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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 226: giving a piece of mind to Yukio

This revealed her body to everyone present.

Yukio cannot face Mohini directly because she is facing the consequences of not believing Mohini’s words.

Now she has learnt the lesson.

Chaka put the gun on the head of Yukio and asked Mohini’s group to strip and throw away their weapons.

Mohini immediately stripped off as if it was nothing serious.

Mohini came walking towards him even with bullets are flying around.

Her proud figure made the people gulp down their saliva.

Because she is getting closure and closure they people wanted to shoot at her legs to stop her and capture her.

Mohini’s hands moved in images and no bullet was able to hit her.

Chaka panicked but the smile on his creepy face did not go away.

Mohini walked towards him step by step and moved faster till he stopped Chaka around at the stairs.

Mohini hit the hand that Chaka holding the gun then he hit the other hand of Chaka that is pulling Yukio.

Yukio was released from Chaka’s hands.

After that Mohini pulled his hair and dragged him down the stairs.

Yukio followed.

Mohini started her special treatment that she would give to the people that touches her things or people without permission.

If Yukio was a bitch like her and wants to fuck then Mohini would gladly accept it.

But Yukio don’t want to so Chaka has to pay the price for what he did.

Chaka is alive but he is no better than dead.

He injected a medicine that can heighten the pain and started to play with Chaka.

It went on and on till both Ginji and Revy completed the killing and came over.

They can hardly recognize Chaka at this point.

Both Revy and Ginji has a shiver run down their spine.

Yukio has already lost consciousness seeing the first round of actions of Mohini.

Out of thin air Mohini took out clothes for Yukio to wear after she woke up.

Even now she still spoke that she is the center of all this and she is her enemy….

Mohini smiled and gave her a slap and then said.

“You are not center of anything and your group will be gone.

These are all ruffians and gangsters that did not even have discipline or anything.

I came to you because I liked your intelligent self not this moronic self.

All of this mess has nothing to do with you.

You are just a student that is 18 years old and you did not have any right to interfere in this matter.

Because of your interference there is nothing that would change here.

You want to step into darkness then what will you do in the darkness.

Only powerful people can step into darkness.

If you are not strong enough what will you do stepping into darkness.

Listen to me.

From now on I conquered you and you are mine.

You no longer belong to this nonsense.

So stop your idiotic ranting.

Gaining a group is the matter of strength and respect from the group but not inherit it like it was family tradition.

The woman you are struggling to deal with is also my woman.

Do you know what her life is…?

Leave her do you know what Revy’s life is….?

If you want something you have to earn it with your own two hands.

Now I am giving you two choices.

First is to disband the group and come with me.

Second is that I will personally dismantle the group and take you with me.

Don’t look at Ginji;

He will never be able to defeat me.”

Then Mohini looked towards Ginji and said.

“Ginji, I hope that you don’t make the same mistake that you did last time.

With me she might not be out of mess but at least she will have strong reliance to support her.

If you want her to live well then support me instead of her.”

Mohini then looked straight into her eyes and said.

“This is my ultimatum as the bitch queen,

Your choice is what that keeps or takes the lives of the people.

Your trust in me is the key to solving all of this.

Do you trust me…?”

Mohini asked her the question of trust finally.

When Mohini spoke her other name an unprecedented majestic aura came out of Mohini’s body in a strange way.

Like she is some sort of old queen that has seen through life and deaths standing there just like a commoner.

This is what Mohini cultivated back on earth.

This is the essence of all her hardships that was honed with the tests of life and death back on earth.

Listening to Mohini’s words even Ginji did not make a move.

Ginji already knows that their group is not what it used to be.

For this very reason he left the group and started to live separately.

May be at the start of the group their intentions are good.

But now all that was left is the useless pride that their group name gave them and the greed that they developed over the years under the name of the group.

So it is useless to save the group that is filled with greedy bastards.

When Ginji did not make any movement even after being called by Yukio she thought of the things more peacefully.

Mohini’s words reverberated in her mind and she finally came to a conclusion.

Immediately she has this light screen appeared in front of her.

This is the question of trust that appeared after she finally thought things through and trusted Mohini.

She looked at the magical light screen with strange eyes and looked at Mohini as if she did not understand what this is.

At that moment Mohini spoke to her explaining the warning and danger of being with her.

She also told Yukio that if she accepts she will be able to live a different life.

“Ginji always thought of you as……...”

Chapter 227: a visit to Russia

She also told Yukio that if she accepts she will be able to live a different life.

“Ginji always thought of you as a younger sister and wanted to protect you.

If you agree to that we can take him along.

Even though my place is not that peaceful at least they can move on to do new things….”

Mohini’s words are vague and Yukio accepted the words of Mohini and clicked ‘yes’ option.

With that immediately she became Mohini’s subordinate.

Right at that moment Mohini looked at Ginji and asked him the question of trust and his willingness to follow Yukio as her guardian.

Immediately he also received the strange light screen and Ginji directly accepted yes.

Any way he did not have any family here and only cares about Yukio.

With that the deal is closed.

Mohini pulled Yukio and told her to change her dress then he patiently explained the details related to the real world and other things that shocked them.

Only now did they understand how foolish their thoughts are till now.

Mohini showed some tricks to make them understand about the various things.

All of this only took half an hour.

They will be taken back to Roanapur along with them.

Mohini has already called balalaika and told her about this matter and next they are going to pay a visit to her home town to play.

She was happy to go to the place why she was humiliated and trample over them.

Well that is after she is done with taking care of her current business.

When they came out rock is driving and Ginji sat in the front.

He is now a general of Mohini based on the standards of Ark Island.

With that done they went to a hotel to stay.

No matter who they are they are not brave enough to stop Mohini.

Also no one knows about Mohini being innocent bitch.

They can go back to Yukio’s house but there is a dead body and blood all over.

So she told balalaika to send some men to clear off the things.

Mohini called Abraham to call the government of this country to deal with the incidents and silence the officials.

Balalaika is strong but she is still in the developing phase.

With some small donations and investments everything was settled.

Balalaika went on a rampage to completely clear off all the big groups in this country and the money was transferred back to Mohini by hundred folds.

The number of people that died has reduced and only those irredeemable criminals were killed off.

For everyone that was killed Mohini gave Yukio a report about that person’s crimes.

After they are done here they went to the ship where balalaika was.

Gretel was brought back to this country yesterday.

Mohini talked to her and one of the strange things happened.

Balalaika, Revy, Gretel and Yukio actually went to shopping as if nothing happened.

Mohini took Yukio to the places that she wanted to visit to remember her childhood.

Rock was sent with Ginji to move around happily for her peace of mind.


With the things settled Mohini wanted to move to Russia to play with balalaika.

Mohini sent rock, Gretel, Yukio and Ginji back to Roanapur while she, Revy and balalaika went to Russia.

Mohini has already simulated and found that the plane that they want to take to reach Russia will be bombed.

Mohini became angry.

She checked different routes to find which is most suitable to reach Russia.

The railways are the best to travel.

After some disguise the appearance of balalaika and Revy were changed.

Then they moved to Russia in secret.


Every time they were about to be attacked they would change directions based on the words of Mohini.

Some innocent people died in the process.

This made Mohini a little angry.

Even though it is just a fantasy world it is not known if these people here are just created NPCs or real people.

So she has marked these people to receive the 9 levels of hellish punishment.

After this punishment they will remember the pain and lesson that Mohini taught them even in their next life.

Mohini arrived at Moscow with balalaika and Revy.

The game started as he first went straight to the underground bosses of the country.

With the help of balalaika, her simulation skill and planning the either thing is just a walk in the park.

Balalaika and Revy has their time going on a rampage taking out many gangsters…..

The process is smooth and no matter how those higher officials wanted to save their underworld criminals they were unable to.

Their network will not work properly or the information they sent to the cops will be altered.

Mohini not only started the physical war but also cyber war at the same time.

She was assisted by Benny back at Roanapur with his computer skills.

Soon the entire government of Russia came down and wanted to follow the conditions of Mohini.

This is because Mohini directly put her fingers in their stock market and created a situation where national financial emergency is needed.

First of all they gave balalaika and some of her selected members the highest military award from the Russian government.

Then she got the liquidity amount of few billion dollars from them and then reinvested in their country using her dummy company.

This let their country take a breather and stabilize their economy.

All the big moves happened in just a week so normal people did not receive much of a problem except for some tension.

Also Mohini got good recognition from the masses as the person that stabilized their countries finances.

This recognition is useful to her to improve her hero title.

The higher the title the more benefits she can get.

This time Mohini did not hide her face and directly put her face and images on the media for the entire world to see…………..

Chapter 228: sorting things out for the future

The higher the title the more benefits she can get.

This time Mohini did not hide her face and directly put her face and images on the media for the entire world to see.

It is not a problem any way as she can disguise and go anywhere without a problem with her techniques.

U.S started to pay attention to Mohini but they did not expect that their central system in the pentagon was sabotaged by her already.

Actually she used their system to pummel the finances of Russia.

But everything was done in secret without leaving any traces so Mohini made the things possible.


With that the things she set out to were already done.

Right now only two places left for Mohini to search for information pieces.

North and South America’s secret societies are still not solved.

Except for that everything around the world is solved by Mohini.

These two places can be taken care of slowly after few other events.

First she will take care of South America and take Roberta.

After that she will go to the big pie.

She knows that America has a big storage of gold reserves.

Is Mohini willing to leave them like that?

The gold should be with her.

Only woman has the right to take gold and make jewelry with that for her beauty.

She has so many women that she want to make gold items for all of them and a full body gold dress which shows all of their sexy curves.

Also yesterday she gave her imperial order to the people of the underworld.

She wants to get all the precious gems that are on the same level as Kohinoor diamond and hope diamond.

Well both of them came from the same place but just changed hands.

She wants to collect them and make a necklace to the gods in her altar.

She found out about this when she saw the basic information of the world.

The gods love to have ornaments especially if the gods in the altar are females.

Giving them ornaments made of special materials would gain more favor.

Even though those gods are wills formed from the thoughts of number of people, their actions and though process will also be same as that of people contributed to forming the will of the god.

The time became normal again.

Mohini started to practice her techniques and did not practice for stat improvement.

The improvement in the skills and techniques is easy to take with her, but the improvement in her stats will become an option at the end of the fantasy world.

Taking it with her is not that easy when there are other things she can choose from.

There is also a thing where technique will also be listed if they are some high level techniques.


The next event will start in a few weeks.

This time can be spent by Mohini as the world forgot about her existence again.

At the same time some undercurrents and powerful people started to observe Mohini deeply.

But they are afraid to come near her to confront her.

This time is peaceful as Mohini sorted the things she got recently in her personal storage space.

She got some civilian merit and military merit from her hard work these days.

Since her original nationality is unknown some countries announced her good deeds and awarded her publicly.

Well she did not attend those places with her original appearance and she was famous for her two names that became famous in this world too just like back on earth.

Innocent goddess


Innocent bitch

The people that feared her called innocent bitch, while the people that got her help called her innocent goddess.

In both ways her hero title has reached higher level.

After saving 1000 people before the hero title was at tier 1.

Now the number of people she saved has reached a million.

So the number has increased to millions her hero title has reached tier 5.

This is really a high number and she can simply dominate many protagonists at tier 1 fantasy worlds.


Based on the simulation the next person that appears is the Janet Bhai also known as Jane.

Well she did not have much interest in her.

But her bitchy character piqued the interest of Mohini.

What she is interested in is to get to work with the rip off church.

Also since Jane loves Benny, Mohini can simply pull her out along with Benny.

They can have a threesome, make a video out of it and publish it in the real world.

That would be great.

She needs some competent hackers back in the real world.

It is not like she can keep the things all by herself all the time.

Since it was only one account she was able to deal with that but it might not be possible in the later days.

Also she is purposively a loose character who is very liberal about sex.

Since it is like that Mohini doesn’t mind giving her happiness if she really tries to seduce her.

Benny seems to not to care about that so Mohini will not care.

She can treat as a co worker and have some fun for a change….

After thinking of these things Mohini nodded with her plan.

Things were set and she will appear soon.

Mohini wanted to deal with Yolanda and Eda soon.

Yolanda is a beauty when she was young and a very capable woman on the same level or even higher than that of balalaika when it comes to business.

Mohini has already bought the age reduction pill for her.

Well she did not feel much about her current appearance as back in the real world there are woman at tier 5 that are over 100 years old but looked like they are just 18 years old.

Compared to them Yolanda was just aged naturally.

Mohini was sure that within a…….

Chapter 229: Yolanda becomes young again

Compared to them Yolanda was just aged naturally.

Mohini was sure that within a year she will be able to improve her tier to tier 3 so that her youth would become permanent.

These are her thoughts.

This world is very suitable for her to recruit many talented people.

These people are not arrogant and know the two sides of a coin so having them is much better than having some green characters from other fantasy world.

Trained people are much better than those impulsive characters.

Mohini nodded her head in happiness for her planning.

After a simulation she has already prepared the way to do things.

As for visiting South America it will be when the Diego would face a disaster.

Saving him would be the key to stop blackening Roberta and really pull Roberta into her group.

Revy went to drink with Eda that day which signified the event that Jane would arrive.

Mohini did not go with Revy instead she came to the rip off church separately to speak with Miss Yolanda.

When Mohini came Yolanda spoke to her warmly with tea and they chatted for some time.

Then Mohini took out a special pill that looked green all over like a jade ball instead of a pill.

“Miss Yolanda, this is a precious pill that I bought specifically for you.

Previously I asked you that if I turned you into a young woman again would you be willing to follow me.

This is the pill that can turn you young again you can try it.

I know it is hard to believe but first try the pill and then give me your reply.”

Mohini said with a smile.

Yolanda did not believe what Mohini said but she clearly saw that the bottle holding the pill came out of thin air as Mohini is wearing short sleeved shirt today.

There is nowhere to hide the things there.

She hesitated for some time but finally accepted.

No girl, no matter how old she becomes would always want to be youthful again.

She took out the pill and the room has the fragrance of flowers.

She hesitated for a moment before eating the pill.

Nothing happened for a few seconds making her doubt if what Mohini gave her is a fake pill to tease her.

But then her entire body started to ache.

She could not help but scream.

This made both Revy and Eda who are drinking panicked by the scream of Yolanda and came to check on her.

Even Veena also came in panic.

Right when they arrived they saw that Yolanda is in pain and twisting her body around.

Eda directly pulled out her gun and pointed at Mohini asking her.

“What did you do to her, Mohini?”

“Don’t worry Eda, I just gave her a pill and you will see a wonder in a few minutes.

It is a surprise so stand down and wait.”

Mohini said leisurely.

On the side Veena looked at Mohini and Yolanda.

Then she asked Mohini.

“Mohini did you gave her that pill….”

Mohini has previously told her plans to Veena and this meeting was arranged by her too.

So she knows what is going to happen next.


Veena, don’t spoil the surprise.”

Eda knows that she cannot do anything to Mohini because as soon as she pointed her gun at Mohini, Revy already pointed two guns at Eda.

At the same time Veena seems to be on the side of Mohini too.

She doesn’t know if Mohini mesmerized Veena or the quality of candidates that were chosen by the CIA has dropped to this level.

Since she cannot do anything she will not act and wait patiently.

After few minutes she saw that Yolanda became taller as her hunch back is gone.

Then her body started to become full again forming the curves.

At the same time the wrinkles on her face receded revealing her milky while skin which is smooth and rosy.

Her hair turned back platinum blond…..

Soon the young Yolanda appeared in front of the eyes of the people.

Her nun dress is short for her to wear as her body became young,

But there is a black sticky substance that came along which is smelly.

So she first went to take a bath immediately.

Mohini, Revy, Eda and Veena were stunned by the young appearance of Yolanda.

Then Mohini called them out for some fresh air.

They followed Mohini with blank faces.

Mohini is a woman of her words.

She really did turn Miss Yolanda young again.

They went to another hall to drink while speaking with Mohini with excited voices.

Revy already demanded Mohini to give her a share of these special pills so that she would look young forever.

She has already forgotten about the concept of the real world that Mohini told her before.

While they are talking about some things Yolanda came back dressed up the same hot dress that she put on the anime younger version.

Mohini looked at her with a smile like a big bad wolf in heat female version.

Yolanda actually blushed even though she is a strong woman this is a new experience to her.

On the other hand Revy, Eda and Veena were shocked the most.

They opened their mouth till they fit the chicken eggs.

Yolanda said.

Eda is the first to ask a question to Yolanda.

“Why are you wearing that dress instead of the nun’s dress during the works hours…?”

Yolanda looked at Eda and said.

“I am taking a day off today.

There is a good woman here that invited me to her group.

If negotiations went well I will quit this job and jump ships.

This job is peaceful but there is adventurer on the other side.

Since I am young again I am going to go wild hehe…”

Then she looked at Mohini and said

“Mohini, you really did keep your word.

For your previous question to follow………..

Chapter 230: Miss Yolanda joins the group

Then she looked at Mohini and said

“Mohini, you really did keep your word.

For your previous question to follow you can you explain more so that I can make a choice?

I am already inclined to going with you but with the years come experience.

So I want to know what I am going to get myself into by following you…”

She said with an expectation on her face.

Before Mohini speaks to Revy got the words out of her mouth.

“You old ha…..Yolanda you really want to follow Mohini.

Then you will be her concubine and I am the main wife.

So you have to listen to me…..”



“Revy how many time have I told you to not to jump in like that.

You always forget your punishment and jumps over the pit like this.

Tell are you having masochistic tendencies.

If you have them I will fulfill them for you…

So be more open in the future okay…”

Mohini directly slapped Revy on the ass as she was jumping around and then pulled her into Mohini’s arms with her tits in Mohini’s hands hugging Revy tightly on her lap.

Eda opened her mouth again while Veena was giggling silently.

Veena likes the domineering people like Mohini.

Eda thought that she and Revy were always on the same level.

If she were caught by Mohini how would her life be?

She knows about the details of Mohini she was more fearful.

She was sure that if Mohini comes to their country to play they will definitely sacrifice her to Mohini just to keep themselves save.

Well they are capitalists to the core right.


Mohini then cooled off Revy and spoke to Yolanda.

“Miss Yolanda, I cannot say much about my secrets.

If you want to know my secrets then you have to trust me first.

Also don’t believe in the words of Revy.

All my women have equal standing and equal say.

Well what I say is always the final….

So if you truly trust me I can tell you something important and my secrets.”

Miss Yolanda looked at Mohini for a moment and then at Revy in Mohini’s arms.

She blushed and thought in her heart to trust Mohini.

Immediately after that there is a blue screen with the question of trust in front of her.

“Mohini, what is this?”

Mohini looked at her with a smile and said to her about the warning.

After listening to Mohini she directly pressed yes option and then she belongs to Mohini now.

Mohini looked at Eda that was still looking at them to know about the matters.

Well those are the orders from CIA.

They want her to gather information related to Mohini and her superhuman fighting style.

They even thought Mohini as super woman as she walks in the field of bullets flying around like she is walking in a park.

So they gave her the assignment to find the details of Mohini and her origins.

But what can she do.

Mohini is like an old monkey that is shaking her foothold in Roanapur.

She cannot even retaliate against the demon like Mohini.

So she was helpless.

After Yolanda pressed yes option the message vanished and Mohini saw her favorability is around 50 points.

Not that high but not that low either.

Since she became her woman Mohini is going to tell her about the real world but Eda was here so she cannot listen.

So Mohini took Yolanda to go out for a small trip.

She will speak to her about the details on the way.

The best way to talk is to take her to balalaika’s hotel.

So she took her there along with Revy.

Eda was left behind to take care of the church.

She can vaguely feel that there is pattern here and only if she completes the pattern and wins Mohini’s trust can she know her secrets.

Mohini knows that Jane would be here soon so she has to complete the task quickly.

She did not take Yolanda that far but just to the side of the hill.

After coming here she asked if she wanted to sit on his lap like Revy.

Well she doesn’t mind and directly jumped into her lap pushing Revy to the side.

Revy pouted but stopped her annoyance after being coaxed by Mohini.

Yolanda felt the touch of the comfortable hug from Mohini and finally understand why Revy and even balalaika were subdued so easily by Mohini.

It is really comfortable to be hugged by Mohini.

After that Mohini started to tell her about various things of the real world.

Also she told her why she needed her consent before telling her secrets.

After half an hour Mohini was done with explaining the outline and she was much moved understanding Mohini.

The other things can be explained later.

So Mohini took her back and told her the basic details of the next plot.

Listening to Mohini she can move on to the next plot just like in the story and deal with Jane.

There is one factor that is missing with Yolanda.

That is her right eye is missing and the eye patch is still there.

Mohini told her that she would replace help her fix her eye when entering the real world.

At that time Mohini will take the help of the system to heal her injury.

With that all the problems will be solved.

As they came back so quickly Eda was dumbfounded.

She has just missed an opportunity to listen to the secrets of Mohini.

No much brain power is needed to tell that Mohini did not take her to a long distance but just outside her reach.

Even a kid can deduce that Mohini already know her intentions and has prepared counter measures.

While she is thinking, several cars arrived outside the church.

One belongs to Jane that she used to escape while then other is the mafia that is…….


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