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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 96: defeated great white immortal snake and found clues to new world

After spending so much time with Rito Kaguya finally opened up to him and become his woman.

With the beauties in the arms Rito enjoyed the life in the ninja planet for a while.

For the next 5 years Rito took the woman back to the spirit world one by one to let them learn sage techniques and practice with them more.

Finally he stabilized the immortal sage mode and made some good progress.

He cannot make more progress here and has to venture deep into the spirit world to gain some experience and inspiration.

But before going out he went back to the ninja world and married his other woman the turned 18.

He is not going to go after more women in the ninja world.

The current ones are already enough.

Also he took all the women into the spirit world right now.

Mito, Kaguya and Hinata were able to master the sage mode well.

They are going to teach the other woman that is their sisters to learn too.

As for Naruto and Sasuke they were already married some woman that they found during their journey as a ninja.

The women are good.

Rito asked if Naruto and Sasuke want to live in the spirit world like them.

But they refused.

Nagato and Yahiko also refused to come with Rito to the spirit world and venture into other worlds.

Instead they wanted to develop the land of rain.

Rito did not force anyone and took his women for the time being.

Any way they can visit whenever they want to visit.

Rito has prepared many summoning arrays using his knowledge on seals.

The things is unless specific seals are used one cannot cross using those arrays.

Well there is another obstruction that he secretly prepared as trap for those that came here with bad intentions with the help of white Zetsu.

After this was all done Rito went to collect the 10 tails sapling that has grown a little bigger and sealed it quickly inside him.

Then he came back to the spirit world to start the devouring process.

With his wood style ability Rito easily constructed few houses in the wet bone forest for him and his woman to stay.

Also using the seals he made a natural chakra gathering formations for them to use.

Rito even helped lady Katsuya to move forward to the next step into improving her sage mode.

Being a creature of the spirit world she was able to adapt quickly and improve her power by a large margin.

She can now compete with the frog mountain and serpent cave.

Just her healing and regeneration ability is heaven defying.

She will be able to solve others that attack her with just her weight and relentless exhaustion attacking her.


Rito formed a second crystallization state and this time his chakra is enough to complete the process.

His body became even stronger.

After this was all done Rito spent some time with his women for a few days and then left to explore.

But before going he used the simulation again.

Just now when he went back he has collected the money from all of his businesses.

There are his confidents and secret army in every village and land.

All of them are war orphans and they were taken care of by Rito’s clones.

They were nurtured into business men over the years.

Also Rito is the strongest man in the ninja world.

So they would not dare to cheat Rito.

Rito only collected his profit share that can let him simulate 5 more time.

Also the money he had before can simulate 1 time that he saved for emergencies.

He took the money and gave them some orders to improve the business more.

With that said and done Rito simulated.

“Year 90,

Host has spent few months with his woman….”

“Year 91,

Host set off to the serpent cave to meet with the great white snake immortal.

Host was able to defeat the great white snake immortal with the strong body and immortal sage mode.

Host went to the library of the great white immortal snake and found records to the central area of the spirit world.

Host found the location of another world that.

The records are messy and the only available information is that the chakra there is called Nen.

With the available clues and information host was able to understand that this is hunterxhunter world.

The entrance to this world is in the stormy gorge of lightning life tree area…

Host decided to check this place and left the serpent cave…”

“Year 92,

Host was still travelling but was stopped because of an enormous river called the weeping women river.

The river got its name because the flowing water would give out the sound of weeping woman and the dangers in the river.

Host moved sideways to find a shallow place to cross the river….”

“Year 93,

Host is still searching for a shallow place to cross the river…”

“Year 94,

Host found a shallow place to cross the river.

But the shallow place is formed by a giant sleeping crocodile.

Host used the ninja technique to pass through it silently.

But host was still found out at the end when host was about to crossed the river completely.

Host has a fierce fight with the monstrous crocodile that specializes in water element attacks.

Host was able to escape at a heavy price of losing an arm and a leg.

Host rested to recover his energy and regenerate his arm and leg…

Because of the high quality body the amount of chakra required for regeneration and time required for regeneration are longer….”

“Year 95,

Host is still healing from the injuries…”

“Year 96,

Host is still healing from the injuries…”

“Year 97,

Host completely healed and recovered from the injuries and continued his journey.

Host entered the stormy gorge area but the area is filled with continuous tornados and lightning storms………”

Chapter 97: more new world entry points

“Year 97,

Host completely healed and recovered from the injuries and continued his journey.

Host entered the stormy gorge area but the area is filled with continuous tornados and lightning storms.

There are lightning spirit beasts and fishes in the gorge.

It was extremely difficult for host to move forward.

After trying for a few months host decided to return back and strengthen immortal sage mode.

On the way back host met with the river again.

Host went along the river exploring more area to find shallow area to cross.


“Year 98,

Host is still searching for a shallow area along the river side….”

“Year 99,

Host found another crocodile that is posing as land in the shallow waters of the river.

Host was tempted to cross but finally gave up crossing.

Poisonous spirit spider sneak attacked the host and host died immediately….”

“Simulation ends”


Host was able to enter into the immortal sage state early to get 100,000 simulation points

Host was able to defeat the great white serpent immortal to get 100,000 simulation points

Host was able to discover the information on new world entrance location 10,000 simulation points.

Host was able to fight with a spirit beast that stepped into immortal sage mode 10,000 simulation points.

Host has discovered new location stormy gorge 10,000 simulation points.


Total simulation points accumulated 238,000 simulation points.



Host, select and purchase the follow options.

The memories of defeating the white immortal serpent sage (30,000 simulation points)

The memories of the information of the new world of Nen users (70,000 simulation points)

The memories of the journey to the weeping woman river (120,000 simulation points)

The memories of the fight with the crocodile at immortal sage mode (50,000 simulation points)


Rito saw through the information and finally made a choice that he would not buy anything.

This simulation has ended in failure without much information.

He can always find the things mentioned as long as he fight the white immortal serpent sage.

As for venturing into the depths of the spirit world, Rito removed that though from his mind for the time being.

He cannot step inside there unless he was able to gain more power.

So he doesn’t want to go there.

So he decided to simulate again.

He still has 5 chances left with the funds he had.

“Year 90,

Host has spent few months with his woman….”

“Year 91,

Host set off to the serpent cave to meet with the great white snake immortal.

Host was able to defeat the great white snake immortal with the strong body and beginner’s immortal sage mode.

Host went to the library of the great white immortal snake and found records to the central area of the spirit world.

Host found the location of another world that.

The records are messy and the only available information is that the chakra there is called Nen.

With the available clues and information host was able to understand that this is hunterxhunter world.

The entrance to this world is in the stormy gorge of lightning life tree area…

Host doesn’t want to waste his time looking for something he cannot get with his current strength.

Host took all the information present in the library and left to the frog mountain to ask them if they know any other world entrances.

The process of getting information took a long time but host still manage to get the information by persuading the people of the frog mountain.

Host has to wait for a long time for the old frog immortal to wake up to give the permission to enter the frog library.

While visiting the library host found that he did not ask the immortal slug about knowing the entrances to other worlds.

With the thoughts host decided to ask her after returning.

Host went into the library of the frog mountain started his search for the new world…”

“Year 92,

There is vast information for the host to search….”

“Year 93,

Host is still searching the information about the new world….”

“Year 94,

Host was finally able to deduce the location of another world.

This is the world where everything was turned into food.

A strange crow faced species is actually cooking an entire planet to eat for a long time….

Host deduced that this world is the world of Toriko.

Host was excited and started to deduce the location of the world.

After searching for a long time host found that the location of the Toriko world is by the opposite bank of the weeping woman river, near the sleeping frog waterfalls.

Host found that there is more information in the frog sage mountain library and deduced the location of few more worlds with vague description.

Further deduction is needed.

Host took his leave to return back to the wet bone forest to meet with immortal slug sage, lady Katsuya.

After speaking to her host was able to find the entrance to world that was called the magic world.

The people there use magic wands to cast spells….

Host was able to deduce that it was harry potter world.

Unfortunately the location of this place is just across the weeping woman river into the middle region of the spirit world.

The location is called the magic lake of water spirits….

Host asked her if she knows about more worlds like that.

Unfortunately host was disappointed that there is no more information

Host, thought that memory and writing are not the strong points of lady Katsuya.

So she did not have library like the others had.

After getting the information host did not rush instead decided to practice more to improve the immortal sage mode……”

“Year 95,

Host is practicing immortal sage arts……”

“Year 96,

Host is practicing immortal sage arts……”

“Year 97,

Host went to the location of the tree of time to study the seal on the avatar world.

While practicing host found out that the difference between the body and the………..”

Chapter 98: killed by an evil spirit Vaatu

“Year 97,

Host went to the location of the tree of time to study the seal on the avatar world.

While practicing host found out that the difference between the body and the spirit after devouring the 10 tails and its sapling.

Host has decided to improve his spirit before doing anything to improve the immortal sage mode.

For this host chose the avatar world that is concentrated on spirituality.


“Year 98,

Host is still studying the seal of the avatar world.

Host was called many times by the evil spirit Vaatu.

Host was not tempted.


“Year 99,

Host found a week spot in the seal to break in a small gap and enter the avatar world.

Host has the idea to see if he can devour the evil spirit Vaatu to improve his spirit.

Host started to study the evil spirit Vaatu…..”

“Year 100,

Host was able to understand some of the basic information of the evil spirit Vaatu.

Host made a special devouring seal around the tree of time that imprisoned the evil spirit Vaatu.

Host produced hundred clones to occupy the important locations of the seal and opened the Seishigan.

Host formed the diamond devouring formation to devour the spirit energy of the evil spirit Vaatu.

Host made the wrong calculation and Vaatu occupied the host’s mind.

Host is dead…”

“Simulation complete”


Calculating the simulation point gains of host…

Host has discovered the location of the world of Nen users 100,000 simulation points.

Host has discovered the location of Toriko world gives 150,000 simulation points.

Host has discovered the location of harry potter world gives host 150,000 simulation points.

Host has found the break through point in the seal to the avatar world 50,000 simulation points.

Host defeated the great white immortal snake sage 50,000 simulation points.


Total accumulated simulation points 532,000 simulation points



Host, purchase the following options that host wanted.

The memories of defeating the great white immortal snake sage (30,000 simulation points)

The memories of the location information of the hunterXhunter world (70,000 simulation points)

The memories of the location information Toriko world (60,000 simulation points)

The memories of the location information harry potter world (80,000 simulation points)

The memories of the battle between host and the evil spirit Vaatu (100,000 simulation points)

The memories of the host practicing immortal sage art and its improvement (45,000 simulation points)

The memories of the host researching and finding the weak point of avatar world barrier (70,000 simulation points)


Rito once again did not choose any option after looking at the information provided.

Based on the available information Rito found the shortcomings of his current situation and lack of progress.

Rito wanted to improve his spirit.

So Rito first went to meet with Katsuya and asked her to know about the information about the other world entrances.

He got the information on harry potter world in even more detailed way.

Rito noted down the information.

Then he set off to the frog mountain to talk if the great old immortal frog sage.

Well to his disappointment the old frog sage is sleeping.

So Rito went to get the white snake sage first.

Well Rito did not start the fight but as soon as the fight started Rito threw every possible technique that he has on hand.

There is a big commotion in the serpent cave as Rito blasted off the things and almost collapsed the cave.

He pulled the great white snake and hit it off in specific locations to make it unable to move for the time being.

Then he killed it to collect the materials of the great white snake sage.

One has to remember that they should never believe in the words of snake that has resentment towards you.

So Rito killed it and took its body to feast later.

Immortal doesn’t mean that it cannot be killed.

It is just that it has a long life span.

As long as it become ill or fatally wounded or fell into molten lava, or froze in ice or did not have food or water, it will still die.

Then he searched for the library of the serpent cave to find materials.

Rito took them all and left back to the frog mountain.

After coming here Rito stayed there analyzing the things while waiting for the old frog immortal to awaken.

While waiting Rito not only studied the information he also took his time to use the body parts of the great white immortal snake sage for various things.

Fangs are used to make poisonous daggers,

Bones and poison glands are used to make spears with poison tips,

Meat and other important organs are eaten with great happiness that increased the poison resistance and body strength.

The spirit of the great white immortal snake was captured by his eyes of death and devoured slowly to nourish his spirit.

Skin of the great white snake was used to make soft armor for him and his women.

The eyes of the snake are specially mixed with materials to devour with special technique to improve the eye power of Rito.

Just like that the corpse of the great white immortal snake was used by Rito under the astonished eyes of the people from the frog mountain.

Naruto was here learning from the frog immortals here.

Sasuke choose a different snake to become the snake sage for the serpent cave after Rito destroyed the serpent sage cave.

The frogs on the frog mountain are shaking in their legs because they just saw Rito kill and eat the entire great white immortal snake sage.

If they did not give him enough they fear that Rito would turn against them and make a frog stew with them.

Fortunately Rito did not have any such ideas right now.

Instead Rito diligently practiced the immortal sage arts after nourishing his body and spirit.

There is good improvement and Rito can feel that he is making progress in the immortal sage arts.

Chapter 99: patience is the key to improvement

Instead Rito diligently practiced the immortal sage arts after nourishing his body and spirit.

There is good improvement and Rito can feel that he is making progress in the immortal sage arts.

Finally after spending months Rito was able to meet with the old frog immortal sage and get his permission to enter their library.

Rito got the information he wanted and directly copied it entirely and took it back to his place to study.

After that Rito went to wet bone forest to study three things.

First he would decipher the information he has on hand and the second is to study the seal of the avatar world.

Rito doesn’t want to touch the evil spirit Vaatu right now.

The third thing is to practice hard to improve the immortal sage mode level to the next level.

Unless he went into the avatar world and learn their basic techniques he will not able to use the elements like he uses ninjutsu.

The knowledge they possess will help him improve his spirituality and balance his body and spirit.

So he started another simulation.

“Year 91,

Host started to decipher the information from the immortal frog mountain and immortal serpent cave.

Host found the locations the fantasy worlds of Toriko food world, Nen user’s world, and the locations of greater serpent sage, and great immoral frog mountain on the other side of the weeping woman river.

Host was shocked by the new discovery.

Host found the location of a bridge that can be used to cross the weeping woman river.

The bridge is called hanging ghost bridge.

The journey there is hard and they have to cross many dangerous locations.

Host can pass through these locations easily with his current expertise in sage arts.

But crossing the hanging ghost bridge is not easy.

Host needs to have strong spirituality to cross that bridge.

If not he will become one of the ghosts of that bridge and his body would flow down and eaten by the beasts in the weeping woman river….”

Rito understood the most important thing here in the spirit world is actually spirit.

As long as the spirit is strong the body can develop slowly over the years.

Well they have to survive long enough to make their body stronger.

Rito understood these things.

So his only way to improve his spirit is to enter the avatar world.

“Year 92,

Host started to analyze the barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world.

Host is making slow progress under the temptation of the evil spirit Vaatu.


“Year 93,

Host has found that that the more stable he is from the temptation of Vaatu the faster the growth of his spirit.

Host continued to study the barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world….”

“Year 94,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 10 percent during the year.

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 10 percent….”

“Year 95,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 10 percent during the year.

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 20 percent….”

“Year 96,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 10 percent during the year.

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 30 percent.

Host found a weak point in the barrier and can enter the avatar world through this barrier.

Host decided against shortcuts and decided to completely study the barrier.”


“Year 99,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 10 percent during the year.

The spirit of the host was strengthened by 60 percent and the progress became extremely slow.

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 80 percent with strong spirit…”

“Year 100,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 5 percent during the year.

The spirit of the host was strengthened by 65 percent and the progress became even slower

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 95 percent with strong spirit…”

“Year 101

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 3 percent during the year.

The spirit of the host was strengthened by 68 percent and the progress became even slower

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 98 percent with strong spirit…”

“Year 101,

Host felt that the spirit of the host has developed by an entire 2 percent during the year.

The spirit of the host was strengthened by 70 percent and the progress stopped.

The barrier of 4 elements of the avatar world is deciphered by 100 percent with strong spirit.

Host can now enter the avatar world and return back at will…….”

“Year 102,

Host met with his women for some strong interaction for a few days and continued to improve the immortal sage art with the help of the improved spirit.


“Year 103,

Host continued to practice the immortal sage arts….”

“Year 104,

Host continued to practice the immortal sage arts….”

“Year 105,

Host continued to practice the immortal sage arts.

Host has reached the limit of improvement and decided to enter the avatar world with his woman.

Host returned to the ninja world to collect gold and silver before along with money before entering the avatar world.”

“Year 106,

Host along with his woman entered the avatar world.

The gold and silver that host brought over has reduced to a tenth of their original volume.

The strength of the host and spirit of the host are reduced to a tenth of the original volume.

This was observed by the host understanding the functions, rules and restrictions of the avatar world.

Host started a business in the earth country with the gold and silver.

Host and his women started to adapt to the world………”

Chapter 100: simulation finally ended after 50 years

“………Host started a business in the earth country with the gold and silver.

Host and his women started to adapt to the world………”

“Year 107,

Host started quickly became rich with various business opportunities.

Host and his woman used the free time to adapt the chakra and ninja techniques to the current world.

Host visited few of the air bender temples to gain the information on air bending.

Host visited earth kingdom to understand the earth bending technique that are exactly opposite to the air bending techniques.

Host started to compare these two techniques with earth and wind style ninjutsu…..”

“Year 108,

Host is still researching on earth and wind bending techniques and ninjutsu…”

“Year 109,

Host is still researching on earth and wind bending techniques and ninjutsu…”

“Year 110,

Host made a breakthrough in earth and wind bending techniques relating to earth and wind style ninjutsu.

Host went to fire nation and then water nation in the name of trade to understand the fire and water bending techniques.

Host was unable to learn the water bending technique,

Fire nation forbid other from learning the fire bending technique so host was unable to get that either.

Host went the water benders swamp to get the water bending techniques and then host found the location of great sun warriors.

The great vitality and the sage body helped the host to adapt quickly.

The Seishigan helped host to observe and copy the techniques quickly.

Host went back to his business starting site in the earth country to start the adaption of the techniques.


“Year 112,

Host is adapting the techniques of elemental bending and ninjutsu……”

“Year 113,

Host is adapting the techniques of elemental bending and ninjutsu……”


“Year 120,

Host was able to completely adapt the techniques of elemental bending and ninjutsu.

The spirituality of the host has improved by a large margin.

Host has used his vast wealth to find the location of Guru Pathik….

Host helped his woman to adapt to the new techniques of elemental bending and ninjutsu…”

“Year 121,

Host was able to find Guru Pathik and became his disciple to learn the spiritual arts.

This spiritual art is the first step into understanding the immortal sage arts.

Host was able to learn quickly because of the previous understanding.

Host practice the spiritual arts improving his spirit…..

After learning the basics host left to find his woman to let them learn the spiritual arts too.

They took a long time of adaptation……..”


“Year 125,

Host mastered the spiritual arts and most of the woman has mastered the basic level.

Host started to learn blood bending, metal bending, and lightning bending and life air bending in the beings……..”

“Year 126,

Host was able to learn the basic of blood bending, metal bending, and lightning bending and life air bending in the beings.

Host found that it was almost year 100 of the avatar world after the great war of fire nation started.

Host knows that the avatar would come out of the ice soon.

Host has let his woman take over the business and gave them special seal to call the host back.

Host went to take meet with avatar.

Instead of becoming enemies host want to form friendship with avatar.

Host doesn’t want to reveal his information and act as a non bender for the time being.

Raava would not hint the avatar on its own accord.


“Year 127,

Host did not interfere with the plot much but used the plot to gain as much as he possible can,

Host captured the heart of Azula, Ty lee, Toph Beifong, the princess of the water tribe, Suki form Kyoshi Warriors.

Host help save the princess of the water tribe.

For the remaining part host did not do much and did not even show off his vast wealth.

Host was able to survive out of the war along with his women.

When the war is over host was able to show his vast wealth all over the world and lived in seclusion right after that.

The wealth is still accumulating but host cannot show his age which would not change.

Host has the appearance of 18 years old which did not change even after so long.

“Host continued to improve his spirituality along with his women.

The women of this world that followed him were able to understand the truth and learnt the improved techniques from the host………….”


“Year 141,

Host has improved his spirit energy to the same level as the strength of the body and made huge progress in immortal sage arts……”

“Simulation ends”

“Calculating the rewards of incidents that host was able to take part in.

Host has lived the complete 50 years in the simulation without dying 100,000 simulation points.

Host was able to decipher the locations of other worlds like Toriko, harry potter, hunterxhunter, this gives 300,000 simulation points.

Host was able to find the location of the only crossing point of the weeping women river, this gives 300,000 simulation points.

Host was able to use the temptation of evil spirit Vaatu to improve his spirit, this gives 300,000 simulations points.

Host was able to completely decipher the barrier blocking the avatar world, this gives 500,000 simulation points.

Host was able to form a business empire in the avatar world, this gives 100,000 simulation points.

Host was able to find has visited all the 4 nations of the avatar world, this gives 400,000 simulation points,

Host was able to find the hidden people like the sun warriors and swamp water benders, this gives 300,000 simulation points.

Host was able to learn the 4 forms of bending completely, this gives 400,000 simulation points.

Host was able to meet Guru Pathik and learn the spiritual techniques from him, this gives 300,000 simulation points.

Host was able to learn blood bending, metal bending, breath bending and lightning bending, this gives 600,000 simulation points.

Host was able to mix the elemental bending techniques to ninjutsu……”


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