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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 16: which house did he sort to?

Jonathan wanted to switch the fake invisibility cloak with the one he has from his grandmother.

This would not disrupt the plot and he would get the original invisibility cloak.

For that and few more things, he needs to be in the Gryffindor.

The biggest cover of a white villain is his capabilities to stay popular and appear pure no matter what in the public.

This is his greatest shield that can help him stay protected from all kinds of problems.

While this is happening Hermione that already sat at the Gryffindor table understood why she would hate Jonathan.

It was because the black family is pure blood supremacist and he is the son of a murderer.

Normally any person that knows the details of Jonathan would form a negative impression of him.

So it is not possible to hate him for this.

On the other hand Hermione did not think that Jonathan black was a bad person.

He said she would hate him because of his background.

But in reality he is not a bad person at all.

Also she is a muggle born wizard, which is unacceptable to pure blood wizard family like black family.

Well her thoughts are complicated right now.

While she is thinking many on the Slytherin were also thinking about Jonathan black.

“You have a strange mind”

The worlds of the sorting hat appeared in his mind.

“You have many qualities of the good but your mind is sinister.

You are a good man but that was darkened to the point of no return.

You have not just stepped into the abyss but took a deep dip.

Slytherin is the best house for you.

But since you want to be a Gryffindor then Gryffindor it is.”

As Jonathan heard the words of the sorting hat it finally made the decision for Jonathan.


The sorting hat announced loudly.

The people became dazed again as this is something unexpected and they were actually shocked.

How could Jonathan from the black family enter Gryffindor?

It was not strange as Sirius black the father of Jonathan black was also from the Gryffindor.

But the hard part is that Sirius black is a mass murdered.

Most of the people present thought that the sorting hat has made a mistake.

But none of them spoke.

Jonathan slowly got up and walked to the Gryffindor table without any change of expression.

He did not have a mood swing and no one can tell if he is angry or happy.

At the Gryffindor table none has welcomed him like they did to other students.

The professors can see the difference but none of them spoke.

This is the affair of the students and it has to be solved by the students.

They cannot meddle into their affairs and make people harmonious.

It would not happen.

Since it is like this they directly ignored the matter all together and continued with the sorting.

On the other hand Ron that is beside Harry told him what the people because like this because of knowing the Jonathan’s name.

Also when he learnt that the death of his parents is related to the father of Jonathan he became angrier.

But he could not do anything.

He is going to ask Jonathan about this matter later.

But he also understood the important thing that is Jonathan has never met with his father since birth.

So he could not be angry towards Jonathan.

On the other hand he was thinking that Jonathan is also just like his father that would be a traitor once trusted.

Because of this their opinion towards Jonathan has dropped to all time low.

It is like saying that the son of a thief might become a thief.

Since his father is a traitor and murderer then he might be a traitor and murdered in the future.

This is the typical mentality of foolish (Ron) and impulsive (Harry) people.

In the great hall many people are not like that.

But they would not show their good will immediately.

One has to earn the respect on their own and then they could become close.

As for the impulsive and foolish people they are simply useless.

Jonathan did not bother with anyone and started to do his own thing peacefully.

Hermione on the side did not avoid him and sat right next to him.

As for Neville, he has heard the prediction of Jonathan before.

So he is also on the side of Jonathan to some extent but he is not completely on Jonathan’s side.

He sat opposite to Jonathan and did not speak about it.

He was not close to death eaters and he did not usually get close to people under normal circumstances.

No matter what in terms of appearance Jonathan was very pleasing to look.

Soon Harry and Ron were sorted into Gryffindor while Draco, pansy, Daphne were sorted to Slytherin.

Daphne looked a little gloomy but when she remembered the words of Jonathan before she thought of something.

When she checked the time table of the classes, both Slytherin and Gryffindor will be given classes at the same time.

So they will be in the same class except for the sleeping arrangements.

This made her happy.

Everyone sits down to a grand feast to begin the year.

Jonathan showed little excitement towards the variety of luscious food served.

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the resident ghost of Gryffindor.

He is popularly known as Nearly Headless Nick because of a botched decapitation.

He introduces himself to the first-year students of Gryffindor and tells them he hopes they will win the house championship this year.

While they are having desert they started to talk about their lives.

Neville Longbottom tells how his family thought he was a Squib until he survived a fall from a window.

Another person that always blows up the things in the original plot called Seamus Finnigan talks about how his father.

His father was a Muggle, was shocked when he found out his wife was a witch.

Chapter 17: a qualified villain and a cannon fodder villain

Another person that always blows up the things in the original plot called Seamus Finnigan talks about how his father.

His father was a Muggle, was shocked when he found out his wife was a witch.


Not many people are paying attention to Jonathan during this time as he continued to eat his food and dessert while listening to the words of the surrounding people.

After dessert, Dumbledore gets up to make his welcome speech.

He then spoke about some of the restrictions of Hogwarts.

He adds a few warnings about staying away from the Forbidden Forest and avoiding the 3rd-floor corridor on the right side of the school.

It is simply saying that I have prepared a special training program along with publicity elevation program for the protagonist.

You are not allowed to spoil it other than watching the show and get fascinated by the protagonist the Harry potter.

Jonathan really hates this kind of plot nonsense.

It is especially so for the things arranged by Dumbledore.

With that over everyone was sent to the respective common rooms where their dorms are connected.

The first years are led to the Gryffindor common room by Percy that became prefect recently.

Jonathan has his special thoughts towards Percy.

Percy is an ambitious boy.

At first he was infatuated with Penelope and then in the later days he went on to marry a woman from the pure blood family that can support his ambitions.

As for Penelope, she is from a muggle family with middle class background.

So she was directly abandoned when he lost his infatuation.

Jonathan being a villain can use this point for his advantage later.

So he kept this thing in his mind.

But for now he would not make a move.

On the way, the Gryffindor house students run into Peeves, a Poltergeist.

Upon arriving at the Gryffindor common room door they meet the Fat Lady in the portrait that lets them into Gryffindor Tower after Percy gives her the password.

Before going to the female dorm Hermione came to Jonathan and said ‘good night’ silently and left quickly.

The people cannot decide the bed that they wanted.

It was already arranged with names and luggage that was already placed beside the bed.

So that is there designated bed.

Jonathan is coincidentally in the same room as Harry potter.

There is also Ron, Neville and Seamus in the same room.

Jonathan doesn’t think it was coincidence.

But he cannot just change rooms.

Things are fixed.

So he did not say much and only introduced himself only after Neville and Seamus talked to him.

After that he directly slept.

That day is finally over.

Both Harry and Ron appeared to be cursed to lose directions.

Whenever they go out they would never make it to class in time.

Something always goes wrong for them.

As for Jonathan it is not a problem at all.

He has already memorized all the important things at Hogwarts School and he can find his way around the school without any problem.

Also Jonathan specifically looked for the location of the school caretaker Argus Filch.

This place has the marauder’s map that he wanted to get it.

Any way it belongs to his father as much as belongs to Harry.

So he wanted to get this thing for himself.

During the time of classes Jonathan listened to it carefully.

Knowledge is always useful and even if he already knows everything there are things that are always out of books and know by experience of the teachers.

Jonathan listened attentively.

The two men benches were arranged in all classes and Jonathan straight away sat by the side of Daphne which made her happy.

On the other hand Hermione sat in the same place as she usually sits.

The history class is boring but Jonathan was not bored.

He is doing two things at the same time.

One is planning his future moves and the second is collecting his doubts about the magic of this world.

Why does he need to know the origin of magic?

Well it is very simple.

Based on the original plot the protagonist of this world did not seem to think of getting his hands on the origin of magic.

At the same time Voldemort is more interested in power than going through the origin of magic.

This means that neither of them are the original protagonist or villain of this world.

More like they are some, timeline protagonist or the villain.

They are like fleeting characters that appear for their own story just like formation of a fairy tale or something like that.

Other than that they did not have a bigger role.

Their entire story revolves around two things one is the Horcrux magic and the second is the items of the deathly hallows.

As long as Jonathan puts his fingers in any of these two matters, he would definitely be implicated.

Other than that, he would have to find the other protagonists and villains of this world.

For that he has to touch the origin of the magic.

A qualified villain should always have to keep his eyes on the bigger picture of the world.

Instead of a single plot like a cannon fodder villain that appears fleetingly and dies a shortly after just like his father in this plot.

Sirius was introduced in the third part as a villain at the beginning and redeems himself as the good person in the end.

Naturally he died later without achieving anything like a stupid cannon fodder.

Jonathan doesn’t want to be a part of this small thing instead he wanted to step into the big picture and fight his way for the supremacy over the world.

He did not believe that all the gods, demons and other beings that should originally be there would vanish out of thin air without even leaving their bodies.

So his first target should be the origin of magic that was found at various places of the world.

Chapter 18: transfiguration class cat with golden circles around the eyes

He did not believe that all the gods, demons and other beings that should originally be there would vanish out of thin air without even leaving their bodies.

So his first target should be the origin of magic that was found at various places of the world.

Based on the oldest records of this world the first one started in Africa, and there are others in India, Mayan…

Going to this places and finding out the information from here would give him the connections to the truth.

But it is not the time to think about it as he listened to the history of magic less from professor Binns.

Also there is information related to magic that did not require wand usage too.

In his first Transfiguration class on Thursday,

Professor Mcgonagall turned into a cat and sat on the desk looking at the students that are entering the class.

If you observe closely there is a mark of glasses on the eyes of the cat which professor McGonagall wears.

If they know the basics of Animagus then they can tell that the cat is professor McGonagall.

Jonathan actually wanted to laugh at the strange cat with round circle around its eyes.

But Jonathan held back so that his image would not be damage easily.

Unfortunately Ron and Harry are stupid enough to lose their way coming to the class and even commenting on professor Mcgonagall.

So they got reprimanded before the class starts.

Professor McGonagall transfigures her desk into a pig and then back again.

While explaining how Transfiguration itself is some of the most complex and dangerous magic to be learned,

She also warned that anyone who will get caught messing around with it will have to be banned from the class.

The entire class is very impressed.

But soon they realized that they are not going to be changing furniture into animals.

They are going to turn a matchstick into a needle.

Originally in the entire class only Hermione should succeed in this and all the other people would be clueless on what to do.

This includes Draco as none of the people are good at fundamentals even with all the pre education that noble kids received.


Host, make your choice,

Option 1: do not show your capabilities during the class;

Host would become more introverted.

Option 2: complete the transfiguration before Hermione but do not share the experience;

Host would be rewarded with 10 house points and host will become popular in both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Option 3: complete the transfiguration before Hermione but do not share the experience;

Host would be rewarded with 20 house points,

Host will become popular in both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Host will receive 10 percent improvement in transfiguration mastery towards moderate level


Skill levels are divided into 5 parts from novice, moderate, proficient, master and god levels.

Immediately Jonathan chose the third option as he already knows how to turn the matchstick into a needle perfectly.

The process is to convert the texture of the wood to that of the metal.

The compression of wood to the density of metal and then change its original nature is hard work to do.

Fortunately he has the comprehension skill that is in master level.

It let him study the process easily and comprehend the key points of the process of transfiguration.

So he was able to achieve it.

It was really hard work and Jonathan understood on how difficult the process is.

Hermione was able to achieve it so quickly shows how talented she actually is.

But if one thing is good something would naturally be bad.

Her intelligence is good in studies.

But the emotional level and trust level are a little problematic.

If not she would have discovered the true nature of Jonathan from his gentle facade.


When Jonathan completed professor McGonagall was impressed and Gryffindor received 10 points for Jonathan’s achievement.

At the same time Jonathan started to teach Daphne Greengrass on how to transfigure the matchstick into a needle.

Hermione that is sitting in front of them looked at Jonathan for a moment and she asked Jonathan for help.

Professor McGonagall did not object Jonathan from sharing his experience.

So Jonathan spoke about his experience in simple words.

Both Hermione and Daphne are intelligent people and they immediately succeeded.

This made professor McGonagall happy again gave him another 10 points for his good deeds.

Her opinion of Jonathan changed for the better and the influence on her opinion of him that came from his father Sirius has faded a little.

The good image is the investment of a white villain for the future deeds he does.

So he has to accumulate them slowly.

On the other hand Harry and Ron are sulking because they were unable to do that even after listening to the words of Jonathan.

Daphne and Hermione completed the transfiguration easily.

Even pansy was able to do it before the end of the class.

The reason why Harry was unable to do is because of hatred he has towards Jonathan because of Sirius.

As for Ron, he is simply jealous and he flunked the entire thing.

On the next day there is another class for the combined Slytherin and Gryffindor.

It is the defense against dark arts class with professor Quirrell.

Most people are actually looking forward to this class because of knowing about the dark arts.

Unfortunately it has become a joke.

The main thing that was taught or to be more precise the only thing they got from the class are the cowardly experiences of professor Quirrell.

Everything is about his sad adventurers related to a vampire in Romania, an African prince that gave him his turban for clearing some zombie.

Well just like that the day ended.

On the next day Hedwig brought a letter to Harry while Jonathan also received a letter from Goldy.

It was from wily.

It seems to have collected the materials that Jonathan asked it to.

Chapter 19: first flying class

It was from wily.

It seems to have collected the materials that Jonathan asked it to.

As for the money, they already had some on their hands.

Well most of the things are stolen.

Where did you see that villain would pay the money for the goods?

Villain is meant to deceive other people and that is exactly what he does.

In the school Jonathan has to do many things and the time he has is not enough for him to complete all these things.

So he usually uses a time turner to solve this problem.

The time turner he has is given to him by his grandmother from the secret artifacts of black family.

Do only ministry of magic has time turners.

The pure blood families also had them.

It is especially so for the pure blood families with long linage in the history.

He specifically asked her for this time turner.

Using this timer turner the maximum time he can go back outside the bounds of time is only 5 hours.

He has been using this to study many things over the years.

Even in the Malfoy family he used the inferior invisibility cloak along with time turner to sneak around the library of Malfoy family.

Well the normal library without any old dark magic books that is open for him and Draco.

This is a reason why Jonathan’s growth is a little abnormal.

Every day he would spend extra 5 hours to do various things.

This has happened for more than 7 years which let him age for extra 12775 hours.

This is equals to 532+ days that is more than a year.

So he looks a year older than his appearance.

Based on the normal time line he is still 12 year old.

But his physical and mental age is over 13 year old.

Hermione also suffered this thing a little.

Fortunately she only stayed out of bounds of time in her third year for only 45+ days all in total hours.

This would not let her age much but she is already older compared to many students on the same class.

She was born in September so technically she is over 9 months older than Harry.

For that matter she is also older than Jonathan but not now.


Friday they have potions class.

Jonathan arrived early and occupied his place as usual.

Except for Harry, Snape would not bother with anyone for the time being.

So Jonathan peacefully sat beside Daphne without any problem.

When a Slytherin and a Gryffindor sat beside each other harmoniously why would anyone quarrel about this?

Fortunately the number of students is in odd numbers.

Originally Jonathan should not present in this world a poor Slytherin has to do his or her things alone.

Now this was solved with the presence of Jonathan.


Harry was mocked by Snape and Jonathan did not show any thoughts of making a move.

As usual Draco answered and he was given points.

Things are solved.

The system is also silent and did not issue any choices.

So he let things go.

After that he went to library to learn more from the advances study materials in the library.

The most useful thing about Hogwarts is that there are many useful things here for him to read.

His target is to see if he can find some clues about magic origin.

But the more he read the less he find.

His theoretical knowledge is deep and some of the things here were easily comprehended by him.

But all of this was research material on some inventions and other nonsense.

Jonathan knows that the most important things are not left out in the plain sight.

Most probably the thing he is looking for is in the restricted section.

He did not have the authority to go there.

So he simply studied other books to acquire more knowledge.

Just like that 2 weeks has gone by.

Now they are having the flying class.

It is a joint class with Slytherin and Gryffindor as usual.

Madam Hooch leads the class, gently sending the new fliers off the ground.

Jonathan knows that his time has come to make his move and gain his first friend from the Gryffindor.

Even though it was 2 weeks into the school Jonathan did not gain even a single proper friend from Gryffindor.

Even though there is Hermione that speaks to him it was just nominal and did not get too deep.

After the previous experience sharing in the transfiguration class the students would speak to him from time to time.

But none of them has formed friendship with him.

Today the situation is different.

He is going to save Neville and gain the popularity in both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Right at that time madam hooch told all the students to get on the brooms but not to fly.

Jonathan got on the broom.

At the same time his wand is ready to cast the levitation charm to stop Neville from falling.

Right then Neville’s broom started to run amok.

It did all kinds of feats in the sky as if it was professionally trained broomstick.


Host, make your choice,

Option1: do not save Neville; host would not be able to make any friends for another 2 weeks

Option 2: save Neville from falling; host gains another 10 house points for Gryffindor and the reputation of the host increases by 10 percent.

Option 3: save Neville and stop the Rememberall crystal ball of Neville falling into the hands of Draco.

The show off and face slapping plot for the protagonist would be gone,

Protagonist Harry potter would not be selected into the Quidditch team in the first year.

Host gains moderate level flying skill along with 10 house points for Gryffindor and good reputation from the surrounding people.


Jonathan wanted to laugh at the situation but he held back because this time he is here to make a good name instead of having negative impression.

Chapter 20: professor flit wick became interested

Jonathan wanted to laugh at the situation but he held back because this time he is here to make a good name instead of having negative impression.

He immediately chose the third option and it was more valuable to him than other things.

After making the choice Jonathan started to wait for the opportunity.

During one of those feats the brook went over a guardian statue near the hall and Neville’s robe got stuck to those swords of the stone guardian.

Jonathan took the opportunity to take out the wand that looked like the freshly broken stem of a plant.

Right when Neville was about to fall Jonathan waved his wand and everyone heard his incantation of the levitation spell.

“Wingardium Leviosa”

Neville that should fall on the ground started to float and Jonathan slowly let him fall on the ground without a strong impact.

But still Neville was dizzy and the Rememberall crystal ball on his hand fell down.

Jonathan once again cast the levitation spell to get his hands on the Rememberall crystal ball that Draco wanted to snatch when it is rolling on the ground.

Draco looked at Jonathan with sinister eyes wanting to attack Jonathan.

But he stopped because of the number of people present.

On the other hand madam hooch came to Neville taking care of his situation.

Fortunately he was not injured and he was only dizzy.

Madam hooch looked at Jonathan with much appreciation and said.

“Gryffindor would get 10 points for Jonathan’s act of saving Neville in critical situation.

The class would be stopped here.

No one causes any trouble next.

Stay where you are and wait for me to come back.

Also, there is no flying with the brooms when I am not around.

Anyone that violates the rules would be banned from my class and Quidditch selections.”

Then she wanted to take Neville to the infirmary to check the situation properly.

It is so that there is no hidden injury or danger.

Right then Jonathan called her.

“Madam Hooch, wait a minute….”

Jonathan said this and wanted to walk towards her with the Rememberall crystal ball.

But Harry and Ron the impulsive duo stepped forward and said.

“That is the Rememberall crystal ball of Neville, give it here and we will give it back to him when he returns.”

Harry said with an angry face with hatred clearly written on it.

Jonathan did not even bother to answer to Harry and Ron and walked toward madam hooch.

Then Jonathan gave the Rememberall crystal ball to her and asked her to give it back to Neville when he wakes up.

She looked at him appreciating.

Her prejudice towards Jonathan has already diminished more than half.

After that he returned back to the crowd without any emotional fluctuations.

It is as if he has not done something to be proud about but a normal thing to do as usual.

The surrounding students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin came to him and started to tell him how impressed they are.

At the same time some of them started to form friends with Jonathan.

Well not thick friends but superficial friends.

Even pansy and her gang of bully girls also came to speak to Jonathan with a positive opinion.

With the two times of getting popularity bonus Jonathan is perfectly on the positive side 20 percent popularity bonus.

When it reaches 100 percent no one would believe even if he did something bad unless they saw it with their own eyes or proved it with evidence.

The starting is easy but the more he moves forward the slower the pace of improvement is.

100 percent popularity and trust is his goal that is needed for many of his future plans to work.

So Jonathan is working hard for this.

At the same time he received the rewards for his choice.

Well one of them from madam hooch, one from the surrounding people and the third from the system.

During the entire time Jonathan directly ignored Harry potter and Ron completely.

He did not even give them a reply for their words or retaliated against them.

It is as if they were treated as air.

This made Harry even angrier but he restrained himself from doing anything stupid.

On the other hand Ron directly hid behind Harry with red face because some people glared at them when they spoke to Jonathan like that.

The sarcastic and angry faces of others along with the looks of despise made him flustered.

So he could not show his face to others right now.

With this move of Jonathan the youngest seeker title that Harry should have was broken.

Based on his enquiry the system told Jonathan that Harry has master level of flying skill from the very start as hereditary bonus in the potter’s family.

Jonathan would not let Harry enter into the Quidditch so easily.

As for his entry it is a different matter.

After the class Jonathan went to the hospital wing to find Neville that is still resting.

He spoke to Madam Poppy Pomfrey about the situation of Neville and even spoke to Neville before leaving.

Neville would stay in the hospital wing for the day to completely check the situation.

During the dinner time the deeds of Jonathan has spread throughout the school and the impression of people towards him has changed greatly.

There is no more piercing gazes towards him or anything else.

There are a few claps from people that appreciated his act of saving someone.

Professor Flitwick became interested in on how Jonathan casted the spell without being taught.

Technically this is a spell that requires wand movement.

Before joining the school they would not be able to get a wand.

Even if they wanted to use the wand of his parents, Jonathan is an orphan.

So where does Jonathan get the skill.

“Is it the talent in casting charms and spell?”

He muttered with shining eyes looking toward Jonathan that is calmly eating his dinner.


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