to buy breakfast stopped and changed their minds.

Looking at the reaction of the customers the face of the shop owner changed to panic and anger.

Naruto received a system notification.


Host has successfully caused the emotional stir to the shop owner of a breakfast stand.

The following emotions are stirred, ridicule, annoyance, anger, shame, panic, extreme anger…..

Host has extracted a small iron treasure chest.”

The shop owner wanted to come forward to hit Naruto but he could not do that because of the orders of the third Hokage.

So he can only compromise.

So he started to shoo Naruto.

But Naruto immediately said.

“Give me some breakfast old man bear demon.

We are both demons and we need to look out for each other.

If you did not give me breakfast I have no other choice but to tell the entire village that you are my buddy bear demon.”

This is a naked threat and the shop owner’s face turned purple from anger.


Host has successfully caused the emotional stir to the shop owner of a breakfast stand.

The following emotion is extreme anger…..

Host has extracted a big wooden treasure chest.”

The shop owner controlled his mind and finally packed some breakfast for Naruto and threw it towards him.

He did not care if Naruto caught the parceled breakfast or not.

He stopped paying attention to Naruto.

Naruto took the breakfast and started to walk back to his house.

The Anbu and root ninja that are following him felt strange about the actions of Naruto.

They each decided to report this matter to their respective leaders that is the third Hokage and Danzo.

Naruto on the other hand returned back to his room and brought out some bowls.

He unpacked the things and began to eat the breakfast.

He was sure that there is no Hyuga clan member that is keeping an eye on him.

So he first called the big wooden treasure chest to open.

Immediately a wooden treasure chest appeared in front of him that is as big as a trunk.

He simply opened the lid and the treasure chest started to disintegrate.

In the end it left two light spots.

When he touched them he got the system remainder.


Host has successfully opened the big wooden treasure chest and obtained the following rewards.

Villain points card containing 100 villain points

High quality breakfast card x1


He did not understand and checked a little to get the answer.

First is the villain point card that can be used to gain 100 villain points.

Second is the high quality breakfast card he received.

Chapter 124: there are other villains with systems

First is the villain point card that can be used to gain 100 villain points.

Second is the high quality breakfast card he received.

It would give him a random high quality breakfast that the shop owner rarely makes.

The quality will be divided between low, medium, and high quality.

He did not have any villain points left right now.

So his actual balance of villain points is zero.

With this hundred he can start again from the scratch.

But there is another important thing here.

Why did the villain points are given in the form of a card and did not add into his status panel directly?

This is like the point’s card was specifically made for exchanging with others.

But he is the only villain here.

Does that mean there is more than one villain system in a world?

As soon as his reaching reached this point he immediately asked the system.

“System, tell me the truth.

How many villains with systems are there in this world?”


Host the current world is your first normal world after the tutorial world.

This world did not have any other villains with systems other than you.

Try your best to gain as many villain points as possible.

The host would receive further information when you obtain 100 thousand villain points.

A special hint for the host, this world did not have an upper limit for the villain points.

So try to gain as many villain points as you possibly can.”

Looking at the information Naruto felt that his speculations are correct.

Also when he heard that the system would tell him more after gaining 100 thousand villain points, he felt a little fear.

He felt that the system would take his villain points again.

But what can he do about that.

He can only see how much he would be able to enjoy with the life he got.

As for other villains with the system he can slowly take care of them.

In order to take care of those people, he has to become strong enough first.

He sighed and decided to open the small iron treasure chest as well.


Host has successfully opened the small iron treasure chest and obtained the following rewards.

Villain points card containing 100 villain points x3

High quality breakfast card x5

300 Ryo


Everything was stored straight in the system storage space.

The things that are obtained are good.

There is also some cash that made Naruto happy.

He did not have to think about spending cash for the time being and there is breakfast for the next 6 days.

But he did not reduce his vigilance.

He would go out every day to make people angry to give him something.

This way he would get more treasure chests and gain more benefits.

He still has to get some lunch and dinner in the evening.

He also needs other necessities like clothes and other things.

The breakfast shop owner did not ask for money because of the tight situation.

Naruto has to make more of those situations so that he can save more money.

He can use these tactics here but he cannot use them against the shops organized by ninja.

Like the shop that sells weapons and ninja tools, hospitals….

These places require money that he has to pay from his pockets if needed.

Fortunately he would not become ill with the super physique.

But it is always good to have extra support just in case.

Money is the most powerful support standing right after the strength in this world.

With the thought he filled his stomach with the breakfast and moved out of his house again.

His first target is daily necessities and mainly clothes.

His clothes are all cheap quality and he needs something good to wear for the winter nights.

When he came to the clothes store and was about to enter the store owner stopped him.

“You demon fox, get out of here.

I would not sell you any clothes to you.”

The daily routine started.

This time it was Naruto that was annoyed and spoke.

“What are you calling demon fox.

You looked like a rat.

Since you called me demon fox, then I would recognize you are demon rat.

How are you demon rat, why don’t you sell some clothes for your fellow demon?

Don’t worry, I will not tell the people around know that we are demons.


Once again Naruto spoke just like he did with the breakfast stall owner in the morning.

Not only about him but also spoken about his wife and children being demon with his annoying loud voice.

The clothes store owner finally panicked and decided to give what Naruto wanted and quickly send him away.

Naruto quickly went inside and got few sets of good clothes.

When he was about to leave the clothes store owner hesitated but still said.

“Hey brat, give me the money.”

He did not dare to call demon fox again.

But he doesn’t even know the name of Naruto.

Naruto stopped and looked at the clothes store owner.

“I don’t have any money.

If you want money ask the third Hokage gramps.

He said that my parents are great ninja and the wealth that should belong to me was maintained by him.

Also I am so good and stopping the demon fox from devouring all you people every day.

You did not even thank me.

Instead of thanking me for this, you are even asking me money.

You people are all shameless to the limit.

One day if something happens to me the demon fox would come out and kill all of you people.

You what that to happen right,

You want me to die during the cold nights so that the whole hidden leaf village was destroyed right.

I am starting to suspect that you are spy from another hidden village that came here to know the secrets of the hidden leaf village….”

Chapter 125: many treasure chests

“…You want me to die during the cold nights so that the whole hidden leaf village was destroyed right.

I am starting to suspect that you are spy from another hidden village that came here to know the secrets of the hidden leaf village….”

With his words that are being exaggerated sentence after sentence the thoughts of the clothes store owner became more and more confusing.


A strong mix of emotions is detected.

The cause of emotions is host.

System has successfully extracted.

Congratulations host on obtaining a medium iron treasure box.


With the words of Naruto the clothes store owner did not want to say anything.

If he spoke anything he might really fall into the mess.

So he could only silently shoo Naruto to leave here.

Naruto carried two bags with all the clothes he took in them.

The cost of the clothes is still high so the cloth store owner decided to pay a visit to the third Hokage to talk about this matter.

Naruto returned back to his apartment and put the clothes on the side.

Then he went out again.

The Anbu and root ninja following Naruto are having a head ache because of all the things that Naruto is doing.

While on the road Naruto use the system to open the medium grade iron treasure box.

Immediately he got the notification.

He doesn’t always have to summon a box to get the contents inside.


Host has successfully opened the medium grade iron treasure chest and obtained the following rewards.

Villain points card containing 100 villain points x6

High quality clothes card x10

600 Ryo


Naruto has one doubt the clothes card would give clothes.

But which gender would they give.

The system immediately solved his doubt.


Don’t worry host, you can chose the gender of the person before using the card.

The clothes would appear based on the choice of the person he wanted clothes for.

The size of the clothes will be adjusted by the age, gender, size everything by the system.”

Naruto sighed and continued towards a restaurant.

Then he put out a show again to extort lunch from the lunch stand owner.

Right at that time the surrounding people started to call him demon fox and felt a strong sense of disgust.

Naruto looked at them and spoke.

“You all call me demon fox.

Who the fuck told you that I am a demon fox?

Tell me.

You are all people that call me demon fox and show disgust in your eyes.

If I am really a demon fox then can you still stand there and call me demon fox and live to tell the tale.

I am just a kid, don’t you feel ashamed to call me demon fox and show disgust towards a little kid.

You even call yourselves adults with this kind of mind sets.

I don’t know which bastard has spread the rumors about me being a demon fox.

If I am a real demon fox I would curse them.

They would have diarrhea and their pants zip got stuck.

Their dick shrunk to become so small that their wives green him every day.

They would shower with bird droppings everyday…..”

Just like that Naruto cursed without repeating the sentence and continued to curse as he walked on the streets.

The people following Naruto were a little dreaded.

Some of them have actually spread the rumors and they felt that the curses from the demon fox might come true.

Soon the reports went all the way to third Hokage and Danzo.

Their faces are ugly as if they just swallow a fly.

They have actively spread the rumors about Naruto being a demon fox.

So it is quite normal to feel angry.

Naruto on the other hand was feeling joy because the system has extracted many treasure chests along the way.


Host has cause too many mixes of emotions for too many people.

The following treasure chests are extracted.

Small golden treasure chest x1

Big silver treasure chest x1

Medium iron treasure chests x3

Small iron treasure chests x3

Big wooden treasure chests x4

Medium wooden treasure chests x5

Small wooden treasure chests x8


Naruto was really moved and under stood that the high grade treasure chests of gold and silver are from big ninja.

Iron treasure chests are from some normal ninja

As for the remaining are from the people that previously talked bad about him.

Now they feared him and these things are extracted.

Not only fear but also there is a variety of emotions in their minds.

They are angry and shameful.

Every word that Naruto said is true about them.

This made them more and more emotional.

Naruto on the other hand had a very good harvest and returned back home happily.

When he came back he asked the system to open the treasure boxes.

For anyone no matter it is the villain or hero or even a comedian, opening a treasure chest is a happy thing and they would be excited.

Just like everyone Naruto was also excited.

Also he wanted to open them in the order of the box materials.

That is start with wooden box and then move up.


Does host want to open all the wooden treasure boxes at the same time?”

Naruto nodded his head and immediately system gave the notification.


Host has obtained the following thing from the 17 wooden boxes.

Villain point cards 10 point denomination x12

Villain points cards 100 point denomination x4

Low quality breakfast card x3

Medium quality clothes X 2

Daily necessities card x4

285 Ryo


A few moments later all the things that are obtained are listed and Naruto took a simply glance at it.

Then he opened the iron treasure chests and then the big things are left for the big boxes of silver and gold.

Naruto first thought of opening the silver treasure chest based on the order of things that he is opening before.


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