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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 141: cuckold system story quest

But she found that the fantasy world change every day and one might enter a fantasy world in order if they enter on the same day every month.

Everything is at random and she cannot change things as she pleases.

As for how she died in the resident evil world is not known.

Well it is not a problem as she made some new choices.

From now on every month she would use one free fantasy world entry and spend 1 million chaos points to enter the fantasy world again.

That would be the limit.

She would search for the best fantasy world to enter every month to gain the maximum benefits that he wanted.

That would be the best use of the skills that she purchased.

With the information she gained she has made the new plan.

She did not reach 100 stat points yet but most of her stats have reached 80 stat points level.

With her current power she can stand in the path of many people and do many things without much problem.


From tomorrow she would be free to do what she wants as she will be released from the military camp as she has completed the 1 month compulsory military camp.

She felt like a meat eater that was not given any meat for an entire month.

She got the cooks to plough her pussy with their dicks but they were unable to satisfy her completely.

Tomorrow she will get out of this place and have the opportunity to play with some big hunks to scratch her pussy with some big guns.

While she was thinking she remembered a book that was still left in her personal storage that she got from the first player she killed.

She took out the book and started to read it.

It was like a diary but also a story.

In the story there is a male player that was able to get his hands on a beautiful female player just like that of some fantasy novels.

Even though his dick is not big he was proud to see her satisfied whenever he fucks her.

Both of them are from king of nature faction.

But one day he found that she was seduced by his big brother from the king of arms faction.

He found this when they went to explore some ruins island.

He discovered this as they play passionately while searching the ruins on that island.

He wanted to confront them but he stepped on some trap and fell into a hole.

As he fell straight till his asshole was suddenly impaled by something.

Because of the strong and sudden pain he lost consciousness.

When he woke up the pain in his ass is gone and he is sitting on some sort of stone throne.

He thought that all of this was just a dream and when he was about to go out he got a notification just like that of the fantasy system.

“Congratulations of being cucked by the girl that you loved with all your life.

Cuckold system is being activated…”

From then on the life of that man changed as the system gives him benefits of being cucked.

He got the information and even video of all that happened to his girl but he cannot seem to lose his love towards her.

The system quests made him stronger at the cost of him becoming a cuck in both mind and soul.

His already small dick became smaller and he turned into a male trap.

The man that cucked him has fucked him under the teasing of his own girl friend.

He was happy but something happened and he found that the two people he believed in are planning to kill him…..

The reason is that his sudden improvement in strength and some stats.

They suspect that he has obtained some strange artifact when they previously entered the ruins island…..


The story ended here as Mohini red through the book with interest.

Most probably he was killed by those two people he believed in even before he got the benefits of the system.

This is the conclusion that Mohini got.

At that moment the pervert quest system has given her a quest.


Pervert quest: cuckold patch

Description: there is a naturally formed cuckold system patch from the trails and errors of the will of lust.

Player has to find what happened to this man and get that cuckold system patch.

Rewards: cuckold quest open for player with great benefits.


Mohini found this very interesting.

Being a woman she done know how the cuckold quest works on her but she was sure that it will be exciting.


From tomorrow she would be free to do what she wants as she will be released from the military camp.

She still has something to learn before being released completely.

That is she should be taken to the safe island to register there.

This will be taken by the military people.

They will arrange a corporal that has experience to take the people to the safe island close to the port of little wood.

Even though Mohini has corporal military rank now she has to follow another corporal.

Not only Mohini but many other people of that suddenly reached the corporal rank after long will also go along with Mohini.

So there is a bunch of them.

In the morning next day Mohini along with other people were taken directly to the port and boarded a ship on that day.

Tomorrow Mohini is going to enter fantasy world and it is titanic.


After boarding the ship Mohini was free to do as she pleases.

The journey is a 1000 kilometers long to reach the safe island.

Unfortunately Mohini was not given a single room as she has to share a room with the leading corporal.

Since she was the only woman in the group it was arranged like this.

Even thought the king of nature faction is rich they act so poor…………

Chapter 142: cuckold quest complete

Even thought the king of nature faction is rich they act so poor.

Originally Mohini wanted to bring out her women to play with them but she got this different opportunity.

The journey is not a long one.

They arrived at the safe island by evening.

So she wanted to use this time to play with the corporal.

Under her seduction and shaking of her assets the leading corporal fell for her and they fucked.

They did not go for long as this corporal is just a scrawny man with most of his strength in agility than stamina.

So he was a quick shooter than a patient man to satisfy her.

She was disappointed again….

In the evening the corporal led the people to their faction building and explained the details.

The faction did not have any accommodation or benefits here.

They will only have trading and faction missions here.

Well there is a meeting room for support or emergencies presided over by the designated person.


Other than that the corporal is like a guide that showed around the area introducing the hunter’s guild, merchant’s guild and the transportation area to return back to the main land…..

Mohini went back to the lodging area where she rented a room.

The current safe island is shared between the king of arms faction, king of nature faction and the king of scientific research faction.

All of them are not good for Mohini.

The son of king of arms is currently holding the power and their gang is called arms gang and nature gang is docile that did not have any power to manage.

The magic research faction has the other villain for Mohini that is the young master of the Zheng family.

The son of king of arms is called Jara and the young master of Zheng family is called Zheng Shi.

As for the king of nature faction there is no one that can compete with these two people.

So they are on the down.

They are simply divided between the two factions in completing missions and going for resources.

Neither side is good as both sides use people from king of nature as cannon fodder or paid servants.

Mohini did not stay in the room to wait as she has to complete a quest.

So she went out to enquire about the big man in the cuckold story.

Fortunately his name is mentioned in the story.

His name is “Ganda from the king of arms faction”

After the enquiry Mohini was able to find the man.

He is really big and has strong appearance.

She was sure that his performance in the bed would be great.

He was currently drinking in a bar.

Mohini wanted to seduce him but not in her appearance so she put on a disguise and went to him to flirt.

The big man was lonely today and was completely pulled into the honey trap of Mohini.

They soon opened up a room in some motel and got down to business.

Mohini saw that this man has a very big dick that was over 8 inches long and is very thick.

She was really looking forward to playing with this man.

Previously she slipped in some medicine that would act like truth serum into his drink.

So he will be honest with Mohini for the night and in the morning he will forget most of the thing except for fucking some hot woman.

This was all designed by Mohini to get the information she wanted.

Because of her high stats she was as strong as this big man in strength and stamina.

Her agility and other stats are a big way stronger than this person.

So her actions were not noticed by this big man.

That night they both played very hard for over 3 hours when the big man was fully exhausted and fell asleep.

Mohini took this time to ask him about the details of that cucked man and woman.

She soon found out what happened.

After this big man and that woman planned and killed that cucked man they got a crystal dick from the drop.

They tried to identify it but it was not identified.

So he threw that crystal dick into his personal storage space.

It was still there so he took it out and gave it to Mohini.

Mohini got the crystal dick and found that it was the core of the cuckold system patch.

The quest is completed.

But Mohini has another thing that she wanted to know.

It was about the woman that cheated the cucked man.

Naturally that kind of character would not have a good ending unless she has enough knowledge and instincts to save herself.

The big man gave out the answer quickly revealing that the woman related to the cucked man has died.

She was used as meat shield for him when they went to hunt a rare grade chaos monster on a resource island.

So she is no more.

Mohini got the information that she needed and left this place silently.

In order to activate this cuckold patch she has to cuck the one that loved her.

She has just done that by getting fucked by that big man.

So she can activate and integrated the cuckold system patch.

She first went to the big room that she took before and directly pierced has asshole with the crystal dick under the instructions of the perverted fantasy system.

As soon as she did that the dick vanished into her ass and her system started to show the numbers of integrating the cuckold system into her perverted fantasy system.

After few minutes it was completely integrated into her system and with that things are done here.

Now she has the thoughts of playing with her women and Hirano too.

In the room Mohini thought of these people while setting up the formation plates of sealing that she used it before on the beginner’s island to let Titia collect resources in the secret cave…..

Chapter 143: taking the time to bonding at the night

In the room Mohini thought of these people while setting up the formation plates of sealing that she used it before on the beginner’s island to let Titia collect resources in the secret cave.

Well she is rich now and don’t mind spending some things.

After that she called her women out into the room and told them about the things that happened.

She also told them about her plans.

They can understand that Mohini is currently weak and cannot take them out to play for the time being.

Titia is sitting on her lap while the other women sat either by her side or in front of her.

Hirano was also present sitting at one corner.

Since he is the only man in the group he is feeling a little uncomfortable.

Mohini has thoughts of bringing other men but it takes time.

Till then he has to endure.

Mohini do want to take on these women right there and right now.

But it is not a good place.

Most of her women had 100 points in favorability so they would not feel sad.

Mohini used the reality clone to divide into 8 clones of him and held the 2 women in her arms letting them sit on her lap.

As for Hirano she took him to open another room to play with him.

All the reality clones has the same mind and soul controlling them.

It is also extremely useful skill because if the main body dies Mohini will not die.

Also the ownership of the ark will be directly transferred to one of the clones becoming the main body.

Well the risk is also there as the loss of stat points and power will be heavy.

There is a payment of chaos points required to make a clone into that of the main body.

This is the fundamental difference between a shadow clone and the reality clone.

Mohini has already isolated the room from the surroundings and is happily kissing her women sitting on her lap.

Previously she doesn’t want to take the next step of having sex.

But now that she thought about that it seems like her life will be a bumpy ride and no matter what the life will be like this with no clear protection for a few years.

It is not like her great power was build on a single day even if it is back on earth.

She cannot let them hold back for that long which would be cruel to them.

So she has decided to move on to the next step.

She can afford to spend chaos points without much of a problem for the special sound and visual proofing barrier.

Also she has the previous ones that can be used still.

With the good mind she started to undress her women in this room while in another room she is undressing Hirano.

Finally that revealed 15 women with various temperaments standing before Mohini.

Well even thought there are 7 of her clones the senses of all 7 along with their mind, soul and thoughts are from a single entity.

The 7 of Mohini moved towards the 15 women and started with a kiss.

There is only a single bed in the room.

So Mohini brought out the beds of the 15 women form the ark space to cover the small room without any gap.

After connecting them all it became a big bed that can fit all of them at the same time.

In another room Hirano has already started to play with Mohini he is 18 years old now because of the system.

Not only him but everyone is over 18 years of age as the system designates before they can be brought out of the fantasy world.

Back in the room with the women Mohini has her eyes feasting on the naked beauties of various temperaments.

There are mother and daughter pairs like Rei and Kiriko, Saya and Yuriko.

Then she paired up Rika and Saeko with similar body personalities….

She has already undressed her clothes and has a high vigor body with a very strong big brother.

Even though he was divided into 8 people, her power is at least 3 times that of a normal man.

The women also became strong under her guidance but their progress is slower than her as they did not have the simulation system.

She took the 15 women to their beds and lied down with then starting with foreplay.

That night he deflowered Saeko, Rika, Shizuka, Titia and all others who are still virgins and Mary, Yuriko, Kiriko and others are not very sad about this as they knows that Mohini loves them all.

The women that have a little lower favorability have improved to 90 points directly.

Mohini has to take some time to speak with them to know their thoughts to completely increase the favorability to 100 points.

Mohini did not over do is because the breaking of hymen needs to be healed so that they can enjoy the pleasure.

Well Mohini not only took the virginity of their pussies but also their mouths and anal too.

She gave them some healing pills to let them heal the injuries that she caused.

Mohini don’t have to worry about impregnating them as she has skills to control that.

So she can do the things as happily as she wanted.

Well healing takes some time.

This time is not wasted as Mohini was playing with the melons of the women and comparing various sensations of their bodies.

When they are healed Mohini started to pleasure them again for a few hours before stopping and sleeping.

Her insight skill would tell her, what her women wanted the most and she proceeded to do that to satisfy them.

Late at night she hugged them tightly and slept a warm and peaceful night.

Well her vigilance is still there even though she was exhausted.

In the morning next day she sent the women back to the ark island to do their things with morning kisses…………

Chapter 144: preparations for the titanic fantasy world

In the morning next day she sent the women back to the ark island to do their things with morning kisses.

She also sent Hirano back to the ark island after he cleaned up his body in the room he arranged for the night.

She removed all the clones first.

After taking her things back to the ark space she went to wash up and dress up.

Then she moved out to have some breakfast and send some to her girls and Hirano on the ark island.

She went to a place where she personally cooked some high quality food for her women and sent it to the ark space.

You can even rent kitchens in the safe island as there are people that usually brought over the high class monsters to cook and get their genetic essence.

If it is not possible they will use to get the genetic essence extractor to get the genetic essence from their bones and shells.

After eating his breakfast she went back to her room and waited.

In an hour she is going to enter the fantasy world of titanic.

Before going she wanted to check her current status.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- beginner), hunter (tier-1- novice), cook (tier-1- intermediate), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/2140)


Vitality: 84+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 84

Strength: 84

Agility: 82+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 84

Sense: 83

Charm: 85


Evolution chaos genetic points: 247

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 70 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 50 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 20 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 850/850

Stamina points: 840/840

Magic points: 840/840


Free stat points: 349

Chaos points: 50.94 billion

Skill points: 38 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 3170 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 3 (50/4000)

Endurance: tier 3 (1910/4000)

Insight: tier 4 (3050/5000)

Will: tier 4 (3410/5000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 3 (40/4000)

Dick growing: tier 1 (20/2000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 3 (70/4000)

Cooking: tier 2 (2720/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 4 (120/5000)

Weapon fighting: tier 4 (170/5000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 2 (2300/3000)

Dead shot: tier 3 (600/4000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (1280/2000)

Magic software: tier 5 (3700/6000)

Reality clone: tier 2 (2740/3000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 1 (380/2000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 1 (1530/2000)

Seduction: tier 1 (690/2000)

Multi tasking: tier 1 (110/2000)

Disguise: tier 0 (890/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Her reality clones are the best when she wants to improve her stats and skills.

They might be exhausted but they would never fade away when her magic power is low like the shadow clones or other clones.

They all work in perfect synchronization.

But there is a problem here.

She cannot use 7 clones to train because her mind should think of doing 8 different things at the same time.

But when playing with her women and Hirano it is not a problem as she would do the same thing 8 times with some small changes.

That is the reason why she was able to produce 7 reality clones yesterday.

Also it is a good practice for her to improve her multi tasking capabilities that became her new skill.

After thinking about the things in her status panel which are good to go Mohini silently calculated the things about her preparations.

Then she thought about the information related to the fantasy world that she is going to enter.

Titanic fantasy world,

Even though it is a movie, it is also a real world thing that happened.

The total number of people on board the ship RMS titanic is 2,240.

The number of survivors is 706 and the number of deaths 1,534.

The closest ship that can be used to save people is SS Californian with captain lord that is 6 miles to the north of titanic.

It was stuck in the ice bergs field making it hard to move for the time being.


Mohini analyzed the things quickly and decided that she has can make some good gains in this world.

The gains are because of her important notes from her memories of simulation before.

This fantasy world makes the player choose a side.

That is either to kill or to save.

Killing an original survivor will give 100 chaos points, while saving the passenger that is going to die will give 1000 chaos points.

But the restriction is that they have to save or kill at least 10 percent of the people individually or 50 percent as a team to gain the reward.

That means an individual has to kill at least 71 people or save 150 people to survive and if it is a team then they have to kill at least 350 people or save 750 people.

By general analysis the first option to kill is much better than the second option to save even though the difference in the reward is very high.

Also for the people that chose to kill needs to make sure that they are not killing the person that is going to die.

This restriction is not there for the side of saving but for the side of saving the people that originally survived will not be counted as points.


Similarly there are many other restrictions.

The main thing is that the player cannot interfere with the disaster of titanic.

That means that they cannot stop the titanic ship from being hit by the ice berg.

Mohini did not have any interest in the heroine Rose and would gladly let the heroine go with the hero jack………

Chapter 145: titanic pervert quest

Mohini did not have any interest in the heroine Rose and would gladly let the heroine go with the hero jack.

Her target is the blue diamond instead.

It is said that the blue diamond necklace is actually an artifact and can get that either by killing both the protagonists or by saving them and letting them live together.

The blue diamond is called The Heart of the Ocean has some special buffs when equipped.

Based on the existing information the stats related to intelligence, strength and charm will have 1 to 10 percent raise to them.

The change in the percentage depends on special reasons that cannot be explained.


Well it is a lie to say that as she has her own plans for everyone.

There is also this cuckold patch active right now and she was sure that she will receive special quests.

Many things were analyzed and main points were made so that there is no problem in the titanic.


Fantasy world: titanic

Please enter the portal.”

Mohini stepped into the portal and came to the white room like he previously did.

The options appeared in front of her.

She has to choose the difficulty of this world.

Well she still chose Very hard mode: 100 percent difficulty

Mohini don’t want to invite the kraken in the titanic movie.

For every small percentage that she moves over 100 there will be a chance to invite the kraken or other super natural disaster.

Well even if other people did not choose this if the winning percentage of Mohini increases the system automatically increases the difficulty for others along with her.

Even though she is called the strongest assassin innocent bitch she is not strong enough to face the kraken or its dick right now.

After that she chose the first class ticket by spending 10 thousand chaos points.

As for the appearance she is currently from a noble background just like all the people from the first class of the titanic.

She will disguise herself for as a rich woman with the clothes and props that she bought from the system.


She went through the selection and finally entered the fantasy world of titanic.

She was inside a room with a transparent screen covering the door and windows of the room.

The fantasy world did not start yet and most probably some people are still looking through the options.


Fantasy world: titanic

Number of players: 60

Time of the story: April 15, 1912

The ship was about to set sail in half an hour

Location: Southampton, England.”


Quest: survive

Description: survive the disaster of titanic

Rewards: 3000 chaos points and 1 free stat point



Do you want to participate in the optional quest?




Hint: optional quest has penalty for not reaching the minimum requirement choose carefully.


Mohini looked at the details and know that this is the quest related to kill or save.

She directly chose ‘Yes’ option.


Choice selected successfully…”


Optional quest: kill or save

Description: you have to choose a side to either kill the survivors or save the people that are going to die.

Restrictions: magic, firearms or any other things that are brought from the real world are not usable.

Based on the side the specified quest and restrictions are given to the player



Kill side of the rewards:

Every person that should survive that was killed would give 100 chaos points


Kill at least 10 percent or 71 people of the people that should survive as an individual or kill at least 50 percent or 350 people of the people that should survive as a team member.

The rewards are distributed based on the contribution of the player.

Killing a person that would die based on the plot would not give any benefits and penalize 10 chaos points for each………

Save side of the rewards:

Every person that should be dead that was saved by you would give 1000 chaos points.


Save at least 10 percent or 150 people of the people that should die as an individual or kill at least 50 percent or 750 people of the people that should die as a team member.

The rewards are distributed based on the contribution of the player……..

Please choose a side of the optional quest.





Mohini directly chose the save side as she believes that she has enough power to save people.

With that the choice is confirmed and her surroundings are still in the transparent field.

Mohini did not wait for the transparent barrier to break as she has to make some changes to her appearance so that she would not be discovered by the players.

For that she has changed her name as Mona which she rarely uses.

Then changed her appearance a little so that the people of this world would recognize her but the players cannot.

By the time she was done with her disguise the barrier is gone and the fantasy world started.

Mohini left the room and wanted to go to the top of the deck to look at the majestic view of the titanic.

Her current background is that she is a military officer under the crown.

Other than that she is also a rich woman from a noble family from England.

She is going to New York about her family business dealings.


Right then she received a quest from the perverted fantasy system.


Pervert quest: cuckold left and right

Description: player has to cuckold hero, heroine and villain of the fantasy world.

Rewards: multi tasking skill can perform perfectly when player divides a single reality clone.

Penalty: chance of unfortunate incidents happening suddenly increased by 1 percent.


Mohini took in a sharp breath looking at the quest as she doesn’t know what to do.


Pervert quest: fuck the titanic crew

Description: fuck at least 20 members of crew of titanic………..”

Chapter 146: get to work with two at the same time


Pervert quest: fuck the titanic crew

Description: fuck at least 20 members of crew of titanic.

Rewards: intimate connection with the crew will give you command over the crew of titanic.

Your words will have authority to command the crew when necessary over other people.

Penalty: the crew members would be fascinated by you and be sluggish in completing your commands.


She went straight to her room to think of a solution to solve the quests.

Immediately an idea popped out in her mind.

The reality clone,

She can divide a reality clone and dress it up as a noble man while she is a noble woman.

She can buy a gender switching skill for that and implement it directly.

They can state that they are twins.

Well she can fuck herself but she might not get much pleasure as she will only feel like masturbating.

The mind and soul in both the main body and the clone is the same so she might not be able to differentiate.

So she would not do that.

She bought the gender switching skill.

Immediately she split the reality clone and switched its gender to a man.

After dressing up they have decided on the fake names for the fantasy world.

The man is called Vicky while the lady is called Mona.

They dressed up in the gothic clothes of the noble men and looked like a pair of dolls that were just out of the packaging.

When they came aboard the deck they saw the heroine that was boarding the boat and there are many people rushing to the ship.

The heroine is really beautiful far more beautiful than that of in the movie.

Mohini has some thoughts of getting her.

At the same time many people on the deck are looking at Vicky and Mona pair that came there.

They are really beautiful and those people cannot divert their attention from this pain of beauties.

Their temperament and elegance were top of the class like they are a pair of royal level nobles.

Just their temperament is enough to show their status.

The thing here is the heroine Rose is equally beautiful in comparison to them.

Well since she is not in love with anyone Mohini can try and get her.

She can save jack and even let him fuck her, but that doesn’t mean that she would let her fall into the hands of the hero.

Also she saw that Rose has some good managerial skills and charisma.

She previously thought that Rose is a sheltered princess and did not take her into consideration of bringing her out of the fantasy world.

But now Mohini changed her thoughts because of two things first Rose is a beauty with great skills like a queen and second she is a free spirit that Mohini liked.

Mohini don’t have time for that and she doesn’t want mess with those mindless nobles right now.

She doesn’t have to make a new plan.

She just has to follow the plan of jack that got the heroine.

Don’t underestimate the hero and heroines of the story.

They have their own protagonist aura protecting them and moving them close towards each other.

So the task will be divided into two sides where Vicky will take care of the heroine and her needs while his twin Mona would play the role of the bitch.

Also there are other people that should be eying for the heroine.

Even if they cannot get her to be with them they are willing to force themselves on to her.

Since Mohini has no other thing to do before the titanic started to sink she would move around to find out the where the other players are while playing her hand on the heroine.

During this time she will try and complete the pervert quest gaining control over the crew of the titanic while the other players are still loitering around.

This way she can build more good things than bad.

Mohini was good looking but she did not have anyone eying her right now.

Because of the high charm people are actually friendly towards Mohini.

Vicky (Mohini’s reality clone) moved around the ship looking at the pros and cons of the titanic ship.

He went to get the location of the radio room and the important facilities.

Mona has greeted the captain John smith and formally acquainted with him along with seducing him.

He is an old man with good experience.

Pulling his leg is a hard thing and pulling his dick out is even harder.

But Mohini can try that without much problem with her planning and skills.

Along with that Mohini made a formal outline of the entire ship.

Also she found the locations of the heroine and the hero jack that just got on the ship in a hurry.

Fortunately Mohini was an artist too.

Vicky first went back to their room and bough a set of drawing materials and chart book.

He then started to draw the images of some beauties back on earths that are acquainted with her including the image of Mona.

If she wants to mimic the path of jack to get Rose then she has to have the things to show.

Well she is not from low class but she can act as native in any class.

If she changed her dress to the low class people and went to the lower floors then she can directly mingle into those people without any problem at all like a beautiful bar waitress.

As for the make version that is Vicky would also mix with them easily with her experience with those men she can easily mingle like a man too.

So it is not a problem to take the heroine around for a quick ride.

Also she can take care of any kind of people attacking her and the heroine.

The first target should be to get the heroine at the night that day……..

Chapter 147: seduced the captain

The first target should be to get the heroine at the night that day.

The heroine is sad and would try to commit suicide.

Mohini has to side track jack and then see if there are other players around that area to sneak up on Rose.

Well she will directly send them on their way to meet the god if there is one that is trying to sabotage her plan.


But before going to do the painting work and seducing the captain they have another thing to do.

They have to see the faces of the people on the ship when the ship was about to set sail.

It is a happy moment for all but not for players.

In the original story most of the people that survived are from the first class side and almost none of the lower class people survived.

Well they can afford to book a high class ticket but the chaos points they earn cannot cover the cost they spend on the first class ticker.

For example if a person chooses the optional quest and killed 10 percent survivors and survived this fantasy world then that person would earn around 10,100 chaos points.

The ticket for first class is 10,000 chaos points.

This means their profit is 100 chaos points at most and if they made a few more changes then their income is in negative.

From this one can tell that they are struggling.

Most of them don’t want to do the saving thing because it was very hard and the people would not listen to anyone when they are in panic.

There is also the arrogance of those rich people that would not let them do anything with their low class standards.

Even if they want to fight they would not be able to do much because the staff of the titanic ship is 885 people.

Can a player fight all the staff members and so many people in panic along with them?

Than answer is no,

For this very reason most of these people would usually not take the optional quest and directly abandon it.

The penalty for abandoning the optional quest is to give away the free stat point that they obtained along with 1000 chaos points.

After the ship started to set sail they did not go back to the cabin instead went to look for the heroines and also meet with the villain to have a good chat.

Mohini has to measure up the things.

Currently Mohini is a rich business woman and also an officer under the crown and her brother Vicky is the same so they have some prestige.

Mohini only bought one ticket but no one would question her as she has already boarded and there is no more checking.

Also after her special service and some money as bribe they would not say a word.

Well she is already going to play with the captain so what is there to fear when the captain of the ship is backing her up.

They did not get a chance to get acquainted with the heroine but they were able to meet with the villain that is talking to the captain smith.

The villain Caledon Hockley really looked handsome and like a play boy from the modern times.

Unfortunately based on the normal setting heroine hate this kind of man and loves the poor mutt.

Well she wants freedom and that was obtained through jack.

If there is someone that can give that and let her have those small happiness’s then she would have fallen for that person.


After the meeting with those people and getting acquitted with them Mohini divided the work between the main body Mona and clone Vicky.

Male clone of Mohini that is Vicky doing his job painting the hot beauties, the female disguise of Mohini called Mona is seducing the captain John smith of the titanic ship.

For now Mohini did not target the handsome villain.

Before the ship sets off she wanted to be fucked by the captain.

Fortunately she succeeded and got the captain to take her to his cabin.

There Mona did not undress much as the old fashion clothes are hard

So she did not undress much and did not undress the captain.

She pulled down the top of her dress to reveal her tits and lifted up her skirt to reveal her pussy.

Well there are some extra fittings but there is no underwear under her skirt.

Also there is no bra on the top.

Except for her belly everything else was revealed for the captain to look.

She only pulled down his pants and underwear to get his dick out.

She did not undress him much.

His dick is really like the titanic.

Very thick but the length is only 6 inches.

After giving him a blow job she got what she needed.

The thick dick went into her tight pussy ravaging her as he moved.

She acted like a bitch so there is no blood or hymen breaking show for the captain.

On the other hand his old dick got a young pussy after a long time.

Because of the variation of his dick especially the thickness did not give him chance to enjoy many beauties.

But now it is different he got such a young and fragrant pussy that his heart is literally dancing.

Fortunately his heart is strong and did not have any complaints if not he would have had a heart attack right now.

Mohini was very satisfied with this dick and the power of the old man to ravage her into having a big orgasm.

Fortunately her skirt was lifted up so that it was not spoiled from the squirt that she released.

But the pants of the captain were spoiled.

Well he doesn’t care as he went on for three rounds straight with Mohini without giving her time to breath.

They enjoyed the feeling for a while before parting.

Chapter 148: Mona got jack while Vicky got Rose

They enjoyed the feeling for a while before parting.

Mohini has a hard time walking out because of being ravaged by the thick dick.

Captain promised that if there is anything she wants during the journey the doors of his room is always open to her.

Mohini left the place slowly after recovering some strength.


After parting with Mohini and the other nobles Vicky went back to their room and started to make some drawings of all the beauties that he enjoyed back on earth.

One of them is her own painting.

Only she knows her body inside out and how beautiful she is.

All the sketch drawings appeared more natural and beautiful.

He only moved when it is lunch time and he drew the sketches with more concentration.

Mohini after leaving the captain returned to the room and checked on the work of Vicky.

After some rest and recovery she left to find her next target.

She is going to seduce jack for the night and ask him to draw a naked sketch of her.

It would be just like how the heroine got from him.

After that there will be a passionate night.

This is for the evening and in the afternoon she would try and socialize with other nobles and the staff of the ship.

With the plan she left the room and went to hunt down her prey.

Before going out she adjusted her clothes, washed her pussy and put on the makeup again.


In the afternoon she found some noble that would organize the parties to play with in secret.

The wives of those nobles were cuckolded by her.

She returned back to the room from time to time to wash up and adjust her makeup.

Then in the evening she went to find jack that was currently painting on the lower decks.

She looked fascinated and observed the drawings of jack and got acquainted with him.

It is not hard to pull jack into her plan and bring him back to her room.

It was around night time and Vicky just left the room.

He went again to grab some dinner.

After that he moved to the front of the ship where the heroine would commit suicide.

her stats are very strong for this world.

The highest level that this fantasy world was made is for a person that broke the 30 stat points bottle neck.

Even for that person Mohini is far stronger because all of her stats have reached 80 stat points or more.

Because of this Vicky can sense every movement that is happening around him.

After waiting for some time he saw the beautiful heroine that walked over slowly with distraught over her loveless engagement climbed over the stern railing ready to jump.

The hero jack is already taken care of by Mohini.

Jack is currently in the state room of Mohini and arranging his things to make a sketch of Mohini’s naked sketch.

Mohini is also arranging her things and washing her pussy so that she was prepared for the next thing that would happen after the sketch is done.

Vicky has already taken care of the disturbing people and put them into sleep.

The weapons from the real world should not be used but he can touch some pressure points to put that person into deep sleep.

As for players Vicky has other plans for then.

These nails from the repair box of the ship will be used to clear them in emergencies so as to not to disturb his mood with the heroine.

He observed around and found some players but they did not make a move yet.

Right then Vicky moved forward to take the place of jack.

He was able to gain the attention of the heroine successfully.

He spoke some cheesy lines to make the heroine drop her thoughts on suicide and come back from the tight spot successfully.

His manipulative tongue skill is very good in this place and upon closure inspection the heroine is really a great beauty.

The insight skill of Mohini has developed with the combination of many probing skills.

It is saying that Rose has 25 points of favorability towards Vicky right now.

Right at that moment the ship’s guard arrived similar to that of the movie and other player could only give up.

They did not make a move because of two things.

First is that they saw a majestic person walking towards the heroine instead of jack which is none other than Mohini’s clone Vicky.

Second is that they felt a strange operation on them as if they made a move they will die on the spot.

This was caused by the strong killing intent of Mohini on these people.

When the ship’s security guard arrived Vicky simply nodded his head and he left directly giving space for Vicky and the heroine.

Vicky has already acquainted with most of the staff of the ship along with Mohini in their morning rounds.

They are respecting them for their kind personality and easy going way of talking with the staff.

As we all know Mohini does the preparations first to make her plan 100 percent a success before even starting the plan.

After talking to Rose for a while Vicky made her feel happy and send her back to her room while he moved back to his room.

With his good talk the favorability has reached 30 points.

By the time Vicky came back Mohini has already took jack out of this place as they are done sketching.

They went down to the cargo area of the ship to have a sweet night there.

Since the mind is shared between Vicky is Mohini they did not interfere with each other’s plans and acted in perfect synchronization.

Tomorrow morning the ship’s captain was asked by cal to give them a tour of the ship.

There is also ship’s engineer and other noble family people along with them for the tour…….

Chapter 149: astounded Rose

There is also ship’s engineer and other noble family people along with them for the tour.

Since all these people are friends to Mona and Vicky siblings, also the captain and some nobles are even more close to Mohini A.K.A Mona.

They were specifically invited to go with them for the tour.

This is the privilege of face value and high amount of charm that Mohini has.

Well that is not the only thing.

There are other reasons like the civilian and military rank of Mohini that is acting as deterrent force on these people valuing Mohini.

Finally the nature Mohini showed makes them feel like she and Vicky are one of them.

This made it possible for Mohini to gain recognition in the form of twins Vicky and Mona from the group of nobles and the staff of the titanic.

They are either seduced by Mohini with her body or with the money she pick pocketed from those nobles.


Vicky and Mona put on good matching dresses and came to the tour with the heroine and villain.

The captain formally introduced Vicky and Mona to the villain, heroine and her mother Ruth.

Heroine was a little stunned because she thought that Vicky is not that superior of a person but a normal rich artist travelling on titanic.

The way Vicky talked to her was so down to earth that she did not believe him to be a rich man.

She immediately though that Vicky is a likeminded person like her that was rich but want to feel the commoner life, love and freedom.

This is the impression that she has on Vicky.

Also when they are moving around the ship for tour the staff members not only greeted their captain but also Vicky and Mona that even shocked captain smith and other people.

The eyes of those people either have respect or lust towards either of Vicky or Mona.

“Mister Vicky, Miss Mona seems to be very popular with the staff of the ship it seems.

When did you become so acquainted with them?”

Captain Smith spoke to Vicky and Mona with a little envy but also surprise.

Mona and Vicky smiled at Captain Smith and said in perfect sync with their words and sentences.

“We may be a rich man but our richness has come from half of our effort and the other half from the commoners.

So it is good to have a friendly relationship with everyone to have a happy life.

When we are this successful why can’t we share some with my fellow commoners?

The more satisfied they are the happier we can become.

Since we are going to go on this ship we went to greet all of them personally to speak a little.

We had this great feeling of seeing all walks of life with various talents………

Please don’t take it personally it is our hobby to live a normal life leaving richness sometimes.

Only when you leave something you would understand its sweetness.

Also at the same time you can feel a different form of life…….”

Other people understood normally and though that it is a hobby of the rich people.

But Rose thought that what Vicky said is true and felt a lot closure towards Vicky.

She never thought that Vicky has a sibling that shares the same thoughts as him.

At the same time she felt that Vicky and was always questioned by the rich for their compassion towards the commoners.

With that her favorability increased by another 5 points reaching 35 points of favorability.

While the tour is going on Vicky silently gestured Rose to sneak away from the group when he leaves the group.

Rose nodded and though that this is some small adventure and feels thrilled sneaking away from her mother Ruth.

Well even though they notice that Rose has sneaked away they did not stop their tour.

Vicky also left right around that time which was a little suspicious but not by much.

This is because Mona is there to cover for him saying that when he sees something that has artistic value he would go there to sketch it.

With her words the thoughts of the group changed and have more good impression of Vicky and the sister that is covering for him perfectly.

Vicky took Rose around and changed his dress with small movements.

First he took her to his cabin and changed his dress to commoner’s dress which surprised Rose a little.

Then he move to the lower decks with Rose then moved around the commoners.

Well there are comments and other things but no one dared to do anything.

They felt that one of their commoners was able to obtain a rich chick they are happy about that.

Vicky also took the sketch set with him to draw the image of a special scene that he previously saw while touring.

It was the image of a little girl from the commoners playing on the deck.

The scenery outside is outstanding from the lower deck point of view.

Rose only followed along and don’t know what Vicky is about to do.

When she noticed the sketch set she thought that Vicky wanted to show off his sketching skill to her.

But when they came down to the place and the concentration that Vicky had when drawing has mesmerized her.

It can be said that men looks great when they are working with strong concentration.

Vicky is even more handsome even in the commoner’s clothes.

Slowly the diagram of the scenery of the morning sun with children playing on the deck of the ship formed on the sketch sheet in front of Vicky.

The image is so life like that Rose opened her mouth in shock.

Right at that time jack appeared out of nowhere.

“That is a great sketch…”

He honestly told his opinion looking at the sketch in front of Vicky.

He immediately became acquainted with Vicky.

Vicky was even more natural and introduced himself and Rose beside him.

Chapter 150: rift between jack and Rose

Vicky was even more natural and introduced himself and Rose beside him.

The eyes of jack scanned Rose and his eyes disgusted rose.

Well if he met her yesterday then the impression would be a little different knowing his nature.

But since she met him today and jack is not that good and a little flirty in nature for Rose to accept directly.

This should be the protagonist aura trying to make them a couple again while driving the situation around in favor of the protagonist.

Right at that time a piece of wooden disk like thing flew towards Rose by accident when those commoner children were playing with it.

Jack was the first one to notice that and was about to pull Rose towards him to move her away from the path of the flying disk and to his embrace.

But he was a step too late as Vicky immediately moved pulling Rose into his arms with one hand and caught the wooden disk with the other hand.

There is not even a frown on his face and his movements are as natural as the flow of air from the rocky caverns.

After making sure that Rose was alright, Vicky called the frightened children over and said.

“Next time, make sure that you did not hit a beautiful lady like this pointing at Rose.

Well I don’t mind if you hit a man like that pointing at jack.


Vicky returned the wooden disk and even gave them some candy making the kids smile happily.

They started to call Vicky, big brother Vicky and went to play happily.

The face of Rose blushed calling her beautiful and she was astounded by how quick Vicky was able to mingle with those children.

Jack’s face was a little out of place because Vicky told the kids to hit him with a wooden disk and they just met.

Even though jack has a flirty personality he still asked why.

“Why did you say that to the kids?”

Jack asked Vicky.

Vicky smiled and said.

“I did not like the way you looked at her when I introduced her to you.”

Jack scratched his head and said.

“I just thought that she is beautiful and would be a great model for a sketch.”

Rose blushed when she heard this.

Vicky knows that the resistance of heroine Rose towards the hero jack is very less compared to any other person.

Vicky should be facing 100 percent rejection because of 100 percent difficulty, but he was able to change the things because of his high charm and planning.

In order to not to lose Rose right now Vicky spoke again.

“Even then you should ask for permission instead of looking like that.

Remember mate.

Not everyone is as good as me.

Sometimes there are dead ends and pit falls when taking choosing out next move in the labyrinth of life.

Bye then.”

After saying these words Vicky packed his things up and left with Rose in toe.

Vicky’s soft warning and his actions along with his quick movements saving her has won the heart of Rose directly.

Her favorability has directly jumped to 60 points making her have initial love with Vicky.

But the question of trust did not appear in front of her because Vicky did not ask this question to her.

Well it is not time for that yet so Vicky did not ask that question.

While they are moving back to the upper class rose suddenly asked.

“He just thought of me as a model for a sketch.

So why are you so angry with him?”

Even though Vicky did not show his anger out, Rose can feel his anger when he advised with jack just now.

Vicky looked at her with a gentle smile and said.

“Are you sure you want to know about that.”

Rose was very curious and immediately nodded her head wanting to know.

She is 17 years old in the movie and should have just turned 18 tomorrow.

That is the very day her fiancée cal would present her with the heart of the ocean diamond as gift.

Well this is how the system changed the story as below 18 years the system did not let any close advances.

Vicky did not prepare her any birthday gift for her.

Well there is one and it will appear when they finally become one at the night.

Vicky taking her out of this world is the big gift that she wanted.

She will gain her freedom and some good sisters and go on in many adventures.

This is the life that she will like and Vicky wanted to give this life to her.


As she affirmed of wanting to know about what the sketches of those models Vicky took her to his room first.

There he gave her another sketch book that is filled with the images of many women that made nude images.

Rose was taken aback for a moment and did not think that jack is talking about her to be this kind of model.

Naturally protagonist aura would not let heroine believe this.

So Vicky took rose along with him to find jack again.

Jack was still at the deck and when they returned they saw that jack is sketching something.

Rose was a little interested.

At that time Vicky came to him disturbing his concentration.

Well Vicky did not do that openly but his presence can easily be known by jack if Vicky wanted to.

Vicky did not take long before he got the sketch book from jack and gave it to Rose to see the images.

Well Vicky also gave his book to jack to take a look.

Jack did not see the beauties in the sketches before and they are really hot.

He has never seen such beauties in his life.

On the other hand Rose also saw the images with changing expression.

Jack did give the explanation saying that those women wanted him to draw a nude image of them in remembrance of…cough….cough…..


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