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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 1: the darkened good man

In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities.

The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains.

The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people.


A good man from a poor family, (as usual)

From childhood he did not have enough food to eat and lived the life of bottom feeder.

Studying is hard for him but he hoped for better days.

In high school he fell in love with a bitch,

To be precise she purposefully came to him for ill motives.

First is to make him unable to study and let her lover take the first place.

For that she willingly acted as his girl friend.

The man slowly lost himself in the love of the woman.

Well he did not have any love from the childhood.

So this love moved him and made him deviate from his studies.

When she achieved her goal she directly abandoned him and went back to the second generation rich man.

Their mocking smile made him angry that almost made him do something disastrous for his life.

But he stopped himself after his reasoning won his inner turmoil.

With his reasoning thoughts he calmed down and completed his high school at the age of 19.

A year is spoiled because of that bitch and the second generation bastard.

As he entered the society he saw the people always wanting to suppress him and use him.

Instead of gaining he started to lose everything that he worked hard for.

The incident when all of his hard work was directly given to his slutty colleague has made him see through the essence of life and has embarked on the life of a scum.

This is the difference between a villain and a protagonist.

He did not get any lucky encounter or opportunities like those protagonists in his lowest times.

Only then he understood that this world is bad for good people.

It is said that the good people die early.

It is not that good people die early but the surrounding people would send them out of this world early.

He started to plan and act with his darkened personality.

He was careful to not to damage his body and use it to go to bed with the wives of those bosses and female bosses irrespective of their age.

He maintained his fitness and handsomeness of the body and knows that the male body would not be use excessively would make him lose his virility.

On the other hand he can slowly gain the things he wanted playing with the milfs.

He climbed the social hierarchy using his body and thoughts of a scum villain.

He became the top man of a financial company at the age of 28.

He took the opportunity to become the husband of a middle aged woman that has a son for her money.

Soon that haughty middle aged woman and her arrogant son were gone in a car accident.

That is just the start he maintained many affairs with many rich people climbing the powers of the world.

For that he did everything and became a scum that many people feared.

He cucked many men that wanted to use him and used them instead.

He became powerful enough to take his revenge on the bitch that abandoned him in the high school when he was young.

The woman became miserable and desperate till she begged him to let her and her family go.

But he never let her go.

There is no death but there is no life to her either.

Not only this woman but also the second generation rich that made the women do was also taken care off.

Jonathan got the wife of this man and he did not even leave the milf mother of the second generation rich man.

All of his property and everything that this second generation had was completely taken by him.

He was left to become a beggar on the streets.

He created circumstances to the point where the second generation rich died because of anger and regret.

As for the slutty woman that took credit for all of his work was in a similar situation where no one knows her current situation.

Since she wanted to a slut then he let her be a slut full time.

On the other hand those fat lewd idiots that transferred his credits to that slutty woman had it worse.

Their third legs were cut off and their families are also gone for good.

He is having a good life with many beauties and hotties, but still unmarried at the age of 35.

He observed that even with all his fitness his body started to lose its strength.

He did not stop exercising to keep his body fit but he cannot reverse the age and time.

When he was sighing he wished that there is a better way to solve the things an unexpected thing happened.

The protagonist of this world appeared.

Feeling that he is on the righteous side the darkened good person that became a villain was finally killed by the protagonist that actually joined hands with other villains.

Only then did the darkened good person understand that he did not achieve the pinnacle of being a villain.

He died with regret that he did not live long enough even after understanding the reality of the world.

He found that he was only at the basic level and he was still far from the shamelessness of the protagonist of the world.

Even in death he wanted to have another chance to fight with the world.

His soul floated in the world looking at the situation after his death.

Many things happen but he was forgotten by the world in few days.

Chapter 2: villain choice system

His soul floated in the world looking at the situation after his death.

Many things happen but he was forgotten by the world in few days.

Even thought he died protagonist and those villains are not safe and happy sharing his wealth.

The reason for this is that he has already prepared his plan B just in case if he died.

Since he did not have anyone of his own and prepared the will saying that all of his money was distributed to the people that are really struggling in the society right after his death.

This was already submitted to the court before his death and many copies of this will was sent to the people that he wanted to give his property.

At the same time the condition for gaining the money is to submit the dark material of the protagonist and villains that caused his death.

This will only work after his death.

All of this was previously arranged and was put in electronic media form.

With his death this information would be sent to the relevant people online and offline as he requested before.

With that protagonist and those other villain suffered a huge blow in the next 10 days after his death.

The people that received his wealth were happy and his bad name was completely cleared.

A true villain is actually the villain that stands on the bright side of the world.

With his death he simply reversed the entire situation and black and white of the world based on his needs.

Looking at this he started to laugh happily.

But he regretted that he did not eliminate that protagonist and those little villains and has to resort to this final contingency plan.

While sighting his soul entered a dark place he suddenly heard a mechanical sound.


Congratulations host,

You are the best person suited to become the host of the villain choice system.”

The soul was a little shocked and became excited.

At that time a bright space crack appeared and the soul was sucked in before questioning the system.

When he opened his eyes he was already 2 years old kid that got his head bumped.

Most probably the previous owner of the body died at that time and the soul of this villain replaced the kid.

The most shocking thing is that there is a strange creature taking care of him.

He has seen this creature in a movie in his previous life.

Can’t villain see a movie with his mistress?

One of his mistresses is actually a harry potter enthusiast and he was dragged to see the movie.

He also heard many things from her and her opinion of many important points of this Harry potter series.

Most enthusiasts would imagine themselves entering in to their favorite world and think on how they change this world.

His mistress is one of those people and her version of the entire series and many places where she wanted to replace the things and change the story was said to him during their chats.

He actually tried to get her because of her father is a high ranking business man that he required cooperation to suppress those protagonists.

Fortunately he remembers all of her nonsense and recognized the creature in front of him.

This should be Kreacher.

Immediately the memories of the kid returned to his mind.

Immediately he understood he is the son of Sirius black and Mary Goldsman.

He is called Jonathan black.

But he remembers that there is no son for Sirius black.

Only then did he found out that he was the son from one of the affairs of Sirius black before the big things happen.

At that time Mary Goldsman accidentally became pregnant and she decided to give birth to him.

Unfortunately she died giving birth to him.

She is the only heir of the pure blooded family of Goldsman and she informed this matter to the mother of Walburga Black before giving birth to Jonathan black.

Since she is the only heir of a pure blood family, Walburga Black accepted her as the daughter in law.

After the death of Mary Goldsman, Walburga Black took care of Jonathan black.

He is currently in the black house under the care of his grandmother Walburga Black a pure blood enthusiast.

That is the reason he was accepted as her grandson.

As for his current injury,

He was actually pushed by Draco Malfoy when they are playing just now and hit his head hard on a rock.

While he is thinking of these things he suddenly heard the voice of the system

“Please make your first choice.

Option 1: Push the blame of your injury to Draco Malfoy; you will be rewarded with 1000 gold Galleons.

Option 2: push the blame to Crabbe and Goyle; you will receive +2 percent critical hit in everything you wanted.”

It is not much of a choice to make.

He immediately made his choice.

He pushed the blame to Crabbe and Goyle,

This would not give him the support of Draco instead it would give him the support of Narcissa that knows the truth.

Jonathan knows that Walburga Black would die around 1985.

After that Lucius Malfoy would try his best to become his legal guardian.

This way he would be the guardian of the wealth of two pure blood families of black family and Goldsman family.

As for Jonathan he understood this fact and wants to keep good with Malfoy family just in case.

Considering all these things he chose this decision.

Also the benefits of critical even though it is just 2 percent increase are more than the benefits that he can get from 1000 gold galleons of money.

So it is a decisive choice.

With that Crabbe and Goyle were scolded by Walburga Black and even their parents were scolded.

But they cannot retaliate against Walburga Black because of the power she has in her hands being a pure blood enthusiast.

Chapter 3: world has rules and knowing the rules is a strength

With that Crabbe and Goyle were scolded by Walburga Black and even their parents were scolded.

But they cannot retaliate against Walburga Black because of the power she has in her hands being a pure blood enthusiast.

Also they are wealthy.

So they can only endure the scolding.

Jonathan did not say anything more and acted like he lost his consciousness.

His mind and soul were exhausted and his head is still hurting so he simply slept without caring about anything.

When he woke up it was already evening and he simply had something to eat.

His head is already healed by the nurse from St Mungo's Hospital.

Naturally they should go to hospital but the prestige of the black family can call the nurse home for treatment.

Well either for good or bad the black family has its prestige.

In the evening Jonathan sorted out the things first and then started to think of his next plan.

The problem is that his grandmother would die in the year 1985.

Then he would not have anyone to rely on.

So he has to either show his capabilities at a young age or try to think of a way to make some early preparations.

He is the only heir to the black family right now and it is the same with the Goldsman family of his mother.

Well even though series black is still there his grandmother would not leave him anything as long as he is present.

Now both the inheritances are being taken care of by his grandmother.

But he cannot suddenly come in front of her and say.

“Hey grandmother, I am an intelligent person with knowledge in finance and other things you know.”

If he really did that then his grandmother would suspect him to be either an imposter or he is some sort of evil spirit that took over his grandson’s body.

Jonathan did not want that to happen.

So he came up with another solution.

Show the intelligence in a step by step process to make people think that he was an intelligent kid from the very beginning.

This can cover the eyes of many people but he doesn’t know he could cover the eyes of his grandmother.

But hey he is the big villain,

Can an old woman that is only thinking of pure blood to the point of abandoning her own son really find his true nature?

With his psychological assurance he started to act from that very day.

The first thing he did was to understand the current world properly.

This is the most important information he wanted to get.

The rules of the world are very rigid and are protected by the world.

It is just like the rule,

What 9 people out of 10 believed to be truth would become the truth.

But there is an exception to this rule that is if the tenth person is strong enough to rule out the remaining 9 then what he says becomes the truth.

This is the rule of the world that is ever changing between the two sides.

The first case is actually the democracy, while the second side is the monarchy.

What Jonathan wanted to become is actually the villain in the bright side.

That is a monarchy in the democracy through underhanded tricks and deception.

This is what he is good at and what he learnt from the world that stepped on him.

This is the only lesson that he learnt from all the hardships in his life before.

Based on his memories he can read with his current knowledge and his writing still needs some work.

The rich people have the preparation of their own for their younger generation.

Everyday other than socializing with other pure blood family kids, he also studies many things from the teachers appointed by his grandmother.

He called Kreacher to bring the books based on his memory.

These are the basic knowledge books.

He started to read the book.

He doesn’t have to put too much concentration and quickly read through the book coupled with his knowledge as an adult.

On the next day he answered the questions from the teachers quickly and solved the problems faster.

For his small improvement and change he attributed it to the previous self that has acted too lazy.

So when he appeared to be enthusiastic he showed his brilliance just to the acceptable limits.

This made the teachers praise him in front of his grandmother.

For the next month he completely devoted to studying.

Every day he made unexpected progress.

Unknowingly he actually completed the 6 months projected progress in lessons in just a month.

When they realized at the month end checks they were shocked.

Even his grandmother is shocked.

Immediately she thought of a possibility.

When two powerful wizards marry and gave birth to a child, the child can be a great wizard, a normal wizard or a non wizard called a squib.

His grandson seems to be having the potential of a great wizard.

She immediately became excited and let his grandson make a wish from her for his achievement and this happy occasion.

Jonathan immediately told her that he wanted to gain more knowledge into all forms of things like financing, magic, medicine, artifact crafting, alchemy……..

Jonathan’s thirst for knowledge was much appreciated by his grandmother thinking that his grandson would be the most knowledgeable person that leads their falling family into greatness.

Well their family was a complete mess right now and it needs to step back on track of improvement.

For that they need to have a strong heir with enough knowledge and power to deter all kinds of people.

Looking at Jonathan she felt that Jonathan is such an heir.

So she immediate accepted Jonathan’s request for knowledge.

The previous teachers also started to teach him something more advanced instead of elementary school knowledge that they previously taught him.

They thought that this knowledge was completely useless for Jonathan as he excelled in basics.

Chapter 4: deceive Walburga Black

The previous teachers also started to teach him something more advanced instead of elementary school knowledge that they previously taught him.

They thought that this knowledge was completely useless for Jonathan as he excelled in basics.

But do you thing that the old grandmother that can sit on the top of black family till now is an idiot.

She is not and she did fulfill what Jonathan wanted but all of them are still basics.

She would check on which subjects that his grandson excels and then started to improve him in that direction.

Also her grandson did not show any form of magic out of control situation.

If Jonathan did not show magic, no matter how intelligent he is, it is useless.

These are her thoughts.

But she still let those teachers come and test his limits in all kinds of subjects after Jonathan made the wish.

After the testing they found that Jonathan can reach all the way to the advanced financial management and other normal things.

But for the things related to magic like artifact crafting, alchemy, rune study….are all in the upper basic level.

After understanding the things she was not angry but she thought that her grandson is still a genius.

If it was replaced with any other 2 years old they would not show this kind of performance.

But still Jonathan needs to study more to gain good things in the future.

As for Jonathan the big villain he already knows that the grandmother is testing his capabilities.

But this was all under his calculation.

He already made his point that is his strong point of playing with money and moving money to make more money.

With this assurance he will be able to make her form a will that will bind the inheritance of black family and Goldsman family to him instead of others stealing it.

This little episode is over quickly and it was time for his third birthday.

He was born on July 22, 1980.

At that time series black is outside but everything is chaotic and only his grandmother knows about this as she was there when his mother is giving birth to him.

At that time they did not mention it out because death eaters are looking for the people from order of phoenix.

Her grandmother or her mother doesn’t want him to be implicated for his father.

For a matter of fact his grandmother doesn’t want to think about Sirius that did not listen to her words.

She wanted to directly make his grandson the heir of the black family.

But the condition is that her grandson is a wizard.

If not she would wait till there is a wizard in the family and make him the heir.

But she don’t know that she did not have that long to live.

Well Jonathan doesn’t know her intentions.

All he knows is that she wants him to be a wizard.

On his third birthday many people were called and an incident happened.

That is Daphne Greengrass with her cute silver hair and princess dress was about to slip and fall off.

Jonathan saw this and wanted to catch her from falling back.

Jonathan suddenly a strange force emitted from his body.

At that time the spoon in his hand suddenly elongated like a thread and bind on the wrist of the stretched hand of Daphne stopping her from falling back.

With this incident Walburga Black confirmed that Jonathan is not a squib.

This confirmation made her happier than anything during her old days.

This also made Lucius looked at Jonathan with more interest.

Being a villain Jonathan might now feel magic properly but he can definitely see through the schemes of those old schemers.

He only smiled inside.

At that same time he was surprised to find what this magic is for the first time.

He would not forget this feeling and tried to use it again.

But he was unable to use it.

He simply pulled Daphne up into his arms and she is really cute.

Jonathan thought about the feeling before and concentrated more again.

This time he succeeded and the lock of the silver spoon finally broke off leaving only the lock on Daphne’s hand like a bracelet.

Well it was quite rough but it still looked like a bracelet.

It matches her dress.

When she is in Jonathan’s arms, he said in her ear.

“Keep it as a souvenir from me little princess.”

After Jonathan said that, Daphne smiled cutely.

Jonathan is an old villain and he can say those cheesy words.

But Daphne is still a kid and cannot understand them.

Jonathan only smiled at her and the party went on.

That night Walburga Black asked Jonathan, if he wanted anything as birthday gift.


Please make the following choice

Option 1: deceive Walburga Black to make a will based on your thoughts; you will be rewarded with comprehension skill (permanent) (master level)

Option 2: don’t deceive Walburga Black before her death; you will lose your wealth from black family and Goldsman family.


But Jonathan told her that he will tell her later.

She was a little puzzled and let things go.

The party went on and Jonathan was very much tired acting like a kid all the time.

But still it was fun to meet so many people that are cute and beautiful.

Well he was only fascinated by Daphne that looked like a doll.

After everyone left there is only his grandmother and the house elf.

Jonathan did not speak about what he wanted to tell but asked her grandmother to a secure place to speak.

His grandmother took him to the study and casted a special enchantment that is sound proof.

With the enchantment Jonathan changed his expression and said.

“Grandmother, before when I accidentally used magic, I had a vision of the future.

It was not a good future and when I look at the people involved they have this greedy expression on their faces that is confirming my vision.”

Chapter 5: vision of future, will of inheritance

“Grandmother, before when I accidentally used magic, I had a vision of the future.

It was not a good future and when I look at the people involved they have this greedy expression on their faces that is confirming my vision.”

When Jonathan said these words the face of his grandmother darkened.

It is possible to have visions when one awakens their connection to magic just like Jonathan did.

Immediately she asked him to explain everything about his vision in detail.

Jonathan started to tell her the lie he previously prepared.

He started with her death in a few years which is 1985 making her expression change.

Then he continued to speak about his thoughts on how Malfoy and the corresponding families would try to take their wealth in the name of being his guardian.

The more she heard the more she frowned.

What Jonathan said has practical possibility of happening as these people are definitely like that.

As for her death, may be it happens or may be it might not.

A vision has the most possibility of happening but they are not absolute.

But still she is not a stupid person.

So she has to make some contingency plans just in case.

Since it is like that and this matter is related to wealth she can speak about this with her grandson that is good at financial studies.

At that moment she even doubted that his grandson specifically leading her to this situation all this time.

But still she did not think that a little kid can do that.

Even if he did it is not a problem because her grandson is pure blood in both body and mentality.

Also he is an intelligent person.

With conflicting thoughts she asked Jonathan on what he wanted her to do in this situation.

That is plan the future if she really dies.

Jonathan immediately explained about his thoughts and the will that she needs to prepare along with the enchantments that can save the wealth of both black and Goldsman families.

Listening to Jonathan’s plan she immediately got the gist of it and it was simply brilliant.

She thought that even if her grandson did not become a strong wizard he can still become a strong business man and help continue the family.

She immediately called the current minister of magic and formed the will.

That is not all she even formed made the strong magic pact to protect the artifacts and possessions of both black family and Goldsman family returned to Jonathan properly at a certain age along with all the wealth.

The wealth would be given to Jonathan completely when he was 15 years old.

Before that he would be given a small amount of funds for his maintenance and other things into a special account in Gringotts.

This account is only accessible for him to receive his funds.

At that time she also bought the shares of the companies that Jonathan said are prospective at a low cost and added them to the will.

All the dividends would still flow into the account of the small funds of Jonathan for him to use.

No guardian can take any of these possessions in the will and break the enchantments without the proper key or spell other than Jonathan.

It is an entire complicated will formed by the thoughts of Jonathan and his grandmother combined.

This has the inheritance rights from both black family and Goldsman family.

As soon as the will is made and is completely in effect, Jonathan received a reward from the choice.

He got the comprehension skill which is very useful to him in many places.

With the new arrangements Jonathan finally calmed down.

First of all his financial plan is successful.

In the future he would become wealthy compared to Malfoy family with the shares of the companies he bought.

As for the money on his hand, later he would buy the shares of the companies outside in the muggle world.

The muggle world is 10 years slower in technology compared to his previous world.

So he was much more confident in doing things.

He wants to be a rich villain.

What wizards fear most are not the other wizards but the growing technology of the muggle world.

The wizard world became stagnant long time ago and the separation between the muggle world and wizard world is the beginning of the downfall of the wizards.

Jonathan would not act foolishly and die down with the pure blood mentality.

He is a greedy person and would not leave things to others and let them dictate his fate.

With that he started to get busy with the studies again with many tutors.

With his magic capabilities revealed it is possible for him to become a wizard and enter Hogwarts.

His future looked promising.

In the next two years he did receive few choices that gave him other skills.

Like his memory increased to master level permanently, critical hit increased by another 8 percent reaching 10 percent in total.

There are a few other similar things.

Also he exercised during this time learning many things in the process.

He also got a special reward for his persistent efforts and helping Kreacher free has given him 1 cubic meter of system space.

Kreacher is free now and it can leave any time it wanted to.

But Jonathan always maintained a good relationship with Kreacher.

It is not a bad house elf but just a little grumpy and timid by nature.

Instead of being a servant without pay Jonathan offered it a job of paid servant and even let him put on some good clothes that made it look like a butler elf rather than a street beggar.

Jonathan did it with the wish he got from his grandmother on his fifth birthday gaining the loyalty of Kreacher instead of that nonsense contract of being house servant.

It has now become a qualified house butler elf standing behind Jonathan.

Chapter 6: Walburga Black died after many preparations

Jonathan did it with the wish he got from his grandmother on his fifth birthday gaining the loyalty of Kreacher instead of that nonsense contract of being house servant.

It has now become a qualified house butler elf standing behind Jonathan.

His grandmother has observed the change in Kreacher and found that it was more loyal to Jonathan and she was convinced.

As for the salary of Kreacher it was 1 gold galleon a year.

But Kreacher then negotiated the price to 12 Sickles a year which is much lower and it did not know.

Jonathan also has a head ache about this matter and decided to teach some basic sense into Kreacher.

At least Kreacher is not so gloomy right now.

As for dobby Jonathan did not made any moves right now.

He would do that later or when he has the time slowly.

There is also Winky from the house of Barty crouch family.

After these arrangements Jonathan concentrated all of his thoughts on studying.

Gaining more knowledge is always useful.

Especially for a wizard knowledge is very important.

Unlike a fighter, a wizard would grow stronger as they grow older because they gain knowledge and experience.

This is what he wanted to gain too…

He did not neglect his body during this time.

When he was 5 years old that is in the year 1985 in the month of September his grandmother was in her last days.

She really became ill and was barely keeping her consciousness.

She was glad that she took the chance to make the will and magic bindings before when her grandson spoke about the vision.

After her death the wealth of the black family would not fall into the hands of other people.

Originally it is like that the wealth of the black family was greater than that of Malfoy family and potters family.

But it was reduced so much all because of the idiot Sirius black that did not have any business talent.

When he was in the prison all the wealth and business was taken by other people leaving nothing.

This time before his grandmother was fallen in to this state he specifically gave her the idea to let Gringotts goblins to manage their businesses with 10 percent fee for handling before Jonathan was at the right age to inherit the things.

For that a magic bond is also formed to keep the goblins from doing some fraud.

With that all the hidden dangers were solved for his wealth.

The combined wealth of both the black family and the Goldsman family can make him the richest man in England.

But for now he did not have anything.

Also the guardian for him this time is luscious Malfoy.

Jonathan is going to stay in the family manor of Lucius Malfoy till he was 18 years old and officially becomes the adult.

This was negotiated by his grandmother with Lucius without telling him about the will.

Even an unbreakable bond is formed between them for the protection of Jonathan.

Lucius is not that intelligent in front of old lady black and was perfectly tricked.

As for Kreacher Jonathan has special task for him.

First is to guard the house of the black family.

Second is to search for the things that Jonathan wanted.

Jonathan has the knowledge memorized over the time and it has information on many rituals.

Kreacher would collect the materials for him and he would perform the rituals later when he has the time.

For now things would be peaceful.

After the death of his grandmother Jonathan was taken to Malfoy mansion to stay.

Narcissa is like his aunt in a way as black and Narcissa are cousins.

Well their relations are complicated so Jonathan decided to call her aunt, Lucius as uncle and Draco as cousin for the time being.

So they would definitely take care of Jonathan.

But once Lucius finds out about the will that can make him unable to get anything would definitely make things worse.

At that time Jonathan’s situation should be similar to the situation of harry potter.

The good thing is that the unbreakable bond would make Malfoy protect Jonathan forever unable to attack Jonathan no matter what.

Even if one day Lucius got a green hat by Jonathan he would not be able to attack Jonathan because of this unbreakable bond with the dead old lady black.

The wand of Walburga Black was also in Jonathan’s possession.

There is also a time turner in his hands.

These things are stored in system space along with some other important things.

All of them were stored in expansion space bag and kept in the system space separately.

Walburga Black gave him the wand voluntarily so Jonathan has the full ownership and allegiance of this wand.

Not all wands have their own thoughts and allegiance only the old wands that were in the hands of powerful wizards for a long time will have these special characteristics.

Jonathan stored the wand and it can be used in emergencies.

His enhanced memory now has information about many magic spell.

He can use them after some practice.

He would use them later when the time is right.

There are many things Jonathan has to do.

For that this is a necessity.

After Jonathan came to the Malfoy mansion Lucius impatiently went to do the handling procedures of the business.

Unfortunately he found the truth only then.

As for why Walburga Black chose Malfoy family is because of two main reasons.

First they are pure blooded family as far as she knows.

Second is that they are still trying their hardest to maintain their reputation in the public along with the unbreakable bond Jonathan would be safe there.

As for other sisters of Narcissa, one was in jail and the other has married a muggle.

As for other relatives, most of them are already dead.

So she did not have a choice in this matter other than sending Jonathan to Malfoy family.

Chapter 7: Lucius lost his manhood, system choice

As for other relatives, most of them are already dead.

So she did not have a choice in this matter other than sending Jonathan to Malfoy family.

After coming to Malfoy’s family, Lucius was quite happy that day.

Even Narcissa showed a rare smile on her cold face.

Usually she always looks like she has face paralysis.

Draco was also well behaved.

It is like a family package.

But on the next day Lucius was so angry that his face was gloomy dripping with water.

He found out about the will of Jonathan’s grandmother that made all of his plans went down the drain.

Naturally the situation of Jonathan was also not that good.

But Lucius cannot make any big moves to deteriorate the situation of Jonathan because of the pact he made with dead black lady.

This caused him to suffer too much and Jonathan is still fire.

Because of this Lucius started to maintain maximum distance from Jonathan.

His restlessness made him unable to satisfy Narcissa.

So this caused rifts in the family.

Originally Narcissa was very close to Lucius.

But now they started to drift because of the irritability caused by his thoughts towards Jonathan.

So he cannot do anything.

On the other hand Jonathan looked much better.

He made friends with dobby quickly and Kreacher did not appear here for the time being.

He is still at number 12 Grimmauld place taking care of the things.

There are no more tutors for Jonathan alone.

He was taught along with Draco based on the promise Lucius made with old lady black.

But Jonathan moved very fast in studies and Draco cannot keep up.

There is a loop hole in this matter that old lady black made in the unbreakable oath that states that Jonathan should be taught to the best of his capabilities by Lucius.

Since Jonathan studies faster, they don’t have a choice but to heir another set of tutors for Jonathan.

Fortunately the money was paid by the study funds managed by the goblins of the Gringotts bank.

Old lady Black only cared about the safety of her grandson but not the wealth that is required for his improvement.

On the other hand she generously kept money for her grandson’s study and improvement.

Many materials are already prepared in advanced for the future studies.

As for the pet they bought a golden back black eagle for him.

It was a ferocious beast that is hard to control but the villain aura from Jonathan is enough to subdue it.

Naturally some creatures can feel the villain aura from him as long as Jonathan wanted them to feel it.

With that the golden back black eagle was subdued by him and it was named Goldy.

It is a female eagle.

It is not with Jonathan right now as it did not have the same protection as Jonathan.

Kreacher is taking care of it along with other things.

Jonathan gave enough money to take care of the things.

On the other hand Jonathan became close to dobby and gave it some candies and other things from time to time.

Everything that Jonathan wanted is in the system space along with huge expansion bags that was filled with many important things inside.

On the first day Jonathan came to the Malfoy house he took the opportunity to slip a medicinal powder that would destroy the manhood of Lucius.

Actually it was the choice that was given by the system.


Host, please make your choice.

Option 1: slip the manhood destruction powder to Lucius Malfoy; reduces of the combined plotting of fox family of Malfoy husband and wife against the host.

Option 2: let them go and do your own thing; get plotted by Malfoy family husband and wife to become disabled in the future.


Narcissa is ruthless but intelligent person.

Even with the unbreakable oath she can find loopholes to attack Jonathan and cause some severe damage for the future.

He cannot trust them even with the protection.

But as long as they are separated things would turn to a different direction.

So he directly made the first choice and took the chance to directly add the medicine into the juice that Jonathan specifically poured for Lucius.

Since Lucius was happy that day he did not notice this.

This way Lucius that became irritable became more irritable because his thing is not standing properly when he goes to his wife.

This is the big reason for their separation after that day.

Things started to get cranky in just a month between them.

On the other hand Jonathan was quite happy.

Even though he was in the house of another person he felt comfortable.

He is not like Harry that was abandoned by all for his well being.

If they did not abandon him to that extent how can Dumbledore control him to such extent?

He is foolish and emotional naturally from birth on the other hand he is very impulsive by nature.

Jonathan really looks down on harry.

But he would not act right away.

After causing the wedge between Narcissa and Lucius Jonathan was a choice from the system.

Fortunately it made the right move at the right time and decisively to solve the entire thing.

Well even though system gave the choice the actions has to be done by him and also the medicine has to be prepared by him.

Fortunately he has this medicine specifically brought by Kreacher just in case.

Jonathan is possessive by nature.

So if things are not right he would use this to create problems for the people in the future.

What can a protagonist or side character do when their thing is not working?

People say that they can live without lust and live without children with only love between them.

But when other homes have the laughter of children they will feel the sadness from the very core of their being.

This would not appear in the early day but when they at middle age they would feel it.

Chapter 8: helpless Lucius

But when other homes have the laughter of children they will feel the sadness from the very core of their being.

This would not appear in the early day but when they at middle age they would feel it.

Even without that they all need happiness.

So things would break down slowly.

But there is an exception to everything.

The time he lived at the Malfoy family is fast.

Draco wanted to bully Jonathan many times but unfortunately Draco got the surprise instead.

Jonathan would beat him in a way that it would not leave a Mark on the skin but the damage is done internally.

This is a special beating that would help white villain like Jonathan out of the hands of law.

Without any evidence that he beat them they would not be able to complain.

Also the pain caused by this kind of beating would be long lasting than a visible Mark on the skin.

On the birthday of Draco the Malfoy family arranged a big feast.

Jonathan appeared and snatched the attention immediately.

Fortunately he gained the beautiful facial features from his mother and strong appearance of his father along with the curling hair.

So he is too handsome and cure compared to Draco,

The calf dancing in the muddy planes looks more beautiful than the freshly bathed buffalo.

That is the difference between Jonathan and Draco right now.

Green grass took off the silver spoon bracelet that Jonathan gave her and turned it into a pendent.

She is wearing it around her neck.

She is wearing a blue gown that compliments her blue eyes and blond hair.

She is extremely beautiful and cute in her appearance.

Jonathan started to socialize with the people and moved along with her.

Daphne has changed a little as her temperament is towards the cold side.

But all in all she still remembers Jonathan even now.

Just because of the presence of other gang girls like pansy, she reluctantly spoke to a few words to Jonathan.

Well Jonathan did not care.

Looking at the pendent around her neck Jonathan knows the answers to all of his questions.

It is not time yet for him to speak to her.

He is currently dependent on someone.

So he has to wait patiently.

On the other hand he definitely did some good things in the party.

In the birthday cake of Draco, Jonathan sprinkled salt because he taunted Jonathan before.

But his hands are clean; actually he used the wand of old lady black in secret.

Other than that when pansy wanted to do something Jonathan use the wand to move the table and chair a little making her fall down on her face.

Even if someone sees the wand in his hand no one can find it because it was stored in space.

Well no one see the wand.

Jonathan is not stupid like other people he has the memory of a 35 year old.

So his thinking model is different from the kids of the same age.

First of all his understood the wand movements from the studies he made before.

So he can use the wand for smaller things.

As long as it was not excessive the ministry of magic would not notice him at all.

There are already elders around so his small movement spells would not cause him many problems.

With his mischievous also went unnoticed easily.

Even if they notice something Lucius would come forward to cover for Jonathan.

On the other hand Jonathan was very popular amount the circle of the rich ladies from the noble pure blood families because of his appearance.

Just like this time passed by for another 5 years.

During this time Jonathan has not celebrated his birthday as Lucius would not celebrate because of his anger.

At the Same time he was completely irritable and barely comes back home every day because of his thing no longer functional.

He is trying every means to solve this problem.

Unfortunately for him, he has already crossed the period of saving.

If he acted immediately within the first month when Jonathan gave him medicine, he would have recovered.

Unfortunately he did not think of it as a problem at that time.

He was thinking on how to get the wealth of Jonathan at that time forgetting about his own poor thing.

But the result is a complete failure in both things.

Fortunately he already has a son.

If not the Malfoy family would have ended with him.

On the other hand Narcissa is also a little irritable but she is a little better.

She is managing with other things and did not betray Lucius yet.

Till now Lucius did not know that it was caused by Jonathan.


During this time Jonathan did not receive many choices.

The rewards of those choices are improvement in his potential and proficiency toward various wizarding things like potions making, crafting, spell casting, wand movements.

There is also skill related to flying using various instruments.

For example the people in Europe like to fly with broomsticks.

On the side of china they people like to fly on swords,

On the side of Japan the people like to fly on boats,

On the side of Arab the people like to use flying carpets,

On the side of India people like to fly using flowers, leaves or solidified clouds.

Each has their own way.

The broom sticks became well known all over the world because of the Quidditch game.

Jonathan’s flying skill can let him fly using any of the flying objects.

The higher the skill level, the higher the smoothness in flying.

Jonathan got many more skills other than these.

They are not skill instead they are talents and he can improve them later.

He practiced with the wand over the years and was very familiar with many basic spells.

They would be useful in the future when he enters Hogwarts later.

But for now he kept all these things a secret only known to him.

Chapter 9: letter from Hogwarts has finally arrived

They would be useful in the future when he enters Hogwarts later.

But for now he kept all these things a secret only known to him.

Well what he has is mostly theoretical knowledge except for few little things that he did using the wand of old lady black.

But his comprehension skill acted very well letting him gain more experience and understanding in all the things.

He can do practical things with the knowledge he possess.

It was much better.


Since he is in the custody of the Malfoy family he did not get to go out much and do many things.

So the chance of gaining villain choices and bonuses are mainly dependent on the Malfoy family and their visitors.

All the blame for his mischievous acts would be pushed towards Draco.

Lucius cannot punish Jonathan and Narcissa is already frustrated.

With all the things Jonathan always escapes from the problems easily.


After 6 years of coming to Malfoy’s family they heard news that the great grandfather of Jonathan Arcturus black died.

Jonathan has met him before and his wealth also belongs to Jonathan.

His grandmother is the daughter in law of Arcturus black.

Because of this old age Jonathan was not sent to him to stay.

His grandmother has already talked to him about the wealth issues and it was already added into the previous will of his grandmother.

Arcturus black will of wealth directly follows the will of Walburga black and everything was once again sealed.

Lucius black that was excited before looked like an inflated balloon after finding out the situation related to Arcturus black’s will.

These series of problems made Lucius almost have a heart attack.

He was visibly older than he should be.

His blond hair showed shins of turning white and there are few wrinkles on face.

It is like he is at least 10 years older than his current age.

Whatever it is Jonathan did not care.

Instead he got a new house elf that served Arcturus black.

Jonathan did not give it a cloth to free it from the master servant contract and talked to it about his employment offer just like the one he gave to Kreacher.

The name of the new house elf name is wily.

It is old but it is intelligent to some extent.

For this very reason Jonathan could not trust it immediately.

As long as there is master- servant contract it would cause any harm to Jonathan.

Jonathan did all of this secretly without the knowledge of Lucius.

As long as Jonathan and Sirius are alive and gave the command, no other person can command the contracted house elves of the black family.

So Jonathan doesn’t have to worry.

Jonathan told wily about its job and other things.

After that he let it go to take care of the things.

Jonathan also told wily that as long as it works hard for him he would give it a new dress and cancel the master- servant contract.

He would let it be like Kreacher and work as a free servant.

With the example of Kreacher wily immediately became motivated.

The Malfoy family returned back to their mansion along with Jonathan.

On the next day Jonathan read the news paper and the article about nimbus 2000 broomstick being released.

Jonathan knows that his stocks of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company have rocketed to the new level.

Jonathan became wealthy gain.

His wealth was accumulated in his account.

Currently Jonathan is waiting for the letter from Hogwarts.

During this time his eleventh birthday on June 22 has passed by uneventfully.

Well he ate some candy that he already has in his storage.

Malfoy family would not celebrate his birthday any way.

On July 24th 1991, the Hogwarts started to arrive one after the other.

Jonathan got the letter from Hogwarts.

It said that he was accepted into the Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry and the school starts on September 1st.

At the same time the goblins at Gringotts directly paid the fee for the admission of Jonathan.

They are in cooperative relationship.

As long as Jonathan’s name is in the admission list and based on the previous contract the educational expenses were all paid in full.

As for the other things Jonathan has to go and buy them by going with the Malfoy family.

Draco also got the letter.

Originally Lucius wanted to send Draco to Durmstrang but under the persuasion of Narcissa he was being sent to Hogwarts just like Jonathan.

Jonathan looked at the information and things that are required.

Basic things were already prepared.

All he has to buy is wand, books and robes.

Lucius has to take Jonathan along because he made the unbreakable vow with the old lady black.

His eyes were really red and he was feeling the same pain as Vernon because of harry.

Well it is a little different but the pain is mostly the same.

But the fortunate thing for Lucius is that Jonathan pays for everything from his own pockets.

So their first destination is Gringotts bank.

Jonathan and Lucius arrived at the Gringotts bank.

Jonathan came here before when Walburga took him here forming the contract with the goblins.

Lucius was told to wait and Jonathan was taken to the vault 777 to retrieve the money in his account.

With all the businesses, profits and added wealth all calculated to form a massive wealth for Jonathan.

A goblin opened the vault for Jonathan.

There is also a special vow with the goblins and the verification is the blood of Jonathan.

No key is required for him to open his vault as it was arranged like this before by his grandmother.

There a big pile of gold coins in front of Jonathan.

The goblin manager that came along with Jonathan has a happy smile.

During these years they gain good profits from taking care of the businesses and other things for Jonathan of the black family.

Chapter 10: token of appreciation for your hard work

The goblin manager that came along with Jonathan has a happy smile.

During these years they gain good profits from taking care of the businesses and other things for Jonathan of the black family.

Goblins love money.

Since Jonathan is giving them money they are very happy to cooperate and show courtesy towards Jonathan.


“I forgot to introduce myself.

I am the head goblin Warwick Davis, Mister Jonathan.

Do you have any questions for me?”

Jonathan smiled and asked.

“How much do I have in my account right now?”

Jonathan asked with his smiling face.

“Mister Jonathan, the current amount in your account is 85,975 gold galleons after rounding off the change.”

“Good Manager Davis,

I want to withdraw 975 gold galleons right now leaving 85,000 in the keep safe of your callable hands.

Also this 5 gold galleons is a token of appreciation from to you manager Davis.

Please accept my good will.

We are going to do many businesses in the future.”

Head goblin Warwick Davis looked at Jonathan deeply for a moment and understood what Jonathan meant.

He immediately smiled and took the 5 gold galleons from Jonathan which is a huge sum in the current world.

The entire savings of Weasley family is only 1 gold galleon.

Just from this one can understand how much 5 gold galleons are worth.

Jonathan gave it as good will to the Gringotts manager this shows that Jonathan has other plans of cooperation with them.

Since they are making money and they are going to make more money in the future the head goblin Warwick Davis directly accepted the chance.

As long as he was able to achieve success his profits, benefits and his position of head goblin and the manager of the Gringotts would be secured.

So he took the gamble with Jonathan.

Immediately they became close like the two foxes.

Villain that is a miser would always lose his people quickly because he would not leave anything to their subordinates.

But Jonathan is a white villain.

The money has to be moving to show its true power.

Wealth needs to be distributed to generate power and this power would generate more wealth and power again.

This is the most important rule in business.

The stagnant money would never show its true value other than attracting the coveting gazes from the surrounding people.

On the way of returning Jonathan asked if his fee to the Hogwarts School is paid.

Manager Davis immediately told Jonathan that it was paid in full and it will be the same for the remaining years too.

When they returned back Lucius looked impatient.

As for Narcissa and Draco they are also there and they went to retrieve some gold for buying things for Draco.

At the same time they would make Draco familiar with the process in the Gringotts bank.

Most probably he should have met with harry and Hagrid that came here to get the money for harry and the sorcerer’s stone.

Jonathan came out after they left.

So there is no interaction between Jonathan and harry right now.

With the money retrieved Jonathan stored 900 gold galleons in the storage space.

Then separated the remaining 70 gold galleons into 50 coins and 20 coins and placed them separately.

He is going to buy a few things with the extra money.

So he separated the money into smaller parts.

After Narcissa and Draco also came out they started to move to the next important place in the Diagon alley.

The entire Diagon alley is crowded with people all wearing robes.

They are going to get some uniforms and robes.

For that they came to a store with the name, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Narcissa did not bother with anything other than Draco right now.

During the years of Jonathan’s stay he got a little closure to Narcissa as he helped Draco in his studies many times.

So Narcissa is not so angry towards Jonathan.

Also Jonathan is also from her natal family so she cannot be angry with him forever for money.

Only Lucius is angry and because of his reasons of irritability the anger of Narcissa that should be towards Jonathan has already transferred to Lucius over the years.

Narcissa greeted Madam Malkin and told to take measurements for both Jonathan and Draco.

As for the money Jonathan paid the money for his robes.

Madam Malkin did not have any thoughts as the three people looked harmonious except for Lucius.

During their measurements another boy came inside which is harry potter.

Draco started to talk to harry that he just met here while Jonathan is silent on the side getting his measurements done.

The first impression of harry on Jonathan is that he is a good looking person that is shy to speak to outsiders like Draco that is too talkative.

At the same time he felt that Draco is not a good guy as he was too much into the pure blood thing and nonsense.

Since Jonathan did not speak there is not much information to get an impression on him.

As for Jonathan, the impression that he got on harry is naive looking person that would believe the words of anyone.

Well he would not comment on things right now.

When he went out of the shop he asked Hagrid about Draco and his impression of Draco was reduced even more.

On the other hand Hagrid did not speak anything about Jonathan because he did not recognize Jonathan.

Jonathan rarely made any appearance over the years after his grandmother died.

Also Hagrid would not be invited to many parties.

So many people would not recognize him even if they saw him.

Well they took a little longer to get the robes based on the arrangements of Narcissa.

The robes have high comfort to wear as they are made with high quality materials.

As for the robes that harry ordered they are not as good as the robes that Narcissa ordered.


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