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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 11: the strange wand

The robes have high comfort to wear as they are made with high quality materials.

As for the robes that harry ordered they are not as good as the robes that Narcissa ordered.

She did not think if Jonathan was able to pay or not as she was sure that Jonathan has enough money for the clothes and other things.

She knows that black family well.

After the dresses were prepared Jonathan paid 3 gold galleons for all the robes.

Since it is two sets of clothes it took longer.

Also Jonathan’s group came right after harry so harry left first and their group left after that.

Now they went to the Ollivander’s wand shop to buy their wands.

Mr. Ollivander puts Harry off with his creepy demeanor while discussing the wands purchased by Lucius and Narcissa.

After that he spoke about Jonathan’s parents Sirius black and Mary Goldsman.

Draco was the first to buy his wand and the selection was quick.

Draco Malfoy's wand was 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and had a unicorn hair core.

Now it was Jonathan’s turn.

Naturally choosing the wand has a great significance.

This is because the type of wand can tell the nature of the person.

They want to know what kind of person Jonathan is.

So they are eagerly waiting.

Ollivander took one wand after the other but none of them went well with Jonathan.

Soon a small pile of wands are left on the side with none of them matching.

Ollivander’s fighting spirit has improved and started to take the old wands that were made by his fathers and grandfathers.

These wands are not special.

It is just that they did not find the right owner over the years.

Because of this those wands are collecting dust behind the shelves.

After an hour when Lucius and Narcissa are losing patience, Ollivander took out an old green box that is actually made out of grass leaves.

The packaging is a little funny and primitive.

But the strong vitality can be seen from the grass that is still green without withering.

If someone accidentally saw this they would think that this grass was cut just few minutes ago.

There is even a soothing smell of freshly cut grass.

After a little while of fiddling he took out something looked like grass stem.

Sometimes grass forms a pole like things in the middle when it grows tougher.

It is just like bamboo and sugarcane which are grass varieties.

The magical grass is special.

Every few hundred years there will be a grass stem formed from the grass.

It has special properties and has a little more strength like the wooden texture.

Also it has naturally hallowed internal structure for wand making.

Currently the magic is not available because of the rapid industrialization of the muggle world.

Grass is originally wild in nature and it can grow anywhere.

But to produce a strong things like grass stem it needs to stay undisturbed for a long time.

The long time means hundreds of years or even more.

So there are not many materials related to grass stem in the current magic world.

As for the wand core it was the heart of the magical creature druid.

Plant based magical creatures are rare and almost extinct in current magical world.

The heart of druid would be in liquid state and when the druid dies the liquid solidifies forming a gem like substance that has strong vitality.

For this current wand core the heart of living druid was collected in liquid state and poured into a mold to create a cylindrical wand core that fits the grass stem.

They are both mixed with the adhesive of the liquid druid heart core forming the current wand.

Plants are immortals, if there is no external interference most plants, especially grass would never die.

At the same time plants are ruthless that they could consume anything to survive and grass has the highest form of survivability in this world.

Grass can survive in the extreme weathers and even flourish at that place.

As for the druid magical creature, it is a plant based living creature that is like a priest in the plants.

Also some druids can be considered to be the progenitor race or pinnacle race of the plants other than plant based spirits.

Some even call them plant gods but they are ancient magical creatures.

The person needs to have the strong survival instinct and special nature to gain the allegiance of this kind of wand.

Fortunately Jonathan fits the bill.

When Ollivander gave this wand to Jonathan, Jonathan made a simple swish.

Immediately the flower in the small pot at the window still on the side showed vitality again.

It is like it came back to life and bloomed fully almost immediately.

With that the wand is set for Jonathan.

Ollivander looked a little stunned as he did not expect that the seemingly stubborn black family has this kind of heart.

Grass can bend in any direction.

In typhoon the big trees might fall but the grass root would stay still no matter what.

Even the great forest fire could not stop the grass from growing back almost immediately.

With this wand in the hands of the heir of the black family, he was sure that the things are about to change in a different way.

Jonathan seems to be satisfied with the wand and asked Ollivander about the price of the wand.

“Mister Ollivander, how much does this wand costs.”

Ollivander came back to his senses and immediately said.

“It would be 12 gold galleons.”

Even Lucius was shocked by the cost.

Well it was costly.

Jonathan touched the wand feeling its texture.

It looked like a green wooden stick that is still green but not dried.

There is a strong sense of vitality coming from the wand and it actually bends to some extent even the core inside felt like still in liquid state…….

Chapter 12: come to my box later

It looked like a green wooden stick that is still green but not dried.

There is a strong sense of vitality coming from the wand and it actually bends to some extent even the core inside felt like still in liquid state.

The wand felt more like a rubber stick with light bending but not breaking.

But there is also wooden nature with its stiffness base on his thoughts.

It is very similar to the soft sword that as used as belt.

All in all it is strange.

Jonathan can actually put it as bracelet on his hand instead of carrying it like other people.

Well there are other ways too.

But it was really convenient.

As for the high cost of the wand, it is because it was made of special materials that are extremely hard to find.

In the current magical world finding these materials is hard.

But still considering the current cost it was still very low in comparison to many things.

Jonathan directly paid the 12 gold galleons and after that they left this place.

They still have to buy books and few more things.

With the things he moved on with the Malfoy family to collect things.

Lucius wanted to snatch the wand in Jonathan’s hand but he was unable to do that because of the unbreakable vow.

Well it would be cheap for his character.

But the frustration during this time has clearly caused some psychological problems.

Well they returned back to Malfoy mansion.

There is still 2 months time before they go to Hogwarts.

During this time Jonathan got familiar with his wand and also practiced some complicated fighting moves in secret.

Well dobby noticed this but since Malfoy people did not ask he did not say about what it saw Jonathan doing.

The time passed by quickly and finally it is the day they start to Hogwarts.

When Jonathan arrived with Malfoy family he put most of the things inside the space except for few packages for show.

As for his pet Goldy, it was already sent to Hogwarts by Kreacher.

When Jonathan arrived at the station the girls group of pansy hopped around and came to speak to Draco.

They did not put Jonathan in their eyes.

None of the pure blood families have any good eyes for him except for the wealth behind him.

All they wanted is to look for the right opportunity to snatch his wealth from him.

Unfortunately they did not have the chance.

In the group of girls that came along with pansy there is one girl that did not look for Draco but looked for him instead.

It was Daphne.

Previously most of their communication is through eyes.

It is as if they can understand each other’s thoughts just by looking at each other.

Right at that time another family came that is full of people with red hair.

It was the Weasley family.

In the entire family Jonathan was only interested in Ginny.

But he would not make any moves until later.

He is the villain.

He would wait for a little longer before making any big moves.

For now he checked out molly but immediately lost interest.

Even though she has a nice rack she is not the type that Jonathan likes.

So his focus would be on Ginny later.

Before making his move on her, he has to prepare some things so that everything would be perfect.

Also he has to gain a special impression from her.

Because of their appearance the attention of the group Jonathan took a step forward coming close to Daphne and directly kissed on her cheek.

Then he said.

“You look beautiful.

Come to my box later.

Don’t sit with that lady gang,

They would just spoil your image.”

As he said that to the dazed Daphne, he took a step back returning to his previous position.

The face of Daphne became red immediately and she appeared to be shy.

She glared at Jonathan but there is a small smile at the corner of her mouth

No one in the group noticed this.

“Daphne, what are you blushing.”

Pansy asked with many doubts but there is no one to clear them.

The group immediately split up as each has to do their thing.

Jonathan arranged his things into the train.

He already got the ticket.

As for Draco he went to a different place to sit along with Crabbe and Goyle.

Pansy’s group also returned back to their box first.

As for Daphne, she looked back at Jonathan that is putting his things into the train and looked at her pointing to the box.

Looking at the gestures of Jonathan, she blushed again and quickly ran away like a frightened rabbit.

Jonathan shakes his head with a smile and simply moved into the train.

Well there is no one to give send off to him.

It was a little sad, but he did not feel much about it.

He is wearing a white shirt and pants with a very clean appearance with curly black hair.

He was sitting by the window, took out a book to read.

The train started to move immediately.

The entire thing gave a picturesque with the handsome appearance of Jonathan.

He was fortunate enough to inherit the good points from both his mother and father.

While he is reading the book about some interesting facts someone knocked on the door of the box.

It was Daphne.

She has a blushing face but she still came.

Jonathan closed the book and invited her inside.

She sat opposite to Jonathan and did not dare to speak much.

Jonathan took the initiative to speak.

“You know I love your long blond hair.

Never cut your hair no matter what in the future.

You look very beautiful.

I have brought you a gift.”

Jonathan took out a leather pouch out of thin air which was actually an expansion magic pouch and fiddled inside finding out a small box.

Chapter 13: a kiss can solve many things

Jonathan took out a leather pouch out of thin air which was actually an expansion magic pouch and fiddled inside finding out a small box.

Then he gave this box to Daphne to open.

It has a golden chain inside.

This was specifically brought by Jonathan that would perfectly fit the pendent of silver made from his magic on the silver spoon before.

He pulled her closure and pulled out the chain that is inside her clothes slowly.

He connected the locket and chain in his hand to the silver pendent and used the magic to attach and repair immediately.

It immediately attached with good finishing and looked perfect.

With that he put the chain around her neck looking straight into the eyes of Daphne.

Her cheeks blushed but she did not look away from the eyes of Jonathan during the entire time.

Her big eyes started straight into the eyes of Jonathan like a noble queen and the eyes have deep sense of curiosity and affection.

As for the reason why it is like that even she don’t know the answer about that.

The moment he stopped her from falling back the image of Jonathan has deeply imprinted in her mind.

She was unable to get it out of her mind.

Well that is how things are.

After putting on the chain Jonathan pulled her a little and kissed her on the cheek making her more blushed.

But she did not reject him or said anything bad.

She only became shy and blushed more with her white face turning red.

At that time the train has already moved to some distance and the journey is smooth sailing.

Jonathan spoke to Daphne while she slowly opened up to him and started to speak normally.

She is a normal cultured girl with standard etiquette taught to her because of the noble family.

She has a strong heart but also close to the colder and aloof side.

She is in the pansy’s gang but she would not participate in their nasty girly talk and other nonsense.

Instead she is more inclined to calm and noble demeanor.

Being the eldest lady of her family she has mature mind and can connect to Jonathan quickly unlike those naughty girls.

Jonathan liked her character as they spoke about each other slowly while the train is moving on.

Just then the gang of pansy came over finding Daphne sitting with Jonathan and speaking like a couple.

Pansy immediately came to meddle in the matter.

She did not even knock on the door and came in directly with another 3 girls.

She directly sat by the side of Jonathan and wanted to act like a person with princess disease.

She first said a few things about Jonathan that,

He is an orphan,

He ate in Malfoy family but did not have any loyalty.

He is a bad guy that always made Draco’s life difficult……..

She talked like a chatter box without any breaks.

Right at that time Jonathan heard the movement of the trolley.

It was Honeydukes Express cart pushed by the trolley witch.

Pansy did not notice this and is still talking nonsense.

Jonathan was a little annoyed so he wanted to do something to make pansy stop talking.


Host, make your choice

Option 1: let pansy continue to trash about the host; reduction in the reputation of the host by 10 percent permanently.

Option 2: stop pansy from talking trash by any means necessary; increase in the charm of the host by 10 percent permanently.


Looking at the options Jonathan immediately understood what is going on.

If he wants to have good reputation and charm then he has to stop her from talking trash about him.

He directly chose the second option.

There are many ways to stop her from talking trash but he did not prefer to use violence against ladies.

Ladies are like Rose flowers that needed to be cared slowly and smoothly.

If he is anxious then he might be pierced by the needles of the Rose.

So he has to handle them delicately.

Also slapping her now would be counterproductive and it would not solve the problem for him.

So he chose another solution that can solve the problem.

This solution might cause Daphne to become a little jealous but this is the best way.

She is sitting right next to him.

So it was easy.

He pulled her towards him and kissed her on the cheek.

The sudden action stopped her from talking and the girls in front of her opened their mouths wide in shock including pansy.

Jonathan did not let her make any move and directly said.

“Are you hungry do you want to eat something?”

Pansy, don’t know what to say.

She did not encounter this kind of situation before.

She was stunned that she could not respond.

On the other hand Daphne pouted immediately being jealous.

Jonathan immediately received the notification that the choice is successful and got the benefit.

Right at that time the Trolley Witch old lady came pushing the trolley.

Jonathan bought some candies, pies and cotton candies that girls usually like from the trolley by spending 4 gold galleons.

Jonathan knows that Daphne is angry with him for his actions.

After receiving the candy from the old lady she even gave him an extra because he is charming and pleasing to look.

The girls in the pansy’s gang are silent and did not talk any more.

Jonathan gave them the candy and gave an apple pie to pansy.

As for Daphne he gave her cotton cream candy that she reluctantly took because she is angry.

The box is silent.

Daphne has a little cream on her cheek.

Jonathan suddenly moved forward to the face of Daphne that made her stunned and looked at Jonathan.

“There is some cream on your cheek.

Let me clean if for you.”

As he said that he licked her cheek and kissed her cheek again.

Chapter 14: you know you would hate me in the future

“There is some cream on your cheek.

Let me clean if for you.”

As he said that he licked her cheek and kissed her cheek again.

“You are sweater than candy.”

Jonathan commented looking at her face.

Immediately she smiled sweetly and the previous anger is gone.

Listening to his comment the other girls including pansy blushed and their thoughts are complicated.

They no longer talked trash about Jonathan.

They are the food that Jonathan gave them and left silently back to their box with red faces.

It is especially so for pansy that looked at Jonathan with a little longing and obsession.

Daphne also left after that as she has to talk with the girls about her territory and authority over Jonathan.

She knows about the affair in the noble circle.

She is 12 years old and many things would be taught in the family for noble girls.

This is a common practice all over the world.

Even if there is no magic in the world, the rules are still the same.

Now only Jonathan is left in the box.

The candy covers are spilled all over the place.

Jonathan took out his wand and gently waved it.

Immediately all the covers and spilled food was packed into an empty cover and flew over to the side where the trash can be collected easily.

Right at that time a cure girl appeared it his box.

She had a light complexion, bright brown eyes, and lots of bushy brown hair.

She is Hermione Granger.

If you look at her as it is she is not that beautiful.

Her beauty was covered by her bush hair and lack of proper maintenance to her image.

If she took proper image then she would have appeared more beautiful and cute at her current age.

She just stood there with astounded eyes looking at Jonathan using magic to clean the things.

Don’t take cleaning magic as an easy things to do.

It is an advanced version of levitation magic that is used on multiple selected targets that are arranged to move in different directions.

It is a complicated spell to cast.

This is what that fascinated an over achieving girl like Hermione.

She stood there fascinated for a while.

Jonathan did not disturb her right now, instead after he is done with the cleaning he started to read the book on his hand peacefully by the side of the window.

The picturesque image made Hermione even more interested in Jonathan.

She came back to her senses when Neville behind her accidentally bumped into her while walking slowly.

Immediately she knocked on the door of the box and came in to talk to Jonathan.

“That spell is really great.

Even though it is simple cleaning magic it is very complicated to use.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Hermione Granger.

It is nice to meet you.

May I know your name?”

Jonathan waited for her to finish what she wanted to say and then finally he spoke to her.

“I am Jonathan black,

It is nice to meet you miss granger.

As for the magic it is easy if you learn few more spells and broader understanding of spells.”

As Jonathan said Hermione thought for a moment.

She wanted to learn but there is another thing on hand that she wanted to solve first.

“Actually I am here for helping this boy.

His name is Neville long bottom.

He has lost his toad, Trevor

Have you seen it?”

Jonathan listened to her and smiled at her.

Then he took out a crystal ball out of thin air and stared at it intently.

This is his trick to divination as cover to tell the future events to fascinate them.

This would cover the fact that he has memories from the other world and the plot like of the story.

After staring at the crystal ball for a few seconds Jonathan smiled again and looked at Hermione.

“Miss granger, I have two predictions for you.

First is that the toad of mister Neville would appear when the train halts at Hogsmeade station from a tall bear like man.

Second is that in the future after joining Hogwarts you would hate me because of the words of others.

Any way it is nice meeting you miss granger.

If things turned out to be good, we can be friends in the future.”

Jonathan spoke mysteriously.

Hermione did not understand what Jonathan said.

She was really confused.

But she still left the box without thinking anything.

Well she wanted to ask Jonathan more but Jonathan refused to speak anything more right now.

But she did not stop searching for the toad of Neville long bottom.

As usual she met with harry and Ron later and then the fight started with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle but it stopped after the fat rat of Ron bit Goyle.

Jonathan did not care about them.

After Hermione left the box was silent and there is no one to disturb him.

It was peaceful but it was lonely at the same time.

Jonathan did not like this feeling and decided to get some trusted people later to add in to his group later.

He continued to read his book during this time.

In the evening when they are about to arrive at the Hogsmeade station he changed into the school robes.

The Hogwarts train reached the station of Hogsmeade by the time it was getting dark.

There is a big man that looked like a giant waving the lantern in the dim lit platform.

The students are divided and the first years are asked to follow him.

Jonathan got off the train and walked over towards Hagrid and stood at one corner.

Right at that time Neville suddenly went forward to get his toad from the hands of Hagrid.

Hermione immediately remembered about the prediction of Jonathan before and she did not believe it then.

But she believes the predictions of Jonathan now.

Chapter 15: Jonathan black, the son of the traitorous murderer

Hermione immediately remembered about the prediction of Jonathan before and she did not believe it then.

But she believes the predictions of Jonathan now.

Also she was puzzled about why would she hate handsome, charming, mysterious and intelligent boy like Jonathan later because of words from others.

Soon they followed Hagrid on a slippery path going to the side of the lake.

Jonathan doesn’t know what this ceremony is about.

Instead of going straight to the castle in normal path the first year students should go through complicated path and even cross the lake on boats to reach the castle.

Well he has to admit that the night view of the castle is really amazing to look.

But for that going through all this trouble, is it really necessary.

Well he doesn’t know.

Also his face became solemn when he saw the giant squid under the lake is far more concerning factor than the beauty of the castle.

Well anyone would feel fear if they saw a huge monster squid swimming under the boat sailing on a pitch black lake.

If they did not fear about this and can still enjoy the beauty of the magical castle then they are either brave enough to face the monster or they are simply ignorant.

Jonathan is currently sitting on the same boat of Daphne, Hermione and Neville.

Hermione wanted to ask him about something but she stopped herself because of some doubts.

Any way they finally reached under the castle where there is a corridor with a stair case leading to the top.

They moved on under the instructions of Hagrid.

Hagrid did not know Jonathan so he did not recognize Jonathan.

As for Draco, he is having his pride with his eyes and nose toward the sky speaking with Crabbe and Goyle.

On the other hand Jonathan was silent and mixed in the students.

Daphne is standing by his side.

Hermione has already moved on forward with the group.

Jonathan whispered in Daphne’s ear.

“Don’t worry if we are not in the same house.

But we will always be together during the entire school life.”

Jonathan said to her making her confused and blush for a little while.

As they moved up the corridor they stopped at the top.

The new students are greeted at the castle door by Professor Minerva McGonagall, who tells them they will soon be sorted into their houses.

All Hogwarts students live in one of four houses namely Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, with each house having its own team for Quidditch.

The houses are in a yearlong competition with one another to acquire the most points,

The points are earned by success in Quidditch games and given by teachers for academic achievement and lost for student infractions,

In order to win the House Cup awarded at the end of the year the house has to have most points.

Hermione was a little nervous as she thought that she would be going to be tested.

If she fails she would be returned to her boring life of a normal person.

The first-years wait in an antechamber while McGonagall checks to see whether it is time yet.

The Hogwarts ghosts glide into the room by mistake while debating whether to offer Peeves another chance.

Daphne was shocked by the sudden appearance of ghosts and she grabbed the hand of Jonathan for a moment.

Jonathan did not fear as he was anticipating them.

The students are led to the Great Hall, where the entire school and a battered old hat on a stool are waiting for them.

When the students try on the Sorting Hat, it announces the house in which they are placed.

Harry becomes very nervous.

He has learned that he does not care for Slytherin house, as the students in it are unpleasant and Voldemort once belonged to Slytherin.

Actually this was not his original thoughts but the prejudice created by Hagrid and other that he met during this time has created this kind of thoughts in his mind.

So he started to despise Slytherin from the bottom of his heart.

When Hermione was sorted into the Gryffindor, Ron was displeased.

He did not like the girl that fuels his inferiority complex.

Also she is too upright and proud or herself, for him to becomes friends with her.

During the call out of the names many people have different anticipations.

At that time Jonathan’s name was called.

“Jonathan black”

As soon as his name was called the place became quite.

Not many people know about this matter but anyone that listened to the matter related to Sirius black knows about the black name.

As for the identity of Jonathan, it can be easily identified by the people present.

He is the only heir of black family currently present.

So immediately things are connected to him and he gained the name, “The son of the murderer”

The students in the great hall started whisper while Jonathan did not show any emotion on his face and walked straight to the stool and sat on it.

Even professor McGonagall was in dazed state for a moment before putting the hat on the top of Jonathan’s head.

At that moment the eyes of Jonathan were very calm but the thoughts in his mind are showing hero saving the beauty, love….

All the qualities of Gryffindor appeared in his mind as if he was self hypnotized.

On the other hand he also strongly thought of going to Gryffindor.

The reason for this is not to become close to harry but to get the invisibility cloak that Harry gets for this Christmas.

There are many cloaks of invisibility.

But they would lose their invisibility quality over time.

Only the invisibility cloak that Harry gets is the real one from the deathly hallows.

Jonathan wanted to switch the fake invisibility cloak with the one he has from his grandmother.

This would not disrupt the plot and he would get the original invisibility cloak.


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