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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 121: the Christmas present from Sirius black

Jonathan did not take the Marauder's Map and left it there.

It did not have any use to Jonathan with his capabilities to communicate with the plants.

Jonathan did not have any thoughts of following around Harry.

But he really wanted to hear the information that they know about Sirius black and the cause of suspicion.

So he put on the invisibility cloak and left the Hogwarts castle.

He did not have to take too many turns and directly went to the location where the meeting would be held.

That is the three broomsticks bar.

But he did not hide under the table like Harry and stood on the side to listen to their words.

When Cornelius Fudge, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, and Rubeus Hagrid arrive, Harry hides underneath their table to avoid being seen.

The trio overhears a conversation between the group and Madam Rosmerta.

They discuss how Sirius Black is a close childhood friend of Harry's father, James, and that he is Harry's godfather.

The group goes on to talk about how the Potters learned how Voldemort had marked them for death by Dumbledore, who had been tipped off by a spy.

Dumbledore had advised them to go into hiding using the Fidelius Charm, a concealment charm so powerful it can only be broken if the Secret Keeper,

The person the spell is bound to reveals it to the person the witch or wizard doesn't want to be found by.

James Potter insisted on using Sirius Black despite Dumbledore offering to be his family's Secret-Keeper due to a fear that a friend of the Potters' had turned traitor and joined Voldemort as a spy because he trusted Black beyond all his other friends.

One week later, Black sold out the Potters to Lord Voldemort, who met his downfall in Harry.

This forced Black to run for it.

Peter Pettigrew, another of James's friends, confronted Black for the betrayal and he and twelve Muggles were killed by Black with a single curse.

Black was taken to Azkaban afterwards.

It's also revealed that Black isn't affected by the Dementors at all.

At that time Flitwick spoke about the worlds that Jonathan told him before.

“Jonathan said that peter Pettigrew is still alive and he is the one that faked his death to push the blame on Sirius black.

I don’t know the truth, but the child is very confident.

Also he seems to have some proof that made him believe….”

Hagrid also spoke.

“Jonathan is a good kid.

Even when the things are not right he would always finds solutions that are appropriate.

I really want to believe in what he said is true.

If what he said is true then he and Harry can be brothers as Sirius is the god father of Harry.”

Professor Mcgonagall also supported Jonathan with words but there is no actually proof to completely support him.

Jonathan sighed and left here losing his interest.

Harry on the other hand listened till the end.

With his opinion confused again about both Jonathan and Sirius black.

In the original plot he should be having a fit of anger and despair right now.

But now that has changed because there are still unknowns.


Harry chooses to go to Hagrid's house to ask him about Sirius Black despite Ron and Hermione's protests.

This was scene by Jonathan as he was doing his own thing.

When the trio arrives at Hagrid’s house, they find Hagrid distraught about Buckbeak's upcoming hearing before the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures.

Hermione however told him that there is a solution and she cannot tell about it right now.

But she assured him that she can solve this thing.

Hagrid also believed her.

But this did not solve the problem of Harry.

On the day of the Christmas Jonathan was invited by Dumbledore to have dinner.

Well there is no one to invite him.

But that is not true.

Jonathan was invited by Narcissa for Christmas dinner and she specifically asked him for Christmas massage.

But Jonathan was busy and told her to come over tomorrow to the Hogsmeade to get the massage.

She has already lost her ability to refute Jonathan because she wanted massage from Jonathan.

On the evening of the Christmas Jonathan received a nimbus 2001 along with Harry receiving a firebolt broomstick.

Jonathan can tell that it was from his stupid father.

But he became instantly angry because of the partiality.

Even his father is showing the differences.

As for the money that Sirius got to buy the things it was actually taken from Grimmauld palace 12.

Actually he took few valuable things and sold them.

Even though Kreacher is present, Sirius black is still from the black family and it could not stop him.

Also the house elves could not attack the wizards.

Jonathan sighed and decided to lock the things next time.

Anyway a loss is still a loss.

It was all his money, he don’t want it to be spent on other stupidly like his father did.

As long as the name of the Sirius is cleared Jonathan can live happily.

As for sharing the inheritance of the black family,

Sorry Jonathan did not recognize Sirius black as his father at all.

Previously he thought of putting Sirius black to work for him to live.

But after receiving something like that with the difference between him and Harry, Jonathan directly sank his idea about Sirius.

The position of Sirius in his heart is even more downgraded till it hit the rock bottom under the well.

The only connection that is still left is the blood connection.

But it did not amount to much in the thoughts of Jonathan.

He is a villain that considers loyalty as the most important thing.

Since Sirius lost his final ounce of trust there is no place to return.

Jonathan then looked at other presents and his heart immediately warmed.

At least his girls are much good at understanding him and made him happy.

Chapter 122: honorary goblin award

Jonathan then looked at other presents and his heart immediately warmed.

At least his girls are much good at understanding him and made him happy.

Even Narcissa gave a better gift to Jonathan than Sirius black.

Narcissa gave a special pair of clothes that are refined from dragon leather for extra protection.

Jonathan has decided to massage her more in the future because of this dress.

Well today she is already waiting for him in the Hogsmeade.

Any way today is a holiday and went over to Hogsmeade silently through a secret passage and appeared in an old house.

Here Narcissa is waiting eagerly.

When she found Jonathan she was really moved and came to hug him.

“Merry Christmas Jonathan,

Did you like the present I gave you.”

Jonathan smiled and moved forward wanting to kiss her.

He has never kissed Narcissa.

Originally if Jonathan tried to kiss her she would push him away.

But now is completely different.

She needs a massage from him to relieve her lust.

She did not push him away today and let him kiss her.

They shared a passionate kiss.

“I really liked the gift you gave me.

So let me massage as the Christmas gift that can satisfy you till you fall asleep peacefully.”

Her body immediately heated up and wanted something more from Jonathan.

But Jonathan is not ready for that and only took her to give her a good massage till she was completely satisfied.

When she fell asleep getting the massage Jonathan kissed her on the cheek and left here.

This place has barriers that keep others from entering inside.

So he is not worried.

He also cast a trace to keep this place safe just in case.

He returned back to the castle.

When he returned back Hermione has reported this thing related to Harry receiving firebolt from black to professor Mcgonagall.

She sends it away to have it tested for tampering.

Both Hermione and McGonagall suspect Black might have sent the broomstick and that it could be jinxed.

Another incident happened Crookshanks attacks Scabbers causing Ron to become angry towards Hermione.

Because of these incidents Harry ceases speaking with Hermione, even though he knew she had good intentions with reporting the Firebolt.

Ron is also no longer on speaking terms with Hermione because Crookshanks has been attacking Scabbers non-stop.

Jonathan was on the side enjoying the shows.

Since it is holiday time he went around to his company and also visited some habituates of some magical creatures to talk cooperation with them.

Just like werewolves he wanted to speak about the cooperation with them too.

Spiders can be called to make spider silk, fairies can make special magic powder medicine….

If a single one makes it takes a long time.

But if a group of them makes things together with enough protection then that is a different matter.

As long as there is enough protection and benefits, anything is possible.

Jonathan is using this as the main motive of the financial organization that he jointly opened with the goblins.

They are seriously moved by his words in a spiritual way.

They thought that Jonathan is one of them and they even conferred him a title of being an honorary goblin spiritually but not physically.

Jonathan has some goblin rights and benefits from the goblin race.

This happened during the Christmas holidays.

This strange event was clearly published in the papers and Jonathan spent some time with Rita to massage her.

She instantly became the fan of Jonathan’s massage and she was added into the massaging list.

She was even willing to come to Hogwarts secretly to get the massage.

Well she did not have a man and she is still a virgin all these years.

So it is natural for her to seek more comfort.

Jonathan doesn’t mind comforting her and days gone by quickly.

In January, Slytherin beats Ravenclaw in their Quidditch match.

Gryffindor's chances of getting the Quidditch Cup are good, as long as they don't lose in their own match against Ravenclaw.

During this time Jonathan met with Hermione many time in the name of discussing the plan to save Buckbeak.

Well the thing always ends up with her sitting on his lap and kissing him with a tight hug.

Jonathan doesn’t mind tasting her as she came to him on her own.

Also there is still pansy, Daphne and Romilda.

One of the days Jonathan ran into Hanna again.

When Jonathan was about to turn the corner again she ran into him and fell on him.

Jonathan found that it was Hanna and tweaked the accidental fall a little more to make her give him a kiss.

Her face immediately turned red but she could not say anything to Jonathan.

She was the one at fault.

So she stood up and ran away.

Jonathan went around looking for the next prey.

He did not find any and went outside to the lake to enjoy for a little while.

Right at that time he saw Luna that was looking at the fishes at the small creek near the lake.

Jonathan went over to her and sat beside her.

She turned her face and looked at Jonathan for a moment and said.

“Do you want to kiss me too?

Do you consider me as a prey too?”

She asked as if she read through the thoughts of Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled and did not answer with words.

Instead she came close to her and pulled her into his embrace.

Then he directly kissed her.

She did not refuse him.

After kissing her for a while they parted and Jonathan spoke.

“I see you as my prey too.

Not everyone can become my prey but my prey can never run away from me.

Don’t think that you can hide your own thoughts from me.

Last time when you saw me and Hermione kissing, your legs trembled and you licked your lips after turning around.

Since you like it you have to say it to me….”

Chapter 123: Jonathan’s lips are swollen by chocolate kisses

“…Last time when you saw me and Hermione kissing, your legs trembled and you licked your lips after turning around.

Since you like it you have to say it to me.

After kissing Luna for a while she accepted it without any problem.

Then she left slowly with slight red cheeks.

She did not show the shyness that normal girls showed during these times.

Jonathan also did not care about this matter.


In February there is news about the decision of ministry of magic towards Sirius black in daily prophet news paper.

An article in the Daily Prophet confirmed that the Ministry gave the Dementors permission to use the Kiss on Black when they find him.

Because of this news many students looked at Jonathan weirdly.

Jonathan did not care about this matter and continued to do what he wanted to do.

He did not receive any reply from the people of the people of the Quidditch national team.

When Jonathan arrived back at the Gryffindor tower he met with Neville.

Neville told Jonathan that he made a list of the passwords for Gryffindor Tower because Sir Cadogan is still changing them twice a day but somehow they got lost.

On the other hand Harry attempts to patch things up with Hermione but Scabbers disappears after they arrive at Gryffindor Tower, ruining any chance for Ron and Hermione's reconciliation.

Jonathan watched that and smiled happily.

On February 6th, Sirius tried to enter into the Gryffindor tower again.

Sirius Black sneaks into Gryffindor Tower in search of Pettigrew again.

The school, students and professors began to panic again.

On February 11th, Buckbeak’s heating took place.

Hagrid takes Buckbeak on the Knight Bus to appear before the Committee of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures.

Hermione helps Hagrid prepare a defense but it’s not enough.

Lucius Malfoy bullies the Committee into condemning Buckbeak to be executed.

Hagrid writes a tear-stained letter back to Hermione at Hogwarts.

Buckbeak will have an appeal which is scheduled for June.

Ron Weasley takes over preparing the defense since Hermione is overwhelmed with her studies.

All of this happened when Hermione came to Jonathan to discuss about the matters related to Buckbeak.

Because Hermione was unable to find a different solution the entire incident was taken over by Ron in order to prove his superiority to Hermione.

Unfortunately he might not be able to prove anything.

On February 14th, Jonathan was once again fully occupied by many girls wanted to give him the chocolate prepared by themselves in potions caldrons.

Professor Snape is not happy about this matter because those girls are using the potions caldrons to make chocolate.

But he could not stop anything.

Jonathan received chocolate and with the women he liked he would gain a chocolate kiss.

Pansy, Daphne and Romilda each kissed Jonathan with chocolate in their mouths.

The chocolate kiss is so sweet that Jonathan wanted more.

It gave a unique taste for Jonathan and he got special chocolate kisses from other women too.

For example Luna prepared milk chocolate for Jonathan and she gave a chocolate kiss directly without showing any shyness.

She only blush a little when kissing Jonathan.

“It tastes really good when kissing you and eating the chocolate.”

She commented and left just like that leaving Jonathan in daze.

Hannah was even weirder as she took the chance to accidentally fall on Jonathan and give him a chocolate kiss.

The idea of chocolate kiss was actually spread by pansy to the girls because of her nature of naturally gossiping.

The final result is that Jonathan’s lips are swollen today.


His lips are swollen after so many chocolate kiss from those girls.

Those girls are really relentless and tried to attack Jonathan in every possible way.

Fortunately he did not break any bones during those attacks.

As March arrives, a new Quidditch match approaches.

It is between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Harry spent the last practice session before the match getting used to his Firebolt.

Even though he could not use that in the game because of the rules he still used it for practice.

During the game, just as Harry is about to catch the Snitch, Cho Chang, a fourth year Seeker for the Ravenclaw team, screamed.

There are actually three dementors that were attracted towards the stands again.

Jonathan that has already noticed these things has taken out his wand and was ready to cast the Patronus charm to kill these dementors and gain some benefits.

But suddenly his long lost system gave a choice.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: use the Patronus charm to save Cho Chang and break the chance to show off from the protagonist Harry potter.

The affection of Cho Chang would be increased by 20 points and she will fall in love with the host.

Choice 2:let Harry take the shot.

Cho Chang would fall into the hands of Harry and follow the plot.

The reputation of the host would be damaged by a small margin.

The reputation of Harry potter would be restored by 30 percent back to its original level.


He reacts instantly, wanting to send a full-fledged Patronus at the Dementors.

But suddenly a phoenix appeared out of thin air freezing the dementors.

The temperature change from the flames of phoenix can be clearly felt by the people present.

The coldness cause by the dementors is gone and they are directly absorbed by the phoenix gaining extra strength to Jonathan.

This also affected Harry that was trying to catch the snitch.

One of the small invisible feathered tentacles of the phoenix suddenly hit the snitch before disappearing.

This hit sent the golden snitch into the hands of Cho Chang that tightly grasped the snitch out of instinct.

This was not seen by many people.

Only Harry got the glimpse of this.

The attention of most people was towards the dementors and Cho Chang.

Naturally people know that controlling the Patronus beast is generally not possible.

Chapter 124: Harry in deep agony

The attention of most people was towards the dementors and Cho Chang.

Naturally people know that controlling the Patronus beast is generally not possible.

It is especially so for the phoenix.

As for controlling a small tentacle to throw the snitch towards Cho Chang is just an illusion in the thoughts of many people.

Naturally Ravenclaw won the match.

No one would think that a Gryffindor student would betray Gryffindor and lose a Quidditch match just to impress a girl.

It is especially so for Jonathan that got good impression from many people.

Unfortunately Jonathan really did this and their trust in him is the support that let him do things as he pleases.

This is the usage and value of trust and popularity.

On the other hand Harry saw the entire scene and wanted to protest.

But Oliver wood who don’t know anything helped mediate the situation.

Well he is the captain so things are like that.

Harry was not convinced and hated Jonathan more.

What can his hatred accomplish?

Jonathan was heroic when he fought against those dementors.

Harry on the other hand did not do anything.

In other words Jonathan won and Harry lost the fight.

After the match Cho Chang silently followed Jonathan that was going to the lake of Hogwarts.

She wanted to thank Jonathan.

So she silently followed him to speak.

Her affection towards Jonathan has already reached 75 points after the rewards from the system and the snitch that fell into her hands.

She was sure that Jonathan helped her right then.

Her heart was moved and she fell deep in love with Jonathan.

But there are still reservations in her heart.

Still she wants to express her love towards Jonathan.

When she arrived at the lake there is no one other than Jonathan that was sitting at the edge of the lake looking at the calm lake.

She walked over to him without saying a word.

The silence lasted for sometime before she spoke.

“Thank you for saving me and letting me win.”

What she doesn’t know is that there is another person in the woods that is looking at the entire incident.

Harry that liked Cho Chang wanted to know where she is going alone after the match.

So he stalked her silently.

Unfortunately he came to the lake and met with the different situation.

His heart is pounding when there are only two people in front of him.

He doesn’t know what would happen.

One is the person he hates and the other is the person he likes.

The situation of Harry right now is very similar to that of Snape that watched lily falling into the hands of James porter.

Jonathan looked back at Cho Chang and smiled.

The smile was very mesmerizing and is his deadly weapon towards women.

His hand moved and held the hand of Cho Chang.

Jonathan has already noticed Harry in the woods and his smile has become even brighter.

Harry on the other hand is tightly holding the tree bark because of his anger.

Jonathan smiled and suddenly pulled the hand of Cho Chang.

She did not expect something like that and she felt straight into the embrace of Jonathan.

Jonathan’s face is very close to her and her face turned red from blushing.

Slowly her eyes closed and the mouth went forward ready to receive a kiss.

Jonathan also took the initiative and kissed her lips with one of his eyes looking into the woods.


Suddenly there is a sound of tree bark being pulled in the woods.

Well Cho Chang did not have the mind to concentrate on this incident.

She was completely immersed in kissing Jonathan.

Her mind is numb and dizzy.

Her body is hot and felt like melting into the arms of Jonathan.

Jonathan held her tightly and felt that Cho Chang has good body development compared to many of his women.

Well she is a year older than them so it is natural.

But the touch felt good and her body trembles to his touch making him more and more interested.

He continued to kiss her while Harry is having a fit in his anger in the woods.

After some time Jonathan and Cho Chang’s kiss parted.

Cho Chang still sitting on Jonathan’s lap hugging him tightly.

She did not have any fear or thoughts of fear about someone watching them.

Her brain is not in a situation to think about that.

Other might now saw this but Harry saw this.

Also there is another person that saw this.

It was Penelope Clearwater.

She did not expect that Cho Chang would be in the embrace of Jonathan.

She has already noticed many women around Jonathan.

The reason why she did not make a move on Jonathan is first because she is older than him.

Second is that Jonathan has many women around him.

This made her stay away silently.

But the current situation is different.

She saw them kiss and her body became hot.

She also wanted to have a warm embrace and strong kiss.

After she distanced herself from Percy she did not have anyone to share her thoughts.

At first it was okay.

But time passed by and she felt more and more towards love.

Every time she thought of love, only one person appeared in her mind.

It is Jonathan.

She doesn’t know if she loved Jonathan.

But she definitely liked Jonathan.

After this year she will be graduating from Hogwarts.

After graduation she will not be able to meet Jonathan as easily as she can meet him now.

Just the thought of this made her body tremble from fear and anxiety.

She wanted to be with Jonathan.

She wanted Jonathan.

So she finally decided to make the confession.

After some time Cho Chang came back to her senses and left back to Ravenclaw tower like a lively rabbit with red face.

Penelope that was waiting all the time finally came forward to Jonathan.

Chapter 125: Harry’s green hat shock

After some time Cho Chang came back to her senses and left back to Ravenclaw tower like a lively rabbit with red face.

Penelope that was waiting all the time finally came forward to Jonathan.

“It took you long enough.”

Jonathan said with a smile looking at her.

Currently he looked around 17 year old and Penelope is also the same so in appearance he did not look like a little kid.

Naturally this kind of small things would become hindrance when a good big girl wants to propose to someone younger than her.

Since Jonathan did not look younger than her it did not give her any psychological pressure.

She walked forward with determination step by step.

When she came right in front of Jonathan, she looked straight into the eyes of Jonathan.

Her eyes were a little red and firm.

Jonathan looked at her and her figure.

She has big ass and tits that are not that of a teenage girl.

She looked like she had the body of a mature woman.

But her face is still young and tender like pure milk cream.

Jonathan stood up and looked straight into her eyes and said.

“When you want something you have to ask for that.

Only by asking can you get what you want.

All the other girls are also the same.

Now tell me what you want.”

Jonathan said with a smile.

Penelope slowly spoke.

“I want your love.

I know that I did not believe you at first.

But I believe you.

You saved me and I like you.

I love you…”

She said that and took a step forward.

She directly kissed the lips of Jonathan as she hugged him tightly.

Jonathan cooperated and reciprocated.

He hugged her body tightly and felt those huge tits pressing against his chest.

He felt that it was really soft and squashy to touch.

Jonathan slowly sat back on a stone with his strong hands moving Penelope into his embrace.

She is sitting on his lap with her legs around his waist.

Harry potter that came out of shock looked at the scene and was shocked even more.

He has just come to his senses and thought that it is good if Cho Chang has a good life with Jonathan.

But before he could make his decision he saw that Cho Chang has left and Penelope is kissing Jonathan.

This made his mind explode and doubt his life.

Why the fuck is this happening.

“No I must tell about this to Cho Chang so that she would not fall into the hands of this scumbag.

If she recognized his true colors then she might come to like me for saving her.”

That is the thoughts and fantasies that he is having right now.

Unfortunately every girl that came to Jonathan knows about Jonathan and only came to him because they don’t mind.

So when Harry went to speak with Cho Chang about Jonathan, she only smiled at him for his naivety and then stopped talking to Harry.

This made Harry more and more depressed.

This depression has turned into anger towards Jonathan and others.

Slowly time passed by and it was night that day.

Ron wakes up to Sirius Black slashing his bed curtains in the boys' dormitory.

Everyone thinks it might be a nightmare.

But the curtains are indeed ripped and Sir Cadogan proves Ron was right.

He happily admits he let Sirius Black into Gryffindor Tower.

Black apparently had the whole week's passwords on a piece of paper.

Professor Mcgonagall became furious and demanded to know who wrote down the passwords and lost them, to which Neville admits responsibility.

Another search of the castle takes place, but Black evades capture again.

Tighter security is put in place.

Professor Flitwick is teaching the doors to recognize Sirius Black while Argus Filch boards up everything Black can use to sneak in except the passageway into Hogsmeade.

Sir Cadogan is fired and the Fat Lady resumes her duty guarding Gryffindor Tower on the condition her portrait is to be guarded.

Ron becomes an instant celebrity, which he enjoys.

Neville, on the other hand, is in complete disgrace.

Professor McGonagall is so furious with him that she strips him of his visitation rights to Hogsmeade for the rest of the school year.

She gave him a detention and also forbid the other Gryffindors to tell him the password.

Two days later, His grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, sends him a Howler.

Since Jonathan usually supports Neville, the current situation made both Harry and Ron Happy.

Well Jonathan did not care about these simple things and he went around messing with other women.

There is always someone to kiss and fondle for him.

There are regular people like Narcissa and Rita Skeeter that would come to him for massage.

Soon it was May and the Quidditch finals between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

This was changed because of the incident where Cho Chang caught the golden snitch in place of Harry.

As usual Slytherin cheated and Ravenclaw lost the match.

The final result is that the Slytherin won the match.

Draco is showing off in front of Harry and Ron.

But he did not dare to show off in front of Jonathan because Jonathan was merciless in whatever he does.

Draco was scared of Jonathan so he did not show off and did anything in front of Jonathan.

But Harry and Ron are trembling in rage because they were taunted by Draco.

But they could not fight back as they have already lost the match long ago.

Time passed by again and it was already June.

Buckbeak's appeal is scheduled on the final day of the exams.

Buckbeak's appeal fails, and it is decided that Buckbeak would be executed.

That day Hermione, Harry and Ron went to speak with Hagrid and console him.

On the other hand Hermione told him that there is still ways to save him.

She then reveals that Jonathan came up with a solution.


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