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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 11: goals and targets

He has already refined chakra with the family arrangements and he did not open the Sharingan yet.

Also there is turmoil outside as the third ninja war is not over yet.

Well his moron of a father has actually taken him to the battle field when he was only 4 years old.

If he is a capable man that Rito did not complain taking his kind to learn the way of this world.

But he is an idiot by nature and revealed the conspiracies of the Uchiha clan to him at such a young age.

What results did that bring finally?

It was the destruction of the clan that is all.

Rito now has ability to take care of the things so he was confident that he can completely stop the genocide that was about to happen.

But he doesn’t want to do that at the same time as he doesn’t want the members of the Uchiha clan to live.

It is especially so for the old generation.


Well he will think about that at that time.

When he came to the class the favorability of Izumi increased to 45 points favorability.

Also he got 5000 simulation points.

With the available simulation points he wanted to see if he can buy anything from the simulation store.

There are many things in here like the Sharingan with one, two, three tomoe and upgraded to Mangekyō Sharingan and even the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Other pupils were also there along with complete versions of many bloodlines.

Then there are many techniques that he has never heard off…

The only problem is that the costs of these things are sky-high.

The Sharingan with one tomoe costs around 10 thousand simulation points.

This one is actually achievable by him in just one simulation or just practice for a few days and he can achieve that.

But it still costs him so much.

While sitting in the class he started to think of various things looking at the people inside the room.

There are not many people with great impression in the original plot.

The reason why he came to join is related to 2 things.

First is to get close to both Itachi and Izumi.

Second is to qualify quickly and enter the battle field.

In the battle field he will be able to get the opportunity to obtain more blood lines and also get their secret techniques.

Also the battle field is unpredictable.

In the battle field he will be able to gain more simulation points by killing famous people in the simulation.

These are his goals.

Well without graduating he will not be able to enter the battle field.

So that is how things are.

After the class Izumi came running to him and spoke to him in surprised voice.

In these kinds of situation the best way to get good impression is to speak in a hot blood man’s way.

So he said.

“I am not a kid any more.

I have to become strong and protect everyone I love so I joined the academy early.

It is to protect you all…”

After his body reached the upper level of normal human peak of A grade his charm directly improved to the highest.

Because of his young age and his good appearance he directly won the appreciation of most of the people.

Charm would not only give beauty to a person but also a strange attraction persuading other people into believing him.

Even Itachi believed.

Making these people believe in him Rito got some benefits immediately.

First is the favorability of Izumi increased by +5 and because of the change in impression from all these people and impressing the plot line characters gave Rito a small wave of simulation points.

At the end of the day Izumi asked Rito if they could go home together.

Rito accepted it and moved along.

He knows that in a few days Izumi’s mother would move back to the Uchiha clan.

Then he will not be able to meet her properly.

Also their clan land will also be relocated towards the outskirts of the village.

All these things will happen soon.

So Rito has to brush up as much favorability as he possible can during the time he got.

This world has many undercurrents and navigating in the right path would gain him benefits while making a wrong move would cause him a disaster.

So he has to move carefully.

After coming back home he cooked some food and went to the grave yard again to brush up the remaining place to collect more blood lines percentage.

During the class time he used simulations from the pension money he got.

This time the points he concentrated are to find Hinata and save her from being bullied when she was still a kid in place of Naruto,

Make contact with Naruto and give him some advices,

Make contact with Sasuke,

Defeat Itachi in Taijutsu,

Make contact with Shikamaru Nara and defeat him in Shogi,

Make contact with Shisui to learn from him about his special flickering technique,


Similarly there are many points involving the plot line characters.

He spent a total of 10 thousand Ryo to simulate various points every time and his accumulated simulation point has reached 200 thousand simulation points.

Unfortunately he doesn’t want to buy the blood line from the system store because of the exaggerated cost it mentioned.

If he was able to obtain the bloodline through the dead people and corpses then he can at least save 50 percent of the cost from buying from the system.

It is not like he is in a hurry to get the bloodlines.

There is a long time for something to happen.

So he can take things slowly to accumulate.

Also with the simulation points he accumulated at most he can only get one bloodline at most.

After cooking he went to graveyard again with sad face in the evening with some flowers on hand.

Chapter 12: next target Orochimaru’s research facility

After cooking he went to graveyard again with sad face in the evening with some flowers on hand.

He moved around the graveyard in a roundabout way almost covering all the graves present.

He did not care about the bloodlines of the lower level clans except for the select few he got yesterday.

There are no people here with strong techniques that can be extracted.

Also the extraction of memories from techniques is even more complicated with restrictions.

If he wants get a technique then he has to get it before 3 days limit after that person died.

If he wants to understand the bloodline technique then the time limit is reduced to only one day.

The higher the level of the technique the lower time it is for extraction and the cost increases exponentially.

Well that is for a different time so he concentrated on gathering the bloodlines.

When it was getting dark he has completely cleared the entire graveyard.

There is nothing more here.

He opened his status panel to take a look.




Name: Yuki Rito

Age: 5

Race: human

Blood lines:

Uchiha bloodline: 18.9 percent

Senju bloodline: 66.7 percent

Uzumaki bloodline: 7.6 percent

Hyuga bloodline: 41 percent

Otsutsuki bloodline: 2.32 percent


Physique: ordinary human – A grade (100 percent)

Spirit: ordinary human – A grade (100 percent)

Instinct: ordinary human – A grade (100 percent)

Charm: ordinary human – A grade (100 percent)


Chakra: 0/0 (Not refined)

Chakra nature: unknown


Cash: 0

Simulation points: 24,500



Yin seal (ninth drop): completely mastered


The reason for the improvement of spirit is because of Rito’s understanding the of the yin seal.

Yin seal and yin release is related to the spirit energy that defines mental energy.

There is no specific way to improve this spirit energy.

It should develop along with the improvement of the age.

They can also meditate or use some special techniques related to the secrets of the clan.

But they are all superficial and there is no sure fire way to improve the spirit energy properly.

This is also one of the reasons why the techniques related to souls and calling of the dead costs so much.

The physical strength or power refers to yang energy and life energy of all being.

It can be refined using exercise and diet.

In the chakra the physical energy will become the power while the spirit energy becomes the direction.

They combination of these both is chakra.

Rito’s idea is to improve his qualification to the maximum before even reaching the rapid growth phase without disturbing his growth phase.

So he achieved that first.

Now he has the Senju clan blood line to support his progress he will be able to start refining chakra.

He has checked it with the system and found that the princess of Senju clan Tsunade only has 50 percent blood concentration of the Senju clan.

For Hashirama Senju the blood like concentration is over 80 percent.

Along with the support of the chakra from Ashura he was able to use the special wood style that has life.

Rito now has 66.7 percent of the Senju blood line and if he trains properly he will be able to gain the wood style.

Also because of this bloodline he will be closure to sage techniques.

Well he still has to buy the perfect sage body that is even higher than that sage body of Senju Hashirama.

The perfect sage body that surpasses the sage body of sage of 6 paths costs 1 billion simulation points.

Also there is an important thing that is missing from the grave yard.

Under the graves of Kushina and Minato their bodies are not there.

Rito know that these are only just fake grave like memorable but not the real ones.

The real graves were secretly stored deep within Konoha with only few people have access to.

For impure world reincarnation a part of the original soul body is necessary.

So their bodies were stored in secret and perfectly preserved.

They are the last line of defense if everything fails to protect the Konoha.

Rito’s target is to find that place next.

This is because he can get a good amount of blood line bonus from them.

Rito confirmed that the Namikaze clan was actually has Senju clan as its origins which is the reason why his chakra is so big.

Fortunately or unfortunately the Yuki family that Rito belongs is actually the book keeper’s family of the Senju clan.

Some of the people of the Senju clan wanted to develop their own clans because they were treated badly because of low blood concentration.

Yuki clan was the one that registered all of that and now the register is in Rito’s hands.

Rito can only sigh as this is the world where strength is more important than life of the people.

He has some hints on where the grave of these people are hidden.

It should be the area where roots headquarters was present.

Other places are like Hokage monument or the Hokage office where the book of seals was originally stored…..

These are all the clues that Rito had.

But his finances needed to be filled quickly to do something big and make a search.

The current year is year 65 and month October.

Based on the time line Orochimaru would defect soon.

Rito knows that Orochimaru has a good amount of experimental materials related to strong bloodlines of Senju, Uchiha and even Uzumaki with in his experiments.

This is one of the targets of Rito.

He has to make sure that find the location of those research facilities of Orochimaru to get bloodlines and some of the developed techniques.

It can be done right after the fight with Orochimaru or right before.

Rito is still a kid so he can act as one of the captured people and get the things when the time is right.

The things there can at least cover him some of the time.

Chapter 13: planning for the future events

The things there can at least cover him some of the time.

Rito knows that there are living cells from Hashirama Senju with Orochimaru.

They possess high blood line value that Rito is looking for.

While thinking he returned back home and ate the food he previously cooked.

After checking the gains of the day Rito slept peacefully.

He did not expect that Hana from Inuzuka clan would be in the same class as Itachi and Izumi.

Other than that Yugao Uzuki is 10 years old and she is in the school too.

Based on the memories of the simulation in a few months she will graduate and join Anbu.

In the morning next day he cooked his food and arrived on time at the academy after a series of exercise.

Since the basic things are set he wants to refine chakra.

In a few days there will be a lottery reward that was worth 10 million Ryo.

Rito wants to get that.

For that first he has to learn the 3 body technique quickly.

So today simulation of events mainly based on gaining the lottery amount and successfully taking it.

He wants to clear all of his doubts related to many problems that he should.

First is the lottery,

Second is the timing to get the things at Orochimaru’s laboratory,

Third is related to connect with Hinata,


Similarly there are many small incidents that are very important to him.

These things should be calculated perfectly and there is no room for error.

Being an assassin he knows what a slight error in planning can become.

It was his habit to take all things into his hands and plan them perfectly with many contingency plans when it is necessary.

Today there is physical training exercise in the afternoon.

In the morning he completed all the simulations he needed to plan the things in the next 5 years.

Based on his memory he has a very accurate plan made for all of that.

By the end he directly chose to buy the chakra refined in the next 5 years that reached perfection along with 3 body techniques that were learnt the mastery.

It is not some fan fiction but a real life where he has to work hard.

Even though he got the strength that is beyond that of his age it will not apply to him.

What can a baby hand do to an adult even with all the strength that can come from exercise?

The growth is still needed till he reached at least 12 years to exert the force of his body and to utilize it to the full extent he needs to be at least 16 or 18 years old.

Even for Itachi he has to reach the age of 13 and have enough chakra that reaches elite Jonin along with the Mangekyō Sharingan to commit the genocide.

That is not all there are root ninja that is supporting from the shadows and Obito was also there taking care of the things.

Before that no matter how strong he became his body would not be able to show that.

But if it is against the people of the same age then he can show.

Even the chakra he bought from will slowly integrate over time but not the sudden surge.

Well it will be stored inside the yin seal.

What he bought is not the chakra but the control of chakra that he practiced for 5 years.

Chakra extraction is equal to the extraction of the life from the body.

It needed to be done with care, if not it was fatal for that person to pull out too much physical energy and spiritual energy to refine chakra.

Too much physical energy extraction can damage the vitality and reduce the life span.

Too much spiritual energy extraction can cause mental damage making that person drop into insanity or even worse being brain dead.

Rito don’t have to fear about that as he got the perfect control over chakra over 5 years of training.

Also his physical and spiritual energies were also very delicately controlled and manipulated.

In order to facilitate these processes to be smooth he has learnt the medical practices and techniques of this world.

He vaguely has an idea of improving cell vitality using the medical ninjutsu.

He still has to develop the idea.

But he found that most of the medical practices here are an amalgamation of ninjutsu and normal techniques.

They are not developed completely especially related to organ and limb transplantation back on earth.

Well on earth there is no chakra to assist but here there is chakra and they can easily achieve many theories that are not possible back on earth.

Rito has new ideas after that simulation but he has to wait till he made some progress.

As for the 3 body techniques they are at mastery level but not proficient level.

This is the same as 13 years old Itachi mastery level techniques.

Rito can perform these techniques quickly with almost zero wastage of chakra.

That is the mastery level.

Then the proficient level of these three techniques is to reach their highest level of usage.

For example the replacement technique is a type of space manipulation.

It has a distance limit and after that it cannot be used.

Increasing the replacement distance, replacement objective…..will leads to proficiency.

The clone technique can reach proficiency by learning shadow clone technique and a large number of them like Naruto.

The transformation technique can reach proficiency when one can even transform into odd objects of both dead and living like the beasts can touch the proficiency level too.

These are the directions that Rito should move on stepping in the path of proficiency.


Just like that Rito spent the morning using the simulation to improve the things and his planning.

He has chakra now but not yet at the Genin level.

But his control is beyond that of the Genin level.

Chapter 14: Rito vs Itachi

But his control is beyond that of the Genin level.

Similarly his Taijutsu and other techniques are beyond his age and he can make use of them to the limits of his 5 years old body.


In the physical education class today there is Taijutsu comparison competition.

Everything was arranged based on random drawing of numbers.

After everyone is set Rito was against some random ordinary student A.

The competition started.

Rito did not take much time to defeat his opponent.

They are just 5-6 years old so the fight ended quickly with Rito hitting some key points.

In the hands of a warrior even the blade of grace can become a life threatening weapon.

This is similar in care of Rito.

Even though he is 5 years old his body was exercised to perfection or the upper limit of 5 years old and coupled with all the experience of the old assassin.

There is also practice of techniques of this world to mastery level too.

All it took was one side push to send the rushing opponent out of the ring directly.

The next matches were all like that.

He did not face Izumi but she was shocked by Rito’s proficiency in the fight.

He is moving like an elegant butterfly winning the matches without even dirtying his dress and completely clean.

He was matched up against Hana from Inuzuka clan.

She was cute but her nature was a little violent.

She is a strong woman by nature so she fought with Rito just like one without fan girl personality.

Rito took her hand while moving and pushed her side ways to spin her like a top around him.

It did not look like a fight but a dance between two people.

Rito was cutest for the 5 years old and his body was firm for his age.

Hana hot her world spinning because of spinning all the time.

Rito gently took her to the edge of the ring making her step out of bounds.

He won smoothly.

On the other hand Itachi also fought well but his fights were a little harder and more brutal compared to Rito.

That is how Rito performed to show a strange contrast between them.

Originally if everything was in the right tract along the plot Itachi should have taken all the attention to appear as the prince charming for all the women in the class.

But Rito spoiled with his gentle and cute appearance and the way he handled the female ninjas really hit the spot.

This gained him popularity.

Itachi was matched against Izumi but he did not show the same elegance that Rito showed to woman.

There are some bruises on Izumi after their fight and she lost.

Finally the match between the last two people which are Rito and Itachi.

All the kids were very interested in the fight.

Due to luck or by chance this competition was seen by Uzuki Yugao.

She was impressed by the elegance of Rito and the cold fighting style of Itachi.

Even though the fighting style of Itachi is not brutal it appeared brutal because of the contrast with Rito.

So she waited till the end to look at the fight between Rito and Itachi.

Itachi has the name of being a genius so there are other observing people.

The fight started.

None of the two made the first move but stood there calculating the flaws of the opponent.

Rito was really impressed by the patience of Itachi.

So he took the initiative to attack as he moved at his fastest pace towards Itachi.

He made a decoy fist with his right fist towards the face of Itachi but he did not move to block instead he observed the left fist that is moving towards his abdomen.

But unfortunately Rito’s has made the entire thing a decoy.

That is right the punch going to his face is real while the punch going for his abdomen is actually fake.

With that Itachi received a punch to his face.

Rito did not control the output of the power and blasted him directly out of the ring.

All of this happened just like that shocking the people around.

The people with keen observation saw what happened but to other children of the same class of Rito and Itachi only one thing happened.

Rito came straight to Itachi and punched him in the face letting him fly out of the ring.

The strange thing is that Itachi did not do anything all the time and invited the punch with open arms.

It is almost like he loves being punched in the face.

With that the match ended with Rito as the winner and Itachi was taken to the infirmary of treating his beading nose.

Rito has naturally attracted the attention of the girls and became the new celebrity of the class.

Well some did not believe this and still though that Itachi did not fight back as Rito is one year younger than him….

The class teacher went to the Hokage’s office and reported the incident to the third Hokage.

Hokage became more interested in Rito.

But Rito was still in the testing face.

All that the third Hokage has towards Rito was interest but not trust.

Rito is still 5 years old and there is a chance of opening the Sharingan in the future.

As long as Rito opens the Sharingan then he will lose the trust of the third Hokage and other top management of the village.

But as long as he did not open the Sharingan and maintain the same level of talent this means that Rito can become a usable pawn in their arms.

There is a chance of having few people with Sharingan in their pawns which are descendents of Rito.

It is not that they hate Sharingan or Uchiha people.

What they hate is that these people will not stay under their control.

This is what they hate in the Uchiha clan.

Chapter 15: being monitored

This is what they hate in the Uchiha clan.

If they really hated the Sharingan, Danzo would not have implanted so many Sharingan in his arm and eye.

They did not hate Uchiha, they are just jealous of them.

Also they don’t mind having some loyal Uchiha behind their backs to obey their commands.

But with the current Uchiha clan that is not possible.

So they have to plan the complete clan extermination of the Uchiha clan.


Rito did not return back home instead went to grave yard.

The war is still going on and in the front where the hidden mist village is currently guarded by the people of Uchiha family.

Also other battles are still going on with many people fighting.

Everyday there are ninjas dying on the battle field.

They will be brought here for burying after some procedures at the hospital.

They will be buried right in the evening time so Rito is going to go there to collect some more blood line increasing his blood concentration.

He has enough simulation points for that.

Today he has decided to start with bone strengthening medication from the night.

This will help him strengthen the bones and nourish them.

He wanted to find a way to activate his bloodlines.

Yes his bloodlines were acquired from the extraction of the system.

They needed to be triggered either manually or through system.

To trigger them manually he has to know the process of triggering.

For the blood line of Uchiha strong emotional fluctuations are required.

For Senju and Uzumaki bloodlines strong nourishment is required to activate them.

The higher is the concentration of the bloodlines that faster he can stimulate them manually.

Well it is hard for him to stimulate the blood line of Uchiha clan.

This is because the blood concentration is low and the emotions of Rito are hard to fluctuate because of his experience as an assassin.

What have he not seen in his previous life.

But that is not the only way.

There is another thing called love and obsession that can let him stimulate this bloodline.

Just like the case of Obito he was obsessed with his love towards Rin.

In the previous life he longed for the some true love after his wife died back on earth.

Now that he got a second chance he will love women and make them into his wives to protect them from all kinds of harm is his obsession.

He was sure that this will give him the power to open the Sharingan.

But to facilitate the quick response for his low emotional fluctuations Rito wanted to increase the blood concentration before doing anything.


Since he was popular some girls wanted to follow him.

But knowing that the destination is graveyard most of them stopped.

There are only two women that came with him.

One is Izumi and the other is Hana.

They followed Rito as he pays respects to his parents in the graveyard.

Well he moved around the place in a tricky way covering the new graves collecting some bloodlines.

Then moved to his parent’s grave to pay his respects.

He has even introduced the girls to his parents.

This was an act because he instinctively felt that he was being monitored.

After that he went back along with the women.

Well he was really being followed and monitored by Anbu from the Hokage.

There are also people from Uchiha clan that kept the watch.

Well Itachi is not a weak chicken.

He was the son of the head of the clan.

That is not all they know the identity of Rito.

Rito also belongs to their clan but they expelled him because of low blood concentration and weak constitution.

Now he defeated the son of the head of the clan.

For the proud people like Uchiha clan this kind of thing is unacceptable.

As for Hokage and other factions it was different he was happy to see this kind of incident and the actions of the proud Uchiha people.

They cannot directly implicate Rito as it will pull the name of the Uchiha clan into dirt.


Rito did not care about this as there will be two sides of the coin that would fight a cold war while he does his own things.

But what he has to do is to write the diary to give some things to let the Hokage chew on.

After cooking and eating something he took a medicinal bath.

With that done he wrote the diary and went to bed.

He will do some basic exercises that are concentrated version so as to not to damage the potential of the body.

Since he bought the physique from the simulation it will improve gradually with the growth of the body.

He has calculated everything.

His improvement is directly proportional to his growth.

So every day with his minimal exercise and chakra practice he would reach the maximum of the improvement that his body and chakra can reach as a person.

Well after activating the blood line of Senju clan there will be more and improvement that can increase exponentially.

For activating the bloodline of the Senju clan he started to take the medicinal bath starting with improving his bones.

He will then create some extreme conditions after strengthening his body.

This process is a long one and cannot be bought from the system.

Well it can be bought but he doesn’t want to spend simulation points on something he can get through work.

Instead he would use those simulation points to buy some important things.


The next day he went to the academy as usual without much change.

Nothing happened and Itachi is also normal.

He did not show any hatred as there is something wrong with his mind.

In the next few days,

He spent his time in carefree way.

But to outside people he was very hard working boy.

He did not leave things like that but moved around forming good opinion from the surrounding people too……….

Chapter 16: basics are complete

He did not leave things like that but moved around forming good opinion from the surrounding people too.

The impression from the people increased so quickly that it was frightening.

In a few days there will be lottery.

Originally Rito feared that he would not be able to get the prize money.

But now the thing is different.

There are ninjas following him.

He can use that to his advantage.

If he was cheated off then even Hokage would reach.

In the last few days his writings for Hokage would have earned him a loyal reader.

He was sure of this because 2 days back when Hokage came to give out his speech on will of fire he used the same likes that were mentioned by Rito in the diary.

As long as he did not open the Sharingan he was safe.


So that day he went to the lottery shop.

He has already acquainted with the owner of the lottery tickets shop in the past few days.

Today he came specifically to lead a conversation in a way that the lottery shop owner would ask Rito to buy a ticket.


He would tell Rito to pick up a ticket as a gift.


After school he came to this lottery store to get the ticket with the fan girls Hana and Izumi following him.

With that received he moved around picking up flowers on the way to the graveyard.


There are physical exercise classes happening from time to time but there is no sparing class in the past few days.

They draw to the lottery is on the next day.

Rito was a little tensed because he will not be in surveillance for long because there is no incident happening.

He is not a celebrity that would get security like the son and grandson of Hokage would get.


On the next day there is still a person that is tailing Rito in secret.

Rito cannot sense this person directly or locate this person.

But he can have this feeling of being stared which came from the instincts that he developed over the years as an assassin.

When he came to the lottery shop with Hana and Izumi the store owner changed his words and directly renegade his words.

He even accused Rito as cheating and stealing lottery tickets.

Well the prize money is 10 million Ryo.

This is equivalent to completing 10 S rank missions.

Even some ninjas would be tempted by this amount of money.

So a normal lottery shop owner is nothing.

The greedy nature directly busted out.

Both Izumi and Hana spoke that they would complain to their parents.

They know that Rito is an orphan now.

Rito also said a few words and finally said that he was disappointed in the store owner and left with the girls.

The ninja that is following Rito was shocked by the noble nature of Rito that was not tempted by the money.

He has decided to report this to Hokage tonight.

The day of the classes was as boring as ever and Rito returned back home after his daily routine.

After doing some exercise he cooked the food and had the medical bath.

Before sleeping he wrote the diary of today’s incident and his disappointment in the people of the village and officials….

This is a hint for Hokage to jump in to help him.

With that done he went back to sleep.

The activation process Senju blood line is only quarter way done after 25 days of hard work and medication.

His chakra has improved very smoothly and reached the Genin level successfully.

From that day onwards if he wants to do simulation it will cost 1000 Ryo.

Well he is not stressed because he has completed all the basics before today.

He has red all the books from the library of the academy,

Learnt most of the medical techniques from Konoha hospital,

Learnt medical ninjutsu and the process of cell nourishment has reached 50 percent,

Learnt shadow clone technique during one of the simulations,


Just like that most of the basics are covered and the knowledge and experience were stored in his mind.

Right now he has three important things to do.

First is to improve his physique with practice without damaging his body or its growth.

Second is to improve his spirit with practice without damaging his spirit or its growth.

Third is to break the limits to awaken the bloodlines.

With the 5 years old body this is all he has to do.

Simulation is not necessary for the time being or for the next 5 years till he reached 10 years of age with a little solidified body.

At that time he can move on to the next phase of the training.

During this time his targets are bloodlines and improving his knowledge.

Well there is also flirting with beauties and gaining some loyal subordinates.

For example right now Asuma the son of third Hokage is not in the village.

He is having his rebellious phase of life and went to join the 12 guardians of daimio.

So this is the best time to come in contact with Kurenai Yuhi.

Also he did not have a clue about the usage of Genjutsu.

He can ask her and learn from her.


He can show his worth and gain the approval of the Uchiha clan so that he can learn the Genjutsu techniques from them.

There is a chance to come in contact with Mikoto too.


These are his plans and they were already verified through simulations.

He bought the basics of Genjutsu but learning more takes time and also need more chakra.

He has to break through the bloodline barriers to gain the physique of Senju clan and the spirit of Uchiha clan to have more chakra and control over it.

The delicate control over chakra is needed to be learnt from Hyuga clan.

But unfortunately they are too closed to do anything and to even contact them…….

Chapter 17: Rito vs Itachi again with more spectators

But unfortunately they are too closed to do anything and to even contact them.

He has to find the opportunities to make contact with them.

Well that thing can wait for the later his next target is Orochimaru that is going to defect in a month.

He has already simulation this and knows when to get captured by Orochimaru’s men.


In the morning next day Rito quickly arranged the things in a routine way and want to go to school.

But this time he was called by Hokage.

Rito know that his diary was red and Hokage is going to hand over the cash just like that in the simulation.

When he came over to the Hokage’s office, the old Hokage started his Oscar level acting like a friendly old man with Rito.

Well Rito is not one to back down and showed his acting skills.

“You know I am older than you in acting, you bratty frog in this well.”

These are the thoughts of Rito in his mind.

Also he felt something when he saw the face of the third Hokage and remembering the face is Asuma.

Strangely the appearance of Asuma is much closure to the summoning beast of the third Hokage, monkey king Enma rather than his appearance.

So Rito doubts if this third Hokage has some strange hobbies in the dark or something else.

Well whatever he got his money which was directly deposited in a separate account.

When giving the pass book there is a slight shiver in the hands of third Hokage.

There is greed literally being oozed out of the surrounding area from those hiding Anbu.

10 million Ryo is not easy money.

It was very hard to earn completing at least 10 life threatening S rank missions.

Even for Hokage he requires a long time to embezzle this amount of liquid cash from the village funds.

He can get land and shops that can make money with his authority.

But they will earn slowly and accumulate over time.

The money in the hands of Rito is different.

It was straight out fallen into his hands from the sky because of luck.

So they are greedy for this cash.

But they cannot show that so as to not to spoil their righteous image.

Rito happily came to the academy after thanking Hokage for his righteousness.

Today there are some monthly tests.

Rito is annoyed with the written exam but still aced it out and then the physical exam.

There is sparing match today and everyone was excited to see the fight between Rito and Itachi again.

Even though Itachi acted as if nothing happened his mind has wrong connections and everything is messed up in there with countless contradictions.

Obliviously he has practiced very hard this time and Rito found that there are some seniors that came to watch.

Seniors means not big men but small men from Kakashi’s generation and lower.

But Kakashi is not there….

There is also Yugao that came to see.

All these people appeared to watch because of the recent tensions between the senior management of the village and Uchiha clan.

If Rito can really defeat Itachi the son of head of Uchiha clan then they should at least know Rito.

Might guy, came to watch as he heard that Rito used Taijutsu to defeat Itachi.

Well it is not that difficult to say that the final spar was again between Rito and Itachi.

Rito looked normal and confident just like a normal 5 years old kid would look like.

On the other hand Itachi looked like he is some sort of sage that has seen through the world.

He gave out a feeling that he on the top of the world and there is nothing in this life to see.

Rito really hated that look.

So he has decided to give out a good beating to Itachi this time.

Soon the spar started.

Once again Rito dashed towards Itachi with his speed that improved from the last time.

Itachi looked a little confident in blocking the attacks of Rito.

This time again, the punches of Rito went to the face and stomach of Itachi.

Itachi moved his hands in a tricky way to block both of them.

But both the punches are fake and Rito as ran past Itachi.

While running he kicked the butt of Itachi with his back leg.

Rito took a turn around and came behind Itachi that just lost balance.

Itachi got a barrage of beating on his back as he was completely knocked forward with his face kissed the ground.

Rito directly sat on him with his knees forcing the hands of Itachi on the ground.

Then the hands of Rito formed a knife and placed on the neck of Itachi.

With that the match came to an end.

The onlookers were shocked by the operations of Rito.

It is not that Rito is stronger as Itachi has stronger physique that came with his bloodline.

Also Itachi has experienced teachers to teach him many things that Rito did not have.

In a way the fighting style of Rito did not look like a technique but more like how a street thug would fight.

But his movements are very resilient and every opportunity was self created like playing a game of chess.

There is no technique but everything is calculated and decisive.

If it was the real battle field without the use of chakra then Itachi would be dead by now.

They were all deeply moved and the Hokage has switched his telescopic technique from woman’s bath to just watch this match few minutes ago.

He was very interested in Rito now as he felt that Rito has strong potential for improvement.

He believes that if he trained Rito carefully then Rito can become another Kakashi that can act as his right hand.

This news has reached Danzo too and he sent the root ninja to investigate Rito.

From the shadows Shisui saw the fight between them and nodded his head.

Chapter 18: thoughts of bringing the dead back to life

From the shadows Shisui saw the fight between them and nodded his head.

Itachi has previously shared his thoughts to him about his fight with Rito.

So he came here to take a look but he never expected to see the same thing again but even worse this time.

This time the under currents spread quickly and there is even a frown on the face of Fugaku Uchiha the head of the Uchiha clan.

In the evening Rito went to the bank to cash out the money.

Well he took out 2 million in cash out and transferred the remaining 8 million to his original account.

After that he went to the graveyard to pay respect and return back home as usual.

On the way to graveyard he would buy flowers from the Ino’s family store from time to time.

The cost is not big so it is not a problem.

This is all to build up connections with the families of his future wives.

As for Mikoto, Rito has to speak to her before coming to an understanding.

She is a very loyal person that would not defect no matter what.

Rito actually loved this nature of her very much.

So in order to get her, he has to let her die once and then bring back her from the dead.

This is the same with Kushina who is already dead.

This world has some techniques that can bring the dead back to life.

But there are not fully developed.

To be precise they are severely lacking in many places.

The very concept of bringing dead back to life has many theories but they did not go through the right way.

Hey are missing some key concepts to make the dead reborn.

But Rito is different.

In the previous life after the death of his beloved wife he fell into madness for 5 years.

He tried every possible way to bring her dead wife back to living.

Even though he gained a lot of knowledge and methods of bringing dead back to life, he was unable to bring her back to living.

There are 2 main reasons for that.

First is that earth no longer has the source of energy that was once mentioned in the ancient times.

He doesn’t know why it was removed or what happened.

Second is that the cycle on earth is very quick.

The soul of the dead will only remain normal for 13 days after the death of that person.

After that it will be moved to reincarnation or change plane.

Even if the dead have resentment they will only leave the curse of resentment to give the punishment while the dead leave this plane.

He doesn’t know where they will go or reincarnate.

Well he himself has come to this world.

This indicates that they will be moved to different world based on their obsession.


But in the Naruto world these two conditions can be fulfilled.

There is energy in this world which is similar to the energy mentioned in many of those mythologies.

Other than that this Naruto world has this safety net called the pure world where the souls rest and did not go away for who knows how long.

The concept of the cycle of reincarnation in this world did not follow the normal laws back on earth.

So with the knowledge he has and the rules he can find he can pull back the dead and make them reborn.

As long as he has enough energy he can do that.

But most of his knowledge is fragmented and every fragment is a process that contains one or more key points that are useful to him.

Other than that he has to find a way to link those concepts to the laws of this world.

Also he has to find enough energy to bring the dead back to life and sustain them for normal life.

Finally he has to make sure that the dead that were brought back to life love him instead of wanting to die again.

There are many restrictions that he has to cross over to bring the dead back to life.

Also he hates many male ninja of this world because the only thing they have in their mind is to kill, kill….kill.

They never even consider the way to use their brain to make the world peaceful.

This stupidity started from the sage of six paths that gave the ability of mass destruction to these people.

Rito resented these people.

In this life he has the means but he cannot bring back his wife here because he doesn’t know where she is.

She liked many things and probably she might have reborn in that world to enjoy there.

So he can only give up thinking about that.


He did his exercise for the night and recharged the system with 2 million Ryo directly, ate some food and took a medicinal bath before sleeping.

Tomorrow is a big day.

Based on the last simulation he acted and defeated Itachi.

So he will be visited by an elder of the Uchiha clan to speak to him and give him pension in the name of his mother.

They will even speak about wanting Rito to join back into their clan.

Fugaku is really a man with good insight.

But his cunningness is far less than that of the old man third Hokage.

Well the cunningness of the third Hokage and even Danzo is far worse than that of Rito.

He has to get up early and prepare how to answer so that he can make the best out of it.

No matter what the answer is the elder would invite Rito to meet with Fugaku and even have lunch there.

Any way tomorrow is a holiday so it is not a problem.

The choice of Rito is still the same even he will not leave the house he was born and raised to relocate to Uchiha clan….

Chapter 19: visiting Uchiha clan

The choice of Rito is that he will not leave the house he was born and raised to relocate to Uchiha clan.

He will not change his surname from Yuki to Uchiha.

Any way he did not have the Sharingan so he did not belongs to Uchiha clan.

Rito will politely refuse to stay with them because of his love for parents.

But he will come here from time to time to speak with the kind elders and practice with Itachi from then on…

At that time the third Hokage will call him to talk about the state of affairs of the village and some bad guys in Uchiha clan.

So he will ask Rito to become double agent of the Uchiha clan.

Rito accepts it and the third Hokage would become happy.


On the morning next day when Rito was exercising the elder from the Uchiha clan appeared.

He came to talk to Rito with kind and gentle tone and then bring him back to see the clan leader Fugaku.

Rito did not show any fear or panic that should appear in a child.

He was taken to Uchiha clan to meet with Fugaku.

On the way Rito saw many Uchiha clan members.

There are few handsome man and very beautiful women here.

But there is strange cold arrogance in them that annoyed him.

Izumi or Mikoto are not like that.

They are much better when comparison to these people that have no ability but show arrogance with the past glory of the clan.

Soon after coming to the clan hall Rito has to wait for some time to meet with Fugaku.

After 10 minutes Fugaku appeared with his dead pan face.

His face appeared like his parents are dead leaving behind a mountain of debt for him to clear.

Rito still don’t know how this idiot can get his hands on Mikoto.

Rito sighed inside but did not show any arrogance in his face.

At the same time he did not show any fear as he looked straight into the eyes of Fugaku.

He can be put into illusion but the killing intent from any person from the Naruto world can affect him.

So he did not show any fear.

He was sure that he will not be attacked here because it will break the relations between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha village.

Also he has already looked at the simulation finding that all he will have is lunch here and nothing more.

Soon he spoke to Fugaku with just enough respect as an elder but nothing more than that.

There is no intimate relation or anything in his words.

They can clearly see that Rito did not have any relation to Uchiha in both mind and heart.

Well they can understand.

They directly expelled him right after the death of his mother.

Also the properties of her mother were all calculated at the lowest price and even that was halved saying that she was taken care of by the clan all this time….

Those elders from the Uchiha clan are no different from the management leaders of the Konoha village.

Rito acted very normal with nothing out of bounds.

After their talk and Rito’s firm decisions they decided to break the ice slowly.

They started to give Rito some pension on her mother’s name which is a pocket change for all the money they took from her mother.

Well at least they have not become the reason for the death of his mother.

She died giving birth to him.

But his father once mentioned that some Uchiha clan elders cursed his mother with some bad words when she wanted to argue about the unfair selling price of her property and other things….

His father said that the resentment continued till she died as they particularly made things difficult for her to even receive that low amount of money.


Rito did not like them but he doesn’t have to resent the people that would die anyway.

Also they will become the supplement for Uchiha bloodline later.

With that thought he became happy again.

He was served lunch that he ate with Fugaku, and Itachi.

Mikoto stood by the side serving them.

She will eat later after they are done.

She really is a good wife that Fugaku did not deserve.

After lunch Rito went to wash off his hands and this is an important turning point for Rito.

He is going to speak to Mikoto.

Well she is going to speak to him.

She is the mother of Itachi and she doesn’t want any resentment between him and Itachi.

So she will say some simply words like a good mother before Rito leaves.

Fugaku has already left and Itachi has the same dead pan face that he inherited from his father.

He has already lost interest in the Uchiha clan and his heart was being influenced by the words of Uchiha Shisui.

He did not have any problems with Rito and acted normally like any other Uchiha with his cold demeanor.

On the other hand Rito has the bright personality like a sunny boy that attracted Mikoto’s attention.

It was not the attention as a woman but the attention as a mother that found a potential good friend for her son.

So she spoke to Rito saying that he can come here any time to practice with Itachi…..

Rito nodded his head like an innocent child.

Itachi hated Uchiha and their cold nature but he did not find it in Rito.

So his thoughts are different towards Rito.

Also technically Rito is not from the Uchiha clan as he was expelled and his blood line is very thin to the point that he can never awake Sharingan.

With that done Rito returned back towards his home while an Anbu appeared saying that third Hokage wanted to meet with him.

Rito moved happily and did not show any changes.

Third Hokage gave a warm welcome to Rito and spoke to him about different topics for half an hour before diverting the topic to his visit to Uchiha clan…….

Chapter 20: Sharingan awakened

Third Hokage gave a warm welcome to Rito and spoke to him about different topics for half an hour before diverting the topic to his visit to Uchiha clan.

Rito knows what third Hokage wanted to know.

So he directly gave a run down on what happened at the Uchiha.

Just like in the simulation third Hokage talked it out with Rito convincing him to become the undercover agent in the Uchiha clan.

After that Rito left there and returned home.

He did not take time to decide and gave the clear answer to all the people on that very day.


After few days Izumi and her mother moved back to the Uchiha clan.

Rito made all of his efforts to improve his integration process and blood line awakening.

The training is harsher every day to break his limit.

Simulation cannot give him anything physical.

What he can get if he chooses chakra is the fine control of chakra with larger quantities.

Also it will tell you, when to stop refining chakra so as to not to damage the cells of the body or the spirit within.

If improvement of body is chosen then it will give a way for the body to automatically adapt and become strong under the condition of required supplements and exercise.

If techniques were chosen then, it will give the run down on the technique and the experience in practicing that technique.

If memories were chosen then it will given the memories of the future deduced base on the current circumstances and thoughts of the host.


This is how the simulation works.

The reason why he did not collect the bloodlines through simulation is because of this very thing.

As for the bloodline awakening he has to do it in real life relying on his own strength.

What he can get is the experience on awakening the bloodline which will help him not to take the wrong turn causing some hidden problems.

For a true assassin information is the most important thing for completion of the mission and to survive after the mission.


Another few days has passed.

During that time Rito frequently went to Uchiha clan to spar with Itachi and meet with Izumi.

Also at that time Rito took the chance to speak with Mikoto who was caring for baby Sasuke.

Naruto on the other hand is taken care of by some nurses of Sarutobi clan under the orders of the third Hokage.

Well it is not much but barely alive.

Rito enquired about various things and even confessed to Mikoto about his love.

But she thought that he is just a kid that was speaking out of love.

So she also said jokingly that if there is next life then she can become his wife that time.

Itachi is also there and he looked gloomy as ever.

Even if he wants to hit Rito he cannot because Rito was stronger than him in Taijutsu.

He did not awaken the Sharingan and using ninjutsu is hard as Rito don’t know much of ninjutsu except for the three body technique.

Even with them Rito is still powerful with his finer control.

During that time Rito got a chance to meet with Shisui and even spar with him a little along with Itachi.

The nature of Rito has attracted Shisui giving him a good impression.


Soon it was time where Rito should be kidnapped by the people or Orochimaru.

Few days ago the surveillance on Rito was removed just in case to cause problems for Rito in the Uchiha clan to gain information.

Rito was ready for that from a long time and go to the designated area to be captured.

It was the usual route he takes and some deserted place.

Someone hit his neck quickly making him lose consciousness.

Immediately after that he was taken away to the secret hide out of Orochimaru.

At the same time the information on the mad scientist Orochimaru and all of his atrocities was reported to Hokage.

While they are rallying their ninja’s for the attack, Rito woke up in the facility.

Previously he put some soft metal behind his neck so he only acted fainted but in reality he is not fainted.

He was placed in a cell like place and there are no guards.

He will not be experimented on directly but takes time as there are many required preparations.

Under the footwear Rito hid some wire that can be used to unlock the locks using lock picking.

Well he is an assassin, can’t he pick locks.

In his cell he is the only person and since the people in these cells are just ordinary people there are no special seals to lock the cells.

Rito used his chance to escape and unlocked the cell.

He silently moved to the storage area where many important things of Orochimaru were stored based on his memories.

Orochimaru did chance his body structure but he cannot store everything in his body yet.

Rito’s targets are the cells with strong bloodlines here.

From the memories he has already prepared enough simulation points for all this.

He started to check the place.

But then something here has triggered his strong emotion.

That is the mutilated corpse of Kushina.

She was so beautiful in the story plot but now she looks like this.

The death was caused by those selfish people destroying such a beauty to this rotting corpse.

Naturally his assassin’s mind is strong but looking at his corpse has triggered some of the memories of his wife after she died in the previous life.

These memories became a strong trigger and awakened his Sharingan.

His Uchiha bloodline has awakened suddenly.

In the simulation it did not happen but now it happened.

He quickly used the storage scroll in the room to store all the important things and while he was at it he collected the bloodlines.

There are some big improvements and he did not have time to check them here………


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