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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 11: Erotic Fate God Cultivation Technique

The biggest gain that Mohini obtained because of these memories and the photographic memory is the cultivation technique that is given after forming the amethyst charm and obtaining the system.

Even though she does not have the Erotic God system that she got from the amethyst charm,

She has the complete cultivation techniques called

“Erotic Fate God cultivation technique”

So Mohini can cultivate a supreme technique even without having the erotic god system from the green jade charm.

But currently she is just a weak young lady so she has to get some things before stepping into the hell.

After so many years of living she found some hard truths of the world.

That is one should not mess with the flow of things because this might cause even bigger damage than the previous one.

For this reason Mohini don’t want to mess with things that can potentially affect the future.

Other than that the erotic fate god cultivation technique is special in cultivation model.

It needs something more than spirit energy to cultivate.

That is she has to get fucked by all those people to cultivate using their lustful energy and the spirit energy.

According to what Mohini understood about the erotic fate god technique.

She can absorb energy from other party that is fucking her.

But she can do that in two ways that is she can get the energy without harming the other party and even increasing their cultivation that is mutual benefit just like dual cultivation.

The second way is show hell to the other party and takes everything from the other party that is fucking her.

There are many mysteries and strange things in the erotic fate god cultivation technique.

Mohini has to learn them slowly.

As her understanding towards the cultivation technique deepens the mysteries will slowly solve themselves to Mohini.

But currently Mohini has a different thought that is she is still a virgin and how to use her virginity to get some gains.

She once found an ancient technique when she was exploring some ruins.

The technique can summon a demon god of the underworld to grant 3 wishes

But the condition is that the summoner must be a virgin.

When she got this technique she has already lost her virginity a long time ago and both of her holes are grinded by the people thousands of time.

Just before she obtained the technique she was already fucked by two of her sect’s core disciples.

So she was going to plan on using her virginity to get some things useful to her later.

“After that erotic god system gave me the rundown of the things it has completely vanished back into the pointing half of the charm.

I think it will only appear after I completed this charm.

I have to gain the cultivation required to unlock the map for the completing piece of the jade charm.

Well whatever today and tomorrow are my birthdays.

There is no clear date so these two days are considered her birthdays.

The exams are about a week away.

Looking back the reason that I was sick now is because I have been working part time jobs to earn money for my lively hood after I leave this orphanage.

Also I have been saving money to pay the tuition fee for join the top grade college.

Other than that I have worked hard for 2 years doing part time jobs to earn enough money to buy a smart phone.

If I remembered correctly it should be delivered today.

All these things and the continuous work have my health to deteriorate and led me to fall sick.

Well whatever I still remember all of my hacker’s knowledge.

I am going to play some hard game and earn cash from those cash cows and bulls.


Here cash cows are rich women while cash bulls are the good for nothing rich second generation young masters.

“Oh! I forgot that other warden has stolen my phone and the current warden has taken it on herself to buy me a new phone”

Mohini thought to herself while resting.

For the orphanage there are two wardens that took shifts to manage the orphanage.

They are appointed by the government.

One warden called Lakshmi was a good old lady she was the one that took care of Mohini when she was in the orphanage.

While the other one is called Mandara she is not good and always embezzles the funds of the orphanage

Other than that she will also replace some of the daily rations of the orphanage given by the government with cheap quality rations.

Also she will sometimes steal things in the name of inspection from the people in the orphanage.

Last time when Mohini’s smart phone arrived she was sick and was asleep.

So the warden Lakshmi did not wake her up to give the smart phone.

After her shift is over she gave the box containing new phone to Mandara to deliver it to Mohini.

But Mandara stole the smart phone and said some nonsense that someone came and stole the smart phone.

Warden Lakshmi felt guilty and personally bought a new phone to Mohini.

Warden Lakshmi did not have anyone.

She is just an old lady around the age of 70.

Government has special consideration for her this is because of the request from people from the orphanage and let her continue to work till her death.

But Mohini know that warden Lakshmi will die in a few days before Mohini joined her college.

If she was alive she would have helped Mohini did not go into that hell hole.

But she is dead and there is no one that Mohini can ask for help.

Also warden Lakshmi died in a natural death as if sending Mohini into abyss is the decision of the will of the universe.

But this time Mohini was awake and can take the smart phone that she has bought using her hard earned money……

Chapter 12: vibrating phone fell into the dress

But this time Mohini was awake and can take the smart phone that she has bought using her hard earned money.

Currently she is anticipating for the new smart phone that she ordered.

She has decided to use the secret technique after she became healthy again that is tomorrow.

She wanted to lose her virginity on the day of her birthday.

Previously she should have been in deep sleep right now when the smart phone arrived.

But now she was awake and eagerly waiting for the smart phone.

She can do many things with her skills as a hacker.

As expected within half an hour her warden came back to check on Mohini to see if she is awake or not.

This is because the smart phone has already arrived.

Mohini has already paid the money online so only receiving the phone is remaining.

Warden came to check for Mohini because Mohini has been on high excitement for the past few days.

This is because she has bought a smart phone online with her own money.

So he came to check to see if Mohini is still awake.

“Oh! You are not sleeping Mohini;

Come with me your smart phone has arrived.”

Warden Lakshmi said.

Mohini immediately got up and followed warden Lakshmi into her office.

There is a huge smile hung on Mohini’s face.

The smart phone that she bought is the limited edition purple magenta colored phone with the latest features.

Mohini happily took the box and said that she would go back to the room to open and check her new smart phone.

Then she hurriedly left the warden’s office.

She got back to her sleeping place.

In orphanages mostly all the people are slept on the floor with rugs or other cheep things.

They will not have bed or any other thing.

Also there will only be one big room that can fill all the kids in the orphanage live in.

So, all the orphans sleep in their assigned spots in that single room of orphanage.

Mohini usually slept near a corner that is close to the exit.

Mohini sat on her rug and started to remove the cover on the box.

She can see the front view of the mobile phone from the transparent screen on the box.

She unboxed the smart phone and started to feel the smooth surface of the screen.

Suddenly something unexpected happened.

The phone switched on automatically without Mohini doing anything.

Mohini was shocked and dropped the phone from her loose hand grip.

Even though Mohini has just reached her eighteenth birthday her body is well developed.

Her boobs are quite big and perky they stood up like two snow mountains complimenting her milky white skin.

One can consider her a top grade beauty that can topple a city.

Since she is an orphan she did not have many good clothes.

So she usually wears some little tattered clothes while she is inside the orphanage.

There are not make kids in this orphanage there are only women from kids to adults.

This is also designated by the government to simplify the management and moral values.

The tattered clothes that she is wearing are donated by some people that she obtained as they fit her.

The dress that she is wearing is a woman’s nighty that has a long neck cut that shows her breasts and there is also a hole that was formed from rats.

The smart phone that she dropped fell in the space between her boobs and slipped into her clothes and stuck between her boobs.

At this moment the phone started to vibrate.

Mohini’s boobs are her one of her sensitive spots.

So as soon as the phone started to vibrate Mohini let out a light moan and felt a little powerless.


Because of the vibration the phone slid down from her boobs straight to her naval where there is a hole in the clothes made by rats.

Mohini tried to pull out the smart phone from this hole but because of her struggle the smart phone slid further into her crotch region touching her pussy and clit.

The continuous vibration started to stimulate her little pussy and her pea sized clitoris.

This caused Mohini to let out a few moans and have an orgasm.

Fortunately she pulled out the phone just before she cummed spoiling her dress.

The phone was fine just smell a little of her love juices but her dress around her crotch region has become wet.

Even though she has many experiences of fucking from the memories of her future self,

Her current body is only that of an eighteen year old girl that has never felt this kind of stimulus.

This is an entirely new world for her body.

So her body reacted immediately to the stimulus and also her body is very sensitive because of being a virgin.

She quickly placed the smart phone back in the box and started to rub her clitoris and the pussy to enjoy the moment a little more.

She masturbated for sometime while going on with the flow and caught up in the moment.

She is already 18 year old.

Her birthdays today and next day is only the recorded date mentioned in the orphanage record.

So her real birthday is unknown.

But based on warden Lakshmi words,

Mohini know that she is around one year older than the date recorded that is she will be 19 year old the next day instead of 18 year old.

She was unable to stand up because of too much sensitivity her legs gave away.

After few minutes of resting she finally stood up and went to change her clothes.

She took off the spoiled nighty and wore another dress that she stored in a box nearby where all the orphans store their dresses.

She then immediately washed her cum covered dress fearing warden or any other women would see her.

She did not even bother to check the vibration on the phone…….

Chapter 13: lady fate gave gifts and punishments part- 1

She did not even bother to check the vibration on the phone.

This is because she has a good name for her in the orphanage and she doesn’t want to tarnish it.

After washing her clothes she came back to her rug to look at the vibration in the mobile phone.

As soon as Mohini took the smart phone into her hands there is a sudden flash from the smart phone.

After the flash came and gone everything around Mohini seemed to be blurred.

It is as if the flow of time itself has been stopped.

When Mohini is wondering what is going on there is a sudden crack in the space in front of Mohini.

There is a shade of purple magenta light come from the crack in front of Mohini.

At this moment a very beautiful figured women wearing purple magenta dress came out of the crack.

She has a pair of long slender legs.

She has a wavy silky beautiful hair that is also shining magenta in color.

She has bright round eyes with a deep purple pupa eyes that are very mysterious to look at.

Her body is so sexy that Mohini has literally wet her crotch a second time.

That beautiful woman walked towards Mohini in a sexy way that makes Mohini’s heart race like a wild horse.

When the women came face to face in front of Mohini she stopped and said.

“Do you know me?”

The voice of this beautiful women is so sexy that just this one sentence has almost made Mohini had an orgasm.

It took Mohini few moments to come back to reality and finally spoke.

“You…you are… lady fate”

The beautiful woman waved her hand and the dress Mohini is wearing automatically got off and fell on the ground a little far away.

Then the beautiful women came very close to Mohini and gave Mohini a sweet lip kiss.

Mohini was completely stunned and her legs lost their power making her lose her balance.

Lady fate caught Mohini from falling and waved her hand again immediately the space around them has completely distorted.

After a moment Mohini is standing on the top of the orphanage building.

This place is not cleaned all year around so it was quite messy.

The sky became cloudy so there is no sun and no heat.

The climate became moderate with a gentle cool breeze.

Then the lady fate spoke.

“Well you are correct I am lady fate.

Even when you just heard my voice once you were able to remember is perfectly.

That is one good memory.

But why did you have an orgasm with a single kiss.

You are the woman that was fucked thousands of times but you are now just a little virgin that is extremely sensitive to my single kiss.”

Lady fate is still holding Mohini in her arms.

All she spoke to Mohini is in her ear as lady fate is hugging Mohini.

Mohini is still in a daze from the kiss but she came out of it quickly and spoke.

“Lady Fate I did not complete the green jade charm.

So how did I get this opportunity to meet you in person?”

Lady fate stopped hugging Mohini and started to pinch Mohini’s nipples while speaking.

“Well you are the new owner of the pointing half of the green jade charm.

You are currently my bitch and if you succeed in my quest then you can make me your bitch.

Since I like you a little I came here personally to give you a little gift and an invitation to my newly found chat group.

How you move and how you gain from it is all on your own.

As for my gift will be this ring”

Saying these words lady fate took out a purple colored ring out of thin air.

This ring is special.

Originally it is a part of the system that you will get after completing the green jade charm.

But I want to give this to you a little prior.

This ring can give you some benefits and some special effects can be caused by this ring.


This ring can work as my chat group’s signal receiver and storage device with 1000 space that can store 1000 unique items and each space can hold 999 items that are same.

It will be undetectable to all the people above 2 major realms of your cultivation.

Even if the people discover this ring they might not be able to see the specialty of the ring.

Let me put this ring on you in the most undiscoverable part.”

Lady Fate placed the ring on Mohini’s clitoris.

Immediately the ring became smaller and smaller finally becoming a collar at the bottom of pea sized clitoris of Mohini.

Then lady fate gave small flick extracting a drop of Mohini’s blood.

There is no wound on Mohini it was completely vanished completely in a moment because of the power of lady fate.

Lady fate dripped this drop of blood on the small collar on Mohini’s clitoris.

Then under the guidance of lady fate Mohini formed a spiritual connection with the purple ring.

Immediately the ring was completely stuck to Mohini’s clitoris.

Even if someone sucks on her clitoris they will not be able to remove the ring from her.

“You are the only mortal that I gave an invitation to my chat group.

But you have to pay a little price for it.

That is till you complete my mission and get the system your body will be twice as sensitive as it is before.

After you complete my mission to get the system from the amethyst charm I will appear again to change the rules


I already know that that you have completely remembered the cultivation technique so you can cultivate.

But the erotic fate god system is very important to you.

It will help you gain many things.

But since you have got the technique before you complete the amethyst charm….”

Chapter 14: lady fate gave gifts and punishments part-2

“…But since you have got the technique before you complete the amethyst charm,

I am going to give you a little punishment.”

While speaking lady fate took out a bangle like thing that seems to be made out of gold.

Then she extracted another drop of blood from Mohini and placed it on the golden bangle helping Mohini form spiritual connection with the bangle similar to the purple ring.

Purple ring is the magenta colored ring that lady fate gave Mohini previously.

Then under the orders of lady fate Mohini placed the strange golden bangle and the new smart phone in the purple ring on Mohini’s clitoris.

Mohini was shocked but she has already adapted to the truth that lady fate is here and asked

“Lady Fate, can you tell me what it is?”

Lady fate smiled mysteriously and said

“Well this is called fucking ring.

There are many people out there that wish to enjoy the pleasure from a beautiful thing.

So this ring was invented.

There will be a pair of rings one is service ring while the other is the customer ring.

The service ring is placed on the person that wants to provide the sex service.

The customer ring can choose any of the service providers rings to have his fun by paying the price.

This is a special business provided under the leader ship of the love gods of all the mythologies.

All the service providers can participate willingly no one is forced,

The customers pay the price decided by the love god’s assessment teams of all the mythologies.

Your punishment will be very simple.

You are going to give the access to get the complete fucking time apart from the time when you are not being fucked by those humans in your future.

This way you can earn some valuables,

You can get some cultivation done with higher level beings

Also you are going to get fucked 24/7 hehe this will be your punishment.

Do you have any doubts?”

Mohini was shocked at first but after listening to the explanation of lady fate Mohini let her heart at ease.

But there are still doubts in her mind so she wanted to ask

“Lady Fate, I have two questions.

First is I am still a virgin so I wanted to use that forbidden technique to summon a demon to grant me 3 abilities.

So can I start this punishment from tomorrow after I lost my virginity?

The second question is what if there is some one that from the fucking ring that wants to fuck my ass hole,

At the same time there is someone that is already fucking my asshole here?”

Lady fate smiled and said

“First of all I will answer the second question.

When someone is already fucking your holes here and another one wants to fuck the very hole then the love god’s customer support shows that the hole is already occupied.

If the person wants to have a double penetration and you accepted it then the there will be two dicks in the same hole grinding your insides.

Also the human that is already fucking you will not notice this.

As for the first question there is something that special that I came here specifically today.

That is to say today is your birthday and not tomorrow.

Also I came here to take your virginity by granting you 4 wishes.

In the four wishes 3 are of your choice and the fourth one is given by me to you as a gift.

You don’t have to summon a demon using the forbidden technique.”

With these words from lady fate,

Mohini has finally calmed down and was happy to see that lady fate herself has come to celebrate Mohini’s birthday.

“Let me give the birthday girl another kiss”

Saying these words lady fate closed in on Mohini again giving her another long sweet lip kiss.

With a wave of her hand the magenta dress on lady fate vanished.

All the ornaments that she is wearing also vanished.

This revealed an even magnificent view of a perfect body.

The beauty of lady fate’s body cannot be said in words.

There is one word that can describe lady fate’s body that is.


“What are your three wishes that you wanted to ask sacrificing your virginity to a demon?”

Lady fate asked Mohini with a lusty smile.

The time is still stopped by lady fate, so all this time they are talking the total flow of time is zero.

So there is no one that came to the orphanage and her warden did not come to check on Mohini again because all of them are frozen in time.

She immediately came in front of Mohini and gave her a lip kiss.

After that she bent down a little and started to suck on Mohini’s nipples.

While she is sucking on one nipple she pinched on the other one.

This aroused Mohini very much that she is moaning with pleasure.

Mohini even had a few orgasms from just getting sucked and pinched on her nipples.

“Ahaaa” “humm” “ohhaa”

After that lady fate went down even further and started to lick and suck on Mohini’s clitoris and the virgin pussy.

Mohini’s legs became jelly and almost fell down on the messy roof top.

But lady fate caught her again and with a wave of her hand a nicely arranged pink bed appeared on the messy roof top.

Lady fate placed Mohini on the top of the bed and then inserted two of her fingers into the pussy between Mohini’s legs while teasing her clitoris.

After having enough fun with Mohini, Lady Fate stopped what she is doing and placed her pussy at Mohini’s mouth.

“Suck on clitoris so that it can become a dick.”

Lady fate said to Mohini.

Mohini immediately started to lick lady fate’s clitoris and the pussy passionately.

Mohini is licking like she is licking an ice cream bar.

There is a sense of pleasure in Mohini’s eyes……….

Chapter 15: celebrating birthday in birthday suit

There is a sense of pleasure in Mohini’s eyes.

As lady fate said after Mohini sucked her clitoris for a few minutes the small pea sized clitoris grew bigger and bigger to form a huge dick that is over 8 inches long and 2 inches thick.

All the nerves on it are bulged forming an uneven surface.

It was dark pinkish red in color.

“This is my first time fucking someone with my dick.

Well you are a virgin too.”

Lady fate said

“Please be gentle, because of all the orgasms my little pussy is very sensitive”

Mohini said

After listening to Mohini’s words lady fate is further aroused and started to rub her dick on the wet lips of Mohini’s pussy.

Then she slowly plunged the huge dick into Mohini’s cute little pussy.

First it did not go in so lady fate used a little force causing Mohini to scream in pain as her hymen is broken.

“It won’t fit please use a little smaller one ahaahaa…..”

“Well it went in now.


Saying these words lady fate pushed her entire dick into Mohini’s little pussy.

This formed a little bulge on Mohini’s stomach where the dick went in.

As soon as the dick went in her pussy healed quickly like nothing happened.

Then lady fate started to Mohini back and forth in a rhythmatic way that created waves and waves of pleasure to Mohini and herself.

After that lady fate flipped Mohini where her ass is facing lady fate.

While lady fate’s dick is still stuck in Mohini’s little pussy.

Then lady fate slapped on Mohini’s butt until they turned bright red.

Even this slapping caused more pleasure to Mohini as she continued to moan.


“Fuck yeah…yeeaah”

“Hell Ahhaa”


This went on for a while then lady fate bent over to Mohini’s ear and said

“I will help you in your cultivation once.

Try using the erotic fate god technique when I cum inside you.”

After saying that lady fate made a light grunt and let out a few shots of cum inside Mohini’s little pussy while kissing Mohini’s lips.

Mohini under the guidance of lady fate started cultivate the erotic fate god technique.

She was able to gain some cultivation but she doesn’t know how to measure her current cultivation.

So she asked.

“Lady Fate, can you tell me how much progress that I just made.

I don’t know how to measure.

Previously there are measuring stones that those cultivation sects have.

I don’t have any of those stones here.”

“Well if you had the system now it would have given you all these details.

Since there is no other choice I will temporarily let your little ring display your cultivation and progress.

This way it will be easy for you.”

After that lady fate flicked her finger and the little purple ring on Mohini’s clitoris started to emit a bright purple glow.

It then sent some information into Mohini’s mind.

“Current player cultivation is beginner stage 10 of the mortal level.

Player requires 1000 cultivation points to reach the next level. 0/1000”

“Lady Fate what are these cultivation points?

I know what beginner stage 10, mortal level is”

Mohini asked.

“Well this is the numerical value of the cultivation that you require to fill to reach the next level of cultivation stage.

This way you can easily know how much you have cultivated and how much you have to cultivate to reach the next level.

Other than that this can also help you know the cultivation level of other people without them knowing that you are spying on their cultivation.”

Lady fate said while fucking Mohini.

Mohini is still moaning listening to the words of lady fate as she fucked her little hole.

Mohini was enjoying this very much.

There are a few drops of Mohini’s virgin blood on the messy roof top beside the pink bed.

This was marked on the bed too from the over flowing white semen came out of Mohini’s little pussy.

But Mohini and lady fate were closely lustfully entangled that they don’t care about anything.

“Let me take the virginity of the other holes too.”

Lady fate said this and pulled out her dick from Mohini’s little pussy and then she put it in Mohini’s mouth and said

“Clean my dick so that I can fuck you other hole, hehe.”

Mohini started to lick and suck the dick of lady fate that was covered in semen and her own love juices.

After cleaning the dick lady fate pulled it back again and then flipped Mohini where her ass hole facing lady fate’s dick.

She first got a strange bottle that is filled with green slippery liquid.

Lady fate started to rub that licked on Mohini’s ass hole.

Then she inserted her fingers widening her ass hole and lubricating it more.

Then she started to rub Mohini’s ass hole with her dick where the butt locks of Mohini are tightly packing lady fates dick.

Lady fate suddenly plunged the dick into Mohini’s ass hole and this cause Mohini to scream loudly with her expanding ass hole.

After Mohini adapted lady fate started to move back and forth like a pin machine that is in full swing.

Mohini was continuously moaning.

Even though she lost the virginity of the ass hole she did not have any blood because of getting lubricated by lady fate in her ass hole.

After few minutes lady fate finally cummed filling up both of Mohini’s holes with her hot cum.

Lady fate’s dick is still as erect as it was at the beginning of all these few dozen rounds.

“Even though I wished you a happy birthday I did not celebrate it.

So let us cut a cake to celebrate your birthday.”

Lady fate said this and pulled Mohini to the edge of the bed.

Then lady fate waved her hand immediately a table appeared in front of them.

On the table there is a beautiful cake that is covered in a design that has many colors.

Chapter 16: the three wishes Mohini wanted

On the table there is a beautiful cake that is covered in a design that has many colors.

There are many different exotic fruits on the cake.

Lady fate is sitting at the edge of the bed, right beside the table.

Mohini is sitting on lady fate’s lap where the dick of lady fate is still in Mohini’s little pussy.

Lady fate pointed a finger and a little fire appeared at the edge of her finger.

Then lady fate spoke.

“Mohini lit the candles on the cake with my little fire.”

Lady fate’s breasts are tightly pressing on to Mohini’s back while lady fate’s dick is fully inserted into Mohini’s little hole.

Currently Mohini was at the very top of the pleasure heaven but was woken up by lady fate’s words.

She was astounded to see that there is a table and a very beautiful cake on the table.

There are words written on the top of the cake that is.

“Happy birthday to my little bitch Mohini from her to be bitch lady Fate”

Looking at the words on the cake there are two streaks of tears from Mohini’s eyes.

Looking at the tears from Mohini’s eyes fate asked.

“Why are you crying?”

It is not the words that caused her to cry but these are her happy tears caused by the extreme happiness that she is currently in.

“I am not crying because I am sad.

These are the happy tears that came from the happiness that you gave me.

I am an orphan that has faced many hardships in my life.

This is the first time that I am celebration my birthday with a magnificent cake and with a person that loves me so much.”

Mohini said while the tears are still flowing from her eyes.

“Silly girl, you are still far away from the real enjoyment.

Win the game I designed and then you will have many more people that will sit with you to celebrate your birthday.

Well whatever today is your birthday so don’t cry.

Cut the cake first and then make the three wishes that you want to ask that demon.”

Lady fate said while smiling coquettishly.

Mohini wiped her happy tears then took the small knife that lady fate gave her and cut the cake.

After she cut the cake she took the piece with a strawberry on it and wanted to place it in lady fate’s mouth.

But lady fate took that piece of cake and from Mohini’s hands and placed it in Mohini’s mouth. Immediately she planted a kiss on Mohini’s mouth.

They both shared the piece of cake and the small strawberry with a lip kiss.

This has completely aroused both of them to that point that lady fate shot out another load of cum in Mohini’s little pussy.

“What are your three wishes that you wanted to ask sacrificing your virginity to a demon?”

Lady fate asked Mohini with a lusty smile.

Mohini was still enjoying the moment that they just shared but came back to reality because of lady fate’s words and sorted her mind to normal state.

Then spoke about her wishes

“Lady Fate the three wishes that I wanted to have is the three abilities that I need the most to survive in this monstrous world.

The first one is the ability to become invisible and undetectable.

The enemy should not be able to see me or detect me in any form of presence.

That is they should not be able to see me through their spirit sense too.

Also this should be able to hide my cultivation level if it is required.

This is the first ability that I wanted absolute invisibility.

The second ability is the ability of shape shifting.

I want to change my appearance, race, gender and transform into anything that I wanted to become.

This way I will be able to escape from the enemies eyes.

The third ability that wanted to wish for is detection ability like radar.

The ability like radar that will help me detects all the things within the range.

All the things means, friends, enemies, treasures, spirit herbs, minerals and all the things easily.

These are the three abilities that I wanted to wish for so that I can complete the mission that you gave me and do many other things in this dog eat dog world.

The time is still stopped by lady fate so all this time they are talking the total flow of time is zero.

So there is no one that came to the orphanage and her warden did not come to check on Mohini again because all of them are frozen in time.

“Well the three wishes that you asked are good and they are very useful.

But all I can give you are the starting abilities that are all the abilities at tier 0 of the mortal grade.

You have to work on these abilities to increase their grade.

The more you use them the higher level they become.

But the catch is that these abilities will not give you the complete power at the start of the abilities.

They will only give you the details that correspond to tier 1 of the mortal grade.

The higher the level they reach the higher the functionality of these abilities.

You have to work on them on your own to gain the things that you want.

Are you ok with that?

If you ask these abilities from a demon then he might not be able to give them to you for the price of your virginity.

At most he can give you some basic skills like disguise skill.

They are not abilities but just some basic skills.

These skills are derived from techniques and assumptions.”

Lady fate said

“I accept the things that lady fate gives me.

But I don’t understand the differences between the skills, abilities and techniques can you please elaborate and enlighten me.”

Mohini asked lady fate with a curious voice.

Chapter 17: fourth wish is the gift

“Well, it is not rocket science just some basic understanding.

This can be explained easily.

You see cultivation techniques are derived from the assumptions and observations if the nature around you.

These skills are made from the techniques that have reached their highest level.

Then abilities are formed from the skills that have completely integrated into the cultivator’s blood line.

These abilities can be transferred through blood line or even thought to others easily.

These are some basic details for you.

You can learn them later as you cultivate.

For now I will grant you the three wishes that you wished for you can check their progress through the same way you check the progress of your cultivation.”

After saying that lady fate waved her hand sending 3 colored lights into Mohini’s mind.

Then lady fate waved her hand again making the little purple ring on Mohini’s clitoris shine the purple light.

Immediately it sent a message to Mohini similar to notifications


“Current player cultivation level 15 of the beginner mortal level.

Player requires 1600 cultivation points to reach the next level. 0/1600”


“Current player detection radar skill level 0 requires 100 experience points to reach next level. 0/100”


“Current player invisibility camouflage skill level 0 requires 100 experience points to reach next level. 0/100”


“Current player shape shifter radar skill level 0 requires 100 experience points to reach next level. 0/100”

Mohini was shocked to see the three abilities actually given to her.

She was not disappointed by their level because it is natural that you have to work hard to earn good things.

At this moment lady fate spoke

“This time I will give you a fourth ability that I choose for you that is “extra loot”.

This ability will give you some special benefits like other than getting the people’s essence energy for cultivation you can also get a Fraction of their power.

It not only applies for the beings that are fucking you but also the beings that died in your hands.

The more you develop the skill the more you receive.

But this is a high level ability so the amount of experience points that you need to upgrade this skill is very high.

You will also get same fraction of extra yield in everything that you do, like cultivation and all the other matters too.

Don’t you like what I just gave you?


If you like it, then show it in the form of appreciation.”

Mohini was very excited and when lady fate asked to show appreciation to her,

Mohini went on her knees and stated to suck on lady fate’s dick very passionately.

After that Mohini pushed lady fate on to the bed and sat on the top of lady fate’s dick like a rider sitting on a horse.

Then she started to shake her hips to full insert the dick into her little pussy.

Then she moved up and down while pinching onto lady fate’s nipples.

After sometime the dick of lady fate bulged indicating that she is about to cum.

So Mohini bent down further and planted a lip kiss on lady fate’s lips.

The body of Mohini arched from pleasure at that time.

At this moment both of Mohini and lady fate climaxed at the same time making the bed a little more slimy and sticky.

“Well you show a good appreciation to me hehe.

I liked it too.”

Lady fate waved her hand immediately the dick at her crotch region has completely vanished.

This place of the dick is replaced by a very beautiful little pussy and a cute clitoris.

Then lady fate said.

“Do you like my little pussy?

Do you want to fuck all of my holes?

Then become strong and complete the mission that I gave you.

If you reach my level then I will tell you some other secrets and let you fuck me as you wish.

Till then you are my bitch.

I will come some other time to fuck you hehe.

If you want to fuck me and make me your bitch then completes my mission to become the erotic fate god.

Then you can do whatever you want with me.”

After that lady fate said.

“Take the cake into the little ring”

Mohini went near the cake, took it by hand and placed in near her crotch region.

In the next moment the cake is placed inside the ring.

Since Mohini’s level was low,

She has to place the object that she wants to store inside the clit ring within 10 inches radius around the clit ring.

After that lady fate waved her hands sending making the table and bed vanish.

Then lady fate took Mohini down to the ground from the messy roof top.

After lady fate said a few words before making a crack in space and vanished into thin air.

The time is still stopped by lady fate so all this time they are talking the total flow of time is zero.

So there is no one that came to the orphanage and her warden did not come to check on Mohini again because all of them are frozen in time.

After lady fate left the time started to flow normally.

But Mohini was still completely soaked in the cum of lady fate.

So Mohini immediately ran towards the bathing area.

There is still 2 hours before all the people come back to the orphanage from their schools.

Mohini completely washed herself.

There is still some residual essence energy that lady fate shot into Mohini’s pussy,

She did not digest all of the essence so she went to her sleeping rug and started to digest that energy by cultivating.


“Current player cultivation level 20 of the beginner mortal level.

Player requires 2100 cultivation points to reach the next level. 0/2100”

After few minutes she finally opened her eyes and muttered to herself.

“The essence energy that came from lady fate is quite strong but I think that she has controlled and let a very light amount of essence energy……”

Chapter 18: deceitful warden Mandara

“The essence energy that came from lady fate is quite strong but I think that she has controlled and let a very light amount of essence energy.

It might be to protect me I think.”

“Lady Fate said that not to alter any possible future.

That means I should not make any significant changes for the path I previously took to the future.

But small changes are not a problem.”

Mohini thought to herself.

Then she went and wore the other dress that lady fate removed before.

Then Mohini took out the smart phone from her underwear through the storage ring.

She thought it was a little inconvenient.

So she tried a few times placing and removing the smart phone from the storage ring.

Finally she grasped the feel of the technique to take the smart phone directly into her hand without leaving it in her underwear.

Now she can take her smart phone out of the storage ring as if she is taking it out of her pocket.

But at this moment the warden Lakshmi came to check on her.

After they exchanged some words warden Lakshmi left.

Also her shift is over too.

So she went home.

At this moment warden Mandara came to take charge.

All the other people of the orphanage came back from colleges one after the other.

Mohini then stored the box of smart phone in the storage ring then she silently took out the mobile phone and switched it on.

She opened the phone which showed two apps that are already present on the phone.

One is called “fate’s chat group” while the other app is called “love god’s fucking ring”

The fate’s chat group is the app that lady fate personally gave invitation to Mohini.

Mohini was curious about the app.

Then the second app called love god’s fucking ring is the app for the fucking ring that lady fate gave Mohini as punishment and a benefit.

But something unexpected happened that is all the other women and children were attracted to the smart phone in Mohini’s hands.

They have seen smart phones before but this is the first time an orphan in the orphanage has actually had a smart phone in their hands.

So this made them curious about the smart phone.

They are grouped around Mohini wanting to look at the smart phone.

But to Mohini’s surprise they were unable to see the two apps that lady fate set on the Mohini’s phone.

They all took turns to see Mohini’s smart phone.

But at this moment warden Mandara came to the room where all the orphans gathered.

Her face was greedy as soon as she laid her eyes on the smart phone on Mohini’s hands.

She has made up her mind to take away the smart phone in Mohini’s hands to give it to her son.

“What are all of you grouping over there for?”

“Let me take a look.”


Is that a smart phone?

Why are you playing with a smart phone before the exams?”

Warden Mandara shouted and came in front of Mohini and said

“I am confiscating this smart phone now.

This is so that you all will be able to study peacefully for the upcoming exams.

Mohini you can take the phone after your exams are over.

Till then I will use this…cough….cough…

Ah no this will be in the locker of the orphanage.”

Warden Mandara said this and took the phone from Mohini’s hands.

The greed was clearly visible in her eyes looking at the smart phone instead of Mohini.

“Now all of you freshen up and study for your exams.”

Yelling these words warden Mandara went to her office room.

Mohini was very angry with what just happened.

But she doesn’t want to show that she is anger.

This is because she was just an orphan and can’t rebel against the management of the orphanage.

“Sorry sister Mohini this is because of us that fat ugly hag took your new smart phone.”

All the children said this with a sad face.

“Don’t worry everyone I will get my smart phone back soon.

It is not your fault so don’t blame yourself.”

Mohini said while consoling others.

Mohini did not have any form of hate or good relations with the women and children in the orphanage.

So she just spoke a few words to make then worry less.

All the orphans thought that Mohini will ask warden Lakshmi’s help to solve this problem in the next day morning.

But they did not expect for Mohini to act that very same day.

Mohini suddenly thought

“The smart phone is still taken by this warden Mandara even if took it before she arrived here.

Sure enough no matter how you change the situation the original story will not change.

But that also means you can change the event enough to evade death there is a chance that you can escape death with some heavy injuries.

This means in the future if I have prepared enough I might be able to escape from death.

I must understand the ins and outs of the flow of events and time.

Only this way will I be able to live and enjoy my life with lady fate.”

Mohini was in fresh state as she wanted to steal her smart phone from warden Mandara as soon as possible.

So Mohini got up and followed warden Mandara to the warden’s office secretly to see where her smart phone is being kept.

Warden Mandara walked in a quick pace as if she was in a hurry.

So she did not see Mohini’s sneaking behind her.

Warden Mandara went into her office and placed Mohini’s smart phone in her purse instead of the warden’s locker.

After that she took out her own phone to call her good for nothing son Gaja.

“Gaja, I have just confiscated the latest model smart phone from one of the stupid orphans.

Come and take this smart phone.”

Warden Mandara said.

Chapter 19: the conspiracy of Mandara and Gaja

“Mom won’t that old hag warden Lakshmi make a fuss over it to marrow morning?”

Gaja asked warden Mandara.

“Well it is not a problem at all.

She is suffering from a chronic illness.

She won’t live past two weeks.

She doesn’t want to make any fuss now before she dies.

At most she will just buy some other phone and give it to that orphan.

She has amassed quite a sum of wealth.

She wanted to give that to the orphan called Mohini by adopting her before she died.

But I have already made a secret deal with the lawyer that warden Lakshmi approached for her will.

We will share half of her wealth with the lawyer for helping him with cheating warden Lakshmi and that orphan Mohini.

First we will let warden Lakshmi to transfer all of her wealth to that orphan Mohini.

Then we will speed up the time for the death of that old hag warden Lakshmi.

When this orphan Mohini is leaving this orphanage we will make her sign some extra bond papers in the name of the orphanage

Then we will transfer all of the wealth that she got from warden Lakshmi to us and that lawyer.

This is the plan we came up with to kill two birds with one stone.

Now that is for later first come here and take this smart phone.”

Warden Mandara said to her son.

“Mom what is the name of that lawyer that you made deal with?

Also what is the total value of all the assets of that old hag warden Lakshmi?”

Gaja asked warden Mandara.

“Oh his name is Ghora.

He is a famous lawyer.

The total value of that old hag’s wealth is around 10 million dollars.”

Warden Mandara said with a greedy smile and a happy face.

“Wow 10 million dollars that is quite some money


But how did you manage to hook that perverted old lawyer to give us half of the wealth to us.”

Gaja asked warden Mandara

“Hehe that perverted lawyer became interested in orphan Mohini as soon as he saw her photo.

When he found that she is still a virgin he was even more hyped up.

He wanted us to give Mohini to him and let him enjoy her for a night.

For that he is willing to give up half of the wealth.”

Warden Mandara said.

“He is such a fool.

Well mom I want to have a go with her too.


Even though she is an orphan she has a top class body.

I have been eyeing her from a long time.

After that lawyer Gohra done with her I want to have a go with her.”

Gaja said.

“Why only you, all of your friends are asking for a party right bring them along and let them all have fun with her.

That old lawyer can at most hold for 1 hour,

So you and your friends can enjoy her for the rest of the night.”

Warden Mandara said to her son Gaja with an evil smile on her face.

“What is the plan mom?

Do we have to capture that bitch when she is going to school or something like that?”

Gaja asked.

“Not like that I will tell you that plan after you came here.

How long will it take for you to come here?”

Warden Mandara asked her son Gaja.

“It will take an hour for me to get there I am a little far away.

I will come there as fast as I can.”

Gaja said.

“Don’t drive rashly, come at your own pace there is no rush here.”

Warden Mandara said to him with concern.

The phone that warden Mandara is using is an old model phone that was in pieces.

It has been tied with a rubber band to hold it.

This phone also has a speaker and receiver problem.

Both the mike and speaker has problems so one has to shout for other person to hear.

At the same time the phone will always be in loud speaker.

Because of this all the conversation between Mandara and Gaja was heard by Mohini.

Naturally there will be no one that comes to the warden’s office at this time so she spoke without any fear.

Warden Mandara thought that there is no one present near the warden’s office.

So she called her son.

This is because the warden’s office is separated from the original orphanage building and a little farther away.

While she was in an excitement to tell her son that she got a latest model smart phone she spilled all the beans about her plan.

Because of this Mohini was able to hear every word they just spoke and was very thankful that she just followed warden Mandara.

If not they might not be able to know how she was plotted against.

For all these years Mohini thought that she lost her virginity when she was captured by some strangers that day.

But she never thought that she was plotted against by this warden Mandara and her son Gaja.

Mohini immediately thought of many things like the reason for the sudden death of warden Lakshmi is her chronic disease.

Other than that warden Lakshmi has considered her as her own daughter and gave her a wealth of 10 million dollars inheritance.

Other than that Mohini found that warden Mandara and her son along with the lawyer Ghora all planned and took her inheritance along with her virginity.

This is the start of her troubles.

Since Mohini know all this she doesn’t want to change these things.

Instead she wanted to get everything back from these people including the interest.

She is going to use them for her cultivation and enjoy the pleasure while she is at it.

Other than that she is also going to use her hacking skills to take all of these people’s money,

Then put these people as criminals for lot of cases by creating fake evidences.

Chapter 20: sneaking into the warden’s office part-1

Then put these people as criminals for lot of cases by creating fake evidences.

This way she can get her revenge and all the things including interest that she has gone through previously.

In order to do this she immediately decided to use her three new abilities.

First she wanted to steal her mobile phone from warden Mandara’s purse,

Second find their plot to capture her.

Mohini is not an idiot she know that the low level abilities will have restrictions.

So she wanted to know them first before that warden Mandara's son Gaja arrives and takes her mobile phone.

Mohini went to the area where she could see her reflection and started to think about the three abilities.

Immediately some information appeared in her mind regarding the three abilities.

The information that she for is the usage, restrictions and the cost of usage of these three abilities.

Other than that she also got the information regarding the way to upgrade these three abilities.

First is the detection radar ability.

With this being at level 0 Mohini can sense all the things that are happening in the surroundings.

That is she can see the things that are happening around her within the radius of one meter even if her eyes are closed or she was placed in a container.

After she upgrades this ability further she will be able to have other senses too like smell, hear, taste, and touch.

If she was able to upgrade this ability even further then she will be able to know even more details with extreme clarity.

With her current cultivation level at level 20 she will only be able to use this ability for only 20 seconds continuously with her current spirit power reserve.

If she wanted to use this ability again she has to wait for 20 minutes to recharge her used spirit power.

Then she moved on to the second ability that is shape shifting.

With this ability Mohini can turn herself into anything that she wanted to.

Other than that if this ability is upgraded to higher levels then she can turn other into anything that she wanted.

She can also switch her gender or any part of her body and do the same to other beings too.

But with her current level of the ability at level 0 and her cultivation level at level 20 she can only transform into something that is as big as her for 20 seconds.

This means she can transform into a chair, table or something a little bigger for 20 seconds.

After that she will revert back to her original self.

Also she cannot transform into any living being because of her low level of the ability.

After 20 seconds of transforming she has to wait for 20 minutes to recharge her used up spirit power.

This is similar to the detection radar power.

Then she moved on to the third ability that is invisibility camouflage ability.

Using this Mohini can turn invisible and hide in plain sight.

Other than that she can even hide from the spirit sense from the higher level beings.

She can also hide her own cultivation and even stay hidden from the eyes of all the people.

She can hide others too when her invisibility ability level rose further.

But similar to other abilities she can stay hidden for 20 seconds and required 20 minutes to recharge her used spirit energy.

Other than that with her invisibility camouflage ability being only at level 0 she can turn invisible,

But she cannot make her clothes turn invisible.

So she has to take of all her clothes including her under wear to do become really invisible.

The only thing that will be invisible with Mohini is the clit ring on her clitoris that is given by lady fate.

Other than that Mohini should not wear any clothes because she will be invisible and clothes will be still present.

If anyone sees her they might think that she is an alien or a ghost or even hit her with stones.

So she wanted to avoid it.

There is also another chance that is the scientists might capture her to do experiments on her.

Other than that Mohini cannot use all the abilities at the same time with her level 20 beginner mortal level cultivation.

Mohini can only use all the three abilities one at a time for only a total of 20 seconds.

So she has to use this time very wisely without making a single mistake only then can she complete the task that she wanted to complete.

Mohini was a little helpless because she doesn’t know how to use these three skills within the time of 20 seconds.

All the orphans that have just arrived are moving all over the place,

So Mohini cannot find a place to remove her dress and move.

Even the bathrooms are not free for her use.

So Mohini don’t know what to do.

There is only one option that is she has to lure that warden Mandara out of her room somehow.

Then Mohini has to sneak into the warden’s office.

But the other problem is that this warden Mandara is a lazy pig that won’t move from the office even to do her own work.

For this very reason she was all plump with an average figure and her age is around 40 years of age.

There is less than one hour for Mohini to plan her way in.

So she started to think of various ways to solve the current problem.

She finally found a solution.

There are 2 windows to the warden’s office other than the entrance.

At one side there is a bed for the warden to sleep for their night shifts.

Other than that the main work table of the warden is closed on three sides and on one side it is open where warden can place her legs, while sitting on the chair.

The entire table is covered by a cloth.


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