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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 256: meeting Mildo

All of them thought that the meal cooked by Jonah would be as good as the meal cooked by Vicky.

But the result that they sprayed out the food that they just ate and fell on the table on their food plates.

Vicky helped Jonah change the food on his plate with his cooking instead of the one that Jonah cooked.

Few days after that they got another weapons deal with the people that are fighting for an oil pipeline.

Vicky knows what is going to happen so he was peacefully sitting on the top of a truck just like Jonathan.

Well there is a blast and surrounded by the soldiers with guns.

They are the clients that Koko came here for.

Vicky was silent, sitting next to Jonathan while listening to the conversation of Koko with the client the talk of other soldiers.

Vicky is good at many languages so he can understand their words.

At that time another woman with brown hair and brown eyes appeared.

She is called Mildo a body guard from another arms dealing company called CCAT.

Other than here there should be another body guard Lu with them.

Well that is if this is just the main plot.

But other than these two people there are more people.

In number there are another 3 people in the body guard dress.

All of them are players that came into this fantasy world.

They have already hinted Mister Curry about Koko would double cross them.

Players can change the plot but they cannot tell the plot directly.

So they can only hint their employer.

They observed Koko’s group to see if there are any players.

It is extremely hard to get into Koko’s group or Kasper’s group.

This time Vicky is the only extra member that appeared extra in Koko’s group.

Vicky looked exactly like Jonathan who should be in the protagonist level.

They can understand that Vicky should possess strong background to get the current role.

So they don’t want to do anything to Vicky.

If they spoil Vicky’s plan then they might incur some strong retaliation.

They don’t want to risk their lives over simple benefits.

So they slipped away from Vicky’s smiling face.

Well those people left but Mildo came to Vicky and Jonathan to look at them.

Other players that escaped don’t know what Vicky would do.

Some rich people have strange habits so they are a little tensed.

Well the meeting between the boss people did not end well.

So they were pointed with guns from all directions.

Vicky did not show any change as he sat there peacefully.

Lutz was the fits to get tensed while the other players are also in the same situation.

Even at that time Mildo is still chatting with Vicky and Jonah about them being little body guards or something like that.

Instead of chatting it can be called teasing them.

But none of them gave out any reply to her.

Mildo left with her group after pinching Vicky and Jonathan’s cheek and said.

“Even the tenderness is the same…”

Well after the comedy show of Koko they moved on.

Koko gave an excuse about contacting head quarters to leave just like that in the plot.

Vicky knows how things would move so he did not make any moves.

In the car there are Vicky and Jonathan sitting on the back seat while Koko is driving.

There is a guard dog sitting on the co-pilot seat.

When talking smack Vicky got to hand it to Koko.

She is really good at pissing off people.

Jonathan is ready with his gun if something happens.

While Vicky is sitting there smiling.

It is not time to attack yet.

Also he doesn’t have to put on the threatening gesture as Jonathan can do that for him.

The plot moved on as Jonah got a heart to heart talk with Koko.

Well Vicky picked off some words but not much.

He really doesn’t care about these things.

Soon they plan to be ambushed by Velmet and Tojo with the two guard dogs captured.

No change in things after that.

CCAT people appeared and then Mildo want to fight Velmet everything happened as it should be.

The three players are still alive but they only stood on the side silently.

They tried to stop Mildo from killing those guard dogs before but they are unsuccessfully.

Also for stopping Mildo they got panda eyes and blue noses with the punches from Mildo.

Vicky felt strange that in this fantasy world women are scarier than men.

Also they are stronger and more twisted than men.

Vicky really likes this bunch but unfortunately he cannot hit on them with his current self.

It needs a little more time to get into some good action.

If he shows his fangs now he will lose more interests from those people.

He cannot do that and have to slowly make do with the things.

Well there is still plenty of time to play.

Also he has analyzed the women before and can easily pull them into his love.


The soldiers appeared and the Koko’s group was about to leave.

The three players in the CCAT group were anxious.

Before leaving Vicky came to Mildo and whispered.

“Bye chick, we will meet again at the airport later.

You will not be so bored soon…”

After saying these words Vicky followed Koko’s group and left.

Jonathan asked what Vicky is doing.

Vicky only smiled and said.

“I am forming a net to capture some wild rabbits.

We will see how things will be in the future.”

They started to run after the stunt Koko made and Jonathan laughed heartily after so long.

Vicky never had a family so having Jonathan as a brother has this new feeling he liked.

Also he liked having a brother and don’t want to lose him.

After they got their passports checked and Koko was leaving to the boarding area the people…….

Chapter 257: Shisho of orchestra is dead

Also he liked having a brother and don’t want to lose him.

After they got their passports checked and Koko was leaving to the boarding area the people from CCAT appeared with sweat all over.

Vicky was just beside Koko as he looked at Mildo and said.

“Hey Mildo, nice to see you made it back in one piece….”

Among the three players only two survived.

When they arrived at the boarding area Velmet asked Jonathan about the question on number of wheels for 3 planes.

Jonah stood there thinking for a long time.

Then he said.

“A bunch…”

Everyone collapsed hearing the answer while Vicky started to laugh out loud which is out of his character.


“Jonah I always told you that one day your answer in math can give heart attack to someone.

See what I said came true.”

The one that got the heart attack is actually Mister Curry from CCAT.

He just arrived in panic and anxiety to the airport and suddenly listened to the question and answer.

Koko on the side could not stop laughing looking at the scene.

Even though Mister Curry was twitching from the heart attack, the entire scene is so hilarious that they could not stop laughing.

After understanding the situation the emergency doctors and nurses are laughing as they treat Mister Curry.

Mildo was actually rolling on the floor from stomach pain after laughing for so long.

Lu on the side has a slight curl on his lips and did not have much of an expression.

It seems that he has face paralysis or something like that.

Well Vicky did not care about that.

Later Vicky gave out the answer that Jonah did not study well when he was taught.

Instead he usually does more exercise to become strong.

This is all in the memories that Vicky got after becoming Jonathan’s twin brother.

Well soon they went to a different place and rented room in a hotel.

There they started to teach Jonathan.

As for Vicky he showed enough intelligence and knowledge that they did not doubt his capabilities.

Jonah was left to learn with Tojo while Koko was going out with Velmet and others.

Vicky knows what would happen so he followed them without much of a problem.

The team of two belongs to orchestra would attack Koko that day.

Well as soon as they left Jonathan followed them after sneaking out of Tojo.

Vicky has already noticed Jonah but let him sneak around as he likes for now.

In the orchestra team Chinatsu is quite good looking but her mind is twisted beyond repair.

Even sawyer from black lagoon is much better than her.

Also sawyer is really proficient when it comes to dismembering the bodies of the chaos monsters.

She is the one that took care of the island turtle and she did it perfectly that Vicky praised her and filled her up with love.

She is very happy at that time.

Vicky has already decided to let Chinatsu die just like that in the plot.

Vicky following Koko and Velmet had a full play of love drama between them.

Well Koko is just teasing Velmet all the time.

Velmet went into the store while Koko is standing there looking at the display.

At that time Chinatsu came to grab Koko’s hands but she got the wrong hand.

She grabbed Vicky’s hand.

“Girl you look cute and all but grabbing other people’s hands suddenly is bad manners you know.”

Vicky said as Koko looked back to see what is happening.

Vicky then spoke.

“Koko orchestra is here, you better hide before that idiot Shisho shoots at you.”

Vicky pulled Chinatsu to form a human shield in front of him and covered Koko to hide in the store.

Right around at that time Jonathan arrived and started to shoot back at Shisho that took out the gun.

Chinatsu wanted to pull her hands back and run but Vicky did not let her.

“You are not a modest woman,

Why are you going commando like that.

I did not here that the assassins have the habit of going commando.

Don’t tell me you have the exhibitionist tendencies.”

Vicky said as he knocked Chinatsu out and then joined back shooting at Shisho along with Jonathan.

As Vicky knocked out Chinatsu Koko came to hug Vicky from behind without caring for the bullets.

“Koko what are you doing…”

Vicky got compliments from Koko with her body closely attached to Vicky.

Vicky sighed and decided to end this thing here.

So he shot straight at Shisho in the head.

Well Jonah tried his distraction model as he took a gun and ran towards him while shooting.

After Vicky shot Shisho on the head killing him Vicky came all the way to Jonah and kick him on his butt all the while Koko hanging behind Vicky’s back.

As Jonah fell on the floor with his face planted and lips kissing the floor Vicky scolded him

“You fucking idiot…

What do you doing going like a mad bull.

What do you want to die so much for?

Did you forget that you still have a brother?

You idiot…

Next time you do something like that remember that I will break your legs completely so that you would never do such a stupid thing….”

Koko was actually moved by Vicky’s words and Jonathan put on his guilty face.

Koko directly stuck to Vicky in the model of piggy back ride and said.

“Vicky I want you to take me back home like this.

I am so cared that I cannot walk…”

Vicky sighed and said.

“Okay, whatever you say princess…”

Koko felt so comfortable hugging Vicky that she doesn’t want to let go.

In the mean time Velmet came over carrying Chinatsu that was still unconscious.

Shisho is dead with his head having a hole.

Then Koko let Lehm take care of the business here while Vicky took her back to the hotel room.

Chapter 258: scarecrow got his crow scared

Shisho is dead with his head having a hole.

Then Koko let Lehm take care of the business here while Vicky took her back to the hotel room.

Right around that time Chinatsu woke up.

She kicked Velmet and ran away from here like a quick rabbit.

The kick was straight at the ribs and the edge of the tits.

So Velmet took a little time to recover.

Chinatsu’s instincts are really good when it comes to escaping.

Also she did not leave instead she was angry for killing Shisho.

She drove over a car with a machine gun mounted in it.

She drove it to where Vicky is.

Vicky and Koko are together with Koko hanging on the back of Vicky like a koala.

They went to the beach side and moved on towards their hotel.

Jonathan is following them as Vicky ran as fast as he could.

Vicky already knows that Chinatsu would bring in the car with the machine gun to attack them.

She can shoot them while she still drives with the button to shoot the bullets automatically.

She has already opened the door of her red car and she was right by the side of Vicky, Koko and Jonathan that are running.

Vicky can see madness in her teary eyes for the loss of Shisho.

Vicky immediately stopped running playing the card out of her expectation right when she started to shoot.

Vicky also pulled Jonathan as a bullet grazed by his stomach hitting the wall to the side.

The car moved forward and she wanted to take a side way skid to shoot at Vicky and his group.

Vichy pulled Jonathan while carrying Koko to jump into the sea on the side.

Right around at that time Lehm and other arrived receiving the full barrage of bullets from the machine gun that continued shooting.

Fortunately they are alright and stopped just like they did in the plot with the car standing upright after hitting a pole on the side.

Chinatsu understood that she cannot do anything.

So she drove away the car as fast as she could to escape from here.

Jonathan swam back to the stairs leading back to the road at the side of the wall.

Jonathan helped Vicky pull up with Koko hanging on him.

Jonathan took the lead to see if the situation on the other side is fine or not.

But then the cops arrived at the scene with the CIA agent scarecrow.

Jonathan spoke about what should they do but got a kick on the face.

Well that is what that should have happened but Vicky pulled Jonathan back making the person that want to kick loose balance.

Right at the same time Vicky helped him complete the process to completely slip and fall into the sea.

The entire process is so smooth that no one understood what happened till the entire thing happened.

It looked more like CIA agent scarecrow also known as Jerry Schatzberg tried to kick Jonah but slipped and fell into the sea.

Also he took a bump with his third leg hit the wall with his balls crushed a little making him scream like a girl when he fell.

Vicky smiled looking at the scene and Koko became more and more interested in Vicky.

Well they were led to the police station with the wet dress Jerry that swam out of the sea.

Jonathan and Vicky followed Koko along.

Jerry wanted to take revenge but he did not get the chance as the sharp eyes of Vicky and the stinging pain from his balls made him stop.

Vicky smiled even more brightly making jerry almost lose his temper.

Only after coming to the police station, he found out that everything that is related to the previous shootout is gone.

No one said anything and there is no proof.

Including the surveillance videos are gone.

He was left with a sack of ice cubes on his dick and ball helping him ease the pain.

Well he understood the situation and ran over to catch up with Koko that was leaving the police station.

His running posture is quite funny for a man and Vicky was amused to see all of this through the glass door at the entrance.

Vicky pulled Jonathan to see the show.

Just when Koko was punched on the face Jonathan wanted to rush in but Vicky stopped him from going anywhere.

Koko was done with the thing and came out of the automatic front door.

But her expression is incredible.

She thought that she is a sitting duck out here.”

There is no one to protect her and there are many high raise buildings around.

Vicky told Jonathan to cover the surrounding area and he came to Koko and said.

“Well, you are not a sitting duck,

We are here to protect you.”

The light came back in the eyes of Koko and said.

“You are waiting for me.

The police commander said that my body guards are being held in the hotel room for house arrest.”

Vicky took out the medical kit to help Koko clean the blood on her nose and said.

“Well they cannot keep us.

We are young and innocent you know…”

After Vicky was done patching up she got on his back and stuck like a koala stuck to a tree.

Well the conversation went on between Vicky, Koko and Jonathan as Vicky carried her on his back and Jonah is on the lookout.

Jonathan and Vicky don’t hate Koko.

Knowing that they don’t hate her, Koko pulled them both closure but still stuck to Vicky while holding the hand of Jonah saying her own words about the world.

They continued to talk and Vicky very much supported the words of Koko while Jonah stood at the neutral grounds as usual.

They went back to the hotel and three days later Chinatsu came over for her revenge.

Vicky and Jonah were there on the roof……..

Chapter 259: Kasper came to visit

They went back to the hotel and three days later Chinatsu came over for her revenge.

Vicky and Jonah were there on the roof top hiding from Koko to listen to their conversation.

Lehm was on the duty of the sniper right now.

Also he knows that Vicky and Jonah were on the side of Koko protecting her in the dark.

Well they spoke asking questions each other.

Vicky can hear the things with his sharp hearing.

But the winds on the high raised buildings are so high that it is hard to hear for Vicky.

So Jonathan did not hear anything.

Vicky did hear the words of Koko but he only heard half of it.

Since he already knows what kind of woman she is, Vicky did not expect much.

The plot moved on Chinatsu was dead.

Well she is a beauty and she is lively.

But her mind twisted in the wrong direction that cannot fit with Vicky.

So this ends here.

Vicky and Jonah went down later after Koko left.


Soon after the incident they rested for a few days of which Vicky was asked to cook.

Well they specifically mentioned not to take Jonah’s help when cooking.

Vicky laughed out loud till his stomach hurt after hearing their words.


Vicky knows what would happen next.

They set out on a ship after a few days going around Africa to fill in some contracts.

Vicky knows that Kasper would come here.

Others are playing with the new guns without a care for the bullets.

Vicky was sitting on an easy chair enjoying the sun on his white skin to tan a little.

Right at that moment Koko got a call that she received with lively expression.

But in the next second that lively expression changed.

Vicky laughed looking at the change of her expression and shouting about her life.

The call should be about Kasper that is coming to this ship.

Well Koko wanted to hide Vicky and Jonathan so that they would not meet with Kasper.

Jonathan was taken down but they cannot find an excuse to let Vicky go.

Koko sighed and told Vicky to check something on the other side of the ship.

He came here to warn Koko about scarecrow agent from CIA.

But when Koko remembered his strange walking posture after Vicky took care of him, she started to laugh.

Kasper did not know what happened so he put up a confused expression.

Only after Velmet explained the situation when Koko met with the scarecrow did he understand why Koko laughed out loud.

“That guy seems to be working quite well right.

You should be thankful to me for finding such an able pair of body guards for you Koko.”

Kasper said.

They continued to talk and finally it was about the bathroom.

The entire incident with Kasper meeting Jonah and he remembering the past has happened.

Koko started to push Kasper off the ship when they pick on Jonah.

Right around that time Vicky appeared behind Kasper and said.

“Hey Kasper,

Why don’t you say that you are coming to me?


Since there is a party going on why don’t you invite me?

I am really hurt for sending me away you know.”

Kasper shivered for a moment as he remembered Vicky grasping his neck with the body that did not eat anything for a week.

Looking at the sudden shiver Koko started to laugh out loud and went to stick to Vicky.

Then she said.

“See, Vicky became my body guard and if you did not leave quickly I will order him to beat you Kasper.”

“Okay, okay I will leave…”

Right at that moment Jonah said his dialog with a stern face.

Vicky went to Jonah and hit him straight on the head and said.

“Idiot, how many time have I told you to forget the past.

What would you do if you get Kasper?

You should think about getting a girl than to set your sites on Kasper.

Even though he looks handsome you are a man and I want my brother to be straight….”

With Vicky’s words the surrounding people laughed and Jonah had his face turned red.

Even the shameless Kasper was embarrassed for a moment.

Then he left…”

Jonathan spoke about his self for the first time with Koko and Vicky present.

Vicky did not refute anything and let Jonah vent his thoughts out after so long.

Vicky and Jonah did not talk about what deal they made with Kasper individually.

Only then did they spoke.

Koko pulled Jonah closure and Jonah felt like Koko is his mother.

His expression eased as Vicky spoke to him about some things looking at the setting sun.

Well Koko did not stay with Jonah for long and she latched on to Vicky again.

She felt extremely comfortable latching on to Vicky than being in contact with Jonah.

It was a strange feeling like an instinctive sense of belonging when she was in contact with Vicky.

A few days later Vicky and Jonathan were in their room taking care of their guns.

Jonathan has hatred looking at his weapon while Vicky has peaceful appearance.

“Jonah, in this world there is no true peace.

Only the powerful has the right to speak and ask for peace.

There is no good and evil in this world.

What 9 out of 10 people say as truth is what that becomes the truth and the right thing.

Unless you are strong enough to beat the 9 people you have to go along with the flow and accept their truth as the good.

This is how the world is and you have to understand it Jonah.

If you cannot get the power you seek then seek the person with the power and pull them into side.

Then you might be able to get the peace you wanted with the time is right.

So don’t do anything stupid.

Also do you remember…………”

Chapter 260: Velmet and South Africa

“So don’t do anything stupid.

Also do you remember the warning that you gave Kasper?

Is it the sign of a person that wants peace and hates weapon.

If you hate weapons then how are you going to take care of Kasper?

So forget about all this.

Do you know even the lifeless weapons have instincts?

If you hate them so much, they would give you problems right when you needed the most…

So don’t hate them so much brother…”

Vicky spoke to Jonah as he cleaned his weapon.

Jonah did not say anything but to listen to Vicky’s words silently.

After arranging things Mao was looking for Jonah to teach him some sciences.

Well Vicky doesn’t need that as he cleared all of that on the first day.

Jonah escaped and went to the top of the ship to look at the open sea.

When Jonah is thinking that his was his secret hiding place Vicky arrived here smiling at Jonah.

“Jonah it can be your hiding place,

But you know I can find you even if hide at the end of the world.

Remember that this brother is always got your back.”

Peace would not last long no matter where it is.

On the next day there is an attack on the ship from some of the thugs and pirates from Africa.

Well Vicky did not do anything but to stand on the side and look at the situation.

Koko did not give him any command so he was with Jonah standing guard on the side.

Well another pirate around at the age of Jonah and Vicky tried to get on the ship.

Jonah wanted to save him.

Right around that time Vicky left from the spot and hid in the corner to take a look on what happens.

Jonah actually saved the thug but when he got on the ship he punched Jonah on the face and they started to fight with each other.

It was funny to watch.

Jonah did look around to find his brother for help.

Vicky is not in his visible area and hid on the side to watch the show.

When the fight reached the peak and no one is winning Vicky appeared knocking out the other guy.

“Nice work Jonah, this is what that happens when you save someone that should not be saved.

At the very least you should put your gun on the front to instill fear and make him unable to fight back before saving him.

Well any way you did a good job.”

Right around that time the entire team came to this place to look at the little show.

When Jonah told them what happened, the group put on a serious expression but then they started to laugh except for Koko.

The plot moved on with Velmet in dazed expression looking at the African land.

Vicky knows her past and she was reminiscing about her past.

Vicky is going to take the place of Jonah to help Velmet.

One Vicky doesn’t want Jonah to be in the fight that Jonah did not like.

Second Vicky wanted Velmet to depend on him more than Jonah.

Vicky can do these things with his current conditions.

In a few days Koko had an appointment to meet Minami Amada.

But she will go to see some butterflies.

So things will be a little complicated and Vicky has to play the cards well.

They have landed and got into a good hotel.

Koko did not usually eat the food outside and after tasting the cooking of Vicky it has been decided that Vicky has to cook for them.

So unless they ate outside it was Vicky’s duty to cook.

Well some of them would help him with the things.

They specifically would not let Jonah come near the kitchen no matter what.

They don’t want him to put his hands into cooking something strange and they don’t want to be hospitalized by that.

On the next day when Velmet came to the roof top to do the exercise Vicky is already there sweating after doing some exercises.

Vicky usually does this no matter which world he is in.

It is still his body and he exercises it with all his effort to improve his level of combat.

Also there will be some strong players this time when Vicky helps Velmet or his search for Minami.

So he has been training his body as much as he can.

She joined him to do exercise.

After she warmed up she asked if Vicky wanted to spar with her.

She even got a rubber knife for that.

Jonathan should come here at any moment.

Well right when she gave Vicky the rubber knife Jonathan appeared.

It is not a problem.

While Jonah is looking Vicky and Velmet started to spar.

Vicky did not hide his capabilities as he moved faster than her using small movements to point at her vitals many times.

Then Jonah spared with Velmet and all of his vitals were pointed by Velmet.

Only now did she understand the difference between Vicky and Jonah.

Jonah was very talented but his comprehension is slower.

He is like a diamond in the rough.

Over time he would be able to reach the peak in fighting.

On the other hand Vicky is like a sharp sword or an experienced master that practiced for so long.

She can understand that Vicky should have put all his effort into practicing in order to protect his brother.

Also his comprehensive and battle instinct are much sharper than Jonah.

Because of this his progress is much higher than Jonah and even higher than her when it comes to battle instinct.

They were done with the exercise and sparing.

After that they left to take a bath and go to arms expo with Koko.

Koko waited for a long time and Minami did not appear.

Koko immediately thought that she was ditch by Minami and this was confirmed when…….


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